
Defines functions redraw.map add.map.bathy add.map.eez add.map.layer add.map.contour add.map.quiver add.map.scale add.map.grid add.map.axis add.map.axis.label add.map.polygon add.map.text add.map.arrows add.map.line add.map.points get.map.line add.map.coastline

Documented in add.map.arrows add.map.axis add.map.axis.label add.map.bathy add.map.coastline add.map.contour add.map.grid add.map.layer add.map.line add.map.points add.map.polygon add.map.quiver add.map.scale add.map.text get.map.line redraw.map

#' @title Make Map
#' @description Default settings are for Arctic, lowest resolution coastline.
#' Exaples of projection arguments include: `+proj=stere +lat_0=90`, `+proj=merc`, `+proj=aea +lat_1=30 +lat_2=45 +lon_0=-120`.
#' @param coast Should be the name of a coastline data object. A value of NULL sets the default cosatline to 'coastline2'.
#' @param lon.min The minimum longitude displayed on the map.
#' @param lon.max The maximum longitude on the map
#' @param lat.min The minimum latitude shown on the map
#' @param lat.max The maximum latitude shown on the map
#' @param p a projection string, such as those generated by 'make.proj()'
#' @param land.col A color string or value for the land polygon
#' @param grid Boolean, draw lat/lon grid?
#' @param dlon The spacing for the longitude grid (in degrees)
#' @param dlat The spacing for the latitude grid (in degrees)
#' @import oce
#' @import ocedata
#' @author Laura Whitmore
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @export
make.map = function (coast = NULL,
                     lon.min = -180,
                     lon.max = 180,
                     lat.min = -60,
                     lat.max = 80,
                     p = NULL,
                     land.col = 'lightgray',
                     draw.grid = T,
                     draw.axis = T,
                     dlon = 60,
                     dlat = 20,
                     verbose = T) {

  ## Apply Defaults
  if (all(is.null(c(lon.min, lon.max, lat.min, lat.max)))) {
    lon.min = -180
    lon.max = 180
    lat.min = -60
    lat.max = 80
  } else if (any(is.null(c(lon.min, lon.max, lat.min, lat.max)))) {
    stop('All lon/lat bounds must be provided!')

  if (is.null(coast)) { coast = 'coastline2' }

  if (is.null(p)) {
    p = make.proj(projection = 1,
                  lat = mean(c(lat.max, lat.min)),
                  lon = mean(c(lon.min, lon.max)))

  ## Determine lat/lon axis details
  lons = seq(lon.min - 5*dlon, lon.max + 5*dlon, by = dlon)
  lats = seq(lat.min - 5*dlat, lat.max + 5*dlon, by = dlat)
  if (lon.min < 0) {
    lons = lons[lons >= -180 & lons <= 180]
  } else {
    lons = lons[lons >= 0 & lons <= 360]
  lats = lats[lats >= -90 & lats <= 90]
  lims = expand.grid(lon = lons, lats = lats)

  lon.axis = rgdal::project(cbind(lons, rep(lat.min, length(lons))), proj = p)[,1]
  lat.axis = rgdal::project(cbind(rep(lon.min, length(lats)), lats), proj = p)[,2]
  lims = rgdal::project(cbind(lims$lon, lims$lat), proj = p)

  ## Start plotting
  # Calculate projections of plotting area for plot limits
  field = expand.grid(lon = seq(lon.min, lon.max, length.out = 10),
                      lat = seq(lat.min, lat.max, length.out = 10))
  field = rgdal::project(cbind(field$lon, field$lat), proj = p)
  ## make plot
       xlim = range(field[,1], na.rm = T),
       ylim = range(field[,2], na.rm = T),
       xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n',
       xlab = '', ylab = '',
       xaxs = 'i', yaxs = 'i')

  coast = add.map.coastline(coast, p = p, land.col = land.col)

  ## Setup map object
  map = list(coastline = coast,
             lon = (lon.min + lon.max)/2,
             lat = (lat.min + lat.max)/2,
             scale = NA,
             p = p,
             land.col = land.col,
             grid = list(
               draw.grid = draw.grid,
               draw.axis = draw.axis,
               dlon = dlon,
               dlat = dlat
             meta = list(
               Source.version = packageVersion('TheSource'),
               R.version = R.version.string,
               Sys.time = Sys.time()
  if (draw.grid) { add.map.grid(map) }
  if (draw.axis) { add.map.axis(map, sides = c(1,2)) }

#' @title Add Coastline to Map
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @description Adds a coastline list to a map given a projection and land color.
#' @export
add.map.coastline = function(coast, p, land.col, field.inv = NULL) {

  ## helper function
  break.polygon = function(projected.coast) {

    for (i in 1:length(projected.coast)) {
      k = c(which(diff(projected.coast[[i]][,1])^2 + diff(projected.coast[[i]][,2])^2 > diff(par('usr')[1:2])^2 / 10), length(projected.coast[[i]][,1]))

      if (length(k) > 1) {
        for (j in 2:length(k)) {
          ## split off parts of polygons with more than 5 points
          if (k[j] - k[j-1] > 5) {
            projected.coast[[length(projected.coast) + 1]] = projected.coast[[i]][(k[j-1]+1):k[j],]
            projected.coast[[i]][(k[j-1]+1):k[j],] = NA ## Remove newly split areas
        ## Trim original down to just first likely contiguous area
        projected.coast[[i]] = array(projected.coast[[i]][1:k[1],], dim = c(k[1], 2))
    ## Return

  # Load data if necessary
  if (typeof(coast) != "character") {
    coastline = coast
  } else {
    do.call('data', list(coast))
    coastline = eval(parse(text = coast))

  ## First pass at trimming domain
  if (!is.null(field.inv)) {
    keep = rep(T, length(coastline$data))
    dx = median(diff(field.inv[,1])) * 2
    dy = median(diff(field.inv[,2])) * 2
    for (i in 1:length(coastline$data)) {
      if (all(coastline$data[[i]][,1] + dx < min(field.inv[,1], na.rm = T)) | all(coastline$data[[i]][,1] - dx > max(field.inv[,1], na.rm = T)) |
          all(coastline$data[[i]][,2] + dy < min(field.inv[,2], na.rm = T)) | all(coastline$data[[i]][,2] - dy > max(field.inv[,2]), na.rm = T)) {
        keep[i] = F
    if (sum(keep) == 0) {
      return(list(data = NA, meta = coastline$meta, projected = NA))
    coastline$data = coastline$data[keep]
    coastline$meta$trim1 = sum(keep)
  ## Project coastline (takes a while!)
  projected.coast = lapply(coastline$data, function(x) {
    rgdal::project(as.matrix(x)+1e-16, proj = p)
  ## Second round of trimming
  keep = rep(T, length(projected.coast))
  usr = par('usr')
  for (i in 1:length(projected.coast)) {
    if (all(projected.coast[[i]][,1] < usr[1]) | all(projected.coast[[i]][,1] > usr[2]) |
        all(projected.coast[[i]][,2] < usr[3]) | all(projected.coast[[i]][,2] > usr[4])) {
      keep[i] = F
  if (sum(keep) == 0) {
    return(list(data = NA, meta = coastline$meta, projected = NA))

  coastline$data = coastline$data[keep]
  projected.coast = projected.coast[keep]
  projected.coast = break.polygon(projected.coast)
  coastline$meta$trim2 = sum(keep)

  ## Add coastlines (takes a while!)
  for (i in 1:length(projected.coast)) {
    polygon(projected.coast[[i]][,1], projected.coast[[i]][,2], col = land.col)

  list(data = coastline$data, meta = coastline$meta, projected = projected.coast)

#' @title Make Map
#' @description Default settings are for Arctic, lowest resolution coastline.
#' Exaples of projection arguments include: `+proj=stere +lat_0=90`, `+proj=merc`, `+proj=aea +lat_1=30 +lat_2=45 +lon_0=-120`.
#' @param coast Should be the name of a coastline data object. A value of NULL sets the default cosatline to 'coastline2'.
#' @param lon.min The minimum longitude displayed on the map.
#' @param lon.max The maximum longitude on the map
#' @param lat.min The minimum latitude shown on the map
#' @param lat.max The maximum latitude shown on the map
#' @param p a projection string, such as those generated by 'make.proj()'
#' @param land.col A color string or value for the land polygon
#' @param grid Boolean, draw lat/lon grid?
#' @param dlon The spacing for the longitude grid (in degrees)
#' @param dlat The spacing for the latitude grid (in degrees)
#' @import oce
#' @import ocedata
#' @author Laura Whitmore
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @export
make.map2 = function (coast = NULL,
                     lon = 0,
                     lat = 0,
                     scale = 1000,
                     p = NULL,
                     land.col = 'lightgray',
                     draw.grid = T,
                     draw.axis = T,
                     dlon = 60,
                     dlat = 20,
                     verbose = T) {

  ## Apply Defaults
  if (is.null(coast)) { coast = 'coastline2' }

  if (is.null(p)) {
    p = make.proj(projection = 1,
                  lat = lat,
                  lon = lon)

  center.point = rgdal::project(cbind(lon, lat), proj = p)
  x.y.ratio = par()$pin[1] / par()$pin[2]

  ## Start plotting
  # Calculate projections of plotting area for plot limits
  field = expand.grid(lon = seq(center.point[,1] - scale * x.y.ratio * 1e3, center.point[,1] + scale * x.y.ratio * 1e3, length.out = 10),
                      lat = seq(center.point[,2] - scale * 1e3, center.point[,2] + scale * 1e3, length.out = 10))
  field.inv = rgdal::project(cbind(field$lon, field$lat), proj = p, inv = T)

  ## make plot
       xlim = range(field[,1], na.rm = T),
       ylim = range(field[,2], na.rm = T),
       xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n',
       xlab = '', ylab = '',
       xaxs = 'i', yaxs = 'i')

  coast = add.map.coastline(coast, p = p, land.col = land.col, field.inv = field.inv)

  ## Setup map object
  map = list(coastline = coast,
             lon = lon,
             lat = lat,
             scale = scale,
             p = p,
             land.col = land.col,
             grid = list(
               draw.grid = draw.grid,
               draw.axis = draw.axis,
               dlon = dlon,
               dlat = dlat
             meta = list(
               Source.version = packageVersion('TheSource'),
               R.version = R.version.string,
               Sys.time = Sys.time()

  if (draw.grid) { add.map.grid(map) }
  if (draw.axis) { add.map.axis(map, sides = c(1,2)) }


#' @title Get Map Line
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @import rgdal
#' @param lon a set of longitudes to draw a line between
#' @param lat a set of latitudes to draw a lien between
#' @param col the color of the line to be drawn
#' @param lty the type of line to be drawn
#' @param lty the type of line to be drawn
#' @param lwd the width of the line to be drawn
#' @export
get.map.line = function(map,
                        greatCircle = F,
                        N = 1e3) {

  if (length(lon) != length(lat)) {stop('get.map.line: length of lon/lat are not the same.')}
  if (greatCircle) {
    lons = approx(1:length(lon), lon, xout = seq(1, length(lon), length.out = max(length(lon), 1e4)))$y
    lats = approx(1:length(lat), lat, xout = seq(1, length(lat), length.out = max(length(lon), 1e4)))$y
  } else {
    lons = lon
    lats = lat

  ## project
  rgdal::project(cbind(lons, lats), proj = map$p)

#' @title Add Map Points
#' @author Laura Whitmore
#' @description Add station points to a map
#' @param lon the longitudes of the points to be drawn
#' @param lat the latitude of the points to be drawn
#' @param stn.lon (depreciated) the longitudes of the points to be drawn
#' @param stn.lat (depreciated) the latitude of the points to be drawn
#' @param col the color of the points
#' @param cex the size of point to be drawn
#' @param pch the point character to be used
#' @param ... optional arguments passed to points().
#' @import rgdal
#' @export
add.map.points = function(map,
                          col = 'black',
                          cex = 1,
                          pch = 16, ...){

  if (length(lon) != length(lat)) { stop('add.map.points: lengths of lon/lat are not the same.') }
  xy = rgdal::project(cbind(lon, lat), proj = map$p)
  points(xy[,1], xy[,2], col = col, cex = cex, pch = pch, ...)

#' @title Add Map Line
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @param lon a set of longitudes to draw a line between
#' @param lat a set of latitudes to draw a lien between
#' @param col the color of the line to be drawn
#' @param lty the type of line to be drawn
#' @param lty the type of line to be drawn
#' @param lwd the width of the line to be drawn
#' @export
add.map.line = function(map,
                        col = 'black',
                        lty = 1,
                        lwd = 1,
                        greatCircle = T,
                        N = 1e3) {
  line = get.map.line(map = map, lon = lon, lat = lat, greatCircle = greatCircle, N = N)
  ## Plot
  lines(line[,1], line[,2], col = col, lty = lty, lwd = lwd)

#' @title Add Map Arrows
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @description Add station points to a map
#' @param ... optional arguments passed to shape::Arrows().
#' @import rgdal shape
#' @export
add.map.arrows = function(map,
                          col = 'black',
                          cex = 1,
                          lwd = 1,

  if (length(lon) != length(lat) | length(lon) != length(lat2) | length(lon2) != length(lat2)) { stop('add.map.arrows: lengths of lon/lat are not the same.') }
  xy = rgdal::project(cbind(lon, lat), proj = map$p)
  xy2 = rgdal::project(cbind(lon2, lat2), proj = map$p)

  shape::Arrows(x0 = xy[,1],
                y0 = xy[,2],
                x1 = xy2[,1],
                y1 = xy2[,2],
                col = col,
                lwd = lwd,
                arr.adj = 1,
                arr.length = 0.4 * cex,
                arr.width = 0.4 * cex,

#' @title Add Map Text
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @author Laura Whitmore
#' @import rgdal
#' @param lon longitude position of the text or a vector of positions
#' @param lat latitude position of the text or a vector of positions
#' @param text a string or vector of strings for the text to be written
#' @param col text color
#' @param cex size of the text to be written
#' @param adj	one or two values in [0, 1] which specify the x (and optionally y) adjustment of the labels.
#' @param pos a position specifier for the text. If specified this overrides any adj value given. Values of 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively indicate positions below, to the left of, above and to the right of the specified coordinates.
#' @export
add.map.text = function(map,
                        col = 'black',
                        cex = 1,
                        adj = NULL,
                        pos = NULL,

  xy = rgdal::project(cbind(lon, lat), proj = map$p)
  text(xy[,1], xy[,2], text, col = col, cex = cex, adj = adj, pos = pos, ...)

#' @title Add Map Polygon
#' @author Laura Whitmore
#' @import rgdal
#' @export
add.map.polygon = function(map,
                           col = "#00000020",
                           lty = 1,
                           lwd = 1,
                           border = NULL,
                           density = NULL,
                           angle = 45,
                           fillOddEven = FALSE) {

  ## Project and plot normally
  xy = rgdal::project(cbind(lon, lat), proj = map$p)
  polygon(xy[,1], xy[,2], col = col, lty = lty, lwd = lwd, border = border, density = density, angle = angle, fillOddEven = fillOddEven)

#' @title Add Axis Label to Map
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @export
add.map.axis.label = function(map, temp, label, sides) {
  usr = par('usr')
  dx = 2e-2 * (usr[2] - usr[1])
  dy = 2e-2 * (usr[4] - usr[3])

  ## bottom
  if (1 %in% sides & any(temp[,1] > usr[1] & temp[,1] < usr[2] & temp[,2] > usr[3]) & any(temp[,1] > usr[1] & temp[,1] < usr[2] & temp[,2] <= usr[3])) {
    if (min(abs(temp[,2] - usr[3])) < dx) {

      ## Check angle
      k = which.min(abs(temp[-nrow(temp),2] - usr[3]))
      dd = abs(diff(temp)[k,])
      if (dd[1]/dd[2] < dy / dx) {
        axis(1, at = temp[which.min((temp[,2] - usr[3])^2),1], labels = label)

  ## top
  if (3 %in% sides & any(temp[,1] > usr[1] & temp[,1] < usr[2] & temp[,2] < usr[4]) & any(temp[,1] > usr[1] & temp[,1] < usr[2] & temp[,2] >= usr[4])) {
    if (min(abs(temp[,2] - usr[4])) < dx) {

      ## Check angle
      k = which.min(abs(temp[-nrow(temp),2] - usr[4]))
      dd = abs(diff(temp)[k,])
      if (dd[1]/dd[2] < dy / dx) {
        axis(3, at = temp[which.min((temp[,2] - usr[4])^2),1], labels = label)

  ## Left
  if (2 %in% sides & any(temp[,2] > usr[3] & temp[,2] < usr[4] & temp[,1] > usr[1]) & any(temp[,2] > usr[3] & temp[,2] < usr[4] & temp[,1] <= usr[1])) {
    if (min(abs(temp[,1] - usr[1])) < dy) {

      ## Check angle
      k = which.min(abs(temp[-nrow(temp),1] - usr[1]))
      dd = abs(diff(temp)[k,])
      if (dd[2]/dd[1] < dx / dy) {
        axis(2, at = temp[which.min((temp[,1] - usr[1])^2),2], labels = label, las = 2)

  ## Right
  if (4 %in% sides & any(temp[,2] > usr[3] & temp[,2] < usr[4] & temp[,1] < usr[2]) & any(temp[,2] > usr[3] & temp[,2] < usr[4] & temp[,1] >= usr[2])) {
    if (min(abs(temp[,1] - usr[2])) < dy) {

      ## Check angle
      k = which.min((temp[-nrow(temp),1] - usr[2])^2)
      dd = abs(diff(temp)[k,])
      if (dd[2]/dd[1] < dx / dy) {
        axis(4, at = temp[which.min((temp[,1] - usr[2])^2),2], labels = label, las = 2)

#' @title Add Axis to Map
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @export
add.map.axis = function(map, lons = NULL, lats = NULL, sides = c(1:4), N = 100) {

  if (is.null(lons)) { lons = seq(-180, 180, by = map$grid$dlon) }
  if (is.null(lats)) { lats = seq(-90, 90, by = map$grid$dlat) }

  ## Add lon axes
  for (ll in lons) {
    temp = get.map.line(map, lon = rep(ll, 2), lat = c(-90,90), N = N)
    #temp = temp[is.finite(temp[,1]) & is.finite(temp[,2]),]

    s = 'E'
    if (ll < 0 | ll %% 360 >= 180) { s = 'W'; ll = -ll }
    add.map.axis.label(map, temp, label = paste0(ll, s), sides = sides)

  ## Add lats
  for (ll in lats) {
    temp = get.map.line(map, lon = c(-180, 180), lat = rep(ll, 2), N = N)
    #temp = temp[is.finite(temp[,1]) & is.finite(temp[,2]),]
    s = 'N'
    if (ll < 0) { s = 'S'; ll = -ll }

    add.map.axis.label(map, temp, label = paste0(ll, s), sides = sides)

#' @title Add Grid to Map
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @export
add.map.grid = function(map, lons = NULL, lats = NULL, col = 'darkgrey', lty = 1, lwd = 1) {
  if (is.null(lons)) { lons = seq(-180, 180, by = map$grid$dlon) }
  if (is.null(lats)) { lats = seq(-90, 90, by = map$grid$dlat) }
  ## Add lon grid
  for (ll in lons) {
    add.map.line(map, lon = rep(ll, 2), lat = c(-90,90), lwd  = lwd, lty = lty, col = col)
  ## Add lats
  for (ll in lats) {
    add.map.line(map, lon = c(-180, 180), lat = rep(ll, 2), lwd  = lwd, lty = lty, col = col)

############ Compound Functions ##########

#' @title Add Map Scalebar
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @export
add.map.scale = function(pos = 1,
                         scale = NULL,
                         verbose = T,
                         col = 'black',
                         cex = 1) {
  usr = par('usr')

  if (is.null(scale)) {
    scale = (usr[2] - usr[1]) * 0.001 #km
    scale = 10^(round(log10(scale)-1))

  sign = 1
  if (pos == 1) {
    x.origin = 0.95 * (usr[2] - usr[1]) + usr[1]
    y.origin = 0.05 * (usr[4] - usr[3]) + usr[3]
  } else if (pos == 2) {
    x.origin = 0.05 * (usr[2] - usr[1]) + usr[1]
    y.origin = 0.05 * (usr[4] - usr[3]) + usr[3]
    sign = -1
  } else if (pos == 3) {
    x.origin = 0.05 * (usr[2] - usr[1]) + usr[1]
    y.origin = 0.925 * (usr[4] - usr[3]) + usr[3]
    sign = -1
  } else if (pos == 4) {
    x.origin = 0.95 * (usr[2] - usr[1]) + usr[1]
    y.origin = 0.925 * (usr[4] - usr[3]) + usr[3]
  } else {
    stop ('pos should be 1, 2, 3, or 4!')

  lines(x = c(x.origin, x.origin - sign*scale*1e3), y = rep(y.origin,2), lwd = 3*cex, col = col)
  points(x = c(x.origin, x.origin - sign*scale*1e3), y = rep(y.origin,2), pch = '|', cex = cex, col = col)
  text(x.origin - sign*scale*1e3*0.5, y = y.origin, pos = 3, paste0(scale, ' km'), col = col, cex = cex)

#' @title Add Quiver Lines
#' @export
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
add.map.quiver = function(map,
                          zscale = 1,
                          cex = 1,
                          col = 'black',
                          lwd = 1,
                          show.scale = T,
                          verbose = T,
                          ...) {

  if (length(lon) != length(lat) | length(lon) != length(u) | length(lon) != length(v)) {stop('add.map.quiver: length of lat, lon, u and v must be the same.')}
  lon = as.numeric(lon)
  lat = as.numeric(lat)
  u = as.numeric(u)
  v = as.numeric(v)

  ## Filter our NAs
  k = !is.na(u) & !is.na(v)

  add.map.arrows(map, lon[k], lat[k], lon[k] + u[k] * zscale, lat[k] + v[k] * zscale, col = col, cex = cex / 2, lwd = lwd, ...)

  if (show.scale) {
    usr = par('usr')
    dx = median(diff(unique(lon)))
    dy = median(diff(unique(lon)))

    x.origin = usr[2] - (usr[2] - usr[1])/10
    y.origin = usr[3] + (usr[4] - usr[3])/10

    lines(x = c(x.origin, x.origin - sign * scale * 1e3), y = rep(y.origin,2), lwd = 3 * cex, col = col)
    points(x = c(x.origin, x.origin - sign * scale * 1e3), y = rep(y.origin,2), pch = '|', cex = cex, col = col)
    text(x.origin - sign * scale * 1e3 * 0.5, y = y.origin, pos = 3, paste0(scale, ' km'), col = col, cex = cex)

#' @title Add Map Contours
#' @export
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
add.map.contour = function(map,
                           trim = T,
                           col = 'black',
                           levels = NULL,
                           zlim = NULL,
                           n = 3,
                           labels = TRUE,
                           lty = 1,
                           lwd = 1,
                           verbose = T) {

  if (verbose) { message('Add Map Contours:')}
  lon = lon %% 360
  map$lon.min = map$lon.min %% 360
  map$lon.max = map$lon.max %% 360
  lon = as.array(lon)
  lat = as.array(lat)
  z = as.array(z)

  if (is.null(zlim)) {
    zlim = range(z, na.rm = T)

  ## Set default values
  if (is.null(levels)) {
    levels = pretty.default(zlim, n = n + 2)[-c(1, n+2)]
    if (verbose) { message(' Levels: ', paste(levels, collapse = ', '))}

  n = length(levels)
  if (length(col) != n) { col = rep(col, n) }
  if (length(lty) != n) { lty = rep(lty, n) }
  if (length(lwd) != n) { lwd = rep(lwd, n) }

  ## make sure everything is a full grid
  if(is.na(dim(lon)[2]) & is.na(dim(lat)[2])) {

    if (length(z) == length(lon) * length(lat)) {
      z = array(z, dim = c(length(lon), length(lat)))
      lon = matrix(lon, nrow = dim(z)[1], ncol = dim(z)[2])
      lat = matrix(lat, nrow = dim(z)[1], ncol = dim(z)[2], byrow = T)
    } else {
      z = array(z, dim = c(length(unique(lon)), length(unique(lat))))
      lon = matrix(unique(lon), nrow = dim(z)[1], ncol = dim(z)[2])
      lat = matrix(unique(lat), nrow = dim(z)[1], ncol = dim(z)[2], byrow = T)

  ## Trim
  if (trim) {
    nz = length(z)

    if (verbose) { message(' Starting domain trimming... ', appendLF = F)}
    corners = expand.grid(lon = c(par('usr')[1], par('usr')[2]),
                          lat = c(par('usr')[3], par('usr')[4]))
    corners = rgdal::project(cbind(corners$lon, corners$lat), proj = map$p, inv = T)

    field = expand.grid(lon = seq(par('usr')[1], par('usr')[2], length.out = 360),
                        lat = seq(par('usr')[3], par('usr')[4], length.out = 10))
    field = rgdal::project(cbind(field$lon, field$lat), proj = map$p, inv = T)
    field[,1] = field[,1] %% 360

    field.lon = range(field[,1], na.rm = T)
    field.lat = range(field[,2], na.rm = T)

    ## Trim longitude
    if (corners[1,1] > corners[2,1]) { ## antimeridian
      if (verbose) { message(' antimeridian... ', appendLF = F)}
      k = apply(lon, 1, function(x) {any(x >= field.lon[1] & x <= field.lon[2])})
      if (length(k) > 0) {
        z = z[k,]
        lon = lon[k,]
        lat = lat[k,]
    } else {
      if (verbose) { message(' longitude... ', appendLF = F)}
      k = apply(lon, 1, function(x) {any(x <= field.lon[2] & x >= field.lon[1])})
      if (length(k) > 0) {
        z = z[k,]
        lon = lon[k,]
        lat = lat[k,]

    ## Trim latitude
    if (verbose) { message(' latitude... ', appendLF = F) }
    k = apply(lat, 2, function(x) {any(x >= field.lat[1] & x <= field.lat[2])})
    if (length(k) > 0) {
      z = z[,k]
      lon = lon[,k]
      lat = lat[,k]

    if (verbose) { message(' complete, n = ', length(z), ' (', 100*round(1 - n/nz, digits = 3), ' %)')}

  ## Calculate contors and plot
  contour = contourLines(x = c(1:dim(z)[1]),
                         y = c(1:dim(z)[2]),
                         z = z,
                         levels = levels)

  if (verbose) { message(' Starting plotting... ', appendLF = F) }
  for (i in 1:length(contour)) {
    n = which(contour[[i]]$level == levels)

    if (length(contour[[i]]$x) > 5) {
      xx = grid.interp(lon, contour[[i]]$x, contour[[i]]$y)
      yy = grid.interp(lat, contour[[i]]$x, contour[[i]]$y)

                   col = col[n],
                   lty = lty[n],
                   lwd = lwd[n],
                   greatCircle = F)

  if (verbose) { message(' done.') }

#' @title Add Map Layer
#' @description  Add a image layer to the map!
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @param lon longitude of the data
#' @param lat latitude of the data
#' @param z the data
#' @param zlim the limits of the z-axis. A value of NULL indicates that zlim should equal the range of z values.
#' @param pal the name of a palette generating function. Should be a string.
#' @param col.na the color with which any NAs should be drawn with. A value of NA skips this step.
#' @param n the number of distinct colors to request from the palette function.
#' @param refinement the level of bilinear refinement to apply to the image grid
#' @export
add.map.layer = function(map,
                         zlim = NULL,
                         pal = 'greyscale',
                         col.na = NA,
                         n = 255,
                         refine = 0,
                         trim = T,
                         col.low = '',
                         col.high = '',
                         rev = F,
                         indicate = T,
                         verbose = T) {

  ## Misc corrections
  lon = lon %% 360
  map$lon.min = map$lon.min %% 360
  map$lon.max = map$lon.max %% 360
  lon = as.array(lon)
  lat = as.array(lat)
  z = as.array(z)

  if (length(dim(lon)) < 2) {
    if (verbose) { message(' Establishing Grid...', appendLF = F) }

    if (length(z) == 1.0 * length(lon) * length(lat)) {
      z = array(z, dim = c(length(lon), length(lat)))
      lon = matrix(lon, nrow = dim(z)[1], ncol = dim(z)[2])
      lat = matrix(lat, nrow = dim(z)[1], ncol = dim(z)[2], byrow = T)
    } else { ## TODO add check here that the dimentions are actually correct!
      z = array(z, dim = c(length(unique(lon)), length(unique(lat))))
      lon = matrix(unique(lon), nrow = dim(z)[1], ncol = dim(z)[2])
      lat = matrix(unique(lat), nrow = dim(z)[1], ncol = dim(z)[2], byrow = T)
    if (verbose) { message(' Done. ') }

  nz = length(z)

  ## Trim
  if (trim & length(z) > 100) {

    if (verbose) { message(' Starting domain trimming... ', appendLF = F)}
    usr = par('usr')

    corners = expand.grid(lon = c(usr[1], usr[2]),
                          lat = c(usr[3], usr[4]))
    corners = rgdal::project(cbind(corners$lon, corners$lat), proj = map$p, inv = T)

    if (corners[1,1] > corners[2,1]) { ## antimeridian
      if (verbose) { message(' antimeridian... ', appendLF = F)}
      antimeridian = T
    } else {
      antimeridian = F
      lon = lon %% 360
      lon[lon > 180] = lon[lon > 180] - 360
    field = expand.grid(lon = seq(usr[1], usr[2], length.out = 100),
                        lat = seq(usr[3], usr[4], length.out = 100))
    field = rgdal::project(cbind(field$lon, field$lat), proj = map$p, inv = T)
    field[,1] = field[,1] %% 360
    if (!antimeridian & any(field[,1] > 180)) {
      l = which(!is.na(field[,1]) & field[,1] > 180)
      field[l,1] = field[l,1] - 360

    field.lon = range(field[,1], na.rm = T) %% 360
    field.lat = range(field[,2], na.rm = T) 

    ## Trim longitude
    if (field.lat[1] > -80 & field.lat[2] < 80) { ## only if a pole isn't visible!
      if (verbose) { message(' longitude... ', appendLF = F)}
      if (corners[1,1] > corners[2,1]) { ## antimeridian
        k = apply(lon, 1, function(x) {any(x >= field.lon[1] & x <= field.lon[2])})
      } else {
        k = apply(lon, 1, function(x) {any(x <= field.lon[2] & x >= field.lon[1])})
      if (sum(k) > 2) {
        z = z[k,]
        lon = lon[k,]
        lat = lat[k,]

    ## Trim latitude
    if (verbose) { message(' latitude... ', appendLF = F) }
    k = apply(lat, 2, function(x) {any(x >= field.lat[1] & x <= field.lat[2])})
    if (sum(k) > 2) {
      z = z[,k]
      lon = lon[,k]
      lat = lat[,k]
    if (verbose) { message(' complete, n = ', length(z), ' (', 100 - round(100 * length(z) / nz), '% trimmed)')}

  if (refine > 0) {
    if (!antimeridan) {
      lon[lon > 180] = lon[lon>180] - 360
    for (i in 1:refine) {
      temp = grid.refinement(lon, lat, z)
      lon = temp$x
      lat = temp$y
      z = temp$z
    if (verbose) {message(' Refined grid by ', 2^refine,'x.')}
  } else if (refine < 0) {
    for (i in 1:abs(refine)) {
      temp = grid.subsample(lon, lat, z)
      lon = temp$x
      lat = temp$y
      z = temp$z
    if (verbose) {message(' Refined grid by 1:', 2^-refine,'x.')}

  if (is.null(zlim)) { zlim = range(pretty(as.numeric(z), na.rm = TRUE)) }
  ## Order: Not needed?
  #l = order(rgdal::project(cbind(lon[,round(dim(lon)[2]/2)], lat[,round(dim(lon)[2]/2)]), p = map$p)[,1])
  #l = order(lon[,round(dim(lon)[2]/2)])
  #lon = lon[l,]
  #lat = lat[l,]
  #z = z[l,]

  ## Color scale
  col = make.pal(z, pal = pal, rev = rev, n = n, min = zlim[1], max = zlim[2])
  col = array(col, dim = dim(lon))

  ## Apply out of range colors if provided:
  if (is.na(col.low)) { col[z < zlim[1]] = NA }
  if (is.na(col.high)) { col[z > zlim[2]] = NA }

  ## Project and Plot
  if (verbose) {message(' Projecting grid...')}
  #vertex = calc.vertex(lon, lat)
  #xy = rgdal::project(cbind(as.numeric(vertex$x), as.numeric(vertex$y)), p = map$p)
  #xy = list(x = array(xy[,1], dim = dim(vertex$x)),
  #          y = array(xy[,2], dim = dim(vertex$x)))
  xy = rgdal::project(cbind(as.numeric(lon), as.numeric(lat)), p = map$p)
  xy = list(x = array(xy[,1], dim = dim(lon)),
            y = array(xy[,2], dim = dim(lat)))
  xy = calc.vertex(xy$x, xy$y)

  if (verbose) { message(' Starting plotting... ', appendLF = F) }
  for (i in 1:dim(col)[1]) {
    for (j in 1:dim(col)[2]) {
      if (!is.na(col[i,j])) {
        polygon(x = c(xy$x[i,j], xy$x[i,j+1], xy$x[i+1,j+1], xy$x[i+1,j]),
                y = c(xy$y[i,j], xy$y[i,j+1], xy$y[i+1,j+1], xy$y[i+1,j]),
                col = col[i,j], border = NA)
  if (verbose) { message(' complete.') }

  ## Extras
  if (verbose) { message(' Final stats: \tN.low: ', sum(z < zlim[1]), '\tN.high: ', sum(z > zlim[2]), '\tN: ', length(z)) }

  if (indicate) {
    st = paste0('Data range: (', round(min(z, na.rm = TRUE), 3), ', ', round(max(z, na.rm = TRUE), 3),
                ')   Z range: (', round(zlim[1], 3), ', ', round(zlim[2], 3), ')'
    mtext(st, line = 0.25, adj = 1, cex = 0.7)

#' @export
add.map.eez = function(map, eez, names = NULL, col = 'black', lwd = 1, lty = 1, verbose = T) {
  if (is.null(names)) {
    names = names(eez)
    if (verbose) {
      message('No names provided, using all available: ', paste0(names, collapse = ', '))
  for (n in names) {
    l = which(names(eez) == n)
    if (length(l) > 0) {
      for (i in 1:length(eez[[n]])) {
        add.map.line(map, eez[[n]][[i]]$lon, eez[[n]][[i]]$lat, col = col, lwd = lwd, lty = lty)

#' @title Add Map Bathymetry (shaded)
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @param map a map object returned by the function make.map()
#' @param bathy a bathymetric dataframe returned by get.map.bathy
#' @param pal the color palette used for coloring the shading. Should consist of a function name as a string
#' @param n the number of distinct colors to use
#' @param zlim the z-axis range that the colormap is projected upon
#' @param rev a boolean flag to flip the color axis
#' @param filled a flag to turn on color smoothing and filling from the OCE package. Works for some datasets but may cause issues.
#' @param col.low the color used when painting data that is below the zlim range. A value of NA causes the data not to be drawn, and a value of '' uses the lowest color value for out of range data.
#' @param col.high same as \emph{col.low} but for data that is out of range above the zlim.
#' @param refinement the level of bilinear refinement to apply to the image grid
#' @export
add.map.bathy = function(map,
                         refine = 0,
                         trim = T,
                         zlim = NULL,
                         pal = 'greyscale',
                         n = 255,
                         rev = FALSE,
                         col.low = '',
                         col.high = '',
                         verbose = T) {

                lon = bathy$Lon,
                lat = bathy$Lat,
                z = bathy$Z,
                refine = refine,
                pal = pal,
                rev = rev,
                zlim = zlim,
                col.low = col.low,
                col.high = col.high,
                indicate = FALSE,
                n = n,
                trim = trim,
                verbose = verbose)


#' @title Redraw Map
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @param map a map object as returned by make.map()
#' @export
redraw.map = function(map) {

  for (i in 1:length(map$coastline$projected)) {
    polygon(map$coastline$projected[[i]][,1], map$coastline$projected[[i]][,2], col = map$land.col)

  if (map$grid$draw.grid) {
    for (i in map$grid$lon.axis$label) {
      add.map.line(map, lon = c(i,i), lat = c(-80, 80), col = 'dark grey')
    for (i in map$grid$lat.axis$label) {
      add.map.line(map, lon = c(-180,180), lat = c(i,i), col = 'dark grey')

tbrycekelly/TheSource documentation built on Nov. 7, 2023, 12:48 a.m.