
Defines functions enpar sql_is_null sql_switch sql_case_when sql_if sql_case_match_clause sql_case_match

sql_case_match <- function(.x, ..., .default = NULL, .ptype = NULL) {
  error_call <- current_call()

  x_expr <- enexpr(.x)
  if (!is_symbol(x_expr) && !is_call(x_expr)) {
    msg <- "{.arg .x} must be a variable or function call, not {.obj_type_friendly {.x}}."
    cli_abort(msg, call = error_call)

  formulas <- list2(...)
  formulas <- purrr::compact(formulas)

  n <- length(formulas)

  if (n == 0) {
    cli_abort("No cases provided", call = error_call)

  con <- sql_current_con()
  query <- vector("list", n)
  value <- vector("list", n)

  for (i in seq_len(n)) {
    f <- formulas[[i]]
    env <- environment(f)

    query[[i]] <- sql_case_match_clause(f, .x, con)
    value[[i]] <- escape(enpar(quo(!!f[[3]]), tidy = FALSE, env = env), con = con)

  clauses <- purrr::map2_chr(query, value, ~ paste0("WHEN (", .x, ") THEN ", .y))
  if (!is_null(.default)) {
    .default <- escape(enpar(quo(.default), tidy = FALSE, env = env), con = con)
    clauses[[n + 1]] <- paste0("ELSE ", .default)

  same_line_sql <- sql(paste0("CASE ", paste0(clauses, collapse = " "), " END"))
  if (nchar(same_line_sql) <= 80) {

    paste0(clauses, collapse = "\n"),

sql_case_match_clause <- function(f, x, con) {
  env <- environment(f)
  f_query <- f[[2]]
  if (is_call(f_query, "c")) {
    # need to handle `c(...)` specially because on `expr(c(1, y))` it returns
    # `sql('1', '`y`')`
    f_query <- call_args(f_query)
  } else {
    if (!is_vector(f_query) || length(f_query) == 1) {
      f_query <- list(f_query)

  f_query <- purrr::map_if(f_query, ~ !is_vector(.x), ~ translate_sql(!!.x, con = con))
  missing_loc <- purrr::map_lgl(f_query, ~ is.null(.x) || is.na(.x))

  f_query <- vctrs::vec_slice(f_query, !missing_loc)
  has_na <- any(missing_loc)

  query <- NULL
  if (!is_empty(f_query)) {
    f_query <- escape(f_query, con = con, parens = TRUE, collapse = ", ")
    query <- translate_sql(!!x %in% !!f_query, con = sql_current_con())

  if (has_na) {
    query <- paste(c(query, glue_sql2(con, "{x} IS NULL")), collapse = " OR ")


sql_if <- function(cond, if_true, if_false = quo(NULL), missing = quo(NULL)) {
  enpared_cond <- enpar(cond)
  enpared_if_true <- enpar(if_true)
  enpared_if_false <- enpar(if_false)
  enpared_missing <- enpar(missing)
  con <- sql_current_con()

  out <- "CASE WHEN {.val enpared_cond} THEN {.val enpared_if_true}"

  # `ifelse()` and `if_else()` have a three value logic: they return `NA` resp.
  # `missing` if `cond` is `NA`. To get the same in SQL it is necessary to
  # translate to
  # CASE
  #   WHEN <cond> THEN `if_true`
  #   WHEN NOT <cond> THEN `if_false`
  #   WHEN <cond> IS NULL THEN `missing`
  # END
  # Together these cases cover every possible case. So, if `if_false` and
  # `missing` are identical they can be simplified to `ELSE <if_false>`
  if (!quo_is_null(if_false) && identical(if_false, missing)) {
    out <- glue_sql2(con, out, " ELSE {.val enpared_if_false} END")

  if (!quo_is_null(if_false)) {
    false_sql <- " WHEN NOT {.val enpared_cond} THEN {.val enpared_if_false}"
    out <- paste0(out, false_sql)

  if (!quo_is_null(missing)) {
    missing_cond <- translate_sql(is.na(!!cond), con = con)
    missing_sql <- " WHEN {.val missing_cond} THEN {.val enpared_missing}"
    out <- paste0(out, missing_sql)

  glue_sql2(con, out, " END")

sql_case_when <- function(...,
                          .default = NULL,
                          .ptype = NULL,
                          .size = NULL,
                          error_call = caller_env()) {
  # TODO: switch to dplyr::case_when_prepare when available
  check_unsupported_arg(.ptype, call = error_call)
  check_unsupported_arg(.size, call = error_call)
  con <- sql_current_con()

  formulas <- list2(...)
  n <- length(formulas)

  if (n == 0) {
    cli_abort("No cases provided")

  query <- vector("list", n)
  value <- vector("list", n)

  for (i in seq_len(n)) {
    f <- formulas[[i]]

    env <- environment(f)
    query[[i]] <- escape(enpar(quo(!!f[[2]]), tidy = FALSE, env = env), con = con)
    value[[i]] <- escape(enpar(quo(!!f[[3]]), tidy = FALSE, env = env), con = con)

  clauses <- purrr::map2_chr(query, value, ~ paste0("WHEN ", .x, " THEN ", .y))
  # if a formula like TRUE ~ "other" is at the end of a sequence, use ELSE statement
  # TRUE has precedence over `.default`
  if (is_true(formulas[[n]][[2]])) {
    clauses[[n]] <- paste0("ELSE ", value[[n]])
  } else if (!is_null(.default)) {
    .default <- escape(enpar(quo(.default), tidy = FALSE, env = env), con = con)
    clauses[[n + 1]] <- paste0("ELSE ", .default)

  same_line_sql <- sql(paste0("CASE ", paste0(clauses, collapse = " "), " END"))
  if (nchar(same_line_sql) <= 80) {

    paste0(clauses, collapse = "\n"),

sql_switch <- function(x, ...) {
  con <- sql_current_con()
  input <- list2(...)

  named <- names2(input) != ""

  clauses <- purrr::map2_chr(names(input)[named], input[named], function(x, y) {
    glue_sql2(con, "WHEN ({.val x}) THEN ({.val y})")

  n_unnamed <- sum(!named)
  if (n_unnamed == 0) {
    # do nothing
  } else if (n_unnamed == 1) {
    idx <- which(!named)
    clauses <- c(clauses, glue_sql2(con, "ELSE ({.val input[[idx]]})"))
  } else {
    cli_abort("Can only have one unnamed (ELSE) input")

  clauses_collapsed <- paste0(clauses, collapse = " ")
  glue_sql2(con, "CASE {.val x} {clauses_collapsed} END")

sql_is_null <- function(x) {
  x_sql <- enpar(enquo(x))
  sql_expr((!!x_sql %is% NULL))

enpar <- function(x, tidy = TRUE, env = NULL) {
  if (!is_quosure(x)) {
    cli_abort("Internal error: `x` must be a quosure.") # nocov

  if (tidy) {
    x_sql <- eval_tidy(x, env = env)
  } else {
    x_sql <- eval_bare(x, env = env)
  if (quo_is_call(x)) {
    glue_sql2(sql_current_con(), "({.val x_sql})")
  } else {
tidyverse/dbplyr documentation built on Sept. 15, 2024, 8:58 a.m.