#' Model creation
#' Creates a 2 period mini model. Can be set to be linear or not, with serial correlation or not
#' @export
m2.mini.new <- function(nf,linear=FALSE,serial=F,fixb=F) {
m = list()
m$nf = nf
# generating intercepts and interaction terms
m$A1 = 0.5*rnorm(nf)
m$B1 = exp(rnorm(nf)/3)
m$A2 = 0.5*rnorm(nf)
m$B2 = exp(rnorm(nf)/3)
# generate the variance of eps
m$eps1_sd = exp(rnorm(nf)/2)
m$eps2_sd = m$eps1_sd
m$eps_cor = runif(1)
# generate the E(alpha|l) and sd
m$Em = sort(rnorm(nf))
m$Esd = exp(rnorm(nf)/2)
# set normalization
m$B2 = m$B2/m$B2[1]
m$B1 = m$B1/m$B2[1]
m$A1[1] = 0
if (linear) {
m$B1[] = 1
m$B2[] = 1
if (serial==F) {
m$eps_cor = 0
if (fixb) {
# sort
I = order(m$A1 + m$B1*m$Em)
m$A1 = m$A1[I]
m$A2 = m$A2[I]
m$B1 = m$B1[I]
m$B1 = m$B2[I]
m$Em = m$Em[I]
# generate the E(alpha|l,l') and sd
m$EEm = 0.8*spread(m$Em,2,nf) + 0.2*spread(m$Em,1,nf) + 0.3*array(rnorm(nf^2),c(nf,nf))
m$EEsd = exp(array(rnorm(nf^2),c(nf,nf))/2)
lm.wfitc <- function(XX,YY,rw,C1,C0,meq) {
XXw = diag(rw) %*% XX
Dq = t(XXw) %*% XX
dq = t(YY %*% XXw)
# do quadprod
fit = solve.QP(Dq,dq,t(C1),C0,meq)
#' simulate a dataset according to the model
#' @export
m2.mini.simulate <- function(model) {
# compute decomposition
stayer_share = sum(model$Ns)/(sum(model$Ns)+sum(model$Nm))
model$vdec = m2.mini.vdec(model,1e6,stayer_share,"y1")
sdata = m2.mini.simulate.stayers(model,model$Ns)
jdata = m2.mini.simulate.movers(model,model$Nm)
# randomly assign firm IDs
sdata <- sdata[,f1:=paste("F",j1 + model$nf*(sample.int(.N/100,.N,replace=T)-1),sep=""),j1]
sdata <- sdata[,j1b:=j1]
sdata <- sdata[,j1true := j1]
jdata <- jdata[,j1true := j1][,j2true := j2]
jdata <- jdata[,j1c:=j1]
jdata <- jdata[,f1:=sample( unique(sdata[j1b==j1c,f1]) ,.N,replace=T),j1c]
jdata <- jdata[,j2c:=j2]
jdata <- jdata[,f2:=sample( unique(sdata[j1b==j2c,f1]) ,.N,replace=T),j2c]
# combine the movers and stayers, ad stands for all data:
ad = list(sdata=sdata,jdata=jdata)
#' simulate movers according to the model
#' @export
m2.mini.simulate.movers <- function(model,NNm) {
J1 = array(0,sum(NNm))
J2 = array(0,sum(NNm))
Y1 = array(0,sum(NNm))
Y2 = array(0,sum(NNm))
e1 = array(0,sum(NNm))
e2 = array(0,sum(NNm))
K = array(0,sum(NNm))
A1 = model$A1
B1 = model$B1
A2 = model$A2
B2 = model$B2
EEm = model$EEm
EEsd= model$EEsd
eps_cor= 0 # model$eps_cor, not relevant anymore
nf = model$nf
i =1
for (l1 in 1:nf) for (l2 in 1:nf) {
if (NNm[l1,l2]==0) next;
I = i:(i+NNm[l1,l2]-1)
ni = length(I)
jj = l1 + nf*(l2 -1)
J1[I] = l1
J2[I] = l2
# draw alpha
K[I] = EEm[l1,l2] + EEsd[l1,l2]*rnorm(ni)
# draw epsilon1 and epsilon2 corolated
eps1 = eps_sd1[l1] * rnorm(ni)
eps2 = eps_cor/eps_sd1[l1]*eps_cor*eps1 + sqrt( (1-eps_cor^2) * eps_sd2[l2]^2 ) * rnorm(ni)
Y1[I] = A1[l1] + B1[l1]*K[I] + eps1
Y2[I] = A2[l2] + B2[l2]*K[I] + eps2
e1[I] = eps1
e2[I] = eps2
i = i + NNm[l1,l2]
jdatae = data.table(alpha=K,y1=Y1,y2=Y2,j1=J1,j2=J2,e1=e1,e2=e2)
#' simulate movers according to the model
#' @export
m2.mini.simulate.stayers <- function(model,NNs) {
J1 = array(0,sum(NNs))
Y1 = array(0,sum(NNs))
Y2 = array(0,sum(NNs))
e1 = array(0,sum(NNs))
K = array(0,sum(NNs))
A1 = model$A1
B1 = model$B1
A2 = model$A2
B2 = model$B2
Em = model$Em
Esd = model$Esd
nf = model$nf
i =1
for (l1 in 1:nf) {
I = i:(i+NNs[l1]-1)
ni = length(I)
J1[I] = l1
# draw alpha
K[I] = Em[l1] + Esd[l1]*rnorm(ni)
# draw Y2, Y3
e1 = rnorm(ni) * eps_sd1[l1]
e2 = rnorm(ni) * eps_sd2[l1]
Y1[I] = A1[l1] + B1[l1]*K[I] + e1
Y2[I] = A2[l1] + B2[l1]*K[I] + e2
i = i + NNs[l1]
sdatae = data.table(alpha=K,y1=Y1,y2=Y2,j1=J1,j2=J1)
#' this function uses LIML to estimate a model with a given normalization
#' and we want to do it in a non-stationary way
m2.mini.liml.int <- function(Y1,Y2,J1,J2,norm=1) {
L = max(J1)
N = length(Y1)
# ----- prepare the different regressors ----- #
D1 = array(0,c(N,L))
I = (1:N) + N*(J1-1)
D2 = array(0,c(N,L))
I = (1:N) + N*(J2-1)
# contrust full matrix
X1 = cbind(D1*spread(Y1,2,L),D2*spread(Y2,2,L)) # construct the matrix for the interaction terms
X2 = cbind(D1,D2) # construct the matrix for the intercepts
# set the normalizations
Y = -X1[,norm]
X1 = X1[,setdiff(1:(2*L),norm)]
X2 = X2[,1:(2*L-1)]
# construct the Z matrix of instruemts (j1,j2), dummies of (j1,j2) interactions
Z = array(0,c(N,L^2))
I = (1:N) + N*(J1-1 + L*(J2-1))
# make matrices sparse
Z = Matrix(Z,sparse=T)
R = cbind(Y,X1)
X2 = Matrix(X2,sparse=T)
X1 = Matrix(X1,sparse=T)
Wz = t(R) %*% R - ( t(R) %*% Z) %*% solve( t(Z) %*% Z ) %*% ( t(Z) %*% R)
Wx = t(R) %*% R - ( t(R) %*% X2) %*% solve( t(X2) %*% X2 ) %*% ( t(X2) %*% R)
WW = Wx %*% solve(Wz)
#WW = Wx %*% ginv(as.matrix(Wz))
lambdas = eigen(WW)$values
lambda = min(lambdas)
XX = cBind(X1,X2)
RR = (1-lambda)*t(XX) %*% XX + lambda * ( t(XX) %*% Z) %*% solve( t(Z) %*% Z ) %*% ( t(Z) %*% XX)
RY = (1-lambda)*t(XX) %*% Y + lambda * ( t(XX) %*% Z) %*% solve( t(Z) %*% Z ) %*% ( t(Z) %*% Y)
# --------- extract the results ---------- #
b_liml = as.numeric(solve(RR) %*% RY)
tau = rep(0,L)
for (i in 1:(L-1)) { tau[i+ (i>=norm)] = b_liml[i ]}
B1 = 1/tau
B2 = - 1/b_liml[L:(2*L-1)]
A1 = - b_liml[(2*L):(3*L-1)] * B1
A2 = c(b_liml[(3*L):(4*L-2)],0) * B2
#' this function uses LIML to estimate a model with a given normalization
#' and we want to do it in a non-stationary way.
m2.mini.liml.int2 <- function(Y1,Y2,J1,J2,norm=1,coarse=0,tik=0) {
L = max(J1)
N = length(Y1)
# ----- prepare the different regressors ----- #
D1 = array(0,c(N,L))
I = (1:N) + N*(J1-1)
D2 = array(0,c(N,L))
I = (1:N) + N*(J2-1)
# construct the Z matrix of instruemts (j1,j2)
if (coarse==0) {
Z = array(0,c(N,L^2))
I = (1:N) + N*(J1-1 + L*(J2-1))
} else {
J1c = ceiling(J1/coarse)
J2c = ceiling(J2/coarse)
Lc = max(J1c)
Z1 = array(0,c(N,L*Lc))
I1 = (1:N) + N*(J1-1 + L*(J2c-1))
Z2 = array(0,c(N,L*Lc))
I2 = (1:N) + N*(J2-1 + L*(J1c-1))
Z = cbind(Z1,Z2)
# create regressors, make sparse
Z = Matrix(Z,sparse=T)
X = Matrix(cbind(D2*spread(Y2,2,L), -D1*spread(Y1,2,L),D1[,2:L],-D2) ,sparse=T)
# as.numeric(t(Z) %*% X %*% c(model$B2,model$B1,model$A1[2:L],model$A2)
t = Matrix:::t
# ------ LIML procedure ---------- #
Wz = t(X) %*% Z %*% solve(t(Z) %*% Z + tik * diag(L^2)) %*% t(Z) %*% X
Wx = t(X) %*% X
WW = solve(Wx) %*% Wz
dec = eigen(WW)
b_liml = as.numeric(dec$vectors[,4*L-1])
# --------- extract the results ---------- #
b_liml = b_liml/b_liml[norm]
B2 = 1/b_liml[1:L]
B1 = 1/b_liml[(L+1):(2*L)]
A1 = c(0,b_liml[(2*L+1):(3*L-1)]) * B1
A2 = b_liml[(3*L):(4*L-1)] * B2
#' this function uses LIML to estimate a model with a given normalization
#' and we want to do it in a non-stationary way.
m2.mini.liml.int.fixb <- function(Y1,Y2,J1,J2,norm=1,prof=F) {
L = max(J1)
N = length(Y1)
# ----- prepare the different regressors ----- #
D1 = array(0,c(N,L))
I = (1:N) + N*(J1-1)
D2 = array(0,c(N,L))
I = (1:N) + N*(J2-1)
# construct the Z matrix of instruemts (j1,j2)
Z = array(0,c(N,L^2))
I = (1:N) + N*(J1-1 + L*(J2-1))
# remove empty interactions
I = colSums(Z)!=0
# create regressors, make sparse
Z = Matrix(Z,sparse=T)
X = Matrix(cbind(D2*spread(Y2,2,L) - D1*spread(Y1,2,L),D1[,2:L],-D2) ,sparse=T)
# profiling
if (prof==TRUE) {
D2Y2 = cbind(D2*spread(Y2,2,L),-D2[,2:L])
D1Y1 = cbind(-D1*spread(Y1,2,L),D1)
X = D2Y2 - D1Y1 %*% (ginv(D1Y1) %*% D2Y2)
X = Matrix(X,sparse=T)
# as.numeric(t(Z) %*% X %*% c(model$B2,model$B1,model$A1[2:L],model$A2)
t = Matrix:::t
# ------ LIML procedure ---------- #
Wz = t(X) %*% Z %*% solve( t(Z) %*% Z ) %*% t(Z) %*% X
Wx = t(X) %*% X
WW = solve(Wx) %*% Wz
dec = eigen(WW)
b_liml = Re(as.numeric(dec$vectors[,3*L-1]))
# --------- extract the results ---------- #
b_liml = b_liml/b_liml[norm]
B2 = 1/b_liml[1:L]
B1 = B2
A1 = c(0,b_liml[(L+1):(2*L-1)]) * B1
A2 = b_liml[(2*L):(3*L-1)] * B2
if (any(is.na(A1*A2))) warnings("A1 or A2 contains NA values");
if (any(is.na(B1*B2))) warnings("A1 or A2 contains NA values");
#' this function uses LIML to estimate a model with a given normalization.
#' In estimation the interaction terms B are profiled out in period 2 first,
#' then they are used to recover the intercepts in both periods.
m2.mini.liml.int.prof <- function(Y1,Y2,J1,J2,norm=1) {
L = max(J1)
N = length(Y1)
# ----- prepare the different regressors ----- #
D1 = array(0,c(N,L))
I = (1:N) + N*(J1-1)
D2 = array(0,c(N,L))
I = (1:N) + N*(J2-1)
# construct the Z matrix of instruemts (j1,j2)
Z = array(0,c(N,L^2))
I = (1:N) + N*(J1-1 + L*(J2-1))
# remove empty interactions
I = colSums(Z)!=0
# create regressors, make sparse
Z = Matrix(Z,sparse=T)
# profiling, we project on D2Y2 and intercepts
D2Y2 = cbind(D2*spread(Y2,2,L))
D1Y1 = cbind(-D1*spread(Y1,2,L),D1[,2:L],-D2)
X = D2Y2 - D1Y1 %*% (ginv(D1Y1) %*% D2Y2)
X = Matrix(X,sparse=T)
# extract the correct transpose function
t = Matrix:::t
# ------ LIML procedure ---------- #
Wz = t(X) %*% Z %*% solve( t(Z) %*% Z ) %*% t(Z) %*% X
Wx = t(X) %*% X
WW = solve(Wx) %*% Wz
dec = eigen(WW)
b_liml = Re(as.numeric(dec$vectors[,L]))
# finally extract the intercepts, this is a linear regression
X = cbind(D1[,2:L],-D2)
Y = (D1*spread(Y1,2,L)) %*% b_liml - (D2*spread(Y2,2,L))%*%b_liml
fit2 = lm.fit(X,Y)
b_liml = c(b_liml,as.numeric(fit2$coefficients))
# --------- extract the interaction terms ---------- #
b_liml = b_liml/b_liml[norm]
B2 = 1/b_liml[1:L]
B1 = B2
A1 = c(0,b_liml[(L+1):(2*L-1)]) * B1
A2 = b_liml[(2*L):(3*L-1)] * B2
if (any(is.na(A1*A2))) warnings("A1 or A2 contains NA values");
if (any(is.na(B1*B2))) warnings("A1 or A2 contains NA values");
#' this function uses performs an estimation like the LIML but forcing
#' all the Bs=1. This is like an AKM estimator.
m2.mini.linear.int <- function(Y1,Y2,J1,J2,norm=1) {
L = max(c(J1,J2))
N = length(Y1)
# ----- prepare the different regressors ----- #
D1 = array(0,c(N,L))
I = (1:N) + N*(J1-1)
D2 = array(0,c(N,L))
I = (1:N) + N*(J2-1)
X = cbind(D1[,2:L],-D2)
fit = lm.fit(X,Y1-Y2)$coefficients
# --------- extract the interaction terms ---------- #
B2 = rep(1,L)
B1 = rep(1,L)
A1 = c(0,fit[1:(L-1)])
A2 = fit[L:(2*L-1)]
if (any(is.na(A1*A2))) warnings("A1 or A2 contains NA values");
if (any(is.na(B1*B2))) warnings("B1 or B2 contains NA values");
m2.mini.linear.int.stationary <- function(Y1,Y2,J1,J2,norm=1) {
L = max(c(J1,J2))
N = length(Y1)
# ----- prepare the different regressors ----- #
D1 = array(0,c(N,L))
I = (1:N) + N*(J1-1)
I = (1:N) + N*(J2-1)
D1[I]=D1[I] - 1
X = cbind(D1[,2:L])
fit = lm.fit(X,Y1-Y2)$coefficients
# --------- extract the interaction terms ---------- #
B2 = rep(1,L)
B1 = rep(1,L)
A1 = c(0,fit[1:(L-1)])
A2 = A1
if (any(is.na(A1*A2))) warnings("A1 or A2 contains NA values");
if (any(is.na(B1*B2))) warnings("B1 or B2 contains NA values");
#' this function uses LIML to estimate a model with a given normalization
#' and we want to do it in a non-stationary way.
m2.mini.liml.int3 <- function(Y1,Y2,J1,J2,norm=1,C=1) {
L = max(J1)
N = length(Y1)
# ----- prepare the different regressors ----- #
D1 = array(0,c(N,L))
I = (1:N) + N*(J1-1)
D2 = array(0,c(N,L))
I = (1:N) + N*(J2-1)
# construct the Z matrix of instruemts (j1,j2)
Z = array(0,c(N,L^2))
I = (1:N) + N*(J1-1 + L*(J2-1))
# create regressors, make sparse
Z = Matrix(Z,sparse=T)
X = Matrix(cbind(D2*spread(Y2,2,L), -D1*spread(Y1,2,L),D1[,2:L],-D2) ,sparse=T)
# as.numeric(t(Z) %*% X %*% c(model$B2,model$B1,model$A1[2:L],model$A2)
# ------ LIML procedure ---------- #
Pz = Z %*% solve( t(Z) %*% Z ) %*% t(Z)
Wz = t(X) %*% Pz %*% X
Wx = t(X) %*% X
WW = solve(Wx) %*% Wz
dec = eigen(WW)
lambda = min(dec$values)
# we use HFUL of Hausman Newey et Al (2012) QE
lambda2 = (lambda - (1-lambda)*C/N)/(1 - (1-lambda)*C/N)
# solve Wx^-1 x Wz v = lambda v where we normalize v[1]=1
# extract the
M = WW - lambda2*diag(nrow(WW))
MX = M[,2:(4*L-1)]
b_liml = solve(t(MX)%*%MX,-t(MX)%*%M[,1])
# --------- extract the results ---------- #
b_liml= c(1,as.numeric(b_liml))
B2 = 1/b_liml[1:L]
B1 = 1/b_liml[(L+1):(2*L)]
A1 = c(0,b_liml[(2*L+1):(3*L-1)]) * B1
A2 = b_liml[(3*L):(4*L-1)] * B2
#' this function uses LIML to estimate a model with a given normalization
#' and we want to do it in a non-stationary way.
m2.mini.nls.int2 <- function(Y1,Y2,J1,J2,norm=1,coarse=0,tik=0) {
L = max(J1)
N = length(Y1)
# ----- prepare the different regressors ----- #
D1 = array(0,c(N,L))
I = (1:N) + N*(J1-1)
D2 = array(0,c(N,L))
I = (1:N) + N*(J2-1)
# create regressors, make sparse
Z = Matrix(Z,sparse=T)
X = Matrix(cbind(D2*spread(Y2,2,L), -D1*spread(Y1,2,L),D1[,2:L],-D2) ,sparse=T)
# as.numeric(t(Z) %*% X %*% c(model$B2,model$B1,model$A1[2:L],model$A2)
# ------ LIML procedure ---------- #
Wz = t(X) %*% Z %*% solve(t(Z) %*% Z + tik * diag(L^2)) %*% t(Z) %*% X
Wx = t(X) %*% X
WW = solve(Wx) %*% Wz
dec = eigen(WW)
b_liml = as.numeric(dec$vectors[,4*L-1])
# --------- extract the results ---------- #
b_liml = b_liml/b_liml[norm]
B2 = 1/b_liml[1:L]
B1 = 1/b_liml[(L+1):(2*L)]
A1 = c(0,b_liml[(2*L+1):(3*L-1)]) * B1
A2 = b_liml[(3*L):(4*L-1)] * B2
# ===== MAIN ESTIMATOR ======
#' estimates interacted model
#' @param method default is "ns" for non-stationary, "fixb" is for
#' stationary, "prof" is for profiling out B in period 2 first and "linear"
#' to run an AKM type estimation
#' @family step2 interacted
#' @export
m2.mini.estimate <- function(jdata,sdata,norm=1,model0=c(),method="ns",withx=FALSE,cre.sub=c(0,0),include_covY1_terms=FALSE,posterior_var=FALSE) {
# --------- use LIML on movers to get A1,B1,A2,B2 ---------- #
nf = max(c(J1,J2))
if (method=="fixb") {
rliml = m2.mini.liml.int.fixb(Y1,Y2,J1,J2,norm=norm)
} else if (method=="prof") {
rliml = m2.mini.liml.int.prof(Y1,Y2,J1,J2,norm=norm)
} else if (method=="linear") {
rliml = m2.mini.linear.int(Y1,Y2,J1,J2,norm=norm)
} else if (method %in% c("linear.ss","linear.cre")) {
rliml = m2.mini.linear.int.stationary(Y1,Y2,J1,J2,norm=norm)
} else {
rliml = m2.mini.liml.int2(Y1,Y2,J1,J2,norm=norm)
B1 = rliml$B1
B2 = rliml$B2
N = length(Y1)
# --------- use stayers to get E[alpha|l] ------------- #
EEm = jdata[, (mean(y1)- rliml$A1[j1])/rliml$B1[j1] + (mean(y2)- rliml$A2[j2])/rliml$B2[j2] ,list(j1,j2)]
EEm = 0.5*mcast(EEm,"V1","j1","j2",c(nf,nf),0) # what do you think of this 0.5 right here?
if (!withx) {
# Em = 0.5*( sdata[, (mean(y1)- rliml$A1[j1])/rliml$B1[j1],j1][order(j1),V1] +
# sdata[, (mean(y2)- rliml$A2[j2])/rliml$B2[j2],j2][order(j2),V1])
Em = sdata[, (mean(y1)- rliml$A1[j1])/rliml$B1[j1],j1][order(j1),V1]
} else {
Em1 = sdata[, (mean(y1)- rliml$A1[j1])/rliml$B1[j1],list(x,j1)]
Em = acast(Em1,j1~x)
#Em2 = sdata[, (mean(y2)- rliml$A2[j2])/rliml$B2[j2],list(x,j2)]
#Em = 0.5*(acast(Em1,j1~x) + acast(Em2,j2~x) )
# ---------- MOVERS: use covariance restrictions -------------- #
# we start by computing Var(Y1), Var(Y2) and Cov(Y1,Y2)
# we can only get this when there are at least 2 movers in the combination
YY1 = c(mcast(jdata[,mvar(y1),list(j1,j2)],"V1","j2","j1",c(nf,nf),0))
YY2 = c(mcast(jdata[,mcov(y1,y2),list(j1,j2)],"V1","j2","j1",c(nf,nf),0)) #jdata[,mcov(y1,y2),list(j1,j2)][,V1]
YY3 = c(mcast(jdata[,mvar(y2),list(j1,j2)],"V1","j2","j1",c(nf,nf),0)) #jdata[,mvar(y2),list(j1,j2)][,V1]
XX1 = array(0,c(nf^2, nf^2 + 2*nf))
XX2 = array(0,c(nf^2, nf^2 + 2*nf))
XX3 = array(0,c(nf^2, nf^2 + 2*nf))
W = c(mcast(jdata[,.N,list(j1,j2)],"N","j2","j1",c(nf,nf),0)) #jdata[,.N,list(j1,j2)][,N]
for (l1 in 1:nf) for (l2 in 1:nf) {
ll = l2 + nf*(l1 -1)
if (W[ll]>0) {
XX1[ll,ll ] = B1[l1]^2
XX1[ll,nf^2 + l1 ] = 1
XX2[ll,ll ] = B1[l1]*B2[l2]
XX3[ll,ll ] = B2[l2]^2
XX3[ll,nf^2 + nf + l2 ] = 1
} else { # force parameter to 0 when there is no info
XX1[ll,ll ] = 0.5 # make sure to force both to 0
XX3[ll,ll ] = 1.5 # make sure to force both to 0
XX2[ll,ll] = 1
XX1[ll,nf^2 + l1 ] = 1
XX3[ll,nf^2 + nf + l2 ] = 1
W[ll]=1e-6 # we use a very small weight, to make bias as small as possible
Wm = mcast(jdata[,.N,list(j1,j2)],"N","j1","j2",c(nf,nf),0)
XX = rbind(XX1,XX2,XX3)
res = lm.wfitnn( XX, c(YY1,YY2,YY3), c(W,W,W))$solution
EEsd = t(sqrt(pmax(array((res)[1:nf^2],c(nf,nf)),0)))
eps1_sd = sqrt(pmax((res)[(nf^2+1):(nf^2+nf)],0))
eps2_sd = sqrt(pmax((res)[(nf^2+nf+1):(nf^2+2*nf)],0))
if (any(is.na(eps1_sd*eps2_sd))) warning("NAs in Var(nu1|k1,k2)")
if (any(is.na(EEsd))) warning("NAs in Var(alpha|k1,k2)")
# ---------- STAYERS: use covariance restrictions -------------- #
# function which computes the variance terms
getEsd <- function(sdata) {
YY1 = sdata[,mvar(y1),list(j1)][,V1] - eps1_sd^2
YY2 = sdata[,mvar(y2),list(j1)][,V1] - eps2_sd^2
XX1 = diag(B1^2)
XX2 = diag(B2^2)
W = sdata[,.N,list(j1)][,N]
XX = rbind(XX1,XX2)
res2 = lm.wfitnn( XX, c(YY1,YY2), c(W,W))$solution
Esd = sqrt(pmax(res2,0))
if (withx) {
nx = max(sdata$x)
Esd = array(0,c(nf,nx))
for (xl in 1:nx) {
Esd[,xl] = getEsd(sdata[x==xl])
} else {
Esd = getEsd(sdata)
if (any(is.na(Esd))) warning("NAs in Var(alpha|k1)")
# extract variances
W = sdata[,.N,list(j1)][,N]
model = list(nf=nf,A1=rliml$A1,B1=B1,A2=rliml$A2,B2=B2,EEsd=EEsd,Em=Em,eps1_sd=eps1_sd,
eps2_sd=eps2_sd,Esd = Esd,Ns=W,Nm=Wm,EEm=EEm,withx=withx)
# compute decomposition
NNm = model$Nm; NNs = model$Ns
stayer_share = sum(NNs)/(sum(NNs)+sum(NNm))
model$vdec = m2.mini.vdec(model,1e6,stayer_share,"y1")
# add the correlated random effect model on top
if (method %in% c("linear.cre")) {
sdata[,psi1 := model$A1[j1],j1][,psi2 := model$A2[j2],j2][,mx := model$Em[j1],list(j1)]
jdata[,psi1 := model$A1[j1],j1][,psi2 := model$A2[j2],j2][,mx := model$EEm[j1,j2],list(j1,j2)]
res = m2.trace.reExt.all(sdata,jdata,subsample = cre.sub[1],subsample.firms = cre.sub[2],include_covY1_terms=include_covY1_terms)
model$cre$params = res$p
model$cre$moments = res$moments
jcount = jdata[,.N,j1][order(j1),N]
EEm_average_j1 = rowSums(EEm * NNm)/rowSums(NNm)
# compute new decomposition
dt = sdata[,list(Ns=.N,Nm=jcount[j1],N=.N+jcount[j1],
Em_stayers = model$Em[j1],
Em_movers = EEm_average_j1[j1],
psi_sd = res$p$psi_sd[j1],
a_s = res$p$a_s[j1],
eps_sd = res$p$eps_sd[j1],
xi_sd = res$p$xi_sd[j1],
cov_Y1s_dYmc = res$moments$cov_Y1s_dYmc[j1],
cov_Y1s_Y1sc = res$moments$cov_Y1s_Y1sc[j1],
cov_dYm_dYmc = res$moments$cov_dYm_dYmc[j1],
var_Y1s = res$moments$var_Y1s[j1],
var_dYm = res$moments$var_dYm[j1,j1],
Y1m = mean(y1),
Y1sd = sd(y1)),j1]
dt[, Em := (Ns*Em_stayers + Nm*Em_movers)/(Nm+Ns)]
vdec.cre = dt[, list(
var_psi_btw= wt.var(psi1,N),
var_psi_wth= wt.mean(psi_sd^2,N),
var_x_btw = wt.var(Em,N),
var_x_wth = wt.mean(4*a_s^2*psi_sd^2 + xi_sd^2,N),
cov_x_psi_btw = 2*wt.cov(psi1,Em,N),
cov_x_psi_wth = 2*wt.mean( -cov_Y1s_dYmc - psi_sd^2 ,N),
var_res = wt.mean(eps_sd^2,N))]
# TODO: add computation of posterior variance here.
if (posterior_var==TRUE) {
post = m2.cre_posterior_full(list(jdata=jdata,sdata=sdata),model)
#post = m2.cre_posterior_var(list(jdata=jdata,sdata=sdata),model)
model$cre$posterior_var = post$posterior_var
model$cre$posterior_cov_ypsi_all = post$posterior_cov_ypsi_all
model$cre$posterior_cov_ypsi_movers = post$posterior_cov_ypsi_movers
model$cre$posterior_cov_ypsi_stayers = post$posterior_cov_ypsi_stayers
model$cre$posterior_movers_share = post$posterior_movers_share
model$cre$vdec = vdec.cre
model$cre$all = dt
if (length(model0)>0) {
rr = addmom(Em,model0$Em,"E(alpha|l1,l2)")
rr = addmom(model$A1,model0$A1,"A1",rr)
rr = addmom(model$A2,model0$A2,"A2",rr)
rr = addmom(B1,model0$B1,"B1",rr)
rr = addmom(B2,model0$B2,"B2",rr)
rr = addmom(EEsd,model0$EEsd,"EEsd",rr)
rr = addmom(eps1_sd,model0$eps1_sd,"eps_sd",rr)
rr = addmom(Esd,model0$Esd,"Esd",rr)
print(ggplot(rr,aes(x=val2,y=val1,color=type)) + geom_point() + facet_wrap(~name,scale="free") + theme_bw() + geom_abline(linetype=2))
catf("cor with true model:%f",cor(rr$val1,rr$val2))
#' imputes data according to the model
#' The results are stored in k_imp, y1_imp, y2_imp
#' this function simulates with the X or without depending on what model is passed.
#' @export
m2.mini.impute.stayers <- function(model,sdatae) {
A1 = model$A1
B1 = model$B1
A2 = model$A2
B2 = model$B2
Em = model$Em
Esd = model$Esd
eps1_sd = model$eps1_sd
eps2_sd = model$eps2_sd
# ------ impute K, Y1, Y4 on jdata ------- #
sdatae.sim = copy(sdatae)
if ("k_imp" %in% names(sdatae.sim)) sdatae.sim[,k_imp := NULL];
if (model$withx) {
sdatae.sim[, c('k_imp','y1_imp','y2_imp') := {
ni = .N
Ki = Em[j1,x] + Esd[j1,x]*rnorm(ni)
Y1 = A1[j1] + B1[j1]*Ki + eps1_sd[j1] * rnorm(ni)
Y2 = A2[j1] + B2[j1]*Ki + eps2_sd[j1] * rnorm(ni)
} else {
sdatae.sim[, c('k_imp','y1_imp','y2_imp') := {
ni = .N
Ki = Em[j1] + Esd[j1]*rnorm(ni)
Y1 = A1[j1] + B1[j1]*Ki + eps1_sd[j1] * rnorm(ni)
Y2 = A2[j2] + B2[j2]*Ki + eps2_sd[j2] * rnorm(ni)
#' imputes data for movers according to the model. The results are stored in k_imp, y1_imp, y2_imp
#' @export
m2.mini.impute.movers <- function(model,jdatae) {
A1 = model$A1
B1 = model$B1
A2 = model$A2
B2 = model$B2
Em = model$Em
EEm = model$EEm
EEsd = model$EEsd
Esd = model$Esd
eps1_sd = model$eps1_sd
eps2_sd = model$eps2_sd
nf = model$nf
# ------ impute K, Y1, Y4 on jdata ------- #
jdatae.sim = copy(jdatae)
jdatae.sim[, c('k_imp','y1_imp','y2_imp') := {
ni = .N
jj = j1 + nf*(j2-1)
Ki = EEm[j1,j2] + rnorm(ni)*EEsd[j1,j2]
# draw Y1, Y4
Y1 = rnorm(ni)*eps1_sd[j1] + A1[j1] + B1[j1]*Ki
Y2 = rnorm(ni)*eps2_sd[j2] + A2[j2] + B2[j2]*Ki
#' Computes the variance decomposition by simulation
#' @export
m2.mini.vdec <- function(model,nsim,stayer_share=1,ydep="y1") {
# simulate movers/stayers, and combine
NNm = model$Nm
NNs = model$Ns
NNs = round(NNs*nsim*stayer_share/sum(NNs))
NNm = round(NNm*nsim*(1-stayer_share)/sum(NNm))
flog.info("computing var decomposition with ns=%i nm=%i",sum(NNs),sum(NNm))
# we simulate from the model both movers and stayers
sdata.sim = m2.mini.simulate.stayers(model,NNs)
jdata.sim = m2.mini.simulate.movers(model,NNm)
sdata.sim = rbind(sdata.sim[,list(j1,k=alpha,y1,y2)],jdata.sim[,list(j1,k=alpha,y1,y2)])
proj_unc = lin.proja(sdata.sim,ydep,"k","j1");
model.show <- function(model) {
# compute the cavariance terms
v1 = wtd.var(model$A1, model$Ns)
v2 = wtd.mean(model$eps1_sd^2, model$Ns)
v3 = wtd.var(model$B1 * model$Em, model$Ns ) + wtd.mean(model$B1^2 * model$Esd^2, model$Ns )
v4 = wtd.var(rbind(model$A1,model$B1*model$Em),model$Ns )
catf(" V(alpha)=%f \t V(psi)=%f \t 2*cov")
m2.mini.test <- function() {
model = m2.mini.new(10,serial = F)
NNm = array(200000/(model$nf^2),c(model$nf,model$nf))
NNs = array(300000/model$nf,model$nf)
jdata = m2.mini.simulate.movers(model,NNm)
sdata = m2.mini.simulate.stayers(model,NNs)
# check moment restrictionB
ggplot(jdata[,list(var(alpha)*B1[j1]^2+var(e1),var(y1),.N),list(j1,j2)],aes(x=V1,y=V2)) + geom_point() + geom_abline() + theme_bw()
ggplot(jdata[,list(var(alpha)*B2[j2]^2+var(e2),var(y2),.N),list(j1,j2)],aes(x=V1,y=V2)) + geom_point() + geom_abline() + theme_bw()
ggplot(jdata[,list(var(alpha)*B2[j2]*B1[j1],cov(y1,y2),.N),list(j1,j2)],aes(x=V1,y=V2)) + geom_point() + geom_abline() + theme_bw()
jdata[(j1==6) & (j2==4),list(var(alpha)*B1[j1]+var(e1),var(y1),.N),list(j1,j2)]
jdata[(j1==6) & (j2==4),sd(alpha)]
# using estimated model
minimodel.exo.vardec <- function(res, alpha_l=res$alpha_l, NN=res$NN , nk = 10) {
# we just simulate a cross-section and compute a linear variance decomposition
# draw an l from p_l
# draw an alpha from alpha | l
# we draw from the mean: a(l) + b(l) alpha
L = length(res$a_l)
Y = array(0,c(sum(NN)))
J = array(0,c(sum(NN)))
AL = array(0,c(sum(NN)))
i =1
for (l1 in 1:length(NN)) {
I = i:(i+NN[l1] -1)
alpha = res$alpha_l[l1] + sqrt(abs(res$alpha_var_l[l1]))*rnorm(NN[l1])
Y[I] = (res$a_l[l1] + res$b_l[l1]*alpha)
J[I] = l1
AL[I] = alpha
i = i + NN[l1]
sim.data = data.table(j=J,y=Y,alpha=AL)
sim.data[, k := ceiling( nk * ( rank(alpha)/.N))]
# rr = sim.data[,mean(y),list(k,j)]
# ggplot(rr,aes(x=j,y=V1,color=factor(k))) + geom_line() +theme_bw()
fit = lm( y ~ alpha + factor(j),sim.data)
sim.data$res = residuals(fit)
pred = predict(fit,type = "terms")
sim.data$k_hat = pred[,1]
sim.data$l_hat = pred[,2]
rr = list()
rr$cc = sim.data[,cov.wt( data.frame(y,k_hat,l_hat,res))$cov]
rr$ccw = rr$cc
rr$ccm = rr$cc
fit2 = lm(y ~ factor(k) * factor(j), sim.data )
rr$rsq1 = summary(fit)$r.squared
rr$rsq2 = summary(fit2)$r.squared
rr$pi_k_l = acast(sim.data[, .N , list(k,j)][ , V1:= N/sum(N),j],k~j,value.var="V1")
rr$wage = acast(sim.data[, mean(y) , list(k,j)],k~j,value.var="V1")
#' extract Var(alpha|k1,k2) var
get.variances.movers <- function(jdata,sdata,model) {
# USE MOVERS TO GET Var(epsilon|l1)
YY1 = jdata[, var(y1) ,list(j1,j2)][,V1]
YY2 = jdata[, cov(y1,y2) ,list(j1,j2)][,V1]
YY3 = jdata[, var(y2) ,list(j1,j2)][,V1]
W = jdata[,.N,list(j1,j2)][,N]
nf = model$nf
XX1 = array(0,c(nf^2,nf^2 + 2*nf))
XX2 = array(0,c(nf^2,nf^2 + 2*nf))
XX3 = array(0,c(nf^2,nf^2 + 2*nf))
L = nf
B1 = model$B1
B2 = model$B2
for (l1 in 1:nf) for (l2 in 1:nf) {
ll = l2 + nf*(l1 -1)
Ls = 0;
# the Var(alpha|l1,l2)
XX1[ll,ll] = B1[l1]^2
XX2[ll,ll] = B1[l1]*B2[l2]
XX3[ll,ll] = B2[l2]^2
Ls= Ls+L^2
# the var(nu|l)
XX1[ll,Ls+l1] = 1;Ls= Ls+L
XX3[ll,Ls+l2] = 1
XX = rbind(XX1,XX2,XX3)
YY = c(YY1,YY2,YY3)
fit1 = lm.wfitnn(XX,YY,c(W,W,W))
res = fit1$solution
obj1 = t( YY - XX %*% res ) %*% diag(c(W,W,W)) %*% ( YY - XX %*% res )
EEsd = t(sqrt(pmax(array((res)[1:nf^2],c(nf,nf)),0)))
nu1_sd = sqrt(pmax((res)[(nf^2+1):(nf^2+nf)],0))
nu2_sd = sqrt(pmax((res)[(nf^2+nf+1):(nf^2+2*nf)],0))
#' plotting mini model
#' @export
m2.mini.plotw <- function(model,qt=6,getvals=F) {
rr = data.table(l=1:length(model$A1),Em = model$Em,Esd = model$Esd,
N = model$Ns,A1=model$A1,B1=model$B1,A2=model$A2,B2=model$B2)
alpha_m = rr[, wtd.mean(Em,N)]
alpha_sd = sqrt(rr[, wtd.mean(Esd^2,N) + wtd.var(Em,N) ])
qts = qnorm( (1:qt)/(qt+1))
rr2 = rr[, list( y1= (qts*alpha_sd + alpha_m)* B1+ A1 ,y2= (qts*alpha_sd + alpha_m)* B2+ A2, k=1:qt),l ]
rr2 = melt(rr2,id.vars = c('l','k'))
if (getvals==TRUE) {
ggplot(rr2,aes(x=l,y=value,color=factor(k))) + geom_line() + geom_point() + theme_bw() + facet_wrap(~variable)
extract.variances <- function(jdata,sdata,B1,B2,rr=list(),na.rm=F) {
# compute the variance of espilon conditional on l1, l2
alpha_var_l1l2 = acast(jdata[, list(V1 = mcov(y1,y2) /( B1[j1] * B2[j2])) , list(j1,j2)],j1~j2)
# compute the variance of espilon conditional on l1, l2
l2 = jdata[, list( mvar(y1) - mcov(y1,y2) * B1[j1]/B2[j2] ,.N) , list(j1,j2)]
if (na.rm==TRUE) espilon_var_l1l2[ is.na(V1), V1:=0 ];
# compute the variance of espilon conditional on l1, l2
epsilon_var_l = espilon_var_l1l2[ , weighted.mean(V1,N) , j1][, V1]
# compute the variance of alpha conditional on l
alpha_var_l = (sdata[,mvar(y),j][,V1] - epsilon_var_l)/b_l^2
rr$espilon_var_l1l2 = acast(espilon_var_l1l2,j1~j2,value.var = "V1")
rr$epsilon_var_l = epsilon_var_l
rr$alpha_var_l = alpha_var_l
rr$alpha_var_l1l2 = alpha_var_l1l2
est.nls <- function() {
# objective function given X
eval_f <- function( x ) {
B1 = x[1:L]
B2 = x[(L+1):(2*L)]
A1 = c(0,x[(2*L+1):(3*L-1)])
A2 = x[(3*L):(4*L-1)]
EEm = array( x[(4*L):(4*L + L^2-1)], c(L,L))
# we sum square terms
obj = jdata[, (y1 - A1[j1] - B1[j1]*EEm[j1,j2])^2 + (y2 - A2[j2] - B2[j2]*EEm[j1,j2])^2,list(j1,j2)][,sum(V1^2)]
gB1 = jdata[, -2*EEm[j1,j2]*(y1 - A1[j1] - B1[j1]*EEm[j1,j2]),list(j1,j2)][,sum(V1),j1]
gB2 = jdata[, -2*EEm[j1,j2]*(y2 - A2[j2] - B2[j2]*EEm[j1,j2]),list(j1,j2)][,sum(V1),j2]
gA1 = jdata[, -2*(y1 - A1[j1] - B1[j1]*EEm[j1,j2]),list(j1,j2)][,sum(V1),j1]
gA2 = jdata[, -2*(y2 - A2[j2] - B2[j2]*EEm[j1,j2]),list(j1,j2)][,sum(V1),j2]
gEEm = jdata[, -2*B1[j1]*(y1 - A1[j1] - B1[j1]*EEm[j1,j2]) -2*B2[j2]*(y1 - A1[j1] - B1[j1]*EEm[j1,j2]),list(j1,j2)][,sum(V1),list(j1,j2)]
return(list( "objective" = obj,
"gradient" = c(gB1,gB2,gA1[2:L],gA2)))
#' estimates interacted model using quasi-linkelood on the data moments
#' @export
m2.miniql.estimate <- function(jdata,sdata,norm=1,model0=c(),maxiter=1000,ncat=50,linear=F,init0=F) {
nf = length(unique(sdata$j1))
# we start by extracting the moments from the data
Nm = acast(jdata[,.N,list(j1,j2)],j1~j2,fill=0,value.var = "N")
M1 = acast(jdata[,mean(y1),list(j1,j2)],j1~j2,fill=0,value.var = "V1")
M2 = acast(jdata[,mean(y2),list(j1,j2)],j1~j2,fill=0,value.var = "V1")
V11 = acast(jdata[,var(y1),list(j1,j2)],j1~j2,fill=0,value.var = "V1")
V22 = acast(jdata[,var(y2),list(j1,j2)],j1~j2,fill=0,value.var = "V1")
V12 = acast(jdata[,cov(y1,y2),list(j1,j2)],j1~j2,fill=0,value.var = "V1")
# then we initialize the parameters
EEm = array(rnorm(nf^2),c(nf,nf))
EEsd = array(1,c(nf,nf))
eps1_sd = rep(1,nf)
eps2_sd = rep(1,nf)
A = rep(0,nf)
B = 0.5 + runif(nf)
if (init0) {
EEm = model0$EEm
EEsd = model0$EEsd
#A = model0$A1
B = model0$B1
eps1_sd = model0$eps1_sd
eps2_sd = model0$eps2_sd
SIG = array(1,c(nf,nf))
YY = rep(0,4)
XX = array(0,c(4,2))
SS = array(0,c(4,4))
DD1 = array(0,c(2*nf,2*nf))
DD2 = rep(0,2*nf)
lik0 = -Inf
for (iter in 1:maxiter) {
# E-step
SIG = ( spread(B^2/eps1_sd^2,2,nf) + spread(B^2/eps2_sd^2,1,nf) + 1/EEsd^2 )^-1
C0 = SIG * ( - spread(A*B/eps1_sd^2,2,nf) - spread(A*B/eps2_sd^2,1,nf) + EEm/EEsd^2 )
C1 = SIG * spread(B/eps1_sd^2,2,nf)
C2 = SIG * spread(B/eps2_sd^2,1,nf)
# evaluate the likelihood
lik = 0
for (k1 in 1:nf) for (k2 in 1:nf) {
MM = c( M1[k1,k2] - A[k1] - B[k1]*EEm[k1,k2] , M2[k1,k2] - A[k2] - B[k2]*EEm[k1,k2] )
OO = array( c( B[k1]^2*EEsd[k1,k2]^2 + eps1_sd[k1]^2 ,
B[k2]^2*EEsd[k1,k2]^2 + eps2_sd[k2]^2) ,c(2,2))
VV = array(c(V11[k1,k2],V12[k1,k2],V12[k1,k2],V22[k1,k2]),c(2,2))
lkk = - log(2*pi) - 1/2*log(det(OO)) -1/2* t(MM) %*% solve(OO) %*% MM -1/2* sum(diag(solve(OO) %*% VV))
lik = lik + lkk*Nm[k1,k2]
dlik= lik0 - lik
lik0 = lik
if (iter%%ncat==0) flog.info("[%i] lik=%4.4f dlik=%4.4f",iter,lik,dlik);
ntot = sum(Nm)
# we construct the quad prob problem
for (k1 in 1:nf) for (k2 in 1:nf) {
# period 1 stuff
YY[1] = M1[k1,k2]
YY[2] = 1
YY[3] = 0
XX[1,2] = C1[k1,k2]*M1[k1,k2] + C2[k1,k2]*M2[k1,k2] + C0[k1,k2]
XX[2,2] = C1[k1,k2]
XX[3,2] = -C2[k1,k2]
SS[2,2] = V11[k1,k2]
SS[2,3] = V12[k1,k2]
SS[3,2] = V12[k1,k2]
SS[3,3] = V22[k1,k2]
SS[4,4] = SIG[k1,k2]
I = 2*(k1-1)+1:2
DD1[I,I] = DD1[I,I] + (t(XX) %*% SS %*% XX) * (Nm[k1,k2]/ntot)/eps1_sd[k1]^2
DD2[I] = DD2[I] + (t(XX) %*% SS %*% YY) * (Nm[k1,k2]/ntot)/eps1_sd[k1]^2
# period 2 stuff
YY[1] = M2[k1,k2]
YY[2] = 0
YY[3] = 1
XX[2,2] = -C1[k1,k2]
XX[3,2] = C2[k1,k2]
I = 2*(k2-1)+1:2
DD1[I,I] = DD1[I,I] + (t(XX) %*% SS %*% XX) * (Nm[k1,k2]/ntot)/eps2_sd[k2]^2
DD2[I] = DD2[I] + (t(XX) %*% SS %*% YY) * (Nm[k1,k2]/ntot)/eps2_sd[k2]^2
# solve the problem
Amat = array(0,c(2,2*nf)); Amat[1,1]=1; Amat[2,2]=1; bvec = c(0,1);
if (linear) {
Amat = array(0,c(nf+1,2*nf)); Amat[1,1]=1;
for (k in 1:nf) Amat[k+1,2*k]=1;
fit = solve.QP(DD1,DD2,Amat = t(Amat),bvec =bvec,meq = nrow(Amat))
R = array(fit$solution,c(2,nf))
A = R[1,]
B = R[2,]
#Xtmp = C1*M1 + C2*M2 + C0
#A = rowSums( (M1 - Xtmp)*Nm/spread(eps1_sd^2,2,nf) ) + colSums( (M2 - Xtmp)*Nm/spread(eps2_sd^2,1,nf) )
#A = A/( rowSums(Nm/spread(eps1_sd^2,2,nf)) + colSums(Nm/spread(eps2_sd^2,1,nf)) )
# updating eps_sd
#eps1_sd = as.numeric(sqrt(rowSums(Nm[k1,k2]*( (1- spread(B,2,nf)*C1)^2*V11 -2*(1-spread(B,2,nf)*C1)*spread(B,2,nf)*C2*V12 + spread(B,2,nf)^2*C2^2*V22) )/rowSums(Nm)))
#eps2_sd = as.numeric(sqrt(colSums(Nm[k1,k2]*( (1- spread(B,1,nf)*C2)^2*V22 -2*(1-spread(B,1,nf)*C2)*spread(B,1,nf)*C1*V12 + spread(B,1,nf)^2*C1^2*V11) )/colSums(Nm)))
# update mu and sigmas
# EEm = C0 + C1*M1 + C2*M2
# EEsd = sqrt(SIG + C1^2*V11 + 2*C1*C2*V12 + C2^2*V22)
} # we loop
flog.info("[%i][final] lik=%4.4f dlik=%4.4f",iter,lik,dlik)
model= list(A1=A,A2=A,B1=B,B2=B,EEm=EEm,EEsd=EEsd,eps1_sd=eps1_sd,eps2_sd=eps2_sd)
if (length(model0)>0) {
rr = addmom(model$EEm,model0$EEm,"E(alpha|l1,l2)")
rr = addmom(model$A1,model0$A1,"A1",rr)
rr = addmom(model$A2,model0$A2,"A2",rr)
rr = addmom(model$B1,model0$B1,"B1",rr)
rr = addmom(model$B2,model0$B2,"B2",rr)
rr = addmom(model$EEsd,model0$EEsd,"EEsd",rr)
rr = addmom(model$eps1_sd,model0$eps1_sd,"eps_sd",rr)
#rr = addmom(Esd,model0$Esd,"Esd",rr)
print(ggplot(rr,aes(x=val2,y=val1,color=type)) + geom_point() + facet_wrap(~name,scale="free") + theme_bw() + geom_abline(linetype=2))
catf("cor with true model:%f",cor(rr$val1,rr$val2))
#' Random coefficient estimator for the mini-model
#' @param theta value of the parameters
#' @param type what part of the parameters to keep fixed (0: all parameters, 1: A,B, 2: A,eps, 3:eps, 4: homoskedastic)
#' @param model0 value for the parameters that are kept fixed
#' @param md moments from the data (M1,M2,V11,V12,V22,Nm)
#' @param norm default is c(1,1) whicch gives the index for the normalization of A and B
#' @export
m2.mini.rc.lik <- function(theta,type=0,model0=NA,md,norm=c(1,1)) {
nf = dim(md$M1)[1]
if (any(is.na(model0))) {
model0 = list(A=rep(0,nf),B=rep(1,nf),eps_sd=rep(1,nf))
if (type==0) {
A = rep(0,nf)
A[setdiff(1:nf,norm[1])] = theta[1:(nf-1)]
B = rep(1,nf)
B[setdiff(1:nf,norm[2])] = theta[nf:(2*nf-2)]
eps_sd = exp(theta[(2*nf-1):(3*nf-2)])
if (type==1) {
A = rep(0,nf)
A[setdiff(1:nf,norm[1])] = theta[1:(nf-1)]
B = rep(1,nf)
B[setdiff(1:nf,norm[2])] = theta[nf:(2*nf-2)]
eps_sd = model0$eps_sd
if (type==2) {
A = rep(0,nf)
A[setdiff(1:nf,norm[1])] = theta[1:(nf-1)]
B = model0$B
eps_sd = exp(theta[10:19])
if (type==3) {
A = model0$A
B = model0$B
eps_sd = exp(theta[1:10])
if (type==4) {
A = rep(0,nf)
A[setdiff(1:nf,norm[1])] = theta[1:(nf-1)]
B = rep(1,nf)
B[setdiff(1:nf,norm[2])] = theta[nf:(2*nf-2)]
eps_sd = rep(exp(theta[[19]]),10)
M1 = md$M1
M2 = md$M2
V11 = md$V11
V22 = md$V22
V12 = md$V12
Nm = md$Nm
lik_tot = 0
SIG = diag(2)
SIGir = diag(2)
lik_all = array(0,c(nf,nf))
for (k1 in 1:nf) for (k2 in 1:nf) {
bv = c(B[k1],B[k2])
av = c(A[k1],A[k2])
SIGir[1,1] = eps_sd[k1]^-1 # inverse square root
SIGir[2,2] = eps_sd[k2]^-1
# data
VV = array(c(V11[k1,k2],V12[k1,k2],V12[k1,k2],V22[k1,k2]),c(2,2))
MM = c( M1[k1,k2], M2[k1,k2])
# projector
den = as.numeric( t(bv) %*% SIGir^2 %*% bv)
WW = diag(2) - (SIGir %*% ( bv %*% t(bv) ) %*% SIGir) / den # @fixme: fix the scaling issue when the sigma are very large
OO = SIGir %*% WW %*% SIGir
# means
lik_k1k2 = -0.5*log(2*pi) -0.5* t(MM - av) %*% OO %*% (MM - av)
# variances
lik_k1k2 = lik_k1k2 + 0.5*log(sum(diag(SIGir^2 %*% WW))) -1/2*sum(diag( VV %*% OO ))
# add
lik_all[k1,k2] = Nm[k1,k2]*as.numeric(lik_k1k2)
#' gradient function
#' @export
m2.mini.rc.lik.grad <- function(theta,type=0,model0=NA,md,norm=c(1,1)) {
nf = dim(md$M1)[1]
if (any(is.na(model0))) {
model0 = list(A=rep(0,nf),B=rep(1,nf),eps_sd=rep(1,nf))
if (type==0) {
A = rep(0,nf)
A[setdiff(1:nf,norm[1])] = theta[1:(nf-1)]
B = rep(1,nf)
B[setdiff(1:nf,norm[2])] = theta[nf:(2*nf-2)]
eps_sd = exp(theta[(2*nf-1):(3*nf-2)])
if (type==1) {
A = rep(0,nf)
A[setdiff(1:nf,norm[1])] = theta[1:(nf-1)]
B = rep(1,nf)
B[setdiff(1:nf,norm[2])] = theta[nf:(2*nf-2)]
eps_sd = model0$eps_sd
if (type==2) {
A = rep(0,nf)
A[setdiff(1:nf,norm[1])] = theta[1:(nf-1)]
B = model0$B
eps_sd = exp(theta[10:19])
if (type==3) {
A = model0$A
B = model0$B
eps_sd = exp(theta[1:10])
if (type==4) {
A = rep(0,nf)
A[setdiff(1:nf,norm[1])] = theta[1:(nf-1)]
B = rep(1,nf)
B[setdiff(1:nf,norm[2])] = theta[nf:(2*nf-2)]
eps_sd = rep(exp(theta[[19]]),10)
M1 = md$M1
M2 = md$M2
V11 = md$V11
V22 = md$V22
V12 = md$V12
Nm = md$Nm
lik_tot = 0
SIG = diag(2)
SIGir = diag(2)
lik_all = array(0,c(nf,nf))
diff1 = rep(0,3)
diff2 = rep(0,3)
grad = array(0,c(3,nf))
for (k1 in 1:nf) for (k2 in 1:nf) {
a1 = A[k1]
a2 = A[k2]
b1 = B[k1]
b2 = B[k2]
s1 = eps_sd[k1]
s2 = eps_sd[k2]
# data
v11 = V11[k1,k2]
v12 = V12[k1,k2]
v22 = V22[k1,k2]
m1 = M1[k1,k2]
m2 = M2[k1,k2]
# term -0.5* t(MM - av) %*% OO %*% (MM - av)
diff1[1] = ((a1/2 - m1/2)*(b1^2/(s1^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)) - 1))/s1^2 + ((a1 - m1)*(b1^2/(s1^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)) - 1))/(2*s1^2) + (b1*b2*(a2/2 - m2/2))/(s1^2*s2^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)) + (b1*b2*(a2 - m2))/(2*s1^2*s2^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2))
diff1[2] = (a1 - m1)*((((2*b1)/(s1^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)) - (2*b1^3)/(s1^4*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)^2))*(a1/2 - m1/2))/s1^2 + (b2*(a2/2 - m2/2))/(s1^2*s2^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)) - (2*b1^2*b2*(a2/2 - m2/2))/(s1^4*s2^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)^2)) - (a2 - m2)*((2*b1^2*b2*(a1/2 - m1/2))/(s1^4*s2^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)^2) - (b2*(a1/2 - m1/2))/(s1^2*s2^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)) + (2*b1*b2^2*(a2/2 - m2/2))/(s1^2*s2^4*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)^2))
diff1[3] = (a2 - m2)*((2*b1^2*b2^2*(a2/2 - m2/2))/(s1^3*s2^4*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)^2) - (2*b1*b2*(a1/2 - m1/2))/(s1^3*s2^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)) + (2*b1^3*b2*(a1/2 - m1/2))/(s1^5*s2^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)^2)) - (a1 - m1)*((2*(a1/2 - m1/2)*(b1^2/(s1^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)) - 1))/s1^3 + (((2*b1^2)/(s1^3*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)) - (2*b1^4)/(s1^5*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)^2))*(a1/2 - m1/2))/s1^2 + (2*b1*b2*(a2/2 - m2/2))/(s1^3*s2^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)) - (2*b1^3*b2*(a2/2 - m2/2))/(s1^5*s2^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)^2))
diff2[1] = ((a2/2 - m2/2)*(b2^2/(s2^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)) - 1))/s2^2 + ((a2 - m2)*(b2^2/(s2^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)) - 1))/(2*s2^2) + (b1*b2*(a1/2 - m1/2))/(s1^2*s2^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)) + (b1*b2*(a1 - m1))/(2*s1^2*s2^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2))
diff2[2] = (a2 - m2)*((((2*b2)/(s2^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)) - (2*b2^3)/(s2^4*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)^2))*(a2/2 - m2/2))/s2^2 + (b1*(a1/2 - m1/2))/(s1^2*s2^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)) - (2*b1*b2^2*(a1/2 - m1/2))/(s1^2*s2^4*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)^2)) - (a1 - m1)*((2*b1^2*b2*(a1/2 - m1/2))/(s1^4*s2^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)^2) - (b1*(a2/2 - m2/2))/(s1^2*s2^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)) + (2*b1*b2^2*(a2/2 - m2/2))/(s1^2*s2^4*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)^2))
diff2[3] = (a1 - m1)*((2*b1^2*b2^2*(a1/2 - m1/2))/(s1^4*s2^3*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)^2) - (2*b1*b2*(a2/2 - m2/2))/(s1^2*s2^3*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)) + (2*b1*b2^3*(a2/2 - m2/2))/(s1^2*s2^5*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)^2)) - (a2 - m2)*((2*(a2/2 - m2/2)*(b2^2/(s2^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)) - 1))/s2^3 + (((2*b2^2)/(s2^3*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)) - (2*b2^4)/(s2^5*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)^2))*(a2/2 - m2/2))/s2^2 + (2*b1*b2*(a1/2 - m1/2))/(s1^2*s2^3*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)) - (2*b1*b2^3*(a1/2 - m1/2))/(s1^2*s2^5*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)^2))
# term 0.5*log(sum(diag(SIGir^2 %*% WW))) -1/2*sum(diag( VV %*% OO ))
diff1[2] = diff1[2] + (((2*b1)/(s1^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)) - (2*b1^3)/(s1^4*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)^2))/s1^2 - (2*b1*b2^2)/(s1^2*s2^4*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)^2))/(2*((b1^2/(s1^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)) - 1)/s1^2 + (b2^2/(s2^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)) - 1)/s2^2)) + (v11*((2*b1)/(s1^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)) - (2*b1^3)/(s1^4*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)^2)))/(2*s1^2) + (b2*v12)/(s1^2*s2^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)) - (2*b1^2*b2*v12)/(s1^4*s2^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)^2) - (b1*b2^2*v22)/(s1^2*s2^4*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)^2)
diff1[3] = diff1[3] + (2*b1^3*b2*v12)/(s1^5*s2^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)^2) - (v11*((2*b1^2)/(s1^3*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)) - (2*b1^4)/(s1^5*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)^2)))/(2*s1^2) - (v11*(b1^2/(s1^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)) - 1))/s1^3 - ((2*(b1^2/(s1^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)) - 1))/s1^3 + ((2*b1^2)/(s1^3*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)) - (2*b1^4)/(s1^5*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)^2))/s1^2 - (2*b1^2*b2^2)/(s1^3*s2^4*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)^2))/(2*((b1^2/(s1^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)) - 1)/s1^2 + (b2^2/(s2^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)) - 1)/s2^2)) + (b1^2*b2^2*v22)/(s1^3*s2^4*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)^2) - (2*b1*b2*v12)/(s1^3*s2^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2))
diff2[2] = diff2[2] + (((2*b2)/(s2^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)) - (2*b2^3)/(s2^4*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)^2))/s2^2 - (2*b1^2*b2)/(s1^4*s2^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)^2))/(2*((b1^2/(s1^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)) - 1)/s1^2 + (b2^2/(s2^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)) - 1)/s2^2)) + (v22*((2*b2)/(s2^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)) - (2*b2^3)/(s2^4*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)^2)))/(2*s2^2) + (b1*v12)/(s1^2*s2^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)) - (b1^2*b2*v11)/(s1^4*s2^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)^2) - (2*b1*b2^2*v12)/(s1^2*s2^4*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)^2)
diff2[3] = diff2[3] + (2*b1*b2^3*v12)/(s1^2*s2^5*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)^2) - (v22*((2*b2^2)/(s2^3*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)) - (2*b2^4)/(s2^5*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)^2)))/(2*s2^2) - (v22*(b2^2/(s2^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)) - 1))/s2^3 - ((2*(b2^2/(s2^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)) - 1))/s2^3 + ((2*b2^2)/(s2^3*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)) - (2*b2^4)/(s2^5*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)^2))/s2^2 - (2*b1^2*b2^2)/(s1^4*s2^3*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)^2))/(2*((b1^2/(s1^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)) - 1)/s1^2 + (b2^2/(s2^2*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)) - 1)/s2^2)) + (b1^2*b2^2*v11)/(s1^4*s2^3*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2)^2) - (2*b1*b2*v12)/(s1^2*s2^3*(b1^2/s1^2 + b2^2/s2^2))
# correct of the exponetional transform
diff1[3] = diff1[3]*s1
diff2[3] = diff2[3]*s2
# add to main gradient
grad[,k1] = grad[,k1] + Nm[k1,k2]*diff1
grad[,k2] = grad[,k2] + Nm[k1,k2]*diff2
#' @export
m2.minirc.estimate <- function(cstats,mstats,method=1,verbose=FALSE) {
l1 = 0 #cstats[,wt.mean(m1,N)]
l2 = 0 #cstats[,wt.mean(m2,N)]
M1 = acast(mstats,j1~j2,value.var = "m1",fill=0)-l1
M2 = acast(mstats,j1~j2,value.var = "m2",fill=0)-l2
V11 = acast(mstats,j1~j2,value.var = "sd1",fill=0)^2
V22 = acast(mstats,j1~j2,value.var = "sd2",fill=0)^2
V12 = acast(mstats,j1~j2,value.var = "v12",fill=0)
Nm = acast(mstats,j1~j2,value.var = "N",fill=0)
md = list(M1=M1,M2=M2,V11=V11,V22=V22,V12=V12,Nm=Nm)
nf = dim(M1)[[1]]
if (method==1) {
theta_1 = c(rnorm(9),0.5+runif(9), rep(-1,10))
res = optim(theta_1 ,fn = m2.mini.rc.lik,gr=m2.mini.rc.lik.grad,
method ="BFGS",control=list(trace=100,maxit=1000,REPORT=1),md=md,type=0,norm=c(1,1))
# start with B=1
if (method==2) {
model0 = list(A=rep(0,nf),B=seq(1,1,l=nf),eps_sd=rep(1,nf))
theta_0 = c(rnorm(nf-1),rep(-1,nf))
res = optim(theta_0 ,fn = m2.mini.rc.lik,
method ="BFGS",control=list(trace=100,maxit=300,REPORT=1),md=md,type=2,model0=model0)
theta_1 = c(res$par[1:(nf-1)],model0$B[2:nf],res$par[nf:(2*nf-1)])
res = optim(theta_1 ,fn = m2.mini.rc.lik,gr=m2.mini.rc.lik.grad,
method ="BFGS",control=list(trace=100,maxit=300,REPORT=1),md=md,type=0)
A = c(0,res$par[1:(nf-1)])
B = c(1,res$par[nf:(2*nf-2)])
eps_sd = exp(res$par[(2*nf-1):(3*nf-2)])
# extract EEm and EEsd
T1 = (V11 - spread(eps_sd,1,nf)^2)/spread(B,1,nf)^2
T2 = (V22 - spread(eps_sd,2,nf)^2)/spread(B,2,nf)^2
EEsd = sqrt(1/( T1^-1 + T2^-1))
R1 = (M1-spread(A,1,nf))/spread(B,1,nf)
R2 = (M2-spread(A,2,nf))/spread(B,2,nf)
EEm = EEsd^2 * ( T1^-1*R1 + T2^-1*R2)
# finally do the same on stayers, recover Em and Esd
Em = (cstats$m1 -l1- A)/B
Esd = sqrt((cstats$sd1^2 - eps_sd^2)/B^2)
Esd[is.nan(Esd)] = 0.001
EEsd[is.nan(EEsd)] = 0.001
EEm[is.nan(EEm)] = 0.001
model = list(A1=A,A2=A,B1=B,B2=B,EEm=EEm,EEsd=EEsd,Em=Em,Esd=Esd,Nm=Nm,nf=10,Ns=cstats$N,eps1_sd=eps_sd,eps2_sd=eps_sd)
stayer_share = sum(cstats$N)/(sum(cstats$N) + sum(mstats$N))
model$vdec = m2.mini.vdec(model,1e6,stayer_share,"y1")
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