
## creates unique labels ('nfRefClass1') for the reference class names for nimbleFunctions
nf_refClassLabelMaker <- labelFunctionCreator('nfRefClass')

#' create a virtual nimbleFunction, a base class for other nimbleFunctions
#' define argument types and returnType for the \code{run} function and any \code{methods}, to be used in the \code{contains} argument of \code{nimbleFunction}
#' @param contains Not yet functional
#' @param run      A NIMBLE function that will only be used to inspect its argument types and returnType.
#' @param methods  An optional named list of NIMBLE functions that will also only be used for inspecting argument types and returnTypes.
#' @param name     An optional name used internally by the NIMBLE compiled.  This is usually omitted and NIMBLE provides one.
#' @author NIMBLE development team
#' @export
#' @details See the NIMBLE User Manual section on nimbleFunctionLists for explanation of how to use a virtual nimbleFunction.
#' @return An object that can be passed as the \code{contains} argument to \code{nimbleFunction} or as the argument to \code{nimbleFunctionList}
nimbleFunctionVirtual <- function(contains = NULL,
                                  run = function() { },
                                  methods     = list(),
                                  name        = NA) {
    virtual <- TRUE
    if(is.na(name)) name <- nf_refClassLabelMaker()
    className <- name
    ## We make this look like a nimbleFunction in relevants ways for compilation
    methodList <- c(list(run = run), methods)   # create a list of the run function, and all other methods
    methodList <- lapply(methodList, nfMethodRC)
##    CclassName <- as.character(NA) ##Rname2CppName(className)
    generatorFunction <- function() {}
##    Cwritten <- compiled <- loadedSO <- FALSE ## Not sure we need all these for an abstract class 
    nfRefClassDef <- nfRefClass <- NULL ## Existence of these makes this treated like a nfGenerator

#' create a nimbleFunction
#' create a nimbleFunction from a setup function, run function, possibly other methods, and possibly inheritance via \code{contains}
#' @param setup An optional R function definition for setup processing.
#' @param run An optional NIMBLE function definition the executes the primary job of the nimbleFunction
#' @param methods An optional named list of NIMBLE function definitions for other class methods that can be called via \code{nfMethod}.
#' @param contains An optional object returned from \code{nimbleFunctionVirtual} that defines arguments and returnTypes for \code{run} and/or methods, to which the current nimbleFunction must conform
#' @param name An optional name used internally, for example in generated C++ code.  Usually this is left blank and NIMBLE provides a name.
#' @param where An optional \code{where} argument passed to \code{setRefClass} for where the reference class definition generated for this nimbleFunction will be stored.  This is needed due to R package namespace issues but should never need to be provided by a user.
#' @author NIMBLE development team
#' @export
#' @details
#' This is the main function for defining nimbleFunctions.  A lot of information is provided in the NIMBLE User Manual, so only a brief summary will be made here.
#' If a \code{setup} function is provided, then \code{nimbleFunction} returns a generator: a function that when called with arguments for the setup function will execute that function and return a specialized nimbleFunction.   When the specialized nimbleFunction is called, the \code{run} function is executed, which can use objects that were created in or passed to the \code{setup} function.  Additional member functions provided in the \code{methods} argument can be accessed using \code{nfMethod}.
#' If no \code{setup} function is provided, then \code{nimbleFunction} returns a function that executes the \code{run} function.  It is not a generator in this case, and no other \code{methods} can be provided.
#' If one wants a generator but does not need any setup arguments or code, \code{setup = TRUE} can be used.
#' See the NIMBLE User Manual for examples.
#' For more information about the \code{contains} argument, see the section on nimbleFunctionLists.
nimbleFunction <- function(setup         = NULL,
                           run           = function() { },
                           methods       = list(),
                           contains      = NULL,
                           name          = NA,
                           where         = globalenv()) {

    if(is.logical(setup)) if(setup) setup <- function() {} else setup <- NULL

    if(is.null(setup)) {
        if(length(methods) > 0) stop('Cannot provide multiple methods if there is no setup function.  Use "setup = function(){}" if you need a setup function that does not do anything', call. = FALSE)
        if(!is.null(contains)) stop('Cannot provide a contains argument if there is no setup function.  Use "setup = function(){}" if you need a setup function that does not do anything', call. = FALSE)
        return(RCfunction(run, name = name))
    virtual <- FALSE
    if(is.na(name)) name <- nf_refClassLabelMaker()
    className <- name
    methodList <- c(list(run = run), methods)   # create a list of the run function, and all other methods
    methodList <- lapply(methodList, nfMethodRC)
    ## create the reference class definition
##    if(is.na(className)) className <- nf_refClassLabelMaker()
    nfRefClassDef <- nf_createRefClassDef(setup, methodList, className)
    nfRefClass    <- eval(nfRefClassDef)
    ## create a list to hold all specializations (instances) of this nimble function.  The following objects are accessed in environment(generatorFunction) in the future
##    instances <- list()
##    CclassName <- as.character(NA) ##Rname2CppName(className)
##    cppDef <- NULL ## This is for the cppNIMBLEfunctionClass object later
##    nfProc <- NULL ## this is for the nfProcessing object.  This is needed because it may be created with only setupTypeInference (round 1) done so another nimbleFunction can determine types of setupOutputs
    ## create the generator function, which is returned from nimbleFunction()
    generatorFunction <- eval(nf_createGeneratorFunctionDef(setup))
    force(contains) ## eval the contains so it is in this environment
##    Cwritten <- compiled <- loadedSO <- FALSE
    formals(generatorFunction) <- nf_createGeneratorFunctionArgs(setup, parent.frame())

nimbleFunctionBase <- setRefClass(Class = 'nimbleFunctionBase', 
									fields = list(
										.generatorFunction = 'ANY',
										.CobjectInterface = 'ANY', 
										.newSetupLinesProcessed = 'ANY'
									methods = list(
									initialize = function(...)
									))	#	$runRelated

## template for the reference class internal to all nimble functions
nf_createRefClassDef <- function(setup, methodList, className = nf_refClassLabelMaker()) {
    finalMethodList <- lapply(methodList, function(nfMethodRCobject) nfMethodRCobject$generateFunctionObject())
    finalMethodList[['show']] <- eval(substitute(function() writeLines(paste0('reference class object for nimble function class ', className)),
                                                 list(className = className)))
        setRefClass(Class   = NFREFCLASS_CLASSNAME,
                    fields  = NFREFCLASS_FIELDS,
                    methods = NFREFCLASS_METHODS, 
                    contains = 'nimbleFunctionBase',	#	$runRelated
                    where   = where),
        list(NFREFCLASS_CLASSNAME = className,
             NFREFCLASS_FIELDS    = nf_createRefClassDef_fields(setup, methodList),
             NFREFCLASS_METHODS   = finalMethodList ##lapply(methodList, function(nfMethodRCobject) nfMethodRCobject$generateFunctionObject())

## creates a list of the fields (setupOutputs) for a nimble function reference class
nf_createRefClassDef_fields <- function(setup, methodList) {
    setupOutputsDeclaration <- nf_processSetupFunctionBody(setup, returnSetupOutputDeclaration = TRUE)
    setupOutputNames <- nf_createSetupOutputNames(setup, methodList, setupOutputsDeclaration)
    if(FALSE) print(setupOutputNames)
    fields <- as.list(rep('ANY', length(setupOutputNames)))
    names(fields) <- setupOutputNames
  #  fields$.generatorFunction = 'ANY'
  #  fields$.CobjectInterface <- 'ANY'
  #  fields$.newSetupLinesProcessed <- 'ANY'

nf_createSetupOutputNames <- function(setup, methodList, setupOutputsDeclaration) {
    setupOutputNames <- character(0)
    setupOutputNames <- c(setupOutputNames, names(formals(setup)))   # add all setupArgs to potential setupOutputs
    setupOutputNames <- c(setupOutputNames, nf_assignmentLHSvars(body(setup)))  # add all variables on LHS of <- in setup to potential setupOutputs
    setupOutputNames <- intersect(setupOutputNames, nf_createAllNamesFromMethodList(methodList))
    setupOutputNames <- c(setupOutputNames, nf_getNamesFromSetupOutputDeclaration(setupOutputsDeclaration))
    setupOutputNames <- unique(setupOutputNames)

## returns the names of any variables appearing on the LHS of an `<-` assignment statement, in code
nf_assignmentLHSvars <- function(code) {
    if(!is.call(code))     return(character(0))
    isAssign <- code[[1]] == '<-' | code[[1]] == '='
    if(!isAssign)  return(unique(unlist(lapply(as.list(code), nf_assignmentLHSvars))))
    if(isAssign)  return(c(nf_getVarFromAssignmentLHScode(code[[2]]), nf_assignmentLHSvars(code[[3]])))

## determines the name of the target variable, from the LHS code of an `<-` assignment statement
nf_getVarFromAssignmentLHScode <- function(code) {
    if(is.name(code)) return(deparse(code))
    ##if(!any(code[[1]] == c('[', '[[', '$')))  stop(paste0('invalid assignment target expression in setup: ', deparse(code)))

## creates a list of all the names of all variables and functions in the code of methodList functions
nf_createAllNamesFromMethodList <- function(methodList) {
    methodListCode <- lapply(methodList, function(f) f$code)
    return(unique(unlist(lapply(methodListCode, function(code) all.names(code)))))

nf_getNamesFromSetupOutputDeclaration <- function(setupOutputsDeclaration) {
    if(setupOutputsDeclaration[[1]] != 'setupOutputs') stop('something went wrong')
    return(unlist(lapply(setupOutputsDeclaration[-1], function(so) { if(is.call(so)) stop('cannot have a call inside setupOuts() declaration') else deparse(so) } )))

## definition for the nimble function generator (specializer)
nf_createGeneratorFunctionDef <- function(setup) {
    generatorFunctionDef <- substitute(
        function() {
            SETUPCODE                    # execute setupCode
            nfRefClassObject <- nfRefClass()   # create an object of the reference class
            nfRefClassObject$.generatorFunction <- generatorFunction   # link upwards to get the generating function of this nf
            for(.var_unique_name_1415927 in nf_namesNotHidden(names(nfRefClass$fields())))    { nfRefClassObject[[.var_unique_name_1415927]] <- get(.var_unique_name_1415927) }     # assign setupOutputs into reference class object
            ## instances[[length(instances)+1]] <<- nfRefClassObject   # record this instance of the reference class
            #	$runRelated	
    #        nf <- function(...) { nfRefClassObject$run(...) }       # create the wrapper function to hold the reference class object
   #         environment(nf) <- new.env(parent = parent.frame())
   #         environment(nf)$nfRefClassObject <- nfRefClassObject    # assign reference class object into function environment
   #         return(nf)
        list(SETUPCODE = nf_processSetupFunctionBody(setup, returnCode = TRUE)))
    generatorFunctionDef[[4]] <- NULL

nf_processSetupFunctionBody <- function(setup, returnCode = FALSE, returnSetupOutputDeclaration = FALSE) {
    code <- body(setup)
    returnLineNum <- 0
    for(i in seq_along(code)) {
        if(is.call(code[[i]])) {
            if(is.name(code[[i]][[1]])) {
                if(code[[i]][[1]] == 'setupOutputs') {
                    returnLineNum <- i
    if(sum(all.names(code) == 'setupOutputs') > 1) stop('multiple setupOutputs() declarations in nimbleFunction setup argument; only one allowed')
    if(returnLineNum == 0) {
        ## no setupOutputs() declaration found; default behavior
        setupOutputDeclaration <- quote(setupOutputs())
    } else {
        ## setupOutputs() declaration was found
        setupOutputDeclaration <- code[[returnLineNum]]
        code[returnLineNum] <- NULL
    if('list' %in% all.names(setupOutputDeclaration))  stop('setupOutputs(...) declaration should not include \'list()\'')
    if(returnCode)                   return(code)
    if(returnSetupOutputDeclaration) return(setupOutputDeclaration)
    stop('must specify either returnCode=TRUE or returnSetupOutputDeclaration=TRUE')

## generates the argument list for the generator function
nf_createGeneratorFunctionArgs <- function(setup, pf) {
    generatorFunctionArgs <- lapply(formals(setup), function(arg) { if(is.blank(arg)) arg else eval(arg, pf) })

## helper function for creating argument lists
nf_createAList <- function(argNames) {
    aListText <- if(length(argNames) > 0) {
        argNames <- paste0('`', argNames, '`')
        paste0('alist(', paste(argNames,'=',collapse=','), ')')
    } else { 'alist()' }
    eval(parse(text = aListText, keep.source = FALSE))

## returns names which don't begin with '.'
nf_namesNotHidden <- function(names) {
    names[!grepl('^\\.', names)]
thirdwing/nimble documentation built on May 31, 2019, 10:41 a.m.