
Defines functions project_wham

Documented in project_wham

#' Project a fit WHAM model
#' Provides projections/forecasts for an existing (already fit) WHAM model.
#' WHAM implements five options for handling fishing mortality in the projections.
#' Exactly one of these must be specified in \code{proj.opts}:
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item Use last year F (default). Set \code{proj.opts$use.last.F = TRUE}. WHAM will use F in the terminal model year for projections.
#'     \item Use average F. Set \code{proj.opts$use.avg.F = TRUE}. WHAM will use F averaged over \code{proj.opts$avg.yrs} for projections (as is done for M-, maturity-, and weight-at-age).
#'     \item Use F at X\% SPR. Set \code{proj.opts$use.FXSPR = TRUE}. WHAM will calculate F at X\% SPR.
#'     \item Specify F. Provide \code{proj.opts$proj.F}, an F vector with length = \code{n.yrs}.
#'     \item Specify catch. Provide \code{proj.opts$proj.catch}, a vector of aggregate catch with length = \code{n.yrs}. WHAM will calculate F to get specified catch.
#'   }
#' \code{proj.opts$avg.yrs} controls which years the following will be averaged over in the projections:
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item Maturity-at-age
#'     \item Weight-at-age
#'     \item Natural mortality-at-age
#'     \item Fishing mortality-at-age (if \code{proj.opts$use.avgF = TRUE})
#'   }
#' If fitting a model with recruitment estimated freely in each year, i.e. as fixed effects as in ASAP, WHAM handles recruitment 
#' in the projection years similarly to using the empirical cumulative distribution function. WHAM does this by calculating the mean
#' and standard deviation of log(R) over all model years (default) or a specified subset of years (\code{proj.opts$avg.rec.yrs}). WHAM then
#' treats recruitment in the projections as a random effect with this mean and SD, i.e. log(R) ~ N(meanlogR, sdlogR).
#' WHAM implements four options for handling the environmental covariate(s) in the projections.
#' Exactly one of these must be specified in \code{proj.opts} if \code{ecov} is in the model:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{(Default) Continue ecov process model (e.g. random walk, AR1)}{Set \code{$cont.ecov = TRUE}. WHAM will estimate the ecov process in projection years (i.e. continue the random walk / AR1 process).}
#'     \item{Use last year ecov(s)}{Set \code{$use.last.ecov = TRUE}. WHAM will use ecov value from the terminal year (of population model) for projections.}
#'     \item{Use average ecov(s)}{Provide \code{$avg.yrs.ecov}, a vector specifying which years to average over the environmental covariate(s) for projections.}
#'     \item{Specify \code{ecov}}{Provide \code{$proj.ecov}, a matrix of user-specified environmental covariate(s) to use for projections. Dimensions must be # projection years (\code{proj.opts$n.yrs}) x # ecovs (\code{ncols(ecov$mean)}).}
#'   }
#' If the original model fit the ecov in years beyond the population model, WHAM will use the already-fit
#' ecov values for the projections. If the ecov model extended at least \code{proj.opts$n.yrs} years
#' beyond the population model, then none of the above need be specified.
#' @param model a previously fit wham model
#' @param proj.opts a named list with the following components:
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item \code{$n.yrs} (integer), number of years to project/forecast. Default = \code{3}.
#'     \item \code{$use.last.F} (T/F), use terminal year F for projections. Default = \code{TRUE}.
#'     \item \code{$use.avg.F} (T/F), use average of F over certain years for projections. Default = \code{FALSE}. Years to average over determined by $avg.yrs defined below.
#'     \item \code{$use.FXSPR} (T/F), calculate and use F at X\% SPR for projections. Default = \code{FALSE}.
#'     \item \code{$use.FMSY} (T/F), calculate and use FMSY for projections. Default = \code{FALSE}.
#'     \item \code{$proj.F} (vector), user-specified fishing mortality for projections. Length must equal \code{n.yrs}.
#'     \item \code{$proj.catch} (vector), user-specified aggregate catch for projections. Length must equal \code{n.yrs}.
#'     \item \code{$avg.yrs} (vector), specify which years to average over for calculating reference points. Default = last 5 model years, \code{tail(model$years, 5)}.
#'     \item \code{$cont.ecov} (T/F), continue ecov process (e.g. random walk or AR1) for projections. Default = \code{TRUE}.
#'     \item \code{$use.last.ecov} (T/F), use terminal year ecov for projections.
#'     \item \code{$avg.ecov.yrs} (vector), specify which years to average over the environmental covariate(s) for projections.
#'     \item \code{$proj.ecov} (matrix), user-specified environmental covariate(s) for projections. \code{n.yrs x n.ecov}.
#'     \item \code{$cont.Mre} (T/F), continue M random effects (i.e. AR1_y or 2D AR1) for projections. Default = \code{TRUE}. If \code{FALSE}, M will be averaged over \code{$avg.yrs} (which defaults to last 5 model years).
#'     \item \code{$avg.rec.yrs} (vector), specify which years to calculate the CDF of recruitment for use in projections. Default = all model years. Only used when recruitment is estimated as fixed effects (SCAA).
#'     \item \code{$percentFXSPR} (scalar), percent of F_XSPR to use for calculating catch in projections, only used if $use.FXSPR = TRUE. For example, GOM cod uses F = 75\% F_40\%SPR, so \code{proj.opts$percentFXSPR = 75}. Default = 100.
#'     \item \code{$percentFMSY} (scalar), percent of F_MSY to use for calculating catch in projections, only used if $use.FMSY = TRUE.
#'     \item \code{$proj_F_opt} (vector), integers specifying how to configure each year of the projection: 1: use terminal F, 2: use average F, 3: use F at X\% SPR, 4: use specified F, 5: use specified catch, 6: use Fmsy. Overrides any of the above specifications.
#'     \item \code{$proj_Fcatch} (vector), catch or F values to use each projection year: values are not used when using Fmsy, FXSPR, terminal F or average F. Overrides any of the above specifications of proj.F or proj.catch.
#'     \item \code{$proj_mature} (matrix), user-supplied maturity values for the projection years with dimensions (\code{n.yrs} x n_ages).
#'     \item \code{$proj_waa} (3-d array), user-supplied waa values for the projection years with first and third dimensions equal to that of \code{model$input$data$waa} (waa source x \code{n.yrs} x n_ages).
#'     \item \code{$proj_R_opt} (integer), 1: continue any RE processes for recruitment, 2: make projected recruitment consistent with average recruitment in SPR reference points and cancel any bias correction for NAA in projection years.
#'   }
#' @param n.newton integer, number of additional Newton steps after optimization. Passed to \code{\link{fit_tmb}}. Default = \code{0} for projections.
#' @param do.sdrep T/F, calculate standard deviations of model parameters? See \code{\link[TMB]{sdreport}}. Default = \code{TRUE}.
#' @param MakeADFun.silent T/F, Passed to silent argument of \code{\link[TMB:MakeADFun]{TMB::MakeADFun}}. Default = \code{FALSE}.
#' @param save.sdrep T/F, save the full \code{\link[TMB]{TMB::sdreport}} object? If \code{FALSE}, only save \code{\link[TMB:summary.sdreport]{summary.sdreport}} to reduce model object file size. Default = \code{TRUE}.
#' @return a projected WHAM model with additional output if specified:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{\code{$rep}}{List of derived quantity estimates (see examples)}
#'     \item{\code{$sdrep}}{Parameter estimates (and standard errors if \code{do.sdrep=TRUE})}
#'     \item{\code{$peels}}{Retrospective analysis (if \code{do.retro=TRUE})}
#'     \item{\code{$osa}}{One-step-ahead residuals (if \code{do.osa=TRUE})}
#'   }
#' @useDynLib wham
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{fit_wham}}, \code{\link{fit_tmb}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data("input4_SNEMAYT") # load SNEMA yellowtail flounder input data and model settings
#' mod <- fit_wham(input4_SNEMAYT) # using default values (do.proj=T)
#' mod2 <- fit_wham(input4_SNEMAYT, do.retro=F, do.osa=F, do.proj=F) # fit model without projections, retro analysis, or OSA residuals
#' mod_proj <- project_wham(mod2) # add projections to previously fit model, using default values: use.lastF = TRUE, n.yrs = 3, avg.yrs = last 5 years
#' names(mod_proj$rep) # list of derived quantities
#' tail(mod_proj$rep$SSB, 3) # get 3-year projected SSB estimates (weight, not numbers)
#' x = summary(mod_proj$sdrep)
#' unique(rownames(x)) # list of estimated parameters and derived quanitites with SE
#' x = x[rownames(x) == "log_SSB",] # SSB estimates with SE
#' ssb.mat = exp(cbind(x, x[,1] + qnorm(0.975)*cbind(-x[,2],x[,2])))/1000 # calculate 95% CI
#' colnames(ssb.mat) <- c("SSB","SSB_se","SSB_lower","SSB_upper")
#' tail(ssb.mat, 3) # 3-year projected SSB estimates with SE and 95% CI
#' }
project_wham = function(model, proj.opts=list(n.yrs=3, use.last.F=TRUE, use.avg.F=FALSE, use.FXSPR=FALSE, use.FMSY=FALSE,
                                              proj.F=NULL, proj.catch=NULL, avg.yrs=NULL,
                                              cont.ecov=TRUE, use.last.ecov=FALSE, avg.ecov.yrs=NULL, proj.ecov=NULL, cont.Mre=NULL, avg.rec.yrs=NULL, percentFXSPR=100,
                                              percentFMSY=100, proj_F_opt = NULL, proj_Fcatch = NULL),
                        n.newton=3, do.sdrep=TRUE, MakeADFun.silent=FALSE, save.sdrep=TRUE)
  # modify wham input (fix parameters at previously estimated values, pad with NAs)
  tryCatch(input2 <- prepare_projection(model, proj.opts)
    , error = function(e) {model$err_proj <<- conditionMessage(e)})
  if("err_proj" %in% names(model)) stop(model$err_proj)
  else{# refit model to estimate derived quantities in projection years
    #mod <- TMB::MakeADFun(input2$data, input2$par, DLL = "wham", random = input2$random, map = input2$map, silent = MakeADFun.silent)
    mod <- fit_wham(input2, n.newton=n.newton, do.sdrep=F, do.retro=F, do.osa=F, do.check=F, do.proj=F, 
      MakeADFun.silent = MakeADFun.silent, save.sdrep=save.sdrep, do.fit = F)
    #If model has not been fitted (i.e., for setting up an operating model/mse), then we do not want to find the Emp. Bayes Posteriors for the random effects.
    is.fit = !is.null(model$opt)
    if(!is.fit) mle = model$par
    else {
      mle = model$opt$par
    mod$rep = mod$report()
    mod$parList <- mod$env$parList(x=mle)
    mod <- check_FXSPR(mod)
    #if(mod$env$data$n_fleets == 1) mod <- check_projF(mod) #projections added.
    mod <- check_projF(mod) #projections added.
    if(is.fit & do.sdrep) # only do sdrep if no error and the model has been previously fitted.
      mod$sdrep <- try(TMB::sdreport(mod))
      mod$is_sdrep <- !is.character(mod$sdrep)
      if(mod$is_sdrep) mod$na_sdrep <- any(is.na(summary(mod$sdrep,"fixed")[,2])) else mod$na_sdrep = NA
      if(!save.sdrep) mod$sdrep <- summary(mod$sdrep) # only save summary to reduce model object size
    } else {
      mod$is_sdrep = FALSE
      mod$na_sdrep = NA
  #assigning model$err_proj above already accomplishes this
  #  mod <- model # if error, still pass previous/full fit
  #  mod$err_proj <- err # store error message to print out in fit_wham
  #  rm("err")

  # pass along previously calculated retros, OSA residuals, error messages, and runtime
  elements <- c("final_gradient","opt","peels","osa","err","err_retro","runtime","TMB_version","dir")

  elements <- elements[which(elements %in% names(model))]
  # print(elements)
  mod[elements] <- model[elements]
  #if(!is.null(model$final_gradient)) mod$final_gradient <- model$final_gradient # final_gradient
  #if(!is.null(model$opt)) mod$opt <- model$opt # optimization results
  #if(!is.null(model$peels)) mod$peels <- model$peels # retrospective analysis
  #if(!is.null(model$osa)) mod$osa <- model$osa # OSA residuals
  #if(!is.null(model$err)) mod$err <- model$err # error messages
  #if(!is.null(model$err_retro)) mod$err_retro <- model$err_retro # error messages
  #mod$runtime <- model$runtime # runtime (otherwise would be just for projections)

  # print error message
    mod$err_proj <- model$err_proj
    warning(paste("","** Error during projections. **",
      paste0("Check for issues with proj.opts, see ?project_wham."),"",mod$err_proj,"",sep='\n'))
timjmiller/wham documentation built on April 28, 2024, 5:39 a.m.