#' @title estimateL.EoA - Estimate rate parameter Lambda for
#' a single-site using the classic EoA method
#' @description This routine computes lambda, the mean number of search targets
#' out there per season,
#' using information from the number of found targets and the g-value (=probatility of
#' discovery). This differs from the \code{eoar()} function in that
#' this routine does not allow covariates (mean model only).
#' The method is Bayesian and allows either an uniform prior for lambda
#' or an informed prior.
#' Estimation is direct in the sense that this routine uses numerical
#' integration to compute the posterior of lambda.
#' @param X Total number of search targets found at all searched sites during the
#' entire search season.
#' @param beta.params A list containing, at a minimum, components named $alpha and $beta.
#' These are the all-site alpha and beta parameters for g. In many cases, these parameters
#' are computed using function \code{\link{getFleetG}}.
#' @param Lprior A string naming the prior distribution to use for lambda.
#' The following priors are implimented:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item "normal" : uses a normal(\code{Lprior.mean},\code{Lprior.sd}) prior for lambda.
#' \item "gamma" : uses a gamma(alpha,beta) prior for lambda, where alpha =
#' \code{Lprior.mean^2}/\code{Lprior.sd^2} and beta = \code{Lprior.mean}/
#' \code{Lprior.sd^2}. That is, alpha and beta are the method of moment estimates
#' for the shape and rate parameter of a gamma distribution.
#' \item "jefferys" : uses a beta(L + 0.5, 0.5) function as the prior for lambda. This prior
#' is improper and really close to the actual Jeffery's prior for a poisson random variable.
#' This is the Jeffery's prior implemented by Dalthorp's eoa package.
#' }
#' @param Lprior.mean Mean of lambda prior when Lprior == "normal" or "gamma".
#' @param Lprior.sd Standard deviation of normal when Lprior == "normal" or "gamma".
#' @param conf.level Confidence level for the confidence intervals on lambda.
#' @return List containing two components:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{$L.ests} is a data
#' frame containing the lambda estiamtes (point estimate and confidence interval).
#' \item \code{$L.posterior} is a data frame containing the
#' posterior, posterior cdf, prior, and likelihood. This is returned in case
#' you want to plot them.
#' }
#' @examples
#' syr <- data.frame(species=c("LBBA","LBBA","LBBA"),
#' facility=c("f1","f2","f2"),
#' gFac.a = c( 69.9299, 63.5035, 84.6997),
#' gFac.b = c( 736.4795, 318.3179, 759.9333 ),
#' year = c(2015,2015,2016))
#' g <- getFleetG(syr, "LBBA"))
#' eoa <- estimateL.EoA( 1, g ) # Un-informed EoA
#' ieoa <- estimateL.EoA( 1, g, Lprior="normal", Lprior.mean=20, Lprior.sd=4) # Informed EoA
#' # interesting plot showing movement of posterior
#' plot(ieoa$L.posterior$L, ieoa$L.posterior$pdf, type="l")
#' lines(ieoa$L.posterior$L, ieoa$L.posterior$like.pdf, col="red")
#' lines(ieoa$L.posterior$L, ieoa$L.posterior$prior.pdf, col="blue")
#' legend("topright", legend=c("prior","likelihood","posterior"), col=c("blue","red","black"), lty=1)
#' # to check that integral is correct.
#' flike <- function(x, est){
#' approx(est$L.posterior$L, est$L.posterior$like.pdf,xout=x, rule=2)$y
#' }
#' integrate( flike, min(ieoa$L.posterior$L), max(ieoa$L.posterior$L), est=ieoa)
#' @export
estimateL.EoA <- function(X,
quants <- c((1-conf.level)/2, 0.5, 1-(1-conf.level)/2)
zero <- 1e-6
priorShift <- 0.5
support.n <- 800 # MUST BE EVEN!
## ---- LSupport ----
if( Lprior == "normal"){
# Use mean and sd passed in
support.L <- qnorm(c(zero,1-zero), Lprior.mean, Lprior.sd)
Lmax <- support.L[2]
Lmin <- max(zero,support.L[1])
L.x <- seq(Lmin, Lmax, length=support.n)
L.fx <- dnorm(L.x, Lprior.mean, Lprior.sd)
} else if(Lprior == "gamma"){
shape <- Lprior.mean^2 / Lprior.sd^2
scale <- Lprior.sd^2 / Lprior.mean
support.L <- qgamma(c(2*zero,1-2*zero), shape=shape, scale=scale)
Lmax <- support.L[2]
Lmin <- max(zero,support.L[1])
L.x <- seq(Lmin, Lmax, length=support.n)
L.fx <- dgamma(L.x, shape = shape, scale = scale )
} else {
# this is the Jeffery's prior
Lmin <- zero
Lmax <- fmmax.ab( X, beta.params$alpha, beta.params$beta)
L.x <- seq(Lmin, Lmax, length=support.n)
L.fx <- beta(L.x + priorShift, 0.5)/sqrt(pi) # not sure we need the sqrt(pi)
## ---- MSupport ----
Mmin <- X
Mmax <- qpois(0.999, Lmax)
M.x <- Mmin:Mmax
## ---- Prep for integration ----
h <- L.x[2]-L.x[1]
simp.coef <- c(1,rep(c(4,2),(length(L.x)/2)-1),1) # length(L.x) must be even. i.e., support.n must be even
## ---- Compute the posterior and check if we're close enough ----
# ----- Main computations: likelihood, posterior ----
like.X <- VGAM::dbetabinom.ab(X, size = M.x, shape1 = beta.params$alpha, shape2 = beta.params$beta)
L.M.grid <- outer(M.x, L.x, FUN = dpois)
L.M.grid <- L.M.grid * matrix(like.X, length(M.x), length(L.x))
L.like <- colSums(L.M.grid) # colSums integrate out M; colSums(L.M.grid) is the likelihood; save for later
L.post <- L.like * L.fx # L.fx is the prior for L
# Now scale: part before + in next statement is the integral from Lmin to Lmax.
# Part after + is an approximation to
# the integral from 0 to Lmin and only matters when posterior at 0 is substantial
intgral <- matrix((h/3)*simp.coef,1,support.n) %*% L.post
L.post <- L.post / c(intgral)
# ---- Check that both ends of L posterior are near zero ----
if( L.post[which.max(L.x)] <= zero ) {
if( Lmin <= zero | L.post[which.min(L.x)] <= zero ) {
if( L.post[which.min(L.x)] > zero ) {
# decrease Lmin
Lmin.prev <- Lmin
slp <- mean(diff(L.post[1:5]))
if( slp < 0 ){
Lmin <- 0.5*Lmin
} else {
Lmin <- (slp*Lmin - L.post[1]) / slp
Lmin <- max(zero, Lmin)
# cat(paste0("Pr(L=Lmin)=", round(L.post[1],6),
# ". Expanding Lmin from ", Lmin.prev, " to ", Lmin, "\n"))
if( L.post[which.max(L.x)] > zero ) {
# increase Lmax
Lmax.prev <- Lmax
slp <- mean(diff(L.post[(length(L.x)-5):length(L.x)]))
if( slp > 0 ){
Lmax <- 2*Lmax
} else {
Lmax <- (slp*Lmax - L.post[length(L.x)]) / slp
# cat(paste0("Pr(L=Lmax)=", round(L.post[length(L.x)],6),
# ". Expanding Lmax from ", Lmax.prev, " to ", Lmax, "\n"))
# ---- Recompute prior using expanded range. ----
if( Lprior == "normal"){
L.x <- seq(Lmin, Lmax, length=support.n)
L.fx <- dnorm(L.x, Lprior.mean, Lprior.sd)
} else if(Lprior == "gamma"){
L.x <- seq(Lmin, Lmax, length=support.n)
L.fx <- dgamma(L.x, shape = shape, scale = scale )
} else {
# this is the Jeffery's prior
L.x <- seq(Lmin, Lmax, length=support.n)
L.fx <- beta(L.x+ priorShift, 0.5)/sqrt(pi) # not sure we need the sqrt(pi)
## ---- Gotta remember that interval changes ----
h <- L.x[2]-L.x[1]
## ---- New MSupport ----
Mmin <- X
Mmax <- qpois(0.999, Lmax)
M.x <- Mmin:Mmax
## ---- Summarize posterior ----
# The next statement is usually right. i.e., max(L.cdf) = 1. But,
# there are cases when x = 0 and a lot of area in the posterior is
# near zero when max(L.cdf) ~ 1.05. I've tried everything to
# increase precision of the integration in this case to no avail.
# So, I will just rescale the cdf to make sure. In all cases, even
# the problematic ones, the integral of the posterior pdf is very close
# (4 digits) to 1.
L.cdf <- cumsum(L.post) * h
L.cdf <- L.cdf / max(L.cdf)
# plots if you need to check
#plot(L.x, L.fx)
#plot(L.x, L.post)
#lines(L.x, L.cdf)
# This is how you might check the integrals
#fpost <- function(x, L, Lpdf){
# out <- approx(L, Lpdf,
# xout=x, rule=2)$y
# out}
# integrate( fpost, min(L.x), max(L.x), L=L.x, Lpdf=L.post)
# Mean
# I've decided to compute the mean and var by actually
# integrating because just in case the integral is slightly off
fm1 <- function(x, L, Lpdf){
out <- approx(L, Lpdf,
xout=x, rule=2)$y
# mu.L <- sum(L.x * L.post)*h
mu.L <- integrate( fm1, min(L.x), max(L.x), L=L.x, Lpdf=L.post)$value
# SD
fcm2 <- function(x, L, Lpdf, mu){
out <- approx(L, Lpdf,
xout=x, rule=2)$y
# sd.L <- sqrt(sum((L.x - mu.L)^2 * L.post)*h)
sd.L <- sqrt(integrate( fcm2, min(L.x), max(L.x), L=L.x, Lpdf=L.post, mu=mu.L)$value)
# Quantiles
med.L <- approx(L.cdf, L.x, xout=quants, method="linear", rule=2)$y
# Save likelihood and prior for plotting later
intgral <- matrix((h/3)*simp.coef,1,support.n) %*% L.like
L.like <- L.like / c(intgral)
intgral <- matrix((h/3)*simp.coef,1,support.n) %*% L.fx
L.fx <- L.fx / c(intgral)
ans <- list(L.est=data.frame(L=med.L[2], L.mu=mu.L, L.sd=sd.L, L.lo=med.L[1],
L.hi=med.L[3], ci.level=conf.level),
L.posterior = data.frame(L=L.x, pdf=L.post, cdf=L.cdf,
prior.pdf=L.fx, like.pdf=L.like))
class(ans) <- c("Lest","evoab")
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