
Defines functions matchColNames raw.dataFilesAFM

Documented in raw.dataFilesAFM

#' Create dataFilesAFM Table
#' @param fIDfile RAW-ID file with path
#' @param dataFilesAFM table with the AFM data
#' @param f_post function to customize sample, type etc.
#' @param verbose logical for extra information
#' @importFrom dplyr "%>%" filter
#' @importFrom nanoAFMr AFM.import AFMinfo AFMinfo.item AFM.partial
#' @export
raw.dataFilesAFM <- function(fIDfile = 'data-raw/RAW-ID.csv',
                             dataFilesAFM = NULL,
                             f_post = NA,
                             verbose=FALSE) {
  if (!file.exists(fIDfile)) stop("Cannot find RAW-ID file.")
  dataRAW <- raw.readRAWIDfile(fIDfile)
  # Find AFM images that could be added
  dataRAW %>% filter(missing == FALSE) %>%
    filter(type == 'AFM') -> rFile
  if (verbose) cat("Found",nrow(rFile),"AFM images.\n")

  # Add any AFM file data that already exists
  if (length(dataFilesAFM)==0) {
    result = data.frame()
  } else {
    result = dataFilesAFM
    # update rows / match to current version
    colN = "ID,sample,filename,partial,note,quality,scanRate,cantilever,setPoint,scanAngle,driveFrequency,objectect,description,resolution,size,channel,date,z.min,z.max,z.units,dataType,res.px,size.nm,imgNo,direction"
    result <- matchColNames(result, colN)
    if (verbose) cat("Using",nrow(result),"AFM images in dataFilesAFM\n")

  for(j in 1:nrow(rFile)) {
    # check if AFM file needs to be loaded and added
    if (length(dataFilesAFM) > 0) { if (rFile$ID[j] %in% dataFilesAFM$ID) next }

    fname = file.path(rFile$path[j], rFile$filename[j])
    if (verbose) cat("Adding:",basename(fname),"\n")

    df     <- AFM.import(fname)
    if (is.null(df)) next
    dfInfo <- AFMinfo(fname)
    note   <- AFMinfo.item(dfInfo, 'Note')
    scanRate      <- dfInfo$scanRate.Hz
    cantilever    <- AFMinfo.item(dfInfo,"cantilever")
    setPoint      <- AFMinfo.item(dfInfo, "Setpoint")
    scanAngle     <- AFMinfo.item(dfInfo,"ScanAngle")
    driveFrequency <- AFMinfo.item(dfInfo,"DriveFrequency")

    res.px = as.numeric(gsub('(\\d+).*','\\1',summary(df)$resolution))
    size.nm = as.numeric(gsub('(\\d+).*','\\1',summary(df)$size))

    r = cbind(
      ID = rFile$ID[j],
      sample = rFile$sample[j],
      filename = rFile$filename[j],
      partial = AFM.partial(df),
      note = note,
      quality = "",
      scanRate = scanRate,
      cantilever = cantilever,
      setPoint = setPoint,
      scanAngle = scanAngle,
      driveFrequency = driveFrequency,
      objectect = summary(df)[1,c('objectect')],
      description = summary(df)[1,c('description')],
      resolution = summary(df)[1,c('resolution')],
      size = summary(df)[1,c('size')],
      channel = paste(summary(df)$channel, collapse=","),
      date = summary(df)[1,c('date')],
      z.min = paste(summary(df)$z.min, collapse=","),
      z.max = paste(summary(df)$z.max, collapse=","),
      z.units = paste(summary(df)$z.units, collapse=","),
      dataType = summary(df)[1,c('dataType')],
      res.px = res.px[1],
      size.nm = size.nm[1],
      imgNo = 0,
      direction = ""

    result = rbind(result, r)

  # Number of the image for the run
  result$imgNo = as.numeric(gsub('.*(\\d{3})\\.?.*','\\1',result$filename))

  # Scanning Direction of AFM run
  result$direction = 0
  result$direction[which(grepl('Forward', result$filename)==TRUE)] = 1
  result$direction[which(grepl('Backward', result$filename)==TRUE)] = -1

  # CUSTOMIZE with post function
  if (is(f_post,"function")) result <- f_post(result)


# r = dataFilesAFM
# colN = column names
#' @importFrom data.table setcolorder data.table
matchColNames <- function(r, colN) {
  if (paste(names(r), collapse = ",") == colN) return(r)
  colNames.new <- strsplit(colN,",")[[1]]

  rno.keep = c()
  rno.add = c()
  r2 = data.frame()
  r0 = data.frame()
  for(n in colNames.new) {
    if (n %in% names(r)) {
      rno.keep = c(rno.keep, which(n == names(r)))
    } else {
      rno.add = c(rno.add, which(n == colNames.new))
  if (length(rno.keep) != length(names(r))) warning(length(names(r))-length(rno.keep)," columns of r not used.")

  if(length(rno.add)>0) {
    r0 = rbind(r0, rep("",length(rno.add)))
    colnames(r0) = colNames.new[rno.add]
    r2 = cbind(r[,rno.keep], r0)
  } else {
    r2 <- r[,rno.keep]

  r2 <- as.data.frame(setcolorder(data.table(r2), colNames.new))
thomasgredig/RAWdataR documentation built on Nov. 6, 2024, 9:46 a.m.