Man pages for timjeske/DEUS
Differential expression of unique sequences

addCountsOfFeatureClassesCount occurrences of feature classes
createCountTableFromFastQsCreate sequence-based count tables
createMapCreate a mapping of sequences to sequence identifiers
deleteTmpRemove temporary FASTA file required for clustering
getConditionCountStatsCompute mean and standard deviation of normalized counts for...
getNoBlastHitFractionCompute fraction of reads without BLAST hit for each sample
mergeAndAggregateAggregates sequence counts for each sequence cluster
mergeResultsMerge intermediate results of DEUS
mergeSingleAndClusterResultsMerges clustering results as well as DE results for single...
plotPCAPlot result of PCA
plotSampleDistanceMapPlot sample distance heatmap
printClusterPrint FASTA file for cluster of sequences
printClusterSummaryPrints a summary of the number of significant sequences and...
processClustersProcesses CD-HIT result file
runBlastRun BLAST for small RNA sequences
runClusteringRun CD-HIT clustering
runDESeq2Run differential expression analysis based on DESeq2
sequencesAsFastaCreate a vector of sequence identifiers and sequences in...
writeSummaryFilesWrite summary tables for DEUS result
timjeske/DEUS documentation built on June 6, 2019, 12:59 p.m.