
Defines functions parameter.descent parameter.search.parallel parameter.search

Documented in parameter.descent parameter.search parameter.search.parallel

#' @title Parameter Search
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @description Implements a recursive grid search routine to solve optimization problems in arbitrary dimensions.
#' @param n Number of recursions to perform
#' @param cost The cost function which must return a numeric value and accept parameter values as the first arguments and in the order they are provided.
#' @param ... Optional argument that is passed directly onto the cost function
#' @param bounds A dataframe containing the minimum and maximum values permitted of each parameter
#' @param splits The number of subdivisions to perform for each dimension (so grid size is n x splits ^ dimensionality)
#' @param progression The size of the new search-space to interrogate. A value between 1 and splits/2. Default value (NULL) will yeield a progression of max(1, splits/4), good for most problems.
#' @export
parameter.search = function(n, cost, grid = NULL, bounds, splits = 10, progression = NULL, verbose = T, ...) {

  if (verbose){
    message('Starting Parameter Search')
    message('Parameter search is an iterative grid search algorithm that seeks the parameters that minimize\nan objective cost function given a set of parameter bounds.')

  ## Init Timer
  a = Sys.time()

  if (splits <= 2) { stop('splits argument must be an integer greater than or equal to 3!')}
  if(is.null(progression)) {
    progression = max(1, ceiling(splits / 4))
    if (verbose) { message(' No Progresssion given, default to:\t', progression) }

  splits = round(splits)
  if (verbose) {message(' Number of splits set to:\t\t', splits)}
  ## How many dimensions
  dim = nrow(bounds)

  ## Setup search grid
  b = list()
  for (i in 1:nrow(bounds)) {
    if (bounds[i,1] == bounds[i,2]) {
      b[[i]] = bounds[i,1]
    } else {
      b[[i]] = seq(bounds[i,1], bounds[i,2], length.out = splits)
  argnames = formalArgs(cost)
  argnames = argnames[!argnames %in% names(list(...))] # don't include arguments passed through elipsis

  if (is.null(grid)) {
    grid = do.call('expand.grid', b)
    colnames(grid) = formalArgs(cost)[1:dim]
  grid$cost = NA

  if (verbose) {
    message(' Mimimum bounds provided for ', paste(colnames(grid)[-ncol(grid)], collapse = ', '), ' are: ',
            paste(bounds[,1], collapse = ', '))
    message(' Maximum bounds provided for ', paste(colnames(grid)[-ncol(grid)], collapse = ', '), ' are: ',
            paste(bounds[,2], collapse = ', '))

  ## Calculate cost function at each grid location
  best = Inf
  for (i in 1:nrow(grid)) {
    args = as.list(grid[i, 1:dim])
    names(args) = argnames[1:length(args)]
    args = c(args, list(...))

    #if (length(args) > length(formalArgs(cost))) { stop('Number of function arguments exceeds what function is expecting.') }
    grid$cost[i] = do.call(cost, args) # cost(grid[i, 1:dim])
    if (verbose & grid$cost[i] < best) {
      message(Sys.time(), ': New optimal parameter set found for n = ', n,': ', paste(grid[i,], collapse = ', '))
      best = grid$cost[i]

  ## Best grid location
  l = which.min(grid$cost)
  if (n == 1) {
    res = list(min = grid[l,], bounds = bounds, grid = grid, history = grid[l,], full.grid = grid)
  } else{

    ## Setup new bounding box
    loci = grid[l, 1:dim]
    bounds.new = data.frame(min = as.numeric(loci), max = as.numeric(loci))
    for (i in 1:dim) {
      bounds.new$min[i] = max(bounds$min[i], bounds.new$min[i] - progression * (bounds$max[i] - bounds$min[i]) / splits)
      bounds.new$max[i] = min(bounds$max[i], bounds.new$max[i] + progression * (bounds$max[i] - bounds$min[i]) / splits)

    ## Call parameter.search recursively
    res = parameter.search(n-1, cost, ..., bounds = bounds.new, splits = splits, progression = progression, verbose = F)
    res$history = rbind(res$history, grid[l,])
    res$full.grid = rbind(res$full.grid, grid)
  ## Return

#' @title Parameter Search for Parallel Processing
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @description Implements a recursive grid search routine to solve optimization problems in arbitrary dimensions.
#' @param n Number of recursions to perform
#' @param cost The cost function which must return a numeric value and accept parameter values as the first arguments and in the order they are provided.
#' @param ... Optional argument that is passed directly onto the cost function
#' @param bounds A dataframe containing the minimum and maximum values permitted of each parameter
#' @param splits The number of subdivisions to perform for each dimension (so grid size is n x splits ^ dimensionality)
#' @param progression The size of the new search-space to interrogate. A value between 1 and splits/2. Default value (NULL) will yeield a progression of max(1, splits/4), good for most problems.
#' @export
parameter.search.parallel = function(n, cost, grid = NULL, ..., bounds, splits = 10, progression = NULL) {

  if (splits <= 2) { stop('splits argument must be an integer greater than or equal to 3!')}
  if(is.null(progression)) { progression = max(1, ceiling(splits / 4))}

  splits = round(splits)

  ## How many dimensions
  dim = nrow(bounds)

  ## Setup search grid
  b = list()
  for (i in 1:nrow(bounds)) {
    if (bounds[i,1] == bounds[i,2]) {
      b[[i]] = bounds[i,1]
    } else {
      b[[i]] = seq(bounds[i,1], bounds[i,2], length.out = splits)
  grid = do.call('expand.grid', b)
  colnames(grid) = formalArgs(cost)[1:dim]

  cn = parallel::detectCores() - 1
  cl = parallel::makeCluster(cn)
  parallel::clusterExport(cl, varlist = c('grid', 'cost', names(optional.args), ls(envir = globalenv())), envir = environment())

  sp = parallel::parLapply(cl, parallel::clusterSplit(cl = cl, seq = seq(nrow(grid))), function(c) {grid[c,]})

  grid$cost = Reduce(c, parallel::parLapply(cl, sp, fun = function(s) {
    s = data.frame(s)
    res = rep(NA, nrow(s))
    if (length(s) > 0) {
      for (i in 1:nrow(s)) {
        args = as.list(s[i,])
        names(args) = formalArgs(cost)[1:length(args)]
        args = c(args, list(...))

        res[i] = do.call(cost, args) # cost(grid[i, 1:dim])
    } else {
  }, chunk.size = 1))

  ## Best grid location
  l = which.min(grid$cost)
  if (n == 1) {
    res = list(min = grid[l,], bounds = bounds, grid = grid, history = grid[l,])
  } else{

    ## Setup new bounding box
    loci = grid[l, 1:dim]
    bounds.new = data.frame(min = as.numeric(loci), max = as.numeric(loci))
    for (i in 1:dim) {
      bounds.new$min[i] = max(bounds$min[i], bounds.new$min[i] - progression * (bounds$max[i] - bounds$min[i]) / splits)
      bounds.new$max[i] = min(bounds$max[i], bounds.new$max[i] + progression * (bounds$max[i] - bounds$min[i]) / splits)

    ## Call parameter.search recursively
    res = parameter.search(n-1, cost, ..., bounds = bounds.new, splits = splits, progression = progression)
    res$history = rbind(res$history, grid[l,])
  ## Return

#' @title Parameter Search using Random Walk
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @description Implements an MCMC algorithm (metropolis criterion) to determine a global optimum from within the stated bounds.
#' @param n Number of accepted solutions to seek
#' @param cost The cost function which must return a numeric value and accept parameter values as the first arguments and in the order they are provided.
#' @param ... Optional argument that is passed directly onto the cost function
#' @param bounds A dataframe containing the minimum and maximum values permitted of each parameter
#' @param progression The step length for each parameter (default is 1% of bounded range).
#' @param max.iter The maximum number of steps to take before returning (even if n is unsatisfied). **Goal for function to return via n rather than by max.iter.
#' @export
parameter.walk = function (n, cost, ..., bounds, progression = NULL, max.iter = 1e6, k = 2) {

  if (is.null(progression)) {
    progression = as.numeric(bounds[,2] - bounds[,1]) / 100
    warning('Progression vector empty, defaulting to 1% of range.')

  ## Setup History
  history = data.frame(Step = c(1:n))
  for (i in 1:nrow(bounds)) { history[formalArgs(cost)[i]] = NA }
  history$cost = NA

  ## Start in random location
  start = runif(nrow(bounds), min = bounds[,1], max = bounds[,2])
  args = as.list(start)
  names(args) = formalArgs(cost)[1:length(args)]
  args = c(args, list(...))
  if (length(args) > length(formalArgs(cost))) {
    stop("Number of function arguments exceeds what function is expecting.")
  current.cost = do.call(cost, args)

  ## Update history
  history[1,] = c(1, start, current.cost)

  ## Setup loop
  i = 2
  for (j in 1:max.iter) {
    ## randomly perturbe the location
    param = start + rnorm(length(start), mean = 0, sd = progression)
    l = param < bounds[,1]
    ll = param > bounds[,2]
    param[l] = bounds[l,1]
    param[ll] = bounds[ll,2]

    args = as.list(param)
    names(args) = formalArgs(cost)[1:length(args)]
    args = c(args, list(...))
    if (length(args) > length(formalArgs(cost))) {
      stop("Number of function arguments exceeds what function is expecting.")
    new.cost = do.call(cost, args)

    if (new.cost < current.cost | exp( (new.cost - current.cost)/2 ) < runif(1)) {
      ## Update history
      history[i,] = c(i, param, new.cost)
      current.cost = new.cost
      start = param
      i = i + 1
      if (i > n) { break }

  list(min = history[i-1,], bounds = bounds, history = history[!is.na(history$cost)], meta = list(j = j, max.iter = max.iter, progression = progression))

#' @title Parameter Search using Simulated Annealing
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @description Implements an MCMC algorithm (simulated annealing) to determine a global optimum from within the stated bounds.
#' @param n Number of accepted solutions to seek
#' @param cost The cost function which must return a numeric value and accept parameter values as the first arguments and in the order they are provided.
#' @param ... Optional argument that is passed directly onto the cost function
#' @param bounds A dataframe containing the minimum and maximum values permitted of each parameter
#' @param progression The step length for each parameter (default is 1% of bounded range).
#' @param max.iter The maximum number of steps to take before returning (even if n is unsatisfied). **Goal for function to return via n rather than by max.iter.
#' @param k The cooling coefficent. Larger values imply higher initial "temperature" and easier solution acceptance.
#' @export
parameter.anneal = function (n, cost, ..., bounds, progression = NULL, max.iter = 1e6, k = 2) {

  if (is.null(progression)) {
    progression = as.numeric(bounds[,2] - bounds[,1]) / 100
    warning('Progression vector empty, defaulting to 1% of range.')

  ## Setup History
  history = data.frame(Step = c(1:n))
  for (i in 1:nrow(bounds)) { history[formalArgs(cost)[i]] = NA }
  history$cost = NA

  ## Start in random location
  start = runif(nrow(bounds), min = bounds[,1], max = bounds[,2])
  args = as.list(start)
  names(args) = formalArgs(cost)[1:length(args)]
  args = c(args, list(...))
  if (length(args) > length(formalArgs(cost))) {
    stop("Number of function arguments exceeds what function is expecting.")
  current.cost = do.call(cost, args)

  ## Update history
  history[1,] = c(1, start, current.cost)

  ## Setup loop
  i = 2
  for (j in 1:max.iter) {
    ## randomly perturbe the location
    param = start + rnorm(length(start), mean = 0, sd = progression)

    args = as.list(param)
    names(args) = formalArgs(cost)[1:length(args)]
    args = c(args, list(...))
    if (length(args) > length(formalArgs(cost))) {
      stop("Number of function arguments exceeds what function is expecting.")
    new.cost = do.call(cost, args)

    if (exp( (new.cost - current.cost) / ((n-i)/n * k)) < runif(1)) {
      ## Update history
      history[i,] = c(i, param, new.cost)
      current.cost = new.cost
      start = param
      i = i + 1
      if (i > n) { break }

  list(min = history[i-1,], bounds = bounds, history = history[!is.na(history$cost),], meta = list(j = j, max.iter = max.iter, progression = progression))

#' @title Parameter Search
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @description Implements a recursive grid search routine to solve optimization problems in arbitrary dimensions.
#' @param n Number of recursions to perform
#' @param cost The cost function which must return a numeric value and accept parameter values as the first arguments and in the order they are provided.
#' @param ... Optional argument that is passed directly onto the cost function
#' @param bounds A dataframe containing the minimum and maximum values permitted of each parameter
#' @param splits The number of subdivisions to perform for each dimension (so grid size is n x splits ^ dimensionality)
#' @param progression The size of the new search-space to interrogate. A value between 1 and splits/2. Default value (NULL) will yeield a progression of max(1, splits/4), good for most problems.
#' @export
parameter.descent = function(cost, guess = NULL, ..., bounds = NULL, max.iter = 100, progression = NULL, step = NULL, tol = 1e-8, verbose = T) {

  if (verbose){
    message('Starting Parameter Descent')
    message('Parameter search is an iterative grid search algorithm that seeks the parameters that minimize\nan objective cost function given a set of parameter bounds.')

  ## Init Timer
  a = Sys.time()

  ## How many dimensions
  argnames = formalArgs(cost)
  argnames = argnames[!argnames %in% names(list(...))] # don't include arguments passed through elipsis
  dim = length(argnames)

  ## Setup simplex
  b = array(NA, dim = c(dim+1, dim))
  if (!is.null(guess)) {
    if (length(guess) == dim) {
      b[1,] = guess
    } else {
      message('Improper guess provided, ignoring.')
      b[1,] = 0 ## default is to start at origin.
  } else {
    b[1,] = 0 ## default is to start at origin.

  if (is.null(step)) {
    step = 0.01
    if (verbose) { message(' No Step provided, defaulting to ', step) }

  for (i in 1:dim) {
    b[i+1,] = b[1,] + step / dim
    b[i+1,i] = b[1,i] + step ##

  ## Setup simplex and history object
  simplex = as.data.frame(b)
  history = data.frame(cost = rep(NA, max.iter))
  for (n in argnames) {
    history[[n]] = NA
  simplex = data.frame(cost = NA, simplex)

  ## Calculate cost function at each node
  for (j in which(is.na(simplex$cost))) {
    args = as.list(simplex[j,-1])
    names(args) = argnames[1:length(args)]
    args = c(args, list(...))

    simplex$cost[j] = do.call(cost, args) # cost(grid[i, 1:dim])

  for (i in 1:max.iter) {
    ## Order points
    simplex = simplex[order(simplex$cost, decreasing = T),]
    history[i,] = simplex[nrow(simplex),]

    ## Add reflected point
    centroid = colMeans(simplex[-1,])
    test.point = centroid + 1 * (centroid - simplex[1,]) ## Reflected point

    ## Calculate cost
    args = as.list(test.point[-1])
    names(args) = argnames[1:length(args)]
    args = c(args, list(...))
    test.point[1] = do.call(cost, args) # cost(grid[i, 1:dim])

    ## Expansion
    if (max(simplex$cost) > test.point[1]) {
      simplex[1,] = centroid + 2 * (centroid - simplex[1,]) ## Replace worse case

      args = as.list(simplex[1,-1])
      names(args) = argnames[1:length(args)]
      args = c(args, list(...))
      simplex[1,1] = do.call(cost, args) # cost(grid[i, 1:dim])

      if (simplex[1,1] > test.point[1]) {
        simplex[1, ] = test.point # revert to test point if expansion fails (optional step)
        if (verbose) { message(' Simplex reflextion.') }
      } else {
        if (verbose) { message(' Simplex expansion.') }

    } else {
      ## Contraction
      simplex[1,] = centroid - 0.5 * (centroid - simplex[1,]) ## replace reflected point
      args = as.list(simplex[1,-1])
      names(args) = argnames[1:length(args)]
      args = c(args, list(...))
      simplex[1,1] = do.call(cost, args)
      if (verbose) { message(' Simplex contraction') }

    if (i > 2 * dim + 1) {
      if (abs(history$cost[i] - history$cost[i-2*dim-1]) < tol) {
        if (verbose) { message('Cost tolerance met, ending.')}

  res = list(min = simplex[which.min(simplex$cost),], simplex = simplex, history = history[!is.na(history$cost),])

  ## Return
tbrycekelly/TheSource documentation built on Nov. 7, 2023, 12:48 a.m.