
## exprClass is a class for parse trees (expressions) that enhances
## the information in the regular R parse tree.  It makes it so we can
## navigate the parse tree more easily, keeping track of what we need, and
## not being awkward with the R parse tree all the time.  In particular, it has fields
## flagging whether the expression is a name, a call, and/or an assignment;
## it has information on the types, number of dimensions, and size expressions, when appropriate;
## it knows what exprClass object it is an argument to, and what number argument it is;
## and it has a field eigMatrix used for tracking matrix vs. array status of Eigen expressions
## In places it is still convenient to use R parse trees, or to generate
## code in an R parse tree and then call RparseTree2ExprClasses to convert it
exprClass <- setRefClass('exprClass',
                         fields = list(
                             expr = 'ANY', ## optional for the original R expr. Not used much except at setup
                             isName = 'ANY',		#'logical', ## is it a name
                             isCall = 'ANY',		# 'logical', ## is it a call
                             isAssign =  'ANY',		#'logical', ## it is an assignment (all assignments are also calls)
                             name =  'ANY',		#'character', ## what is the name of the call or the object (e.g. 'a' or '+')
                             nDim =  'ANY',		#'numeric', ## how many dimensions
                             sizeExprs =  'ANY',		#'list', ## a list of size expressions (using R parse trees for each non-numeric expression
                             type =  'ANY',		#'character', ## type label
                             args =  'ANY',		#'list', ## list of exprClass objects for the arguments
                             eigMatrix =  'ANY',		#'logical', ## vs. Array.  Only used for Eigenized expressions
                             toEigenize =  'ANY',		#'character', ##'yes', 'no', or 'maybe'
                             caller = 'ANY', ## exprClass object for the call to which this is an argument (if any)
                             callerArgID =  'ANY',		#'numeric', ## index in the calling object's args list for this object.
                             assertions =  'ANY'		#'list'
                         methods = list(
                             initialize = function(...) {sizeExprs <<- list(); args <<- list();toEigenize <<- 'unknown';assertions <<- list(); eigMatrix <<- logical(); callSuper(...)},
                             ## This displays the parse tree using indentation on multiple rows of output
                             ## It also checks that the caller and callerArgID fields are all correct
                             ## For deparsing, call nimDeparse
                             show = function(indent = '', showType = FALSE, showAssertions = FALSE, showToEigenize = FALSE) {
                                 ## optionally include size information
                                 sizeDisp <- if(showType) { 
                                     paste0(' \t| type = ', type,'(', length(sizeExprs), ', c(', paste0(unlist(lapply(sizeExprs, function(x) if(inherits(x, 'exprClass')) nimDeparse(x) else deparse(x))), collapse = ', '), '))')
                                 } else

                                 assertDisp <- if(showAssertions & length(assertions) > 0) {
                                     paste(' \t| assert:',paste(unlist(lapply(assertions, deparse)), collapse = ', '))
                                 } else character()

                                 toEigenizeDisp <- if(showToEigenize) {
                                     paste(' \t| ', toEigenize)
                                 } else character()
                                 ## write self label
                                 writeLines(paste0(indent, name, sizeDisp, assertDisp, toEigenizeDisp))
                                 ## Iterate through arguments and show them with more indenting
                                 for(i in seq_along(args)) {
                                     if(inherits(args[[i]], 'exprClass')) {
                                         args[[i]]$show(paste0(indent, '  '), showType, showAssertions, showToEigenize)
                                         ## check caller and callerArgID validity
                                         if(!identical(args[[i]]$caller, .self) |
                                            args[[i]]$callerArgID != i)
                                             writeLines(paste0(indent, '****',
                                                               'Warning: caller and/or callerID are not set correctly.'))
                                     } else {
                                         writeLines(paste0(indent, '  ', if(is.null(args[[i]])) 'NULL' else args[[i]]))
                                 ## close brackets
                                 if(name=='{') writeLines(paste0(indent,'}'))

## This class is for keeping track of symbolic dimension and size information
## for a variable name, including any known changes as code processing progresses
## It differs from the information in the symbol table in that the latter is static: it is not modified as a result of code processing
exprTypeInfoClass <- setRefClass('exprTypeInfoClass',
                                 fields = list(
                                     nDim =  'ANY',		#'numeric',
                                     sizeExprs =  'ANY',		#'list',
                                     type =  'ANY'),		#'character'),
                                 methods = list(
                                 	initialize = function(...){sizeExprs <<- list();callSuper(...)},
                                     show = function() {
                                         writeLines(paste0('exprTypeInfoClass: nDim = ', nDim, '. type = ', type,'. sizeExprs = ', paste0( lapply(sizeExprs, deparse), collapse = ',')))

## Add indendation to every character() element in a list, doing so recursively for any nested list()
addIndentToList <- function(x, indent) {
    if(is.list(x)) return(lapply(x, addIndentToList, indent))
    paste0(indent, x)

### Deparse from exprClass back to R code: not guaranteed to be identical, but valid.
nimDeparse <- function(code, indent = '') {
    ## numeric case
    if(is.numeric(code)) return(code)
    if(is.character(code)) return(paste0('\"', code, '\"'))
    if(is.null(code)) return('NULL')
    ## name
    if(!inherits(code, 'exprClass')) return(class(code))
    if(code$isName) return(code$name)
    ## { : iterate through contents, deparsing and adding indentation
    if(code$name == '{') {
        ans <- vector('list', length(code$args) + 2)
        ans[[1]] <- paste0(indent, '{')
        for(i in seq_along(code$args)) {
            newInd <- paste0(indent, '  ')
            ans[[i+1]] <- addIndentToList(nimDeparse(code$args[[i]], newInd), newInd)
        ans[[length(code$args) + 2]] <- paste0(indent, '}')
    ## for: 
    if(code$name == 'for') {
        part1 <- paste0('for(', nimDeparse(code$args[[1]]), ' in ', nimDeparse(code$args[[2]]), ')')
        part2 <- nimDeparse(code$args[[3]]) ## body of loop
        if(is.list(part2)) { ## should be TRUE if the created by RparseTree2ExprClasses, which ensures that for bodys are embedded in {
            ## put the { on the same line as the for()
            part2[[1]] <- paste(part1, part2[[1]])
            part2 <- addIndentToList(part2, indent)
        } else {
            ## If the body is not in a {, put it on the same line as for()
            return(paste(part1, part2))
    ## if:
    if(code$name %in% ifOrWhile) {
        part1 <- paste0('if(', nimDeparse(code$args[[1]]),')')
        ## body of 'then' or 'while' clause:
        part2 <- nimDeparse(code$args[[2]])
        if(is.list(part2)) { ## If it is in a {, put { on same line as if()
            part2[[1]] <- paste(part1, part2[[1]])
            part2 <- addIndentToList(part2, indent)
        } else {
            ## If it is not in a {, put on same line as if()
            part2 <- paste(part1, part2)
        ## If there is no 'else' clause, return
        if(length(code$args) == 2) return(part2) ## no else clause
        ## body of 'else' clause:
        part3 <- nimDeparse(code$args[[3]])
        if(is.list(part3)) { ## If it is in {, merge lines to get '} else {'
            part3[[1]] <- paste(part2[[length(part2)]], 'else', part3[[1]])
            part3[-1] <- addIndentToList(part3[-1], indent)
            part3 <- c(part2[-length(part2)], part3)
        } else {
            ## If it is not in {, merge lines to get '} else else-body'
            part2[[length(part2)]] <- paste(part2[[length(part2)]], 'else', part3)
    ## for operators like '+' that go after the first argument:
    if(code$name %in% names(midOperators)) {
        if(length(code$args) == 2) {
            if(is.null(code$caller)) useParens <- FALSE
            else {
                thisRank <- operatorRank[[code$name]]
                callingRank <- if(!is.null(code$caller)) operatorRank[[code$caller$name]] else NULL
                useParens <- FALSE ## default to FALSE
                if(!is.null(callingRank)) {
                    if(!is.null(thisRank)) {
                        if(callingRank < thisRank) useParens <- TRUE
                return( paste0('(', nimDeparse(code$args[[1]]), midOperators[[code$name]], paste0(unlist(lapply(code$args[-1], nimDeparse) ), collapse = ', '), ')' ) )
                return( paste0(nimDeparse(code$args[[1]]), midOperators[[code$name]], paste0(unlist(lapply(code$args[-1], nimDeparse) ), collapse = ', ') ) )
        ## unary case will go to end, so -A will become -(A)
    ## for operators like '[' that go after the first argument and then have a closing part like ']'
    if(code$name %in% names(brackOperators)) {
        return( paste0(nimDeparse(code$args[[1]]), brackOperators[[code$name]][1], paste0(unlist(lapply(code$args[-1], nimDeparse) ), collapse = ', '), brackOperators[[code$name]][2] ) )
    if(code$name == '(') {
        return(paste0('(', paste0(unlist(lapply(code$args, nimDeparse) ), collapse = ', '), ')'))
    if(code$name == 'chainedCall') {
                      '(', paste0(unlist(lapply(code$args[-1], nimDeparse) ), collapse = ', '), ')' ) )
    ## for a general function call
    return( paste0(code$name, '(', paste0(unlist(lapply(code$args, nimDeparse) ), collapse = ', '), ')' ) )

## some utilities

## return a list of size expressions with any "1"s dropped
## E.g. (dim(A)[1], 1, 2) returns (dim(A)[1], 2)
## This would be useful for determining e.g. if (dim(B)[1], 2) and (dim(A)[1], 1, 2) can be added as like types
## For now, the only case we use it for is determining is something can be treated like a scalar, e.g. with sizes of 1 in every dimension
dropSingleSizes <- function(sizeList) {
    drop <- logical(length(sizeList))
    for(i in seq_along(sizeList)) {
        drop[i] <- if(is.numeric(sizeList[[i]])) sizeList[[i]] == 1 else FALSE 
    sizeList[drop] <- NULL
    list(sizeExprs = sizeList, drop = drop)

insertExprClassLayer <- function(code, argID, funName, isName = FALSE, isCall = TRUE, isAssign = FALSE, ... ) {
    newExpr <- exprClass$new(name = funName, isName = isName, isCall = isCall, isAssign = isAssign,
                             args = list(code$args[[argID]]), ...)
    setCaller(code$args[[argID]], newExpr, 1)
    setArg(code, argID, newExpr)

insertIndexingBracket <- function(code, argID, index) {
    insertExprClassLayer(code, argID, '[')
    setArg(code$args[[argID]], 2, index)

## make a new bracket { expression in exprClass objects
newBracketExpr <- function(args = list()) {
    ans <- exprClass$new(isCall = TRUE, isName = FALSE, isAssign = FALSE,
                  name = '{', args = args)
    for(i in seq_along(args)) {
        setCaller(ans$args[[i]], ans, i)

removeExprClassLayer <- function(code, argID = 1) {
    setArg(code$caller, code$callerArgID, if(length(code$args) >= argID) code$args[[argID]] else NULL)

setCaller <- function(value, expr, ID) {
    value$caller <- expr
    value$callerArgID <- ID

setArg <- function(expr, ID, value) {
    expr$args[[ID]] <- value
    if(inherits(value, 'exprClass')) setCaller(value, expr, ID)

newAssignmentExpression <- function() {
    exprClass$new(isName = FALSE, isCall = TRUE, isAssign = TRUE, name = '<-')

## This modifies the code$caller in place
## and generates the temp expr
buildSimpleIntermCall <- function(code) {
    if(code$caller$isAssign) return(NULL)
    newName <- IntermLabelMaker()

    ## change my argument from the caller to the new temp
    setArg(code$caller, code$callerArgID, RparseTree2ExprClasses(as.name(newName)))
    newExpr <- newAssignmentExpression()
    setArg(newExpr, 1, RparseTree2ExprClasses(as.name(newName))) 
    setArg(newExpr, 2, code) ## The setArg function should set code$caller (to newExpr) and code$callerArgID (to 3)


isCodeScalar <- function(code) {
    for(i in seq_along(code$sizeExprs))
        if(!identical(code$sizeExprs[[i]], 1)) return(FALSE)

anyNonScalar <- function(code) {
    if(!inherits(code, 'exprClass')) return(FALSE)
    if(code$name == 'map') return(TRUE)
    if(code$isName) {
    if(code$isCall) {
        skipFirst <- FALSE
        if(code$name == '[') skipFirst <- TRUE
        if(code$name == 'size') skipFirst <- TRUE
        for(i in seq_along(code$args)) {
            if(!(skipFirst & i == 1)) {
                if(anyNonScalar(code$args[[i]])) return(TRUE)
thirdwing/nimble documentation built on May 31, 2019, 10:41 a.m.