catf <- function(...) cat(sprintf(...))
#' this is a utility function to generate
#' multidimensional arrays - like the spread function in fortran
#' @export
spread <- function (A, loc, dims) {
if (!(is.array(A))) {
A = array(A, dim = c(length(A)))
adims = dim(A)
l = length(loc)
if (max(loc) > length(dim(A)) + l) {
stop("incorrect dimensions in spread")
sdim = c(dim(A), dims)
edim = c()
oi = 1
ni = length(dim(A)) + 1
for (i in c(1:(length(dim(A)) + l))) {
if (i %in% loc) {
edim = c(edim, ni)
ni = ni + 1
else {
edim = c(edim, oi)
oi = oi + 1
return(aperm(array(A, dim = sdim), edim))
hist2 <- function(Y1,Y2,wsup) {
n = length(wsup)
H = array(0,c(n,n))
for (i in 1:n) for (j in 1:n) {
H[i,j] = sum( (Y1 < wsup[i]) & (Y2 < wsup[j]) )
H[n,n] = length(Y1)
H = H/H[n,n]
hist1 <- function(Y1,wsup) {
n = length(wsup)
H = array(0,c(n))
for (i in 1:n) {
H[i] = sum( (Y1 < wsup[i]) )
H[n] = length(Y1)
H = H/H[n]
# allow to use 2 different supports
hist2d <- function(Y1,Y2,wsup) {
n = length(wsup)
H = array(0,c(n,n))
for (i in 1:n) for (j in 1:n) {
H[i,j] = sum( (Y1 < wsup[i]) & (Y1 >= wsup[i-1]) & (Y2 < wsup[j]) & (Y1 >= wsup[i-1]) )
H[n,n] = length(Y1)
H = H/H[n,n]
# smoothed histogram
hist2s <- function(Y1,Y2,wsup,h) {
n = length(wsup)
H = array(0,c(n,n))
for (i in 1:n) for (j in 1:n) {
H[i,j] = sum( pnorm( (wsup[i] - Y1 )/h ) * pnorm( (wsup[j] - Y2 )/h ) )
H = H/H[n,n]
#' @export
rdim <- function(A,...) {
dd <- list(...);
if (length(dd)==1) {
} else {
dim(A) <- dd
} <- function() {
t = Sys.time()
tt = list(all.start=t,last.time=t,loop=0,timers=list())
tic.toc <- function(name="") {
t = Sys.time()
if (name=="") {
if (name %in% names(tt$timers)) {
tm = tt$timers[[name]]
tm$count = tm$count+1
tm$total = tm$total + t - tt$last.time
tt$timers[[name]] = tm
} else {
tm = list(count=1,total=t - tt$last.time)
tt$timers[[name]] = tm
tt <<- tt
#' order cluster by increasing wage
#' @export
cluster.order <- function(sim) {
sim$sdata = sim$sdata[!]
I = sim$sdata[,mean(y1),j1][order(j1)][,rank(V1)]
mvar <- function(x) {
if (length(x)<=1) return(0);
mcov <- function(x,y) {
if (length(x)<=1) return(0);
lm.wfitc <- function(XX,YY,rw,C1,C0,meq) {
S = apply(abs(XX),2,max)
XX2 = XX*spread(1/S,1,dim(XX)[1])
C12 = C1*spread(1/S,1,dim(C1)[1])
XXw = diag(rw) %*% XX2
Dq = t(XXw) %*% XX2
dq = t(YY %*% XXw)
# do quadprod
fit = solve.QP(Dq,dq,t(C12),C0,meq)
# rescale
fit$solution = fit$solution/S
# fits a weighted ols with non-negative constraints
lm.wfitnn <- function(XX,YY,rw,floor = 0) {
n = dim(XX)[2]
XX2 = XX
# S = apply(abs(XX),2,max)
# XX2 = XX*spread(1/S,1,dim(XX)[1])
# C12 = C1*spread(1/S,1,dim(C1)[1])
XXw = diag(rw) %*% XX2
Dq = t(XXw) %*% XX2
dq = t(YY %*% XXw)
C1 = diag(n)
C0 = rep(floor,n)
#fit = qprog(Dq,dq,C1,C0)
#fit$solution = as.numeric(fit$thetahat)
fit = solve.QP(Dq,dq,C1,C0)
# fits a linear problem with weights under constraints
slm.wfitc <- function(XX,YY,rw,CS,scaling=0) {
nk = CS$nk
nf = CS$nf
YY = as.numeric(YY)
XX = as.matrix.csr(XX)
# to make sure the problem is positive semi definite, we add
# the equality constraints to the XX matrix! nice, no?
if (CS$meq>0) {
XXb = rbind(XX, as.matrix.csr(CS$C[1:CS$meq,]))
YYb = c(YY,CS$H[1:CS$meq])
rwb = c(rw,rep(1,CS$meq))
} else {
XXb = XX
YYb = YY
rwb = rw
t2 = as(dim(XXb)[1],"matrix.diag.csr")
t2@ra = rwb
XXw = t2 %*% XXb
Dq = SparseM:::as.matrix(SparseM:::t(XXw) %*% XXb)
dq = SparseM:::t(YYb %*% XXw)
# scaling
if (scaling>0) {
sc <- norm(Dq,"2")^scaling
} else {
# do quadprod
fit = solve.QP(Dq/sc,dq/sc,t(CS$C)/sc,CS$H/sc,CS$meq)
}, error = function(err) {
#' Computes graph connectedness among the movers
#' within each type and returns the smalless value
#' @export
model.connectiveness <- function(model,all=FALSE) {
EV = rep(0,model$nk)
pk1 = rdim(model$pk1,model$nf,model$nf,model$nk)
dd_post = data.table(melt(pk1,c('j1','j2','k')))
pp = model$NNm/sum(model$NNm)
dd_post <- dd_post[, pr_j1j2 := pp[j1,j2],list(j1,j2) ]
dd_post <- dd_post[, pr_j1j2k := pr_j1j2*value]
for (kk in 1:model$nk) {
# compute adjency matrix
A1 = acast(dd_post[k==kk, list(pr=pr_j1j2k/sum(pr_j1j2k),j2,j1)],j1~j2,value.var = "pr")
A2 = acast(dd_post[k==kk, list(pr=pr_j1j2k/sum(pr_j1j2k),j2,j1)],j2~j1,value.var = "pr")
# construct Laplacian
A = 0.5*A1 + 0.5*A2
D = diag( rowSums(A)^(-0.5) )
L = diag(model$nf) - D%*%A%*%D
EV[kk] = sort(eigen(L)$values)[2]
if (all==TRUE) return(EV);
#' plots the wages of a model
#' @export
m2.mixt.wplot <- function(Wm) {
dd = melt(Wm,c('l','k'))
ggplot(dd,aes(x=factor(l),color=factor(k),group=factor(k),y=value)) + geom_line() + theme_bw()
#' @export
mplot <- function(M) {
mm = melt(M,c('i','j'))
#mm$i = factor(mm$i)
#mm$j = factor(mm$j)
mm = mm[mm$value>0,]
ggplot(mm,aes(x=j,y=i,fill=value)) + geom_tile() + theme_bw() + scale_y_reverse()
#' plots the proportions of a model
#' @export
m2.mixt.pplot <- function(pk0) {
dd = melt(pk0,c('l','k'))
ggplot(dd,aes(x=factor(l),y=value,fill=factor(k))) + geom_bar(position="stack",stat = "identity") + theme_bw()
#' creates a matrix and fill it using a data.table
#' in contrast to acast, it creates all rows and cols (even if there is not data)
#' @export
mcast <- function(dd,val,row,col,dim,fill=NA) {
M = array(fill,dim)
ri = dd[, get(row)]
ci = dd[, get(col)]
vv = dd[, get(val)]
for (i in 1:max(ri)) {
I = which(ri==i)
M[i,ci[I]] = vv[I]
#' creates a vector and fill it using a data.table
#' in contrast to acast, it creates all elements
#' @export
vcast <- function(dd,val,index,size,fill=NA) {
V = rep(fill,size)
I = dd[, get(index)]
v = dd[, get(val)]
V[I] = v
#' Weighted covariance
#' @export
wt.cov <- function(x,y,w) {
w = w/sum(w)
m1 = sum(x*w)
v1 = sum((x-m1)^2*w)
m2 = sum(y*w)
v2 = sum((y-m2)^2*w)
cc = sum( (y-m2)*(x-m1)*w)
#' Sparse colSums
#' @export
sColSums <- function(M) {
return(as.numeric((rep(1,dim(M)[1]) %*% M)))
#' Sparse rowSums
#' @export
sRowSums <- function(M) {
return(as.numeric(M %*% rep(1,dim(M)[2])))
#' Accumulates mean and variances for all pairs of Y1,Y2
#' It stores the values conditional on c1,c2.
#' @param Y1,Y2 inputs values for pairs to use
#' @param C1,C2 conditional values to sure
#' @param p current state in accumulation
#' @param rm_diag whether to keep the pair of the name index in Y1,Y2
#' @export
accuc.moms.pairs <- function(y1,c1,y2,c2,p,rm_diag=0,rm_cdiag=0) {
if (!("nn" %in% names(p))) {
za = array(0,c(p$nc,p$nc))
for ( i in 1:length(y1)) {
for ( c in 1:p$nc) {
#if ( (rm_cdiag==1) & (c==c1[i])) next; # skip if we do not count when both are in the same cluster
I = c2==c
p$v12[c1[i],c] = p$v12[c1[i],c] + sum(y1[i]*y2[I]) - rm_diag * I[i] * y1[i]*y2[i]
p$s1[c1[i],c] = p$s1[c1[i],c] + y1[i] * (sum(I) - rm_diag * I[i])
p$s2[c1[i],c] = p$s2[c1[i],c] + sum(y2[I]) - rm_diag*y2[i]
p$nn[c1[i],c] = p$nn[c1[i],c] + sum(I) - rm_diag * I[i]
#' @export <- function() {
#' @export
accu.moms.pairs <-function(y1,y2,accu,cpp=TRUE) {
if (length(y1)==0) return(accu)
if (length(y2)==0) return(accu)
if (any( {
if (cpp) {
res = paircov(y1,y2)
accu$v12 = accu$v12 + res$v12
accu$s1 = accu$s1 + res$m1
accu$s2 = accu$s2 + res$m2
accu$n = accu$n + res$nn
} else {
for ( i in 1:length(y1)) {
accu$v12 = accu$v12 + sum(y1[i]*y2)
accu$s1 = accu$s1 + y1[i]*length(y2)
accu$s2 = accu$s2 + sum(y2)
accu$n = accu$n + length(y2)
#' Accumulates moments, but excludes if c1==c2
#' @export
accu.moms.pairs_exclude <-function(y1,y2,c1,c2,accu=NA) {
if (any( {
# for ( i in 1:length(y1)) {
# I = (c2 != c1[i]) # exclude similar here
# if (sum(I)==0) next;
# accu$v12 = accu$v12 + sum(y1[i]*y2[I])
# accu$s1 = accu$s1 + y1[i]*sum(I)
# accu$s2 = accu$s2 + sum(y2[I])
# accu$n = accu$n + sum(I)
# }
res = paircov_exclude(y1,y2,c1,c2)
accu$v12 = accu$v12 + res$v12
accu$s1 = accu$s1 + res$m1
accu$s2 = accu$s2 + res$m2
accu$n = accu$n + res$nn
#' @export
accu.compute <- function(p) {
res = list()
res$m1 = p$s1/p$n
res$m2 = p$s2/p$n
res$cov = p$v12/p$n - (p$s1/p$n) * (p$s2/p$n)
#' @export
accuc.todf <- function(accu,more=list()) {
rr = data.frame(
c1 = as.numeric(spread(1:(accu$nc),2,accu$nc)),
c2 = as.numeric(spread(1:(accu$nc),1,accu$nc))
for (n in names(more)) {
rr[n] = more[[n]]
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