#' Lee-Carter method with limited data for groups.
# tests:
# Tests againts spreadsheet
# test output againts `interp_lc_lim` function.
# testing args from main fun
# mixing input: single/abr with output single/abr, and mixing input nMx and lx
# passing lt arguments
# text/messages/warnings. Specially the case when no `id` is given
#' @description Given a data frame with groups (country, region, sex), dates, sex and mortality data by age (rates, conditioned probabilities of death
#' or survival function), this function interpolate/extrapolate life tables
#' using the method for limited data suggested by Li et. al (2004) (at least three observed years).
#' @details Based on spreadsheet "Li_2018_Limited_Lee-Carter-v4.xlsm" from UN.
#' Useful for abridged or single ages, and allows output in both formats also.
#' One option is the use of non-divergent method for sex coherency (Li & Lee, 2005).
#' The other is the possibility of fitting `"k"` to replicate `"e_0"` at some given dates.
#' `id` column in `input` argument works for separate between groups. In case only one population/sex is given,
#' is recommended to give some group name to `id`, if not the function will try to infer the case.
#' @note Draft Version
#' @param input data.frame. Columns: id, Date, Sex, Age, nMx (opt), nqx (opt), lx (opt).
#' The first column (id) can be a numeric index or character vector identifying each group.
#' @param dates_out numeric. Vector of decimal years to interpolate or extrapolate.
#' @param Single logical. Whether or not the lifetable output is by single ages.
#' @param input_e0 data.frame with cols: id, Date, Sex and `"e_0"`. This should be fitted when apply method.
#' @param prev_divergence logical. Whether or not prevent divergence and sex crossover between groups. Default `FALSE.`
#' @param weights list. For `prev_divergence` option. A double for each element of a list with names as `id` columns. Should sum up to 1. Default: same weight for each group.
#' @param OAG logical. Whether or not the last element of `nMx` (or `nqx` or `lx`) is an open age group. Default `TRUE.`
#' @param verbose logical. Default `FALSE`.
#' @param SVD logical. Use Singular Value Decomposition for estimate b and k or Maximum Likelihood Estimation. Default `FALSE` for Maximum Likelihood Estimation.
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed on to the \code{\link[DemoTools]{lt_abridged}} function.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[DemoTools]{lt_abridged}}
#' @export
#' @importFrom data.table rbindlist
#' @importFrom data.table setDT
#' @importFrom data.table uniqueN
#' @return List with:
#' \itemize{
#' \item Lifetable in a data.frame with columns:
#' * `Date` numeric. Dates included in dates_out,
#' * `Sex` character. Male `"m"` or female `"f"`,
#' * `Age` integer. Lower bound of abridged age class,
#' * `AgeInt`` integer. Age class widths.
#' * `nMx` numeric. Age-specific central death rates.
#' * `nAx` numeric. Average time spent in interval by those deceased in interval.
#' * `nqx` numeric. Age-specific conditional death probabilities.
#' * `lx` numeric. Lifetable survivorship
#' * `ndx` numeric. Lifetable deaths distribution.
#' * `nLx` numeric. Lifetable exposure.
#' * `Sx` numeric. Survivor ratios in uniform 5-year age groups.
#' * `Tx` numeric. Lifetable total years left to live above age x.
#' * `ex` numeric. Age-specific remaining life expectancy.
#' \item List with parameters estimated for each group:
#' * `kt` numeric time vector. Time trend in mortality level.
#' * `ax` numeric age vector. Average time of `log(m_{x,t})`.
#' * `bx` numeric age vector. Pattern of change in response to `kt`.
#' }
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Li2005}{DemoTools}
#' \insertRef{Li2004}{DemoTools}
#' @examples
#' # mortality rates from Sweden, for specific dates. Each sex a group.
#' mA_swe$id = c(rep("A",nrow(mA_swe)/2),
#' rep("B",nrow(mA_swe)/2))
#' # needs mortality rates in this dates:
#' dates_out <- as.Date(paste0(seq(1948,2018,5),"-07-01"))
#' # apply LC with limited data to extrap/interpolate
#' lc_lim_data <- interp_lc_lim_group(input = mA_swe, dates_out = dates_out)
#' \dontrun{
#' lc_lim_data[["lt_hat"]] %>% ggplot(aes(Age,nMx,col=factor(round(Date,1)))) +
#' geom_step() + scale_color_viridis_d() +
#' scale_y_log10() + theme_classic() + facet_wrap(~Sex)
#' }
#' # avoid cross-over between groups
#' lc_lim_data <- interp_lc_lim_group(input = mA_swe, dates_out = dates_out,
#' prev_divergence = TRUE, weights=list(A=.4,B=.6))
#' \dontrun{
#' lc_lim_data[["lt_hat"]] %>% ggplot(aes(Age,nMx,col=factor(round(Date,1)))) +
#' geom_step() + scale_color_viridis_d() +
#' scale_y_log10() + theme_classic() + facet_wrap(~id)
#' }
# fun ---------------------------------------------------------------------
interp_lc_lim_group <- function(input = NULL,
dates_out = NULL,
Single = FALSE,
input_e0 = NULL,
prev_divergence = FALSE,
weights = NULL,
verbose = TRUE,
# just make up empty placeholders for stuff used inside data.table
. <- NULL
Date <- NULL
id <- NULL
ExtraArgs = c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
ExtraArgs = ExtraArgs[! names(ExtraArgs) %in% c("input","Single")]
dates_out <- dec.date(dates_out)
ndates_out <- length(dates_out)
# enough obs dates
min_dates_in <- min(setDT(input)[, .(count = uniqueN(Date)),
by = id][,2])
if (min_dates_in<3){
stop("\nYou need three observed dates at least.")
# is data limited?
diff_dates_in <- unique(setDT(input)[, .(count = diff.Date(Date)),
by = id][,2])
if (all(diff_dates_in %in% c(0,1))){
stop("\nYou have single-year-interval data and probably should use basic Lee-Carter method.")
# check input
if (!any(names(input)%in%c("nMx", "nqx", "lx"))){
stop("\nSorry we need some column called nMx, nqx or lx\n")
# TR: I commented this out.
# 1) id is used earlier than this, so there's still an error if it's missing
# 2)
# # you gave no id - save it
# if (!"id" %in% colnames(input)){
# # but two sex
# cases <- aggregate(Age~Date+Sex,input,FUN=length)
# if(!any(cases$Age)==cases$Age[1]){
# input$id = ifelse(Sex=="f",1,2)
# }
# }
ngroups <- length(unique(input$id))
groups <- unique(input$id)
# three objects, with number of elements as groups
nMx <- list()
nMx_hat <- list()
lc_estimate <- list()
# get always Mx -----------------------------------------------------------
. <- NULL
for(i in groups){
input_id <- as.data.frame(input[input$id == i,])
# inputdt <- split(input_id, list(input_id$Date)) %>%
# lapply(
# function(X) do.call(lt_smooth_ambiguous,
# c(list(input=X), ExtraArgs))) %>%
# do.call("rbind", .)%>%
# as.data.table()%>%
# data.table::dcast(Age ~ Date, value.var = "nMx") %>%
# .[order(Age)]
input_id <- as.data.frame(input[input$id == i,])
inputdt <- split(input_id, list(input_id$Date)) %>%
lapply(., function(X) {
Age <- X$Age
Sex_i <- unique(X$Sex)
types <- c("nMx","nqx","lx")
this_type <- types[types %in% colnames(X)]
if (length(this_type) > 1){
ind <- X[,this_type] %>%
as.matrix() %>%
is.na() %>%
colSums() %>%
this_type <- this_type[ind]
LT <- lt_ambiguous(nMx_or_nqx_or_lx = X[[this_type]],
type = this_type,
Age = Age,
Sex = Sex_i,
Single = Single,
LT$Date <- unique(X$Date)
}) %>%
do.call("rbind", .)%>%
data.table::dcast(Age ~ Date, value.var = "nMx") %>%
Age <- inputdt[["Age"]]
nMx[[i]] <- inputdt[, -1] %>% as.matrix()
rownames(nMx[[i]]) <- Age
nAge <- length(Age)
# LC and estimate
dates_in <- unique(input_id$Date) %>% dec.date()
lc_estimate[[i]] <- interp_lc_lim_estimate(nMx[[i]], dates_in, dates_out, SVD)
nMx_hat[[i]] <- exp(lc_estimate[[i]][["ax"]] + lc_estimate[[i]][["bx"]] %*% t(lc_estimate[[i]][["kt"]]))
# options -----------------------------------------------------------------
# prevent divergence/cross-over
if (prev_divergence){
if(ngroups==1) stop("No subgroups no divergence.")
# weigths
weights <- list()
for(i in 1:ngroups) weights[[i]] = 1/ngroups
if(sum(unlist(weights))!=1) stop("Weights do not sum up to 1.")
# weighted mean of parameters
bx_div <- rep(0,nrow(lc_estimate[[1]][["bx"]]))
kt_div <- rep(0,length(lc_estimate[[1]][["kt"]]))
k0_div <- 0
for(i in 1:ngroups){
# i =1
bx_div = bx_div + lc_estimate[[i]][["bx"]] * weights[[i]]
kt_div = kt_div + lc_estimate[[i]][["kt"]] * weights[[i]]
k0_div = k0_div + lc_estimate[[i]][["k0"]] * weights[[i]]
for(i in 1:ngroups){
lc_estimate[[i]][["bx"]] <- bx_div
lc_estimate[[i]][["kt"]] <- kt_div
lc_estimate[[i]][["k0"]] <- k0_div
# fit e_0 and/or prev_divergence
for(i in groups){
ax_i <- lc_estimate[[i]][["ax"]]
bx_i <- lc_estimate[[i]][["bx"]]
kt_i <- lc_estimate[[i]][["kt"]]
k0_i <- lc_estimate[[i]][["k0"]]
e0 = input_e0[input_e0$id==i,"e0"]
dates_in <- unique(input$Date[input$id == i]) %>% dec.date()
if (!is.null(e0)){
dates_e0 = input_e0[input_e0$id==i,"Date"]
ndates_e0 = length(dates_e0)
Sex_e0 = unique(input_e0[input_e0$id==i,"Sex"])
e0_star <- interp(rbind(e0, e0),
extrap = TRUE)[1, ]
kt_star = c()
for (j in 1:ndates_out){
kt_star[j] <- optimize(f = interp_lc_lim_kt_min,
interval = c(-20, 20),
ax = ax_i,
bx = bx_i,
age = Age,
sex = Sex_e0,
e0_target = e0_star[j],
nMx_hat[[i]] <- exp(ax_i + bx_i %*% t(kt_star))
nMx_hat_div <- nMx[[i]][,1] * exp(bx_i %*% t(kt_i-k0_i))
dates_extrap <- dates_out < min(dates_in)
nMx_hat[[i]][,dates_extrap] <- nMx_hat_div[,dates_extrap]
# return lt
colnames(nMx_hat[[i]]) <- dates_out
Sex_i = unique(input$Sex[input$id == i])
out <-
lapply(colnames(nMx_hat[[i]]), function(xx,MX,Age) {
mx <- MX[, xx]
LT <- lt_ambiguous(nMx_or_nqx_or_lx = mx,
type = "m",
Age = Age,
Sex = Sex_i,
Single = Single,
LT$Sex <- Sex_i
LT$Date <- as.numeric(xx)
}, MX = nMx_hat[[i]], Age = Age) %>%
nMx_hat[[i]] <- out
lt_hat = rbindlist(nMx_hat, idcol = "id"),
lc_params = lc_estimate #IW: must bind
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