
library( dwd2r )
library( RCurl )
context( "Checking the data import via the API of the German weather service" )

## Only apply those tests when the computer has a working connection
## to the internet and can reach the FTP server of the DWD.
## Also just apply those test on Linux based systems. At least the
## *winbuilder* servers of CRAN are unable to properly download the
## zip file. It's always damaged and it's very painful to debug this
## non-reproducible behavior. If someone has a Windows machine or does
## know someone who has, I would be happy to hear some remarks/pull
## requests !
if ( RCurl::url.exists( "fsfe.org" ) &&
     .Platform$OS.type == "unix" ) {
  test_that( "The FTP server of the DWD is still reachable", {
    expect_true( RCurl::url.exists( "ftp://ftp-cdc.dwd.de" ) )
  } )
  url.recent <- "ftp://ftp-cdc.dwd.de/pub/CDC/observations_germany/climate/daily/kl/recent/"
  url.historical <- "ftp://ftp-cdc.dwd.de/pub/CDC/observations_germany/climate/daily/kl/historical/"
  ## individual files to be downloaded
  files.recent <- strsplit(
      RCurl::getURL( url.recent, followlocation = TRUE,
                    dirlistonly = TRUE ), "\n" )
  files.historical <- strsplit(
      RCurl::getURL( url.historical, followlocation = TRUE,
                    dirlistonly = TRUE ), "\n" )
  files.recent.length <- length( files.recent[[ 1 ]] )

  test_that( "DWD FTP still provides the files I need and RCurl gets them right", {
    expect_equal( class( files.recent ), "list" )
    expect_equal( class( files.historical ), "list" )
    expect_equal( class( files.recent[[ 1 ]] ), "character" )
    expect_equal( class( files.historical[[ 1 ]] ), "character" )
  test_that( "there is one description file provided by the DWD", {
    expect_equal( length( grep( "Beschreibung", files.recent[[ 1 ]] ) ), 1 )
    expect_equal( length( grep( "Beschreibung", files.historical[[ 1 ]] ) ), 1 )
  test_that( "more than 100 stations are provided as zip files by the DWD", {
    expect_true( length( grep( ".zip", files.recent[[ 1 ]] ) ) > 100 )
    expect_true( length( grep( ".zip", files.historical[[ 1 ]] ) ) > 100 )
  test_that( "the sample tried in the next step is actually a .zip file too", {
    expect_match( files.recent[[ 1 ]][ files.recent.length ], ".zip" )

  ## download a sample
  dir.create( "download-test-funny-name-nobody-would-choose" )
  current.working.directory <- getwd()
  setwd( "download-test-funny-name-nobody-would-choose" )
  current.warning.level <- getOption( "warn" )
  options( warn = 2 )
             paste0( url.recent,
                    files.recent[[ 1 ]][ files.recent.length ] ),
             destfile = "test.zip", quiet = TRUE )
  utils::unzip( "test.zip" )
  test_that( "DWD's zip files content has not changed", {
    expect_equal( length( grep( "produkt", list.files() ) ), 1 )
  data.file <- list.files()[ grep( "produkt", list.files() ) ]
  data <-
               data.file, header = TRUE, sep = ";" )
  test_that( "data format provided by the DWD is still the same", {
    expect_equal( ncol( data ), 19 )
    expect_equal( names( data ),
                 c( "STATIONS_ID", "MESS_DATUM", "QN_3", "FX", "FM", "QN_4",
                   "RSK", "RSKF", "SDK", "SHK_TAG", "NM", "VPM", "PM", "TMK",
                   "UPM", "TXK", "TNK", "TGK", "eor" ) )

  ## download description and format the description file
  ## this contains the information about the station (name,
  ## latitude and longitude) and is connected to the zip files
  ## via its ID
             paste0( url.recent,
                    files.recent[[ 1 ]][
                        grep( "Beschreibung", files.recent[[ 1 ]] ) ] ),
             destfile = "description.txt", quiet = TRUE )
  description <- utils::read.table( "description.txt", header = FALSE,
                                   sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                                   encoding = "UTF-8", skip = 2 )
  description <- split( description, seq( nrow( description ) ) )
  test_that( "description file is still provided the same way", {
    expect_equal( class( description ), "list" )
    expect_equal( class( description[[ 1 ]] ), "data.frame" )
    expect_equal( class( description[[ 1 ]][ 1, 1 ] ), "character" )
  description.content.all <- Reduce( c,strsplit( description[[ 1 ]][ 1, 1 ], " " ) )
  description.content <- description.content.all[ !description.content.all %in% "" ]
  test_that( "description file still starts with an integer ID", {
    expect_equal( floor( as.numeric( description.content[ 1 ] ) ) -
                  as.numeric( description.content[ 1 ] ), 0 )
  test_that( "description files features two dates as second and third values", {
    expect_equal( floor( as.numeric( description.content[ 2 ] ) ) -
                  as.numeric( description.content[ 2 ] ), 0 )
    expect_equal( floor( as.numeric( description.content[ 3 ] ) ) -
                  as.numeric( description.content[ 3 ] ), 0 )
    expect_true( as.numeric( description.content[ 2 ] ) > 18000000 )
    expect_true( as.numeric( description.content[ 3 ] ) > 18000000 )
  test_that( "the forth, fifth and sixth entry of the description file are numeric", {
    expect_true( all( !is.nan( as.numeric (
                           description.content[ 4 : 6 ] ) ) ) )
  test_that( "the last entry is an actual character string", {
    expect_warning( as.numeric( description.content[ 7 ] ) )
  ## cleanup
  setwd( current.working.directory )
  unlink( "download-test-funny-name-nobody-would-choose",
         recursive = TRUE )
  options( warn = current.warning.level )
theGreatWhiteShark/dwd2r documentation built on May 22, 2019, 2:26 p.m.