
###     CmodelValues    Reference class to access the modelValues objects
###                     New CModelValues object is created with 
###						"CModelValues$new(type, exisitingptr, cppTypeName)"
###						If type provided, object is built around
###						genSymbolTablefromModel(type)	                        
###						Otherwise, both exisitingptr and cppTypeName is required
###						exisitingptr should actually be a pointer to the C++ object
###						we want (not sure if this is the best way to do it: see how we 
###						handle reference classes later). cppTypeName names the class,
###						but is not required to match anything (unlike "type")

###						To access the elements of a CmodelValues object, we can call
###						CModelObject[["VARNAME"]]. This will return a list, with each
###						element of the list corresponding with that row of the VecNimArr
###						Values can also be set with CModelObject[["VARNAME"]] <- list

###						Another way we would like to access the list is through 
###						CModelObject[i, "VARNAME"]. We would like this to return
###						a new CModelObject of the same type, which the i^{th} row is filled out
###						for variable VARNAME, and all other entries are blank. HOWEVER
###						this requires that CModelObject was built using type, not existingptr
###						Need to discuss what to do if built around existingptr

CmodelValues <- setRefClass(
    Class = 'CmodelValues',
    fields = list(extptr = 'ANY',
        extptrCall = 'ANY',
        varNames = 'ANY',
        componentExtptrs = 'ANY',
        blankAns = 'ANY',
        .nodePtrs_byGID = 'ANY',
        GID_map = 'ANY',
        symTab = 'ANY',
    	sizes = function(){
    		if(length(varNames) == 0)
    		sizeList <- list()
    		for(compName in varNames ){
    			sizeList[[compName]] <- .Call('getMVsize', componentExtptrs[[compName]])
    methods = list(
        show = function() {
            writeLines(paste0("CmodelValues object with variables: ", paste(varNames, collapse = ", "), "."))
        expandNodeNames = function (nodeNames, returnType = "names", flatIndices = TRUE) 
    			return(GID_map$expandNodeNames(nodeNames = nodeNames, returnType = returnType, 
        flatIndices = flatIndices))
        initialize = function(buildCall, existingPtr ) {
            if(missing(existingPtr) ) {
                if(is.character(buildCall)) {
                    warning("a call to getNativeSymbolInfo with only a name and no DLL")
                   # Are we actually calling this here
                extptr <<- .Call(buildCall) # getNativeSymbolInfo(buildCall) )
                extptr <<- existingPtr
            if(missing(buildCall) ) 
                break("Cannot build object without buildCall!")
            extptrCall <<- buildCall
            varNames <<- .Call(getNativeSymbolInfo('getAvailableNames'), extptr)      
            componentExtptrs <<- vector(mode = 'list', length = length(varNames))
            names(componentExtptrs) <<- varNames
            blankAns <<- componentExtptrs
            for(comp in varNames) 
                componentExtptrs[[comp]] <<- .Call(getNativeSymbolInfo('getModelObjectPtr'), extptr, comp)
            .nodePtrs_byGID <<- new('numberedObjects')
            GID_map <<- makeMV_GID_Map(.self)
            if(length(sizes) > 0){
            	varLengths <- sapply(sizes, prod)
            	totLength <- sum(varLengths)
            	index = 1
            	for(i in seq_along(varNames)){
          		  	vName <- varNames[i]
          		  	.Call('populateNumberedObject_withSingleModelValuesAccessors', extptr, vName, as.integer(expandNodeNames(vName, returnType = 'ids')), as.integer(1) , .nodePtrs_byGID$.ptr)
            		index = index + varLengths[i]
        resize = function(rows){	
        	for(ptr in componentExtptrs)
        	jnk <- .Call("setNumListRows", ptr, as.integer(rows), TRUE)
        	jnk <- .Call('manualSetNRows', extptr, as.integer(rows) )  	
        getSize = function() {	getCRows(componentExtptrs[[1]])		}

setMethod('[', 'CmodelValues',
          function(x, i, j) {
                  i = x$varNames 
              if(missing(j) ) 
                  j = 1:cGetNRow(x)
              if(length(i) == 1){
              	ptr = x$componentExtptrs[[i]]
              	if(is.null(ptr) ) 
              		stop(paste('variable', i, ' not found in modelValues') ) 
              	if(length(j) == 1){
              		output = .Call('getMVElement', ptr, as.integer(j) )
              	output = .Call('getMVElementAsList', ptr, as.integer(j) )
             output <- list() 	
             for(cmp in i)
             	output[[cmp]] <- x[cmp, j]

setMethod('[<-', 'CmodelValues',
			function(x, i, j, value){
				if(missing(i) ) 
					i = x$varNames
				if(missing(j) ) 
					j = 1:getsize(x)
				if(length(i) == 1){
	              	ptr = x$componentExtptrs[[i]]
	              	if(is.null(ptr) ) 
	              		stop(paste('variable', i, ' not found in modelValues') ) 
					if(length(j) == 1){
						storage.mode(value) <- 'numeric'
						.Call('setMVElement', ptr, as.integer(j), value )
				for(jj in j)
					storage.mode(value[[jj]]) <- 'numeric'
				.Call('setMVElementFromList', ptr, value, as.integer(j) )
			cmpNames = names(value)
			if( !all(cmpNames %in% x$varNames) ) 
				stop('Warning: names of modelValue elements do not match')
			for(n in cmpNames)
				x[n, j] <- value[[n]]

setMethod('[[', 'CmodelValues',
          function(x, i, ...) {
          		if(missing(i) )
          			i <- x$varNames
				if(length(i) == 1){
					k <- getsize(x)
             	 	ptr = x$componentExtptrs[[i]]
             	 	if(is.null(ptr) ) 
             	 		stop(paste('variable', i, ' not found in modelValues') ) 
             	 	if(k == 1){
             	 		output = .Call('getMVElement', ptr, as.integer(1) )
             	 	output = .Call('getMVElementAsList', ptr, as.integer(1:k) )
             	output <- list() 	
             	for(cmp in i)
             		output[[cmp]] <- x[[cmp]]

setMethod('[[<-', 'CmodelValues',
          function(x, i,..., value){
  				if(missing(i) ) 
					i = x$varNames
				k <- getsize(x)
				if(length(i) == 1){
	              	ptr = x$componentExtptrs[[i]]
	              	if(is.null(ptr) ) 
	              		stop(paste('variable', i, ' not found in modelValues') ) 
					if(k == 1){
						.Call('setMVElement', ptr, as.integer(1), as.numeric(value) )
				.Call('setMVElementFromList', ptr, as.numeric(value), as.integer(1:k) )
			cmpNames = names(value)
			if( !all(cmpNames %in% x$varNames) ) 
				stop('Warning: names of modelValue elements do not match')
			for(n in cmpNames)
				x[[n]] <- value[[n]]
thirdwing/nimble documentation built on May 31, 2019, 10:41 a.m.