#' Pivot data from long to wide
#' @description
#' `pivot_wider()` "widens" data, increasing the number of columns and
#' decreasing the number of rows. The inverse transformation is
#' [pivot_longer()].
#' Learn more in `vignette("pivot")`.
#' @details
#' `pivot_wider()` is an updated approach to [spread()], designed to be both
#' simpler to use and to handle more use cases. We recommend you use
#' `pivot_wider()` for new code; `spread()` isn't going away but is no longer
#' under active development.
#' @seealso [pivot_wider_spec()] to pivot "by hand" with a data frame that
#' defines a pivoting specification.
#' @inheritParams pivot_longer
#' @param id_cols <[`tidy-select`][tidyr_tidy_select]> A set of columns that
#' uniquely identify each observation. Typically used when you have
#' redundant variables, i.e. variables whose values are perfectly correlated
#' with existing variables.
#' Defaults to all columns in `data` except for the columns specified through
#' `names_from` and `values_from`. If a tidyselect expression is supplied, it
#' will be evaluated on `data` after removing the columns specified through
#' `names_from` and `values_from`.
#' @param id_expand Should the values in the `id_cols` columns be expanded by
#' [expand()] before pivoting? This results in more rows, the output will
#' contain a complete expansion of all possible values in `id_cols`. Implicit
#' factor levels that aren't represented in the data will become explicit.
#' Additionally, the row values corresponding to the expanded `id_cols` will
#' be sorted.
#' @param names_from,values_from <[`tidy-select`][tidyr_tidy_select]> A pair of
#' arguments describing which column (or columns) to get the name of the
#' output column (`names_from`), and which column (or columns) to get the
#' cell values from (`values_from`).
#' If `values_from` contains multiple values, the value will be added to the
#' front of the output column.
#' @param names_sep If `names_from` or `values_from` contains multiple
#' variables, this will be used to join their values together into a single
#' string to use as a column name.
#' @param names_prefix String added to the start of every variable name. This is
#' particularly useful if `names_from` is a numeric vector and you want to
#' create syntactic variable names.
#' @param names_glue Instead of `names_sep` and `names_prefix`, you can supply
#' a glue specification that uses the `names_from` columns (and special
#' `.value`) to create custom column names.
#' @param names_sort Should the column names be sorted? If `FALSE`, the default,
#' column names are ordered by first appearance.
#' @param names_vary When `names_from` identifies a column (or columns) with
#' multiple unique values, and multiple `values_from` columns are provided,
#' in what order should the resulting column names be combined?
#' - `"fastest"` varies `names_from` values fastest, resulting in a column
#' naming scheme of the form: `value1_name1, value1_name2, value2_name1,
#' value2_name2`. This is the default.
#' - `"slowest"` varies `names_from` values slowest, resulting in a column
#' naming scheme of the form: `value1_name1, value2_name1, value1_name2,
#' value2_name2`.
#' @param names_expand Should the values in the `names_from` columns be expanded
#' by [expand()] before pivoting? This results in more columns, the output
#' will contain column names corresponding to a complete expansion of all
#' possible values in `names_from`. Implicit factor levels that aren't
#' represented in the data will become explicit. Additionally, the column
#' names will be sorted, identical to what `names_sort` would produce.
#' @param values_fill Optionally, a (scalar) value that specifies what each
#' `value` should be filled in with when missing.
#' This can be a named list if you want to apply different fill values to
#' different value columns.
#' @param values_fn Optionally, a function applied to the value in each cell
#' in the output. You will typically use this when the combination of
#' `id_cols` and `names_from` columns does not uniquely identify an
#' observation.
#' This can be a named list if you want to apply different aggregations
#' to different `values_from` columns.
#' @param unused_fn Optionally, a function applied to summarize the values from
#' the unused columns (i.e. columns not identified by `id_cols`,
#' `names_from`, or `values_from`).
#' The default drops all unused columns from the result.
#' This can be a named list if you want to apply different aggregations
#' to different unused columns.
#' `id_cols` must be supplied for `unused_fn` to be useful, since otherwise
#' all unspecified columns will be considered `id_cols`.
#' This is similar to grouping by the `id_cols` then summarizing the
#' unused columns using `unused_fn`.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed on to methods.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # See vignette("pivot") for examples and explanation
#' fish_encounters
#' fish_encounters %>%
#' pivot_wider(names_from = station, values_from = seen)
#' # Fill in missing values
#' fish_encounters %>%
#' pivot_wider(names_from = station, values_from = seen, values_fill = 0)
#' # Generate column names from multiple variables
#' us_rent_income
#' us_rent_income %>%
#' pivot_wider(
#' names_from = variable,
#' values_from = c(estimate, moe)
#' )
#' # You can control whether `names_from` values vary fastest or slowest
#' # relative to the `values_from` column names using `names_vary`.
#' us_rent_income %>%
#' pivot_wider(
#' names_from = variable,
#' values_from = c(estimate, moe),
#' names_vary = "slowest"
#' )
#' # When there are multiple `names_from` or `values_from`, you can use
#' # use `names_sep` or `names_glue` to control the output variable names
#' us_rent_income %>%
#' pivot_wider(
#' names_from = variable,
#' names_sep = ".",
#' values_from = c(estimate, moe)
#' )
#' us_rent_income %>%
#' pivot_wider(
#' names_from = variable,
#' names_glue = "{variable}_{.value}",
#' values_from = c(estimate, moe)
#' )
#' # Can perform aggregation with `values_fn`
#' warpbreaks <- as_tibble(warpbreaks[c("wool", "tension", "breaks")])
#' warpbreaks
#' warpbreaks %>%
#' pivot_wider(
#' names_from = wool,
#' values_from = breaks,
#' values_fn = mean
#' )
#' # Can pass an anonymous function to `values_fn` when you
#' # need to supply additional arguments
#' warpbreaks$breaks[1] <- NA
#' warpbreaks %>%
#' pivot_wider(
#' names_from = wool,
#' values_from = breaks,
#' values_fn = ~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE)
#' )
pivot_wider <- function(data,
id_cols = NULL,
id_expand = FALSE,
names_from = name,
names_prefix = "",
names_sep = "_",
names_glue = NULL,
names_sort = FALSE,
names_vary = "fastest",
names_expand = FALSE,
names_repair = "check_unique",
values_from = value,
values_fill = NULL,
values_fn = NULL,
unused_fn = NULL) {
# TODO: Use `check_dots_used()` after removing the `id_cols` compat behavior
#' @export
pivot_wider.data.frame <- function(data,
id_cols = NULL,
id_expand = FALSE,
names_from = name,
names_prefix = "",
names_sep = "_",
names_glue = NULL,
names_sort = FALSE,
names_vary = "fastest",
names_expand = FALSE,
names_repair = "check_unique",
values_from = value,
values_fill = NULL,
values_fn = NULL,
unused_fn = NULL) {
names_from <- enquo(names_from)
values_from <- enquo(values_from)
spec <- build_wider_spec(
data = data,
names_from = !!names_from,
values_from = !!values_from,
names_prefix = names_prefix,
names_sep = names_sep,
names_glue = names_glue,
names_sort = names_sort,
names_vary = names_vary,
names_expand = names_expand,
error_call = current_env()
id_cols <- compat_id_cols(
id_cols = {{ id_cols }},
fn_call = match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
id_cols <- build_wider_id_cols_expr(
data = data,
id_cols = !!id_cols,
names_from = !!names_from,
values_from = !!values_from
data = data,
spec = spec,
id_cols = !!id_cols,
id_expand = id_expand,
names_repair = names_repair,
values_fill = values_fill,
values_fn = values_fn,
unused_fn = unused_fn,
error_call = current_env()
#' Pivot data from long to wide using a spec
#' This is a low level interface to pivoting, inspired by the cdata package,
#' that allows you to describe pivoting with a data frame.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @inheritParams rlang::args_dots_empty
#' @inheritParams rlang::args_error_context
#' @inheritParams pivot_wider
#' @param spec A specification data frame. This is useful for more complex
#' pivots because it gives you greater control on how metadata stored in the
#' columns become column names in the result.
#' Must be a data frame containing character `.name` and `.value` columns.
#' Additional columns in `spec` should be named to match columns in the
#' long format of the dataset and contain values corresponding to columns
#' pivoted from the wide format.
#' The special `.seq` variable is used to disambiguate rows internally;
#' it is automatically removed after pivoting.
#' @param id_cols <[`tidy-select`][tidyr_tidy_select]> A set of columns that
#' uniquely identifies each observation. Defaults to all columns in `data`
#' except for the columns specified in `spec$.value` and the columns of the
#' `spec` that aren't named `.name` or `.value`. Typically used when you have
#' redundant variables, i.e. variables whose values are perfectly correlated
#' with existing variables.
#' @examples
#' # See vignette("pivot") for examples and explanation
#' us_rent_income
#' spec1 <- us_rent_income %>%
#' build_wider_spec(names_from = variable, values_from = c(estimate, moe))
#' spec1
#' us_rent_income %>%
#' pivot_wider_spec(spec1)
#' # Is equivalent to
#' us_rent_income %>%
#' pivot_wider(names_from = variable, values_from = c(estimate, moe))
#' # `pivot_wider_spec()` provides more control over column names and output format
#' # instead of creating columns with estimate_ and moe_ prefixes,
#' # keep original variable name for estimates and attach _moe as suffix
#' spec2 <- tibble(
#' .name = c("income", "rent", "income_moe", "rent_moe"),
#' .value = c("estimate", "estimate", "moe", "moe"),
#' variable = c("income", "rent", "income", "rent")
#' )
#' us_rent_income %>%
#' pivot_wider_spec(spec2)
pivot_wider_spec <- function(data,
names_repair = "check_unique",
id_cols = NULL,
id_expand = FALSE,
values_fill = NULL,
values_fn = NULL,
unused_fn = NULL,
error_call = current_env()) {
check_data_frame(data, call = error_call)
spec <- check_pivot_spec(spec, call = error_call)
check_bool(id_expand, call = error_call)
names_from_cols <- names(spec)[-(1:2)]
values_from_cols <- vec_unique(spec$.value)
id_cols <- select_wider_id_cols(
data = data,
id_cols = {{ id_cols }},
names_from_cols = names_from_cols,
values_from_cols = values_from_cols,
error_call = error_call
values_fn <- check_list_of_functions(values_fn, values_from_cols, call = error_call)
unused_cols <- setdiff(names(data), c(id_cols, names_from_cols, values_from_cols))
unused_fn <- check_list_of_functions(unused_fn, unused_cols, call = error_call)
unused_cols <- names(unused_fn)
if (is.null(values_fill)) {
values_fill <- list()
} else if (is_scalar(values_fill)) {
values_fill <- rep_named(values_from_cols, list(values_fill))
} else if (!vec_is_list(values_fill)) {
"{.arg values_fill} must be {.code NULL}, a scalar, or a named list, not {.obj_type_friendly {values_fill}}.",
call = error_call
values_fill <- values_fill[intersect(names(values_fill), values_from_cols)]
input <- data
# Early conversion to tibble because data.table returns zero rows if
# zero cols are selected. Also want to avoid the grouped-df behavior
# of `complete()`.
data <- as_tibble(data)
data <- data[vec_unique(c(id_cols, names_from_cols, values_from_cols, unused_cols))]
if (id_expand) {
data <- complete(data, !!!syms(id_cols), fill = values_fill, explicit = FALSE)
# Figure out rows in output
rows <- data[id_cols]
row_id <- vec_group_id(rows)
nrow <- attr(row_id, "n")
rows <- vec_slice(rows, vec_unique_loc(row_id))
n_unused_fn <- length(unused_fn)
unused <- vector("list", length = n_unused_fn)
names(unused) <- unused_cols
if (n_unused_fn > 0L) {
# This can be expensive, only compute if we are using `unused_fn`
unused_locs <- vec_group_loc(row_id)$loc
for (i in seq_len(n_unused_fn)) {
unused_col <- unused_cols[[i]]
unused_fn_i <- unused_fn[[i]]
unused_value <- data[[unused_col]]
unused[[i]] <- value_summarize(
value = unused_value,
value_locs = unused_locs,
value_name = unused_col,
fn = unused_fn_i,
fn_name = "unused_fn",
error_call = error_call
unused <- tibble::new_tibble(unused, nrow = nrow)
duplicate_names <- character(0L)
value_specs <- unname(split(spec, spec$.value))
value_out <- vec_init(list(), length(value_specs))
for (i in seq_along(value_out)) {
value_spec <- value_specs[[i]]
value_name <- value_spec$.value[[1]]
value <- data[[value_name]]
cols <- data[names(value_spec)[-(1:2)]]
col_id <- vec_match(as_tibble(cols), value_spec[-(1:2)])
value_id <- data.frame(row = row_id, col = col_id)
value_fn <- values_fn[[value_name]]
if (is.null(value_fn) && vec_duplicate_any(value_id)) {
# There are unhandled duplicates. Handle them with `list()` and warn.
value_fn <- list
duplicate_names <- c(duplicate_names, value_name)
if (!is.null(value_fn)) {
result <- vec_group_loc(value_id)
value_id <- result$key
value_locs <- result$loc
value <- value_summarize(
value = value,
value_locs = value_locs,
value_name = value_name,
fn = value_fn,
fn_name = "values_fn",
error_call = error_call
ncol <- nrow(value_spec)
fill <- values_fill[[value_name]]
if (is.null(fill)) {
out <- vec_init(value, nrow * ncol)
} else {
stopifnot(vec_size(fill) == 1)
fill <- vec_cast(fill, value, call = error_call)
out <- vec_rep_each(fill, nrow * ncol)
out <- vec_assign(out, value_id$row + nrow * (value_id$col - 1L), value)
value_out[[i]] <- chop_rectangular_df(out, value_spec$.name)
if (length(duplicate_names) > 0L) {
duplicate_names <- glue::backtick(duplicate_names)
duplicate_names <- glue::glue_collapse(duplicate_names, sep = ", ", last = " and ")
group_cols <- c(id_cols, names_from_cols)
group_cols <- backtick_if_not_syntactic(group_cols)
group_cols <- glue::glue_collapse(group_cols, sep = ", ")
"Values from {duplicate_names} are not uniquely identified; output will contain list-cols.",
"*" = "Use `values_fn = list` to suppress this warning.",
"*" = "Use `values_fn = {{summary_fun}}` to summarise duplicates.",
"*" = "Use the following dplyr code to identify duplicates.",
" " = " {{data}} |>",
" " = " dplyr::summarise(n = dplyr::n(), .by = c({group_cols})) |>",
" " = " dplyr::filter(n > 1L)"
# `check_pivot_spec()` ensures `.name` is unique. Name repair shouldn't be needed.
values <- vec_cbind(!!!value_out, .name_repair = "minimal")
# Recreate desired column order of the new spec columns (#569)
values <- values[spec$.name]
out <- wrap_error_names(vec_cbind(
.name_repair = names_repair,
.error_call = error_call
reconstruct_tibble(input, out)
#' @export
#' @rdname pivot_wider_spec
#' @inheritParams pivot_wider
build_wider_spec <- function(data,
names_from = name,
values_from = value,
names_prefix = "",
names_sep = "_",
names_glue = NULL,
names_sort = FALSE,
names_vary = "fastest",
names_expand = FALSE,
error_call = current_env()) {
names_from <- tidyselect::eval_select(
allow_rename = FALSE,
allow_empty = FALSE,
error_call = error_call
values_from <- tidyselect::eval_select(
allow_rename = FALSE,
allow_empty = FALSE,
error_call = error_call
check_string(names_prefix, call = error_call)
check_string(names_sep, call = error_call)
check_string(names_glue, allow_null = TRUE, call = error_call)
check_bool(names_sort, call = error_call)
check_bool(names_expand, call = error_call)
names_vary <- arg_match0(
arg = names_vary,
values = c("fastest", "slowest"),
arg_nm = "names_vary",
error_call = error_call
data <- as_tibble(data)
data <- data[names_from]
if (names_expand) {
# `expand()` always does sort + unique
row_ids <- expand(data, !!!syms(names(data)))
} else {
row_ids <- vec_unique(data)
if (names_sort) {
row_ids <- vec_sort(row_ids)
row_names <- exec(paste, !!!row_ids, sep = names_sep)
out <- tibble(
.name = vec_paste0(names_prefix, row_names)
if (length(values_from) == 1) {
out$.value <- names(values_from)
} else {
if (names_vary == "fastest") {
out <- vec_rep(out, vec_size(values_from))
out$.value <- vec_rep_each(names(values_from), vec_size(row_ids))
row_ids <- vec_rep(row_ids, vec_size(values_from))
} else {
out <- vec_rep_each(out, vec_size(values_from))
out$.value <- vec_rep(names(values_from), vec_size(row_ids))
row_ids <- vec_rep_each(row_ids, vec_size(values_from))
out$.name <- vec_paste0(out$.value, names_sep, out$.name)
out <- vec_cbind(out, as_tibble(row_ids), .name_repair = "minimal")
if (!is.null(names_glue)) {
out$.name <- as.character(glue::glue_data(out, names_glue))
build_wider_id_cols_expr <- function(data,
id_cols = NULL,
names_from = name,
values_from = value,
error_call = caller_env()) {
names_from <- tidyselect::eval_select(
allow_rename = FALSE,
error_call = error_call
values_from <- tidyselect::eval_select(
allow_rename = FALSE,
error_call = error_call
out <- select_wider_id_cols(
data = data,
id_cols = {{ id_cols }},
names_from_cols = names(names_from),
values_from_cols = names(values_from),
error_call = error_call
select_wider_id_cols <- function(data,
id_cols = NULL,
names_from_cols = character(),
values_from_cols = character(),
error_call = caller_env()) {
id_cols <- enquo(id_cols)
# Remove known non-id-cols so they are never selected
data <- data[setdiff(names(data), c(names_from_cols, values_from_cols))]
if (quo_is_null(id_cols)) {
# Default selects everything in `data` after non-id-cols have been removed
id_cols <- tidyselect::eval_select(
allow_rename = FALSE,
error_call = error_call
vctrs_error_subscript_oob = function(cnd) {
rethrow_id_cols_oob(cnd, names_from_cols, values_from_cols, error_call)
rethrow_id_cols_oob <- function(cnd, names_from_cols, values_from_cols, call) {
i <- cnd[["i"]]
check_string(i, .internal = TRUE)
if (i %in% names_from_cols) {
stop_id_cols_oob(i, "names_from", call = call)
} else if (i %in% values_from_cols) {
stop_id_cols_oob(i, "values_from", call = call)
} else {
# Zap this special handler, throw the normal condition
stop_id_cols_oob <- function(i, arg, call) {
"`id_cols` can't select a column already selected by `{arg}`.",
i = "Column `{i}` has already been selected."
parent = NA,
call = call
compat_id_cols <- function(id_cols,
error_call = caller_env(),
user_env = caller_env(2)) {
dots <- enquos(...)
# If `id_cols` is specified by name by the user, it will show up in the call.
# Otherwise, default args don't show up in the call so it won't be there.
user_specified_id_cols <- "id_cols" %in% names(fn_call)
# For compatibility (#1353), assign the first value of `...` to `id_cols` if:
# - The user didn't specify `id_cols`.
# - There is exactly 1 unnamed element in `...`.
use_compat_id_cols <-
!user_specified_id_cols &&
length(dots) == 1L &&
if (use_compat_id_cols) {
id_cols <- dots[[1L]]
warn_deprecated_unnamed_id_cols(id_cols, user_env = user_env)
} else {
id_cols <- enquo(id_cols)
check_dots_empty0(..., call = error_call)
warn_deprecated_unnamed_id_cols <- function(id_cols, user_env = caller_env(2)) {
id_cols <- as_label(id_cols)
when = "1.3.0",
what = I(cli::format_inline(
"Specifying the {.arg id_cols} argument by position"
details = cli::format_inline(
"Please explicitly name {.arg id_cols}, like {.code id_cols = {id_cols}}."
always = TRUE,
user_env = user_env
# Helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------
value_summarize <- function(value, value_locs, value_name, fn, fn_name, error_call = caller_env()) {
value <- vec_chop(value, value_locs)
if (identical(fn, list)) {
# The no-op case, for performance
value <- map(value, fn)
sizes <- list_sizes(value)
invalid_sizes <- sizes != 1L
if (any(invalid_sizes)) {
size <- sizes[invalid_sizes][[1]]
"Applying {.arg {fn_name}} to {.var {value_name}} must result in a single summary value per key.",
i = "Applying {.arg {fn_name}} resulted in a vector of length {size}."
call = error_call
value <- list_unchop(value)
# Wrap a "rectangular" vector into a data frame
chop_rectangular_df <- function(x, names) {
n_col <- vec_size(names)
n_row <- vec_size(x) / n_col
indices <- vector("list", n_col)
start <- 1L
stop <- n_row
for (i in seq_len(n_col)) {
indices[[i]] <- seq2(start, stop)
start <- start + n_row
stop <- stop + n_row
out <- vec_chop(x, indices)
names(out) <- names
tibble::new_tibble(out, nrow = n_row)
is_scalar <- function(x) {
if (is.null(x)) {
if (vec_is_list(x)) {
(vec_size(x) == 1) && !have_name(x)
} else {
vec_size(x) == 1
backtick_if_not_syntactic <- function(x) {
ok <- make.names(x) == x
ok[is.na(x)] <- FALSE
x[!ok] <- glue::backtick(x[!ok])
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