
Defines functions maybe_row_sums drop_one_of with_na_label check_resp_values .aggregate_looks2 aggregate_looks2 aggregate_looks cycle_response_def print.response_def create_response_def

Documented in aggregate_looks aggregate_looks2 create_response_def cycle_response_def

#' Create a response definition
#' A response definition controls how `aggregate_looks()` works.
#' @param primary the primary response of interest
#' @param others other responses of interest
#' @param elsewhere responses to ignore
#' @param missing responses that indicate missing data. Defaults to `NA`.
#' @param label optional label for the response definition. Defaults to the
#'   value of `primary`.
#' @return a `response_def` object
#' @export
#' @rdname response-definition
#' @details
#' To deal with eyetracking data in a generic way, we need a way to describe
#' eyetracking responses. We assume that there are four basic gaze types.
#' * Primary responses: A gaze to a primary or target image.
#' * Other responses: Gazes to competing images.
#' * Elsewhere looks: A gaze that is onscreen but not a primary or
#'   other response. Typically, this occurs when the participant is
#'   shifting between images.
#' * Missing looks: A missing or offscreen gaze.
#' A _response definition_ is a programmatic way of describing these response
#' types, and it allows `aggregate_looks()` to map gaze data onto looking
#' counts.
#' @examples
#' create_response_def(
#'   label = "looks to target",
#'   primary = "Target",
#'   others = c("PhonologicalFoil", "SemanticFoil", "Unrelated"),
#'   elsewhere = "tracked",
#'   missing = NA)
create_response_def <- function(primary, others, elsewhere = NULL,
                                missing = NA, label = NULL) {
    response_def = label %||% paste0(primary, collapse = "-"),
    primary = primary,
    others = others,
    elsewhere = elsewhere,
    missing = missing
  ), class = "response_def")

#' @export
print.response_def <- function(x, ...) {
  utils::str(x, ...)

#' Create complementary response definitions
#' In the typical response definition, there is a primary response compared to
#' other competitors. Oftentimes, we are interested in also comparing each of
#' the competitors to the other images. This function quickly assembles a full
#' cycle of response definitions.
#' @param response_def a response definition to use a template for other
#'   definitions.
#' @return a list of response definitions where each member of
#'   `c(response_def$primary, response_def$others)` is used as the primary
#'   response.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Create one definition
#' def <- create_response_def(
#'   primary = 1,
#'   others = c(5, 8, 9),
#'   elsewhere = 0,
#'   missing = NA
#' )
#' # Create the full cycle of response definitions
#' cycle_response_def(def)
cycle_response_def <- function(response_def) {
  responses <- c(response_def$primary, response_def$others)

  f <- function(i) {
      primary = responses[i],
      others = responses[-i],
      elsewhere = response_def$elsewhere,
      missing = response_def$missing

  Map(f, seq_along(responses))

#' Aggregate looks
#' Aggregate the number of looks to each response type over some grouping
#' variables like Subject, Time, Condition.
#' @param data a long data frame of looking data
#' @param resp_def a response definition or a list of response definition.
#' @param formula an aggregation formula. The lefthand terms will be grouping
#'   variables, and the righthand term is the column with eyetracking responses.
#' @return a dataframe of the grouping columns along with the number of looks to
#'   each response type, the proportion (and standard error) of looks to the
#'   primary response, and the proportion (and standared error) of missing data.
#' @export
#' @rdname aggregating-looks
#' @details
#' This function is the main tool for preparing eyetracking data for a growth
#' curve analysis. For example, an aggregation formula like `Subject + Time ~
#' Gaze` would provide the number of looks to each image over time for each
#' subject.
#' `aggregate_looks()` uses an aggregation formula like
#' [stats::aggregate()], whereas `aggregate_looks2()` uses column names.
#' @examples
#' target_def <- create_response_def(
#'   label = "looks to target",
#'   primary = "Target",
#'   others = c("PhonologicalFoil", "SemanticFoil", "Unrelated"),
#'   elsewhere = "tracked",
#'   missing = NA)
#' four_image_data |>
#'   aggregate_looks(target_def, Subject + TrialNo ~ GazeByImageAOI)
#' four_image_data |>
#'   aggregate_looks(target_def, Subject ~ GazeByImageAOI) |>
#'   str()
#' # With column names
#' four_image_data |>
#'   aggregate_looks2(target_def, GazeByImageAOI, Subject, TrialNo)
#' four_image_data |>
#'   aggregate_looks2(target_def, GazeByImageAOI, Subject) |>
#'   str()
#' phonological_def <- create_response_def(
#'   label = "looks to phonological foil",
#'   primary = "PhonologicalFoil",
#'   others = c("Target", "SemanticFoil", "Unrelated"),
#'   elsewhere = "tracked",
#'   missing = NA)
#' # Aggregate looks to multiple response definitions at once
#' defs <- list(target_def, phonological_def)
#' four_image_data |>
#'   aggregate_looks(defs, Subject + BlockNo ~ GazeByImageAOI) |>
#'   dplyr::select(.response_def, Subject, BlockNo, Primary:PropNA) |>
#'   dplyr::mutate(
#'     Prop = round(Prop, 3),
#'     PropSE = round(PropSE, 3),
#'     PropNA = round(PropNA, 3)
#'   )
#' # Compute a growth curve
#' growth_curve <- four_image_data |>
#'   adjust_times(Time, TargetOnset, Subject, BlockNo, TrialNo) |>
#'   aggregate_looks(target_def, Time ~ GazeByImageAOI) |>
#'   dplyr::filter(-1000 <= Time, Time <= 2000)
#' library(ggplot2)
#' ggplot(growth_curve) +
#'   aes(x = Time, y = Prop) +
#'   geom_hline(linewidth = 2, color = "white", yintercept = .25) +
#'   geom_vline(linewidth = 2, color = "white", xintercept = 0) +
#'   geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = Prop - PropSE, ymax = Prop + PropSE)) +
#'   labs(
#'     y = "Proportion of looks to target",
#'     x = "Time relative to target onset [ms]"
#'    ) +
#'   theme_grey(base_size = 14)
aggregate_looks <- function(data, resp_def, formula) {
  resp_var <- quo(!! formula[[3]])
  grouping <- quos(!!! syms(all.vars(formula[[2]])))
  aggregate_looks2(data, resp_def, !! resp_var, !!! grouping)

#' @param resp_var Name of the column that contains eyetracking responses
#' @param ... Grouping columns.
#' @export
#' @rdname aggregating-looks
aggregate_looks2 <- function(data, resp_def, resp_var, ...) {
  grouping <- quos(...)
  resp_var <- enquo(resp_var)

  # Tuck a single definition in a list
  if (inherits(resp_def, "response_def")) {
    resp_def <- list(resp_def)

  stopifnot(vapply(resp_def, class, "class") == "response_def")

  # Process all definitions in the list
  x <- vector("list", length = length(resp_def))

  for (def in seq_along(resp_def)) {
    x[[def]] <- .aggregate_looks2(
      !! resp_var,
      !!! grouping


# workhorse function for a single aggregation
.aggregate_looks2 <- function(data, resp_def, resp_var, ...) {
  grouping <- quos(...)
  grouping_data <- data |> dplyr::distinct(!!! grouping)
  resp_var <- enquo(resp_var)

  chr_resp_var <- tidyselect::vars_pull(names(data), !! resp_var)

  # Check that all response types have a coding
  resp_vals <- data[[chr_resp_var]] |>
    unique() |>

  # Check that a grouping column name doesn't show up as a gaze column name
  reserved_name <- c(
    "Others", "Elsewhere", "Prop", "PropSE", "PropMissing",

  if (any(grouping %in% reserved_name)) {
    group_names <- names(grouping_data)
    illegal_names <- group_names[grouping %in% reserved_name] |>
      paste0(collapse = ", ")

    stop("Please rename the following grouping variables: ", illegal_names)
  n <- sym("n")

  data_wide <- data |>
    dplyr::group_by(!!! grouping) |>
    dplyr::count(.data[[chr_resp_var]]) |>
    ungroup() |>
      !! resp_var := with_na_label(.data[[chr_resp_var]])
    ) |>
      values_from = "n",
      names_from = tidyselect::all_of(chr_resp_var),
      values_fill = 0
    ) |>

  data_wide$Elsewhere <- data_wide |>

  data_wide$Missing <- data_wide |>

  data_wide$Others <- data_wide |>

  data_wide <- data_wide |>
    drop_one_of(with_na_label(resp_def$missing)) |>

  data_wide$Primary <- data_wide |>

  data_wide |>
      .response_def = resp_def$response_def,
      Looks = .data$Primary + .data$Others + .data$Elsewhere + .data$Missing,
      Prop = .data$Primary / (.data$Others + .data$Primary),
      PropSE = se_prop(.data$Prop, .data$Others + .data$Primary),
      PropNA = .data$Missing / .data$Looks
    ) |>

check_resp_values <- function(observed_resp_vals, resp_def) {
  possible_resp_vals <- unlist(resp_def)
  missing <- setdiff(observed_resp_vals, possible_resp_vals)

  if (length(missing) != 0) {
    bad <- paste0(missing, collapse = ", ")
    stop("Response values not found in response definition: ",
         bad, call. = FALSE)

with_na_label <- function(xs, na_label = "<NA>") {
  xs[is.na(xs)] <- na_label

drop_one_of <- function(.data, vars) {
  to_keep <- tidyselect::vars_select(

maybe_row_sums <- function(df, col_names) {
  matches <- intersect(colnames(df), col_names)
  if (length(matches) == 0) {
    rep_len(0, nrow(df))
  } else {
tjmahr/littlelisteners documentation built on July 31, 2024, 6:02 a.m.