
Defines functions xvalDapc.genind xvalDapc.genlight xvalDapc.default .get.prop.pred .boot_dapc_pred .boot_group_sampler .group_sampler

Documented in xvalDapc.default xvalDapc.genind xvalDapc.genlight

#' @export
xvalDapc <- function (x, ...) UseMethod("xvalDapc")

## xvalDapc ##

# Return randomly sampled indices from a group.
# @param e group name
# @param vector of group assignments per sample
# @param training.set fraction of samples to be kept for validation
.group_sampler <- function(e, grp, training.set){
  group_e   <- grp == e 
  N_group_e <- sum(group_e)
  if (N_group_e < 2){
    # If the size of the group is less than two, then leave the whole thing in 
    # the training set
  } else {
    samp_group <- which(group_e)
    samp_size <- round(training.set * N_group_e)
    return(sample(samp_group, size = samp_size))    

# Function to subsample the data. This is to be used as the ran.gen function
# in the boot function. DATA is a data frame or matrix containing the samples,
# GRP is the group identities of the samples, PCA is the result of dudi.pca
# on the full data set, KEEP is the subset of samples based on the training
# set (mle). Note that this function only has two inputs, dat, and mle.
.boot_group_sampler <- function(dat = list(DATA = NULL, GRP = NULL, PCA = NULL, 
                                           KEEP = NULL), 
                                mle = NULL){
  to_keep    <- unlist(lapply(levels(dat$GRP), .group_sampler, dat$GRP, mle))
  dat$PCA$li <- dat$PCA$li[to_keep, , drop = FALSE]
  dat$KEEP   <- to_keep

# Function to pass to the "statistic" parameter of boot. This will subset the
# data, calculate the DAPC, give the predictions and return the results.
.boot_dapc_pred <- function(x, n.pca = n.pca, n.da = n.da, result = "overall"){
  if (length(x$KEEP) == nrow(x$DATA)){
    out <- 1
  } else {
    new_dat   <- x$DATA[-x$KEEP, ,drop = FALSE]
    train_dat <- x$DATA[x$KEEP, ,drop = FALSE]
    new_grp   <- x$GRP[-x$KEEP]
    train_grp <- x$GRP[x$KEEP]      
    dapclist <- list(train_dat,
                     n.pca = n.pca,
                     n.da = n.da,
                     dudi = x$PCA)
    temp.dapc <- suppressWarnings(do.call("dapc", dapclist))
    temp.dapc <- suppressWarnings(dapc(train_dat, train_grp, dudi = x$PCA, 
                                       n.pca = n.pca, n.da = n.da))
    temp.pred <- predict.dapc(temp.dapc, newdata = new_dat)
    if (identical(result, "overall")){
      out <- mean(temp.pred$assign == new_grp)
    if (identical(result, "groupMean")){
      out <- mean(tapply(temp.pred$assign == new_grp, new_grp, mean), na.rm = TRUE)

# Function that will actually do the bootstrapping. It will return a numeric
# vector with the successes ratios. Note that the ellipses are used to pass
# parameters to boot. When implemented in the xvalDapc function, this will allow
# the user to implement this in parallel. 
# @param n.pca number of pcs
# @param x data frame/matrix with samples in rows
# @param n.da number of das
# @param groups the names of each of the populations
# @param grp factor of group assignments per sample
# @param training.set fraction of samples used for training
# @param training.set2 NULL or largest possible fraction that can be obtained
# @param pcaX principal componenets
# @param result user's choice of result type
# @param reps the number of replicates per number of retained PCs
# @param ... methods to be passed on to boot such as parallel and ncores
## .get.prop.pred ##
.get.prop.pred <- function(n.pca, x, n.da, groups, grp, training.set, 
                           pcaX, result = "overall", reps = 100,
  bootlist      <- list(DATA = x, GRP = grp, PCA = pcaX, KEEP = 1:nrow(x))

  out <- boot::boot(bootlist, .boot_dapc_pred, sim = "parametric", R = reps,
                      ran.gen = .boot_group_sampler, mle = training.set, 
                      n.pca = n.pca, n.da = n.da, result = result, ...)$t      
  #   }
} # end .get.prop.pred

#' @method xvalDapc default
#' @export
xvalDapc.default <- function(x, grp, n.pca.max = 300, n.da = NULL, training.set = 0.9, 
                     result = c("groupMean", "overall"), center = TRUE, scale = FALSE, 
                     n.pca = NULL, n.rep = 30, xval.plot = TRUE, ...){
  ## CHECKS ##
  grp <- factor(grp)
  n.pca <- n.pca[n.pca > 0]
    n.da <- n.da
    n.da <- length(levels(grp))-1}
  #   if(missing(n.da)){
  #   n.da <- length(levels(grp))-1}
  #   if(is.null(n.da)){
  #     n.da <- length(levels(grp))-1} # want to fix this to make interactive n.da selection an option! 
  #   else{
  #     n.da <- n.da}
    training.set <- 0.9
    training.set <- training.set}
    n.rep <- 30
    n.rep <- n.rep}
    result <- "groupMean"
    if(length(result) > 1) result <- result[1]
    result <- result}

  N <- nrow(x)
  groups <- levels(grp)
  ## identify the sizes of groups
  group.n <- as.vector(table(grp))
  ## identify the smallest group size
  popmin <- min(group.n)
  ## check if any groups are of length 1:
  if(popmin == 1){
    singles <- which(group.n == 1)
    counter <- length(singles)
    ## get msg to print
    if(counter == 1){
      msg <- "1 group has only 1 member so it cannot be represented in both training and validation sets."
      msg <- paste(counter, "groups have only 1 member: these groups cannot be represented in both training and validation sets.") 
    ## exclude groups of length 1
    popmin <- min(group.n[-which(group.n==1)])        
  } # end if popmin ==1
  ## get training.set2 
  ## (ie. the max proportion we can use as training.set | smallest group)
  ## to be used as argument to .get.prop.pred
  training.set2 <- (popmin - 1)/popmin
  ## update training.set if needs reduction to accommodate small groups
  if(training.set2 < training.set) training.set <- training.set2
  ## get N.training | training.set 
  N.training <- round(N*training.set)
  ## GET FULL PCA ##
  if(missing(n.pca.max)) n.pca.max <- min(dim(x))
  if(length(n.pca.max > 1)) n.pca.max <- max(n.pca.max)

  pcaX      <- dudi.pca(x, nf=n.pca.max, scannf=FALSE, center=center, scale=scale)
  n.pca.max <- min(n.pca.max, pcaX$rank, N.training-1) # re-defines n.pca.max (so user's input may not be the value used...)
  if(n.pca.max < 10){
    runs <- n.pca.max
    runs <- 10}
    n.pca <- round(pretty(1:n.pca.max, runs))

  n.pca <- n.pca[n.pca>0 & n.pca<(N.training-1) & n.pca<n.pca.max]
  res.all <- unlist(lapply(n.pca, .get.prop.pred, x, n.da, groups, grp,
                           training.set, pcaX, result, 
                           n.rep, ...))
  xval <- data.frame(n.pca=rep(n.pca, each=n.rep), success=res.all)    
  n.pcaF <- as.factor(xval$n.pca)
  successV <- as.vector(xval$success)
  pca.success <- tapply(successV, n.pcaF, mean)
  n.opt <- which.max(tapply(successV, n.pcaF, mean))
  temp <- seq(from=1, to=length(xval$n.pca), by=n.rep)
  orary <-c(temp+(n.rep-1))
  index <-c(1:length(temp))
  lins <-sapply(index, function(e) seq(from=temp[e], to=orary[e]))
  lin <-c(1:ncol(lins))
  col <-successV
  cait<-sapply(lin, function(e) ((col[lins[,e]])-1)^2)
  FTW <-sapply(lin, function(e) sum(cait[,e])/n.rep)
  RMSE <- sqrt(FTW)
  names(RMSE) <- xval$n.pca[temp]
  ## if more than one n.pc give highest success, choose the largest one
  best.n.pca <- names(which(RMSE == min(RMSE)))
  if(length(best.n.pca) > 1) best.n.pca <- best.n.pca[length(best.n.pca)]
  # DAPC
  n.pca <- as.integer(best.n.pca)
  n.da <- nlevels(grp)-1
  dapc1 <- suppressWarnings(dapc(x, grp, n.pca=n.pca, n.da=n.da))
  snps <- x
  phen <- grp
  random <- replicate(300, mean(tapply(sample(phen)==phen, phen, mean)))
  q.phen <- quantile(random, c(0.025,0.5,0.975))
    smoothScatter(xval$n.pca, successV, nrpoints=Inf, pch=20, col=transp("black"),
                  ylim=c(0,1), xlab="Number of PCA axes retained",
                  ylab="Proportion of successful outcome prediction", 
                  main="DAPC Cross-Validation")
    abline(h=q.phen, lty=c(2,1,2))
  xvalResults <- list(xval, q.phen, pca.success, (names(n.opt)), RMSE, best.n.pca, dapc1)
  names(xvalResults)[[1]] <- "Cross-Validation Results"
  names(xvalResults)[[2]] <- "Median and Confidence Interval for Random Chance"
  names(xvalResults)[[3]] <- "Mean Successful Assignment by Number of PCs of PCA"
  names(xvalResults)[[4]] <- "Number of PCs Achieving Highest Mean Success"
  names(xvalResults)[[5]] <- "Root Mean Squared Error by Number of PCs of PCA"
  names(xvalResults)[[6]] <- "Number of PCs Achieving Lowest MSE"
  names(xvalResults)[[7]] <- "DAPC"
} # end xvalDapc.data.frame

#' @method xvalDapc data.frame
#' @export
xvalDapc.data.frame <- xvalDapc.default
#' @method xvalDapc matrix
#' @export
xvalDapc.matrix <- xvalDapc.data.frame
#' @method xvalDapc genlight
#' @export
xvalDapc.genlight <- function(x, ...){
  xvalDapc.matrix(as.matrix(x), ...)
#' @method xvalDapc genind
#' @export
xvalDapc.genind <- function(x, ...){
  xvalDapc.matrix(tab(x), ...)
thibautjombart/adegenet documentation built on Feb. 9, 2023, 5:50 p.m.