
Defines functions server

# @title  Shiny app server function
# @param input provided by shiny
# @param output provided by shiny
# @param session session ID
# @return Server part of the app
# @import shinyjs @importFrom shinyjs hide hideElement show showElement
# toggle toggleElement onclick
#' @import shiny
#' @import plyr
#' @importFrom xcms xcmsRaw findPeaks.centWave findPeaks.matchedFilter
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes aes_string geom_point geom_rect geom_text theme_bw labs scale_colour_gradientn scale_x_continuous sec_axis
#' @importFrom colorRamps matlab.like2
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @importFrom shinyBS bsTooltip
#' @importFrom stats median quantile sd
#' @importFrom plotly renderPlotly plot_ly add_trace layout event_register event_data add_segments add_text ggplotly hide_colorbar
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom shinyWidgets numericRangeInput radioGroupButtons
#' @importFrom plyr dlply
#' @importFrom utils unzip
server <- function(input, output, session) {
    pars <- reactiveValues(msfile = NA, noise98p = NA, noise_plot = NA,
        trans_plot = "log10", Imax_xic_mz = NA, Imax_xic_scant = NA, xic_mz = NA,
        xic_ra = NA, mspec_scant = NA, massSpec_scantime = NA, ppm_change = 50,
        mzra = NA, xic_ra = NA, pp.mz = NA, pp.rt = NA, pp.mz.ra = 5, pp.rt.ra = 10)

    ui_ind <- reactiveValues(ichron = 0, rawData = 0, ppick = 0, peaks = 0,
        summarytbl = 0, xicra = 0, target = 0, ppdiv = 0, impvis = 0, peaktbl = 0,
        div_input_collapse = 1, div_target_collapse = 1, nopeaks = 0)

    dat_pl <- reactiveVal()

    observeEvent(input$clicked_text, {
        if (ui_ind$div_input_collapse == 1) {
            ui_ind$div_input_collapse <- 0
        } else {
            insertUI("#1ri", "afterEnd", ui = uiE_div_inp_col)
            ui_ind$div_input_collapse <- 1
    }, ignoreInit = TRUE, ignoreNULL = TRUE)

    observeEvent(input$clicked_target, {
        if (ui_ind$div_target_collapse == 1) {
            ui_ind$div_target_collapse <- 0
        } else {
            insertUI("#div_target", "afterEnd", ui = uiE_div_tar_col)
            ui_ind$div_target_collapse <- 1
    }, ignoreInit = TRUE, ignoreNULL = TRUE)

    observeEvent(input$filechoose, {
        msfile1 <- tryCatch(file.choose(), error = function(e) "no selection")
        if (grepl("\\.mzxml$|\\.mzml$|\\.cdf$|\\.netcdf$", msfile1, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
            removeNotification(id = "nofile")
            output$msfile <- renderText({
            pars$msfile <- msfile1
            message(paste0("Selected file: ", pars$msfile))
            updateTabsetPanel(session, inputId = "msexpl", selected = "ichron")
            removeTab("msexpl", "ichron")
            ui_ind$ichron <- 0
            removeTab("msexpl", "rawData")
            ui_ind$rawData <- 0
            removeTab("msexpl", "ppick")
            ui_ind$ppick <- 0
            removeTab("msexpl", "peaks")
            ui_ind$peaks <- 0
            ui_ind$summarytbl <- 0
            ui_ind$target <- 0
            ui_ind$ppdiv <- 0
        } else {
            showNotification(ui = "Accepted file formats are CDF, netCDF, mzXML, mzData and mzML. Check out ProteoWizard for conversion software.",
                duration = NULL, closeButton = TRUE, type = "error", id = "nofile")
    }, ignoreNULL = TRUE, ignoreInit = TRUE)

    observeEvent(input$fileexample, {
        removeNotification(id = "nofile")
        exF <- system.file(file.path("extdata", "Urine_HILIC_ESIpos_msLevel1.mzML.zip",
                                     fsep = .Platform$file.sep), package = "lcmsData")
        output$msfile <- renderText({
            "Example: HILIC-ESI(+)-Q-TOF-MS of a urine sample"
        if (exF == "") {
            showNotification(ui = "Accepted file formats are CDF, netCDF, mzXML, mzData and mzML. Check out ProteoWizard for conversion software.",
                             duration = NULL, closeButton = TRUE, type = "error", id = "nofile")
            stop('Please install R package "lcmsData" and restart msbrowser. `devtools::install_github(\"tkimhofer/lcmsdata\`"')

        pars$msfile <- exF
    }, ignoreNULL = TRUE, ignoreInit = TRUE)

    raw_data <- eventReactive(pars$msfile, {
        if(grepl('lcmsData/extdata/Urine_HILIC_ESIpos_msLevel1.mzML', pars$msfile)){
            data("hilicPosUrine", package = 'lcmsData')
            raw_xcms <- xcmsRaw(pars$msfile, profstep = 0, includeMSn = FALSE,mslevel = 1)

        df_xcms <- xcms_df(raw_xcms)
        output$datsum <- renderTable({
            data.frame(Descr = c("Scan time range", "Scan frequency", "Mass range",
                "Median ion count across scans", "Counts ECDF(x<=X), p=0.98"),
                Value = c(paste(paste(round(range(raw_xcms@scantime)),
                  collapse = "-"), "s"), paste(round(1/median(diff(raw_xcms@scantime[order(raw_xcms@scanindex)]))),
                  "scans per s"), paste(paste(round(raw_xcms@mzrange),
                  collapse = "-"), "m/z"), paste(format(median(raw_xcms@tic),
                  scientific = TRUE, digits = 3)), paste(pars$noise98p)))
        }, rownames = FALSE, colnames = FALSE, spacing = "xs", caption = "Summary",
            caption.placement = getOption("xtable.caption.placement", "top"),
            caption.width = getOption("xtable.caption.width", NULL))
        if (ui_ind$summarytbl == 0) {
            ui_ind$summarytbl <- 1
            output$ss1 <- renderUI(uiE_div_summary_file)
        observeEvent(input$imp_xic, {
            if (input$imp_xic & ui_ind$xicra == 0) {
                insertUI(selector = "#imp_xic", where = "afterEnd", ui = uiE_div_xic)
                ui_ind$xicra <- 1

            if (!input$imp_xic & ui_ind$xicra == 1) {
                removeUI(selector = "#div_xic")
                ui_ind$xicra <- 0
        }, ignoreInit = TRUE, ignoreNULL = TRUE)
        pars$noise98p <- round(quantile(df_xcms$Int, probs = 0.98))
        pars$Imax_xic_mz <- df_xcms$mz[which.max(df_xcms$Int)]
        pars$Imax_xic_scant <- df_xcms$scantime[which.max(df_xcms$Int)]
        pars$xic_mz <- df_xcms$mz[which.max(df_xcms$Int)]
        pars$mspec_scant <- df_xcms$scantime[which.max(df_xcms$Int)]
        pars$mzra <- range(df_xcms$mz)
        pars$scantimera <- range(df_xcms$scantime)
        return(list(df_xcms, raw_xcms))
    }, ignoreNULL = TRUE, ignoreInit = TRUE)

        output$tic_bpc <- renderPlotly({
            pa <- chrom_bpc_tic(df = raw_data()[[1]], pars)
            pars$pa <- 1

        observeEvent(raw_data(), {
            if (ui_ind$ichron == 0) {
                prependTab(inputId = "msexpl", tab = uiT_ichron, select = TRUE)
                ui_ind$ichron <- 1

            pars$xic_ra <- xic_mzrange(pars$xic_mz, pars$ppm_change)
            pars$mspec_scant <- pars$Imax_xic_scant
        }, ignoreNULL = TRUE)

            event_data("plotly_click", source = "pa")
        }, {
            df <- raw_data()[[1]]
            event.data <- event_data("plotly_click", source = "pa")
            sdif <- abs(df$scantime - event.data$x[1])
            pars$mspec_scant <- df$scantime[which(sdif == min(sdif))[1]]
            sub <- df[which(df$scantime == pars$mspec_scant), ]
            pars$xic_mz <- sub$mz[which.max(sub$Int)]
            pars$xic_ra <- xic_mzrange(pars$xic_mz, pars$ppm_change)

        }, ignoreInit = TRUE, ignoreNULL = TRUE)

            event_data("plotly_click", source = "pb")
        }, {
            df <- raw_data()[[1]]
            event.data <- event_data("plotly_click", source = "pb")
            # which scan xic is closest to click, save scan mspec
            sdif <- abs(df$scantime - event.data$x[1])
            pars$mspec_scant <- df$scantime[which(sdif == min(sdif))[1]]
        }, ignoreInit = TRUE, ignoreNULL = TRUE)

        observeEvent(input$go_xic, {
            updateTabsetPanel(session, inputId = "msexpl", selected = "ichron")
            xic_ra <- sort(input$xic_ra)
            if (all(is.numeric(xic_ra))) {
                if (length(xic_ra) == 2 & all(!is.na(xic_ra)) & xic_ra[2] !=
                  xic_ra[1]) {
                  removeNotification(id = "xic_notnumeric")
                  pars$xic_ra <- xic_ra
            } else {
                showNotification(ui = "Check entered mass range for XIC!",
                  duration = NULL, closeButton = TRUE, type = "warning",
                  id = "xic_notnumeric")
        }, ignoreNULL = TRUE, ignoreInit = TRUE)

        }, {
            output$xic <- renderPlotly({
                # browser()
                pb <- chrom_xic(df = raw_data()[[1]], pars)
                pars$pb <- 1
        }, ignoreNULL = TRUE, ignoreInit = TRUE)

        }, {
            output$ssms <- renderPlotly({
                pc <- massspectrum(df = raw_data()[[1]], pars)
                pars$pc <- 1
                # browser() pc<<-pc pc
        }, ignoreNULL = TRUE, ignoreInit = TRUE)

            event_data("plotly_click", source = "pc")
            print("selection in mass spectrum")
        }, {
            event.data <- event_data("plotly_click", source = "pc")
            pars$pp.mz <- as.numeric(event.data$x[1])
            pars$pp.rt <- as.numeric(pars$mspec_scant)
            updateNumericInput(session, "in_mz", value = as.numeric(pars$pp.mz))
            updateNumericInput(session, "in_rt", value = as.numeric(pars$pp.rt))
            output$selection <- renderText({
                paste("Selected signal: scan time", round(as.numeric(pars$pp.rt),
                  2), "s, m/z", round(as.numeric(pars$pp.mz), 4))

            if (ui_ind$target == 0) {
                insertUI(selector = "#div_input", where = "afterEnd", ui = uiE_target)
                ui_ind$target <- 1
                insertUI(selector = "#div_target", where = "afterEnd",
                  ui = uiE_div_tar_col)
                ui_ind$div_target_collapse <- 1
            updateNumericInput(session, inputId = "in_rt", value = as.numeric(pars$pp.rt))
            updateNumericInput(session, inputId = "in_mz", value = round(as.numeric(pars$pp.mz),
            updateNumericInput(session, inputId = "in_noisethr", value = round(pars$noise98p))
        }, ignoreInit = TRUE, ignoreNULL = TRUE)

        observeEvent(input$imp_vis, {
            if (input$imp_vis == TRUE & ui_ind$impvis == 0) {
                insertUI(selector = "#selectors1", where = "afterEnd",
                  ui = div(id = "div_vis", br(), fluidRow(column(12, offset = 0.7,
                    column(width = 3, numericInput(inputId = "in_noisethr",
                      label = "Noise Threshold", value = as.numeric(pars$noise98p))),
                    column(width = 9, align = "center", radioGroupButtons("raw_trans",
                      label = "Data Transformation", choices = list(None = "none",
                        Squared = "sqrt", `Square Root` = "exp", `Log 10` = "log10",
                        Reciprocal = "reciprocal"), selected = "log10"))))))
                ui_ind$impvis <- 1

            if (input$imp_vis == FALSE & ui_ind$impvis == 1) {
                removeUI(selector = "#div_vis")
                ui_ind$impvis <- 0

        }, {
            pars$trans_plot <- input$raw_trans
        }, ignoreNULL = TRUE, ignoreInit = TRUE)

        }, {
            pars$noise_plot <- input$in_noisethr

        ttt <- eventReactive({
        }, {
            if (ui_ind$rawData == 0) {
                insertTab(inputId = "msexpl", tab = uiT_rawData, target = "ichron",
                  position = "after", select = TRUE)
                ui_ind$rawData <- 1
            } else {
                updateTabsetPanel(session, inputId = "msexpl", selected = "rawData")
            if (input$target_input == "man") {
                pars$pp.mz <- input$in_mz
                pars$pp.mz.ra <- input$in_mz_ws
                pars$pp.rt <- input$in_rt
                pars$pp.rt.ra <- input$in_rt_ws
            ui_ind$div_target_collapse <- 0

            ui_ind$div_input_collapse <- 0

            mf <- raw_data()[[1]]
            message("Generating spectral area plot (scan time vs mz).")
            target.rt <- as.numeric(input$in_rt)
            target.mz <- as.numeric(input$in_mz)
            wind.rt <- input$in_rt_ws/2
            wind.mz <- input$in_mz_ws/2
            ra.rt <- c(max(target.rt - wind.rt, min(mf$scantime)), min(target.rt +
                wind.rt, max(mf$scantime)))
            ra.mz <- c(max(target.mz - wind.mz, min(mf$mz)), min(target.mz +
                wind.mz, max(mf$mz)))
            idx <- which(mf$mz > ra.mz[1] & mf$mz < ra.mz[2] & mf$scantime >
                ra.rt[1] & mf$scantime < ra.rt[2])
            sub <- mf[idx, ]

            output$rawdd <- renderPlotly({
                if (is.na(pars$noise_plot)) {
                  pars$noise_plot <- pars$noise98p

                noi <- pars$noise_plot
                idx <- sub$Int <= noi
                df <- transf(sub, pars$trans_plot)

                g1 <- ggplot() + geom_point(data = df[idx, ], aes_string("scantime",
                  "mz", colour = "Int"), size = 0.1) + geom_point(data = df[!idx,
                  ], aes_string("scantime", "mz", colour = "Int"), size = 1) +
                  theme_bw() + scale_colour_gradientn(colours = matlab.like2(10)) +
                  labs(x = "Scan time (s)", y = "m/z", colour = "Counts",
                    caption = "Raw Data")
                ggplotly(g1, height = 1000, width = 1100, dynamicTicks = TRUE)

            if (ui_ind$ppdiv == 0) {
                insertUI(selector = "#div_target", where = "afterEnd",
                  ui = uiE_div_ppick)
                ui_ind$ppdiv <- 1

        }, ignoreNULL = TRUE, ignoreInit = TRUE)

        observeEvent(ttt(), {
            message(paste0("Number of data points ", nrow(ttt()), "."))
            observeEvent(input$db_assays, {
                icst_cname <- icst[icst$assay %in% input$db_assays, ]
                updateSelectizeInput(session, "in_icst", label = "Compound",
                  choices = dlply(icst_cname, as.quoted("info"), function(x) {
                    x[, 2]
                  }), selected = FALSE)
                output$compound_info <- renderText({

            observeEvent(input$in_icst, {
                icst_cname <- icst[icst$assay %in% input$db_assays, ]
                idx <- match(input$in_icst, icst_cname$compound)
                if (length(idx) > 0 & !is.na(idx)) {
                  updateNumericInput(session, "in_mz", value = as.numeric(icst_cname$mz[idx]))
                  updateNumericInput(session, "in_rt", value = as.numeric(icst_cname$rt[idx]))
                  output$compound_info <- renderText({
                    paste0("Scan time=", as.numeric(icst_cname$rt[idx]),
                      " s, m/z=", as.numeric(icst_cname$mz[idx]))
                  pars$pp.mz <- icst_cname$mz[idx]
                  pars$pp.rt <- icst_cname$rt[idx]
            }, ignoreNULL = TRUE, ignoreInit = TRUE)

        fgt <- eventReactive(input$pickpeak1, {
            updateTabsetPanel(session, inputId = "msexpl", selected = "ppick")
            if (ui_ind$nopeaks == 1) {
                ui_ind$nopeaks <- 0
            raw_xcms <- raw_data()[[2]]
            target.rt <- as.numeric(input$in_rt)
            target.mz <- as.numeric(input$in_mz)
            wind.rt <- input$in_rt_ws/2
            wind.mz <- input$in_mz_ws/2
            mf <- dat_pl()
            switch(input$in_pickMethod, centWave = {
                message("Performing peak picking (centWave)")
                peaktbl <- findPeaks.centWave(raw_xcms, ppm = as.numeric(input$in_mzdev),
                  peakwidth = input$in_rtrange, snthresh = as.numeric(input$in_sn),
                  prefilter = c(input$in_prefilter_k, as.numeric(input$in_prefilter_I)),
                  mzCenterFun = input$in_mzCentFun, integrate = as.numeric(input$in_integrate),
                  mzdiff = input$in_mzdiff, fitgauss = as.logical(input$in_fitgauss),
                  noise = as.numeric(input$in_noise), scanrange = range(mf$scan))
                peaktbl <- as.data.frame(peaktbl)
                codeF <- paste0("msfile=\"", pars$msfile, "\"\n")
                codeRI <- paste0("xcms_data=xcmsRaw(filename=msfile , profstep = 0, includeMSn = FALSE, mslevel = 1)\n")
                codePP <- paste0("xcms_ppick=findPeaks.centWave(xcms_data, ",
                  "ppm=", as.numeric(input$in_mzdev), " , peakwidth=c(",
                  input$in_rtrange[1], ", ", input$in_rtrange[2], "), snthresh=",
                  as.numeric(input$in_sn), ", prefilter=c(", input$in_prefilter_k,
                  ", ", as.numeric(input$in_prefilter_I), "), mzCenterFun=\"",
                  input$in_mzCentFun, "\", integrate=", as.numeric(input$in_integrate),
                  ", mzdiff=", input$in_mzdiff, ", fitgauss=", input$in_fitgauss,
                  ", noise=", as.numeric(input$in_noise), ")\n")
                output$Rcode_loadp <- renderText({
                output$Rcode_file <- renderText({
                output$Rcode_readIn <- renderText({
                output$Rcode_ppick <- renderText({

            }, matchedFilter = {
                message("Performing peak picking (matchedFilter)")
                peaktbl <- findPeaks.matchedFilter(raw_xcms, fwhm = as.numeric(input$in_fwhm),
                  sigma = as.numeric(input$in_sigma), max = as.numeric(input$in_max),
                  snthresh = as.numeric(input$in_snthres), step = as.numeric(input$in_step),
                  steps = as.numeric(input$in_steps), scanrange = range(mf$scan))
                peaktbl <- as.data.frame(peaktbl)
            ra.rt <- c(max(target.rt - wind.rt, min(mf$scantime)), min(target.rt +
                wind.rt, max(mf$scantime)))
            ra.mz <- c(max(target.mz - wind.mz, min(mf$mz)), min(target.mz +
                wind.mz, max(mf$mz)))
            idx <- which(peaktbl$mz >= ra.mz[1] & peaktbl$mz <= ra.mz[2] &
                peaktbl$rt >= ra.rt[1] & peaktbl$rt <= ra.rt[2])
            if (length(idx) > 0) {

                if (ui_ind$ppick == 0) {
                  insertTab(inputId = "msexpl", tab = uiT_ppick, target = "rawData",
                    position = "after", select = TRUE)
                  insertTab(inputId = "msexpl", tab = uiT_peaks, target = "ppick",
                    position = "after", select = FALSE)
                  ui_ind$ppick <- 1
                  ui_ind$peaktbl <- 1
                ptbl <- peaktbl[idx, ]
                ptbl <- ptbl[order(ptbl$maxo, decreasing = TRUE), ]
                ptbl$feature <- as.character(seq_len(nrow(ptbl)))
                output$pp1 <- renderPlotly({
                  idc <- unlist(dlply(ptbl, as.quoted("feature"), function(peak,
                    ds = mf) {
                    which(ds$mz >= peak$mzmin & ds$mz <= peak$mzmax & ds$scantime >=
                      peak$rtmin & ds$scantime <= peak$rtmax)
                  df <- transf(mf, pars$trans_plot)
                  df$peak <- "No"
                  df$peak[idc] <- "Yes"
                  g2 <- ggplot() + geom_point(data = subset(df, peak ==
                    "No"), aes_string("scantime", "mz", colour = "Int"),
                    size = 0.1) + geom_rect(data = ptbl, aes_string(xmin = "rtmin",
                    xmax = "rtmax", ymin = "mzmin", ymax = "mzmax"), size = 1,
                    color = "darkgrey", fill = "darkgrey") + geom_point(data = subset(df,
                    peak == "Yes"), aes_string("scantime", "mz", colour = "Int"),
                    size = 1) + geom_text(data = ptbl, aes_string(x = "rtmax",
                    y = "mzmin", label = "feature"), colour = "red", size = 5,
                    hjust = 0, vjust = 0) + theme_bw() + scale_colour_gradientn(colours = matlab.like2(10)) +
                    scale_x_continuous(sec.axis = sec_axis(trans = ~./60,
                      name = "Scan time (min)")) + labs(x = "Scan time (s)",
                    y = "m/z", colour = "Counts")
                  ggplotly(g2, height = 1000, width = 1100, dynamicTicks = TRUE)
            } else {
                message("No peaks detected- change parameter values!")
                ui_ind$nopeaks <- 1
                showNotification(ui = "No peaks detected!", duration = NULL,
                  closeButton = TRUE, type = "error", id = "nopeaks")
        }, ignoreNULL = TRUE)

        observeEvent(fgt(), {
            message(paste("Features:", nrow(fgt())))

        peakTbl <- observeEvent(fgt(), {
            out <- fgt()[, c(11, seq_len(10))]
            rownames(out) <- NULL
            idx <- grep("mz", colnames(out))
            out[, idx] <- apply(out[, idx], 2, round, 4)
            idx <- grep("rt", colnames(out))
            out[, idx] <- apply(out[, idx], 2, round, 2)
            idx <- grep("int|max0", colnames(out))
            out[, idx] <- apply(out[, idx], 2, round, 0)
            output$PeakTbl <- DT::renderDataTable(out, server = FALSE,
                selection = "multiple", escape = FALSE, extensions = "Buttons",
                options = list(dom = "Bfrtips", buttons = list("copy",
                  "csv", "excel", "print"), searchHighlight = TRUE, pageLength = 30,
                  rownames = FALSE), rownames = FALSE)
        }, ignoreNULL = TRUE, ignoreInit = FALSE)

        observeEvent(input$plotselection, {
            idx <- input$PeakTbl_rows_selected
            if (length(idx) > 0) {
                df <- fgt()[idx, c(11, seq_len(10))]
                df$feature <- paste("Feat.", df$feature)
                df$feature <- factor(df$feature, levels = df$feature)
                output$peakplt <- renderPlotly({
                  df$text_hover <- paste0("m/z=", round(df$mz, 4), "<br />",
                    "rt=", round(df$rt))
                  plot_ly(df, x = ~feature, type = "bar", hoverinfo = "text",
                    y = ~into, name = "into: Signal integration", text = ~paste0("into<br />",
                      text_hover), marker = list(color = "rgba(255,88,120,,0.8)")) %>%
                    add_trace(y = ~intb, name = "intb: Signal integration after baseline correction",
                      text = ~paste0("intb<br />", text_hover), marker = list(color = "rgba(255,213,117,,0.8)")) %>%
                    add_trace(y = ~maxo, name = "maxo: Maximum signal intensity",
                      text = ~paste0("maxo<br />", text_hover), marker = list(color = "rgba(0, 214, 167,0.8)")) %>%
                    layout(yaxis = list(title = "Intensity", showgrid = TRUE),
                      barmode = "group", xaxis = list(title = ""), legend = list(x = 0.15,
                        y = -0.1, orientation = "h"))
                output$peakpltIso <- renderPlotly({
                  int_max <- max(df$maxo)
                  df$maxo_norm <- (df$maxo/int_max) * 100
                  idx_maxo <- which.max(df$maxo_norm)
                  ra_rt <- range(c(df$rtmin - 1, df$rtmax + 1))
                  ra_mz <- range(c(df$mzmin - 0.1, df$mzmax + 0.1))
                  add <- dlply(df, as.quoted("feature"), function(x) {
                    melt(x, id.vars = colnames(x)[!colnames(x) %in% c("mzmin",
                      "mzmax", "rtmin", "rtmax")])
                  idx_rt <- grep("rt", add[[1]]$variable)
                  df$text_annot <- paste0(df$feature, "<br />", paste("mz",
                    round(df$mz, 4)), "<br />", paste("rt", round(df$rt,
                    2)), "<br />", paste0("Intensity is ", round(df$maxo_norm),
                    "% of ", df$feature[idx_maxo]))
                  df$text_annot[idx_maxo] <- paste0(df$feature[idx_maxo],
                    "<br />", paste("mz", round(df$mz[idx_maxo], 4)), "<br />",
                    paste("rt", round(df$rt[idx_maxo], 2)), "<br />", paste0("Intensity set to 100%"))
                  g1 <- plot_ly() %>% layout(scene = list(xaxis = list(title = "scan time (s)",
                    range = ra_rt), yaxis = list(title = "m/z", range = ra_mz),
                    zaxis = list(title = "Counts")), legend = list(x = 0.15,
                    y = -0.1, orientation = "h")) %>% add_trace(data = df,
                    x = ~rt, y = ~mz, z = ~maxo, type = "scatter3d", mode = "markers",
                    color = ~sn, hoverinfo = "text", marker = list(size = 20,
                      color = "rgba(166, 143, 195, 1)"), showlegend = FALSE,
                    hoverinfo = "text", text = ~df$text_annot) %>% add_trace(data = df,
                    x = ~rt, y = ~mz, z = ~maxo, type = "scatter3d", mode = "lines",
                    line = list(width = 10, color = "rgba(166, 143, 195, 0.8)"),
                    showlegend = FALSE, name = "Min-Max of Feat.")  # %>%

                  for (i in seq_len(length(add))) {
                    if (i == 1) {
                      g1 <- g1 %>% add_trace(data = add[[i]][idx_rt, ],
                        x = ~value, y = ~mz, z = ~maxo, type = "scatter3d",
                        mode = "lines", line = list(color = "black", width = 5,
                          showscale = FALSE), name = "Signal width in rt dimension",
                        showlegend = TRUE)
                    } else {
                      g1 <- g1 %>% add_trace(data = add[[i]][idx_rt, ],
                        x = ~value, y = ~mz, z = ~maxo, type = "scatter3d",
                        mode = "lines", line = list(color = "black", width = 5),
                        name = "", showlegend = FALSE)
                  ds <- fgt()[-idx, c(11, seq_len(10))]
                  idx_other <- which(ds$mz > ra_mz[1] & ds$mz < ra_mz[2] &
                    ds$rt > ra_rt[1] & ds$rt < ra_rt[2] & ds$maxo <= int_max)
                  if (length(idx_other) > 0) {
                    ds <- ds[which(ds$mz > ra_mz[1] & ds$mz < ra_mz[2] &
                      ds$rt > ra_rt[1] & ds$rt < ra_rt[2] & ds$maxo <=
                      int_max), ]
                    ds$feature <- paste("Feature", ds$feature)
                    ds$maxo <- ds$max/int_max * 100
                    g1 %>% add_trace(data = ds, x = ~rt, y = ~mz, z = ~maxo,
                      type = "scatter3d", mode = "markers", showlegend = FALSE,
                      hoverinfo = "text", marker = list(size = 5, color = "rgba(0, 214, 167,0.4)",
                        showscale = FALSE), text = ~ds$feature) %>% hide_colorbar()
                  } else {
                    g1 %>% hide_colorbar()
            } else {
                showNotification(ui = "Select rows in the peak table",
                  duration = NULL, closeButton = TRUE, type = "warning",
                  id = "norows")
tkimhofer/msbrowser documentation built on Dec. 23, 2020, 7:46 a.m.