
#' Class \code{modelBaseClass}
#' @aliases modelBaseClass getVarNames getNodeNames topologicallySortNodes resetData setData isData getDependencies setInits checkConjugacy newModel
#' @export
#' @description
#' This class underlies all NIMBLE model objects: both R model objects created from the return value of nimbleModel(), and compiled model objects.
#' The model object contains a variety of member functions, for providing information about the model structure, setting or querying properties of the model, or accessing various internal components of the model.
#' These member functions of the modelBaseClass are commonly used in the body of the \code{setup} function argument to nimbleFunction(), to aid in preparation of node vectors, nimbleFunctionLists, and other runtime inputs.
#' See documentation for \code{nimbleModel} for details of creating an R model object.
#' @author Daniel Turek
#' @examples
#' code <- nimbleCode({
#'     mu ~ dnorm(0, 1)
#'     x[1] ~ dnorm(mu, 1)
#'     x[2] ~ dnorm(mu, 1)
#' })
#' Rmodel <- nimbleModel(code)
#' modelVars <- Rmodel$getVarNames()   ## returns 'mu' and 'x'
#' modelNodes <- Rmodel$getNodeNames()   ## returns 'mu', 'x[1]' and 'x[2]'
#' Rmodel$resetData()
#' Rmodel$setData(list(x = c(1.2, NA)))   ## flags only 'x[1]' node as data
#' Rmodel$isData(c('mu', 'x[1]', 'x[2]'))   ## returns c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)
modelBaseClass <- setRefClass('modelBaseClass',
                              fields = list(
                                  modelDef = 'ANY',     
                                  nodes = 'ANY',       #list
                                  vars = 'ANY',         
                                  graph = 'ANY',        
                                  defaultModelValues = 'ANY',
                                  name = 'ANY', 		#character  
                                  ##.ModelValuesLookUpName = 'character',
                                  isDataVars = 'ANY', #list           ## list with the dimensions of isData_vars
                                  isDataEnv = 'ANY',	#environment      ## environment holding 'logical' objects, with isData flags
                                  classEnvironment = 'ANY', # environment in which the reference classes will be defined
                                  origData = 'ANY',
                                  origInits = 'ANY',
                                  nimbleProject = 'ANY'
                              methods = list(
                                  getGraph = function() graph,
                                  setGraph = function(value) graph <<- value,
                                  getModelDef = function() modelDef,
                                  setModelDef = function(value) modelDef <<- value,
                                  getMaps = function(mapName, all = FALSE){
                                  	if(all == TRUE)		return(modelDef$maps)
                                   isNodeEnd = function(nodeNames){  #Note: it says nodeNames, but graphIDs are fine too. Actually they are better
                                   		nodeNames = expandNodeNames(nodeNames, returnType = 'ids')
                                  getNodeInfo = function() modelDef$nodeInfo,
                                  getVarNames = function(logProb = FALSE, nodes) {                                  
Returns the names of all variables in a model, optionally including the logProb variables


logProb: Logical argument specifying whether or not to include the logProb variables.  Default is FALSE.

nodes: An optional character vector supplying a subset of nodes for which to extract the variable names and return the unique set of variable names
	                                     if(logProb)     return(modelDef$varNames)
    	                              varNames <- unique(removeIndexing(nodes))
    	                              if(!all(varNames %in% modelDef$varNames))
    	                             	  stop(c('invalid node names provided to model$getVarNames') )
                                  getNodeNames = function(determOnly = FALSE, stochOnly = FALSE,
                                                          includeData = TRUE, dataOnly = FALSE, includeRHSonly = FALSE,
                                                          topOnly = FALSE, latentOnly = FALSE, endOnly = FALSE,
                                                          returnType = 'names', returnScalarComponents = FALSE) {
Returns a character vector of all node names in the model, in topologically sorted order.  A variety of logical arguments allow for flexible subsetting of all model nodes.


determOnly: Logical argument specifying whether to return only deterministic nodes.  Default is FALSE.

stochOnly: Logical argument specifying whether to return only stochastic nodes.  Default is FALSE.

includeData: Logical argument specifying whether to include \'data\' nodes (set via the member method setData).  Default is TRUE.

dataOnly: Logical argument specifying whether to return only \'data\' nodes.  Default is FALSE.

includeRHSonly: Logical argument specifying whether to include right-hand-side-only nodes (model nodes which never appear on the left-hand-side of ~ or <- in the model code).  Default is FALSE.

topOnly: Logical argument specifying whether to return only top-level nodes from the hierarchical model structure.

latentOnly: Logical argument specifying whether to return only latent (mid-level) nodes from the hierarchical model structure.

endOnly: Logical argument specifying whether to return only end nodes from the hierarchical model structure.

returnType: Character argument specific type object returned. Options are \'names\' (returns character vector) and \'ids\' (returns numeric graph IDs for model)

returnScalar Componenets: Logical argument specifying whether multivariate nodes should return full node name (i.e. \'x[1:2]\') or should break down into scalar componenets (i.e. \'x[1]\' and \'x[2]\')

Details: Multiple logical input arguments may be used simultaneously.  For example, model$getNodeNames(endOnly = TRUE, dataOnly = TRUE) will return all end-level nodes from the model which are designated as \'data\'.
										                                  validValues = rep(TRUE, length(modelDef$maps$graphIDs) )
										                                  if(!includeRHSonly)		validValues[modelDef$maps$types == 'RHSonly'] <- FALSE
										                                  if(determOnly)			validValues[modelDef$maps$types != 'determ']	<- FALSE
										                                  if(stochOnly)			validValues[modelDef$maps$types != 'stoch']	<- FALSE
										                                  if(!includeData)		validValues[isDataFromGraphID(modelDef$maps$graphIDs)] <- FALSE
										                                  if(dataOnly)			validValues[!isDataFromGraphID(modelDef$maps$graphIDs)] <- FALSE
										                                  if(topOnly)				validValues[-modelDef$maps$top_IDs] <- FALSE
										                                  if(latentOnly)			validValues[-modelDef$maps$latent_IDs] <- FALSE
										                                  if(endOnly)				validValues[-modelDef$maps$end_IDs] <- FALSE
										                                  validNames <- expandNodeNames(modelDef$maps$graphID_2_nodeName[validValues], returnScalarComponents = returnScalarComponents) 
										                                  if(returnType == 'names')
										                                  if(returnType == 'ids')
										                                  if(returnType == 'nodeVector')
											                                  stop('returning nodeVector from model$getNodeNames not currently supported. Need to figure out how to determine if nodeVector is nodeFunctions or nodeValues')
		                                  								if(!(returnType %in% c('ids', 'nodeVector', 'names')))
                                      		              stop('instead getNodeNames, imporper returnType chosen')


                                  expandNodeNames = function(nodeNames, env = parent.frame(), returnScalarComponents = FALSE, returnType = 'names', sort = FALSE){
Takes a vector of nodeNames and returns the unique and expanded names in the model, i.e. \'x\' expands to \'x[1]\', \'x[2]\', ...


nodeNames: a vector of characters of nodes to be expanded. Alternatively, can be a vector of integer graph IDs, but this use is intended only for advanced users 

returnScalarComponents: should multivariate nodes (i.e. dmnorm or dmulti) be broken up into scalar components?

returnType: return type. Options are \'names\' (character vector) or \'ids\' (graph IDs)

sort: should names be topologically sorted before being returned?
                                  						if(length(nodeNames) == 0)	return(NULL)
										                if(returnType == 'names'){
   											              graphID <- modelDef$nodeName2GraphIDs(nodeNames, !returnScalarComponents)
   											              	graphID <- sort(graphID)
   											              nodeNames <- modelDef$maps$graphID_2_nodeName[graphID]
                                      if(returnType == 'ids'){
                                         	return(sort(modelDef$nodeName2GraphIDs(nodeNames, !returnScalarComponents)))
                                         return(modelDef$nodeName2GraphIDs(nodeNames, !returnScalarComponents))
                                      if(returnType == 'nodeVector')
                                      	 return(nodeVector(origNodeNames = nodeNames))	
                                      if(!(returnType %in% c('ids', 'nodeVector', 'names')))
                                      	stop('instead expandNodeNames, imporper returnType chosen')
                                  topologicallySortNodes = function(nodeNames) {
Sorts the input list of node names according to the topological dependence ordering of the model structure. 


nodeNames: A character vector of node names, which is to be topologically sorted.

Details: This function merely reorders its input argument.  This may be inportany prior to calls such as simulate(model, nodes) or calculate(model, nodes), to enforce that the operation is performed in topological order.
                              		  nodeIDs <- modelDef$maps$nodeName_2_graphID[nodeNames]
                                      nodeIDs <- sort(nodeIDs)
                               		  nodeNames <- modelDef$maps$graphID_2_nodeName[nodeIDs]
                                  getVarInfo = function(name, includeLogProb = TRUE) {
                                      if(missing(name)) return(modelDef$varInfo)
                                      ans <- modelDef$varInfo[[name]]
                                      if(is.null(ans) & includeLogProb) ans <- modelDef$logProbVarInfo[[name]]
                                  getSymbolTable = function() modelDef$symTab,
                                  init_isDataEnv = function() {
                                      ## initializes the 'isDataEnv' to logical arrays of 'FALSE', based on dimensions in 'isDataVars' object
                                      list2env(lapply(isDataVars, createDefault_isDataObj), isDataEnv)
                                  resetData = function() {
Resets the \'data\' property of ALL model nodes to FALSE.  Subsequent to this call, the model will have no nodes flagged as \'data\'. 
                                      ## re-initializes the 'isDataEnv', setting everything to 'FALSE'
                                  setData = function(data, warnAboutMissingNames = TRUE) {
Sets the \'data\' flag for specified nodes to TRUE, and also sets the value of these nodes to the value provided.  This is the exclusive method for specifying \'data\' nodes in a model object.  When a \'data\' argument is provided to \'nimbleModel()\', it uses this method to set the data nodes.


data: A named list.  The names of list elements must correspond to model variable names.  The elements of the list must be of class numeric, with size and dimension each matching the corresponding model variable.  These numeric scalars, vectors, arrays, etc, may only contain numeric data, or NAs.

Details: If a list element contains some number of NA values, then the model nodes corresponding to these NAs will not have their value set, and will not be designated as \'data\'.  Only model nodes corresponding to numeric values in the argument list elements will be designated as data.  Designating a deterministic model node as \'data\' will result in an error.  Designating part of a multivariate node as \'data\' and part as non-data (NA) will resilt in an error; multivariate nodes must be entirely data, or entirely non-data.
                                      origData <<- data
                                      ## argument is a named list of data values.
                                      ## all nodes specified (except with NA) are set to that value, and have isDataEnv$VAR set to TRUE
                                      if(length(data) == 0) return()
                                      if(is.null(names(data)))   stop('\'data\' argument must by a named list')
                                      for(iData in seq_along(data)) {
                                          varName <- names(data)[iData]
                                          varValue <- data[[iData]]
                                          isDataVarValue <- !is.na(varValue)
                                          if(!(varName %in% names(isDataVars))) {
                                              ## when data is from modelDef$constantsList,
                                              ## it is possible that the constants don't exist on LHS of BUGS decls
                                              ## and so are not variables in the model.  In that case we don't want to issue the warning.
                                              if(warnAboutMissingNames) {
                                                      stop('variable name not suitable for setData(): ', varName)
                                                  } else next
                                          if(length(dimOrLength(varValue)) != length(isDataVars[[varName]]))   stop(paste0('incorrect size or dim in data: ', varName))
                                          if(!(all(dimOrLength(varValue) == isDataVars[[varName]])))   stop(paste0('incorrect size or dim in data: ', varName))
                                          assign(varName, varValue, inherits = TRUE)
                                          assign(varName, isDataVarValue, envir = isDataEnv)
                                  testDataFlags = function() {
                                      ## this function tests for *mixed* T/F flags in the isData flag of all nodes.
                                      ## Only really tests when there's a vectorized node declaration, which gives rise to >1 isData flag.
                                             function(nn) { ## check if there are *both* TRUE and FALSE flags
                                                 isDataVals <- as.vector(eval(parse(text=nn, keep.source = FALSE)[[1]], envir=isDataEnv))
                                                 if(!(all(isDataVals) || all(!isDataVals))) stop(paste0('it seems we have mixed isData flags for the vectorized node: ', nn)) })
                                      lapply(as.list(getNodeNames(determOnly = TRUE)),
                                             function(nn) { ## check if any determ nodes have isData flag TRUE
                                                 isDataVals <- as.vector(eval(parse(text=nn, keep.source = FALSE)[[1]], envir=isDataEnv))
                                                 if(isDataVals[1]) stop(paste0('it seems we have isData=TRUE for a deterministic node: ', nn)) })
                                  isData = function(nodeNames) {
Returns a vector of logical TRUE / FALSE values, corresponding to the \'data\' flags of the input node names. 


nodeNames: A character vector of node names.  This must be entirely node names, not model variables.

Details: Returns a logical vector with the same length as the input vector.  This function may be used for testing \'data\' flags, or for partitioning a list of nodes into data and non-data.
'                                      ## nodeNames must be a vector of character node names in the model, e.g. 'x', 'x[4]', or 'x[1:10]'
                                  		g_id = modelDef$nodeName2GraphIDs(nodeNames)

                                  isDataFromGraphID = function(g_id){
                                   	nodeNames <- modelDef$maps$graphID_2_nodeName[g_id]	
                                  	ret <- unlist(lapply(as.list(nodeNames),
                                                    return(as.vector(eval(parse(text=nn, keep.source = FALSE)[[1]],
                                    if(is.null(ret))   ret <- logical(0)

                                  getDependencies = function(nodes, omit = character(), self = TRUE,
                                                             determOnly = FALSE, stochOnly = FALSE,
                                                             includeData = TRUE, dataOnly = FALSE,
                                                             includeRHSonly = FALSE, downstream = FALSE,
                                                             returnType = 'names', returnScalarComponents = FALSE) {
Returns a character vector of the nodes dependent upon the input argument nodes, sorted topoloigically according to the model graph.  Aditional input arguments provide flexibility in the values returned.


nodes: Character vector of node names, with index blocks allowed, and/or variable names, the dependents of which will be returned.

omit: Character vector of node names, which will be omitted from the nodes returned.  In addition, dependent nodes subsequent to these omitted nodes will not be returned.  The omitted nodes argument serves to stop the downward search within the hierarchical model struture, and excludes the specified node.

self: Logical argument specifying whether to include the input argument nodes in the return vector of dependent nodes.  Default is TRUE.

determOnly: Logical argument specifying whether to return only deterministic nodes.  Default is FALSE.

stochOnly: Logical argument specifying whether to return only stochastic nodes.  Default is FALSE.

includeData: Logical argument specifying whether to include \'data\' nodes (set via the member method setData).  Default is TRUE.

dataOnly: Logical argument specifying whether to return only \'data\' nodes.  Default is FALSE.

includeRHSonly: Logical argument specifying whether to include right-hand-side-only nodes (model nodes which never appear on the left-hand-side of ~ or <- in the model code).  These nodes are neither stochastic nor deterministic, but instead function as variable inputs to the model.  Default is FALSE.

downstream: Logical argument specifying whether the downward search through the model hierarchical structure should continue beyond the first and subsequent stochastic nodes encountered, hence returning all nodes downstream of the input nodes.  Default is FALSE.

returnType: Character argument specific type object returned. Options are \'names\' (returns character vector) and \'ids\' (returns numeric graph IDs for model)

returnScalar Componenets: Logical argument specifying whether multivariate nodes should return full node name (i.e. \'x[1:2]\') or should break down into scalar componenets (i.e. \'x[1]\' and \'x[2]\')

Details: The downward search for dependent nodes propagates through deterministic nodes, but by default will halt at the first level of stochastic nodes encountered.
                        			  if(inherits(nodes, 'character'))
                        			  	nodeIDs <- modelDef$nodeName2GraphIDs(nodes, !returnScalarComponents)
                        			  else if(inherits(nodes, 'numeric'))
                        				  nodeIDs <- nodes
                        			  else if(inherits(nodes, 'nodeVector')){ 
                        			  		nodeIDs <- nodes$getOrigIDs_functions()
                        				  	nodeIDs <- nodes$getOrigIDs_values()
                        			  if(inherits(omit, 'character'))
                        				  omitIDs <- modelDef$nodeName2GraphIDs(omit, !returnScalarComponents)
									              else if(inherits(omit, 'numeric'))
										              omitIDs <- omit
                        			  else if(inherits(omit, 'nodeVector')){ 
                        				  	omitIDs <- omit$getOrigIDs_functions()
                        					  omitIDs <- omit$getOrigIDs_values()
                                depIDs <- gd_getDependencies_IDs(graph = getGraph(), maps = getMaps(all = TRUE), nodes = nodeIDs, omit = omitIDs, downstream = downstream)
                      				  if(!includeRHSonly) depIDs <- depIDs[modelDef$maps$types[depIDs] != 'RHSonly']
                       				  if(determOnly)	depIDs <- depIDs[modelDef$maps$types[depIDs] == 'determ']
                       			  	if(stochOnly)	depIDs <- depIDs[modelDef$maps$types[depIDs] == 'stoch']
                                if(!self)	depIDs <- setdiff(depIDs, nodeIDs)
                     				    if(!includeData)	depIDs <- depIDs[!isDataFromGraphID(depIDs)]
                       				  if(dataOnly)		depIDs <- depIDs[isDataFromGraphID(depIDs)]

									              if(returnType == 'nodeVector'){
		                       				  depNodes <- nodeVector(origGraphIDs_functions = depIDs, model = .self)
		                       			 	  depNodes <- nodeVector(origGraphIDs_values = depIDs, model = .self)
									              depIDs <- modelDef$nodeName2GraphIDs(modelDef$maps$graphID_2_nodeName[depIDs], !returnScalarComponents)
										              depIDs = unique(depIDs)
									              if(returnType == 'ids'){
	                       			  if(returnType == 'names')
	                       			  if(!(returnType %in% c('ids', 'nodeVector', 'names')))
                                      	stop('instead getDependencies, imporper returnType chosen')
                                  getDownstream = function(...) {
Identical to getDependencies(..., downstream = TRUE)

Details: See documentation for member method getDependencies.
                                      getDependencies(..., downstream = TRUE)
                                  setInits = function(inits) {
Sets initial values (or more generally, any named list of value elements) into the model


inits: A named list.  The names of list elements must correspond to model variable names.  The elements of the list must be of class numeric, with size and dimension each matching the corresponding model variable.
                                      origInits <<- inits
                                      for(i in seq_along(inits))     { .self[[names(inits)[i]]] <- inits[[i]] }
                                  checkConjugacy = function(node) {
Determines whether or not the input node appears in a conjugate relationship, in conjunction with its stochastic dependents


node: A single character string representing a model node name

Details: The return value will be NULL when the input node does not appear in a conjugate relationship, or a named list when the node appears in a conjugate relationship.  In this case, the list returned is identically the control list argument required by the corresponding MCMC conjugate sampler function.
                                      conjugacyRelationshipsObject$checkConjugacy(.self, node)

                                  newModel = function(data = NULL, inits = NULL, modelName = character()) {
Returns a new R model object, with the same model definiton (as defined from the original model code) as the existing model object.


data: A named list specifying data nodes and values, for use in the newly returned model.  If not provided, the data argument from the creation of the original R model object will be used.

inits: A named list specifying initial values, for use in the newly returned model.  If not provided, the inits argument from the creation of the original R model object will be used.

modelName: An optional character string, used to set the internal name of the model object.  If provided, this name will propagate throughout the generated C++ code, serving to improve readability.

Details: The newly created model object will be identical to the original model in terms of structure and functionality, but entirely distinct in terms of the internal values.
                                      if(is.null(data)) data <- origData
                                      if(is.null(inits)) inits <- origInits
                                      modelDef$newModel(data = data, inits = inits, modelName = modelName)

setMethod('[[', 'modelBaseClass',
          function(x, i) {
              if(!is.indexed(i)) {
                  eval(substitute(x$VAR, list(VAR=i)))
              } else {
                  parsedNode <- parse(text=i)[[1]]
                  parsedNode[[2]] <- substitute(x$VAR, list(VAR=parsedNode[[2]]))

setMethod('[[<-', 'modelBaseClass',
          function(x, i, value) {
              if(!is.indexed(i)) {
                  eval(substitute(x$VAR <- value, list(VAR=i)))
              } else {
                  parsedNode <- parse(text=i, keep.source = FALSE)[[1]]
                  parsedNode[[2]] <- substitute(x$VAR, list(VAR=parsedNode[[2]]))
                  assignmentExpr <- substitute(TARGET <- value, list(TARGET=parsedNode))

RModelBaseClass <- setRefClass("RModelBaseClass",
                               contains = "modelBaseClass",
                               fields = list(
                                   nodeFunctions = 'ANY',	#list
                                   nodeGenerators = 'ANY',	#list
                                   Cname = 'ANY',		#character
                                   CobjectInterface = 'ANY'
                               methods = list(
                                   initialize = function( ...) {
                                   setupDefaultMV = function(where = NULL) {
                                       defaultModelValues <<- modelDef$modelValuesClass(1)
                                       pointAt(.self, defaultModelValues, index = 1)
                                   buildNodeFunctions = function(where = globalenv()) {
                                       for(i in seq_along(modelDef$declInfo)) {
                                           BUGSdecl <- modelDef$declInfo[[i]]
                                           type <- BUGSdecl$type
                                           code <- BUGSdecl$codeReplaced
                                           LHS <- code[[2]]
                                           RHS <- code[[3]]
                                           altParams <- BUGSdecl$altParamExprs
                                           logProbNodeExpr <- BUGSdecl$logProbNodeExpr
                                           setupOutputExprs <- BUGSdecl$replacementNameExprs
                                           thisNodeGeneratorName <- paste0(Rname2CppName(BUGSdecl$indexedNodeInfo[[1]]$targetVarName), '_L', BUGSdecl$sourceLineNumber, '_', nimbleUniqueID())
                                           nfGenerator <- nodeFunction(LHS=LHS, RHS=RHS, name = thisNodeGeneratorName, altParams=altParams, logProbNodeExpr=logProbNodeExpr, type=type, setupOutputExprs=setupOutputExprs, evaluate=TRUE, where = where)
                                           nodeGenerators[[i]] <<- nfGenerator
                                           nodeFunctionNames <- lapply(BUGSdecl$indexedNodeInfo, '[[', 'nodeFunctionName')
                                           ## We include "_L[source line number]" in the names for the nodeGenerators so we can trace what line of BUGS code they came from
                                           ## This propagates to the C++ class names
                                           names(nodeGenerators)[i] <<- thisNodeGeneratorName
                                           for(j in seq_along(BUGSdecl$indexedNodeInfo)) {
                                               nfGeneratorArgs <- c(list(model = .self), BUGSdecl$indexedNodeInfo[[j]]$replacementValues)
   #? exploring non-eval approaches:  nodeFunctions[[nodeFunctionNames[[j]]]] <<- do.call(nfGenerator, nfGeneratorArgs)
                                               nfGeneratorCall <- as.call(c(quote(nfGenerator), nfGeneratorArgs))
   # this nfGeneratorCall calls nfGenerator and we need to be able to find this function. It is in this 
   # call frame.  However, where is nfRefClass to which it refers. Is this line nimbDSL_nimbleFunction.R:@37
                                               nodeFunctions[[nodeFunctionNames[[j]]]] <<- eval(nfGeneratorCall)
                                    buildNodesList = function() {   ## DANGEROUS!!  CAUSES R Studio TO CRASH!!  Unless the option NOT to try to inspect objects is used.
                                        nodes <<- list2env(nodeFunctions)			#trying to speed things up
                                    #    nodes <<- lapply(nodes, function(nf) getFunctionEnvVar(nf, 'nfRefClassObject'))
                                   show = function() {
                                       cat(paste0('Rmodel object with     name: \'', name,    '\'\n'))
##                                       cat(paste0('                      cName: \'', cName, '\'\n'))

RMakeCustomModelClass <- function(vars, className, isDataVars, modelDef, where = globalenv()) {
    newvars <- vars
    varnames <- if(is.list(vars)) names(vars) else vars

    inputList <- list(vars = newvars,
                      modelDef = modelDef,
                      isDataVars = isDataVars)

    ## uncomment this line if we want to ensure that every model refClass we generate is uniquely named internally
    className <- paste0(className, '_', nimbleUniqueID())
    eval(substitute(newClass <- setRefClass(
        Class = className,
        contains = 'RModelBaseClass',
        fields = FIELDS,
        methods = list(
            initialize = function(inputList, ...) {
				nodes <<- new.env()		# list()
				classEnvironment <<- new.env()
				isDataEnv <<- new.env()
				nodeFunctions <<- list()
				nodeGenerators <<- list()
                vars <<- inputList$vars
                isDataVars <<- inputList$isDataVars
                callSuper(modelDef = inputList$modelDef, ...)
                # setData(modelDef$constantsList, warnAboutMissingNames = FALSE)
                # removed given new handling of lumped data and constants
        ), where = where),
        list(FIELDS = makeBUGSclassFields(varnames)
    ans <- function(name = character()) {
        newClass(inputList = inputList, name = name)

MakeCustomModelClass <- function(vars, className, where = globalenv()) 
    RMakeCustomModelClass(vars, className, where = where)      ## So demos work...

## This builds the list of all fields needed for a reference class definition.
## It is built as an unevaluated list parse tree so that when the class if created the function definitions are evaluated then.
makeBUGSclassFields <- function(vars) {
    activeBindingDefs <- list()
    envDefs <- as.list(rep('ANY', length(vars)))
    names(envDefs) <- makeEnvName(vars)    
    rowDefs <-as.list(rep('ANY', length(vars)))
    nameDefs <- as.list(rep('ANY', length(vars)))
    names(rowDefs) <- makeRowName(vars)
    names(nameDefs) <- makeNameName(vars)
    for(var in vars) {
        activeBindingDefs[[var]] <- makeBUGSactiveBindingDef(makeEnvName(var), makeNameName(var), makeRowName(var))
    as.call(c(as.name("list"), activeBindingDefs, envDefs, nameDefs, rowDefs))

## This uses the activeBindingTemplate and plugs in the 3 needed names
makeBUGSactiveBindingDef <- function(envVarName, varVarName, rowVarName) {
    eval( substitute( substitute(aBT, list(ENVNAME = as.name(envVarName), VARNAME = as.name(varVarName), ROWNAME = as.name(rowVarName))), list(aBT = activeBindingTemplate) ) )
## makeBUGSactiveBindingDef('.env_x','.name_x','.row_x')

## Parse tree template for the active binding functions
activeBindingTemplate <- quote( function(value) {
    if(missing(value)) return(if(is.na(ROWNAME)) ENVNAME[[VARNAME]] else ENVNAME[[VARNAME]][[ROWNAME]]) ## commas will get inserted after ROWNAME
    else {
        if(is.na(ROWNAME)) ENVNAME[[VARNAME]] <- value
        else ENVNAME[[VARNAME]][[ROWNAME]] <- value

createDefault_isDataObj <- function(obj) {
    if(length(obj) == 0) return(FALSE)
    return(array(FALSE, dim = obj))
thirdwing/nimble documentation built on May 31, 2019, 10:41 a.m.