#' Initialize attrition exercise data
#' @param opts The options
#' @export
Do.attrition.init <- function(opts) {
# check if output already exists
output_exists <- Do.exists.jdata_sdata(directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = "_attrition_all", data_type = opts$loading$data_type, opts)
if (output_exists) {
if (opts$misc$preserve.estimates) {
flog.info("Do.attrition.init: Output already exists. misc$preserve.estimates==TRUE so skipping.")
} else {
flog.info("Do.attrition.init: Output already exists. misc$preserve.estimates==FALSE so writing over it.")
moversperfirm <- opts$attrition.exercise$moversperfirm
# initial jdata/sdata
flog.info("[attrition] loading all data, then restricting to firms with at least %s movers.", moversperfirm)
ad_init <- Do.reading.jdata_sdata(directory_Data = opts$paths$data, suffix = "_all", data_type = opts$loading$data_type, opts)
# restrict initial set to firms with at least 15 movers
movers_by_firm <- rbind(ad_init$jdata[, list(wid, firm_ID = f1)], ad_init$jdata[, list(wid, firm_ID = f2)])[, list(movers = length(unique(wid))), firm_ID]
all_firms <- movers_by_firm[, unique(firm_ID)]
firms_with_15_movers <- movers_by_firm[movers >= moversperfirm, unique(firm_ID)]
ad_init$jdata <- ad_init$jdata[f1 %in% firms_with_15_movers & f2 %in% firms_with_15_movers]
ad_init$sdata <- ad_init$sdata[f1 %in% firms_with_15_movers]
ad_init <- Do.jdata_sdata.connected(ad_init)
flog.info("[attrition] kept %s out of %s firms because they have at least %s movers. Saving initial data.", length(firms_with_15_movers), length(all_firms), moversperfirm)
Do.writing.jdata_sdata(ad_init, directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = "_attrition_all", data_type = opts$loading$data_type, opts)
#' Define an exporter to python
#' @param ad List with sdata/jdata
#' @param directory_Data Directory where the data is located
#' @param suffix Additional specifications of the dataset to use
#' @export
Do.python.export.jdata_sdata <- function(ad, directory_Data, suffix = "") {
jdata <- ad$jdata
sdata <- ad$sdata
# convert firms to integers
f1s <- jdata[, unique(c(f1, f2))]
fids <- data.table(f1 = f1s, nfid = 1:length(f1s))
setkey(fids, f1)
setkey(jdata, f1)
jdata[, f1i := fids[jdata, nfid]]
setkey(sdata, f1)
sdata[, f1i := fids[sdata, nfid]]
setkey(jdata, f2)
jdata[, f2i := fids[jdata, nfid]]
jdata <- as.data.frame(jdata)
sdata <- as.data.frame(sdata)
flog.info("exporting sdata to %s", paste0(directory_Data, "sdata", suffix, "_py.rds"))
saveRDS(sdata, file = paste0(directory_Data, "sdata", suffix, "_py.rds"), compress = F)
flog.info("exporting jdata to %s", paste0(directory_Data, "jdata", suffix, "_py.rds"))
saveRDS(jdata, file = paste0(directory_Data, "jdata", suffix, "_py.rds"), compress = F)
flog.info("finished exporting sdata and jdata")
#' Run connected sets for attrition
#' @param opts The options
#' @export
Do.attrition.draws.connected <- function(opts) {
keep.shares <- opts$attrition.exercise$keep.shares
if (max(keep.shares) >= 1 | min(keep.shares) <= 0) {
stop("[attrition] Do.attrition.draws.connected: keep.shares must be strictly less than 1 and greater than 0. Note that keep.share=1 is included by defaultif draw==1.")
draws <- unique(opts$attrition.exercise$draws)
draw.counter <<- 1
num.draws <- length(unique(draws))
ncores <- opts$misc$ncores
# check if input already exists
output_exists <- Do.exists.jdata_sdata(directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = "_attrition_all", data_type = opts$loading$data_type, opts)
if (!output_exists) {
stop("[attrition] Missing the initial data for attrition. You should have run Do.attrition.init(opts) first.")
ad_init <- Do.reading.jdata_sdata(directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = "_attrition_all", data_type = opts$loading$data_type, opts)
flog.info("[attrition] for each random draw: looping over keep.shares, saving connected set for each.")
for (draw in draws) {
flog.info("[attrition] beginning subsample data construction for draw %s/%s", draw.counter, num.draws)
ad_draw <- copy(ad_init)
# randomly assign which movers to drop
set.seed(as.integer(sprintf("1010%s", draw)))
ad_draw$jdata[, random_val := runif(1), list(f1, wid)]
ad_draw$jdata[, random_val := rank(random_val) / .N, list(f1)]
if (opts$attrition.exercise$samefirms) {
keep.share <- min(keep.shares)
flog.info("[attrition] same firms: keeping only firms with at least the minimum keep.share which is %s", keep.share)
# find the connected set for the minimum share in keep.shares
initial.firm.count <- ad_draw$jdata[, length(unique(c(f1, f2)))]
ad <- copy(ad_draw)
ad$jdata[, drop_this_mover := (random_val > keep.share)]
# drop the movers and firms that no longer have any movers
movers_to_drop <- ad$jdata[drop_this_mover == 1, unique(wid)]
ad$jdata <- ad$jdata[drop_this_mover == 0]
remaining_firms <- ad$jdata[, unique(c(f1, f2))]
ad$sdata <- ad$sdata[(f1 %in% remaining_firms)]
# find connected set and only keep those firms
ad <- Do.jdata_sdata.connected(ad)
remaining_firms <- ad$jdata[, unique(c(f1, f2))]
ad_draw$jdata <- ad_draw$jdata[f1 %in% remaining_firms & f2 %in% remaining_firms]
ad_draw$sdata <- ad_draw$sdata[(f1 %in% remaining_firms)]
final.firm.count <- ad_draw$jdata[, length(unique(c(f1, f2)))]
flog.info("[attrition] same firms: initial firm count was %s, final firm count is %s", initial.firm.count, final.firm.count)
run_connected_sets <- function(keep.share) {
suffix <- sprintf("_connected_draw%s_keep%s", draw, keep.share)
if (opts$attrition.exercise$samefirms) {
suffix <- sprintf("_connected_samefirms_draw%s_keep%s", draw, keep.share)
# check if output already exists
output_exists <- Do.exists.jdata_sdata(directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = suffix, data_type = opts$loading$data_type, opts)
if (output_exists & opts$misc$preserve.estimates) {
flog.info("[attrition] for draw %s/%s: connected set for keep.share %s already exists, so skipping it.", draw.counter, num.draws, keep.share)
} else {
flog.info("[attrition] for draw %s/%s: getting connected set for keep.share %s", draw.counter, num.draws, keep.share)
ad <- copy(ad_draw)
ad$jdata[, drop_this_mover := (random_val > keep.share)]
# drop the movers and firms that no longer have any movers
movers_to_drop <- ad$jdata[drop_this_mover == 1, unique(wid)]
ad$jdata <- ad$jdata[drop_this_mover == 0]
remaining_firms <- ad$jdata[, unique(c(f1, f2))]
ad$sdata <- ad$sdata[(f1 %in% remaining_firms)]
# find connected set and save
ad <- Do.jdata_sdata.connected(ad)
Do.writing.jdata_sdata(ad, directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = suffix, data_type = opts$loading$data_type, opts)
Do.python.export.jdata_sdata(ad, directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = suffix)
flog.info("[attrition] for draw %s/%s: saved connected set for keep.share %s", draw.counter, num.draws, keep.share)
keep.shares.set <- copy(keep.shares)
if (draw == 1) {
keep.shares.set <- c(keep.shares.set, 1)
if (ncores == 1) {
lapply(keep.shares.set, run_connected_sets)
} else {
parallel::mclapply(keep.shares.set, run_connected_sets, mc.cores = ncores)
draw.counter <<- draw.counter + 1
flog.info("[attrition] DONE with connected sets.")
#' Run leaveout sets for attrition
#' @param opts The options
#' @export
Do.attrition.draws.leaveout <- function(opts) {
keep.shares <- opts$attrition.exercise$keep.shares
if (max(keep.shares) >= 1 | min(keep.shares) <= 0) {
stop("[attrition] Do.attrition.draws.leaveout: keep.shares must be strictly less than 1 and greater than 0. Note that keep.share=1 is included by default if draw==1.")
draws <- unique(opts$attrition.exercise$draws)
draw.counter <<- 1
num.draws <- length(unique(draws))
ncores <- opts$misc$ncores
methods.leaveout <- opts$attrition.exercise$methods$leaveout
any_leaveout <- any(!is.na(methods.leaveout))
if (!any_leaveout) {
flog.info("[attrition] No leaveout methods specified. Skipping the construction of leaveout sets.")
flog.info("[attrition] beginning leaveout set data construction, which loops through all %s draws", num.draws)
run_leaveout <- function(ii) {
keep.share <- specifications[ii]$keep.share
draw <- specifications[ii]$draw
suffix_con <- sprintf("_connected_draw%s_keep%s", draw, keep.share)
suffix_lo <- sprintf("_leaveout_draw%s_keep%s", draw, keep.share)
if (opts$attrition.exercise$samefirms) {
suffix_con <- sprintf("_connected_samefirms_draw%s_keep%s", draw, keep.share)
suffix_lo <- sprintf("_leaveout_samefirms_draw%s_keep%s", draw, keep.share)
# check if input already exists
input_exists <- Do.exists.jdata_sdata(directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = suffix_con, data_type = opts$loading$data_type, opts)
if (!input_exists) {
stop("[attrition] for draw %s: connected set for keep.share %s does not exist. You should have first run Do.attrition.draws.connected(opts).", draw, keep.share)
# check if output already exists
output_exists <- Do.exists.jdata_sdata(directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = suffix_lo, data_type = opts$loading$data_type, opts)
if (output_exists & opts$misc$preserve.estimates) {
flog.info("[attrition] for draw %s: leaveout set for keep.share %s already exists, so skipping it.", draw, keep.share)
} else {
flog.info("[attrition] for draw %s: getting leaveout set for keep.share %s, which may be slow.", draw, keep.share)
ad <- Do.reading.jdata_sdata(directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = suffix_con, data_type = opts$loading$data_type, opts)
if (opts$attrition.exercise$samefirms) {
# find the connected set for the minimum share in keep.shares
min.keep.share <- min(keep.shares)
flog.info("[attrition] same firms: keeping only firms with at least the minimum keep.share which is %s", keep.share)
initial.firm.count <- ad$jdata[, length(unique(c(f1, f2)))]
ad_temp <- copy(ad)
ad_temp$jdata[, drop_this_mover := (random_val > min.keep.share)]
# drop the movers and firms that no longer have any movers
movers_to_drop <- ad_temp$jdata[drop_this_mover == 1, unique(wid)]
ad_temp$jdata <- ad_temp$jdata[drop_this_mover == 0]
remaining_firms <- ad_temp$jdata[, unique(c(f1, f2))]
ad_temp$sdata <- ad_temp$sdata[(f1 %in% remaining_firms)]
# find connected set and only keep those firms
ad_temp <- Do.jdata_sdata.leaveout(ad_temp)
remaining_firms <- ad_temp$jdata[, unique(c(f1, f2))]
ad$jdata <- ad$jdata[f1 %in% remaining_firms & f2 %in% remaining_firms]
ad$sdata <- ad$sdata[(f1 %in% remaining_firms)]
final.firm.count <- ad$jdata[, length(unique(c(f1, f2)))]
flog.info("[attrition] same firms: initial firm count was %s, final firm count is %s", initial.firm.count, final.firm.count)
ad <- Do.jdata_sdata.leaveout(ad)
Do.writing.jdata_sdata(ad, directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = suffix_lo, data_type = opts$loading$data_type, opts)
Do.python.export.jdata_sdata(ad, directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = suffix_lo)
flog.info("[attrition] for draw %s: saved leaveout set for keep.share %s", draw, keep.share)
specifications <- as.data.table(expand.grid(keep.share = keep.shares, draw = draws))
if (1 %in% draws) {
specifications <- rbind(specifications, data.table(keep.share = 1, draw = 1))
if (ncores == 1) {
lapply(1:nrow(specifications), run_leaveout)
} else {
parallel::mclapply(1:nrow(specifications), run_leaveout, mc.cores = ncores)
flog.info("[attrition] DONE with leaveout sets.")
#' Run attrition cluster estimation
#' @param opts The options
#' @export
Do.attrition.draws.clusters <- function(opts) {
keep.shares <- opts$attrition.exercise$keep.shares
if (max(keep.shares) >= 1 | min(keep.shares) <= 0) {
stop("[attrition] Do.attrition.clusters: keep.shares must be strictly less than 1 and greater than 0. Note that keep.share=1 is included by default if draw==1.")
draws <- unique(opts$attrition.exercise$draws)
draw.counter <<- 1
num.draws <- length(unique(draws))
ncores <- opts$misc$ncores
flog.info("[attrition] Begin clustering (we only consider 10 clusters in the attrition exercise).")
methods.connected <- opts$attrition.exercise$methods$connected
methods.leaveout <- opts$attrition.exercise$methods$leaveout
run_clusters <- function(ii) {
keep.share <- specifications[ii]$keep.share
draw <- specifications[ii]$draw
suffix_con <- sprintf("_connected_draw%s_keep%s", draw, keep.share)
suffix_lo <- sprintf("_leaveout_draw%s_keep%s", draw, keep.share)
suffix_con_clusters10 <- sprintf("_connected_clusters10_draw%s_keep%s", draw, keep.share)
suffix_lo_clusters10 <- sprintf("_leaveout_clusters10_draw%s_keep%s", draw, keep.share)
if (opts$attrition.exercise$samefirms) {
suffix_con <- sprintf("_connected_samefirms_draw%s_keep%s", draw, keep.share)
suffix_lo <- sprintf("_leaveout_samefirms_draw%s_keep%s", draw, keep.share)
suffix_con_clusters10 <- sprintf("_connected_samefirms_clusters10_draw%s_keep%s", draw, keep.share)
suffix_lo_clusters10 <- sprintf("_leaveout_samefirms_clusters10_draw%s_keep%s", draw, keep.share)
if ("CRE" %in% methods.connected) {
# check if input already exists
input_exists <- Do.exists.jdata_sdata(directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = suffix_con, data_type = opts$loading$data_type, opts)
if (!input_exists) {
stop("[attrition] for draw %s: connected set for keep.share %s does not exist. You should have first run Do.attrition.draws.connected(opts).", draw, keep.share)
# check if output already exists. If not, run it.
output_exists <- Do.exists.jdata_sdata(directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = suffix_con_clusters10, data_type = opts$loading$data_type, opts)
if (output_exists & opts$misc$preserve.estimates) {
flog.info("[attrition] for draw %s: clusters for connected set for keep.share %s already exists, so skipping it.", draw, keep.share)
} else {
flog.info("[attrition] for draw %s: start estimating clusters for connected set for keep.share %s", draw, keep.share)
ad_con <- Do.reading.jdata_sdata(directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = suffix_con, data_type = opts$loading$data_type, opts)
ad_con <- Do.jdata_sdata.cluster.noIO(ad_con, nclus = 10, nstart = 30)
Do.writing.jdata_sdata(ad_con, directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = suffix_con_clusters10, data_type = opts$loading$data_type, opts)
Do.python.export.jdata_sdata(ad_con, directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = suffix_con_clusters10)
flog.info("[attrition] for draw %s: done estimating clusters for connected set for keep.share %s", draw, keep.share)
if ("CRE" %in% methods.leaveout) {
# check if input already exists
input_exists <- Do.exists.jdata_sdata(directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = suffix_lo, data_type = opts$loading$data_type, opts)
if (!input_exists) {
stop("[attrition] for draw %s: leaveout set for keep.share %s does not exist. You should have first run Do.attrition.draws.leaveout(opts).", draw, keep.share)
# check if output already exists. If not, run it.
output_exists <- Do.exists.jdata_sdata(directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = suffix_lo_clusters10, data_type = opts$loading$data_type, opts)
if (output_exists & opts$misc$preserve.estimates) {
flog.info("[attrition] for draw %s: clusters for leaveout set for keep.share %s already exists, so skipping it.", draw, keep.share)
} else {
flog.info("[attrition] for draw %s: start estimating clusters for leaveout set for keep.share %s", draw, keep.share)
ad_lo <- Do.reading.jdata_sdata(directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = suffix_lo, data_type = opts$loading$data_type, opts)
ad_lo <- Do.jdata_sdata.cluster.noIO(ad_lo, nclus = 10, nstart = 30)
Do.writing.jdata_sdata(ad_lo, directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = suffix_lo_clusters10, data_type = opts$loading$data_type, opts)
Do.python.export.jdata_sdata(ad_lo, directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = suffix_lo_clusters10)
flog.info("[attrition] for draw %s: done estimating clusters for leaveout set for keep.share %s", draw, keep.share)
specifications <- as.data.table(expand.grid(keep.share = keep.shares, draw = draws))
if (1 %in% draws) {
specifications <- rbind(specifications, data.table(keep.share = 1, draw = 1))
if (ncores == 1) {
lapply(1:nrow(specifications), run_clusters)
} else {
parallel::mclapply(1:nrow(specifications), run_clusters, mc.cores = ncores)
flog.info("[attrition] DONE clustering.")
#' Run attrition estimation
#' @param opts The options
#' @export
Do.attrition.estimation <- function(opts) {
keep.shares <- opts$attrition.exercise$keep.shares
if (max(keep.shares) >= 1 | min(keep.shares) <= 0) {
stop("[attrition] Do.attrition.clusters: keep.shares must be strictly less than 1 and greater than 0. Note that keep.share=1 is included by default.")
num.draws <- opts$attrition.exercise$num.draws
ncores <- opts$misc$ncores
flog.info("[attrition] Begin all estimation.")
methods.connected <- opts$attrition.exercise$methods$connected
methods.leaveout <- opts$attrition.exercise$methods$leaveout
any_connected <- any(!is.na(methods.connected))
any_leaveout <- any(!is.na(methods.leaveout))
run_estimators <- function(ii) {
keep.share <- specifications[ii]$keep.share
draw <- specifications[ii]$draw
flog.info("[attrition] for draw %s/%s: begin all estimation for keep.share %s", draw, num.draws, keep.share)
suffix_con <- sprintf("_connected_draw%s_keep%s", draw, keep.share)
suffix_lo <- sprintf("_leaveout_draw%s_keep%s", draw, keep.share)
suffix_con_clusters10 <- sprintf("_connected_clusters10_draw%s_keep%s", draw, keep.share)
suffix_lo_clusters10 <- sprintf("_leaveout_clusters10_draw%s_keep%s", draw, keep.share)
res <- data.table()
# connected set estimation
if (any_connected) {
if ("AKM" %in% methods.connected) {
output_exists <- Do.exists.jdata_sdata(directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = paste0(suffix_con, "_akm"), data_type = opts$loading$data_type, opts)
if (output_exists & opts$misc$preserve.estimates) {
flog.info("[attrition] for draw %s/%s: AKM for connected set for keep.share %s already exists, so skipping it.", draw, num.draws, keep.share)
} else {
flog.info("[attrition] con-set AKM")
ad <- Do.reading.jdata_sdata(directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = suffix_con, data_type = opts$loading$data_type, opts)
sample <- Do.Sample.Stats(copy(ad), suffix = "_connected")
res <- Do.AKM.stats(long_data = Do.AKM.estimate.noIO(ad), "_connected")
res <- merge(res, sample, by = "suffix")
res[, keep_share := keep.share]
res[, draw := draw]
Do.writing.jdata_sdata(res, directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = paste0(suffix_con, "_akm"), data_type = opts$loading$data_type, opts)
if ("CRE" %in% methods.connected) {
output_exists <- Do.exists.jdata_sdata(directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = paste0(suffix_con_clusters10, "_cre"), data_type = opts$loading$data_type, opts)
if (output_exists & opts$misc$preserve.estimates) {
flog.info("[attrition] for draw %s/%s: CRE for connected set for keep.share %s already exists, so skipping it.", draw, num.draws, keep.share)
} else {
flog.info("[attrition] con-set CRE")
ad <- Do.reading.jdata_sdata(directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = suffix_con_clusters10, data_type = opts$loading$data_type, opts)
sample <- Do.Sample.Stats(copy(ad), suffix = "_connected")
res <- Do.CRE_both.stats(m2.cre.estimate(ad), suffix = "_connected")
res <- merge(res, sample, by = "suffix")
res[, keep_share := keep.share]
res[, draw := draw]
Do.writing.jdata_sdata(res, directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = paste0(suffix_con_clusters10, "_cre"), data_type = opts$loading$data_type, opts)
if ("TraceHO" %in% methods.connected) {
output_exists <- Do.exists.jdata_sdata(directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = paste0(suffix_con, "_traceHO"), data_type = opts$loading$data_type, opts)
if (output_exists & opts$misc$preserve.estimates) {
flog.info("[attrition] for draw %s/%s: CRE for connected set for keep.share %s already exists, so skipping it.", draw, num.draws, keep.share)
} else {
flog.info("[attrition] con-set traceHO")
ad <- Do.reading.jdata_sdata(directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = suffix_con, data_type = opts$loading$data_type, opts)
sample <- Do.Sample.Stats(copy(ad), suffix = "_connected")
res <- Do.TraceHO.stats(m2.trace.estimate.full(ad, hetero = FALSE, check_set = FALSE, impose_leaveout = FALSE), suffix = "_connected")
res <- merge(res, sample, by = "suffix")
res[, keep_share := keep.share]
res[, draw := draw]
Do.writing.jdata_sdata(res, directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = paste0(suffix_con, "_traceHO"), data_type = opts$loading$data_type, opts)
# leave-one-out set estimation
if (any_leaveout) {
if ("AKM" %in% methods.leaveout) {
output_exists <- Do.exists.jdata_sdata(directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = paste0(suffix_lo, "_akm"), data_type = opts$loading$data_type, opts)
if (output_exists & opts$misc$preserve.estimates) {
flog.info("[attrition] for draw %s/%s: AKM for leaveout set for keep.share %s already exists, so skipping it.", draw, num.draws, keep.share)
} else {
flog.info("[attrition] leavoeut-set AKM")
ad <- Do.reading.jdata_sdata(directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = suffix_lo, data_type = opts$loading$data_type, opts)
sample <- Do.Sample.Stats(copy(ad), suffix = "_leaveout")
res <- Do.AKM.stats(long_data = Do.AKM.estimate.noIO(ad), "_leaveout")
res <- merge(res, sample, by = "suffix")
res[, keep_share := keep.share]
res[, draw := draw]
Do.writing.jdata_sdata(res, directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = paste0(suffix_lo, "_akm"), data_type = opts$loading$data_type, opts)
if ("CRE" %in% methods.leaveout) {
output_exists <- Do.exists.jdata_sdata(directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = paste0(suffix_lo_clusters10, "_cre"), data_type = opts$loading$data_type, opts)
if (output_exists & opts$misc$preserve.estimates) {
flog.info("[attrition] for draw %s/%s: CRE for leaveout set for keep.share %s already exists, so skipping it.", draw, num.draws, keep.share)
} else {
flog.info("[attrition] leaveout-set CRE")
ad <- Do.reading.jdata_sdata(directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = suffix_lo_clusters10, data_type = opts$loading$data_type, opts)
sample <- Do.Sample.Stats(copy(ad), suffix = "_leaveout")
res <- Do.CRE_both.stats(m2.cre.estimate(ad), suffix = "_leaveout")
res <- merge(res, sample, by = "suffix")
res[, keep_share := keep.share]
res[, draw := draw]
Do.writing.jdata_sdata(res, directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = paste0(suffix_lo_clusters10, "_cre"), data_type = opts$loading$data_type, opts)
if ("TraceHO" %in% methods.leaveout) {
output_exists <- Do.exists.jdata_sdata(directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = paste0(suffix_lo, "_traceHO"), data_type = opts$loading$data_type, opts)
if (output_exists & opts$misc$preserve.estimates) {
flog.info("[attrition] for draw %s/%s: traceHO for leaveout set for keep.share %s already exists, so skipping it.", draw, num.draws, keep.share)
} else {
flog.info("[attrition] leaveout-set traceHO")
ad <- Do.reading.jdata_sdata(directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = suffix_lo, data_type = opts$loading$data_type, opts)
sample <- Do.Sample.Stats(copy(ad), suffix = "_leaveout")
res <- Do.TraceHO.stats(m2.trace.estimate.full(ad, hetero = FALSE, check_set = FALSE, impose_leaveout = FALSE, make_each_row_one_wid = TRUE), suffix = "_leaveout", diff = F)
res <- merge(res, sample, by = "suffix")
res[, keep_share := keep.share]
res[, draw := draw]
Do.writing.jdata_sdata(res, directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = paste0(suffix_lo, "_traceHO"), data_type = opts$loading$data_type, opts)
if ("TraceHE" %in% methods.leaveout) {
output_exists <- Do.exists.jdata_sdata(directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = paste0(suffix_lo, "_traceHE"), data_type = opts$loading$data_type, opts)
if (output_exists & opts$misc$preserve.estimates) {
flog.info("[attrition] for draw %s/%s: traceHE for leaveout set for keep.share %s already exists, so skipping it.", draw, num.draws, keep.share)
} else {
flog.info("[attrition] leaveout-set traceHE")
ad <- Do.reading.jdata_sdata(directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = suffix_lo, data_type = opts$loading$data_type, opts)
sample <- Do.Sample.Stats(copy(ad), suffix = "_leaveout")
res <- Do.TraceHE.stats(m2.trace.estimate.full(ad, hetero = TRUE, check_set = FALSE, impose_leaveout = FALSE, make_each_row_one_wid = TRUE), suffix = "_leaveout", diff = F)
res <- merge(res, sample, by = "suffix")
res[, keep_share := keep.share]
res[, draw := draw]
Do.writing.jdata_sdata(res, directory_Data = opts$paths$attrition, suffix = paste0(suffix_lo, "_traceHE"), data_type = opts$loading$data_type, opts)
flog.info("[attrition] for draw %s/%s: DONE all estimation for keep.share %s", draw, num.draws, keep.share)
specifications <- as.data.table(expand.grid(keep.share = keep.shares, draw = 1:num.draws))
specifications <- rbind(specifications, data.table(keep.share = 1, draw = 1))
if (ncores == 1) {
lapply(1:nrow(specifications), run_estimators)
} else {
parallel::mclapply(1:nrow(specifications), run_estimators, mc.cores = ncores)
flog.info("[attrition] DONE all estimation.")
#' Run attrition estimation
#' @param opts The options
#' @export
Do.attrition.collect.output <- function(opts) {
keep.shares <- opts$attrition.exercise$keep.shares
if (max(keep.shares) >= 1 | min(keep.shares) <= 0) {
stop("[attrition] Do.attrition.clusters: keep.shares must be strictly less than 1 and greater than 0. Note that keep.share=1 is included by default.")
num.draws <- opts$attrition.exercise$num.draws
flog.info("[attrition] Begin collecting all estimation.")
methods.connected <- opts$attrition.exercise$methods$connected
methods.leaveout <- opts$attrition.exercise$methods$leaveout
any_connected <- any(!is.na(methods.connected))
any_leaveout <- any(!is.na(methods.leaveout))
res_all <- data.table()
for (draw in 1:num.draws) {
keep.shares.set <- copy(keep.shares)
if (draw == 1) {
keep.shares.set <- c(1, keep.shares.set)
for (keep.share in keep.shares.set) {
flog.info("[attrition] for draw %s/%s: collect all estimation for keep.share %s", draw, num.draws, keep.share)
suffix_con <- sprintf("_connected_draw%s_keep%s", draw, keep.share)
suffix_lo <- sprintf("_leaveout_draw%s_keep%s", draw, keep.share)
suffix_con_clusters10 <- sprintf("_connected_clusters10_draw%s_keep%s", draw, keep.share)
suffix_lo_clusters10 <- sprintf("_leaveout_clusters10_draw%s_keep%s", draw, keep.share)
res <- data.table()
# connected set results
if (any_connected) {
if ("AKM" %in% methods.connected) {
suffix <- paste0(suffix_con, "_akm")
this_res <- setDT(readRDS(paste0(opts$paths$attrition, "bothdata", suffix, ".rds")))
res <- rbindlist(list(res, this_res), use.names = T, fill = T)
if ("CRE" %in% methods.connected) {
suffix <- paste0(suffix_con_clusters10, "_cre")
this_res <- setDT(readRDS(paste0(opts$paths$attrition, "bothdata", suffix, ".rds")))
res <- rbindlist(list(res, this_res), use.names = T, fill = T)
if ("TraceHO" %in% methods.connected) {
suffix <- paste0(suffix_con, "_traceHO")
this_res <- setDT(readRDS(paste0(opts$paths$attrition, "bothdata", suffix, ".rds")))
res <- rbindlist(list(res, this_res), use.names = T, fill = T)
# leaveout set results
if (any_leaveout) {
if ("AKM" %in% methods.leaveout) {
suffix <- paste0(suffix_lo, "_akm")
this_res <- setDT(readRDS(paste0(opts$paths$attrition, "bothdata", suffix, ".rds")))
res <- rbindlist(list(res, this_res), use.names = T, fill = T)
if ("CRE" %in% methods.leaveout) {
suffix <- paste0(suffix_lo_clusters10, "_cre")
this_res <- setDT(readRDS(paste0(opts$paths$attrition, "bothdata", suffix, ".rds")))
res <- rbindlist(list(res, this_res), use.names = T, fill = T)
if ("TraceHO" %in% methods.leaveout) {
suffix <- paste0(suffix_lo, "_traceHO")
this_res <- setDT(readRDS(paste0(opts$paths$attrition, "bothdata", suffix, ".rds")))
res <- rbindlist(list(res, this_res), use.names = T, fill = T)
if ("TraceHE" %in% methods.leaveout) {
suffix <- paste0(suffix_lo, "_traceHE")
this_res <- setDT(readRDS(paste0(opts$paths$attrition, "bothdata", suffix, ".rds")))
res <- rbindlist(list(res, this_res), use.names = T, fill = T)
res_all <- rbind(res_all, res)
res_all <- cbind(res_all[, .(draw, keep_share, method, suffix)], res_all[, !c("draw", "keep_share", "method", "suffix")])
# export
write.csv(res_all, file = paste0(opts$paths$final, "final_randomattrition_", opts$country, ".csv"), row.names = F)
flog.info("[attrition] DONE collecting all estimation.")
#' runs all the attrition commands, given 'country' as input
#' @param country
#' @param preserve.rawdata If TRUE, do not overwrite the existing raw data setup
#' @param preserve.estimates If TRUE, do not overwrite the existing estimates
#' @param preserve.initdata If TRUE, do not overwrite the existing data initialization
#' @param data_only If TRUE, only set up the data for estimation, do not actually run any estimation
#' @param draws Number of random draws to use for each given attrition share
#' @param moversperfirm Number of movers to require per firm in the initial sample
#' @param cluster_bothyears If TRUE, estimate the clusters using pre-move and post-move years
#' @param samefirms If TRUE, impose that the set of firms is held the same across the various attrition shares
#' @export
Do.run.attrition <- function(country,
preserve.rawdata = TRUE,
preserve.estimates = TRUE,
preserve.initdata = TRUE,
data_only = TRUE,
draws = NA,
moversperfirm = NA,
cluster_bothyears = FALSE,
samefirms = FALSE) {
flog.info("1. [Do.run.attrition] set up options and verify raw data for country %s", country)
flog.info("1a. [Do.run.attrition] set up with country-specific options for country %s", country)
opts <- Do.Init.Opts(country)
opts$misc$preserve.rawdata <- preserve.rawdata
opts$misc$preserve.initdata <- preserve.initdata
opts$misc$preserve.estimates <- preserve.estimates
opts$misc$data_only <- data_only
opts$misc$cluster_bothyears <- cluster_bothyears
opts$attrition.exercise$samefirms <- samefirms
if (!is.na(draws)) {
opts$attrition.exercise$draws <- draws
if (!is.na(moversperfirm)) {
opts$attrition.exercise$moversperfirm <- moversperfirm
flog.info("1b. [Do.run.attrition] If it does not exist yet, reading the raw data and saving spells for country %s", country)
flog.info("2. [Do.run.attrition] set up random draws for country %s", country)
flog.info("2a. [Do.run.attrition] initialize data with 15 movers for country %s", country)
flog.info("2b. [Do.run.attrition] make random draws, find connected sets for country %s", country)
flog.info("2c. [Do.run.attrition] for each random draw, find leaveout sets for country %s", country)
flog.info("2d. [Do.run.attrition] for each random draw, find clusters for country %s", country)
if (data_only) {
flog.info("2e. [Do.run.attrition] for each random draw, finished all data construction for country %s", country)
flog.info("3. [Do.run.attrition] for each random draw, run estimation for country %s", country)
flog.info("4. [Do.run.attrition] collecting all estimation into final output for country %s", country)
flog.info("[Do.run.attrition] DONE for country %s", country)
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