
Defines functions testthat_print_cnd cnd_type_header paste_trace can_paste_trace cnd_format cnd_print format.rlang_warning summary.rlang_warning print.rlang_warning summary.rlang_error format.rlang_error is_rlang_error print.rlang_error cnd_some cnd_inherits cnd_type is_message is_warning is_error is_condition cnd_fields message_cnd warning_cnd error_cnd_fields error_cnd cnd

Documented in cnd cnd_inherits cnd_type error_cnd is_condition is_error is_message is_warning message_cnd warning_cnd

#' Errors of class `rlang_error`
#' @description
#' [abort()] and [error_cnd()] create errors of class `"rlang_error"`.
#' The differences with base errors are:
#' - Implementing `conditionMessage()` methods for subclasses of
#'   `"rlang_error"` is undefined behaviour. Instead, implement the
#'   [cnd_header()] method (and possibly [cnd_body()] and
#'   [cnd_footer()]). These methods return character vectors which are
#'   assembled by rlang when needed: when
#'   [`conditionMessage.rlang_error()`][conditionMessage] is called
#'   (e.g. via [try()]), when the error is displayed through [print()]
#'   or [format()], and of course when the error is displayed to the
#'   user by [abort()].
#' - [cnd_header()], [cnd_body()], and [cnd_footer()] methods can be
#'   overridden by storing closures in the `header`, `body`, and
#'   `footer` fields of the condition. This is useful to lazily
#'   generate messages based on state captured in the closure
#'   environment.
#' - `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")` The `use_cli_format`
#'   condition field instructs whether to use cli (or rlang's fallback
#'   method if cli is not installed) to format the error message at
#'   print time.
#'   In this case, the `message` field may be a character vector of
#'   header and bullets. These are formatted at the last moment to
#'   take the context into account (starting position on the screen
#'   and indentation).
#'   See [local_use_cli()] for automatically setting this field in
#'   errors thrown with [abort()] within your package.
#' @name rlang_error

#' Create a condition object
#' @description
#' These constructors create subclassed conditions, the objects that
#' power the error, warning, and message system in R.
#' * `cnd()` creates bare conditions that only inherit from
#'   `condition`.
#' * Conditions created with `error_cnd()`, `warning_cnd()`, and
#'   `message_cnd()` inherit from `"error"`, `"warning"`, or `"message"`.
#' * `error_cnd()` creates subclassed errors. See
#'   [`"rlang_error"`][rlang_error].
#' Use [cnd_signal()] to emit the relevant signal for a particular
#' condition class.
#' @param class The condition subclass.
#' @param ... <[dynamic][dyn-dots]> Named data fields stored inside
#'   the condition object.
#' @param message A default message to inform the user about the
#'   condition when it is signalled.
#' @param call A function call to be included in the error message.
#'   If an execution environment of a running function, the
#'   corresponding function call is retrieved.
#' @param trace A `trace` object created by [trace_back()].
#' @param parent A parent condition object.
#' @param use_cli_format Whether to use the cli package to format
#'   `message`. See [local_use_cli()].
#' @seealso [cnd_signal()], [try_fetch()].
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Create a condition inheriting only from the S3 class "foo":
#' cnd <- cnd("foo")
#' # Signal the condition to potential handlers. Since this is a bare
#' # condition the signal has no effect if no handlers are set up:
#' cnd_signal(cnd)
#' # When a relevant handler is set up, the signal transfers control
#' # to the handler
#' with_handlers(cnd_signal(cnd), foo = function(c) "caught!")
#' tryCatch(cnd_signal(cnd), foo = function(c) "caught!")
cnd <- function(class,
                message = "",
                call = NULL,
                use_cli_format = NULL) {

  if (is_environment(call)) {
    call <- error_call(call)

  fields <- cnd_fields(
    call = call,
    `_use_cli_format` = use_cli_format,
    `_fn` = "cnd",
    `_frame` = caller_env()

  .Call(ffi_new_condition, class, message, fields)

#' @rdname cnd
#' @export
error_cnd <- function(class = NULL,
                      message = "",
                      call = NULL,
                      trace = NULL,
                      parent = NULL,
                      use_cli_format = NULL) {
  if (!is_null(trace) && !inherits(trace, "rlang_trace")) {
    stop_input_type(trace, "`NULL` or an rlang backtrace")
  if (!is_null(parent) && !inherits(parent, "condition")) {
    stop_input_type(parent, "`NULL` or a condition object")

  if (is_environment(call)) {
    call <- error_call(call)

  fields <- error_cnd_fields(
    trace = trace,
    parent = parent,
    use_cli_format = use_cli_format,
    call = call

    c(class, "rlang_error", "error"),
error_cnd_fields <- function(trace,
                             use_cli_format = NULL,
                             .subclass = NULL,
                             `_env` = caller_env(),
                             `_frame` = caller_env(2)) {
  if (!is_null(.subclass)) {
    deprecate_subclass(.subclass, "error_cnd", `_env`)

  use_cli_format <- use_cli_format %||% use_cli(`_frame`)[["format"]]

  if (is_true(use_cli_format)) {
    list2(trace = trace, parent = parent, ..., use_cli_format = TRUE)
  } else {
    list2(trace = trace, parent = parent, ...)

#' @rdname cnd
#' @export
warning_cnd <- function(class = NULL,
                        message = "",
                        call = NULL,
                        use_cli_format = NULL) {
  if (is_environment(call)) {
    call <- error_call(call)

  fields <- cnd_fields(
    call = call,
    `_use_cli_format` = use_cli_format,
    `_fn` = "warning_cnd",
    `_frame` = caller_env()

    c(class, "rlang_warning", "warning"),

#' @rdname cnd
#' @export
message_cnd <- function(class = NULL,
                        message = "",
                        call = NULL,
                        use_cli_format = NULL) {
  if (is_environment(call)) {
    call <- error_call(call)

  fields <- cnd_fields(
    call = call,
    `_use_cli_format` = use_cli_format,
    `_fn` = "message_cnd",
    `_frame` = caller_env()

    c(class, "rlang_message", "message"),

cnd_fields <- function(...,
                       .subclass = NULL,
                       `_use_cli_format` = NULL,
                       `_fn` = "cnd",
                       `_env` = caller_env(),
                       `_frame` = caller_env(2)) {
  if (!is_null(.subclass)) {
    deprecate_subclass(.subclass, `_fn`, `_env`)

  use_cli_format <- `_use_cli_format` %||% use_cli(`_frame`)[["format"]]

  if (is_true(use_cli_format)) {
    dots_list(..., use_cli_format = use_cli_format)
  } else {

#' Is object a condition?
#' @param x An object to test.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
is_condition <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "condition")
#' @rdname is_condition
#' @export
is_error <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "error")
#' @rdname is_condition
#' @export
is_warning <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "warning")
#' @rdname is_condition
#' @export
is_message <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "message")

#' What type is a condition?
#' Use `cnd_type()` to check what type a condition is.
#' @param cnd A condition object.
#' @return A string, either `"condition"`, `"message"`, `"warning"`,
#'   `"error"` or `"interrupt"`.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cnd_type(catch_cnd(abort("Abort!")))
#' cnd_type(catch_cnd(interrupt()))
cnd_type <- function(cnd) {
  .Call(ffi_cnd_type, cnd)

#' Does a condition or its ancestors inherit from a class?
#' @description
#' Like any R objects, errors captured with catchers like [tryCatch()]
#' have a [class()] which you can test with [inherits()].  However,
#' with chained errors, the class of a captured error might be
#' different than the error that was originally signalled. Use
#' `cnd_inherits()` to detect whether an error or any of its _parent_
#' inherits from a class.
#' Whereas `inherits()` tells you whether an object is a particular
#' kind of error, `cnd_inherits()` answers the question whether an
#' object is a particular kind of error or has been caused by such an
#' error.
#' Some chained conditions carry parents that are not inherited. See
#' the `.inherit` argument of [abort()], [warn()], and [inform()].
#' # Capture an error with `cnd_inherits()`
#' Error catchers like [tryCatch()] and [try_fetch()] can only match
#' the class of a condition, not the class of its parents. To match a
#' class across the ancestry of an error, you'll need a bit of
#' craftiness.
#' Ancestry matching can't be done with `tryCatch()` at all so you'll
#' need to switch to [withCallingHandlers()]. Alternatively, you can
#' use the experimental rlang function [try_fetch()] which is able to
#' perform the roles of both `tryCatch()` and `withCallingHandlers()`.
#' ## `withCallingHandlers()`
#' Unlike `tryCatch()`, `withCallingHandlers()` does not capture an
#' error. If you don't explicitly jump with an _error_ or a _value_
#' throw, nothing happens.
#' Since we don't want to throw an error, we'll throw a value using
#' [callCC()]:
#' ```{r, comment = "#>", collapse = TRUE}
#' f <- function() {
#'   parent <- error_cnd("bar", message = "Bar")
#'   abort("Foo", parent = parent)
#' }
#' cnd <- callCC(function(throw) {
#'   withCallingHandlers(
#'     f(),
#'     error = function(x) if (cnd_inherits(x, "bar")) throw(x)
#'   )
#' })
#' class(cnd)
#' class(cnd$parent)
#' ```
#' ## `try_fetch()`
#' This pattern is easier with [try_fetch()]. Like
#' `withCallingHandlers()`, it doesn't capture a matching error right
#' away. Instead, it captures it only if the handler doesn't return a
#' [zap()] value.
#' ```{r, comment = "#>", collapse = TRUE}
#' cnd <- try_fetch(
#'   f(),
#'   error = function(x) if (cnd_inherits(x, "bar")) x else zap()
#' )
#' class(cnd)
#' class(cnd$parent)
#' ```
#' Note that `try_fetch()` uses `cnd_inherits()` internally. This
#' makes it very easy to match a parent condition:
#' ```{r, comment = "#>", collapse = TRUE}
#' cnd <- try_fetch(
#'   f(),
#'   bar = function(x) x
#' )
#' # This is the parent
#' class(cnd)
#' ```
#' @param cnd A condition to test.
#' @param class A class passed to [inherits()].
#' @export
cnd_inherits <- function(cnd, class) {
  cnd_some(cnd, inherits, class)

cnd_some <- function(cnd, fn, ...) {
  while (is_condition(cnd)) {
    if (fn(cnd, ...)) {

    inherit <- .subset2(.subset2(cnd, "rlang"), "inherit")
    if (is_false(inherit)) {

    cnd <- cnd[["parent"]]


# Methods -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
print.rlang_error <- function(x, ...) {
  writeLines(format(x, ...))

is_rlang_error <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "rlang_error")

#' @export
format.rlang_error <- function(x,
                               backtrace = TRUE,
                               simplify = NULL,
                               drop = NULL) {
  simplify <- arg_match_simplify(simplify)
  drop <- arg_match_drop(drop)

  # Allow overwriting default display via condition field
  simplify <- x$rlang$internal$trace_simplify %||% simplify
  drop <- x$rlang$internal$trace_drop %||% drop

  simplify <- arg_match_simplify(simplify)

    out <- cnd_format(
      backtrace = backtrace,
      simplify = simplify,
      drop = drop

  # Recommend printing the full backtrace if called from `last_error()`
  from_last_error <- is_true(x$rlang$internal$from_last_error)
  if (from_last_error && !is_null(x$trace)) {
    if (drop && !all(x$trace$visible)) {
      n_hidden <- sum(!x$trace$visible)
      hidden <- ngettext(
        "%d hidden frame",
        "%d hidden frames"
      hidden <- sprintf(hidden, n_hidden)

      last_trace <- style_rlang_run("last_trace(drop = FALSE)")
      reminder <- col_silver(sprintf("Run %s to see %s.", last_trace, hidden))

      out <- paste_line(out, reminder)
    } else if (simplify == "branch") {
      last_trace <- style_rlang_run("last_trace()")
      reminder <- col_silver(paste0("Run `", last_trace, "` to see the full context."))
      out <- paste_line(out, reminder)


#' @export
summary.rlang_error <- function(object, ...) {
  print(object, simplify = "none")

#' @export
print.rlang_warning <- function(x, ...) {
  writeLines(format(x, ...))
#' @export
summary.rlang_warning <- function(object, ...) {
  print(object, ..., simplify = "none")
#' @export
format.rlang_warning <- function(x,
                                 backtrace = TRUE,
                                 simplify = "none") {
  cnd_format(x, ..., backtrace = backtrace, simplify = simplify)

#' @export
print.rlang_message <- print.rlang_warning
#' @export
summary.rlang_message <- summary.rlang_warning
#' @export
format.rlang_message <- format.rlang_warning

cnd_print <- function(x, ...) {
  writeLines(cnd_format(x, ...))
cnd_format <- function(x,
                       backtrace = TRUE,
                       simplify = NULL,
                       prefix = TRUE,
                       alert = NULL,
                       drop = NULL) {
  simplify <- arg_match_simplify(simplify)
  drop <- arg_match_drop(drop)

  alert <- alert %||% is_error(x)

  orig <- x
  parent <- x[["parent"]]
  style <- cli_box_chars()

  header <- cnd_type_header(x)
  if (prefix) {
    # Skip child errors that have empty messages and calls
    while (!length(message <- cnd_message_format_prefixed(x, alert = alert))) {
      if (is_condition(parent)) {
        x <- parent
        parent <- x[["parent"]]
      } else {
  } else {
    message <- cnd_message_format(x, alert = alert)

  out <- paste_line(

  trace <- x[["trace"]]
  last_trace <- NULL
  pending_trace <- NULL

  # This flushes backtraces lazily so that chained error messages
  # accumulate before displaying a backtrace
  push_trace <- function(cnd, trace) {
    if (!can_paste_trace(backtrace, trace)) {

    if (is_same_trace()) {

    pending_trace <<- list(cnd = cnd, trace = trace)

  flush_trace <- function() {
    if (is_null(pending_trace)) {

    out <<- paste_line(out, "---")

    out <<- paste_trace(
      simplify = simplify,
      drop = drop

    if (!is_null(parent)) {
      out <<- paste_line(out, "---")

    last_trace <<- pending_trace[["trace"]]
    pending_trace <<- NULL

  is_same_trace <- function() {
    compare <- if (is_null(pending_trace)) last_trace else pending_trace[["trace"]]
    if (!is_trace(trace) || !is_trace(compare)) {

    # NOTE: Should we detect trace subsets as well?
      format(trace, simplify = simplify, drop = drop),
      format(compare, simplify = simplify, drop = drop)

  push_trace(x, trace)

  while (!is_null(parent)) {
    x <- parent
    parent <- parent[["parent"]]
    trace <- x[["trace"]]

    if (!is_null(trace) && !is_same_trace()) {

    message <- cnd_message_format_prefixed(x, parent = TRUE)
    out <- paste_line(out, message)

    push_trace(x, trace)


can_paste_trace <- function(backtrace, trace) {
  backtrace && is_trace(trace) && trace_length(trace)
paste_trace <- function(x, trace, simplify, ...) {
  trace_lines <- format(
    simplify = simplify
  paste_line(x, style_bold("Backtrace:"), trace_lines)

cnd_type_header <- function(cnd) {
  type <- cnd_type(cnd)
  class <- class(cnd)[[1]]

  if (class != type) {
    class <- c(type, class)


testthat_print_cnd <- function(x, ...) {
  print(x, backtrace = FALSE)
  s3_register("testthat::testthat_print", "rlang_error", testthat_print_cnd)
  s3_register("testthat::testthat_print", "rlang_warning", testthat_print_cnd)
  s3_register("testthat::testthat_print", "rlang_message", testthat_print_cnd)
tidyverse/rlang documentation built on July 13, 2024, 3:13 p.m.