
#' @include classes.R

## ##############
## ## getHistory
## ##############
## setGeneric("getHistory", function(x,...) {
##     standardGeneric("getHistory")
## })

## setMethod("getHistory", "gGraph", function(x, ...) {
##     res <- x@history
##     return(res)
## })

## getGraph
setGeneric("getGraph", function(x, ...) {

setMethod("getGraph", "gGraph", function(x, ...) {
  res <- x@graph

setMethod("getGraph", "gData", function(x, ...) {
  if (!exists(x@gGraph.name, envir = .GlobalEnv)) stop(paste("gGraph object", x@gGraph.name, "not found."))
  res <- getGraph(get(x@gGraph.name, envir = .GlobalEnv))

## getNodesAttr
#' Get nodes attributes from gGraph/gData object
#' The function \code{getNodesAttr} returns the values of a set of variables
#' associated to the nodes (i.e. node attributes) of a \linkS4class{gGraph} or
#' \linkS4class{gData} object.
#' @aliases getNodesAttr getNodesAttr-methods getNodesAttr,gGraph-method
#' getNodesAttr,gData-method
#' @param x a valid \linkS4class{gGraph} or \linkS4class{gData} object.
#' @param nodes an optional integer, logical, or character string indicating
#' the subset of nodes to be used. If NULL, all nodes are used.
#' @param attr.name an optional character string indicating which node
#' attributes should be returned. If provided, it must match at least one of
#' the columns of \code{x@nodes.attr}.
#' @param \dots other arguments passed to other methods (currently unused).
#' @return A data.frame with the requested nodes attributes. Nodes are
#' displayed in rows, variables in columns.

#' @seealso Most other accessors are documented in \linkS4class{gGraph} and
#' \linkS4class{gData} manpages.\cr
#' @keywords utilities methods
#' @examples
#' ## gGraph method
#' head(getNodesAttr(worldgraph.40k))
#' ## gData method
#' getNodesAttr(hgdp)
#' @export
setGeneric("getNodesAttr", function(x, ...) {

#' @describeIn getNodesAttr Method for gGraph objects
#' @export
setMethod("getNodesAttr", "gGraph", function(x, nodes = NULL, attr.name = NULL, ...) {
  if (is.null(nodes)) { # no node specified -> all nodes kept
    nodes <- TRUE
  if (is.null(attr.name)) { # no attr specified -> all attr kept
    attr.name <- TRUE

  res <- x@nodes.attr[nodes, attr.name, drop = FALSE]


#' @describeIn getNodesAttr Method for gData objects
#' @export
setMethod("getNodesAttr", "gData", function(x, attr.name = NULL, ...) {
  if (is.null(attr.name)) { # no attr specified -> all attr kept
    attr.name <- TRUE

  myNodes <- getNodes(x)
  if (!exists(x@gGraph.name, .GlobalEnv)) stop("gGraph object not found in global environment.")
  mygGraph <- get(x@gGraph.name, envir = .GlobalEnv)

  res <- getNodesAttr(mygGraph, nodes = myNodes, attr.name = attr.name)


## getDates
## setGeneric("getDates", function(x, ...) {
##     standardGeneric("getDates")
## })

## setMethod("getDates", "gGraphHistory", function(x, ...) {
##     res <- x@dates
##     res <- as.POSIXct(res)
##     return(res)
## })

## setMethod("getDates", "gGraph", function(x, ...) {
##     res <- getDates(getHistory(x))
##     return(res)
## })

## getCoords
#' @export
setGeneric("getCoords", function(x, ...) {

#' @export
setMethod("getCoords", "gGraph", function(x, ...) {
  res <- x@coords

#' @export
setMethod("getCoords", "gData", function(x, original = TRUE, ...) {
  if (original) { # original coords
    res <- x@coords
  } else {
    res <- getCoords(get(x@gGraph.name, envir = .GlobalEnv))[getNodes(x), , drop = FALSE] #
  rownames(res) <- x@nodes.id

## getNodes
#' @export
setGeneric("getNodes", function(x, ...) {

#' @export
setMethod("getNodes", "gGraph", function(x, ...) {
  res <- rownames(x@coords)

#' @export
setMethod("getNodes", "gData", function(x, ...) {
  res <- x@nodes.id

## getEdges
#' Get edges from a gGraph object
#' The function \code{getEdges} returns the edges of a \linkS4class{gGraph}
#' object using different possible outputs.
#' @aliases getEdges getEdges-methods getEdges,gGraph-method
#' @param x a valid \linkS4class{gGraph}.
#' @param res.type a character string indicating which kind of output should be
#' used. See value.
#' @param unique a logical indicating whether all returned edges should be
#' unique (TRUE) or if duplicated edges should be allowed (TRUE, default).
#' @param \dots other arguments passed to other methods (currently unused).
#' @return The output depends on the value of the argument \code{res.type}:\cr
#' - \code{asIs}: output is a named list of nodes, each slot containing nodes
#' forming an edge with one given node. This format is that of the \code{edges}
#' accessor for \linkS4class{graphNEL} objects.\cr
#' - \code{matNames}: a matrix with two columns giving couples of node names
#' forming edges.\cr
#' - \code{matId}: a matrix with two columns giving couples of node indices
#' forming edges.\cr

#' @seealso Most other accessors are documented in \linkS4class{gGraph}
#' manpage.\cr
#' See \code{\link{setEdges}} to add/remove edges, or
#' \code{\link{geo.add.edges}} and \code{\link{geo.remove.edges}} for
#' interactive versions.
#' @keywords utilities methods
#' @export
#' @examples
#' example(gGraph)
#' getEdges(x)
#' getEdges(x, res.type = "matNames")
#' getEdges(x, res.type = "matId")
setGeneric("getEdges", function(x, ...) {

#' @export
#' @describeIn getEdges Method for gGraph objects
setMethod("getEdges", "gGraph", function(x, res.type = c("asIs", "matNames", "matId"), unique = FALSE, ...) {
  res.type <- match.arg(res.type)
  ##    if(res.type=="asIs") return(x@graph@edgeL)
  if (res.type == "asIs") {

  if (res.type == "matNames") { # return matrix of node names
    res <- edges(x@graph)
    temp <- sapply(res, length)
    col1 <- rep(names(res), temp)
    ## col1 <- rep(1:length(res), temp)
    col2 <- unlist(res)
    res <- cbind(Vi = col1, Vj = col2)

  if (res.type == "matId") { # return matrix of node numbers
    res <- edgeL(x@graph)
    temp <- sapply(res, function(e) length(e$edges))
    col1 <- rep(1:length(res), temp)
    col2 <- unlist(res)
    res <- cbind(Vi = col1, Vj = col2)

  if (unique) {
    toKeep <- res[, 1] < res[, 2]
    res <- res[toKeep, , drop = FALSE]

  rownames(res) <- NULL

## setEdges
#' Add and remove edges from a gGraph object
#' The function \code{setEdges} allows one to add or remove edges in a
#' \linkS4class{gGraph} by directly specifying the relevant nodes, as a list or
#' a data.frame. This low-level function is called by \code{geo.add.edges} and
#' \code{geo.remove.edges}.
#' @aliases setEdges setEdges-methods setEdges,gGraph-method
#' @param x a valid \linkS4class{gGraph} object.
#' @param add a list or a dataframe containing node names of edges to be added.
#' The first element of the list (or column of the data.frame) gives starting
#' nodes of edges; the second gives ending nodes. Hence, the nodes of the i-th
#' edge are \code{add[[1]][i]} and \code{add[[2]][i]} if \code{add} is a list,
#' and \code{add[i,]} if \code{add} is a data.frame.
#' @param remove same as \code{add} argument, but edges are removed.
#' @param costs a numeric vector providing costs of the edges to be added.
#' \code{costs[i]} is the weight of the i-th edge.
#' @param \dots other arguments passed to other methods (currently unused).
#' @return A \linkS4class{gGraph} object with newly added or removed edges.

#' @seealso \code{\link{geo.add.edges}} and \code{\link{geo.remove.edges}} to
#' interactively add or remove edges in a \linkS4class{gGraph} object. \cr
#' \code{\link{getEdges}} to retrieve edges in different formats.
#' @keywords utilities methods
#' @export
setGeneric("setEdges", function(x, ...) {

#' @export
#' @describeIn setEdges Method for gGraph object
setMethod("setEdges", "gGraph", function(x, add = NULL, remove = NULL, costs = NULL, ...) {
  ## some checks
  if (is.null(add) & is.null(remove)) {

  if (!is.null(add)) { ## add edges ##
    add <- as.data.frame(add)
    if (ncol(add) != 2) stop("add does not have two columns")
    from <- as.character(add[[1]])
    to <- as.character(add[[2]])
    if (!all(unique(c(from, to)) %in% getNodes(x))) stop("unknown specified nodes") # unknown nodes
    if (is.null(costs)) {
      costs <- rep(1, length(from))

    myGraph <- suppressWarnings(addEdge(from = from, to = to, graph = x@graph, weights = costs))
  } else { ## remove edges ##
    remove <- as.data.frame(remove)
    if (ncol(remove) != 2) stop("remove does not have two columns")
    from <- as.character(remove[[1]])
    to <- as.character(remove[[2]])
    if (!all(unique(c(from, to)) %in% getNodes(x))) stop("unknown specified nodes") # unknown nodes

    ## avoid attempts to removing non-existing edges
    temp <- areNeighbours(from, to, x@graph)
    myGraph <- removeEdge(from = from[temp], to = to[temp], graph = x@graph)

  ##  subx <- deparse(substitute(x))
  res <- x
  res@graph <- myGraph

  ## remember this action
  curCall <- match.call()
  ## newHist <- new("gGraphHistory", res@history, cmd=curCall, comments="Modified edges using setEdges.")
  ## res@history <- newHist

  ## make assignement
  ## parEnv <- parent.frame()
  ## assign(subx, res, parEnv)

}) # end setEdges

#' Get costs associated to edges of a gGraph object
#' The function \code{getCosts} returns the costs associated to the edges of a
#' \linkS4class{gGraph} object using different possible outputs. These outputs
#' are designed to match possible outputs of \code{\link{getEdges}} function.
#' \code{getNodeCosts} returns the costs associated to nodes based on one node
#' attribute.
#' The notion of 'costs' in the context of \linkS4class{gGraph} objects is
#' identical to the concept of 'weights' in \linkS4class{graph} (and thus
#' \linkS4class{graphNEL}) objects. The larger it is for an edge, the less
#' connectivity there is between the couple of concerned nodes.
#' @aliases getCosts getCosts-methods getCosts,gGraph-method getNodeCosts
#' getNodeCosts-methods getNodeCosts,gGraph-method
#' @param x a valid \linkS4class{gGraph}.
#' @param res.type a character string indicating which kind of output should be
#' used. See value.
#' @param unique a logical indicating whether the costs should be returned for
#' unique edges (TRUE), or if duplicate edges should be considered as well
#' (TRUE, default).
#' @param attr.name the name of the node attribute used to define node costs.
#' @param \dots other arguments passed to other methods (currently unused).
#' @return The output depends on the value of the argument \code{res.type}:\cr
#' - \code{asIs}: output is a named list of weights, each slot containing
#' weights associated to the edges stemming from one given node. This format is
#' that of the \code{weights} accessor for \linkS4class{graphNEL} objects.\cr
#' - \code{vector}: a vector of weights; this output matches matrix outputs of
#' \code{\link{getEdges}}.\cr

#' @seealso Most other accessors are documented in \linkS4class{gGraph}
#' manpage.\cr
#' @keywords utilities methods
#' @examples
#' head(getEdges(worldgraph.10k, res.type = "matNames", unique = TRUE))
#' head(getCosts(worldgraph.10k, res.type = "vector", unique = TRUE))
## getCosts
setGeneric("getCosts", function(x, ...) {

#' @describeIn getCosts Method for gGraph object
#' @export
setMethod("getCosts", "gGraph", function(x, res.type = c("asIs", "vector"), unique = FALSE, ...) {
  res.type <- match.arg(res.type)
  if (res.type == "asIs") {

  if (res.type == "vector") { # return a matrix of node names
    res <- edgeWeights(x@graph)
    res <- unlist(res) # res is a vector of edge weights named as Ni.Nj

  if (unique) {
    nodeNames <- names(res)
    temp <- strsplit(nodeNames, "[.]")
    toKeep <- sapply(temp, function(v) v[1] < v[2])
    res <- res[toKeep]


## dropCosts
#' @export
setGeneric("dropCosts", function(x, ...) {

#' @export
setMethod("dropCosts", "gGraph", function(x) {
  myGraph <- getGraph(x)
  myGraph@edgeData@data <- list()
  x@graph <- myGraph


## getData
#' @export
setGeneric("getData", function(x, ...) {

#' @export
setMethod("getData", "gData", function(x, ...) {
  res <- x@data

## getColors
#' Get colors associated to edges of a gGraph object
#' The function \code{getColors} returns the colors associated to the nodes of
#' a \linkS4class{gGraph} object, based on a specified node attribute.
#' Colors are based on a node attribute, that is, on a column of the
#' \code{nodes.attr} data.frame. This attribute should have a finite number of
#' values, and would most likely be a factor. Correspondence between values of
#' this variable and colors must be provided in the \code{@meta\$color} slot,
#' or as \code{col.rules} argument. Color rules mus be provided as a two-column
#' matrix; the first column contains values of a node attribute, and is named
#' after this attribute; the second must be named "color", and contain valid
#' colors.
#' See example section to know how this slot should be designed.
#' @aliases getColors getColors-methods getColors,gGraph-method
#' @param x a valid \linkS4class{gGraph}.
#' @param nodes a vector of character strings or of integers identifying nodes
#' by their name or their index. Can be "all", in which case all nodes are
#' considered.
#' @param attr.name a character string indicating the name of node attribute to
#' be used to define colors.
#' @param col.rules a matrix giving the rules for plotting attribute values
#' with different colors. See details.
#' @param \dots other arguments passed to other methods.
#' @return A vector of characters being valid colors.\cr

#' @keywords utilities methods
#' @export
#' @examples
#' worldgraph.10k # there is a node attribute 'habitat'
#' worldgraph.10k@meta$color
#' head(getNodes(worldgraph.10k))
#' head(getColors(worldgraph.10k, res.type = "vector", attr.name = "habitat"))
setGeneric("getColors", function(x, ...) {

#' @export
#' @describeIn getColors Method for gGraph objects

setMethod("getColors", "gGraph", function(x, nodes = "all", attr.name, col.rules = NULL, ...) {
  if (!attr.name %in% colnames(getNodesAttr(x))) {
    stop("Requested attribute not found in x@nodes.attr.")

  if (is.null(col.rules)) {
    if (is.null(x@meta$colors)) {
      stop("No rule for color provided, and none defined in x (x@meta$colors is NULL).")
    } else {
      col.rules <- x@meta$colors

  if (is.null(ncol(col.rules)) || ncol(col.rules) != 2) {
    stop("Color rules does not contain two columns.")

  if (!attr.name %in% colnames(col.rules)) {
    stop(paste("Nothing known about", attr.name, "in color rules."))

  ## handle nodes ##
  if (length(nodes) == 1 && nodes == "all") {
    toKeep <- TRUE
  } else if (is.numeric(nodes)) {
    toKeep <- nodes
  } else if (is.character(nodes)) {
    toKeep <- match(nodes, getNodes(x))
  } else {
    stop("Don't know what to do with 'nodes': wrong specification.")

  ## define colors ##
  criterion <- getNodesAttr(x, nodes = toKeep, attr.name = attr.name) # seek criterion in nodes.attr
  col <- as.character(unlist(criterion))

  for (i in 1:nrow(col.rules)) {
    col[col == col.rules[i, 1]] <- col.rules[i, 2]

  names(col) <- getNodes(x)[toKeep]
}) # end getColors for gGraph

## getNodeCosts
#' @export
#' @describeIn getCosts Function to get the costs values for nodes
setGeneric("getNodeCosts", function(x, ...) {

#' @describeIn getCosts Method to get node costs for gGraph object
#' @export
setMethod("getNodeCosts", "gGraph", function(x, attr.name, ...) {
  if (!is.gGraph(x)) stop("x is not a valid gGraph object")

  ## assign costs to vertices
  nodeAttr <- unlist(getNodesAttr(x, attr.name = attr.name))
  if (!is.null(x@meta$costs)) {
    if (!any(attr.name %in% colnames(x@meta$costs))) {
      stop("attr.name is not documented in x@meta$costs.")
    nodeCosts <- as.character(nodeAttr)
    rules <- x@meta$costs
    for (i in 1:nrow(x@meta$costs)) {
      nodeCosts[nodeCosts == rules[i, attr.name]] <- rules[i, ncol(rules)]
    nodeCosts <- as.numeric(nodeCosts)
  } else {
    stop("x@meta does not contain a 'costs' component.")

}) # end getNodeCosts
thibautjombart/geograph documentation built on Jan. 27, 2024, 10 p.m.