qcUniformClusters: Computing of the fraction of cluster with uniform phenotypes

qcUniformClustersR Documentation

Computing of the fraction of cluster with uniform phenotypes


The 'qcUniformClusters()' function allows to report as PDF files 2 kinds of information. Firstly, the identification of clusters having non-unimodal marker expression densities is performs using a Hartigan's dip test. Secondly, markers of cluster having a large spread of expressions (above a threshold) are identified.

If all the clustering marker expressions of a cluster checks this assessments (depending of the 'uniform.test' parameter), the cluster is considered as uniform.


qcUniformClusters(Results, clusters = NULL,
  only.clustering_markers = FALSE, uniform.test = "both",
  th.pvalue = 0.05, th.IQR = 2,
  density.PDFfile = "qcUniformClusters_density.pdf",
  density.PDFfile.dim = c(17, 10),
  heatmap.PDFfile = "qcUniformClusters_heatmap.pdf",
  heatmap.PDFfile.dim = c(length(Results@marker.names),
  length(Results@cluster.names)/4), tile.color = "black",
  verbose = TRUE, ...)



a Results object (with 'flowset' slot not null)


a character vector containing the clusters names to be computed (by default all clusters will be computed)


a logical specifying if only clustering marker densities must be displayed.


a character specifying the qc assessment to perform


a numeric value specifying the pvalue threshold of the Hartigan's dip test (multimodal if p.value < th.pvalue)


a numeric value specifying the IQR (interquartile range) threshold to assume a distribution as uniform


a character specifying the output path of the marker expression density plots (or NULL to avoid this step)


a numeric vector specifying the width and the height of the density PDF file


a character specifying the output path of the marker expression accuracy heatmap (or NULL to avoid this step)


a numeric vector specifying the width and the height of the heatmap PDF file


a character specifying the border color of the tiles (NA to remove tile borders)


a boolean specifying if some messages must be displayed during the generation of the qc report


supplemental parameters passed to the dip.test function


The test of multimodal distribution is performs using a Hartigan's dip test. The null hypothesis of this test assume the distribution as unimodal Supplemental parameters passed to the dip.test function are ('simulate.p.value' and 'B'). 'simulate.p.value' is a logical indicating whether to compute p-values by Monte Carlo simulation (FALSE by default). 'B' is an integer specifying the number of replicates used in the Monte Carlo test (2000 by default).

The spread of a marker expression is considered as high if the IQR (interquartile range) is higher than a provided threshold th.IQR.

The 'uniform.test' parameter can take 3 values: "unimodality": check if the distribution of the marker expression is unimodal or not using a Hartigans dip test "spread": check if the spread of the marker expression is below an IQR threshold (interquantile range) "both": check "unimodality" and "spread"


a list containing a numeric (perc numeric element) specifying the percentage of clusters having only uniform clustering marker expressions and a dataframe (accuracy.matrix element) specifying if each marker of each cluster is uniform or not.

tchitchek-lab/SPADEVizR documentation built on Jan. 27, 2024, 8:58 p.m.