
Defines functions calc.freezing.point calc.mld conv.watt.to.einstein conv.einstein.to.watt plot.TS calc.k.reuer calc.k calc.schmidt.number calc.pref.PO4 calc.POstar calc.AOU conv.p.to.d conv.cond.to.sal conv.uM.to.ml calc.sigma.theta calc.ptemp calc.adiabatic.temp.grad calc.seawater.compressibility calc.rho calc.O2sol calc.NeSol calc.N2Sol calc.ArSol

Documented in calc.adiabatic.temp.grad calc.AOU calc.ArSol calc.freezing.point calc.k calc.k.reuer calc.mld calc.N2Sol calc.NeSol calc.O2sol calc.POstar calc.pref.PO4 calc.ptemp calc.rho calc.schmidt.number calc.seawater.compressibility calc.sigma.theta conv.cond.to.sal conv.einstein.to.watt conv.p.to.d conv.uM.to.ml conv.watt.to.einstein plot.TS

## Set of useful R functions for the calculation of some physical ocean properties
## or other physically oriented features
## Author: Thomas Bryce Kelly (tbk14 at fsu.edu)
## http://about.tkelly.org/
## Dept of Earth, Ocean & Atmospherical Sciences
## Florida State University
## Center for Ocean & Atmospheric Prediction Studies
## Florida State University
## National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
## Florida State University

###### Equations of State  ##########

#' @title Calculate Argon Solubility
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @description Calculate Argon solubility in seawater. Should return a value of 13.46 in 10 degree water in 35 PSU water.
#' @param S Salinity in PSU
#' @param Tmp Temperature
#' @export
calc.ArSol = function(S = 35, Tmp = 10, verbose = T) {

  if (verbose) {message('Calculating Argon solubility in seawater.\n Check value at 35 PSU and 10C = 13.46 [umol kg-1].\n Units: [umol kg-1].')}

  # convert Tmp to scaled temperature
  Ts = log((298.15 - Tmp) / (273.15 + Tmp))

  A.0 = 2.79150
  A.1 = 3.17609
  A.2 = 4.13116
  A.3 = 4.90379
  B.0 = -6.96233e-3
  B.1 = -7.66670e-3
  B.2 = -1.16888e-2

  ## Calcualte ln(C)
  lnC = A.0 + A.1 * Ts + A.2 * Ts^2 + A.3 * Ts^3 + S * (B.0 + B.1 * Ts + B.2 * Ts^2)

  exp(lnC) # umol/kg

#' @title Calculate N2 Solubility
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @description Calculate the N2 solubility in seawater.
#' @param S Salinity (numeric or a vector) in PSU
#' @param Tmp Temperature (numeric or a vector) in centigrade
#' @export
calc.N2Sol = function(S = 35, Tmp = 10, verbose = T) {

  if (verbose) {message('Calculating N2 solubility in seawater.\n Check value at 35 PSU and 10C = 500.885 [umol kg-1].\n Units: [umol kg-1].')}

  # convert T to scaled temperature
  Ts = log((298.15 - Tmp) / (273.15 + Tmp))

  A.0 = 6.42931
  A.1 = 2.92704
  A.2 = 4.32531
  A.3 = 4.69149
  B.0 = -7.44129e-3
  B.1 = -8.02566e-3
  B.2 = -1.46775e-2

  ## Calcualte ln(C)
  lnC = A.0 + A.1 * Ts + A.2 * Ts^2 + A.3 * Ts^3 + S * (B.0 + B.1 * Ts + B.2 * Ts^2)

  exp(lnC) # umol/kg

#' @title Calculate Neon Solubility
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @description Calculates the Neon solubility in seawater based on salinity and temperature
#' @references Hamme & Emerseon 2004 (Table 4)
#' @param S Salinity in PSU
#' @param Tmp Temperature in centigrade
#' @export
calc.NeSol = function(S = 35, Tmp = 10, verbose = T) {

  if (verbose) {message('Calculating Neon solubility in seawater.\n Check value at 35 PSU and 10C = 7.34121e-3 [umol kg-1].\n Units: [umol kg-1].\n Reference: Hamme and Emerseon (2004, Table 4)')}

  # convert T to scaled temperature
  Ts = log((298.15 - Tmp) / (273.15 + Tmp))

  ## Coefficients for Ar from Hamme & Emerseon 2004 (Table 4)
  A.0 = 2.18156
  A.1 = 1.29108
  A.2 = 2.12504
  A.3 = 0
  B.0 = -5.94737e-3
  B.1 = -5.13896e-3
  B.2 = 0

  ## Calcualte ln(C)
  lnC = A.0 + A.1 * Ts + A.2 * Ts^2 + A.3 * Ts^3 + S * (B.0 + B.1 * Ts + B.2 * Ts^2) # nmol/kg

  exp(lnC) * 1e-3 # umol/kg

#' @title Calcualte O2 Solubility
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @param S Salinity in PSU
#' @param Tmp Temperature in centigrade
#' @export
calc.O2sol = function(S = 35, Tmp = 10, verbose = T) { ## umol Kg-1

  if (verbose) {message('Calculating O2 solubility in seawater.\n Check value at 35 PSU and 10C = 274.61 [umol kg-1].\n Units: [umol kg-1].\n Reference: Garcia and Gordon 9Table 1) for the fit to Benson and Krause (1984)')}

  # convert T to scaled temperature
  Ts = log((298.15 - Tmp) / (273.15 + Tmp))

    # constants from Table 1 of Garcia & Gordon for the fit to Benson and Krause (1984)
    A.0 = 5.80871
    A.1 = 3.20291
    A.2 = 4.17887
    A.3 = 5.10006
    A.4 = -9.86643e-2
    A.5 = 3.80369

    B.0 = -7.01577e-3
    B.1 = -7.70028e-3
    B.2 = -1.13864e-2
    B.3 = -9.51519e-3

    C.0 = -2.75915e-7

    A.calc = A.0 + A.1*Ts + A.2*Ts^2 + A.3*Ts^3 + A.4*Ts^4 + A.5*Ts^5
    B.calc = B.0 + B.1*Ts + B.2*Ts^2 + B.3*Ts^3

    if (verbose) { message(Sys.time(), ': Calculating O2 Solubility (umol O2 kg-1) with check value (S=35, Tmp=10) of 274.61') }

    ## (umol / kg)
    exp(A.calc + S * B.calc + C.0 * S^2)

#' @title Calculate Density
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @param S Salinity in PSU
#' @param Tmp Temperature in centigrade, provide potential temperature for potential density.
#' @param p Pressure in db, set p=0 for potential density
#' @references Massel 2015
#' @export
calc.rho = function(S = 30, Tmp = 15, P = 0, verbose = T) {
    a.0 = 999.842594
    a.1 = 6.793953e-2
    a.2 = -9.095290e-3
    a.3 = 1.001685e-4
    a.4 = -1.120083e-6
    a.5 = 6.536332e-9
    rho.smow = a.0 + a.1*Tmp + a.2*Tmp^2 + a.3*Tmp^3 + a.4*Tmp^4 + a.5*Tmp^5

    b.0 = 8.2449e-1
    b.1 = -4.0899e-3
    b.2 = 7.6438e-5
    b.3 = -8.2467e-7
    b.4 = 5.3875e-9
    B.1 = b.0 + b.1*Tmp + b.2*Tmp^2 + b.3*Tmp^3 + b.4*Tmp^4

    c.0 = -5.7246e-3
    c.1 = 1.0227e-4
    c.2 = -1.6546e-6
    d.0 = 4.8314e-4
    C.1 = c.0 + c.1*Tmp + c.2*Tmp^2

    if (verbose) { message('Calculating seawater density based on in situ Tmp, S and pressure.\n For potential density set p = 0 regardless of in situ pressure and provide potential temperature.\n Units: [kg m-3] \n Paramterization given in Massel 2015.') }

    rho = rho.smow + B.1 * S + C.1 * S^1.5 + d.0 * S^2
    rho / (1 - 0.1 * P / calc.seawater.compressibility(S, Tmp, P/10, verbose = verbose))

#' @title Calculate Seawater Compressibility (module)
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @param P Pressure in bar
#' @references https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/bbm%3A978-3-319-18908-6%2F1.pdf
calc.seawater.compressibility = function(S = 8, Tmp = 10, P = 10, verbose = T) {
  e0 = 19652.210000
  e1 = 148.420600
  e2 = -2.327105
  e3 = 1.360477e-2
  e4 = -5.155288e-5

  Kw = e0 + e1 * Tmp + e2 * Tmp^2 + e3 * Tmp^3 + e4 * Tmp^4

  f0 = 54.674600
  f1 = -0.603459
  f2 = 1.099870e-2
  f3 = -6.167000e-5

  F1 = f0 + f1 * Tmp + f2 * Tmp^2 + f3 * Tmp^3

  g0 = 7.9440e-2
  g1 = 1.6483e-2
  g2 = -5.3009e-4

  G1 = g0 + g1 * Tmp + g2 * Tmp^2

  ## Calculate module at surface
  K0 = Kw + F1 * S + G1 * S^1.5

  #### Pressure Correction
  h0 = 3.23990
  h1 = 1.43713e-3
  h2 = 1.16092e-4
  h3 = -5.77905e-7
  i0 = 2.28380e-3
  i1 = -1.09810e-5
  i2 = -1.6078e-6
  j0 = 1.91075e-4

  Aw = h0 + h1 * Tmp + h2 * Tmp^2 + h3 * Tmp^3
  A1 = Aw + (i0 + i1 * Tmp + i2 * Tmp^2) * S + j0 * S^1.5

  k0 = 8.50935e-5
  k1 = -6.12293e-6
  k2 = 5.27870e-8

  m0 = -9.9348e-7
  m1 = 2.0816e-8
  m2 = 9.1697e-10

  Bw = k0 + k1*Tmp + k2*Tmp^2
  B2 = Bw + (m0 + m1*Tmp + m2*Tmp^2) * S

  ## Module at pressure P
  K = K0 + A1 * P + B2 * P^2

  if (verbose) {
    message('Module of compressibility for Seawater calcualted from UNESCO 1981. Check value for 8PSU, 10C, 0bar = 21351.408.')
    #message('\tKw = ', Kw[1])
    #message('\tA1 = ', A1[1])
    #message('\tB2 = ', B2[1])
    #message('\tK = ', K[1])


#' @title Calculate Adiabatic Temperature Gradient
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @param P Pressure in db
#' @param S Salinity in PSU
#' @param Tmp Temperature in centigrade
calc.adiabatic.temp.grad = function(S, Tmp, P, verbose = T) {
  if (verbose) {message(' calcualting Adiabatic Temperture Gradient.')}

  T68 = 1.00024 * Tmp

  a0 =  3.5803e-5
  a1 = 8.5258e-6
  a2 = -6.836e-8
  a3 =  6.6228e-10

  b0 = 1.8932e-6
  b1 = -4.2393e-8

  c0 = 1.8741e-8
  c1 = -6.7795e-10
  c2 = 8.733e-12
  c3 = -5.4481e-14

  d0 = -1.1351e-10
  d1 =  2.7759e-12

  e0 = -4.6206e-13
  e1 = +1.8676e-14
  e2 = -2.1687e-16

  ADTG = a0 + (a1 + (a2 + a3 * T68) * T68) * T68 + (b0 + b1 * T68) * (S-35)
  + ((c0 + (c1 + (c2 + c3 * T68) * T68) * T68) + (d0 + d1 * T68) * (S-35)) * P
  + (e0 + (e1 + e2 * T68) * T68 ) * P^2


#' @title Calculate Potential Temperature
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @param S Salinity in PSU
#' @param Tmp Temperature in centigrade
#' @param P Sample pressure in db
#' @param P.ref Reference pressure, typically 0 db (surface).
#' @export
calc.ptemp = function(S, Tmp, P, P.ref, verbose = T) {
    ## Calculates the potential temperature
  if (verbose) {message(' Calculating Potential temperture based on adiabatic temperature gradient between in situ pressure and reference pressure (RK4).')}
    del.P  = P.ref - P
    del.th = del.P * calc.adiabatic.temp.grad(S, Tmp, P, verbose = verbose)
    th     = Tmp * 1.00024 + 0.5 * del.th
    q      = del.th

    ## theta2
    del.th = del.P * calc.adiabatic.temp.grad(S, th/1.00024, P + 0.5 * del.P, verbose = verbose)
    th     = th + (1 - 1 / sqrt(2)) * (del.th - q)
    q      = (2-sqrt(2)) * del.th + (-2 + 3/sqrt(2)) * q

    ## theta3
    del.th = del.P * calc.adiabatic.temp.grad(S, th / 1.00024, P + 0.5 * del.P, verbose = verbose)
    th     = th + (1 + 1/sqrt(2)) * (del.th - q)
    q      = (2 + sqrt(2)) * del.th + (-2 - 3/sqrt(2)) * q

    ## theta4
    del.th = del.P * calc.adiabatic.temp.grad(S, th/1.00024, P + del.P, verbose = verbose)

    ## Potential Temperature
    (th + (del.th - 2 * q)/6) / 1.00024

#' @title Calculate Potential Density Anomaly
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @description Function to calculate potential density anomaly from T, S and pressure. Comonly called sigma-theta, potential density anomaly is a useful water mass tracer due to conservation of potential density due to adiabatic processes.
#' @param S Salinity in PSU
#' @param Tmp Temperature in centigrade
#' @param P Sample pressure in db
#' @param P.ref Reference pressure, typically 0 db (surface).
#' @examples
#' calc.sigma.theta(S = 35, Tmp = 8, P = 350)
#' @export
calc.sigma.theta = function(S, Tmp, P, P.ref = 0, verbose = T) {

  if (verbose) {message(Sys.time(), ': Calculating sigma_theta from potential density - 1000.')}
    ## Potential density anomaly
    calc.rho(S = S, Tmp = calc.ptemp(S = S, Tmp = Tmp, P = P, P.ref= P.ref, verbose = verbose), P = P.ref, verbose = verbose) - 1000

#' @title Convert Oxygen Units
#' @export
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @references https://ocean.ices.dk/tools/unitconversion.aspx
conv.uM.to.ml = function(x, rev = FALSE, verbose = T) {
  if (rev) {
    if (verbose) {message('Converting oxygen from ml/l to uM')}
  if (verbose) {message('Converting oxygen from uM to ml/l')}
  return(x * 0.022391)

#' @title Convert Conductivity to Salinity
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @description Convert from conductivity observations to the seawater salinity.
#' @param C Conductivity in uS cm-1
#' @param Tmp Temperature in centigrade
#' @export
conv.cond.to.sal = function(C = 10000, Tmp = 10, verbose = T) {

  if (verbose) {message(Sys.time(), ': Converting conductivity to salinity.\n Units in: [uS cm-1]\n Units out: [ppt salinity]\n Check Value at 10000 uS cm-1 and 10 C: 8.122 ppt')}
    ## Convert conductivity in uS/cm to ppt salinity.

    a0 = 0.008
    a1 = -0.1692


    r = C / 42914
    r = r / (c0 + Tmp*(c1 + Tmp*(c2 +Tmp *(c3 +Tmp*c4))))

    r2 = r ^ 0.5
    ds = b0 + r2*(b1 + r2*(b2 + r2*(b3 + r2*(b4 + r2*b5))))
    ds = ds * (Tmp - 15) / (1 + 0.0162*(Tmp - 15))

    sal = a0 + r2*(a1 + r2*(a2 + r2*(a3 + r2*(a4 + r2*a5)))) + ds

    ## Check value = 8.122 ppt

#' @title Convert Pressure to Depth
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @description Convert between pressure and depth using UNESCO 1983 coefficients.
#' @references UNESCO 1983
#' @param p Pressure in db
#' @param latitude Latitude in degrees N
#' @param geo.anom Geopotential anomaly in meters
#' @param d Depth in meters, NULL unless using the function in reverse
#' @param rev Run the function in reverse? (i.e. Depth -> Pressure)
#' @import polynom
#' @export
conv.p.to.d = function(p=1e4, latitude = 30, geo.anom = 0, d = NULL, rev = FALSE, verbose = T) {
  if (verbose & !rev) {message('Converting P to D.\n Reference: UNESCO 1983\n Check value at 10000 db, 30 deg North, and 0 m: 9712.653 m\n Units in: [db, degree, m] \n Units Out: [m]')}
  if (verbose & rev) {message('Converting D to P.\n Reference: UNESCO 1983\n Check value at 10000 db, 30 deg North, and 0 m: 9712.653 m\n Units out: [db] \n Units In: [m, degree, m]')}
  ## UNESCO 1983
    ## geo.anom in J/Kg
    ## Check Value:
    ## DEPTH = 9712.653 M for P=10000 DECIBARS, LAT=30 DEG, DEL=0

    ## Specific volume
    a1 = 9.72659
    a2 = -2.2512e-5
    a3 = 2.279e-10
    a4 = -1.82e-15

    V = a1 * p + a2 * p^2 + a3 * p^3 + a4 * p^4

    ## Gravitational Variation
    b2 = 5.2788e-3
    b4 = 2.36e-5
    r = latitude * 3.1415926535 / 180

    g = 9.880318 * (1 + b2 * sin(r)^2 + b4 * sin(r)^4)

    if (rev) {
        ans = rep(NA, length(d))

        for (i in 1:length(d)) {
            V = (d - geo.anom/9.8) * g
            p = solve(polynom::polynomial(c(-V[i],a1, a2, a3, a4)))
            p = Re(p)
            ans[i] = p[which(p > 0 & p < 2 * d[i])]

    ## Return
    V/g + geo.anom/9.8

#' @title Calculate AOU
#' @export
#' @param Tmp temperature
#' @param S salinity
#' @param P pressure
#' @param oxy oxygen in umol kg-1
calc.AOU = function(Tmp, S, P, oxy, verbose = T) { #T = Celcius, P = dbar, P, oxy = umol kg-1
  if (verbose) {message('Claculating AOU [umol kg-1] based on O2 saturation state.')}
  Osat = calc.O2sol(S = S, Tmp = Tmp, verbose = verbose) ##uM
  Osat = (Osat*1000) / calc.rho(S=S, Tmp=Tmp, P = P, verbose = verbose) #convert to umol kg-1
  Osat - oxy

#' @title Calculate Phosphate Star (PO4Star)
#' @export
#' @references broeker and peng 1998
calc.POstar = function(Oxy, PO4, R = 1/175, verbose = T){ ## using defined redfield. #umol kg
  if (verbose) {message('Calcualting PO4_star based on oxygen and phosphate concentrations (umol kg-1) with a stoichmetric ratio of ', R, '\n Reference: Broeker and Peng 1998\n Units: [umol kg-1]')}
  PO4 + oxy*R - 1.95

#' @title Calculate Preformed Phosphate
#' @export
#' @references broeker and peng 1998
calc.pref.PO4 = function(AOU, PO4, R = 1/175, verbose = T){ #umol kg (calculate preformed PO4)
  if (verbose) {message('Calcualting Preformed PO4 based on AOU and phosphate concentrations (umol kg-1) with a stoichmetric ratio of ', R, '\n Reference: Broeker and Peng 1998\n Units: [umol kg-1]')}

  PO4 - R * AOU

##### Air Sea Gas Exchange  #########

#' @title Calculate Schmidt Number
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @description Calcualtes the schmidt number for seawater at a given temperature.
#' @references Wanninkhof, R. (2014). Relationship between wind speed and gas exchange over the ocean revisited: Gas exchange and wind speed over the ocean. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 12, 351–362. doi:10.4319/lom.2014.12.351.
#' @param SST Water temperature in degree centigrade
#' @export
calc.schmidt.number = function(SST, verbose = T) {
if (verbose) {message('Calculating Schmidt Number based on temperature (assuming seawater and Oxygen).\n Reference: Wannikhof (2014)')}
    ## Parameters of fit from Wannikhof 2014.
    # Coefficients for Least Squares Forth Order Polynomial fits of Schmidt Number vs Temperature for
    # Seawater (35ppt) ranging from -2 to 40C. Below is for O2 in seawater:
    a = 1920.4
    b = -135.6
    c = 5.2122
    d = -0.10939
    e = 0.00093777

    ## Calculate the Schmidt Number
    a + b*SST + c*(SST^2) + d*(SST^3) + e*(SST^4)

#' @title Calculate k
#' @description Calculate k (aka piston velocity) for a given windspeed and water temperature.
#' @references Wanninkhof, R. (2014). Relationship between wind speed and gas exchange over the ocean revisited: Gas exchange and wind speed over the ocean. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 12, 351–362. doi:10.4319/lom.2014.12.351.
#' @references Wanninkhof, R. (1992). Relationship between wind speed and gas exchange over the ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research 97, 7373. doi:10.1029/92JC00188.
#' @references Sweeney, C., Gloor, E., Jacobson, A. R., Key, R. M., McKinley, G., Sarmiento, J. L., et al. (2007). Constraining global air-sea gas exchange for CO 2 with recent bomb 14 C measurements: BOMB 14 C AND AIR-SEA GAS EXCHANGE. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 21, n/a-n/a. doi:10.1029/2006GB002784.
#' @export
#### Calcualtes k
calc.k = function(u, SST, verbose = T) { # m/d

  if (verbose) {message('Calculates the gas-exchange coefficient based on wind speed at 10m and SST.\n Reference: Wanninkhov (2014)\n Units in: [m s-1], [C]\n Units Out: [m s-1]')}
    ## Based on scaling estimate using 14C bomb data, 0.27
    #0.27 * u^2 / sqrt(schmidt.number(SST)/660) * (24/100)  ## Sweeny et al

    ## "Relationship should be applicable to deduce gas transfer velocities at steady winds
    # using shipboard anemometers"
    #0.31 * u^2 / sqrt(schmidt.number(SST)/660) * (24/100) # Wanninkov 1992

    ## Wanninkov 2014
    0.251 * u^2 / sqrt(calc.schmidt.number(SST, verbose = verbose) / 660) * (24/100) # Improvement over Sweeney 2007.

#' @title Calculate k (Reuer)
#' @description This function calculates the temporal length scale of the NCP measurement, aka a piston velocity (m/d). Essentially it calculates the ventilation based on water column and wind speed over a sequence of wind speed measurements (at 10 m height).
#' @param time the time at which you are calculating k for
#' @param wtime a vector of times at which a wind speed is recorded
#' @param wspeed a vector of prior windspeeds ordered from most recent to oldest
#' @param mld mixed layer depth in meters
#' @param SST mixed layer temperature in C
#' @param teeter.mod a boolean flag to turn on or off the modified version of Reuer's weighting scheme as outlined in Teeter et al. 2018.
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @references Reuer, M. K., Barnett, B. A., Bender, M. L., Falkowski, P. G., and Hendricks, M. B. (2007). New estimates of Southern Ocean biological production rates from O2/Ar ratios and the triple isotope composition of O2. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 54, 951–974. doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2007.02.007.
#' @references Teeter, L., Hamme, R. C., Ianson, D., and Bianucci, L. (2018). Accurate Estimation of Net Community Production From O 2 /Ar Measurements. Global Biogeochem. Cycles. doi:10.1029/2017GB005874.
#' @export
#' @keywords Air-sea Oceanography NCP
#' @return It will return a list with the individual weights and weighted sum (for dianostics), the k value (that you want, m/d), the instantaneous k (also useful, m/d), k.hist showing the history of k values (diagnostic), and time is time before measurement that each diagnostic is referenced against (for diagnostics, d).
calc.k.reuer = function(time, wtime, wspeed, mld, SST, teeter.mod = TRUE, verbose = T) { ## m d-1
  if (is.na(mld)) {
    return(list(dt = NA,
                weights = NA,
                w.sum = NA,
                k = NA,
                k.inst = NA,
                k.hist = NA,
                time = 0,
                integration.time = 0)
  ## Start
  weights = rep(1, length(wspeed)) # initialize to weights of 1
  k.result = calc.k(wspeed, SST) # k's for each time point (m/d)

  dt = as.numeric(difftime(time, wtime, units = 'days')) # positive values are before
  dt = c(dt[1], diff(dt)) # delta time between each point

  if (length(wspeed) > 1) {
    ## Loop through and sequentially calculate the transfer velocities and weighting of ventilation
    for (i in 2:length(wspeed)) {
      ## Calculate the weighting per Reuer et al. (2007)
      f = max(0, min(k.result[i-1] * dt[i] / mld, 1))
      weights[i] = weights[i-1] * (1 - f)
  w = sum(weights)
  weights = weights / w ## Normalize

  if (any(is.na(weights))) { warning('Weights contain an NA, check data for problems!')}
  #### Final Calculations
  if (teeter.mod) { k.final = sum(weights * k.result, na.rm = TRUE) }
  else { k.final = sum(weights * k.result, na.rm = TRUE) / (1 - weigths[length(weights)]) }

  tau = NA
  tau = approx(cumsum(weights), cumsum(dt), 0.9, rule = 2)$y

  list(dt = dt,
       weights = weights,
       w.sum = w,
       k = k.final,
       k.inst = k.result[1],
       k.hist = k.result,
       time = cumsum(dt),
       integration.time = tau)

#' @title Make TS Plot
#' @export
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
plot.TS = function(S, Tmp,
                   xlim = c(25,36),
                   ylim = c(-5, 15),
                   levels = seq(0, 40, by = 2),
                   cex.lab = 1,
                   drawlabels = TRUE,
                   labels = NULL,
                   freezing.line = T,
                   freezing.col = '#00000030',
                   col.contour = 'grey',
                   lwd = 1, lty = 1,
                   xlab = 'Practical Salinity',
                   ylab = 'Potential Temperature',
                   pch = 1,
                   col = 'black',
                   cex = 1,
                   main = NULL) {

  TT = seq(ylim[1], ylim[2], length.out = 100)
  SS = seq(xlim[1], xlim[2], length.out = 100)
  grid = expand.grid(S = SS, Tmp = TT)
  sigma = calc.sigma.theta(S = grid$S, Tmp = grid$Tmp, P = 0, P.ref = 0, verbose = F)

  contour(x = SS, y = TT, z = matrix(sigma, nrow = 100), levels = levels, lwd = lwd, lty = lty, col = col.contour,
          xaxs = 'i', yaxs = 'i', xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
          labcex = cex.lab, drawlabels = drawlabels, labels = labels)
  points(S, Tmp, pch = pch, col = col, cex = cex)

  if (freezing.line) {
    x = seq(xlim[1], xlim[2], length.out = 1000)
    y = calc.freezing.point(x, 0)
    polygon(x = c(x, rev(x)), c(y, rep(-100, length(x))), col = freezing.col, border = NA, density = 20)

######  Light Formulas   ##########

#' @description (6.02e23 quanta/Ein) / (86,400 seconds/day * 2.77e18 quanta/s/W)
#' @title Convert Light Units
#' @export
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @references Unit conversions as listed by MBARI: https://www3.mbari.org/bog/nopp/par.html
conv.einstein.to.watt = function(x, verbose = T) {
    x * 6.02e23 / 2.77e18

#' @description (6.02e23 quanta/Ein) / (86,400 seconds/day * 2.77e18 quanta/s/W)
#' @title Convert Light Units
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @export
#' @references Unit conversions as listed by MBARI: https://www3.mbari.org/bog/nopp/par.html
conv.watt.to.einstein = function(x, verbose = T) {
    x * 2.77e18 / 6.02e23

#' @title Calculate MLD
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @param depth depth
#' @param density the density of the seawater. Alternatively, if using a temperature based MLD definition, the temperature of the seawater.
#' @param set.depth the depth from which the mixed layer character is defined
#' @param delta the difference from the mixed layer signal that defines the end of the mixed layer.
#' @param resolution the resolution of the vertical interpolation for when calculating the MLD.
#' @return returns the depth where the signal has changed from set.depth by >= delta.
#' @export
calc.mld = function(depth, density, set.depth = 10, delta = 0.1, resolution = 0.1, verbose = T) {

    depth.new = seq(set.depth, 120, by = 0.1) ## 0.1 meter resolution
    density.new = approx(depth, density, xout = depth.new, rule = 2)$y

    l = which(density.new >= density.new[1] + delta)

    if (length(l) < 1) {
        warning('No MLD found! Returning NA.')


#' @title Calculate Freezing Point in Seawater
#' @export
calc.freezing.point = function(S, p, f = 0, verbose = T) {
  ## Constants
  c0 = 0.002519
  c1 = -5.946302841607319
  c2 =  4.136051661346983
  c3 = -1.115150523403847e1
  c4 =  1.476878746184548e1
  c5 = -1.088873263630961e1
  c6 =  2.96101883964073
  c7 = -7.433320943962606
  c8 = -1.561578562479883
  c9 =  4.073774363480365e-2
  c10 =  1.158414435887717e-2
  c11 = -4.122639292422863e-1
  c12 = -1.123186915628260e-1
  c13 =  5.715012685553502e-1
  c14 =  2.021682115652684e-1
  c15 =  4.140574258089767e-2
  c16 = -6.034228641903586e-1
  c17 = -1.205825928146808e-2
  c18 = -2.812172968619369e-1
  c19 =  1.877244474023750e-2
  c20 = -1.204395563789007e-1
  c21 =  2.349147739749606e-1
  c22 =  2.748444541144219e-3

  ## Rescale
  SA_r = S * 1e-2
  x = sqrt(SA_r)
  p_r = p * 1e-4

  tf.1 = c0 + SA_r * (c1 + x * (c2 + x * (c3 + x * (c4 + x * (c5 + c6 * x)))))
  tf.2 =  p_r * (c7 + p_r * (c8 + c9 * p_r))
  tf.3 =  SA_r * p_r * (c10 + p_r * (c12 + p_r * (c15 + c21 * SA_r)) + SA_r * (c13 + c17 * p_r + c19 * SA_r) +
                          x * (c11 + p_r * (c14 + c18 * p_r)  + SA_r * (c16 + c20 * p_r + c22 * SA_r)))
  tf = tf.1 + tf.2 + tf.3

  t_freezing = tf - f * (1e-3) * (2.4 - S / 70.33008) ## Adjust for fraction of air

tbrycekelly/TheSource documentation built on Nov. 7, 2023, 12:48 a.m.