
Defines functions .decycle_tree .clean_cycles .choose_possible_alpha .are_possible_alpha add_convolutions convolve_log log_sum_vec log_sum find_descendents check_i select_alpha_to_move can_be_swapped can_move_alpha look_for_trouble ralpha modify_defaults

## This function was contributed by Rich Fitzjohn. It modifies default arguments
## using user-provided values. The argument 'strict' triggers and error
## behaviour: if strict==TRUE: all new values need to be part of the defaults.

modify_defaults <- function(defaults, x, strict = TRUE) {
    extra <- setdiff(names(x), names(defaults))
    if (strict && (length(extra) > 0L)) {
        stop("Additional invalid options: ", paste(extra, collapse=", "))
    utils::modifyList(defaults, x, keep.null = TRUE) # keep.null is needed here

## This function pics potential infectors at random in the past, for each case.

ralpha <- function(t_inf) {
    ## choose_possible_ancestors
    canBeAnces <- outer(t_inf, t_inf, FUN = "<") # strict < is needed as we impose w(0)=0
    diag(canBeAnces) <- FALSE

    ## pick possible ancestors at random
    alpha <- apply(canBeAnces, 2,
                   function(e) ifelse(length(which(e))>0, sample(which(e),1), NA) )


## This function performs various checks on a MCMC, to try and pick up issues as
## soon as they appear. This includes changes to a -Inf log-likelihood or
## prior. It is meant for debugging purposes only. These checks drastically slow
## down computations.

look_for_trouble <- function(param_current, param_store, data) {
    out <- list(pass = TRUE, msg = NULL)

    ## look for NAs in loglike / post / prior
    if (any(is.na(param_store$post))) {
        out$pass <- FALSE
        out$msg <- c(out$msg, "NA detected in posterior values (param_store$post)")
    if (any(is.na(param_store$like))) {
        out$pass <- FALSE
        out$msg <- c(out$msg, "NA detected in likelihood values (param_store$like)")
    if (any(is.na(param_store$prior))) {
        out$pass <- FALSE
        out$msg <- c(out$msg, "NA detected in prior values (param_store$prior)")

    ## look for NAs in loglike / post / prior
    if (!all(is.finite(param_store$post))) {
        out$pass <- FALSE
        out$msg <- c(out$msg, "non-finite posterior values detected (param_store$post)")
    if (!all(is.finite(param_store$like))) {
        out$pass <- FALSE
        out$msg <- c(out$msg, "non-finite likelihood values detected (param_store$like)")
    if (!all(is.finite(param_store$prior))) {
        out$pass <- FALSE
        out$msg <- c(out$msg, "non-finite prior values detected (param_store$prior)")

    ## CHECKS ON MU ##
    ## check that mu > 0
    if (param_current$mu<0) {
        out$pass <- FALSE
        out$msg <- c(out$msg, "mu has a negative value:", param_current$mu)

    ## check if mu is NA
    if (is.na(param_current$mu)) {
        out$pass <- FALSE
        out$msg <- c(out$msg, "mu is NA")

    ## check if mu is finite
    if (!is.finite(param_current$mu)) {
        out$pass <- FALSE
        out$msg <- c(out$msg, "mu is not finite and equals:", param_current$mu)

    ## check if mu is numeric
    if (!is.numeric(param_current$mu)) {
        out$pass <- FALSE
        out$msg <- c(out$msg, "mu is not numeric and equals:", param_current$mu)

    ## ANCESTRIES ##
    ## look for new imported cases (should not happen)
    if (!identical(is.na(param_store$alpha[[1]]), is.na(param_current$alpha))) {
        out$pass <- FALSE
        out$msg <- c(out$msg, "imported cases have changed")

    ## look for negative ancestries
    if (any(param_current$alpha<1,na.rm = TRUE)) {
       out$pass <- FALSE
       out$msg <- c(out$msg, "some ancestries point to unknown cases (param_current$alpha<1)")

    ## look for ancestries greater than 'N'
    if (any(param_current$alpha>length(param_store$alpha[[1]]),na.rm = TRUE)) {
       out$pass <- FALSE
       out$msg <- c(out$msg, "some ancestries point to unknown cases (param_current$alpha>N)")

    ## case infecting itself
    if (any(param_current$alpha==seq_along(param_current$alpha),na.rm = TRUE)) {
       out$pass <- FALSE
       out$msg <- c(out$msg, "auto-infections detected (param_current$alpha[i]==i)")

    ## check NA
    if (any(is.na(param_current$t_inf))) {
        out$pass <- FALSE
        out$msg <- c(out$msg, "NA detected in infection dates (param_current$t_inf)")

    ## check finite values
    if (any(!is.finite(param_current$t_inf))) {
        out$pass <- FALSE
        out$msg <- c(out$msg, "some infection dates are not finite (param_current$t_inf)")

    ## check that values are numeric
    if (any(!is.numeric(param_current$t_inf))) {
        out$pass <- FALSE
        out$msg <- c(out$msg, "some infection dates are not numeric (param_current$t_inf)")

    ## check that delays between infections are > 0
    if (any((param_current$t_inf - param_current$t_inf[param_current$alpha]) < 1, na.rm = TRUE)) {
        out$pass <- FALSE
        out$msg <- c(out$msg, "some delays between infections < 1 (param_current$t_inf)")

    ## check that delays to collection are > 0
    if (any((data$dates-param_current$t_inf) < 1, na.rm = TRUE)) {
        out$pass <- FALSE
        out$msg <- c(out$msg, "some delays to collection are less than 1 (param_current$t_inf)")

    out$msg <- paste(out$msg, collapse="\n")

## check which ancestries can move (returns a TRUE/FALSE vector)

can_move_alpha <- function(param, config) {
    out <- !is.na(param$alpha) & # non-imported case
        (param$t_inf > min(param$t_inf)) & # not the first date
            config$move_alpha # add user-specification through move_alpha

## check which ancestries can move (returns a TRUE/FALSE vector)

can_be_swapped <- function(param, config) {
    out <- !is.na(param$alpha) & # non-imported case
            config$move_alpha # add user-specification through move_alpha

## random selection of cases for which ancestries is moved

select_alpha_to_move <- function(param, config) {
    choices <- which(can_move_alpha(param, config))
    n_to_move <- max(round(config$prop_alpha_move * length(choices)),0)
    out <- sample(choices, n_to_move, replace = FALSE)

## check that 'i' is a vector of valid case ids
## and return correct IDs
## (non-exported)
check_i <- function(data, i) {
    if (is.null(i)) seq_len(data$N) else i
    ## if (is.null(i)) return(seq_len(data$N))
    ## if (!is.numeric(i)) stop("i is not numeric")
    ## if (any(is.na(i))) stop("NA detected in case IDs")
    ## if (length(i)==0L) stop("i has length zero")
    ## if (any(i < 1)) stop("i contains invalid case indices (i<1)")
    ## if (any(i > data$N)) stop("i contains invalid case indices (i>dat$N)")
    ## return(i)

## find descendents of a case 'i'
find_descendents <- function(param, i) {
    ## find descendents

## add convolutions to data$log_w_dens
## rows = kapp avalue
## columns = time interval
log_sum <- function(u, v)
  return(max(u, v) + log(exp(u - max(u, v)) + exp(v - max(u, v))))

log_sum_vec <- function(w)
  if (length(w)<2) return(total)
  for (i in 2:length(w)){
    total <- log_sum(total, w[i]);

convolve_log <- function(x, y) {
  n <- length(x)
  m <- length(y)
  r <- lapply(1:(n+m-1), function(k){
    i <- 1:max(m,n)
    i <- i[((i<=m) & ((k-m+i) <= n)) & ((k-m+i) > 0)]

## add convolutions to data$log_w_dens
## rows = kapp avalue
## columns = time interval
add_convolutions <- function(data, config) {
  if (config$max_kappa>1) {
    ## first compute convolutions on natural scale
    for (i in 2:config$max_kappa) {
      data$log_w_dens <- rbind(data$log_w_dens,
  ## name rows/columns (useful if internal debugging needed)
  rownames(data$log_w_dens) <- paste("kappa",
                                     sep = "=")
  colnames(data$log_w_dens) <- seq_len(ncol(data$log_w_dens))

  if(!config$ctd_directed) {
    data$contacts[] <- as.integer(data$contacts == 1 |
                                  t(data$contacts) == 1)
    data$C_combn <- data$C_combn/2

## which cases are possible ancestors for a case 'i'

.are_possible_alpha <- function(t_inf, i) {
    if (length(i)>1) {
        stop("i has a length > 1")
    if (any(t_inf[i]==min(t_inf))) {
    return(which(t_inf < t_inf[i[1]]))

## choose one possible ancestor for a case 'i'

.choose_possible_alpha <- function(t_inf, i) {
    return(sample(.are_possible_alpha(t_inf = t_inf, i = i), 1))

## Remove the weakest if a cycle is detected ('weak' defined by variable
## described by 'rank_contact')

.clean_cycles <- function(i, leaf, alpha, cycle_elements) {

  incoming_edge <- alpha[which(alpha$to == i),]

  if(nrow(incoming_edge) == 0) {
  } else if(nrow(incoming_edge) > 1) {
    to_keep <- incoming_edge[which.max(incoming_edge$support),]
  } else {
    to_keep <- incoming_edge

  if(is.na(to_keep$from) || to_keep$from == 0) {

  ## Does this new infector exist in our cycle?  If yes, we have found a cycle
  ## and we need to remove the weakest link. We then need to restart the loop to
  ## make sure no other cycles exist, using the modified alpha
  if(to_keep$from %in% cycle_elements$to) {
    cycle_elements <- rbind(cycle_elements, to_keep)
    edge_remove <- cycle_elements[which.min(cycle_elements$support),]
    ind_remove <- which(alpha$from == edge_remove$from &
                        alpha$to == edge_remove$to)
    alpha <- alpha[-ind_remove,]

    ## Restart loop from leaf with updated alpha
    alpha <- .clean_cycles(leaf, leaf, alpha, NULL)
    ## If no loop, move onwards
  } else {
    cycle_elements <- rbind(cycle_elements, to_keep)
    alpha <- .clean_cycles(to_keep$from, leaf, alpha, cycle_elements)



## Returns the maximum posterior ancestor for each, except when cycles are
## detected, in which case the weakest link in the cycle is removed and the
## maximum tree is re-calculated (once again removing the weakest link if
## another cycle is found). n specifies the top n ancestries included in the
## ancestries (can be reduced if the functions takes too long to run).
.decycle_tree <- function(x, n = 100) {

  get_top <- function(x, n) {
    stats::na.omit(x[order(x[,3], decreasing = TRUE),][1:n,])

  ## Keep only the top n ancestors for each case
  alpha_mat <- as.matrix(x[,grep("alpha", names(x))])
  N <- ncol(alpha_mat)
  colnames(alpha_mat) <- seq_len(ncol(alpha_mat))
  from <- as.vector(alpha_mat)
  to <- as.vector(col(alpha_mat))
  from[is.na(from)] <- 0
  alpha <- matrix(apply(data.frame(xyTable(from,to)), 2, as.numeric), ncol = 3)
  alpha[,3] <- alpha[,3]/nrow(alpha_mat)
  alpha <- by(alpha, alpha[,2], get_top, n = n)
  alpha <- data.frame(do.call(rbind, alpha))
  names(alpha) <- c("from", "to", "support")
  rownames(alpha) <- NULL
  alpha$from[alpha$from == 0] <- NA
  for(i in 1:N) {
    alpha <- .clean_cycles(i,
                          leaf = i,
                          alpha = alpha,
                          cycle_elements = NULL)

  consensus <- by(alpha, alpha$to, function(x) x[which.max(x$support),])
  consensus <- do.call(rbind, consensus)


## ## swaps ancestries in the tree
## ## x-> i becomes i->x
## ## plus all subsequent changes

## swap_cases <- function(param, config, i) {
##     ## stop if 'i' out of range
##     if (i>length(param$alpha)) {
##         stop("trying to swap ancestry of case ",
##              i, " while there are only ",
##              length(param$alpha), " cases")
##     }

##     ## find cases for which ancestries can move
##     id_ok_to_swap <- which(can_be_swapped(param, config))

##     ## find ancestor of 'i'
##     x <- param$alpha[i]

##     ## stop if case 'i' is imported - this should not happen
##     if (is.na(x)) {
##         warning("trying to swap the ancestry of the imported case ", i)
##         return(param)
##     }

##     ## check that x can be swapped, stop if not
##     if (!(x %in% id_ok_to_swap)) {
##         return(param)
##     }

##     ## find indices to swap
##     to_be_x <- intersect(which(param$alpha==i), id_ok_to_swap)
##     to_be_i <- intersect(which(param$alpha==x), id_ok_to_swap)

##     ## swap 'i' and 'x' in ancestries
##     param$alpha[to_be_x] <- x
##     param$alpha[to_be_i] <- i

##     ## the ancestor of 'i' is now has the ancestor of 'x'
##     param$alpha[i] <- param$alpha[x]

##     ## 'i' is now the ancestor of 'x'
##     param$alpha[x] <- i

##     ## swap t_inf
##     param$t_inf[c(x,i)] <- param$t_inf[c(i,x)]

##     return(param)
## }
thibautjombart/outbreaker2 documentation built on July 6, 2022, 11:10 p.m.