
Defines functions sexp_iterate vec_resize list_compact run_c_test c_tests getppid rlang_unpreserve rlang_preserve rlang_precious_dict use_local_precious_list has_local_precious_list lof_arr_push_back lof_push_back lof_unwrap lof_info new_dyn_list_of print.rlang_dyn_array has_size_one_bool dyn_list_push_back dyn_chr_push_back dyn_raw_push_back dyn_cpl_push_back dyn_dbl_push_back dyn_int_push_back dyn_lgl_push_back dyn_list_poke dyn_chr_poke dyn_raw_poke dyn_cpl_poke dyn_dbl_poke dyn_int_poke dyn_lgl_poke dyn_list_get dyn_chr_get dyn_raw_get dyn_cpl_get dyn_dbl_get dyn_int_get dyn_lgl_get dyn_resize dyn_pop_back dyn_push_back_bool dyn_push_back dyn_count dyn_info dyn_unwrap new_dyn_array new_dyn_vector dict_it_next dict_it_info new_dict_iterator print.rlang_dict dict_as_list dict_as_df_list dict_get dict_has dict_del dict_put dict_poke dict_resize dict_size new_dict alloc_data_frame format_error_arg detect_rlang_lib_usage has_include_directive is_rlang_dir check_rlang download_rlang use_rlang_c_library

#' Import or update the rlang C library
#' @description
#' The rlang library is downloaded from the development version on
#' github by default. Set the `RLANG_PATH` environment variable to a
#' local path to copy rlang from a local source.
#' Set the `RLANG_LIB_NO_PROMPT` environment variable to `"true"` to
#' disable the prompts about overwriting an existing library.
#' @noRd
use_rlang_c_library <- function() {
  check_installed(c("fs", "usethis"), "to install the rlang C library.")

  rlang_path <- Sys.getenv("RLANG_PATH")
  if (!nzchar(rlang_path)) {
    rlang_path <- download_rlang()

  rlang_lib_path <- fs::path(rlang_path, "src", "rlang")
  rlang_lib_include_path <- fs::path(rlang_path, "src", "rlang.c")

  proj_path <- usethis::proj_get()
  if (is_rlang_dir(proj_path)) {
      "Can't update rlang from itself.",
      i = "Did you forget to change project?"

  src_path <- fs::path(proj_path, "src")
  lib_path <- fs::path(src_path, "rlang")
  lib_include_path <- fs::path(src_path, "rlang.c")

  has_library <- any(fs::file_exists(c(lib_path, lib_include_path)))

  if (has_library) {
    no_prompt <- tolower(Sys.getenv("RLANG_LIB_NO_PROMPT"))
    if (!is_string(no_prompt, "true")) {
      prompt <- paste("Remove existing library in", src_path)
      if (!usethis::ui_yeah(prompt)) {

    if (fs::file_exists(lib_path)) {
    if (any(fs::file_exists(lib_include_path))) {

  fs::dir_copy(rlang_lib_path, lib_path)
  fs::file_copy(rlang_lib_include_path, lib_include_path)

  if (has_library) {
    usethis::ui_done("Updated rlang library.")
  } else {
    usethis::ui_done("Installed rlang library to `src/rlang`.")

  if (!has_include_directive(src_path)) {
    usethis::ui_todo("Add to `src/Makevars`:")
    usethis::ui_code_block("PKG_CPPFLAGS = -I./rlang")
  if (!detect_rlang_lib_usage(src_path)) {
    usethis::ui_todo("Include the library with `#include <rlang.h>`.")
    usethis::ui_todo("Call `r_init_library()` from your `.onLoad()` hook.")

download_rlang <- function() {
  dest_zip <- fs::file_temp("rlang-src")

  url <- "https://github.com/r-lib/rlang/archive/main.zip"
  utils::download.file(url, dest_zip)

  dest_dir <- fs::file_temp("rlang-src")
  utils::unzip(dest_zip, exdir = dest_dir)

  fs::path(dest_dir, "rlang-main")

check_rlang <- function(path) {
  if (!is_rlang_dir(path)) {
    abort("Can't find rlang in path.")
is_rlang_dir <- function(path) {
  lib_path <- fs::path(path, "src", "rlang")
  desc_path <- fs::path(path, "DESCRIPTION")

  if (!fs::dir_exists(lib_path)) {
  if (!fs::file_exists(desc_path)) {

  desc <- readLines(desc_path, n = 1)
  if (!is_string(desc, "Package: rlang")) {


has_include_directive <- function(src_path) {
  makevars_path <- fs::path(src_path, "Makevars")

  if (!fs::file_exists(makevars_path)) {

  makevars_lines <- readLines(makevars_path)
  any(grepl("PKG_CPPFLAGS.*-I.*rlang", makevars_lines))

detect_rlang_lib_usage <- function(src_path) {
  src_files <- fs::dir_ls(src_path, glob = "*.c", recurse = TRUE)
  src_files <- src_files[!grepl("/src/rlang/", src_files)]

  has_include <- FALSE
  has_init <- FALSE

  for (file in src_files) {
    lines <- readLines(file)

    if (any(grepl("#include <rlang.h>", lines))) {
      has_include <- TRUE
    if (any(grepl("r_init_library", lines))) {
      has_init <- TRUE

    if (has_include && has_init) {


# cnd.c

format_error_arg <- function(arg) {
  .Call(ffi_format_error_arg, arg)

# df.c

alloc_data_frame <- function(n_rows, names, types) {
  .Call(ffi_alloc_data_frame, n_rows, names, types)

# dict.c

new_dict <- function(size, prevent_resize = FALSE) {
  .Call(ffi_new_dict, size, prevent_resize)
dict_size <- function(dict) {
dict_resize <- function(dict, size) {
  .Call(ffi_dict_resize, dict, size)
dict_poke <- function(dict, key, value) {
  .Call(ffi_dict_poke, dict, key, value)
dict_put <- function(dict, key, value) {
  .Call(ffi_dict_put, dict, key, value)
dict_del <- function(dict, key) {
  .Call(ffi_dict_del, dict, key)
dict_has <- function(dict, key) {
  .Call(ffi_dict_has, dict, key)
dict_get <- function(dict, key) {
  .Call(ffi_dict_get, dict, key)

dict_as_df_list <- function(dict) {
  .Call(ffi_dict_as_df_list, dict)
dict_as_list <- function(dict) {
  .Call(ffi_dict_as_list, dict)

#' @export
print.rlang_dict <- function(x, ...) {
  writeLines(sprintf("<rlang/dict: %s>", obj_address(x)))
  writeLines(paste0("size: ", dict_size(x)))

new_dict_iterator <- function(dict) {
  .Call(ffi_new_dict_iterator, dict)
dict_it_info <- function(it) {
  .Call(ffi_dict_it_info, it)
dict_it_next <- function(it) {
  .Call(ffi_dict_next, it)

# dyn-array.c

new_dyn_vector <- function(type, capacity) {
  .Call(ffi_new_dyn_vector, type, capacity)
new_dyn_array <- function(elt_size, capacity) {
  .Call(ffi_new_dyn_array, elt_size, capacity)
dyn_unwrap <- function(x) {
  .Call(ffi_dyn_unwrap, x)

dyn_info <- function(x) {
  .Call(ffi_dyn_info, x)
dyn_count <- function(x) {

dyn_push_back <- function(x, value) {
  .Call(ffi_dyn_push_back, x, value)
dyn_push_back_bool <- function(x, value) {
  .Call(ffi_dyn_push_back_bool, x, value)
dyn_pop_back <- function(x) {
  .Call(ffi_dyn_pop_back, x)
dyn_resize <- function(x, capacity) {
  .Call(ffi_dyn_resize, x, capacity)

dyn_lgl_get <- function(x, i) {
  .Call(ffi_dyn_lgl_get, x, i)
dyn_int_get <- function(x, i) {
  .Call(ffi_dyn_int_get, x, i)
dyn_dbl_get <- function(x, i) {
  .Call(ffi_dyn_dbl_get, x, i)
dyn_cpl_get <- function(x, i) {
  .Call(ffi_dyn_cpl_get, x, i)
dyn_raw_get <- function(x, i) {
  .Call(ffi_dyn_raw_get, x, i)
dyn_chr_get <- function(x, i) {
  .Call(ffi_dyn_chr_get, x, i)
dyn_list_get <- function(x, i) {
  .Call(ffi_dyn_list_get, x, i)

dyn_lgl_poke <- function(x, i, value) {
  invisible(.Call(ffi_dyn_lgl_poke, x, i, value))
dyn_int_poke <- function(x, i, value) {
  invisible(.Call(ffi_dyn_int_poke, x, i, value))
dyn_dbl_poke <- function(x, i, value) {
  invisible(.Call(ffi_dyn_dbl_poke, x, i, value))
dyn_cpl_poke <- function(x, i, value) {
  invisible(.Call(ffi_dyn_cpl_poke, x, i, value))
dyn_raw_poke <- function(x, i, value) {
  invisible(.Call(ffi_dyn_raw_poke, x, i, value))
dyn_chr_poke <- function(x, i, value) {
  invisible(.Call(ffi_dyn_chr_poke, x, i, value))
dyn_list_poke <- function(x, i, value) {
  invisible(.Call(ffi_dyn_list_poke, x, i, value))

dyn_lgl_push_back <- function(x, value) {
  invisible(.Call(ffi_dyn_lgl_push_back, x, value))
dyn_int_push_back <- function(x, value) {
  invisible(.Call(ffi_dyn_int_push_back, x, value))
dyn_dbl_push_back <- function(x, value) {
  invisible(.Call(ffi_dyn_dbl_push_back, x, value))
dyn_cpl_push_back <- function(x, value) {
  invisible(.Call(ffi_dyn_cpl_push_back, x, value))
dyn_raw_push_back <- function(x, value) {
  invisible(.Call(ffi_dyn_raw_push_back, x, value))
dyn_chr_push_back <- function(x, value) {
  invisible(.Call(ffi_dyn_chr_push_back, x, value))
dyn_list_push_back <- function(x, value) {
  invisible(.Call(ffi_dyn_list_push_back, x, value))

# https://github.com/r-lib/rlang/issues/1556
has_size_one_bool <- function() {

#' @export
print.rlang_dyn_array <- function(x, ...) {
  writeLines(sprintf("<rlang/dyn_array: %s>", obj_address(x)))

  info <- dyn_info(x)
  writeLines(paste0("count: ", info$count))
  writeLines(paste0("capacity: ", info$capacity))
  writeLines(paste0("growth_factor: ", info$growth_factor))
  writeLines(paste0("type: ", info$type))
  writeLines(paste0("elt_byte_size: ", info$elt_byte_size))

# dyn-list-of.c

new_dyn_list_of <- function(type, capacity, width) {
  .Call(ffi_new_dyn_list_of, type, capacity, width)
lof_info <- function(lof) {
  .Call(ffi_lof_info, lof)
lof_unwrap <- function(lof) {
  .Call(ffi_lof_unwrap, lof)

lof_push_back <- function(lof) {
  .Call(ffi_lof_push_back, lof)
lof_arr_push_back <- function(lof, i, value) {
  .Call(ffi_lof_arr_push_back, lof, i, value)

# obj.c

has_local_precious_list <- function() {
use_local_precious_list <- function(x) {
  .Call(ffi_use_local_precious_list, x)

# sexp.c

rlang_precious_dict <- function() {
rlang_preserve <- function(x) {
  .Call(ffi_preserve, x)
rlang_unpreserve <- function(x) {
  .Call(ffi_unpreserve, x)

# session.c

getppid <- function() {

# tests.c

c_tests <- function() {
run_c_test <- function(ptr) {
  .Call(ffi_run_c_test, ptr)

# vec.c

list_compact <- function(x) {
  .Call(ffi_list_compact, x)

vec_resize <- function(x, n) {
  .Call(ffi_vec_resize, x, n)

# walk.c

sexp_iterate <- function(x, fn) {
  .Call(ffi_sexp_iterate, x, fn)
tidyverse/rlang documentation built on July 13, 2024, 3:13 p.m.