#' some work on trace formula
#' Extracts the largest connected set from data using f1,f2
#' movers
#' @export
get.largest.conset.fid.old <- function(jdata) {
# combine th 2 directions
jdata2 = rbind(jdata[,list(f1,f2)],jdata[,list(f1=f2,f2=f1)])
AD = pmin(acast(jdata2[,.N,list(f1,f2)],value.var = "N",f1~f2,drop=FALSE,fill=0),1)
AD = AD[,rownames(AD)] # enforce same order on row and columns, not sure why acast does not do that!
# compute connected sets
cs = conComp(AD,2)
# extract largest
cs = data.table(f1=names(cs),set=as.numeric(cs))
cs.size = cs[,.N,set][order(-N)]
return(cs[ set == cs.size$set[1] , f1])
#' Extract the largest connected set from the data
#' @export
get.connected_set <- function(data, ncat = 1, threshold = 0.9) {
setkey(data, worker_ID)
data[, t := 1:.N, worker_ID]
setkey(data, worker_ID, t)
data[, firm_ID2 := data[J(worker_ID, t - 1), firm_ID]]
dadj <- unique(data[!is.na(firm_ID2), list(f1 = firm_ID, f2 = firm_ID2)])
dadj <- dadj[f1 != f2]
dadj <- rbind(dadj, dadj[, list(f1 = f2, f2 = f1)])
dadj <- dadj[f1 != f2]
flog.info("[get-connected-set] number of firms connections via movers: %i", nrow(dadj))
# compute connected set
setkey(dadj, f1)
dadj[, grp := 0]
dadj[, proc := 0]
# start with first obs
# cur_worker_ID = data[1,worker_ID]
cur_grp <- 1
cur_firm_ID <- dadj[1, f1]
cur_firm_ID <- dadj[, .N, f1][.N > 50][, sample(dadj$f1, 1)]
dadj[, grp := 0]
i <- 0
while (TRUE) {
i <- i + 1
# get all siblings of cur_firm_ID
firm_IDs <- dadj[f1 %in% cur_firm_ID, unique(f2)]
# extract the one that are new (we need to get their sibblings)
cur_firm_ID <- dadj[f1 %in% firm_IDs][grp == 0, unique(f1)]
if (length(cur_firm_ID) == 0) {
cur_grp <- cur_grp + 1
# cur_firm_ID = dadj[grp==0,f1[1]]
cur_firm_ID <- dadj[grp == 0][, .N, f1][order(-N)][, f1[1]]
if (dadj[, mean(grp > 0)] > threshold) {
flog.info("[get-connected-set] passed threshold, we stop.")
if ((length(cur_firm_ID) == 0) | (is.na(cur_firm_ID))) break # we are done here
# set these firms to cur_group
dadj[f1 %in% cur_firm_ID, grp := cur_grp]
perc <- dadj[, mean(grp > 0)]
if ((i %% ncat) == 0) flog.info("[get-connected-set][%i] %f%% done, cur_grp=%i, nfirms_grp=%i", i, 100 * perc, cur_grp, length(cur_firm_ID))
# extract firms in largest connected set
large_grp <- dadj[, .N, grp][order(-N)][1, grp]
fids <- dadj[grp == large_grp, unique(c(f1, f2))]
# compute share of workers
share <- data[, mean(firm_ID %in% fids)]
flog.info("[get-connected-set] done")
return(list(largest = fids, share = share, all = dadj))
#' Extracts the largest connected set from data using f1,f2
#' movers
#' @export
get.largest.conset.fid <- function(jdata) {
ldata = rbind(jdata[,list(worker_ID=1:.N,firm_ID=f1)],jdata[,list(worker_ID=1:.N,firm_ID=f2)])
res = get.connected_set(ldata,ncat=100)
#' Extracts the largest connected set from data using f1,f2
#' movers
#' @export
get.largest.conset.clus <- function(jdata) {
# combine th 2 directions
jdata2 = rbind(jdata[,list(j1,j2)],jdata[,list(j1=j2,j2=j1)])
AD = pmin(acast(jdata2[,.N,list(j1,j2)],value.var = "N",j1~j2,drop=FALSE,fill=0),1)
AD = AD[,rownames(AD)] # enforce same order on row and columns, not sure why acast does not do that!
# compute connected sets
cs = conComp(AD,2)
# extract largest
cs = data.table(j1=as.integer(names(cs)),set=as.numeric(cs))
cs.size = cs[,.N,set][order(-N)]
return(cs[ set == cs.size$set[1] , j1])
#' Extracts the largest leave-out connected set from data using f1,f2
#' movers
#' @export
get.largest.leaveoutset.fid <- function(jdata,method=0) {
jdata = data.table(jdata)
# we loop multiple times
for (rep in 1:20) {
# get the connected set
flog.info("[get-leaveout-set][%i] extract connected set",rep)
f1s = get.largest.conset.fid(jdata)
jdata = jdata[f1%in%f1s][f2%in%f1s]
# remove firms with 1 mover
for (i in 1:10) {
f0s = data.table(rbind(jdata[,list(fid=f1,0)],jdata[,list(fid=f2,0)]))[,.N,fid][N==1,fid]
if (length(f0s)==0) break;
jdata = jdata[!f1%in%f0s][!f2%in%f0s]
if (nrow(jdata)==0) return(jdata)
# extract articulation firms
flog.info("[get-leaveout-set][iter %i] find articulation points in network",rep)
G = graph(c(jdata[,rbind(f1,f2)]),directed = F)
L = articulation.points(G)
#if (!is.null(names(V(G)))) {
# L = names(V(G))[L]
if (typeof(jdata$f1) == "character") {
L = names(L)
flog.info("[get-leaveout-set][iter %i] found %i articulation firms",rep,length(L))
if (method==0) {
# for each articulation firm, check removing movers
bad_movers = c()
for (fi in L) {
# find edges for this firm
#II1 = jdata[,list(1:.N,f1)][f1==fi,V1]
#II2 = jdata[,list(1:.N,f2)][f2==fi,V1]
#II = union(II1,II2)
move_candidates = rbind(jdata[,list(1:.N,fa=f1,fb=f2)],jdata[,list(1:.N,fa=f2,fb=f1)])[fa==fi]
II = move_candidates[m==1,V1]
II = setdiff(II,bad_movers)
for (i in II) {
Gsub = delete.edges(G, i)
ng = length( decompose.graph(Gsub) )
if (ng>1) bad_movers = c(bad_movers,i);
} else {
# we simply take movers that are unique movers between
# two articulation firms
afirms = jdata[,list(wid = 1:.N,f1,f2)][f1 %in% L][f2 %in% L]
afirms[, firm_pair_movers := .N, list(f1,f2)]
afirms = afirms[firm_pair_movers==1]
bad_movers = afirms[,wid]
flog.info("[get-leaveout-set][iter %i] method 2, found %i bad movers",rep,length(bad_movers))
if (length(bad_movers)==0) break;
jdata = jdata[setdiff(1:.N,bad_movers)]
flog.info("[get-leaveout-set] done, %i firms in final set", jdata[,length(unique(c(f1,f2)))])
#' Extracts the largest leave-out connected set from data using f1,f2
#' movers. Does it by create the bi-partite network
#' @export
get.largest.leaveoutset.fid2 <- function(jdata) {
jdata = data.table(jdata)
# createing uinque string identifiers
jdata[,f1str := paste(f1)]
jdata[,f2str := paste(f2)]
jdata[,midstr:= paste0("MO",1:.N)]
# we loop multiple times
for (rep in 1:20) {
# get the connected set
flog.info("[get-leaveout-set][%i] extract connected set",rep)
f1s = get.largest.conset.fid(jdata)
jdata = jdata[f1%in%f1s][f2%in%f1s]
# remove firms with 1 mover
for (i in 1:10) {
f0s = data.table(rbind(jdata[,list(fid=f1,0)],jdata[,list(fid=f2,0)]))[,.N,fid][N==1,fid]
if (length(f0s)==0) break;
jdata = jdata[!f1%in%f0s][!f2%in%f0s]
if (nrow(jdata)==0) return(jdata)
# create bi-partite network
flog.info("[get-leaveout-set][iter %i] find articulation points in bi-partite network",rep)
G = graph(c(jdata[,rbind(midstr,f1)],jdata[,rbind(midstr,f2)]),directed = F)
L = articulation.points(G)
L = names(L)
L = L[str_detect(L,"MO")]
flog.info("[get-leaveout-set][iter %i] found %i articulation movers",rep,length(L))
if (length(L)==0) break;
jdata = jdata[!(midstr %in% L)]
flog.info("[get-leaveout-set] done, %i firms in final set", jdata[,length(unique(c(f1,f2)))])
#' Extracts the largest leave-out connected set from data using f1,f2
#' movers
#' @export
get.largest.leaveoutset.clus <- function(jdata) {
# we loop multiple times
for (rep in 1:20) {
flog.debug("rep %i in computing connected set on clusters",rep,name="compute_sets")
# get the connected set
j1s = get.largest.conset.clus(jdata)
jdata = jdata[j1%in%j1s][j2%in%j1s]
# remove firms with 1 mover
for (i in 1:10) {
j0s = jdata[,list(j1=c(j1,j2),.N)][,.N,j1][N==1,j1]
if (length(j0s)==0) break;
jdata = jdata[!j1%in%j0s][!j2%in%j0s]
# extract articulation firms
G = graph(c(jdata[,rbind(j1,j2)]),directed = F)
L = articulation.points(G)
#if (!is.null(names(V(G)))) {
# L = names(V(G))[L]
if (typeof(jdata$j1) == "character") {
L = names(L)
flog.debug("found %i firms to check",length(L),name="compute_sets")
# for each articulation firm, check removing movers
bad_movers = c()
for (ji in L) {
# find edges for this firm
# II1 = jdata[,list(1:.N,j1)][j1==ji,V1]
# II2 = jdata[,list(1:.N,j2)][j2==ji,V1]
# II = union(II1,II2)
# II = setdiff(II,bad_movers)
fc = fc+1
move_candidates = rbind(jdata[,list(1:.N,ja=j1,jb=j2)],jdata[,list(1:.N,ja=j2,jb=j1)])[ja==ji]
II = move_candidates[m==1,V1]
II = setdiff(II,bad_movers)
flog.debug("found %i movers to check for current firm %i",length(II),fc,name="compute_sets")
for (i in II) {
Gsub = delete.edges(G, i)
ng = length( decompose.graph(Gsub) )
if (ng>1) bad_movers = c(bad_movers,i);
flog.debug("found %i bad movers",length(bad_movers),name="compute_sets")
if (length(bad_movers)==0) break;
jdata = jdata[setdiff(1:.N,bad_movers)]
# ------- ADDITIONAL FUCNTIONS ---------
#' transform event study data to panel data
#' @export
mt.from.m2 <- function(sim,make_each_row_one_wid=FALSE,include_stayer_period1=TRUE, attach_clusters=FALSE) {
if (make_each_row_one_wid) {
sim$sdata[,wid2 := 1:.N ]
wid_stayer_max = sim$sdata[,max(wid2)]
sim$jdata[, wid2 := (1:.N) + wid_stayer_max]
} else {
sim$sdatasdata[, wid2 := wid]
sim$jdata[, wid2 := wid]
if (attach_clusters==TRUE) {
adata = rbind(
sim$jdata[, list(wid=wid2,fid=f1,y=y1,t=1,m=1,j=j1,j1=j1,j2=j2)],
sim$jdata[, list(wid=wid2,fid=f2,y=y2,t=2,m=1,j=j2,j1=j1,j2=j2)])
} else {
adata = rbind(
sim$jdata[, list(wid=wid2,fid=f1,y=y1,t=1,m=1)],
sim$jdata[, list(wid=wid2,fid=f2,y=y2,t=2,m=1)])
# append period 2 stayers
if (include_stayer_period1) {
# adata = rbind(adata,sim$sdata[f1 %in% fids_con, list(wid,fid=f1,y=y1,t=year)])
if (attach_clusters==TRUE) {
adata = rbind(adata,sim$sdata[, list(wid=wid2,fid=f1,y=y1,t=1,m=0,j=j1,j1=j1,j2=j1)])
} else {
adata = rbind(adata,sim$sdata[, list(wid=wid2,fid=f1,y=y1,t=1,m=0)])
#' Hucthinkson approximative trace computation
#' This function takes in two matrices, computes their inverse, and computes the trace or approximates it
#' via the Hutchinson Trace Approximator approach. Returns approximation of trace( A^-1 Q)
#' @param A mobility matrix
#' @param K weighting matrix (Q) -- or -- fimrs vector S
#' @param ndraws number of columns to draw in approximation
#' @param new 0 or 1 -- if new = 1, use firm vector S not Q; otheriwse use Q, the weighting matrix
#' @return approximation of trace( A^-1 Q)
trapprox <- function(A, K, ndraws, new = 1){
M <- SparseM::solve(A,nnzlmax=1e8,tmpmax=1e8,nsubmax=1e8)
# drawing Radamcher matrix
X <- matrix(rbinom(n = ndraws * nrow(M), size = 1, prob = 0.5), nrow = nrow(M), ncol = ndraws) # create R matrix
X[X == 0] <- -1
if(new == 1){
T = sum(K)
Q_by_X = vector()
for(i in 1:ncol(X)){
V = X[,i]
V1 = (K/T) * (V - 1/T * sum(V * K))
V2 = V1 - K/T * sum(V1)
Q_by_X = cbind(Q_by_X, V2)
S = mean(SparseM::diag(t(X) %*% M %*% Q_by_X ))
} else {
S = mean(SparseM::diag( t(X) %*% M %*% K %*% X ))
#' @param A mobility matrix
#' @param K weighting matrix (Q) -- or -- fimrs vector S
#' @param ndraws number of columns to draw in approximation
#' @param new 0 or 1 -- if new = 1, use firm vector S not Q; otheriwse use Q, the weighting matrix
#' @return approximation of trace( A^-1 Q)
m2.trace.tr_approx <- function(M, S, ndraws){
# this will be eventually replaced with a linear solver instead of inversion
# M <- SparseM::solve(A,nnzlmax=1e8,tmpmax=1e8,nsubmax=1e8)
flog.info("[twfe-firm] running trace approximation with ndrwas = %i",ndraws)
# drawing Radamcher matrix
X <- matrix(rbinom(n = ndraws * nrow(M), size = 1, prob = 0.5), nrow = nrow(M), ncol = ndraws) # create R matrix
X[X == 0] <- -1
# compute Q %*% X in an efficient way
T = sum(S)
Q_by_X = vector()
vals = rep(0,ndraws)
for(i in 1:ncol(X)){
V = X[,i]
V1 = (S/T) * (V - 1/T * sum(V * S))
V2 = V1 - S/T * sum(V1)
Q_by_X = cbind(Q_by_X, V2)
# solve the system
flog.info("[twfe-firm] computing %i/%i ",i,ndraws)
V3 = Matrix::solve(M,Q_by_X,sparse=TRUE,tol=1e-7)
vals[i] = sum(V3 * V)
flog.info("[twfe-firm] done with trace approximation m=%4.4f s=%4.4f",mean(vals),sd(vals))
#tr_approx = mean(SparseM::diag(t(X) %*% M %*% Q_by_X ))
return( mean(vals))
#' function which extracts all bias correction
#' in particular it gets corrected cov and var(alpha)
#' the input adata should have the following columns: fid, wid, m, cs
#' @param var_e variance of the residual
#' @param adata panel data on movers and stayers
#' @export
m2.get_all_bc <- function(data) {
res = list()
data[, fid2 := .GRP, fid]
data[, wid2 := .GRP, wid]
data[, fid := fid2]
data[, wid := wid2]
# 1) construct J,W
nn = data[,.N]
nw = data[,max(wid)]
nf = data[,max(fid)]
J <- sparseMatrix(1:nn, data$fid, x = 1,dims = c(nn,nf))
J <- J[,1:(nf-1)] # here we want to drop the last firm as a normalization
W <- sparseMatrix(1:nn, data$wid, x = 1,dims = c(nn,nw))
Dw <- data[, .N, wid][order(wid),N]
Df <- data[, .N, fid][order(fid),N]
Dinv = Diagonal(nw,1/Dw)
Y = data$y
# 0) create the Jq,Wq matrices
nnq = data[cs==1,.N]
Jq <- sparseMatrix(1:nnq, data[cs==1]$fid, x = 1,dims = c(nnq,nf))
Jq <- Jq[,1:(nf-1)] # here we want to drop the last firm as a normalization
Wq <- sparseMatrix(1:nnq, data[cs==1]$wid, x = 1,dims = c(nnq,nw))
t = Matrix:::t
# 2) construct sub-matrices
M1 = t(J) %*% J - t(J) %*% W %*% Dinv %*% t(W) %*% J
RHS = as.numeric(t(J) %*% (Diagonal(nn) - W %*% Dinv %*% t(W)) %*% Y)
flog.info("[full andrews] non zeros in M1 %i (%f perc.) size=%i, getting inverse...",nnzero(M1),100*nnzero(M1)/cumprod(dim(M1))[-1],dim(M1)[1])
M1inv = Matrix::solve(M1)
flog.info("[full andrews] done")
# 3) get alph and psi
psi_hat = as.numeric(Matrix::solve(M1, RHS))
alpha_hat = as.numeric(Dinv %*% t(W) %*% ( Y- J %*% psi_hat))
# attach them
data$psi_hat = c(psi_hat,0)[data$fid]
data$alpha_hat = alpha_hat[data$wid]
# 4) get cov(y,psi)
res$cov_ypsi_all_fe = data[cs==1,cov(y,psi_hat)]
res$cov_ypsi_movers_fe = data[(cs==1) & (m==1),cov(y,psi_hat)]
res$cov_ypsi_stayers_fe = data[(cs==1) & (m==0),cov(y,psi_hat)]
res$posterior_movers_share = data[(cs==1) ,mean(m==1)]
flog.info("[full andrews] fixed-effect Cov(y1,psi): all=%4.4f movers=%4.4f stayers=%4.4f share-mover=%4.4f",res$cov_ypsi_all_fe,res$cov_ypsi_movers_fe,res$cov_ypsi_stayers_fe,res$posterior_movers_share)
flog.info("[full andrews] computing variance of epsilon")
# 4) extract the variance of epsilon using the movers only
# Z = data[,m]
# var_e = 1/( sum(Z) - nf +1)*sum(Z * Y * (Y - as.numeric(J %*% psi_hat + W %*% alpha_hat)))
var_e = 1/( nn - nw - nf +1)*sum(Y * (Y - as.numeric(J %*% psi_hat + W %*% alpha_hat)))
flog.info("[full andrews] variance of epsilon =%4.3f",var_e)
# computing corrections
# var(psy)
# compute full inverse....
flog.info("[full andrews] computing corrections")
iota = rep(1,nnq)
tr2 = as.numeric(nnq^(-2)*(iota %*% Jq) %*% (M1inv %*% (t(Jq) %*% iota)))
tr1 = as.numeric(nnq^(-1)* sum( Matrix::diag( (t(Jq) %*% Jq) %*% M1inv )))
tr = tr1 - tr2
flog.info("[full andrews] psi: fe=%4.3f bc=%4.3f ",
data[cs==1,var(psi_hat)],data[cs==1,var(psi_hat)] - var_e * tr)
res$psi_var_fe = data[cs==1,var(psi_hat)]
res$psi_var_bc = data[cs==1,var(psi_hat)] - var_e * tr
# ------- COVARIANCE TERM ------ #
# we have to use J M J' W Dw^-1 W'
tmp = M1inv %*% ( t(J) %*% ( W %*% (Dinv %*% (t(Wq) %*% iota))))
tr2 = as.numeric( nnq^(-2) * (iota %*% Jq) %*% tmp)
tr1 = as.numeric( nnq^(-1) * sum( Matrix::diag( M1inv %*% ( t(J) %*% W %*% Dinv %*% t(Wq) %*% Jq ) )))
tr = tr1 - tr2
flog.info("[full andrews] cov: fe=%4.3f bc=%4.3f ",
data[cs==1,cov(psi_hat,alpha_hat)],data[cs==1,cov(psi_hat,alpha_hat)] + var_e * tr)
res$cov_fe = data[cs==1,cov(psi_hat,alpha_hat)]
res$cov_bc = data[cs==1,cov(psi_hat,alpha_hat)] + var_e * tr
# ------- VARIANCE OF X ------ #
# we have to use W Dw^-1 W' + W Dw^-1 W' J M J' W Dw^-1 W'
p1 = iota %*% (Wq %*% (Dinv %*% (t(Wq) %*% iota)))
p2 = t(J) %*% ( W %*% (Dinv %*% (t(Wq) %*% iota)))
p2 = t(p2) %*% (M1inv %*% p2)
tr2 = nnq^(-2) * as.numeric(p1 + p2)
# we have to use tr(I + M J' W Dw^-1 Wq'Jq)
tr1 = nnq^(-1) * sum(Matrix::diag(Dinv %*% (t(Wq) %*% Wq))) + nn^(-1) * sum(Matrix::diag( M1inv %*% (t(J) %*% W %*% Dinv %*% t(Wq) %*% Jq)))
tr = tr1 - tr2
flog.info("[full andrews] alpha fe=%4.3f bc=%4.3f ",
data[cs==1,var(alpha_hat)],data[cs==1,var(alpha_hat)] - var_e * tr)
res$alpha_var_fe = data[cs==1,var(alpha_hat)]
res$alpha_var_bc = data[cs==1,var(alpha_hat)] - var_e * tr
#' function which extracts all bias correction
#' in particular it gets corrected cov and var(alpha)
#' @param var_e variance of the residual
#' @param adata panel data on movers and stayers
#' @export
m2.get_all_bc_hetero_bis <- function(data) {
res = list()
# mark workers with 1 spell only
wids = data[,.N,wid][N==1,wid]
data[(wid %in% wids),m := 0]
flog.info("[full tr-hetero] number of workers with only 1 observation %i",data[m==0,.N])
data[, fid2 := .GRP, fid]
data[, wid2 := .GRP, wid]
data[, fid := fid2]
data[, wid := wid2]
# 1) construct J,W
nn = data[,.N]
nw = data[,max(wid)]
nf = data[,max(fid)]
J <- sparseMatrix(1:nn, data$fid, x = 1,dims = c(nn,nf))
J <- J[,1:(nf-1)] # here we want to drop the last firm as a normalization
W <- sparseMatrix(1:nn, data$wid, x = 1,dims = c(nn,nw))
Dw <- data[, .N, wid][order(wid),N]
Df <- data[, .N, fid][order(fid),N]
Dinv = Diagonal(nw,1/Dw)
Y = data$y
# 0) create the Jq,Wq matrices
nnq = data[cs==1,.N]
Jq <- sparseMatrix(1:nnq, data[cs==1]$fid, x = 1,dims = c(nnq,nf))
Jq <- Jq[,1:(nf-1)] # here we want to drop the last firm as a normalization
Wq <- sparseMatrix(1:nnq, data[cs==1]$wid, x = 1,dims = c(nnq,nw))
t = Matrix:::t
# 2) construct sub-matrices
M1 = t(J) %*% J - t(J) %*% W %*% Dinv %*% t(W) %*% J
RHS = as.numeric(t(J) %*% (Diagonal(nn) - W %*% Dinv %*% t(W)) %*% Y)
flog.info("[full tr-hetero] percentage of non zeros in M1 %f, getting inverse...",nnzero(M1)/cumprod(dim(M1))[-1])
# 3) get alph and psi
psi_hat = as.numeric(Matrix::solve(M1, RHS))
alpha_hat = as.numeric(Dinv %*% t(W) %*% ( Y- J %*% psi_hat))
# attach them
data$psi_hat = c(psi_hat,0)[data$fid]
data$alpha_hat = alpha_hat[data$wid]
# 4) get cov(y,psi)
res$cov_ypsi_all_fe = data[cs==1,cov(y,psi_hat)]
res$cov_ypsi_movers_fe = data[(cs==1) & (m==1),cov(y,psi_hat)]
res$cov_ypsi_stayers_fe = data[(cs==1) & (m==0),cov(y,psi_hat)]
res$posterior_movers_share = data[(cs==1) ,mean(m==1)]
flog.info("[full tr-hetero] fixed-effect Cov(y1,psi): all=%4.4f movers=%4.4f stayers=%4.4f share-mover=%4.4f",res$cov_ypsi_all_fe,res$cov_ypsi_movers_fe,res$cov_ypsi_stayers_fe,res$posterior_movers_share)
# computing corrections
# var(psy)
# compute full inverse....
M1inv = Matrix::solve(M1)
flog.info("[full tr-hetero] done")
flog.info("[full tr-hetero] prepare covariance and leverage matrix")
# P = colSums( A .* (A'A)^-1 A' )
# in the AKM case, for observation (it) it is M[i,i] + M[j,j] + 2 * M[i,j]
M1inv_dense = as.matrix(M1inv)
Pi = sparseDiagCross( t(J) ,M1inv_dense , t(J), nn) -
2*sparseDiagCross( t(J) , M1inv_dense , t(J) %*% W %*% Dinv %*% t(W), nn) +
sparseDiagDot(t(W),1/Dw,t(W),nn) +
sparseDiagCross( t(J) %*% W %*% Dinv %*% t(W) , M1inv_dense , t(J) %*% W %*% Dinv %*% t(W), nn)
Si = Y * (Y - as.numeric(J %*% psi_hat + W %*% alpha_hat))
flog.info("[full tr-hetero] filling stayers with estimated variance from movers")
# We replace the estimate for the non-movers with sigma at the firm level
data[, s_i := Si][, p_i := Pi]
flog.info("[full tr-hetero] leverage: min=%4.4f max=%4.4f",data[m==1,min(p_i)],data[m==1,max(p_i)])
data[m==1, s_i:= s_i/(1-p_i)]
data[, s_j := mean(s_i[m==1]/(1-p_i[m==1])), fid]
data[m==0, s_i:=s_j]
Si = data$s_i
flog.info("[full tr-hetero] mean variance of residuals hetero = %4.4f",mean(Si))
# ----- var(psi) correction ------ #
# compute the right hand side of \mathb{M}
Rt = + t(J) %*% Diagonal(nn,Si) %*% J
Rt = Rt - t(J) %*% W %*% Dinv %*% t(W) %*% Diagonal(nn,Si) %*% J
Rt = Rt - t(J) %*% Diagonal(nn,Si) %*%W %*% Dinv %*% t(W) %*% J
Rt = Rt + t(J) %*% W %*% Dinv %*% t(W) %*% Diagonal(nn,Si) %*% W %*% Dinv %*% t(W) %*% J
iota = rep(1,nnq)
#tr1 = nn^-1 * sum(diag( as.matrix(M1inv %*% Rt)))
tr1 = nnq^-1 * denseTraceProd( as.matrix(M1inv_dense %*% (t(Jq) %*% Jq )),
as.matrix(M1inv_dense %*% Rt) )
tr2 = nnq^-2 * sum( as.numeric( ((iota %*% Jq) %*% M1inv) %*% Rt) * as.numeric( ((iota %*% Jq) %*% M1inv)) )
tr = tr1 - tr2
flog.info("[full tr-hetero] psi: fe=%4.3f bc=%4.3f ",
data[cs==1,var(psi_hat)],data[cs==1,var(psi_hat)] - tr)
res$psi_var_fe = data[cs==1,var(psi_hat)]
res$psi_var_bc = data[cs==1,var(psi_hat)] - tr
# ----- cov(alpha,psi) correction ------ #
# compute tr( Mcal %*% R )
# first part of U
# Mc1 = M1inv %*% (t(J) %*% W %*% Dinv %*% t(W) %*% J) %*% M1inv
# tr11 = nn^-1 * sum(diag( as.matrix(Mc1 %*% Rt)))
tr11 = - nnq^-1 * denseTraceProd( as.matrix(M1inv_dense %*% (t(J) %*% W %*% Dinv %*% t(Wq) %*% Jq)),
as.matrix(M1inv_dense %*% Rt) )
# second part of U
tr12 = - nnq^-2 * sum( as.numeric( M1inv %*% (t(J) %*% (W %*% (Dinv %*% (t(Wq) %*% iota))))) *
as.numeric( ((iota %*% Jq) %*% M1inv) %*% Rt) )
# we then compute the second part
Rt1 = t(J) %*% Diagonal(nn,Si) %*%W %*% Dinv %*% t(Wq) %*% Jq
Rt1 = Rt1 - t(J) %*% W %*% Dinv %*% t(W) %*% Diagonal(nn,Si) %*% W %*% Dinv %*% t(Wq) %*% Jq
tr21 = nnq^-1 * sum(diag( as.matrix(M1inv %*% Rt1)))
tr22 = nnq^-2 * sum( as.numeric( M1inv %*% ( t(J) %*% (W %*% (Dinv %*% (t(W) %*% (Diagonal(nn,Si) %*% (W %*% (Dinv %*% (t(Wq) %*% iota))))))))) *
as.numeric( iota %*% Jq))
tr23 = nnq^-2 * sum( as.numeric( M1inv %*% (t(J) %*% (Diagonal(nn,Si) %*% (W %*% (Dinv %*% (t(Wq) %*% iota)))))) *
as.numeric( iota %*% Jq) )
tr = tr11 - tr12 + tr21 + tr22 - tr23
if (FALSE) {
homo_tr = nn^-1 * sum( diag(as.matrix( M1inv %*% (t(J) %*% W %*% Dinv %*% t(W) %*% J )))) -
nn^-2 * sum( as.numeric(M1inv %*% (t(J) %*% W %*% Dinv %*% t(W) %*% iota)) * as.numeric( iota %*% J))
flog.info("[full tr-hetero] cov: fe=%4.3f bc=%4.3f ",
data[cs==1,cov(psi_hat,alpha_hat)],data[cs==1,cov(psi_hat,alpha_hat)] - tr)
res$cov_fe = data[cs==1,cov(psi_hat,alpha_hat)]
res$cov_bc = data[cs==1,cov(psi_hat,alpha_hat)] - tr
# ------- VARIANCE OF X ------ #
# we have to use W Dw^-1 W' + W Dw^-1 W' J M J' W Dw^-1 W'
tr11 = nnq^-1 * denseTraceProd( as.matrix(M1inv_dense %*% (t(J) %*% W %*% Dinv %*% t(Wq) %*% Wq %*% Dinv %*% t(W) %*% J)),
as.matrix(M1inv_dense %*% Rt) )
# second part of U
tr12 = nnq^-2 * sum( as.numeric( M1inv %*% (t(J) %*% (W %*% (Dinv %*% (t(Wq) %*% iota))))) *
as.numeric( Rt %*% M1inv %*% (t(J) %*% (W %*% (Dinv %*% (t(Wq) %*% iota))))) )
tr21 = nnq^-1 * sum( Matrix::diag( W %*% (Dinv %*% (t(W) %*% Diagonal(nn,Si) ) )))
tr22 = nnq^-2 * sum( Si * as.numeric(W %*% (Dinv %*% (t(Wq) %*% iota))) ^2 )
tr31 = nnq^-1 * sum( Matrix::diag( M1inv %*% ( t(J) %*% W %*% Dinv %*% t(W) %*% Diagonal(nn,Si) %*% J) ))
tr41 = nnq^-1 * sum( Matrix::diag( M1inv %*% ( t(J) %*% W %*% Dinv %*% t(W) %*% Diagonal(nn,Si) %*% W %*% Dinv %*% t(W) %*% J) ))
tr32 = nnq^-2 * sum( as.numeric( M1inv %*% (t(J) %*% (W %*% (Dinv %*% (t(Wq) %*% iota))))) *
as.numeric( t(J) %*% (Diagonal(nn,Si) %*% (W %*% (Dinv %*% (t(Wq) %*% iota))))) )
tr42 = nnq^-2 * sum( as.numeric( M1inv %*% (t(J) %*% (W %*% (Dinv %*% (t(Wq) %*% iota))))) *
as.numeric( t(J) %*% (W %*% (Dinv %*% (t(W) %*% (Diagonal(nn,Si) %*% (W %*% (Dinv %*% ( t(Wq) %*% iota)))))))) )
tr = (tr11 - tr12) + (tr21 - tr22) - 2* (tr31 - tr32) + 2*(tr41 - tr42)
flog.info("[full tr-hetero] alpha fe=%4.3f bc=%4.3f ",
data[cs==1,var(alpha_hat)],data[cs==1,var(alpha_hat)] - tr)
res$alpha_var_fe = data[cs==1,var(alpha_hat)]
res$alpha_var_bc = data[cs==1,var(alpha_hat)] - tr
#' function which extracts all bias correction
#' in particular it gets corrected cov and var(alpha)
#' @param var_e variance of the residual
#' @param adata panel data on movers and stayers
#' @export
m2.get_all_bc_hetero <- function(data) {
res = list()
# remove workers with only 1 spell
wids = data[,.N,wid][N==1,wid]
if (length(wids)>0) {
data = data[!(wid %in% wids)]
flog.info("[full tr-hetero] dropping %i wids with only 1 spell",length(wids))
data[, fid2 := .GRP, fid]
data[, wid2 := .GRP, wid]
data[, fid := fid2]
data[, wid := wid2]
# 1) construct J,W
nn = data[,.N]
nw = data[,max(wid)]
nf = data[,max(fid)]
J <- sparseMatrix(1:nn, data$fid, x = 1,dims = c(nn,nf))
J <- J[,1:(nf-1)] # here we want to drop the last firm as a normalization
W <- sparseMatrix(1:nn, data$wid, x = 1,dims = c(nn,nw))
Dw <- data[, .N, wid][order(wid),N]
Df <- data[, .N, fid][order(fid),N]
Dinv = Diagonal(nw,1/Dw)
Y = data$y
t = Matrix:::t
# 2) construct sub-matrices
M1 = t(J) %*% J - t(J) %*% W %*% Dinv %*% t(W) %*% J
RHS = as.numeric(t(J) %*% (Diagonal(nn) - W %*% Dinv %*% t(W)) %*% Y)
flog.info("[full tr-hetero] percentage of non zeros in M1 %f, getting inverse...",nnzero(M1)/cumprod(dim(M1))[-1])
# 3) get alph and psi
psi_hat = as.numeric(Matrix::solve(M1, RHS))
alpha_hat = as.numeric(Dinv %*% t(W) %*% ( Y- J %*% psi_hat))
# attach them
data$psi_hat = c(psi_hat,0)[data$fid]
data$alpha_hat = alpha_hat[data$wid]
# computing corrections
# var(psy)
# compute full inverse....
M1inv = Matrix::solve(M1)
flog.info("[full tr-hetero] done")
flog.info("[full tr-hetero] prepare covariance and leverage matrix")
# P = colSums( A .* (A'A)^-1 A' )
# in the AKM case, for observation (it) it is M[i,i] + M[j,j] + 2 * M[i,j]
M1inv_dense = as.matrix(M1inv)
Pi = sparseDiagCross( t(J) ,M1inv_dense , t(J), nn) -
2*sparseDiagCross( t(J) , M1inv_dense , t(J) %*% W %*% Dinv %*% t(W), nn) +
sparseDiagDot(t(W),1/Dw,t(W),nn) +
sparseDiagCross( t(J) %*% W %*% Dinv %*% t(W) , M1inv_dense , t(J) %*% W %*% Dinv %*% t(W), nn)
Si = Y * (Y - as.numeric(J %*% psi_hat + W %*% alpha_hat))/(1-Pi)
flog.info("[full tr-hetero] leverage: min=%4.4f max=%4.4f",min(Pi),max(Pi))
# ----- var(psi) correction ------ #
# compute the right hand side of \mathb{M}
Rt = + t(J) %*% Diagonal(nn,Si) %*% J
Rt = Rt - t(J) %*% W %*% Dinv %*% t(W) %*% Diagonal(nn,Si) %*% J
Rt = Rt - t(J) %*% Diagonal(nn,Si) %*%W %*% Dinv %*% t(W) %*% J
Rt = Rt + t(J) %*% W %*% Dinv %*% t(W) %*% Diagonal(nn,Si) %*% W %*% Dinv %*% t(W) %*% J
iota = rep(1,nn)
#tr1 = nn^-1 * sum(diag( as.matrix(M1inv %*% Rt)))
tr1 = nn^-1 * denseTraceProd( as.matrix(M1inv_dense %*% (t(J) %*% J )),
as.matrix(M1inv_dense %*% Rt) )
tr2 = nn^-2 * sum( as.numeric( ((iota %*% J) %*% M1inv) %*% Rt) * as.numeric( ((iota %*% J) %*% M1inv)) )
tr = tr1 - tr2
flog.info("[full tr-hetero] psi: fe=%4.3f bc=%4.3f ",
data[,var(psi_hat)],data[,var(psi_hat)] - tr)
res$psi_var_fe = data[,var(psi_hat)]
res$psi_var_bc = data[,var(psi_hat)] - tr
# ----- cov(alpha,psi) correction ------ #
# compute tr( Mcal %*% R )
# first part of U
# Mc1 = M1inv %*% (t(J) %*% W %*% Dinv %*% t(W) %*% J) %*% M1inv
# tr11 = nn^-1 * sum(diag( as.matrix(Mc1 %*% Rt)))
tr11 = - nn^-1 * denseTraceProd( as.matrix(M1inv_dense %*% (t(J) %*% W %*% Dinv %*% t(W) %*% J)),
as.matrix(M1inv_dense %*% Rt) )
# second part of U
tr12 = - nn^-2 * sum( as.numeric(M1inv %*% (t(J) %*% (W %*% (Dinv %*% (t(W) %*% iota))))) *
as.numeric( ((iota %*% J) %*% M1inv) %*% Rt) )
# we then compute the second part
Rt1 = t(J) %*% Diagonal(nn,Si) %*%W %*% Dinv %*% t(W) %*% J
Rt1 = Rt1 - t(J) %*% W %*% Dinv %*% t(W) %*% Diagonal(nn,Si) %*% W %*% Dinv %*% t(W) %*% J
tr21 = nn^-1 * sum(diag( as.matrix(M1inv %*% Rt1)))
tr22 = nn^-2 * sum( as.numeric( M1inv %*% ( t(J) %*% (W %*% (Dinv %*% (t(W) %*% (Diagonal(nn,Si) %*% (W %*% (Dinv %*% (t(W) %*% iota))))))))) *
as.numeric( iota %*% J))
tr23 = nn^-2 * sum( as.numeric( M1inv %*% (t(J) %*% (Diagonal(nn,Si) %*% (W %*% (Dinv %*% (t(W) %*% iota)))))) *
as.numeric( iota %*% J) )
tr = tr11 - tr12 + tr21 + tr22 - tr23
if (FALSE) {
homo_tr = nn^-1 * sum( diag(as.matrix( M1inv %*% (t(J) %*% W %*% Dinv %*% t(W) %*% J )))) -
nn^-2 * sum( as.numeric(M1inv %*% (t(J) %*% W %*% Dinv %*% t(W) %*% iota)) * as.numeric( iota %*% J))
flog.info("[full tr-hetero] cov: fe=%4.3f bc=%4.3f ",
data[,cov(psi_hat,alpha_hat)],data[,cov(psi_hat,alpha_hat)] - tr)
res$cov_fe = data[,cov(psi_hat,alpha_hat)]
res$cov_bc = data[,cov(psi_hat,alpha_hat)] - tr
# ------- VARIANCE OF X ------ #
# we have to use W Dw^-1 W' + W Dw^-1 W' J M J' W Dw^-1 W'
tr11 = -tr11
# second part of U
tr12 = nn^-2 * sum( as.numeric( M1inv %*% (t(J) %*% (W %*% (Dinv %*% (t(W) %*% iota))))) *
as.numeric( Rt %*% M1inv %*% (t(J) %*% (W %*% (Dinv %*% (t(W) %*% iota))))) )
tr21 = nn^-1 * sum( Matrix::diag( W %*% (Dinv %*% (t(W) %*% Diagonal(nn,Si) ) )))
tr22 = nn^-2 * sum( Si * as.numeric(W %*% (Dinv %*% (t(W) %*% iota))) ^2 )
tr31 = nn^-1 * sum( Matrix::diag( M1inv %*% ( t(J) %*% W %*% Dinv %*% t(W) %*% Diagonal(nn,Si) %*% J) ))
tr41 = nn^-1 * sum( Matrix::diag( M1inv %*% ( t(J) %*% W %*% Dinv %*% t(W) %*% Diagonal(nn,Si) %*% W %*% Dinv %*% t(W) %*% J) ))
tr32 = nn^-2 * sum( as.numeric( M1inv %*% (t(J) %*% (W %*% (Dinv %*% (t(W) %*% iota))))) *
as.numeric( t(J) %*% (Diagonal(nn,Si) %*% (W %*% (Dinv %*% (t(W) %*% iota))))) )
tr42 = nn^-2 * sum( as.numeric( M1inv %*% (t(J) %*% (W %*% (Dinv %*% (t(W) %*% iota))))) *
as.numeric( t(J) %*% (W %*% (Dinv %*% (t(W) %*% (Diagonal(nn,Si) %*% (W %*% (Dinv %*% ( t(W) %*% iota)))))))) )
tr = (tr11 - tr12) + (tr21 - tr22) - 2* (tr31 - tr32) + 2*(tr41 - tr42)
flog.info("[full tr-hetero] alpha fe=%4.3f bc=%4.3f ",
data[,var(alpha_hat)],data[,var(alpha_hat)] - tr)
res$alpha_var_fe = data[,var(alpha_hat)]
res$alpha_var_bc = data[,var(alpha_hat)] - tr
#' Overview of a data set
#' @export
m2.getstats <- function(adata) {
nm = adata[,list(N=length(unique(fid))),list(wid)][N>=2,.N]
nw = adata[,length(unique(wid))]
flog.info('nobs=%i firms:%i workers:%i movers=%i (%4.4f)',
# are there spell of length >= 2
count = adata[, .N,list(wid,fid)][N>1,.N]
flog.info("%i spells of length >=2",count)
# workers with more than 2 employers
count = adata[,list(N=length(unique(fid))),list(wid)][N>2,.N]
flog.info("%i workers with more than 2 firms",count)
# checking observations to include in
#' compute the posterior variance for an estimated CRE model
#' @export
m2.cre_posterior_var <- function(sim,res) {
flog.info("[m2.cre_posterior_var] Begin posterior variance estimation for CRE")
# index firms with integers
jdata = sim$jdata
sdata = sim$sdata
f1s = jdata[,unique(c(f1,f2))]
fids = data.table(f1=f1s,nfid=1:length(f1s))
jdata[,f1i := fids[jdata,nfid]]
sdata[,f1i := fids[sim$sdata,nfid]]
jdata[,f2i := fids[jdata,nfid]]
sdata <- sdata[!is.na(f1i)] # this is in case there are firms with stayers but no movers
# extract size in stayers, and mean
fsize = rbind(sim$sdata[,list(y1,f1)],sim$jdata[,list(y1,f1)])[,list(N=.N,mw=mean(y1)),f1]
fids[,size := fsize[fids,N]]
fids[,mw := fsize[fids,mw]]
fids[is.na(size),size:=0] # pads missing size with 0
fids[size==0, mw:=0] # pads missing size with 0
# CONSTRUCT SPARSE DESIGN MATRIX - no need for normalization here
nf = pmax(max(jdata$f1i),max(jdata$f2i))
dd = jdata[,list(m1 = y2 - y1,y1=y1,f1i,f2i,j1,j2)]
N = nrow(dd)
JJ = sparseMatrix(1:N,dd$c1,x=dd$v1,dims=c(N,nf)) + sparseMatrix(1:N,dd$c2,x=dd$v2,dims = c(N,nf))
S = fids[order(nfid),size]
t = Matrix:::t
error_sd = res$cre$params$eps_sd
if (any(is.na(error_sd))) flog.warn("some epsilon sd are NAs")
error_sd[is.na(error_sd)] = 0.001
if (any(error_sd < .001)) flog.warn("some epsilon sd are <0.001, setting them to 0.001")
error_sd[error_sd < .001] = 0.001
findex = unique(rbind( jdata[,list(f1i,j1)],jdata[,list(f1i=f2i,j1=j2)]))[order(f1i)]
Or = res$cre$params$psi_sd[findex$j1]^2 # this number of firms, correspong psi_sd
Zr = error_sd[dd$j1]^2 + error_sd[dd$j2]^2 # this number move, correspong eps_sd
Mu = as.numeric(res$A1[findex$j1])
# Construct matrix to inverse
flog.info("[m2.cre_posterior_var] Begin inverting matrix")
M1 = Diagonal(nf) + t(JJ) %*% Diagonal(N,1/Zr) %*% JJ %*% Diagonal(nf,Or)
M1inv = Matrix::solve(M1)
flog.info("[m2.cre_posterior_var] Done inverting matrix")
# Construct objects for Q matrix
ddq = data.table(rbind( jdata[,list(f1i,j1,y1,m=1)], sdata[,list(f1i,j1,y1,m=0)]))
Nq = nrow(ddq)
JJq = sparseMatrix(1:Nq,ddq$f1i,x=rep(1,Nq),dims=c(Nq,nf))
# Finally construct the trace term
iota_q = rep(1,Nq)
tr1 = Nq^-1 * sum(Matrix::diag( M1inv %*% (t(JJq) %*% JJq %*% Diagonal(nf,Or)) ))
tr2 = Nq^-2 * sum( as.numeric( Diagonal(nf,Or) %*% (M1inv %*% (t(JJq) %*% iota_q) )) *
as.numeric(iota_q %*% JJq))
tr = tr1 - tr2
# And we construct the main term
V = Mu + as.numeric( Diagonal(nf,Or) %*% t(JJ) %*% Diagonal(N,1/Zr) %*% dd$m1)
V = as.numeric( JJq %*% (t(M1inv) %*% V))
res = list()
res$posterior_var = tr + var(V)
flog.info("[m2.cre_posterior_var] Done posterior variance estimation for CRE")
# we construct the posterior cov(y,psi)
ddq$psi_tmp = V
res$posterior_cov_ypsi_all = ddq[,cov(psi_tmp,y1)]
res$posterior_cov_ypsi_movers = ddq[m==1,cov(psi_tmp,y1)]
res$posterior_cov_ypsi_stayers = ddq[m==0,cov(psi_tmp,y1)]
res$posterior_movers_share = ddq[,mean(m==1)]
#' compute the posterior variance for an estimated CRE model
#' @export
m2.cre_posterior_full <- function(sim,res) {
flog.info("[m2.cre_posterior_full] Begin posterior construction for CRE")
pdata = mt.from.m2(sim,make_each_row_one_wid = TRUE,attach_clusters = TRUE)
flog.info("[m2.cre_posterior_full] input matrices")
pdata[, fid2 := .GRP, fid]
pdata[, wid2 := .GRP, wid]
pdata[, fid := fid2]
pdata[, wid := wid2]
flog.info("[m2.cre_posterior_full] append model information")
error_sd = res$cre$params$eps_sd
if (any(is.na(error_sd))) flog.warn("some epsilon sd are NAs")
error_sd[is.na(error_sd)] = 0.001
if (any(error_sd < .001)) flog.warn("some epsilon sd are <0.001, setting them to 0.001")
error_sd[error_sd < .001] = 0.001
# attach variance of epsilon
pdata$eps_sd = 0
pdata[m==0, eps_sd := error_sd[j1], j1]
pdata[(m==1) & (t==1), eps_sd := error_sd[j1], j1]
pdata[(m==1) & (t==2), eps_sd := error_sd[j2], j2]
# attach mean of psi
pdata[, psi_m := as.numeric(res$A1)[j], j]
# attach variance of psi within
pdata[, psi_sd := res$cre$params$psi_sd[j], j]
# attach variance of alpha
pdata$alpha_sd = 0
pdata[m==0, alpha_sd := res$cre$params$Esd[j], j]
pdata[m==1, alpha_sd := res$cre$params$EEsd[j1,j2], list(j1,j2)]
# attach mean of alpha
pdata$alpha_m = 0
pdata[m==0, alpha_m := res$Em[j], j]
pdata[m==1, alpha_m := res$EEm[j1,j2], list(j1,j2)]
# 1) construct J,W
nn = pdata[,.N]
nw = pdata[,max(wid)]
nf = pdata[,max(fid)]
J <- sparseMatrix(1:nn, pdata$fid, x = 1,dims = c(nn,nf))
J <- J[,1:(nf-1)] # here we want to drop the last firm as a normalization
W <- sparseMatrix(1:nn, pdata$wid, x = 1,dims = c(nn,nw))
Dw <- pdata[, .N, wid][order(wid),N]
Df <- pdata[, .N, fid][order(fid),N]
Dwinv = Diagonal(nw,1/Dw)
Y = pdata$y
# 0) create the Jq,Wq matrices
ddq = pdata[t==1]
nnq = ddq[,.N]
Jq <- sparseMatrix(1:nnq, ddq$fid, x = 1,dims = c(nnq,nf))
Jq <- Jq[,1:(nf-1)] # here we want to drop the last firm as a normalization
Wq <- sparseMatrix(1:nnq, ddq$wid, x = 1,dims = c(nnq,nw))
# 0) creating weighting matrices
findex = unique(pdata[fid<nf,list(fid,j,psi_sd,psi_m)])[order(fid)]
Muf = findex$psi_m # this number of firms, correspong cluster mean firm effect
Omf = findex$psi_sd^2 + 1.e-10 # this number of firms, correspong psi_sd
windex = unique(pdata[t==1,list(wid,j,alpha_sd,alpha_m)])[order(wid)]
Muw = windex$alpha_m # this number of workers, correspong mean worker effect
Omw = windex$alpha_sd^2 + 1.e-10 # this number of workers, correspong alpha_sd
# creating tilde matrices
Zr = pdata$eps_sd^2 # this is the size of the data
Jt = J %*% Diagonal(nf-1,sqrt(Omf))
Wt = W %*% Diagonal(nw,sqrt(Omw))
t = Matrix:::t
Dtw = 1 + Matrix::diag( t(Wt) %*% Diagonal(nn,1/Zr) %*% Wt)
Dtwinv = Diagonal(nw, 1/Dtw)
# Construct matrix to inverse
flog.info("[m2.cre_posterior_full] Begin inverting matrix")
M1 = Diagonal(nf-1) + t(Jt) %*% Diagonal(nn,1/Zr) %*% Jt
M1 = M1 - t(Jt) %*% Diagonal(nn,1/Zr) %*% Wt %*% Dtwinv %*% t(Wt) %*% Diagonal(nn,1/Zr) %*% Jt
M1inv = Matrix::solve(M1)
flog.info("[m2.cre_posterior_full] Done inverting matrix")
# And we construct the main term
Vf = Muf*sqrt(Omf)^-1 + as.numeric( t(Jt) %*% (Diagonal(nn,1/Zr) %*% Y))
Vf = sqrt(Omf) * as.numeric( M1inv %*% Vf)
Vw = Muw*sqrt(Omw)^-1 + as.numeric( t(Wt) %*% Diagonal(nn,1/Zr) %*% Y)
Vw = sqrt(Omf) * as.numeric( M1inv %*% (t(Jt) %*% (Diagonal(nn,1/Zr) %*% (Wt %*% (Dtwinv %*% Vw )))))
V = as.numeric(Jq %*% (Vf - Vw))
# we construct the posterior cov(y,psi)
ddq$psi_tmp = V
res$posterior_cov_ypsi_all = ddq[,cov(psi_tmp,y)]
res$posterior_cov_ypsi_movers = ddq[m==1,cov(psi_tmp,y)]
res$posterior_cov_ypsi_stayers = ddq[m==0,cov(psi_tmp,y)]
res$posterior_movers_share = ddq[,mean(m==1)]
flog.info("[m2.cre_posterior_full] posterior cov_y_psi = %4.4f",res$posterior_cov_ypsi_all)
# Finally compute the posterior variance in the cross-section
iota_q = rep(1,nnq)
# tr1 = Nq^-1 * sum(Matrix::diag( M1inv %*% (t(JJq) %*% JJq %*% Diagonal(nf,Or)) ))
# tr2 = Nq^-2 * sum( as.numeric( Diagonal(nf,Or) %*% (M1inv %*% (t(JJq) %*% iota_q) )) *
# as.numeric(iota_q %*% JJq))
# tr = tr1 - tr2
#' compute the posterior variance for an estimated CRE model
#' @export
m2.woodcock_posterior_var <- function(sim) {
jdata = sim$jdata
# we start by computing the variance of sigma
# moers coming to the firm
firm_in_grp = jdata[,.N,f1][N>=2]$f1
flog.info("[WC] processing %i firms",length(firm_in_grp))
if (length(firm_in_grp)>1) {
count = 0
last_time = as.numeric(Sys.time())
for (firm_cur in firm_in_grp) {
count = count+1
dt = jdata[f1==firm_cur,list(f2,f1,y1,y2,psi1,psi2)]
# create all pairs, make sure they move to different firms
F2 = spread(dt$f2,2,nrow(dt))
YY = spread(dt$y2 - dt$psi2 - dt$y1+dt$psi1,2,nrow(dt))
# add this to the measure of variance!
num = num + sum((F2 != t(F2)) * YY * t(YY))/2
den = den + sum((F2 != t(F2)))/2
if (as.numeric(Sys.time()) >= last_time + 10) {
flog.info("[CRE] done with %i firms out of %i for j1=%i",count,length(firm_in_grp),l1)
last_time = as.numeric(Sys.time())
firm_in_grp = jdata[l1==j2,.N,f2][N>=2]
flog.info("[CRE] found %i firms for j1=%i",nrow(firm_in_grp),l1)
if ((subsample.firms>0) & (nrow(firm_in_grp)>1)) firm_in_grp = firm_in_grp[sample.int(.N,pmin(.N,subsample.firms),prob=firm_in_grp$N)];
firm_in_grp = firm_in_grp$f2
flog.info("[CRE] processing %i firms for j1=%i",length(firm_in_grp),l1)
if (length(firm_in_grp)>1) {
count = 0
last_time = as.numeric(Sys.time())
for (firm_cur in firm_in_grp) {
count = count+1
dt = jdata[f2==firm_cur]
if (subsample>0) dt = dt[sample.int(.N,pmin(.N,subsample))];
# create all pairs, make sure they move to different firms
F1 = spread(dt$f1,2,nrow(dt))
YY = spread(dt$y2 - dt$psi2 - dt$y1+dt$psi1,2,nrow(dt))
# add this to the measure of variance!
num = num + sum((F1 != t(F1)) * YY * t(YY))/2
den = den + sum((F1 != t(F1)))/2
if (as.numeric(Sys.time()) >= last_time + 10) {
flog.info("[CRE] done with %i firms out of %i for j2=%i",count,length(firm_in_grp),l1)
last_time = as.numeric(Sys.time())
if (den>0) cov_dYm_dYmc[l1] = num/den;
# index firms with integers
jdata = sim$jdata
sdata = sim$sdata
f1s = jdata[,unique(c(f1,f2))]
fids = data.table(f1=f1s,nfid=1:length(f1s))
jdata[,f1i := fids[jdata,nfid]]
sdata[,f1i := fids[sim$sdata,nfid]]
jdata[,f2i := fids[jdata,nfid]]
# extract size in stayers, and mean
fsize = rbind(sim$sdata[,list(y1,f1)],sim$jdata[,list(y1,f1)])[,list(N=.N,mw=mean(y1)),f1]
fids[,size := fsize[fids,N]]
fids[,mw := fsize[fids,mw]]
fids[is.na(size),size:=0] # pads missing size with 0
fids[size==0, mw:=0] # pads missing size with 0
# CONSTRUCT SPARSE DESIGN MATRIX - no need for normalization here
nf = pmax(max(jdata$f1i),max(jdata$f2i))
dd = jdata[,list(m1 = y2 - y1,f1i,f2i,j1,j2)]
N = nrow(dd)
JJ = sparseMatrix(1:N,dd$c1,x=dd$v1,dims=c(N,nf)) + sparseMatrix(1:N,dd$c2,x=dd$v2,dims = c(N,nf))
S = fids[order(nfid),size]
t = Matrix:::t
findex = unique(rbind( jdata[,list(f1i,j1)],jdata[,list(f1i=f2i,j1=j2)]))[order(f1i)]
Or = res$cre$params$psi_sd[findex$j1]^2 # this number of firms, correspong psi_sd
Zr = res$cre$params$eps_sd[dd$j1]^2 + res$cre$params$eps_sd[dd$j2]^2 # this number move, correspong eps_sd
Mu = as.numeric(res$A1[findex$j1])
# Construct matrix to inverse
M1 = Diagonal(nf) + t(JJ) %*% Diagonal(N,1/Zr) %*% JJ %*% Diagonal(nf,Or)
M1inv = Matrix::solve(M1)
# Construct objects for Q matrix
ddq = rbind( jdata[,list(f1i,j1)], sdata[,list(f1i,j1)])
Nq = nrow(ddq)
JJq = sparseMatrix(1:Nq,ddq$f1i,x=rep(1,Nq),dims=c(Nq,nf))
# Finally construct the trace term
iota_q = rep(1,Nq)
tr1 = Nq^-1 * sum(Matrix::diag( M1inv %*% (t(JJq) %*% JJq %*% Diagonal(nf,Or)) ))
tr2 = Nq^-2 * sum( as.numeric( Diagonal(nf,Or) %*% (M1inv %*% (t(JJq) %*% iota_q) )) *
as.numeric(iota_q %*% JJq))
tr = tr1 - tr2
# And we construct the main term
V = Mu + as.numeric( Diagonal(nf,Or) %*% t(JJ) %*% Diagonal(N,1/Zr) %*% dd$m1)
V = as.numeric( JJq %*% (M1inv %*% V))
posterior_var = tr + var(V)
# ------- SIMULATING DATA ---------
#' create a model for testing trace estimation
#' @export
m2.trace.new <- function(nf = 200 , nm = 10000, eps_sd = 1.5) {
p = list(dsize = c(exp(3.199292), 1+exp(-1.247662)) , nf = nf , nm = nm, eps_sd = eps_sd )
S = rpareto(p$nf,p$dsize[1],p$dsize[2])
psi = rnorm(p$nf)
model = copy(p)
model$S = S
model$psi = psi
#' simulates for trace estimation
#' @export
m2.trace.simulate.old <- function(model) {
JJ = array(0,c(model$nm,model$nf))
AA = array(0,c(model$nf,model$nf))
F1 = rep(0,model$nm)
F2 = rep(0,model$nm)
for (i in 1:model$nm) {
ii = sample.int(model$nf,2,prob = model$S)
JJ[i,ii[1]] = 1
JJ[i,ii[2]] = -1
F1[i] = ii[1]
F2[i] = ii[2]
colnames(AA) = 1:model$nf
rownames(AA) = 1:model$nf
D = JJ %*% model$psi + rnorm(model$nm)*model$eps_sd
#' simulates for trace estimation
#' @export
m2.trace.simulate <- function(model) {
F1 = rep(0,model$nm)
F2 = rep(0,model$nm)
psi1 = rep(0,model$nm)
psi2 = rep(0,model$nm)
for (i in 1:model$nm) {
ii = sample.int(model$nf,2,prob = model$S)
F1[i] = ii[1]
F2[i] = ii[2]
psi1[i] = model$psi[ii[1]]
psi2[i] = model$psi[ii[2]]
jdata = data.table(f1=paste(F1),f2=paste(F2),psi1=psi1,psi2=psi2)
jdata[, y1 := psi1 + rnorm(.N)*model$eps_sd/sqrt(2)]
jdata[, y2 := psi2 + rnorm(.N)*model$eps_sd/sqrt(2)]
sdata = data.table(f1=paste(1:model$nf),psi1=model$psi,size=model$S)
sdata = sdata[,list(y1 = psi1 + rnorm(ceiling(size))*model$eps_sd/sqrt(2),
y2 = psi1 + rnorm(ceiling(size))*model$eps_sd/sqrt(2),f2=f1), list(f1,size,psi1) ]
#' simulates a panel
#' @export
m2.trace.simulate.panel <- function(
nt = 5,
ni = 100000,
firm_size = 10,
w_sigma = 0.8,
hetero_g = 0,
lambda=0.05) {
nk = 30
nl = 10
alpha_sd = 1
psi_sd = 1
# let's draw some FE
psi = qnorm(1:nk/(nk+1)) * alpha_sd
alpha = qnorm(1:nl/(nl+1)) * psi_sd
csort = 0.5 # sorting effect
cnetw = 0.2 # network effect
# lets create type specific transition matrices
# we are going to use joint normal centered on different values
G = array(0,c(nl,nk,nk))
for (l in 1:nl) for (k in 1:nk) {
G[l,k,] = dnorm(csort*(psi[k] - alpha[l])) * dnorm(cnetw*(psi[k] - psi))
G[l,k,] = dnorm( psi - cnetw *psi[k] - csort * alpha[l],sd = csig )
G[l,k,] = G[l,k,]/sum(G[l,k,])
# we then solve for the stationary distribution over psis for each alpha value
H = array(1/nk,c(nl,nk))
for (l in 1:nl) {
M = G[l,,]
for (i in 1:100) {
H[l,] = t(G[l,,]) %*% H[l,]
# we simulate a panel
network = array(0,c(ni,nt))
spellcount = array(0,c(ni,nt))
A = rep(0,ni)
for (i in 1:ni) {
# we draw the worker type
l = sample.int(nl,1)
# at time 1, we draw from H
network[i,1] = sample.int(nk,1,prob = H[l,])
for (t in 2:nt) {
if (runif(1)<lambda) {
network[i,t] = sample.int(nk,1,prob = G[l,network[i,t-1],])
spellcount[i,t] = spellcount[i,t-1] +1
} else {
network[i,t] = network[i,t-1]
spellcount[i,t] = spellcount[i,t-1]
data = data.table(melt(network,c('i','t')))
data2 = data.table(melt(spellcount,c('i','t')))
data <- data[,spell := data2$value]
data <- data[,l := A[i],i]
data <- data[,alpha := alpha[l],l]
data <- data[,psi := psi[k],k]
within_firm_count = ni/(firm_size*nk*nt)
dspell <- data[,list(len=.N),list(i,spell,k)]
dspell <- dspell[,fid := sample( 1: pmax(1,sum(len)/(firm_size*nt) ) ,.N,replace=TRUE) , k]
dspell <- dspell[,fid := .GRP, list(k,fid)]
data <- data[, fid:= dspell[data,fid]]
data <- data[, y := alpha + psi + w_sigma * rnorm(.N) * exp( hetero_g * psi ) ]
#' simulates a panel
#' @export
m2.trace.simulate.fromnt <-function(mc.opts) {
# monte-carlo comparing calculation in difference versus
# computation in levels
# create sdata/jdata
data = m2.trace.simulate.panel(nt = 2,ni = mc.opts$ni,firm_size = mc.opts$firm_size,w_sigma=0.8,hetero_g = 0,lambda = mc.opts$lambda)
# data = m2.trace.simulate.panel(nt = 5,ni = 20000,firm_size = 20,w_sigma=0.8)
# save.dta13(data,file = "tmp-simdata.dta")
# extract leave-out set
data[, fid.lag := data[J(i,t-1),fid]]
jdata = data[fid!=fid.lag,list(f1=fid.lag,f2=fid)]
# jdata = get.largest.leaveoutset.fid(jdata)
jdata = get.largest.leaveoutset.fid2(jdata)
fids = jdata[,unique(c(f1,f2))]
data = data[fid %in% fids]
# attach number of movers
data[, fid.lag := data[J(i,t-1),fid]]
jdata = data[fid!=fid.lag,list(f1=fid.lag,f2=fid)]
mcount = rbind(jdata[,list(f1,f2)],jdata[,list(f1=f2,f2=f1)])[,.N,f1]
data[,mc := mcount[data,N]]
# constuct sim data
movers = data[,length(unique(fid)),wid][V1>1,wid]
jdata = data[wid %in% movers, list(f1 = fid[1],f2=fid[2],y1=y[1],y2=y[2],alpha=alpha[1],psi1=psi[1],psi2=psi[2],mc1=mc[1],mc2=mc[2],year=t[1]),wid]
sdata = data[! (wid %in% movers), list(f1 = fid[1],f2=fid[2],y1=y[1],y2=y[2],alpha=alpha[1],psi1=psi[1],psi2=psi[2],mc1=mc[1],mc2=mc[2],year=t[1]),wid]
sim = list(sdata=sdata[!is.na(y1*y2)],jdata=jdata)
sim$sdata[,psi1_bu := psi1]
sim$sdata[,psi2_bu := psi1]
sim$jdata[,psi1_bu := psi1]
sim$jdata[,psi2_bu := psi2]
sim$sdata[,f1 := paste(f1)]
sim$sdata[,f2 := paste(f2)]
sim$jdata[,f1 := paste(f1)]
sim$jdata[,f2 := paste(f2)]
# -------- ESTIMATORS ----------
# we should have the following estimators:
# 1) AKM (requires computing the connected set), also computes andrews
# 2) AKM with Kline (requires computing leave-one-out connected set), computes trace correction
# 3) BLM (with the within RE)
# the first estimators should also work at the class level if needed
#' estimates interacted model
#' @param method default is "ns" for non-stationary, "fixb" is for
#' stationary, "prof" is for profiling out B in period 2 first and "linear"
#' to run an AKM type estimation
#' @family step2 interacted
#' @export
m2.cre.estimate <- function(sim,opts=list()) {
# extract inputs
ng = sim$sdata[,max(j1)]
jdata = sim$jdata
sdata = sim$sdata
# estimating the group effect
nd = jdata[,.N]
Yd = jdata[,y2 - y1]
Jd = sparseMatrix(1:nd, jdata$j2, x = 1,dims = c(nd,ng)) - sparseMatrix(1:nd, jdata$j1, x = 1,dims = c(nd,ng))
Jd = Jd[,1:(ng-1)] # here we want to drop the last firm as a normalization
Yd = jdata[,y2 - y1]
Md = Matrix::t(Jd) %*% Jd
A = as.numeric(Matrix::solve(Md, Matrix::t(Jd) %*% Yd))
A1 = c(A,0)
# get mean of alpha
EEm = jdata[, mean(y1)-A1[j1] + mean(y2)- A1[j2] ,list(j1,j2)]
EEm = 0.5*mcast(EEm,"V1","j1","j2",c(ng,ng),0) # what do you think of this 0.5 right here?
Em = sdata[, mean(y1)- A1[j1],j1][order(j1),V1]
# ----------- CRE MOMENTS ---------- #
sdata = sdata[,psi1 := A1[j1],j1][,psi2 := A1[j2],j2][,mx := Em[j1],list(j1)]
jdata = jdata[,psi1 := A1[j1],j1][,psi2 := A1[j2],j2][,mx := EEm[j1,j2],list(j1,j2)]
res = m2.trace.allcovs.bis(sdata,jdata)
# ------ MODEL PARAMETERS -------- #
pm = jdata[,.N]/(sdata[,.N] + jdata[,.N])
ps = sdata[,.N]/(sdata[,.N] + jdata[,.N])
cdata = data.table(rbind(sdata[,list(psi1,mx)],jdata[,list(psi1,mx)]))
vdec = list()
vdec$var_psi = cdata[,var(psi1)] + res$params$var_psi
vdec$cov_alpha_psi = cdata[,cov(psi1,mx)] + ps*res$params$cov_AsPsi1 +pm*res$params$cov_Am1Psi1
vdec0 = list()
vdec0$var_psi = cdata[,var(psi1)]
vdec0$cov_alpha_psi = cdata[,cov(psi1,mx)]
res$vdec = vdec
res$vdec0 = vdec0
res$params$A = A1
res$params$EEm = EEm
res$params$Em = Em
# TODO: add computation of posterior variance here.
if (posterior_var==TRUE) {
post = m2.cre_posterior_var(list(jdata=jdata,sdata=sdata),model)
model$cre$posterior_var = post$posterior_var
model$cre$posterior_cov_ypsi_all = post$posterior_cov_ypsi_all
model$cre$posterior_cov_ypsi_movers = post$posterior_cov_ypsi_movers
model$cre$posterior_cov_ypsi_stayers = post$posterior_cov_ypsi_stayers
model$cre$posterior_movers_share = post$posterior_movers_share
#' Estimates a two-way fixed effect model using (f1,f2) as heterogeneity
#' identifiers
#' @param sim input data with movers and stayers
#' @param hetero if TRUE use leave-one-out connected set and compute TRACE correction allowing for heterogeneity
#' @param model0 give a model, this is for development
#' @param var_psi_only if TRUE (default) then only the variance of firm effects is corrected
#' @export
m2.trace.estimate2 <- function(sim, model0=NA,hetero=FALSE,approx=0, check_set=TRUE,var_psi_only=TRUE) {
stats = list()
stats$hetero = hetero
stats$total_number_of_firms = length(unique(c(sim$jdata[,unique(c(f1,f2))],sim$sdata[,unique(f1)])))
stats$total_number_of_stayers = sim$sdata[,.N]
stats$total_number_of_movers = sim$jdata[,.N]
stats$total_logwage_var = var(c(sim$sdata$y1,sim$jdata$y1))
stats$total_btw_firm = sim$sdata[,list(mean(y1),.N),f1][,wt.var(V1,N)]
jdata = sim$jdata
flog.info("[twfe-firm] number of firms in movers %i (t1=%i,t2=%i) and stayers %i",sim$jdata[,length(unique(c(f1,f2)))],sim$jdata[,length(unique(f1))],sim$jdata[,length(unique(f2))],sim$sdata[,length(unique(f1))])
if (hetero==F) {
f1s = get.largest.conset.fid(jdata)
flog.info("[twfe-firm] connected set %i/%i",length(f1s),stats$total_number_of_firms)
} else {
f1s = jdata[,unique(c(f1,f2))]
jdata = jdata[f1 %in% f1s][f2 %in% f1s]
} else {
jdata = get.largest.leaveoutset.fid(jdata)
f1s = jdata[,unique(c(f1,f2))]
flog.info("[twfe-firm] leave-out connected set %i/%i",length(f1s),stats$total_number_of_firms)
# index firms with integers
fids = data.table(f1=f1s,nfid=1:length(f1s))
jdata[,f1i := fids[jdata,nfid]]
jdata[,f2i := fids[jdata,nfid]]
sim$sdata[,f1i := fids[sim$sdata,nfid]]
# extract size in stayers, and mean
fsize = rbind(sim$sdata[,list(y1,f1)],sim$jdata[,list(y1,f1)])[,list(N=.N,mw=mean(y1)),f1]
fids[,size := fsize[fids,N]]
fids[,mw := fsize[fids,mw]]
fids[is.na(size),size:=0] # pads missing size with 0
fids[size==0, mw:=0] # pads missing size with 0
nf = pmax(max(jdata$f1i),max(jdata$f2i))
dd = jdata[,list(m1 = y2 - y1,y1,f1i,f2i)]
dd = rbind(dd,data.frame(m1=0,y1=0,f1i=1,f2i=1))
N = nrow(dd)
# fixme, rewrite this with regular sparse matrices
JJ = sparseMatrix2(1:N,dd$c1,dd$v1,c(N,nf)) + sparseMatrix2(1:N,dd$c2,dd$v2,c(N,nf))
Jq = sparseMatrix2(1:N,dd$c1,1,c(N,nf))
S = fids[order(nfid),size]
stats$set_number_of_firms = nf
stats$set_number_of_stayers = sum(S)-(N-1)
stats$set_number_of_movers = N-1
stats$set_logwage_var = var(c(sim$sdata[f1 %in% fids$f1,y1],sim$jdata$y1))
stats$set_btw_firm = sim$sdata[f1 %in% fids$f1,list(mean(y1),.N),f1][,wt.var(V1,N)]
M = SparseM::t(JJ) %*% JJ
Minv = SparseM::solve(M,nnzlmax=1e8,tmpmax=1e8,nsubmax=1e8)
# compute firms FE
psi = as.numeric(SparseM::as.matrix(Minv %*% ( SparseM::t(JJ) %*% dd$m1)))
E = dd$m1 - JJ%*%psi
E = E[1:(N-1)]
if (!any(is.na(model0))) {
psi0 = model0$psi[as.integer(fids[order(nfid),f1])]
psi0 = psi0-psi0[1]
flog.info("[twfe-firm] corr= %f", cor(psi0,psi))
# extract homoskedastic error
var_e = var(E)*nrow(sim$jdata)/(nrow(sim$jdata)-nf)
stats$error_var_homo = var_e
flog.info("[twfe-firm] var_e= %f", var_e)
tr_correction = var_e*( sum( SparseM::diag(Minv)*S )/sum(S) - sum( S* (Minv %*% rep(1/nf,nf)) )/(sum(S)) )
stats$trace_term_homo_Q = tr_correction
stats$trace_term_hetero = NA
stats$error_var_hetero = NA
# heteroskedastic variance using BLM groups
if (hetero==TRUE) {
S2 = S/sum(S)
Ds = sparseMatrix2(1:length(S2),1:length(S2),S2,c(length(S2),length(S2)))
V = Minv %*% SparseM::t(JJ)
# we construct a slightly different trace using esitmate of individual variance
# suing KKS.
P = sColSums(SparseM::t(JJ) * V)
S_i = as.numeric(dd$m1 * (dd$m1 - JJ%*%psi)/(1-P))
stats$error_var_hetero = mean(S_i)
# Finally we need to compute the full correction
#B =as.numeric(sColSums(V * diag(S2) %*% V) - sColSums(diag(S2) %*% V ) ^2)
iota = rep(1,nrow(Ds))
B = as.numeric(SparseM::as.matrix((iota %*% Ds) %*% V^2)) - as.numeric( SparseM::as.matrix((iota %*% Ds) %*% V))^2
tr_correction_hetero = sum( S_i * B)
flog.info("[twfe-firm] tr0=%f tr1=%f var0=%f var1=%f",tr_correction, tr_correction_hetero,var_e,mean(S_i))
tr_correction = tr_correction_hetero
stats$trace_term_hetero = tr_correction_hetero
# we want to compute the leave-out cov(y,psi)
psi_lo = as.numeric( SparseM::as.matrix( Jq %*% (Minv %*% (SparseM::t(JJ) %*% (dd$m1 - (dd$m1 - JJ%*%psi)/(1-P) )) )))
stats$cov_ypsi_movers_lo = cov(dd$y1,psi_lo)
# new formula
eps_i = (dd$m1 - JJ%*%psi)/(1-P)
R = SparseM::t(JJ) %*% sparseMatrix2(1:N,1:N,eps_i,c(N,N))
psi_lo = Jq%*%psi - SparseM::diag( Jq %*% (Minv %*% R))
#sparseDiagCross(Jq, SparseM::as.matrix(Minv) , R, N)
stats$cov_ypsi_movers_lo = cov(dd$y1,psi_lo)
flog.info("[twfe-firm] leave-out cov(y,psi) for movers %4.4f",stats$cov_ypsi_movers_lo)
stats$trace_term_Q = tr_correction
fids[, psi := psi[nfid]]
var_psi_hat = fids[,wt.var(psi,size)]
tot = sim$sdata[,var(y1)]
btw = sim$sdata[,list(mean(y1),.N),f1][,wt.var(V1,N)]
stats$psi_var = fids[,wt.var(psi,size)]
if (!any(is.na(model0))) {
fids[, psi0 := psi0[nfid]]
flog.info("var_true=%f var_akm=%f var2=%f trace=%f ", fids[,wt.var(psi0,size)], fids[,wt.var(psi,size)], fids[,wt.var(psi,size)]- tr_correction,tr_correction)
} else {
flog.info("tot=%f btwf=%f var_akm=%f var2=%f trace=%f ",tot,btw, fids[,wt.var(psi,size)], fids[,wt.var(psi,size)]- tr_correction,tr_correction)
res = list(jids=data.table(fids),eps_sd = sqrt(var_e), var_psi= var_psi_hat, stats=stats,
tr_term_Q = tr_correction)
#' Estimates a two-way fixed effect model using (f1,f2) as heterogeneity
#' identifiers
#' @param sim input data with movers and stayers
#' @param hetero if TRUE use leave-one-out connected set and compute TRACE correction allowing for heterogeneity
#' @param model0 give a model, this is for development
#' @param var_psi_only if TRUE (default) then only the variance of firm effects is corrected
#' @export
m2.trace.estimate <- function(sim, model0=NA,hetero=FALSE,approx=0, check_set=TRUE,var_psi_only=TRUE) {
stats = list()
stats$hetero = hetero
stats$total_number_of_firms = length(unique(c(sim$jdata[,unique(c(f1,f2))],sim$sdata[,unique(f1)])))
stats$total_number_of_stayers = sim$sdata[,.N]
stats$total_number_of_movers = sim$jdata[,.N]
stats$total_logwage_var = var(c(sim$sdata$y1,sim$jdata$y1))
stats$total_btw_firm = sim$sdata[,list(mean(y1),.N),f1][,wt.var(V1,N)]
jdata = sim$jdata
flog.info("[twfe-firm] number of firms in movers %i (t1=%i,t2=%i) and stayers %i",sim$jdata[,length(unique(c(f1,f2)))],sim$jdata[,length(unique(f1))],sim$jdata[,length(unique(f2))],sim$sdata[,length(unique(f1))])
if (hetero==F) {
f1s = get.largest.conset.fid(jdata)
flog.info("[twfe-firm] connected set %i/%i",length(f1s),stats$total_number_of_firms)
} else {
f1s = jdata[,unique(c(f1,f2))]
jdata = jdata[f1 %in% f1s][f2 %in% f1s]
} else {
jdata = get.largest.leaveoutset.fid(jdata)
f1s = jdata[,unique(c(f1,f2))]
flog.info("[twfe-firm] leave-out connected set %i/%i",length(f1s),stats$total_number_of_firms)
# index firms with integers
fids = data.table(f1=f1s,nfid=1:length(f1s))
jdata[,f1i := fids[jdata,nfid]]
jdata[,f2i := fids[jdata,nfid]]
sim$sdata[,f1i := fids[sim$sdata,nfid]]
# extract size in stayers, and mean
fsize = rbind(sim$sdata[,list(y1,f1)],sim$jdata[,list(y1,f1)])[,list(N=.N,mw=mean(y1)),f1]
fids[,size := fsize[fids,N]]
fids[,mw := fsize[fids,mw]]
fids[is.na(size),size:=0] # pads missing size with 0
fids[size==0, mw:=0] # pads missing size with 0
nf = pmax(max(jdata$f1i),max(jdata$f2i))
dd = jdata[,list(m1 = y2 - y1,y1,f1i,f2i)]
N = nrow(dd)
# fixme, rewrite this with regular sparse matrices
JJ = sparseMatrix(1:N, dd$f2i, x = 1,dims = c(N,nf)) - sparseMatrix(1:N, dd$f1i, x = 1,dims = c(N,nf))
JJ = JJ[,1:(nf-1)] # here we want to drop the last firm as a normalization
Jq = sparseMatrix(1:N, dd$f1i, x = 1,dims = c(N,nf))
Jq = Jq[,1:(nf-1)] # here we want to drop the last firm as a normalization
S = fids[order(nfid),size]
stats$set_number_of_firms = nf
stats$set_number_of_stayers = sum(S)-(N-1)
stats$set_number_of_movers = N-1
stats$set_logwage_var = var(c(sim$sdata[f1 %in% fids$f1,y1],sim$jdata$y1))
stats$set_btw_firm = sim$sdata[f1 %in% fids$f1,list(mean(y1),.N),f1][,wt.var(V1,N)]
t = Matrix:::t
M = t(JJ) %*% JJ
M1inv = Matrix::solve(M)
# compute firms FE
psi = as.numeric( M1inv %*% ( t(JJ) %*% dd$m1))
E = as.numeric(dd$m1 - JJ %*% psi)
if (!any(is.na(model0))) {
psi0 = model0$psi[as.integer(fids[order(nfid),f1])]
psi0 = psi0-psi0[1]
flog.info("[twfe-firm] corr= %f", cor(psi0,psi))
# extract homoskedastic error
var_e = var(E)*nrow(sim$jdata)/(nrow(sim$jdata)-nf)
stats$error_var_homo = var_e
flog.info("[twfe-firm] var_e= %f", var_e)
iota = rep(1,N)
M1inv_dense = as.matrix(M1inv)
tr2 = as.numeric(N^(-2)*(iota %*% Jq) %*% (M1inv %*% (t(Jq) %*% iota)))
tr1 = as.numeric(N^(-1)* denseTraceProd(M1inv_dense , as.matrix(t(Jq) %*% Jq)))
tr = tr1 - tr2
tr_correction = var_e*tr
stats$trace_term_homo_Q = tr_correction
stats$trace_term_hetero = NA
stats$error_var_hetero = NA
# heteroskedastic variance using BLM groups
if (hetero==TRUE) {
# we construct leverage
Pi = sparseDiagCross( t(JJ) ,M1inv_dense , t(JJ), N)
Si = as.numeric(dd$m1 * (dd$m1 - JJ%*%psi)/(1-Pi))
stats$error_var_hetero = mean(Si)
Rt = t(JJ) %*% Diagonal(N,Si) %*% JJ
tr1 = N^-1 * denseTraceProd( as.matrix(M1inv_dense %*% (t(Jq) %*% Jq )),
as.matrix(M1inv_dense %*% Rt) )
tr2 = N^-2 * sum( as.numeric( ((iota %*% Jq) %*% M1inv) %*% Rt) * as.numeric( ((iota %*% Jq) %*% M1inv)) )
tr_correction_hetero = tr1 - tr2
flog.info("[twfe-firm] tr0=%f tr1=%f var0=%f var1=%f",tr_correction, tr_correction_hetero,var_e,mean(Si))
tr_correction = tr_correction_hetero
stats$trace_term_hetero = tr_correction_hetero
# new formula
Si2 = as.numeric(dd$y1 * (dd$m1 - JJ%*%psi)/(1-Pi))
Rt = t(JJ) %*% Diagonal(N,Si2) %*% Jq
tr1 = N^-1 * denseTraceProd( M1inv_dense, as.matrix(Rt) )
tr2 = N^-2 * sum(as.numeric( dd$y1 * as.numeric( Jq %*% (M1inv_dense %*% (t(JJ) %*% Si2 ))) ))
stats$cov_ypsi_movers_lo = cov(dd$y1, as.numeric(Jq %*% psi)) - (tr1 - tr2)
flog.info("[twfe-firm] leave-out cov(y,psi) for movers %4.4f",stats$cov_ypsi_movers_lo)
stats$trace_term_Q = tr_correction
fids[, psi := psi[nfid]]
var_psi_hat = fids[,wt.var(psi,size)]
tot = sim$sdata[,var(y1)]
btw = sim$sdata[,list(mean(y1),.N),f1][,wt.var(V1,N)]
stats$psi_var = fids[,wt.var(psi,size)]
if (!any(is.na(model0))) {
fids[, psi0 := psi0[nfid]]
flog.info("var_true=%f var_akm=%f var2=%f trace=%f ", fids[,wt.var(psi0,size)], fids[,wt.var(psi,size)], fids[,wt.var(psi,size)]- tr_correction,tr_correction)
} else {
flog.info("tot=%f btwf=%f var_akm=%f var2=%f trace=%f ",tot,btw, fids[,wt.var(psi,size)], fids[,wt.var(psi,size)]- tr_correction,tr_correction)
res = list(jids=data.table(fids),eps_sd = sqrt(var_e), var_psi= var_psi_hat, stats=stats,
tr_term_Q = tr_correction)
#' Estimates a two-way fixed effect model using (f1,f2) as heterogeneity
#' identifiers
#' @param sim input event study data
#' @param check_set if TRUE imposes connected set
#' @export
m2.trace.diff <- function(sim, check_set=TRUE) {
stats = list()
stats$hetero = hetero
stats$total_number_of_firms = length(unique(c(sim$jdata[,unique(c(f1,f2))],sim$sdata[,unique(f1)])))
stats$total_number_of_stayers = sim$sdata[,.N]
stats$total_number_of_movers = sim$jdata[,.N]
stats$total_logwage_var = var(c(sim$sdata$y1,sim$jdata$y1))
stats$total_btw_firm = sim$sdata[,list(mean(y1),.N),f1][,wt.var(V1,N)]
jdata = sim$jdata
flog.info("[twfe-firm] number of firms in movers %i (t1=%i,t2=%i) and stayers %i",sim$jdata[,length(unique(c(f1,f2)))],sim$jdata[,length(unique(f1))],sim$jdata[,length(unique(f2))],sim$sdata[,length(unique(f1))])
if (hetero==F) {
f1s = get.largest.conset.fid(jdata)
flog.info("[twfe-firm] connected set %i/%i",length(f1s),stats$total_number_of_firms)
} else {
f1s = jdata[,unique(c(f1,f2))]
jdata = jdata[f1 %in% f1s][f2 %in% f1s]
} else {
jdata = get.largest.leaveoutset.fid(jdata)
f1s = jdata[,unique(c(f1,f2))]
flog.info("[twfe-firm] leave-out connected set %i/%i",length(f1s),stats$total_number_of_firms)
# index firms with integers
fids = data.table(f1=f1s,nfid=1:length(f1s))
jdata[,f1i := fids[jdata,nfid]]
jdata[,f2i := fids[jdata,nfid]]
sim$sdata[,f1i := fids[sim$sdata,nfid]]
nf = pmax(max(jdata$f1i),max(jdata$f2i))
dd = jdata[,list(m1 = y2 - y1,f1i,f2i)]
dd = rbind(dd,data.frame(m1=0,f1i=1,f2i=1))
N = nrow(dd)
JJ = sparseMatrix2(1:N,dd$c1,dd$v1,c(N,nf)) + sparseMatrix2(1:N,dd$c2,dd$v2,c(N,nf))
S = fids[order(nfid),size]
# collect information
stats$set_number_of_firms = nf
stats$set_number_of_stayers = sum(S)-(N-1)
stats$set_number_of_movers = N-1
stats$set_logwage_var = var(c(sim$sdata[f1 %in% fids$f1,y1],sim$jdata$y1))
stats$set_btw_firm = sim$sdata[f1 %in% fids$f1,list(mean(y1),.N),f1][,wt.var(V1,N)]
M = SparseM::t(JJ) %*% JJ
Minv = SparseM::solve(M,nnzlmax=1e8,tmpmax=1e8,nsubmax=1e8)
# compute firms FE
psi = as.numeric(SparseM::as.matrix(Minv %*% ( SparseM::t(JJ) %*% dd$m1)))
E = dd$m1 - JJ%*%psi
E = E[1:(N-1)]
if (!any(is.na(model0))) {
psi0 = model0$psi[as.integer(fids[order(nfid),f1])]
psi0 = psi0-psi0[1]
flog.info("[twfe-firm] corr= %f", cor(psi0,psi))
# extract homoskedastic error
var_e = var(E)*nrow(sim$jdata)/(nrow(sim$jdata)-nf)
stats$error_var_homo = var_e
flog.info("[twfe-firm] var_e= %f", var_e)
tr_correction_not_Q = NULL
if (approx==1) {
ndraws = ceiling(log(nf))
tr_correction = var_e * m2.trace.tr_approx(Minv,S,ndraws)
} else if (approx==2) {
ndraws = ceiling(log(nf))
W = diag(nf) - 1/(sum(S)) * spread(S,1,nf)
Q = 1/sum(S)* t(W) %*% diag(nf,x=S) %*% W
tr_correction = var_e * trapprox(M,Q,ndraws = ndraws, new = 0)
} else if (approx==3) {
ndraws = ceiling(log(nf))
tr_correction = var_e * trapprox(M,S,ndraws = ndraws, new = 1)
} else {
tr_correction = var_e*( sum( SparseM::diag(Minv)*S )/sum(S) - sum( S* (Minv %*% rep(1/nf,nf)) )/(sum(S)) )
stats$trace_term_homo_Q = tr_correction
stats$trace_term_homo_not_Q = tr_correction_not_Q
stats$trace_term_hetero = NA
stats$error_var_hetero = NA
andrews_vars = c("psi_var_fe","psi_var_bc","cov_fe","cov_bc","alpha_var_fe","alpha_var_bc")
stats[paste0("full_dec_",andrews_vars)] = 0
if (var_psi_only==FALSE) {
fids_con = jdata[,unique(c(f1,f2))]
adata = rbind(
sim$sdata[f1 %in% fids_con, list(wid,fid=f1,y=y1,t=1)],
sim$sdata[f2 %in% fids_con, list(wid,fid=f2,y=y2,t=2)],
jdata[, list(wid,fid=f1,y=y1,t=1)],
jdata[, list(wid,fid=f2,y=y2,t=2)])
if (hetero==FALSE) {
all_res = m2.get_all_bc(adata) # here the variance is devided by two, because note from differences
} else {
all_res = m2.get_all_bc_hetero_bis(adata) # here the variance is devided by two, because note from differences
stats[paste0("full_dec_",andrews_vars)] = all_res[andrews_vars]
# heteroskedastic variance using BLM groups
if (hetero==TRUE) {
S2 = S/sum(S)
Ds = sparseMatrix2(1:length(S2),1:length(S2),S2,c(length(S2),length(S2)))
V = Minv %*% SparseM::t(JJ)
# we construct a slightly different trace using esitmate of individual variance
# suing KKS.
P = sColSums(SparseM::t(JJ) * V)
S_i = as.numeric(dd$m1 * (dd$m1 - JJ%*%psi)/(1-P))
stats$error_var_hetero = mean(S_i)
# Finally we need to compute the full correction
#B =as.numeric(sColSums(V * diag(S2) %*% V) - sColSums(diag(S2) %*% V ) ^2)
iota = rep(1,nrow(Ds))
B = as.numeric(SparseM::as.matrix((iota %*% Ds) %*% V^2)) - as.numeric( SparseM::as.matrix((iota %*% Ds) %*% V))^2
tr_correction_hetero = sum( S_i * B)
flog.info("[twfe-firm] tr0=%f tr1=%f var0=%f var1=%f",tr_correction, tr_correction_hetero,var_e,mean(S_i))
tr_correction = tr_correction_hetero
stats$trace_term_hetero = tr_correction_hetero
stats$trace_term_Q = tr_correction
stats$trace_term_not_Q = tr_correction_not_Q
fids[, psi := psi[nfid]]
var_psi_hat = fids[,wt.var(psi,size)]
tot = sim$sdata[,var(y1)]
btw = sim$sdata[,list(mean(y1),.N),f1][,wt.var(V1,N)]
stats$psi_var = fids[,wt.var(psi,size)]
if (!any(is.na(model0))) {
fids[, psi0 := psi0[nfid]]
flog.info("var_true=%f var_akm=%f var2=%f trace=%f ", fids[,wt.var(psi0,size)], fids[,wt.var(psi,size)], fids[,wt.var(psi,size)]- tr_correction,tr_correction)
} else {
flog.info("tot=%f btwf=%f var_akm=%f var2=%f trace=%f ",tot,btw, fids[,wt.var(psi,size)], fids[,wt.var(psi,size)]- tr_correction,tr_correction)
res = list(jids=data.table(fids),eps_sd = sqrt(var_e), var_psi= var_psi_hat, stats=stats,
tr_term_Q = tr_correction, tr_term_not_Q = tr_correction_not_Q)
#' Estimates a two-way fixed effect model using (f1,f2) as heterogeneity
#' identifiers
#' @param sim input data with movers and stayers
#' @param hetero if TRUE use leave-one-out connected set and compute TRACE correction allowing for heterogeneity
#' @param model0 give a model, this is for development
#' @param var_psi_only if TRUE (default) then only the variance of firm effects is corrected
#' @export
m2.trace.estimate.full <- function(sim, hetero=FALSE, check_set=TRUE,
impose_leaveout = FALSE,
include_stayer_period1 = TRUE, make_each_row_one_wid = TRUE) {
stats = list()
stats$hetero = hetero
stats$total_number_of_firms = length(unique(c(sim$jdata[,unique(c(f1,f2))],sim$sdata[,unique(f1)])))
stats$total_number_of_stayers = sim$sdata[,.N]
stats$total_number_of_movers = sim$jdata[,.N]
stats$total_logwage_var = var(c(sim$sdata$y1,sim$jdata$y1))
stats$total_btw_firm = sim$sdata[,list(mean(y1),.N),f1][,wt.var(V1,N)]
jdata = sim$jdata
flog.info("[twfe-firm] number of firms in movers %i (t1=%i,t2=%i) and stayers %i",sim$jdata[,length(unique(c(f1,f2)))],sim$jdata[,length(unique(f1))],sim$jdata[,length(unique(f2))],sim$sdata[,length(unique(f1))])
if ((hetero==F) & (impose_leaveout==F)) {
f1s = get.largest.conset.fid(jdata)
flog.info("[twfe-firm] connected set %i/%i",length(f1s),stats$total_number_of_firms)
} else {
f1s = jdata[,unique(c(f1,f2))]
jdata = jdata[f1 %in% f1s][f2 %in% f1s]
} else {
jdata = get.largest.leaveoutset.fid(jdata)
f1s = jdata[,unique(c(f1,f2))]
flog.info("[twfe-firm] leave-out connected set %i/%i",length(f1s),stats$total_number_of_firms)
# index firms with integers
fids = data.table(f1=f1s,nfid=1:length(f1s))
jdata[,f1i := fids[jdata,nfid]]
jdata[,f2i := fids[jdata,nfid]]
stats$set_number_of_firms = jdata[,length(unique(c(f1,f2)))]
stats$set_number_of_stayers = sim$sdata[f1==f2][f1%in%fids$f1,.N]
stats$set_number_of_movers = jdata[,.N]
stats$set_logwage_var = var(c(sim$sdata[f1 %in% fids$f1,y1],sim$jdata$y1))
stats$set_btw_firm = sim$sdata[f1 %in% fids$f1,list(mean(y1),.N),f1][,wt.var(V1,N)]
andrews_vars = c("psi_var_fe","psi_var_bc","cov_fe","cov_bc","alpha_var_fe","alpha_var_bc")
stats[paste0("full_dec_",andrews_vars)] = 0
fids_con = jdata[,unique(c(f1,f2))]
if (make_each_row_one_wid) {
sim$sdata[,wid2 := 1:.N ]
wid_stayer_max = sim$sdata[,max(wid2)]
jdata[, wid2 := (1:.N) + wid_stayer_max]
} else {
sim$sdatasdata[, wid2 := wid]
jdata[, wid2 := wid]
# adata = rbind(
# jdata[, list(wid=wid2,fid=f1,y=y1,t=year)],
# jdata[, list(wid=wid2,fid=f2,y=y2,t=year+2)])
adata = rbind(
jdata[, list(wid=wid2,fid=f1,y=y1,cs=1,m=1)],
jdata[, list(wid=wid2,fid=f2,y=y2,cs=0,m=1)])
# append period 2 stayers
if (include_stayer_period1) {
# adata = rbind(adata,sim$sdata[f1 %in% fids_con, list(wid,fid=f1,y=y1,t=year)])
adata = rbind(adata,sim$sdata[f1 %in% fids_con, list(wid=wid2,fid=f1,y=y1,cs=1,m=0)])
# make sure we only have one year observation per worker
# adata = adata[, count := 1:.N, list(t, wid)]
# adata = adata[count==1]
if (hetero==FALSE) {
all_res = m2.get_all_bc(adata) # here the variance is devided by two, because note from differences
} else {
all_res = m2.get_all_bc_hetero_bis(adata) # here the variance is devided by two, because note from differences
stats$cov_ypsi_movers_fe = all_res$cov_ypsi_movers_fe
stats$cov_ypsi_all_fe = all_res$cov_ypsi_all_fe
stats$cov_ypsi_stayers_fe = all_res$cov_ypsi_stayers_fe
stats[paste0("full_dec_",andrews_vars)] = all_res[andrews_vars]
res = list(jids=data.table(fids), stats=stats)
#' Estimates a two-way fixed effect model using (f1,f2) as heterogeneity
#' identifiers
#' In this variation of the function, we never invert the mobility matrix.
#' @param sim input data with movers and stayers
#' @param hetero if TRUE use leave-one-out connected set and compute TRACE correction allowing for heterogeneity
#' @param model0 give a model, this is for development
#' @export
m2.trace.estimate.noinv <- function(sim, model0=NA,hetero=FALSE,approx=0) {
stats = list()
stats$hetero = hetero
stats$total_number_of_firms = length(unique(c(sim$jdata[,unique(c(f1,f2))],sim$sdata[,unique(f1)])))
stats$total_number_of_stayers = sim$sdata[,.N]
stats$total_number_of_movers = sim$jdata[,.N]
stats$total_logwage_var = var(c(sim$sdata$y1,sim$jdata$y1))
stats$total_btw_firm = sim$sdata[,list(mean(y1),.N),f1][,wt.var(V1,N)]
jdata = sim$jdata
flog.info("[twfe-firm] number of firms in movers %i (t1=%i,t2=%i) and stayers %i",sim$jdata[,length(unique(c(f1,f2)))],sim$jdata[,length(unique(f1))],sim$jdata[,length(unique(f2))],sim$sdata[,length(unique(f1))])
if (hetero==F) {
f1s = get.largest.conset.fid(jdata)
flog.info("[twfe-firm] connected set %i/%i",length(f1s),stats$total_number_of_firms)
jdata = jdata[f1 %in% f1s][f2 %in% f1s]
} else {
jdata = get.largest.leaveoutset.fid(jdata)
f1s = jdata[,unique(c(f1,f2))]
flog.info("[twfe-firm] leave-out connected set %i/%i",length(f1s),stats$total_number_of_firms)
# index firms with integers
fids = data.table(f1=f1s,nfid=1:length(f1s))
jdata[,f1i := fids[jdata,nfid]]
jdata[,f2i := fids[jdata,nfid]]
# extract size in stayers, and mean
fsize = rbind(sim$sdata[,list(y1,f1)],sim$jdata[,list(y1,f1)])[,list(N=.N,mw=mean(y1)),f1]
fids[,size := fsize[fids,N]]
fids[,mw := fsize[fids,mw]]
fids[is.na(size),size:=0] # pads missing size with 0
fids[size==0, mw:=0] # pads missing size with 0
nf = pmax(max(jdata$f1i),max(jdata$f2i))
dd = jdata[,list(m1 = y2 - y1,f1i,f2i)]
dd = rbind(dd,data.frame(m1=0,f1i=1,f2i=1)) # normalization
N = nrow(dd)
dd[,row := 1:.N]
# Using package sparseMatrix
# JJ = sparseMatrix2(1:N,dd$c1,dd$v1,c(N,nf)) + sparseMatrix2(1:N,dd$c2,dd$v2,c(N,nf))
# Using package Matrix
#J1 <- sparseMatrix(i=dd$row, j=dd$c1, x = dd$v1, dims = c(N,nf)) + sparseMatrix(i=dd$row, j=dd$c2, x = dd$v2, dims = c(N,nf))
# using package spam
J1 <- spam(0, nrow = N, ncol = nf)
J1[cbind(dd$row, dd$c1)] <- dd$v1
J1[cbind(dd$row, dd$c2)] <- dd$v2
S = fids[order(nfid),size]
stats$set_number_of_firms = nf
stats$set_number_of_stayers = sum(S)-(N-1)
stats$set_number_of_movers = N-1
stats$set_logwage_var = var(c(sim$sdata[f1 %in% fids$f1,y1],sim$jdata$y1))
stats$set_btw_firm = sim$sdata[f1 %in% fids$f1,list(mean(y1),.N),f1][,wt.var(V1,N)]
M = spam::t(J1) %*% J1
# compute firms FE
flog.info("[twfe-firm] starting solving for the firm effects")
psi = spam::solve(M, Matrix::t(J1) %*% dd$m1,sparse=TRUE,tol=1e-7)
flog.info("[twfe-firm] finshed solving for the firm effects")
E = dd$m1 - J1 %*% psi
E = E[1:(N-1)]
if (!any(is.na(model0))) {
psi0 = model0$psi[as.integer(fids[order(nfid),f1])]
psi0 = psi0-psi0[1]
flog.info("[twfe-firm] corr= %f", cor(psi0,psi))
# extract homoskedastic error
var_e = var(E)*nrow(sim$jdata)/(nrow(sim$jdata)-nf)
stats$error_var_homo = var_e
tr_correction_not_Q = NULL
ndraws = ceiling(log(nf))
tr_correction = var_e * m2.trace.tr_approx( M ,S,ndraws)
stats$trace_term_homo_Q = tr_correction
stats$trace_term_homo_not_Q = tr_correction_not_Q
stats$trace_term_hetero = NA
stats$error_var_hetero = NA
# heteroskedastic variance using BLM groups
if (hetero==TRUE) {
S2 = S/sum(S)
V = Minv %*% SparseM::t(JJ)
# we construct a slightly different trace using esitmate of individual variance
# suing KKS.
P = sColSums(SparseM::t(JJ) * V)
S_i = as.numeric(dd$m1 * (dd$m1 - JJ%*%psi)/(1-P))
stats$error_var_hetero = mean(S_i)
# Finally we need to compute the full correction
B = as.numeric(sColSums(V * diag(S2) %*% V) - sColSums(diag(S2) %*% V ) ^2)
tr_correction_hetero = sum( S_i * B)
flog.info("[twfe-firm] tr0=%f tr1=%f var0=%f var1=%f",tr_correction, tr_correction_hetero,var_e,mean(S_i))
tr_correction = tr_correction_hetero
stats$trace_term_hetero = tr_correction_hetero
stats$trace_term_Q = tr_correction
stats$trace_term_not_Q = tr_correction_not_Q
fids[, psi := psi[nfid]]
var_psi_hat = fids[,wt.var(psi,size)]
tot = sim$sdata[,var(y1)]
btw = sim$sdata[,list(mean(y1),.N),f1][,wt.var(V1,N)]
stats$psi_var = fids[,wt.var(psi,size)]
if (!any(is.na(model0))) {
fids[, psi0 := psi0[nfid]]
flog.info("var_true=%f var_akm=%f var2=%f trace=%f ", fids[,wt.var(psi0,size)], fids[,wt.var(psi,size)], fids[,wt.var(psi,size)]- tr_correction,tr_correction)
} else {
flog.info("tot=%f btwf=%f var_akm=%f var2=%f trace=%f ",tot,btw, fids[,wt.var(psi,size)], fids[,wt.var(psi,size)]- tr_correction,tr_correction)
res = list(jids=data.table(fids),eps_sd = sqrt(var_e), var_psi= var_psi_hat, stats=stats,
tr_term_Q = tr_correction, tr_term_not_Q = tr_correction_not_Q)
#' Estimates a two-way fixed effect model using (j1,j2) as heterogeneity
#' identifiers
#' @param sim input data with movers and stayers
#' @param hetero if TRUE use leave-one-out connected set and compute TRACE correction allowing for heterogeneity
#' @param model0 give a model, this is for development
#' @param subsample (default is 0) whether to use all movers for within_re
#' @export
m2.trace.estimate.clus <- function(sim, model0=NA,hetero=FALSE,within_re=FALSE,subsample=0) {
stats = list()
stats$hetero = hetero
stats$total_number_of_firms = length(unique(c(sim$jdata[,unique(c(f1,f2))],sim$sdata[,unique(f1)])))
stats$total_number_of_clusters = length(unique(c(sim$jdata[,unique(c(j1,j2))],sim$sdata[,unique(j1)])))
stats$total_number_of_stayers = sim$sdata[,.N]
stats$total_number_of_movers = sim$jdata[,.N]
stats$total_logwage_var = var(c(sim$sdata$y1,sim$jdata$y1))
stats$total_btw_firm = sim$sdata[,list(mean(y1),.N),f1][,wt.var(V1,N)]
jdata = sim$jdata
flog.info("[twfe-clus] number of firms in movers %i (t1=%i,t2=%i) and stayers %i",sim$jdata[,length(unique(c(f1,f2)))],sim$jdata[,length(unique(f1))],sim$jdata[,length(unique(f2))],sim$sdata[,length(unique(f1))])
flog.info("[twfe-clus] number of clusters in movers %i (t1=%i,t2=%i) and stayers %i",sim$jdata[,length(unique(c(j1,j2)))],sim$jdata[,length(unique(j1))],sim$jdata[,length(unique(j2))],sim$sdata[,length(unique(j1))])
if (hetero==F) {
j1s = get.largest.conset.clus(jdata)
flog.info("[twfe-clus] connected set %i/%i clusters",length(j1s),length(unique(sim$sdata$j1)))
jdata = jdata[j1 %in% j1s][j2 %in% j1s]
} else {
jdata = get.largest.leaveoutset.clus(jdata)
j1s = jdata[,unique(c(j1,j2))]
flog.info("[twfe-clus] leave-out connected set %i/%i",length(j1s),length(unique(sim$sdata$j1)))
# index groups with integers (should be the case already)
jids = data.table(j1=j1s,nfid=1:length(j1s))
jdata[,j1i := jids[jdata,nfid]]
jdata[,j2i := jids[jdata,nfid]]
# extract size in stayers, and mean
fsize = rbind(sim$sdata[,list(y1,j1)],sim$jdata[,list(y1,j1)])[,list(N=.N,mw=mean(y1)),j1]
jids[,size := fsize[jids,N]]
jids[,mw := fsize[jids,mw]]
jids[is.na(size),size:=0] # pads missing size with 0
jids[size==0, mw:=0] # pads missing size with 0
nf = pmax(max(jdata$j1i),max(jdata$j2i))
dd = jdata[,list(m1 = y2 - y1,j1i,j2i)]
dd = rbind(dd,data.frame(m1=0,j1i=1,j2i=1))
N = nrow(dd)
JJ = sparseMatrix2(1:N,dd$c1,dd$v1,c(N,nf)) + sparseMatrix2(1:N,dd$c2,dd$v2,c(N,nf))
S = jids[order(nfid),size]
stats$set_number_of_firms = nf
stats$set_number_of_stayers = sum(S)-(N-1)
stats$set_number_of_movers = N-1
stats$set_logwage_var = var(c(sim$sdata[j1 %in% jids$j1,y1],sim$jdata$y1))
stats$total_btw_firm = sim$sdata[j1 %in% jids$j1,list(mean(y1),.N),j1][,wt.var(V1,N)]
M = SparseM::t(JJ) %*% JJ
Minv = SparseM::solve(M,nnzlmax=1e8,tmpmax=1e8,nsubmax=1e8)
# compute firms FE
psi = as.numeric(SparseM::as.matrix(Minv %*% ( SparseM::t(JJ) %*% dd$m1)))
E = dd$m1 - JJ%*%psi
E = E[1:(N-1)]
# extract random effect variance
if (within_re==TRUE) {
jdata[,psi1 := psi[j1i]]
jdata[,psi2 := psi[j2i]]
omega = m2.trace.reExt(jdata,subsample=subsample)
if (!any(is.na(model0))) {
psi0 = model0$psi[as.integer(jids[order(nfid),j1])]
psi0 = psi0-psi0[1]
flog.info("[twfe-clus] corr= %f", cor(psi0,psi))
# extract homoskedastic error
var_e = var(E)*nrow(sim$jdata)/(nrow(sim$jdata)-nf)
stats$error_var_homo = var_e
tr_correction = var_e*( sum( SparseM::diag(Minv)*S )/sum(S) - sum( S* (Minv %*% rep(1/nf,nf)) )/(sum(S)) )
stats$trace_term_homo = tr_correction
stats$trace_term_hetero = NA
stats$error_var_hetero = NA
# heteroskedastic variance using BLM groups
if (hetero==TRUE) {
S2 = S/sum(S)
V = Minv %*% SparseM::t(JJ)
# we construct a slightly different trace using esitmate of individual variance
# suing KKS.
P = sColSums(SparseM::t(JJ) * V)
S_i = as.numeric(dd$m1 * (dd$m1 - JJ%*%psi)/(1-P))
stats$error_var_hetero = mean(S_i)
# Finally we need to compute the full correction
B = as.numeric(sColSums(V * diag(S2) %*% V) - sColSums(diag(S2) %*% V ) ^2)
tr_correction_hetero = sum( S_i * B)
flog.info("[twfe-clus] tr0=%f tr1=%f var0=%f var1=%f",tr_correction, tr_correction_hetero,var_e,mean(S_i))
tr_correction = tr_correction_hetero
stats$trace_term_hetero = tr_correction_hetero
stats$trace_term = tr_correction
jids[, psi := psi[nfid]]
if (within_re==TRUE) {
jids[,omega := omega[nfid]]
var_psi_hat = jids[,wt.var(psi,size)]
tot = sim$sdata[,var(y1)]
btw = sim$sdata[,list(mean(y1),.N),j1][,wt.var(V1,N)]
stats$psi_var = jids[,wt.var(psi,size)]
if (!any(is.na(model0))) {
jids[, psi0 := psi0[nfid]]
flog.info("[twfe-clus] var_true=%f var_akm=%f var2=%f trace=%f ", jids[,wt.var(psi0,size)], jids[,wt.var(psi,size)], jids[,wt.var(psi,size)]- tr_correction,tr_correction)
} else {
flog.info("[twfe-clus] tot=%f btwf=%f var_akm=%f var2=%f trace=%f ",tot,btw, jids[,wt.var(psi,size)], jids[,wt.var(psi,size)]- tr_correction,tr_correction)
res = list(jids=data.table(jids),eps_sd = sqrt(var_e), var_psi= var_psi_hat, stats=stats)
#' Extract the set of firms, cluster firms based on distributions and compute TWFE at
#' the cluster level
#' @param sim input data with movers and stayers
#' @param set type of set to use on the data (0:full, 1:connected, 2: leave-out connected)
#' @export
m2.trace.blm <- function(sim, set=0, nclus=10,nstart=1000,subsample=0) {
jdata = sim$jdata
sdata = sim$sdata
# apply the set
if (set==1) {
flog.info("computing connected set")
f0s = get.largest.conset.fid(jdata)
jdata = sim$jdata[f1%in%f0s][f2%in%f0s]
sdata = sim$sdata[f1%in%f0s]
} else if (set==2) {
flog.info("computing leave-out connected set")
jdata = get.largest.leaveoutset.fid(jdata)
f1s = jdata[,unique(c(f1,f2))]
sdata = sim$sdata[f1%in%f1s]
} else {
flog.info("[twfe-blm] using the full data")
# nothing!
# cluster
ms = grouping.getMeasures(list(sdata = sdata,jdata=jdata),"ecdf",Nw=20,y_var = "y1")
grps = grouping.classify.once(ms,k = nclus,nstart = nstart,iter.max = 200,step=100)
sim = grouping.append(list(sdata = sdata,jdata=jdata),grps$best_cluster, drop=T)
# estimate
res = m2.trace.estimate.clus(sim,hetero=F,within_re = T,subsample = subsample)
res$stats$omega_var = res$jids[,wt.mean(omega,size)]
res$stats$omega_var_pos = res$jids[,wt.mean(pmax(omega,0),size)]
#' Ridge AKM
#' @export
m2.firmfe.pen <- function(sim, model, lambda=1,holdout=0.1) {
# index firms with integers
jdata = sim$jdata
f1s = unique(c(sim$jdata[,unique(f1,f2)],unique(sim$sdata[,unique(f1)] )))
fids = data.table(f1=f1s,nfid=1:length(f1s))
jdata[,f1i := fids[jdata,nfid]]
jdata[,f2i := fids[jdata,nfid]]
# extract size in stayers
fsize = rbind(sim$sdata[,list(y1,f1,j1)],sim$jdata[,list(y1,f1,j1)])[,.N,list(f1,j1)]
fids[,size := fsize[fids,N]]
fids[is.na(size),size:=0] # pads missing size with 0
fids[,j1 := fsize[fids,j1]]
# create the matrix
nf = pmax(max(jdata$f1i),max(jdata$f2i))
dd = jdata[,list(m1 = y2 - y1,f1i,f2i)]
N = nrow(dd)
JJ = sparseMatrix2(1:N,dd$c1,dd$v1,c(N,nf)) + sparseMatrix2(1:N,dd$c2,dd$v2,c(N,nf))
# get the vector of sizes
S = fids[order(nfid),size]
# create the penalty, just append the values
R = as.numeric(model$A1)[fids[order(nfid),j1]]
RJ = as(length(R),"matrix.diag.csr")
# we create a hold out (by setting a random set of obsevartions to 0)
I = sample.int(N,ceiling(holdout*N),replace = FALSE)
XX = rbind(JJ,RJ)
YY = c(dd$m1,R)
WW1 = rep(1,nrow(dd))
WW1[I] = 0
WW = c( WW1, lambda * rep(1,length(R)) )
fit = SparseM::slm.wfit(XX,YY,WW,nnzlmax=1e8,tmpmax=1e8,nsubmax=1e8)
# compute the prediction error on holdout
MSE = mean( ( dd$m1[I]- JJ[I,] %*% fit$coefficients)^2)
fids[, psi := fit$coefficients[nfid]]
flog.info(" Ridge AKM lambda=%f var(psi)=%f mse=%f",lambda,fids[,wt.var(psi,size)]/sim$sdata[,var(y1)],MSE)
#' Computes an estimate of the within variance of firm heterogeneity (see web appendix of BLM)
#' @param subsample when >=0 only uses a fixed number of mover for each firm (this weights by firms rather than weight by movers)
#' @export
m2.trace.reExt <- function(jdata,subsample=0) {
nf = max(c(jdata$j1,jdata$j2))
omega = rep(0,nf)
for (l1 in 1:nf) {
# extract the firms with 2 movers in this group
num= 0; den=0;
firm_in_grp = jdata[l1==j1,.N,f1][N>=2,f1]
#flog.info("found %i firms for j1=%i",length(firm_in_grp),l1)
if (length(firm_in_grp)>1) {
for (firm_cur in firm_in_grp) {
dt = jdata[f1==firm_cur]
if (subsample>0) dt = dt[sample.int(.N,pmin(.N,subsample))];
# create all pairs, make sure they move to different firms
F2 = spread(dt$f2,2,nrow(dt))
YY = spread(dt$y2 - dt$psi2 - dt$y1+dt$psi1,2,nrow(dt))
# add this to the measure of variance!
num = num + sum((F2 != t(F2)) * YY * t(YY))/2
den = den + sum((F2 != t(F2)))/2
firm_in_grp = jdata[l1==j2,.N,f2][N>=2,f2]
if (length(firm_in_grp)>1) {
for (firm_cur in firm_in_grp) {
dt = jdata[f2==firm_cur]
if (subsample>0) dt = dt[sample.int(.N,pmin(.N,subsample))];
# create all pairs, make sure they move to different firms
F1 = spread(dt$f1,2,nrow(dt))
YY = spread(dt$y2 - dt$psi2 - dt$y1+dt$psi1,2,nrow(dt))
# add this to the measure of variance!
num = num + sum((F1 != t(F1)) * YY * t(YY))/2
den = den + sum((F1 != t(F1)))/2
if (den>0) omega[l1] = num/den;
#flog.info("num=%f den=%f var=%f j1=%i",num,den,num/den,l1)
#' Computes an estimate of the within variance of firm heterogeneity, and the covariances to (see web appendix of BLM)
#' @param subsample when >=0 only uses a fixed number of mover for each firm (this weights by firms rather than weight by movers)
#' @export
m2.trace.reExt.all2 <- function(sdata,jdata,subsample=0,subsample.firms=0,include_covY1_terms=FALSE) {
nf = max(c(jdata$j1,jdata$j2))
# Variance of psi within
cov_dYm_dYmc = rep(0,nf) # covariance between Y2-Y1 and Y2-Y1 for movers leaving from the same firm (+ movers goign to same firm)
cov_Y1s_Y1sc = rep(0,nf) # covariance between Y1 and Y1coworker for stayers in the same firm
cov_Y1s_dYmc = rep(0,nf) # covariance btween Y1 of stayers and Y2-Y1 of movers leaving same firm
var_Y1s = rep(0,nf) # variance between Y1_i1 and Y1_i2 for stayers in the same firm
var_dYm = array(0,c(nf,nf)) # variance between Y1_i1 and Y1_i2 for stayers in the same firm
flog.info("[CRE] Cov(Y2-Y1,Y2-Y1) for movers leaving from the same firm")
for (l1 in 1:nf) {
# extract the firms with 2 movers in this group
num= 0; den=0;
firm_in_grp = jdata[l1==j1,.N,f1][N>=2]
#flog.info("[CRE] found %i firms in j1=%i",nrow(firm_in_grp),l1)
if ((subsample.firms>0) & (nrow(firm_in_grp)>1)) firm_in_grp = firm_in_grp[sample.int(.N,pmin(.N,subsample.firms),prob=firm_in_grp$N)];
firm_in_grp = firm_in_grp$f1
flog.info("[CRE] processing %i firms for moving from j1=%i ",length(firm_in_grp),l1)
if (length(firm_in_grp)>1) {
count = 0
last_time = as.numeric(Sys.time())
for (firm_cur in firm_in_grp) {
count = count+1
dt = jdata[f1==firm_cur,list(f2,f1,y1,y2,psi1,psi2)]
if (subsample>0) dt = dt[sample.int(.N,pmin(.N,subsample))];
# create all pairs, make sure they move to different firms
F2 = spread(dt$f2,2,nrow(dt))
YY = spread(dt$y2 - dt$psi2 - dt$y1+dt$psi1,2,nrow(dt))
# add this to the measure of variance!
num = num + sum((F2 != t(F2)) * YY * t(YY))/2
den = den + sum((F2 != t(F2)))/2
if (as.numeric(Sys.time()) >= last_time + 10) {
flog.info("[CRE] done with %i firms out of %i for j1=%i",count,length(firm_in_grp),l1)
last_time = as.numeric(Sys.time())
firm_in_grp = jdata[l1==j2,.N,f2][N>=2]
#flog.info("[CRE] found %i firms in j1=%i",nrow(firm_in_grp),l1)
if ((subsample.firms>0) & (nrow(firm_in_grp)>1)) firm_in_grp = firm_in_grp[sample.int(.N,pmin(.N,subsample.firms),prob=firm_in_grp$N)];
firm_in_grp = firm_in_grp$f2
flog.info("[CRE] processing %i firms for moving to j1=%i",length(firm_in_grp),l1)
if (length(firm_in_grp)>1) {
count = 0
last_time = as.numeric(Sys.time())
for (firm_cur in firm_in_grp) {
count = count+1
dt = jdata[f2==firm_cur]
if (subsample>0) dt = dt[sample.int(.N,pmin(.N,subsample))];
# create all pairs, make sure they move to different firms
F1 = spread(dt$f1,2,nrow(dt))
YY = spread(dt$y2 - dt$psi2 - dt$y1+dt$psi1,2,nrow(dt))
# add this to the measure of variance!
num = num + sum((F1 != t(F1)) * YY * t(YY))/2
den = den + sum((F1 != t(F1)))/2
if (as.numeric(Sys.time()) >= last_time + 10) {
flog.info("[CRE] done with %i firms out of %i for j2=%i",count,length(firm_in_grp),l1)
last_time = as.numeric(Sys.time())
if (den>0) cov_dYm_dYmc[l1] = num/den;
flog.info("[CRE] cov_dYm_dYmc num=%f den=%f var=%f j1=%i",num,den,num/den,l1)
subsample = 100
flog.info("CRE - cov(Y1,Y1c) between Y1 and Y1 for co-workers, stayers")
# next we compute the covariance between pair of stayers at each firm
for (l1 in 1:nf) {
# extract the firms with at least 2 stayers
num= 0; den=0;
firm_in_grp = sdata[l1==j1,.N,f1][N>=2,f1]
#flog.info("found %i firms for j1=%i",length(firm_in_grp),l1)
if (length(firm_in_grp)>1) {
for (firm_cur in firm_in_grp) {
dt = sdata[f1==firm_cur]
if (subsample>0) dt = dt[sample.int(.N,pmin(.N,subsample))];
# create all pairs, not using when the worker is the same
F2 = spread(1:nrow(dt),2,nrow(dt))
YY = spread(dt$y1 - dt$psi1 - dt$mx,2,nrow(dt))
# add this to the measure of variance!
num = num + sum((F2 != t(F2)) * YY * t(YY))/2
den = den + sum((F2 != t(F2)))/2
if (den>0) cov_Y1s_Y1sc[l1] = num/den;
flog.info("CRE - cov_Y1s_dYmc, cov(Y1,Y2-Y1) between stayers and movers")
# next we compute the covariance between pair of stayers with movers
for (l1 in 1:nf) {
# extract the firms with at least 2 stayers
num= 0; den=0;
firm_in_grp = sdata[l1==j1,.N,f1][N>=1,f1]
flog.info("found %i firms for j1=%i",length(firm_in_grp),l1)
if (length(firm_in_grp)>1) {
for (firm_cur in firm_in_grp) {
dts = sdata[f1==firm_cur]
dtm = jdata[f1==firm_cur][j2!=l1]
if (subsample>0) {
dtm = dtm[sample.int(.N,pmin(.N,subsample))];
dts = dts[sample.int(.N,pmin(.N,subsample))];
# create all pairs, not using when the worker is the same
YY1 = spread(dts$y1 - dts$psi1 - dts$mx,2,nrow(dtm))
YY2 = spread(dtm$y2 - dtm$y1 - dtm$psi2 + dtm$psi1,1,nrow(dts))
# add this to the measure of variance!
num = num + sum(YY1 * YY2)
den = den + sum(YY1==YY1)
if (den>0) cov_Y1s_dYmc[l1] = num/den;
flog.info("CRE - Var(Y1) for stayers")
# get the total variance for the stayers
for (l1 in 1:nf) {
var_Y1s[l1] = sdata[l1==j1,var(y1-psi1)]
flog.info("CRE - Var(dY) for movers")
# get the growth variance of movers
for (l1 in 1:nf) for (l2 in 1:nf) {
var_dYm[l1,l2] = jdata[(l1==j1) & ( l2==j2), var(y2-psi2-y1+psi1)]
# ----- extracting the structural parameters -----
psi_sd = sqrt(pmax(cov_dYm_dYmc,0))
#a_s_sign = sign(cov_Y1s_dYm)
#a_s = (sqrt(cov_Y1s_Y1sc)/psi_sd-1)/2
#a_s = (sqrt(cov_Y1s_Y1sc)/psi_sd-1)/2
a_s = 0.5*(-cov_Y1s_Y1sc/cov_Y1s_dYmc-1)
# fixme
eps_sd = sqrt(pmax(0.5*diag(var_dYm) -cov_dYm_dYmc,0))
xi_sd = sqrt(pmax(var_Y1s - cov_Y1s_Y1sc - eps_sd^2,0))
#EEvar = mcast(jdata[,var(y1-psi1)-eps_sd[j1]^2-psi_sd[j1]^2,list(j1,j2)],'V1','j1','j2',c(nf,nf),0)
EEvar = mcast(jdata[,cov(y1,y2),list(j1,j2)],'V1','j1','j2',c(nf,nf),0)
EEsd = sqrt(pmax(EEvar,0,na.rm=TRUE))
Evar = sdata[,var(y1)-eps_sd[j1]^2-psi_sd[j1]^2,list(j1)][order(j1)][,V1]
Esd = sqrt(pmax(Evar,0,na.rm=TRUE))
p = list(psi_sd=psi_sd,a_s=a_s,eps_sd=eps_sd,xi_sd=xi_sd,EEsd=EEsd,Esd=Esd)))
#' Computes an estimate of the within variance of firm heterogeneity, and the covariances to (see web appendix of BLM)
#' @param subsample when >=0 only uses a fixed number of mover for each firm (this weights by firms rather than weight by movers)
#' @export
m2.trace.reExt.all <- function(sdata,jdata,subsample=0,subsample.firms=0,include_covY1_terms=FALSE) {
nf = max(c(jdata$j1,jdata$j2))
# Variance of psi within
cov_dYm_dYmc = rep(0,nf) # covariance between Y2-Y1 and Y2-Y1 for movers leaving from the same firm (+ movers goign to same firm)
cov_Y1s_Y1sc = rep(0,nf) # covariance between Y1 and Y1coworker for stayers in the same firm
cov_Y1s_dYmc = rep(0,nf) # covariance btween Y1 of stayers and Y2-Y1 of movers leaving same firm
var_Y1s = rep(0,nf) # variance between Y1_i1 and Y1_i2 for stayers in the same firm
var_dYm = array(0,c(nf,nf)) # variance between Y1_i1 and Y1_i2 for stayers in the same firm
flog.info("[CRE] Cov(Y2-Y1,Y2-Y1) for movers leaving from the same firm")
for (l1 in 1:nf) {
firm_in_grp = jdata[l1==j1,.N,f1][N>=2] # select firms with at least 2 movers
# subsample if necessary
if ((subsample.firms>0) & (nrow(firm_in_grp)>1)) firm_in_grp = firm_in_grp[sample.int(.N,pmin(.N,subsample.firms),prob=firm_in_grp$N)];
firm_in_grp = firm_in_grp$f1
flog.info("[CRE] processing %i firms for moving from j1=%i ",length(firm_in_grp),l1)
if (length(firm_in_grp)>1) {
last_time = as.numeric(Sys.time())
for (firm_cur in firm_in_grp) {
dt = jdata[f1==firm_cur,list(y=y1-psi1-(y2-psi2),c=j2)]
if (subsample>0) dt = dt[sample.int(.N,pmin(.N,subsample))];
accu = accu.moms.pairs_exlcude(dt$y, dt$y, dt$c, dt$c, accu)
firm_in_grp = jdata[l1==j2,.N,f2][N>=2] # select firms with at least 2 movers
if ((subsample.firms>0) & (nrow(firm_in_grp)>1)) firm_in_grp = firm_in_grp[sample.int(.N,pmin(.N,subsample.firms),prob=firm_in_grp$N)];
firm_in_grp = firm_in_grp$f2
flog.info("[CRE] processing %i firms for moving to j2=%i",length(firm_in_grp),l1)
if (length(firm_in_grp)>1) {
for (firm_cur in firm_in_grp) {
dt = jdata[f2==firm_cur,list(y=y2-psi2-(y1-psi1),c=j1)]
if (subsample>0) dt = dt[sample.int(.N,pmin(.N,subsample))];
accu = accu.moms.pairs_exlcude(dt$y, dt$y, dt$c, dt$c, accu)
# combine the accumulated moments
cov_dYm_dYmc[l1] = accu.compute(accu)$cov
flog.info("CRE - cov_Y1s_dYmc, cov(Y1,Y2-Y1) between stayers and movers")
# next we compute the covariance between pair of stayers with movers
for (l1 in 1:nf) {
# extract the firms with at least 2 stayers
firm_in_grp = sdata[l1==j1,.N,f1][N>=1,f1]
#flog.info("found %i firms for j1=%i",length(firm_in_grp),l1)
if (length(firm_in_grp)>1) {
for (firm_cur in firm_in_grp) {
dts = sdata[f1==firm_cur,list(y= y1 - psi1 - mx)]
dtm = jdata[f1==firm_cur,list(y= y1 - psi1 - (y2-psi2))]
if (subsample>0) {
dtm = dtm[sample.int(.N,pmin(.N,subsample))];
dts = dts[sample.int(.N,pmin(.N,subsample))];
accu = accu.moms.pairs(dtm$y, dts$y, accu)
cov_Y1s_dYmc[l1] = accu.compute(accu)$cov;
flog.info("CRE - Var(Y1) for stayers")
# get the total variance for the stayers
for (l1 in 1:nf) {
var_Y1s[l1] = sdata[l1==j1,var(y1-psi1)]
flog.info("CRE - Var(dY) for movers")
# get the growth variance of movers
for (l1 in 1:nf) for (l2 in 1:nf) {
var_dYm[l1,l2] = jdata[(l1==j1) & ( l2==j2), var(y2-psi2-y1+psi1)]
# ----- extracting the structural parameters -----
psi_sd = sqrt(pmax(cov_dYm_dYmc,0))
#a_s_sign = sign(cov_Y1s_dYm)
#a_s = (sqrt(cov_Y1s_Y1sc)/psi_sd-1)/2
#a_s = (sqrt(cov_Y1s_Y1sc)/psi_sd-1)/2
a_s = 0.5*(-cov_Y1s_Y1sc/cov_Y1s_dYmc-1)
# fixme
eps_sd = sqrt(pmax(0.5*diag(var_dYm) -cov_dYm_dYmc,0))
xi_sd = sqrt(pmax(var_Y1s - cov_Y1s_Y1sc - eps_sd^2,0))
#EEvar = mcast(jdata[,var(y1-psi1)-eps_sd[j1]^2-psi_sd[j1]^2,list(j1,j2)],'V1','j1','j2',c(nf,nf),0)
EEvar = mcast(jdata[,cov(y1,y2),list(j1,j2)],'V1','j1','j2',c(nf,nf),0)
EEsd = sqrt(pmax(EEvar,0,na.rm=TRUE))
Evar = sdata[,var(y1)-eps_sd[j1]^2-psi_sd[j1]^2,list(j1)][order(j1)][,V1]
Esd = sqrt(pmax(Evar,0,na.rm=TRUE))
p = list(psi_sd=psi_sd,a_s=a_s,eps_sd=eps_sd,xi_sd=xi_sd,EEsd=EEsd,Esd=Esd)))
#' Computes an estimate of the within variance of firm heterogeneity, and the covariances to (see web appendix of BLM)
#' @param subsample when >=0 only uses a fixed number of mover for each firm (this weights by firms rather than weight by movers)
#' @export
m2.trace.allcovs <- function(sdata,jdata,opts) {
ng = max(c(jdata$j1,jdata$j2))
flog.info("[CRE-MOMS] starting")
# index firms with integers
fids = jdata[,unique(c(f1,f2))]
fids = data.table(f1=fids,nfid=1:length(fids))
jdata[,f1i := fids[jdata,nfid]]
jdata[,f2i := fids[jdata,nfid]]
sdata[,f1i := fids[sdata,nfid]]
# we first iterate on clusters
for (l1 in 1:ng) {
firm_in_grp = jdata[j1==l1,unique(c(f1,f2))]
flog.info("[CRE-MOMS] processing %i firms in cluster %i",length(firm_in_grp),l1)
accu_s_m11 = accu.new()
accu_s_m12 = accu.new()
accu_s_m21 = accu.new()
accu_s_m22 = accu.new()
accu_s_s = accu.new()
accu_m11_m11 = accu.new()
accu_m11_m12 = accu.new()
accu_m12_m12 = accu.new()
accu_m21_m21 = accu.new()
accu_m21_m22 = accu.new()
accu_m22_m22 = accu.new()
accu_m11_m21 = accu.new()
accu_m11_m22 = accu.new()
accu_m12_m21 = accu.new()
accu_m12_m22 = accu.new()
for (firm_cur in firm_in_grp) {
# extract all relevant workers
dm1 = jdata[f1==firm_cur,list(y1=y1-psi1-mx,y2=y2-psi2-mx,i=1:.N,j1,j2,f1=f1i,f2=f2i)]
dm2 = jdata[f2==firm_cur,list(y1=y1-psi1-mx,y2=y2-psi2-mx,i=1:.N,j1,j2,f1=f1i,f2=f2i)]
ds = sdata[f1==firm_cur,list(y=y1-psi1-mx,i=1:.N)]
if ((nrow(dm1)<2) | (nrow(dm2)<2) | (nrow(ds)<2)) {
accu_s_m11 = accu.moms.pairs(ds$y,dm1$y1,accu_s_m11 )
accu_s_m12 = accu.moms.pairs(ds$y,dm1$y2,accu_s_m12 )
accu_s_m21 = accu.moms.pairs(ds$y,dm2$y1,accu_s_m21 )
accu_s_m22 = accu.moms.pairs(ds$y,dm2$y2,accu_s_m22 )
accu_s_s = accu.moms.pairs_exclude(ds$y,ds$y,ds$i,ds$i,accu_s_s)
# movers out of firm_cur with themsevles
accu_m11_m11 = accu.moms.pairs_exclude(dm1$y1,dm1$y1,dm1$f2,dm1$f2,accu_m11_m11 )
accu_m11_m12 = accu.moms.pairs_exclude(dm1$y1,dm1$y2,dm1$f2,dm1$f2,accu_m11_m12 )
accu_m12_m12 = accu.moms.pairs_exclude(dm1$y2,dm1$y2,dm1$f2,dm1$f2,accu_m12_m12 )
# movers into firm_cur with themsevles
accu_m21_m21 = accu.moms.pairs_exclude(dm2$y1,dm2$y1,dm2$f1,dm2$f1,accu_m21_m21 )
accu_m21_m22 = accu.moms.pairs_exclude(dm2$y1,dm2$y2,dm2$f1,dm2$f1,accu_m21_m22 )
accu_m22_m22 = accu.moms.pairs_exclude(dm2$y2,dm2$y2,dm2$f1,dm2$f1,accu_m22_m22 )
# movers out of firm_cur with movers into firm_cur
accu_m11_m21 = accu.moms.pairs_exclude(dm1$y1,dm2$y1,dm1$f2,dm2$f1,accu_m11_m21 )
accu_m11_m22 = accu.moms.pairs_exclude(dm1$y1,dm2$y2,dm1$f2,dm2$f1,accu_m11_m22 )
accu_m12_m21 = accu.moms.pairs_exclude(dm1$y2,dm2$y1,dm1$f2,dm2$f1,accu_m12_m21 )
accu_m12_m22 = accu.moms.pairs_exclude(dm1$y2,dm2$y2,dm1$f2,dm2$f1,accu_m12_m22 )
rr = data.frame(); ff = function(name,accu) data.frame(name=name , cov=accu.compute(accu)$cov, N=accu$n )
rr = rbind(rr, ff("accu_s_m11",accu_s_m11) )
rr = rbind(rr, ff("accu_s_m12",accu_s_m12) )
rr = rbind(rr, ff("accu_s_m21",accu_s_m21) )
rr = rbind(rr, ff("accu_s_m22",accu_s_m22) )
rr = rbind(rr, ff("accu_s_s" ,accu_s_s) )
rr = rbind(rr, ff("accu_m11_m11",accu_m11_m11))
rr = rbind(rr, ff("accu_m11_m12",accu_m11_m12))
rr = rbind(rr, ff("accu_m12_m12",accu_m12_m12))
rr = rbind(rr, ff("accu_m21_m21",accu_m21_m21))
rr = rbind(rr, ff("accu_m21_m22",accu_m21_m22))
rr = rbind(rr, ff("accu_m22_m22",accu_m22_m22))
rr = rbind(rr, ff("accu_m11_m21",accu_m11_m21))
rr = rbind(rr, ff("accu_m11_m22",accu_m11_m22))
rr = rbind(rr, ff("accu_m12_m21",accu_m12_m21))
rr = rbind(rr, ff("accu_m12_m22",accu_m12_m22))
#' Computes an estimate of the within variance of firm heterogeneity, and the covariances to (see web appendix of BLM)
#' @param subsample when >=0 only uses a fixed number of mover for each firm (this weights by firms rather than weight by movers)
#' @export
m2.trace.allcovs.bis <- function(sdata,jdata,opts) {
# in this variant we are going to directly rely on
# formula equivalence suing Cov(y1, y2_bar_j)
ng = max(c(jdata$j1,jdata$j2))
flog.info("[CRE-MOMS] starting")
# we construct movers moving in and movers moving out, and stayers
dm1 = jdata[,list(y1=y1-psi1-mx,y2=y2-psi2-mx,j1,j2,f1=f1,f2=f2)]
dm2 = jdata[,list(y1=y1-psi1-mx,y2=y2-psi2-mx,j1,j2,f1=f1,f2=f2)]
ds = sdata[,list(y1=y1-psi1-mx,f1,j1)]
# get averages and sizes
dm1.f = dm1[,list(ym11j=mean(y1),ym12j = mean(y2), nm1j = .N),list(f=f1)]
dm2.f = dm2[,list(ym21j=mean(y1),ym22j = mean(y2), nm2j = .N),list(f=f2)]
ds[, y1sj := mean(y1),f1]
ds[, nsj := .N,f1]
# merge averages back into data
ds = merge(ds,dm1.f,by.x="f1",by.y="f")
ds = merge(ds,dm2.f,by.x="f1",by.y="f")
dm1 = merge(dm1,dm1.f,by.x="f1",by.y="f")
dm2 = merge(dm2,dm2.f,by.x="f2",by.y="f")
dm1 = merge(dm1,dm2.f,by.x="f1",by.y="f")
# fixme, exclude mover pairs that go to same cluster
# finally we compute the moments
res = data.frame()
res = rbind(res, ds[nsj>1, list(name="s_s",.N,value=cov(y1, (nsj*y1sj - y1)/(nsj-1) ))])
res = rbind(res, ds[nm1j>0, list(name="s_m11",.N,value=cov(y1,ym11j))])
res = rbind(res, ds[nm1j>0, list(name="s_m12",.N,value=cov(y1,ym12j))])
res = rbind(res, ds[nm2j>0, list(name="s_m21",.N,value=cov(y1,ym21j))])
res = rbind(res, ds[nm2j>0, list(name="s_m22",.N,value=cov(y1,ym22j))])
res = rbind(res, dm1[nm1j>1, list(name="m11_m11",.N,value=cov(y1, (nm1j*ym11j - y1)/(nm1j-1) ))])
res = rbind(res, dm1[nm1j>1, list(name="m11_m12",.N,value=cov(y1, (nm1j*ym12j - y2)/(nm1j-1) ))])
res = rbind(res, dm1[nm1j>1, list(name="m12_m12",.N,value=cov(y2, (nm1j*ym12j - y2)/(nm1j-1) ))])
res = rbind(res, dm2[nm2j>1, list(name="m21_m21",.N,value=cov(y1, (nm2j*ym21j - y1)/(nm2j-1) ))])
res = rbind(res, dm2[nm2j>1, list(name="m21_m22",.N,value=cov(y1, (nm2j*ym22j - y2)/(nm2j-1) ))])
res = rbind(res, dm2[nm2j>1, list(name="m22_m22",.N,value=cov(y2, (nm2j*ym22j - y2)/(nm2j-1) ))])
res = rbind(res, dm1[nm2j>0, list(name="m11_m21",.N,value=cov(y1,ym21j))])
res = rbind(res, dm1[nm2j>0, list(name="m11_m22",.N,value=cov(y1,ym22j))])
res = rbind(res, dm1[nm2j>0, list(name="m12_m21",.N,value=cov(y2,ym21j))])
res = rbind(res, dm1[nm2j>0, list(name="m12_m22",.N,value=cov(y2,ym22j))])
# extract parameters
p = list()
p$cov_Am1Am2 = res[name=="m12_m21",value]
p$cov_Am2Psi1 = res[name=="m11_m21",value] - p$cov_Am1Am2
p$cov_Am1Psi2 = res[name=="m12_m22",value] - p$cov_Am1Am2
p$var_psi_m12 = res[name=="m11_m22",value] - p$cov_Am1Am2 - p$cov_Am2Psi1 - p$cov_Am1Psi2
# using movers leaving from 1
p$cov_Am1Am1 = res[name=="m12_m12",value]
p$cov_Am1Psi1 = res[name=="m11_m12",value] - p$cov_Am1Am1
p$var_psi_m1 = res[name=="m11_m11",value] - p$cov_Am1Am1 - 2*p$cov_Am1Psi1
# using movers leaving from 2
p$cov_Am2Am2 = res[name=="m21_m21",value]
p$cov_Am2Psi2 = res[name=="m21_m22",value] - p$cov_Am2Am2
p$var_psi_m2 = res[name=="m22_m22",value] - p$cov_Am2Am2 - 2*p$cov_Am2Psi2
# looking at stayers
p$cov_AsAm1 = res[name=="s_m12",value] - p$cov_Am1Psi1
p$cov_AsAm2 = res[name=="s_m21",value] - p$cov_Am2Psi2
p$psi_plus_cov1 = res[name=="s_m11",value] - res[name=="s_m12",value]
p$psi_plus_cov2 = res[name=="s_m22",value] - res[name=="s_m21",value]
p$var_psi = (p$var_psi_m2 + p$var_psi_m1)/2
p$cov_AsPsi1 = (p$psi_plus_cov1 + p$psi_plus_cov2) - p$var_psi
p$cov_AsAs = res[name=="s_s",value] - p$var_psi - 2*p$cov_AsPsi1
# -------- HYBRID ESTIMATOR ----------
check.data <- function(sim) {
sf1 = sim$sdata[,unique(f1)]
jf1 = sim$jdata[,unique(f1)]
jf2 = sim$jdata[,unique(f2)]
# compute firms in sdata but not in jdata
flog.info(" %i firms in sdata but not in jdata", length(setdiff( sf1, c(jf1,jf2) ) ))
flog.info(" %i firms in jdata.f1 but not in sdata",length(setdiff( jf1, sf1 )))
flog.info(" %i firms in jdata.f2 but not in sdata",length(setdiff( jf2, sf1 )))
flog.info(" %i firms in p2 but not in p1",length(setdiff( jf2, c(sf1,jf1 ))))
#' @export
m2.hyb.add_data_stats <- function(rr,sim,...) {
rr = m2.hyb.add_stat(rr,"nf" ,length(unique(c(sim$jdata[,unique(c(f1,f2))],sim$sdata$f1))),...)
rr = m2.hyb.add_stat(rr,"nw" ,sim$sdata[,.N] + sim$jdata[,.N],...)
rr = m2.hyb.add_stat(rr,"wage_var",sim$sdata[,var(y1)],...)
rr = m2.hyb.add_stat(rr,"btw_firm",sim$sdata[,list(mean(y1),.N),f1][,wt.var(V1,N)],...)
#' @export
m2.hyb.add_akmtrace_stats <- function(rr,res,...) {
rr = m2.hyb.add_stat(rr,"psi_var" ,res$var_psi,...)
rr = m2.hyb.add_stat(rr,"cov" ,res$jids[,wt.cov(mw-psi,psi,size)],...)
rr = m2.hyb.add_stat(rr,"trace" ,res$stats$trace_term,...)
if ("omega" %in% names(res$jids)) rr = m2.hyb.add_stat(rr,"omega_var" ,res$jids[,wt.mean(omega,size)],...);
if ("omega" %in% names(res$jids)) rr = m2.hyb.add_stat(rr,"omega_var_pos" ,res$jids[,wt.mean(pmax(omega,0),size)],...);
if (nrow(res$jids[own_firm_cluster==TRUE])>2) {
rr = m2.hyb.add_stat(rr,"psi_var_own",res$jids[own_firm_cluster==TRUE,wt.var(psi,size)],...)
} else {
rr = m2.hyb.add_stat(rr,"psi_var_own",NA,...)
#' @export
m2.hyb.add_stat <- function(rr,variable,value,...) {
r1 = data.frame(list(...))
r0 =cbind(r1,data.frame(variable=variable,value=value))
#' estimates a hybrid between BLM and AKM
#' the function returns a bunch of stuff. It returns info about different sets:
#' - set0 is just the data it starts with at each nm
#' - set1 is AKM connected set
#' - set2 is the leave-out connected set
#' - set3 is the connected set only among firms with at least nm movers
#' @export
m2.trace.blmhyb <- function(sim,use_con=FALSE,nclus=10,nm_list=c(seq(1,10),seq(20,50,by=5),100,150,Inf)) {
# extract connected set
if (use_con==T) {
f0s = get.largest.conset.fid(sim$jdata)
jdata = sim$jdata[f1%in%f0s][f2%in%f0s]
sdata = sim$sdata[f1%in%f0s]
# save a copy of the data
sim.copy = copy(sim)
# next we group differently,
res_all = data.frame()
for (nm in nm_list) {
stats = list()
sim = copy(sim.copy)
# select firms from AKM
if (use_con==T) {
sim$sdata = sim$sdata[f1 %in% f0s]
sim$jdata = sim$jdata[f1 %in% f0s][f2 %in%f0s]
# ------- (0) STATS ON CONNECTED SET ------ #
# we find firms with at least nm movers
large.firms = sim$jdata[,list(f1=c(f1,f2))][,.N,f1][N>=nm,f1]
res_all = res_all %>%
m2.hyb.add_data_stats(sim,nm=nm,set=0) %>%
# we cluster the other firms
if (nm>1) {
ms = grouping.getMeasures(list(sdata = sim$sdata[!(f1 %in% large.firms)],jdata=sim$jdata),"ecdf",Nw=20,y_var = "y1")
grps = grouping.classify.once(ms,k = nclus,nstart = 1000,iter.max = 200,step=100)
# we create the full classification
clus0 = grps$best_cluster
cluster_with_many_firms = sort(unique(clus0))
clus1 = 1:length(large.firms) + nclus
names(clus1) = large.firms
clus = c(clus0,clus1)
} else {
cluster_with_many_firms = c()
clus = 1:length(large.firms)
names(clus) = large.firms
# append the clusters
sim = grouping.append(sim,clus,drop=T,sort=FALSE)
# ------- (1) AKM + ANDREWS ------ #
fids_con = get.largest.conset.clus(sim$jdata)
sim$jdata = sim$jdata[j1%in%fids_con][j2%in%fids_con]
sim$sdata = sim$sdata[j1%in%fids_con][j2%in%fids_con]
res_all %<>% m2.hyb.add_data_stats(sim,nm=nm,set=1)
res_hybrid = m2.trace.estimate.clus(sim,within_re = TRUE)
res_hybrid$jids[,own_firm_cluster := !(j1 %in% cluster_with_many_firms) ]
res_all %<>% m2.hyb.add_akmtrace_stats(res_hybrid,nm=nm,set=1)
# ------- (2) HETERO TRACE ------ #
sim$jdata = get.largest.leaveoutset.clus(sim$jdata)
jids_con = sim$jdata[,unique(c(j1,j2))]
sim$sdata = sim$sdata[j1%in%jids_con][j2%in%jids_con]
res_all %<>% m2.hyb.add_data_stats(sim,nm=nm,set=2)
res_hybrid = m2.trace.estimate.clus(sim,hetero = T,within_re = TRUE)
res_hybrid$jids[,own_firm_cluster := !(j1 %in% cluster_with_many_firms) ]
res_all %<>% m2.hyb.add_akmtrace_stats(res_hybrid,nm=nm,set=2)
# ------- (3) AKM ON FIRM WITH OWN TYPE ------ #
sim = copy(sim.copy)
sim$sdata = sim$sdata[f1 %in% large.firms]
sim$jdata = sim$jdata[f1 %in% large.firms][f2 %in% large.firms]
res_all %<>% m2.hyb.add_data_stats(sim,nm=nm,set=3)
if (nrow(sim$jdata)>0) if (sim$jdata[,length(unique(c(f1,f2)))]>1) {
fids_con = get.largest.conset.fid(sim$jdata)
sim$jdata = sim$jdata[f1%in%fids_con][f2%in%fids_con]
sim$sdata = sim$sdata[f1%in%fids_con][f2%in%fids_con]
if (nrow(sim$jdata)>0) {
res_hybrid = m2.trace.estimate(sim)
res_hybrid$jids[,own_firm_cluster := 1]
res_all %<>% m2.hyb.add_akmtrace_stats(res_hybrid,nm=nm,set=3)
# ------- (4) AKM-HETERO ON FIRM WITH OWN TYPE ------ #
sim = copy(sim.copy)
sim$sdata = sim$sdata[f1 %in% large.firms]
sim$jdata = sim$jdata[f1 %in% large.firms][f2 %in% large.firms]
if (nrow(sim$jdata)>0) if (sim$jdata[,length(unique(c(f1,f2)))]>1) {
# leave-one-out
sim$jdata = get.largest.leaveoutset.fid(sim$jdata)
if (nrow(sim$jdata)>0) {
jids_con = sim$jdata[,unique(c(f1,f2))]
sim$sdata = sim$sdata[f1%in%jids_con][f2%in%jids_con]
res_all %<>% m2.hyb.add_data_stats(sim,nm=nm,set=4)
res_hybrid = m2.trace.estimate(sim,hetero = T)
res_hybrid$jids[,own_firm_cluster := 1]
res_all %<>% m2.hyb.add_akmtrace_stats(res_hybrid,nm=nm,set=4)
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