
# # RCytoscape/inst/test_cytoscape.R
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# library (RCy3)
# library (RUnit)
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# if (!exists ('cy')){
#     cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
#     #to test
# = getLayoutNameMapping (cy)
#     print(
#     print(length(
#     print(length(unname(
#     #test end
# }
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# run.tests = function ()
# {
#     options ('warn'=2) # make sure that any R warnings are treated as fatal errors
#     # before doing anything else, make sure that the Cytoscape plugin version is one we can respond to
#     test.plugin.version ()
#     # start with a clean slate, and no windows
#     deleteAllWindows (cy)
#     #to test
#     cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
# = getLayoutNameMapping (cy)
#     print(
#     print(length(
#     print(length(unname(
#     #test end
#     # many of the tests modify the default visual style, quite heedless of prior or successor tests.
#     # if you wish to restore the initial default style, it is saved here, just once, upon entry to this method
#     # 
#     #save.default.vizmap ()
#     test.create.class ()
#     test.deleteWindow ()
#     test.deleteAllWindows ()
#     test.getWindowID ()
#     deleteAllWindows (cy)
#     test.getWindowList ()
#     test.getNodeShapes ()
#     test.getAttributeClassNames ()
#     test.getArrowShapes ()
#     deleteAllWindows (cy)
#     test.getLineStyles ()
#     test.getLayoutNames ()
#     test.getLayoutNameMapping ()
#     test.getLayoutPropertyNames ()
#     deleteAllWindows (cy)
#     test.getLayoutPropertyType ()
#     test.getLayoutPropertyValue ()
#     test.setLayoutProperties ()
#     test.sendNodes ()
#     deleteAllWindows (cy)
#     test.sendEdges ()
#     test.setNodeAttributes ()
#     test.setEdgeAttributes ()
#     test.noa ()
#     deleteAllWindows (cy)
#     test.eda ()
#     test.cy2.edge.names ()
#     test.getAdjacentEdgeNames ()
#     test.panelOperations ()
#     deleteAllWindows (cy)
#     test.showGraphicsDetails ()
#     test.setDefaultNodeShape ()
#     test.setDefaultNodeColor ()
#     test.setDefaultNodeSize ()
#     deleteAllWindows (cy)
#     test.setDefaultNodeBorderColor ()
#     test.setDefaultNodeBorderWidth ()
#     test.setDefaultNodeFontSize ()
#     test.setDefaultNodeLabelColor ()
#     deleteAllWindows (cy)
#     test.setDefaultEdgeLineWidth ()
#     test.setDefaultEdgeColor ()
#     test.setDefaultEdgeFontSize ()
#     test.setNodeLabelRule ()
#     deleteAllWindows (cy)
#     test.setEdgeLabelRule ()
#     test.setNodeTooltipRule ()
#     test.setEdgeTooltipRule ()
#     test.setNodeColorRule ()
#     deleteAllWindows (cy)
#     test.setNodeBorderColorRule ()
#     test.setNodeBorderWidthRule ()
#     test.setNodeSizeRule ()
#     test.setNodeShapeRule ()
#     deleteAllWindows (cy)
#     test.setNodeOpacityRule ()
#     test.setNodeColorDirect ()
#     test.setNodeBorderColorDirect ()
#     test.setNodeLabelDirect () #--> too slow
#     deleteAllWindows (cy)
#     test.setNodeLabelPropertiesDirect ()  #--> too slow
#     test.setNodeOpacityDirect ()  #--> too slow
#     #test.setEdgeOpacityDirect ()  #--> too slow
#     #test.setEdgeColorDirect ()  #--> too slow
#     deleteAllWindows (cy)
#     test.setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect ()
#     test.setEdgeLabelDirect ()
#     #test.setEdgeFontSizeDirect ()  #--> too slow
#     #test.setEdgeLabelColorDirect ()  #--> too slow
#     deleteAllWindows (cy)
#     test.setEdgeTooltipDirect ()
#     test.setEdgeLineWidthDirect ()
#     test.setEdgeLineStyleDirect ()
#     test.setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect ()
#     deleteAllWindows (cy)
#     test.setEdgeTargetArrowShapeDirect ()
#     test.setEdgeSourceArrowColorDirect ()
#     test.setEdgeTargetArrowColorDirect ()
#     #test.setEdgeLabelOpacityDirect ()  #--> too slow
#     deleteAllWindows (cy)
#     #test.setEdgeSourceArrowOpacityDirect ()
#     #test.setEdgeTargetArrowOpacityDirect ()
#     #test.setEdgeLabelPositionDirect ()  #--> too slow
#     #test.setEdgeLabelWidthDirect ()
#     test.countNodes ()
#     test.countEdges ()
#     deleteAllWindows (cy)
#     test.countNodesAndEdgesInEmptyGraph ()
#     test.getAllNodes ()
#     test.getAllEdges ()
#     test.selectNodes ()
#     test.nodeNeighborReportingAndSelection ()
#     deleteAllWindows (cy)
#     test.invertSelection ()
#     test.deleteSelectedNodes ()
#     test.hideNodes ()
#     test.selectEdges ()
#     test.setEdgeLineStyleRule ()
#     deleteAllWindows (cy)
#     test.setEdgeLineWidthRule ()
#     test.setEdgeColorRule ()
#     test.setEdgeTargetArrowRule ()
#     test.setEdgeArrowColorRules ()
#     test.setEdgeSourceArrowRule ()
#     deleteAllWindows (cy)
# ()
#     #test.unmatchedAttributesError ()
# ()
#     test.randomUndirectedGraph ()
#     deleteAllWindows (cy)
#     test.simpleGraph ()
#     test.simpleGraphWithReciprocalEdge ()
#     test.setGraph ()
#     test.setNodePosition ()  #--> too slow
#     deleteAllWindows (cy)
#     test.getNodePosition ()
#     test.getNodePosition.colonInNodeName ()  #--> too slow
#     test.getNodeSize ()
#     test.haveNodeAttribute ()
#     deleteAllWindows (cy)
#     test.haveEdgeAttribute ()
#     test.copyNodeAttributesFromCyGraph ()
#     test.copyEdgeAttributesFromCyGraph ()
#     test.getGraphFromCyWindow ()
#     deleteAllWindows (cy)
#     test.sendDegenerateGraphs ()
#     test.createWindowFromSelection ()
#     test.addGraphToGraph ()
#     deleteAllWindows (cy)
#     test.addGraphToGraph.degenerateFirstGraph ()
#     test.existing.CytoscapeWindow ()
#     test.existing.CytoscapeWindow.noEdges ()
#     test.existing.CytoscapeWindow.emptyGraph ()
#     deleteAllWindows (cy)
#     #test.getAttributeNames ()
#     test.addGetAndDeleteEdgeAttributes ()
#     test.addGetAndDeleteNodeAttributes ()
#     test.getAllNodeAttributes ()
#     deleteAllWindows (cy)
#     test.getAllEdgeAttributes ()
#     test.getVisualStyleNames ()
#     test.copyVisualStyle ()
#     #test.setVisualStyle () # to be commented in again
#     deleteAllWindows (cy)
#     test.defaultColors ()
#     #test.setWindowSizeRaiseWindow ()
#     test.fitContent ()
#     #test.windowCoordinates ()
#     deleteAllWindows (cy)
#     #test.zoom () # timeout
# ()
#     #test.setNodeSizeDirect ()  #--> too slow
#     #test.setNodeWidthAndHeightDirect ()  #--> too slow
#     deleteAllWindows (cy)
#     test.setNodeFontSizeDirect ()  #--> too slow
#     test.setNodeShapeDirect ()  #--> too slow
#     #test.setEdgeVizPropertiesDirect ()  #--> too slow
#     #test.graphBAM ()
#     deleteAllWindows (cy)
#     test.addCyNode ()
#     test.addCyEdge ()
#     test.twoGraphsDoubleEdges ()
#     test..classicGraphToNodePairTable ()
#     test.rcy.edgeNames ()
#     deleteAllWindows (cy)
#     test..getNovelEdges ()
#     #test.setNodeImageDirect ()
#     #test.validity ()
#     #test.tooltip.delays ()
#     deleteAllWindows (cy)
#     options ('warn'=0)
# } # run.tests
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# save.default.vizmap = function ()
# {
# <- ''
#     if (! %in% getVisualStyleNames (cy)){ # it has not previously been stored
#         copyVisualStyle (CytoscapeConnection (), 'default', '')
#     }
# } # save.default.vizmap
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # almost every test needs to
# #
# #   !) announce it's name to stdout
# #   2) delete any previous window with the same title, should any exist
# #
# # these services are provided here
# #
# window.prep = function (title)
# {
#     write (noquote (sprintf ('------- %s', title)), stderr ())
#     cy <- CytoscapeConnection ()
#     if (title %in% as.character (getWindowList (cy))){
#         deleteWindow (cy, title)
#     }
# } # window.prep
# .setUp <- function() deleteAllWindows(CytoscapeConnection())
# .tearDown <- function() deleteAllWindows(CytoscapeConnection())
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.plugin.version = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.plugin.version'
#     cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
#     plugin.version.string = pluginVersion (cy)
#     string.tmp1 = strsplit (plugin.version.string,' ')[[1]][1]
#     string.tmp2 = gsub ('[a-z]', '', string.tmp1)
#     string.tmp3 = gsub ('[A-Z]', '', string.tmp2)
#     major.minor.version = as.numeric (string.tmp3)
#     checkTrue (major.minor.version >= 1)
# } # test.plugin.version
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.create.class = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.create.class'
#     window.prep (title)
#     g = new ('graphNEL')
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, g)
#     checkTrue (validObject (cw))
# } # test.create.class
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.deleteWindow = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.deleteWindow'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, new ('graphNEL'))
#     original.window.count = getWindowCount (cy)
#     deleteWindow (cw)
#     new.window.count = getWindowCount (cy)
#     checkTrue (new.window.count == original.window.count - 1)
#     # now delete a window by name
#     window.prep (title)
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, new ('graphNEL'))
#     original.window.count = getWindowCount (cy)
#     deleteWindow (cy, title)
#     new.window.count = getWindowCount (cy)
#     checkTrue (new.window.count == original.window.count - 1)
# } # test.deleteWindow
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.deleteAllWindows = function ()
# {
#       title = 'test.deleteAllWindows'
#       cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
#       deleteAllWindows (cy)
#       new.window.count = getWindowCount (cy)
#       checkEquals (new.window.count, 0)
# } # test.deleteAllWindows
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.getWindowID = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.getWindowID'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cw3 =  CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cw3)
#     layoutNetwork (cw3)
#     cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
#     id = getWindowID (cy, 'test.getWindowID')
#     checkEquals (id,
#     invisible (cw3)
# } # test.getWindowID
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.getWindowList = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.getWindowList'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cw2 = CytoscapeWindow (title, new ('graphNEL'))
#     window.list = getWindowList (cw2)
#     checkTrue (title %in% as.character (getWindowList (cw2)))
#     invisible (cw2)
# } # test.getWindowList
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.getNodeShapes = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.getNodeShapes'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
#     shapes = getNodeShapes (cy)
#     checkTrue (length (shapes) > 8)
#     #msg (cy, title)
#     # pick a few specific shapes to test
#     checkTrue (all (sapply (c ('HEXAGON', 'ELLIPSE', 'TRIANGLE'), function (s) s %in% shapes)))
# } # test.getNodeShapes
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.getAttributeClassNames = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.getAttributeClassNames'
#     cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
#     possible.values = getAttributeClassNames (cy)
#     checkTrue (grep ('numeric', possible.values) > 0)
#     checkTrue (grep ('integer', possible.values) > 0)
#     checkTrue (grep ('character', possible.values) > 0)
# } # test.getAttributeClassNames
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.getArrowShapes = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.getArrowShapes'
#     cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
#     shapes = getArrowShapes (cy)
#     checkTrue (length (shapes) >= 8)
#     # pick a few specific shapes to test
#     #msg (cy, 'getArrowShapes')
#     checkTrue (all (sapply (c ('DIAMOND', 'T', 'CIRCLE'), function (s) s %in% shapes)))
# } # test.getArrowShapes
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.getLineStyles = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.getLineStyles'
#     cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
#     styles = getLineStyles (cy)
#     checkTrue (length (styles) > 10)
#     # pick a few specific styles to test
#     #msg (cy, 'getLineStyles')
#     checkTrue (all (sapply (c ('SOLID', 'DOT', 'EQUAL_DASH'), function (s) s %in% styles)))
# } # test.getLineStyles
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.getLayoutNames = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.getLayoutNames'
#     cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
#     names = getLayoutNames (cy)
#     checkTrue (length (names) > 10)
#     # pick a few specific styles to test
#     #msg (cy, 'getLayoutNames')
#     checkTrue (all (sapply (c ('grid', 'isom', 'circular'), function (s) s %in% names)))
# } # test.getLayoutNames
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.getLayoutNameMapping = function ()
# {
#     cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
# = getLayoutNameMapping (cy)
#     checkTrue (length ( >= 2)  # 20 on (4 mar 2011), 11 and 12 on (4 feb 2016)
#     # technically this should be 12 but otherwise failures on the build system happen
#     checkEquals ( [['Attribute Circle Layout']], "attribute-circle")
#     checkEquals ( [['Edge-weighted Spring Embedded Layout']], "kamada-kawai")
#     checkEquals ( [['Grid Layout']], "grid")
# } # test.getLayoutNameMapping
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.getLayoutPropertyNames = function ()
# {
#     print (noquote ('------- test.getLayoutPropertyNames'))
#     cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
#     props = getLayoutPropertyNames (cy, 'force-directed')
#     expected = c ("numIterations", "defaultSpringCoefficient", "defaultSpringLength",
#                   "defaultNodeMass", "isDeterministic", "singlePartition")
#     checkTrue (length (intersect (props, expected)) > (length (props) - 2))  # some variation across Cytoscape versions
#     props = getLayoutPropertyNames (cy, 'isom')
#     expected = c ("coolingFactor", "initialAdaptation", "maxEpoch", "minAdaptation",
#                   "minRadius", "radius", "radiusConstantTime", "singlePartition", "sizeFactor")
#     checkEquals (sort (props), expected)
# } # test.getLayoutPropertyNames
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.getLayoutPropertyType = function ()
# {
#     print (noquote ('------- test.getLayoutPropertyType'))
#     cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
#      # a couple of single call tests
#     checkEquals (getLayoutPropertyType (cy, 'isom', 'coolingFactor'), 'double')
#     props = getLayoutPropertyNames (cy, 'force-directed')
#     # now get all the property types for the force-directed layout
#     propTypes.all = sapply (sort (props), function (prop) getLayoutPropertyType (cy, 'force-directed', prop))
#     # check them all
#     checkEquals (propTypes.all [["defaultNodeMass"]], "double")
#     checkEquals (propTypes.all [["defaultSpringCoefficient"]], "double")
#     checkEquals (propTypes.all [["defaultSpringLength"]], "double")
#     checkEquals (propTypes.all [["numIterations"]], "int")
#     checkEquals (propTypes.all [["singlePartition"]], "boolean")
#     checkEquals (propTypes.all [["isDeterministic"]], "boolean")
# } # test.getLayoutPropertyType
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.getLayoutPropertyValue = function ()
# {
#     print (noquote ('------- test.getLayoutPropertyValue'))
#     cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
# = 'force-directed'
#     props = getLayoutPropertyNames (cy,
#     prop = 'numIterations'
#     checkTrue (prop %in% props)
#     checkEquals (getLayoutPropertyValue (cy,, prop), 100)
#     for (prop in props) {
#         value = getLayoutPropertyValue (cy,, prop)
#         prop.value.output <- sprintf ('force-directed layout %s: %s', prop, value)
#         print (prop.value.output)
#     } # for prop
# } # test.getLayoutPropertyValue
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setLayoutProperties = function ()
# {
#     # first, do some 'blind' (that is, window-less) tests
#     cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
# = 'force-directed'
#     prop = 'numIterations'
#     setLayoutProperties (cy,, list (numIterations=200))
#     checkEquals (getLayoutPropertyValue (cy,, prop), 200)
#     # return to the defaults
#     setLayoutProperties (cy,, list (numIterations=100))
#     checkEquals (getLayoutPropertyValue (cy,, prop), 100)
#     # now create a Cy window and manipulate the layout
#     title = 'test.setLayoutProperties'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cw =  CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     redraw (cw)
#     invisible (cw)
# } # test.setLayoutProperties
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.collectTimings = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.collectTimings'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
#     if (title %in% as.character (getWindowList (cy))){
#         deleteWindow (cy, title)
#     }
#     cwe = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph (), collectTimings=TRUE)
#     displayGraph (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
#     invisible (cwe)  
# } # test.collectTimings
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.sendNodes = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.sendNodes'
#     window.prep (title)
#     g = RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ()
#     cwa = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
#     sendNodes (cwa)
#     layoutNetwork (cwa, "grid")   # no edges, so other layouts will simply superimpose the nodes
#     redraw (cwa)
#     #msg (cwa, 'sendNodes')
#     invisible (cwa)
# } # test.sendNodes
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.sendEdges = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.sendEdges'
#     window.prep (title)
#     g = RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ()
#     cwe = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
#     sendNodes (cwe)
#     sendEdges (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
#     invisible (cwe)
# } # test.sendEdges
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setNodeAttributes = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.setNodeAttributes'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
#     if (title %in% as.character (getWindowList (cy))){
#         deleteWindow (cy, title)    
#     }
#     g = RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ()
#     cwb = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
#     sendNodes (cwb)
#     attribute.names = noa.names (g)
#     for ( in attribute.names) {
#         result = setNodeAttributes (cwb,
#     }
#     layoutNetwork (cwb, 'grid')
#     redraw (cwb)
#     # now call the direct method, which -- in contrast to the unmarked method (setNodeAttributes) -- does not
#     # extract attributes from the graph; they are instead supplied separately, and thus are well suited to
#     # successive updates, as in a movie
#     result = setNodeAttributesDirect (cwb, 'count', 'int', c ('A', 'B', 'C'), c (38, 105, 0))
#     result = setNodeAttributesDirect (cwb, 'count', 'int', 'A', 432)
#     invisible (cwb)
# } # test.setNodeAttributes
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # depends on prior creation of cwe by test.sendEdges
# test.setEdgeAttributes = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.setEdgeAttributes'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
#     if (title %in% as.character (getWindowList (cy))){
#         deleteWindow (cy, title)
#     }
#     cwe = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
#     redraw (cwe)
#     attribute.names = eda.names (cwe@graph)
#     for ( in attribute.names) {
#         result = setEdgeAttributes (cwe,
#     } 
#     edge.names = as.character (cy2.edge.names (cwe@graph))
#     checkEquals (length (edge.names), 3)
#     edge.values = c ('alligator', 'hedgehog', 'anteater')
#     result = setEdgeAttributesDirect (cwe, 'misc', 'string', edge.names, edge.values)
#     result = setEdgeAttributesDirect (cwe, 'misc', 'string', edge.names [1], edge.values [1])
#     invisible (cwe)
# } # test.setEdgeAttributes
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.noa = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.noa'
#     window.prep (title)
#     g.simple = makeSimpleGraph ()
#     result = noa (g.simple, 'type')
#     checkEquals (length (result), 3)
#     checkEquals (sort (names (result)), c ('A', 'B', 'C'))
#     checkEquals (result [['A']], 'kinase')
#     checkEquals (result [['B']], 'transcription factor')
#     checkEquals (result [['C']], 'glycoprotein')
#     checkTrue ( (noa (g.simple, 'bogusAttributeName')))
#     invisible (g.simple)
# } # test.noa
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.eda = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.eda'
#     window.prep (title)
#     g.simple = makeSimpleGraph ()
#     result = eda (g.simple, 'edgeType')
#     checkEquals (length (result), 3)
#     checkEquals (sort (names (result)), c ("A|B", "B|C", "C|A"))
#     checkEquals (result [['A|B']], 'phosphorylates')
#     checkEquals (result [['B|C']], 'synthetic lethal')
#     checkEquals (result [['C|A']], 'undefined')
#     checkTrue ( (eda (g.simple, 'bogusAttributeName')))
#     invisible (g.simple)
# } # test.eda
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.cy2.edge.names = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.cy2.edge.names'
#     window.prep (title)
#     g = RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ()
#     # this graph has the expected 'edgeType' edge attribute, used to make a standard cytoscape edge name
#     edge.names = cy2.edge.names (g)
#     checkEquals (edge.names [['A~B']], "A (phosphorylates) B")
#     checkEquals (edge.names [['B~C']], "B (synthetic lethal) C")
#     checkEquals (edge.names [['C~A']], "C (undefined) A")
#     # now create a tiny graph, two nodes, one edge, with NO edgeType attribute.  make sure it is converted properly
#     g2 =  new ('graphNEL', edgemode='directed')
#     g2 = graph::addNode ('A', g2)
#     g2 = graph::addNode ('B', g2)
#     g2 = graph::addEdge ('A', 'B', g2)
#     edge.names.2 = cy2.edge.names (g2)  
#     checkEquals (edge.names.2 [['A~B']], "A (unspecified) B")
#     g3 = new ('graphNEL', edgemode='directed')
# = cy2.edge.names (g3)
#     checkTrue ( (
#     #  now create a directed graphNEL with one reciprocal edge.  do we get the cy2 edge names properly?
#     g.recip <- RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ()
#     g.recip <- graph::addEdge ('C', 'B', g.recip)
#     edgeData (g.recip, 'C', 'B', attr='edgeType') <- 'synthetic rescue'
#     edgeData (g.recip, 'C', 'B', attr='score') <- 42
#     edgeData (g.recip, 'C', 'B', attr='misc') <- 'ellany'
#     g.recip.cy2.edge.names <- cy2.edge.names (g.recip)
#     checkEquals (length (g.recip.cy2.edge.names), 4)
#     checkEquals (sort (names (g.recip.cy2.edge.names)), c ("A~B", "B~C", "C~A", "C~B"))
#     checkEquals (sort (as.character (g.recip.cy2.edge.names)), 
#                  c ("A (phosphorylates) B", "B (synthetic lethal) C", "C (synthetic rescue) B", "C (undefined) A"))
#     invisible (g3)
#     # now try the subsetting version, where only the cy2 edge names of the specified edges -- a subset -- are returned
#     g = makeSimpleGraph ()
#     r.edge.names = sort (edgeNames (g)) 
#     checkEquals (r.edge.names, c ("A~B", "B~C", "C~A"))
#     checkEquals (sort (as.character (cy2.edge.names (g, r.edge.names))),
#                  c ("A (phosphorylates) B", "B (synthetic lethal) C", "C (undefined) A"))
#     checkEquals (sort (as.character (cy2.edge.names (g, r.edge.names))) [1], "A (phosphorylates) B")
#     checkEquals (sort (as.character (cy2.edge.names (g, r.edge.names))) [2], "B (synthetic lethal) C")
#     checkEquals (sort (as.character (cy2.edge.names (g, r.edge.names))) [3], "C (undefined) A")
#     checkEquals (sort (as.character (cy2.edge.names (g, r.edge.names))) [1:2], c ("A (phosphorylates) B", "B (synthetic lethal) C"))
#     checkEquals (sort (as.character (cy2.edge.names (g, r.edge.names))) [c(1,3)], c ("A (phosphorylates) B", "C (undefined) A"))
#     checkEquals (sort (as.character (cy2.edge.names (g, r.edge.names))) [2:3], c ("B (synthetic lethal) C", "C (undefined) A"))
# } # test.cy2.edge.names
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # depends on prior creation of cw by test.createClass, providing a CytoscapeWindow object, with a 'uri' slot
# test.panelOperations = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.panelOperations'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title)
#     hidePanel (cw, 'Control Panel')
#     hidePanel (cw, 'd')
#     floatPanel (cw, 'Co')
#     floatPanel (cw, 'DATA')
#     dockPanel (cw, 'control')
#     dockPanel (cw, 'data panel')
# } # test.panelOperations
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.showGraphicsDetails = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.showGraphicsDetails'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw, 'grid')
#     redraw (cw)
#     showGraphicsDetails (cw)
#     showGraphicsDetails (cw)
#     cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
#     showGraphicsDetails (cy)
#     showGraphicsDetails (cy)
#     invisible (cw)
# } # test.showGraphicsDetails
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setDefaultNodeShape = function (direct=FALSE)
# {
#     title = 'test.setDefaultNodeShape'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cwe = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
#     redraw (cwe)
#     hidePanel (cwe, 'd');   hidePanel (cwe, 'c');   
#     shapes = getNodeShapes (cwe)
#     if (direct) {  # debug
#         for (shape in shapes) {
#             setDefaultNodeShape (cwe, shape)
#             Sys.sleep (0.3)
#         } # for shape
#     } # direct
#     setDefaultNodeShape (cwe, 'OCTAGON')
#     Sys.sleep (0.3)
#     setDefaultNodeShape (cwe, 'ELLIPSE')
#     Sys.sleep (0.3)
#     setDefaultNodeShape (cwe, 'TRIANGLE')
#     invisible (cwe)
# } # test.setDefaultNodeShape
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setDefaultNodeColor = function (direct=FALSE)
# {
#     title = 'test.setDefaultNodeColor'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cwe = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
#     setDefaultNodeColor (cwe, '#AA00AA')
#     invisible (cwe)
# } # test.setDefaultNodeColor
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setDefaultNodeSize = function (direct=FALSE)
# {
#     title = 'test.setDefaultNodeSize'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cwe = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
#     setDefaultNodeSize (cwe, 20)
#     setDefaultNodeSize (cwe, 200)
#     invisible (cwe)
# } # test.setDefaultNodeSize
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setDefaultNodeBorderColor = function (direct=FALSE)
# {
#     title = 'test.setDefaultNodeBorderColor'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cwe = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
#     setDefaultNodeBorderColor (cwe, '#FFFFFF') 
#     setDefaultNodeBorderColor (cwe, '#FF0000')
#     invisible (cwe)
# } # test.setDefaultNodeBorderColor
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setDefaultNodeBorderWidth = function (direct=FALSE)
# {
#     title = 'test.setDefaultNodeBorderWidth'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cwe = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
#     setDefaultNodeBorderWidth (cwe, 5)
#     setDefaultNodeBorderWidth (cwe, 1)
#     invisible (cwe)
# } # test.setDefaultNodeBorderWidth
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setDefaultNodeFontSize = function (direct=FALSE)
# {
#     title = 'test.setDefaultNodeFontSize'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cwe = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
#     setDefaultNodeFontSize (cwe, 12)
#     invisible (cwe)
# } # test.setDefaultNodeFontSize
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setDefaultNodeLabelColor = function (direct=FALSE)
# {
#     title = 'test.setDefaultNodeLabelColor'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cwe = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
#     setDefaultNodeLabelColor (cwe, '#FFAAAA')
#     invisible (cwe)
# } # test.setDefaultNodeLabelColor
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setDefaultEdgeLineWidth = function (direct=FALSE)
# {
#     title = 'test.setDefaultEdgeLineWidth'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cwe = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
#     setDefaultEdgeLineWidth (cwe, 10)
#     invisible (cwe)
# } # test.setDefaultEdgeLineWidth
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setDefaultEdgeColor = function (direct=FALSE)
# {
#     title = 'test.setDefaultEdgeColor'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cwe = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
#     setDefaultEdgeColor (cwe, '#FF0000')
#     invisible (cwe)
# } # test.setDefaultEdgeColor
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setDefaultEdgeFontSize = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.setDefaultEdgeFontSize'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cwe = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cwe)
#     setNodeSizeDirect (cwe, getAllNodes (cwe), 40)
#     setEdgeLabelRule (cwe, 'edgeType')   # gives us some text we can inspect for changing font size (below)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
#     setDefaultEdgeFontSize (cwe, 12);
#     invisible (cwe)
# } # test.setDefaultEdgeFontSize
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setNodeLabelRule = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.setNodeLabelRule'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cwe = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
#     setNodeLabelRule (cwe, 'label')
#     setNodeLabelRule (cwe, 'type')
#     setNodeLabelRule (cwe, 'lfc')
#     setNodeLabelRule (cwe, 'count')
#     invisible (cwe)
# }  # test.setNodeLabelRule
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setEdgeLabelRule = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.setEdgeLabelRule'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cwe = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
#     setEdgeLabelRule (cwe, 'edgeType')
#     setEdgeLabelRule (cwe, 'score')
#     invisible (cwe)
# }  # test.setEdgeLabelRule
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setNodeTooltipRule = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.setNodeTooltipRule'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cwe = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
#     setNodeTooltipRule (cwe, 'type')
#     invisible (cwe)
# }  # test.setNodeTooltipRule
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setEdgeTooltipRule = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.setEdgeTooltipRule'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cwe = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
#     setEdgeTooltipRule (cwe, 'edgeType')
#     invisible (cwe)
# }  # test.setEdgeTooltipRule
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setNodeColorRule = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.setNodeColorRule'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cwe = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
#     # first, specify a mode='interpolate' rule -- the default
#     node.attribute.values = c (-3.0, 0.0, 3.0)
#     node.colors = c ('#008800', '#00FF00', '#FFFFFF', '#FF0000', '#880000')
#     setNodeColorRule (cwe, 'lfc', node.attribute.values, node.colors, mode='interpolate')
#     # now, a lookup rule
#     node.attribute.values = c ("kinase",  "transcription factor", "glycoprotein")
#     node.colors =           c ('#8888FF', '#00F088',              "#00CCCC")
#     setNodeColorRule (cwe, 'type', node.attribute.values, node.colors, mode='lookup')
#     # now, a lookup rule with an incomplete lookup table:  does the default.color argument work?  cy2.7 bug -- not yet.
#     # instead, the node is painted the cytoscape default color, pale red
#     node.attribute.values = c ("kinase",  "transcription factor")
#     node.colors = c ('#8888FF', '#00F088')
#     setNodeColorRule (cwe, 'type', node.attribute.values, node.colors, mode='lookup', default.color='#AA33AA')
#     # now, use 1 element lists.
#     node.attribute.values = c ("kinase")
#     node.colors = c ('#00AA88')
#     setNodeColorRule (cwe, 'type', node.attribute.values, node.colors, mode='lookup', default.color='#AA33AA')
#     invisible (cwe)
# } # test.setNodeColorRule
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setNodeBorderColorRule = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.setNodeBorderColorRule'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cwe = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
#     # set the stage by making all the nodes white, to provide better contrast for the node border colors
#     node.attribute.values = c (-3.0, 0.0, 3.0)
#     colors = c ('#FFFFFF', '#FFFFFF', '#FFFFFF', '#FFFFFF', '#FFFFFF')
#     setNodeColorRule (cwe, 'lfc', node.attribute.values, colors, mode='interpolate')
#     # first, specify a mode='interpolate' rule -- the default
#     node.attribute.values = c (-3.0, 0.0, 3.0)
#     colors = c ('#008800', '#00FF00', '#FFFFFF', '#FF0000', '#880000')
#     setNodeBorderColorRule (cwe, 'lfc', node.attribute.values, colors, mode='interpolate')
#     Sys.sleep (0.3)
#     # now, a lookup rule.  bright red, green and blue borders
#     node.attribute.values = c ("kinase",  "transcription factor", "glycoprotein")
#     colors =                c ('#FF0000', '#00FF00',              "#0000FF")
#     setNodeBorderColorRule (cwe, 'type', node.attribute.values, colors, mode='lookup')
#     Sys.sleep (0.3)
#     # now, a lookup rule with an incomplete lookup table:  does the default.color argument work?  cy2.7 bug -- not yet.
#     #  the glycoprotein node, 'Gene C', should have a white border around white fill
#     node.attribute.values = c ("kinase",  "transcription factor")
#     colors =                c ('#0000FF', '#FF0000')
#     setNodeBorderColorRule (cwe, 'type', node.attribute.values, colors, mode='lookup', default.color='#FFFFFF')
#     # now, one element lists
#     node.attribute.values = c ("transcription factor")
#     colors =                c ('#FF00FF')
#     setNodeBorderColorRule (cwe, 'type', node.attribute.values, colors, mode='lookup', default.color='#FFFFFF')
#     invisible (cwe)
# } # test.setNodeBorderColorRule
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setNodeBorderWidthRule = function ()
# {
#     title  = 'test.setNodeBorderWidthRule'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
#     cwe = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
#     # set the stage by making all the nodes white, to provide better contrast for the node border colors
#     node.attribute.values = c (-3.0, 0.0, 3.0)
#     colors = c ('#FFFFFF', '#FFFFFF', '#FFFFFF', '#FFFFFF', '#FFFFFF')
#     setNodeColorRule (cwe, 'lfc', node.attribute.values, colors, mode='interpolate')
#     setDefaultNodeBorderColor (cwe, '#FF0000')
#     for (i in 1:3) {
#        # 3 different node border sizes
#      node.attribute.values = c ("kinase",  "transcription factor", "glycoprotein")
#      border.widths =         c (0, 10, 20)
#      setNodeBorderWidthRule (cwe, 'type', node.attribute.values, border.widths)
#        # swap them around different node border sizes
#      node.attribute.values = c ("kinase",  "transcription factor", "glycoprotein")
#      border.widths =         c (20, 0, 10);
#      setNodeBorderWidthRule (cwe, 'type', node.attribute.values, border.widths)
#      } # for i   
#     invisible (cwe)
# } # test.setNodeBorderWidthRule
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setNodeSizeRule = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.setNodeSizeRule'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cwe = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
#     # first, create a simple 2-point rule, with 'below' and 'above' values strong enough to see that they are working
#     # recall that makeSimpleGraph creates count attributes like this:
#     # noa (getGraph (cwe), 'count')     #   A.A   B.B   C.C 
#     #                                       "2"  "30" "100" 
#     count.control.points = c (20,  40)
#     node.sizes           = c (1, 80,  120, 300)
#     setNodeSizeRule (cwe, 'count', count.control.points, node.sizes, mode='interpolate')
#     system ('sleep 0.3')
#     # now chop off the below & above values.  A should grow to 80, almost as big as B, and C should shrink to 120, larger that B
#     count.control.points = c (20,  40)
#     node.sizes           = c (80,  120)
#     setNodeSizeRule (cwe, 'count', count.control.points, node.sizes, mode='interpolate')
#     system ('sleep 0.3')
#     # now use a mode='lookup' rule.  specify two sizes, look to see that the third type, glycoprotein, gets the tiny small size
#     molecule.types = c ('kinase', 'transcription factor')
#     node.sizes     = c (60, 80)
#     setNodeSizeRule (cwe, 'type', molecule.types,  node.sizes, default.size= 5, mode='lookup')
#     invisible (cwe)
# } # test.setNodeSizeRule
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setNodeShapeRule = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.setNodeShapeRule'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cwe = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
#     # specify shapes for only two of the three nodes and node types.  make sure that the third node gets
#     # the default shape
#     # make rule for 2 of 3 node types, leaving the third as the default
#     node.shapes = c ('diamond', 'triangle')
#     attribute.values = c ('kinase', 'glycoprotein')
#     setNodeShapeRule (cwe,'type', attribute.values, node.shapes, default.shape='ellipse')
#     # test one-element lists
#     node.shapes = c ('diamond')
#     attribute.values = c ('glycoprotein')
#     setNodeShapeRule (cwe,'type', attribute.values, node.shapes, default.shape='ellipse')
#     invisible (cwe)
# } # test.setNodeShapeRule
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setNodeOpacityRule = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.setNodeOpacityRule'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     # make the node borders prominent
#     setDefaultNodeBorderColor (cw, '#FFFF00')
#     setDefaultNodeBorderWidth (cw, 10)
#     lfc.values = c (-3.0, 0, 3.0)
#     # make the nodes big, give them strong colors
#     setNodeSizeDirect (cw, nodes (cw@graph), 100)
#     setNodeColorRule (cw, 'lfc', lfc.values, c ('#FF0000', '#00FF00', '#0000FF'), mode='interpolate'); redraw (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw, 'grid')
#     # first, the continuous 'interpolate' case, in which opacity is a function of lfc
#     opacities = c (10, 128, 255)
#     setNodeOpacityRule (cw,'lfc', lfc.values, opacities, mode='interpolate')
#     redraw (cw)
#     # reset
#     setNodeOpacityRule (cw, 'lfc', lfc.values, c (255, 255, 255), mode='interpolate', aspect='all'); 
#     redraw (cw)
#     # now try a few of the aspect-specific rules, still in interpolate mode
#     # border:
#     setNodeOpacityRule (cw, 'lfc', lfc.values, c (255, 255, 255), mode='interpolate', aspect='border'); 
#     redraw (cw)
#     setNodeOpacityRule (cw, 'lfc', lfc.values, c (40,128, 0), mode='interpolate', aspect='border'); 
#     redraw (cw)
#     # reset
#     setNodeOpacityRule (cw, 'lfc', lfc.values, c (255, 255, 255), mode='interpolate');   redraw (cw)
#     # label
#     setNodeOpacityRule (cw, 'lfc', lfc.values, c (40,128, 0), mode='interpolate', aspect='border'); 
#     redraw (cw)
#     # reset
#     setNodeOpacityRule (cw, 'lfc', lfc.values, c (255, 255, 255), mode='interpolate');   redraw (cw)
#     # border
#     setNodeOpacityRule (cw, 'lfc', lfc.values, c (40,128, 0), mode='interpolate', aspect='border'); 
#     redraw (cw)
#     # a mix...
#     setNodeOpacityRule (cw, 'lfc', lfc.values, c (128, 128, 128), mode='interpolate', aspect='border, label, fill'); 
#     redraw (cw)
#     scalar.values = as.character (noa (cw@graph, 'type'))
#     # reset
#     setNodeOpacityRule (cw, 'type', scalar.values, c (255, 255, 255), mode='lookup');   redraw (cw)
#     # label
#     setNodeOpacityRule (cw, 'type', scalar.values, c (40,128, 0), mode='lookup', aspect='border'); 
#     redraw (cw)
#     # reset
#     setNodeOpacityRule (cw, 'type', scalar.values, c (255, 255, 255), mode='lookup');   redraw (cw)
#     # border
#     setNodeOpacityRule (cw, 'type', scalar.values, c (40,128, 0), mode='lookup', aspect='border'); 
#     redraw (cw)
#     # a mix...
#     setNodeOpacityRule (cw, 'type', scalar.values, c (128, 128, 128), mode='lookup', aspect='border, label, fill'); 
#     redraw (cw)
#     # make everything except labels transparent
#     setNodeOpacityRule (cw, 'type', scalar.values, c (0, 0, 0), mode='lookup', aspect='border, fill'); 
#     setNodeOpacityRule (cw, 'type', scalar.values, c (255, 255, 255), mode='lookup', aspect='label')
#     redraw (cw)
#     # make everything except borders transparent
#     setNodeOpacityRule (cw, 'type', scalar.values, c (0, 0, 0), mode='lookup', aspect='label, fill'); 
#     setNodeOpacityRule (cw, 'type', scalar.values, c (255, 255, 255), mode='lookup', aspect='border')
#     redraw (cw)
#     # make everything except fill transparent
#     setNodeOpacityRule (cw, 'type', scalar.values, c (0, 0, 0), mode='lookup', aspect='label, border'); 
#     setNodeOpacityRule (cw, 'type', scalar.values, c (255, 255, 255), mode='lookup', aspect='fill')
#     redraw (cw)
#     # now restore everything
#     setNodeOpacityRule (cw, 'type', scalar.values, c (255, 255, 255), mode='lookup', aspect='all')
#     redraw (cw)
#     invisible (cw)
# } # test.setNodeOpacityRule
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setNodeColorDirect = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.setNodeColorDirect'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw, 'grid')
#     setNodeColorDirect (cw, 'A', '#AA0088')
#     setNodeColorDirect (cw, c ('C', 'B'), '#448844')
#     invisible (cw)
# } # test.setNodeColorirect
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setNodeBorderColorDirect = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.setNodeBorderColorDirect'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw, 'grid')
#     setNodeBorderColorDirect (cw, 'A', '#AA4488')
#     setNodeBorderColorDirect (cw, c ('C', 'B'), '#AA8888')
#     invisible (cw)
# } # test.setNodeBorderColorDirect 
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setNodeLabelDirect = function ()
# {
#     #DEACTIVATED("too slow")
#     title = 'test.setNodeLabelDirect'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw, 'grid')
#     setNodeLabelDirect (cw, 'A', 'new A label')
#     # try multiple nodes, one label, which RCy will replicate into the right number
#     setNodeLabelDirect (cw, nodes (cw@graph), '')
#     setNodeLabelDirect (cw, c ('A', 'C'), c ('AzA', 'ByB'))
#     invisible (cw)
# } # test.setNodeLabelDirect
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setNodeLabelPropertiesDirect = function ()
# {  
#     #DEACTIVATED("too slow")
#     print ('--- test.setNodeLabelsPropertiesDirect')
#     title = 'test.setNodeLabelPropertiesDirect'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw, 'grid')
#     redraw (cw)
#     sizes = c (10, 50, 80)
#     colors = c ('#0000FF', '#00FF00', '#FF0000')
#     for (i in 1:length (sizes)) { 
#         setNodeFontSizeDirect (cw, 'A', sizes [i])
#         setNodeLabelColorDirect (cw, 'A', colors [i])
#     } # for i
#     invisible (cw)
# } # test.setNodeLabelsPropertiesDirect 
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setNodeOpacityDirect = function ()
# {
#     #DEACTIVATED("too slow")
#     title = 'test.setNodeOpacityDirect'
#     window.prep (title)
#     g = RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ()
#     g = addNode ('D', g)
#     nodeData (g, 'D', 'label') = 'blink'
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     setNodeSizeDirect (cw, 'D', 120)
#     layoutNetwork (cw, 'grid')
#     fitContent (cw)
#     setZoom (cw, 0.8 * getZoom (cw))
#     redraw (cw)
#     setNodeFillOpacityDirect (cw, 'A', 0)
#     setNodeLabelOpacityDirect (cw, 'B', 0)
#     setNodeBorderOpacityDirect (cw, 'C', 0)
#     for (i in 1:3) {
#         setNodeOpacityDirect (cw, 'D', 0)
#         setNodeOpacityDirect (cw, 'D', 255)
#     } # for i
#     setNodeOpacityDirect (cw, c ('A', 'C'), 255)
#     setNodeOpacityDirect (cw, c ('B', 'D'), 50)
#     setNodeOpacityDirect (cw, c ('A', 'B', 'C', 'D'), c (10, 50, 100, 200))
#     setNodeOpacityDirect (cw, c ('A', 'B', 'C', 'D'), c (200, 100, 50, 10))
#     Sys.sleep (0.3)
#     setNodeOpacityDirect (cw, c ('A', 'B', 'C', 'D'), 255); redraw (cw)
#     invisible (cw)
# } # test.setNodeOpacityDirect
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # test.setEdgeOpacityDirect = function ()
# # {
# #     #DEACTIVATED("too slow for some reason")
# #     title = 'test.setEdgeOpacityDirect'
# #     window.prep (title)
# #     
# #     g = RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ()
# #     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
# #     setDefaultEdgeLineWidth (cw, 10)
# #     displayGraph (cw)
# #     layoutNetwork (cw, 'grid')
# #     
# #     named.edge.names = cy2.edge.names (g)
# #     edge.names <- unname(named.edge.names)
# #     
# #     setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.names [1], 80)
# #     setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.names [2], 0)
# #     setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.names [3], 255)
# #     
# #     setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.names [2], 80)
# #     setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.names [3], 0)
# #     setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.names [1], 255)
# #     
# #     setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.names [1], 80)
# #     setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.names [3], 40)
# #     setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.names [2], 255)
# #     
# #     setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.names [1], 0)
# #     setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.names [3], 0)
# #     setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.names [2], 0)
# #     
# #     setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.names [1], 255)
# #     setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.names [3], 255)
# #     setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.names [2], 255)
# #     
# #     setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.names, 0)
# #     setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.names, 255)
# #     
# #     setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.names, c (0, 128, 255))
# #     setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.names, c (255, 0, 128))
# #     
# #     setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.names, 255)
# #     
# #     invisible (cw)
# # 
# # } # test.setEdgeOpacityDirect
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setEdgeColorDirect = function ()
# {
#     #DEACTIVATED("very slow for some reason")
#     title = 'test.setEdgeColorDirect'
#     window.prep (title)
#     g = RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ()
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw, 'grid')
#     edge.of.interest = as.character (cy2.edge.names (g) [1])
#     setEdgeColorDirect (cw, edge.of.interest, '#FF0000')
#     setEdgeColorDirect (cw, edge.of.interest, '#00FF00')
#     setEdgeColorDirect (cw, edge.of.interest, '#0000FF')
#     invisible (cw)
# } # test.setEdgeColorDirect
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow ('test.setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect', graph=makeSimpleGraph())
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw, 'grid')
#     #setWindowSize (cw, 800, 800)
#     fitContent (cw)
#     edges.of.interest = as.character (cy2.edge.names (g))
#     supported.arrow.shapes = getArrowShapes (cw)
#     # first try passing three edges and three arrow shapes
#     setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, supported.arrow.shapes [2:4])
#     Sys.sleep (0.3)
#     # now try passing three edges and one arrow.shapes
#     setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, supported.arrow.shapes [6])
#     # restore the default
#     setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, 'NONE')
#     invisible (cw)
# } # test.setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setEdgeLabelDirect = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.setEdgeLabelDirect '
#     window.prep (title)
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow ('test.setEdgeLabelDirect', graph=makeSimpleGraph())
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw, 'grid')
#     edge.names = cy2.edge.names (cw@graph)[1:2]
#     setEdgeLabelDirect (cw, edge.names, 'some name')
#     invisible (cw)
# } # test.setEdgeLabelDirect
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# #test.setEdgeFontFaceDirect = function ()
# #{
# #  title = 'test.setEdgeFontFaceDirect'
# #  window.prep (title)
# #
# #  g = RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ()
# #  cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
# #  displayGraph (cw)
# #  layoutNetwork (cw, 'grid')
# #  redraw (cw)
# #
# #  edge.of.interest = cy2.edge.names (g) [1]
# #  fonts = c ('courier', 'arial')
# #  for (font in fonts) {
# #    setEdgeFontFaceDirect (cw, edge.of.interest, font); redraw (cw);
# #    Sys.sleep (0.3)
# #    } # for i
# #
# #} # test.
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setEdgeFontSizeDirect = function ()
# {
#     #DEACTIVATED("too slow for some reason.")
#     title = 'test.setEdgeFontSizeDirect'
#     window.prep (title)
#     g = RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ()
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw, 'grid')
#     edge.of.interest = cy2.edge.names (g) [1]
#     setEdgeFontSizeDirect (cw, edge.of.interest, 12)
# } # test.setEdgeFontSizeDirect
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # test.setEdgeLabelColorDirect = function () # WORKS BUT IS A BIT SLOW
# # {
# #     #DEACTIVATED("too slow for some reason")
# #     title = 'test.setEdgeLabelColorDirect'
# #     window.prep (title)
# #     
# #     g = RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ()
# #     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
# #     displayGraph (cw)
# #     layoutNetwork (cw, 'grid')
# #     redraw (cw)
# #     
# #     edge.names = cy2.edge.names (g)
# #     setEdgeLabelDirect (cw, edge.names, 'some label')
# #     setEdgeLabelColorDirect (cw, edge.names [1:2], '#FF0000')
# #     setEdgeLabelColorDirect (cw, edge.names, '#00FF00')
# #     setEdgeLabelColorDirect (cw, edge.names [3], '#000000')
# # 
# # } # test.setEdgeLabelColorDirect
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setEdgeTooltipDirect = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.setEdgeTooltipDirect'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cw <- CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph())
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw, 'grid')
#     redraw (cw)
#     edges.of.interest = as.character (cy2.edge.names (cw@graph))
#     # first try passing three edges and three tooltips
#     setEdgeTooltipDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, c ('tooltip #1', 'tooltip #2', 'tooltip #3'))
#     redraw (cw)
#     # now try passing three edges and one tooltip
#     setEdgeTooltipDirect (cw, edges.of.interest [1:2], 'a general purpose tooltip')
#     redraw (cw)
#     invisible (cw)
# } # test.setEdgeTooltipDirect
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setEdgeLineWidthDirect = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.setEdgeLineWidthDirect'
#     window.prep (title)
#     g = RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ()
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw, 'grid')
#     redraw (cw)
#     edges.of.interest = cy2.edge.names (g) [1:2]
#     for (i in 1:10) {
#         setEdgeLineWidthDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, i)
#     }
#     setEdgeLineWidthDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, 1)
#     redraw (cw)
# } # test.setEdgeLineWidthDirect
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setEdgeLineStyleDirect = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.setEdgeLineStyleDirect'
#     window.prep (title)
#     g = RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ()
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw, 'grid')
#     redraw (cw)
#     edges.of.interest = as.character (cy2.edge.names (g))
#     supported.styles = getLineStyles (cw)
#     # first try passing three edges and three styles
#     setEdgeLineStyleDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, supported.styles [5:7])
#     redraw (cw)
#     Sys.sleep (0.3)
#     # now try passing three edges and one styles
#     setEdgeLineStyleDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, supported.styles [8])
#     redraw (cw)
#     # now loop through all of the styles
#     for (style in supported.styles) {
#         setEdgeLineStyleDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, style)
#     }
#     setEdgeLineStyleDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, 'SOLID')
#     redraw (cw)
#     invisible (cw)
# } # test.setEdgeLineStyleDirect
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect'
#     window.prep (title)
#     g = RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ()
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw, 'grid')
#     redraw (cw)
#     setWindowSize (cw, 800, 800)
#     fitContent (cw)
#     edges.of.interest = as.character (cy2.edge.names (g))
#     supported.arrow.shapes = getArrowShapes (cw)
#     # first try passing three edges and three arrow.shapes
#     setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, supported.arrow.shapes [5:7])
#     redraw (cw)
#     Sys.sleep (0.3)
#     # now try passing three edges and one arrow shape
#     setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, supported.arrow.shapes [8])
#     redraw (cw)
#     # now loop through all of the arrow.shapes
#     for (shape in supported.arrow.shapes) {
#         setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, shape)
#     }
#     # restore the default
#     setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, 'NONE')
#     redraw (cw)
#     invisible (cw)
# } # test.setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setEdgeTargetArrowShapeDirect = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.setEdgeTargetArrowShapeDirect'
#     window.prep (title)
#     g = RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ()
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw, 'grid')
#     redraw (cw)
#     edges.of.interest = as.character (cy2.edge.names (g))
#     supported.arrow.shapes = getArrowShapes (cw)
#     # first try passing three edges and three arrow.shapes
#     setEdgeTargetArrowShapeDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, supported.arrow.shapes [5:7])
#     redraw (cw)
#     Sys.sleep (0.3)
#     # now try passing three edges and one arrow shape
#     setEdgeTargetArrowShapeDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, supported.arrow.shapes [8])
#     redraw (cw)
#     # now loop through all of the arrow.shapes
#     for (shape in supported.arrow.shapes) {
#         setEdgeTargetArrowShapeDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, shape)
#     }
#     # restore the default
#     setEdgeTargetArrowShapeDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, 'NONE')
#     invisible (cw)
# } # test.setTargetArrowShapeDirect
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setEdgeSourceArrowColorDirect = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.setEdgeSourceArrowColorDirect'
#     window.prep (title)
#     g = RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ()
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw, 'grid')
#     redraw (cw)
#     arrows = c ('Arrow', 'Diamond', 'Circle')
#     edgeType.values = c ('phosphorylates', 'synthetic lethal', 'undefined')
#     setEdgeSourceArrowRule (cw, 'edgeType', edgeType.values, arrows)
#     setEdgeTargetArrowRule (cw, 'edgeType', edgeType.values, arrows)
#     colors.1 = c ("#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF")
#     colors.2 = c ("#AA00AA", "#00AAAA", "#0000AA")
#     edge.names = as.character (cy2.edge.names (g) [1:3])
#     setEdgeSourceArrowColorDirect (cw, edge.names, colors.1)
#     setEdgeSourceArrowColorDirect (cw, edge.names, colors.2)
#     invisible (cw)
# } # test.setEdgeSourceArrowColorDirect
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setEdgeTargetArrowColorDirect = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.setEdgeTargetArrowColorDirect'
#     window.prep (title)
#     g = RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ()
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw, 'grid')
#     redraw (cw)
#     #setWindowSize (cw, 800, 800)
#     fitContent (cw)
#     arrows = c ('Arrow', 'Diamond', 'Circle')
#     edgeType.values = c ('phosphorylates', 'synthetic lethal', 'undefined')
#     setEdgeSourceArrowRule (cw, 'edgeType', edgeType.values, arrows)
#     setEdgeTargetArrowRule (cw, 'edgeType', edgeType.values, arrows)
#     colors.1 = c ("#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF")
#     colors.2 = c ("#AA00AA", "#00AAAA", "#0000AA")
#     edge.names = as.character (cy2.edge.names (g) [1:3])
#     setEdgeTargetArrowColorDirect (cw, edge.names, colors.1)
#     setEdgeTargetArrowColorDirect (cw, edge.names, colors.2)
#     invisible (cw)
# } # test.setEdgeTargetArrowColorDirect
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # test.setEdgeLabelOpacityDirect = function () # WORKS PERFECTLY BUT TOO SLOW
# # {
# #     #DEACTIVATED("too slow for some reason")
# #     title = 'test.setEdgeLabelOpacityDirect'
# #     window.prep (title)
# #     
# #     g = RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ()
# #     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
# #     displayGraph (cw)
# #     layoutNetwork (cw, 'grid')
# #     redraw (cw)
# #     
# #     edge.of.interest = cy2.edge.names (g) [1]
# #     for (i in 1:5) {
# #         setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.of.interest, i * 30); redraw (cw);
# #     } # for i
# # 
# # } # test.setEdgeLabelOpacityDirect
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setEdgeSourceArrowOpacityDirect = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.setEdgeSourceArrowOpacityDirect'
#     window.prep (title)
#     g = RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ()
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw, 'grid')
#     redraw (cw)
#     edges.of.interest = as.character (cy2.edge.names (g))
#     # make sure the source arrows are visible
#     setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, 'Circle')
#     # first try passing three edges and three arrow opacity values
#     setEdgeSourceArrowOpacityDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, c (64, 128, 255))
#     redraw (cw)
#     Sys.sleep (0.3)
#     # now try passing three edges and just one opacity value; it will be applied to all arrows
#     setEdgeSourceArrowOpacityDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, 32)
#     redraw (cw)
#     # now loop through all of the arrow.opacitys
#     for (opacity in seq (0, 255, by=45)) {
#         setEdgeSourceArrowOpacityDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, opacity)
#     }
#     # restore the default
#     setEdgeSourceArrowOpacityDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, 255)
# } # test.setEdgeSourceArrowOpacityDirect
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setEdgeTargetArrowOpacityDirect = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.setEdgeTargetArrowOpacityDirect'
#     window.prep (title)
#     g = RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ()
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw, 'grid')
#     redraw (cw)
#     edges.of.interest = as.character (cy2.edge.names (g))
#      # make sure the target arrows are visible
#     setEdgeTargetArrowShapeDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, 'Circle')
#     # first try passing three edges and three arrow opacity values
#     setEdgeTargetArrowOpacityDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, c (64, 128, 255))
#     redraw (cw)
#     Sys.sleep (0.3)
#     # now try passing three edges and just one opacity value; it will be applied to all arrows
#     setEdgeTargetArrowOpacityDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, 32)
#     redraw (cw)
#     # now loop through all of the arrow.opacitys
#     for (opacity in seq (0, 255, by=45)) {
#         setEdgeTargetArrowOpacityDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, opacity)
#     }
#     # restore the default
#     setEdgeTargetArrowOpacityDirect (cw, edges.of.interest, 255)
#     redraw (cw)
# } # test.setEdgeTargetArrowOpacityDirect
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # test.setEdgeLabelPositionDirect = function () # WORKS PERFECTLY FINE BUT SLOW
# # {
# #     #DEACTIVATED("too slow for some reason")
# #     title = 'test.setEdgeLabelPositionDirect'
# #     window.prep (title)
# #     
# #     g = RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ()
# #     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
# #     displayGraph (cw)
# #     layoutNetwork (cw, 'grid')
# #     redraw (cw)
# #     
# #     edge.of.interest = cy2.edge.names (g) [1]
# #     for (i in 1:5) {
# #         setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.of.interest, i * 30)
# #         Sys.sleep (0.3)
# #     } # for i
# # 
# # } # test.setEdgeLabelPositionDirect
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# #test.setEdgeLabelWidthDirect = function ()
# #{
# #     title = 'test.setEdgeLabelWidthDirect',
# #     window.prep (title),
# #   ,
# #     g = RCy3::makeSimpleGraph (),
# #  cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
# #  displayGraph (cw)
# #  layoutNetwork (cw, 'grid')
# #  redraw (cw)
# #
# #  edge.of.interest = cy2.edge.names (g) [1]
# #  for (i in 1:5) {
# #    setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, edge.of.interest, i * 30); redraw (cw);
# #    Sys.sleep (0.3)
# #    } # for i
# #
# #} # test.
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.countNodes = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.countNodes'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cwe = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
#     redraw (cwe)
#     checkEquals (getNodeCount (cwe), length (nodes (getGraph (cwe))))
#     invisible (cwe)
# } # test.countNodes
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.countEdges = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.countEdges'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
#     if (title %in% as.character (getWindowList (cy))){
#         deleteWindow (cy, title)
#     }
#     cwe = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
#     redraw (cwe)
#     checkEquals (getEdgeCount (cwe), length (edgeNames (getGraph (cwe))))
#     invisible (cwe)
# } # test.countNodes
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.countNodesAndEdgesInEmptyGraph = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.countNodesAndEdgesInEmptyGraph'
#     window.prep (title)
#     g.empty = new ("graphNEL", edgemode = "directed")
#     checkEquals (length (nodes (g.empty)), 0)
#     checkEquals (length (edges (g.empty)), 0)
#     cwe = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g.empty)  # default behavior, but let's make it explicit
#     displayGraph (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
#     redraw (cwe)
#     checkEquals (getNodeCount (cwe), 0)
#     checkEquals (getEdgeCount (cwe), 0)
#     invisible (cwe)
# } # test.countNodesAndEdgesInEmptyGraph 
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.getAllNodes = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.getAllNodes'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cwe = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
#     redraw (cwe)
#     cwe.nodes = getAllNodes (cwe)
#     checkEquals (length (intersect (cwe.nodes, nodes (cwe@graph))), 3)
#     invisible (cwe)
# } # test.getAllNodes
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.getAllEdges = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.getAllEdges'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cwe = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
#     redraw (cwe)
#     cwe.edges = getAllEdges(cwe)
#     checkTrue ("C (undefined) A" %in% cwe.edges)
#     checkTrue ("B (synthetic lethal) C" %in% cwe.edges)
#     checkTrue ("A (phosphorylates) B" %in% cwe.edges)
#     #msg (cwe, 'test.getAllEdges')
#     invisible (cwe)
# } # test.getAllEdges
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.selectNodes = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.selectNodes'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cwe = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
#     redraw (cwe)
#     clearSelection (cwe)
#     checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cwe), 0)
#     cwe.nodes = selectNodes (cwe, c ('A', 'B'), preserve=T)
#     checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cwe), 2)
#     cwe.nodes = selectNodes (cwe, 'C', preserve=T)
#     checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cwe), 3)
#     clearSelection (cwe)
#     cwe.nodes = selectNodes (cwe, c ('A', 'B'), preserve=TRUE)
#     checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cwe), 2)
#     cwe.nodes = selectNodes (cwe, 'C', preserve=FALSE)
#     checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cwe), 1)
#     checkEquals (getSelectedNodes (cwe), 'C')
#     clearSelection (cwe)
#     checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cwe), 0)
# = c ('bogus', 'missing')
#     selectNodes (cwe,
#     checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cwe), 0)
# = c (, nodes (cwe@graph))
#     selectNodes (cwe,
#     checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cwe), 3)
#     invisible (cwe)
# } # test.selectNodes
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.nodeNeighborReportingAndSelection = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.nodeNeighborReportingAndSelection'
#     window.prep (title)
#     # create a circular graph
#     LETTERS = toupper (letters)
#     source.nodes  <- LETTERS [1:26]
#     target.nodes  <- c (LETTERS [2:26], LETTERS [1])
#     weights <- runif (length (letters))
#     df <- data.frame (from=source.nodes, to=target.nodes, weight=weights)
#     g.bam <- graphBAM (df, edgemode='directed')
#     g.bam <- initEdgeAttribute (g.bam, 'weight', 'numeric', 0.0)
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g.bam)
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     redraw (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw)
#     # paint the edges shades of green as function of weight
#     setDefaultEdgeLineWidth (cw, 5)
#     setEdgeColorRule (cw, 'weight',  c (0, 1), c ('#FFFFFF', '#00FF00'),  mode='interpolate')
#     # select M, then its immediate neighbors
#     checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cw), 0)
#     checkEquals (sort (getFirstNeighbors (cw, 'M')), c ('L', 'N'))
#     selectNodes (cw, 'M')
#     checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cw), 1)
#     selectFirstNeighborsOfSelectedNodes (cw)
#     checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cw), 3)
#     checkEquals (sort (getSelectedNodes (cw)), c ('L', 'M', 'N'))
#     sfn (cw)
#     checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cw), 5)
#     nodes = sort (getSelectedNodes (cw))
#     checkEquals (nodes, c ("K", "L", "M", "N", "O"))
#     invisible (cw)
# } # test.nodeNeighborReportingAndSelection
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.invertSelection = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.invertSelection'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cwe = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
#     redraw (cwe)
#     clearSelection (cwe)
#     checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cwe), 0)
#     cwe.nodes = selectNodes (cwe, c ('A', 'B'))
#     checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cwe), 2)
#     invertNodeSelection (cwe)
#     redraw (cwe)
#     checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cwe), 1)
#     invertNodeSelection (cwe)
#     redraw (cwe)
#     checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cwe), 2)
#     clearSelection (cwe)
#     invisible (cwe)
# } # test.invertSelection 
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.deleteSelectedNodes = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.deleteSelectedNodes'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cwe = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
#     redraw (cwe)
#     clearSelection (cwe)
#     checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cwe), 0)
#     cwe.nodes = selectNodes (cwe, c ('A', 'B'))
#     checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cwe), 2)
#     deleteSelectedNodes(cwe)
#     checkEquals(getNodeCount(cwe), 1)
#     invisible (cwe)
# } # test.invertNodeSelection 
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.hideNodes = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.hideNodes'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cwe = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
#     redraw (cwe)
#     clearSelection (cwe)
#     checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cwe), 0)
#     cwe.nodes = selectNodes (cwe, c ('A', 'B'))
#     checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cwe), 2)
#     checkEquals (getNodeCount (cwe), 3)
#     hideSelectedNodes (cwe)
#     checkEquals (getNodeCount (cwe), 3)
#     unhideAll (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe)
#     redraw (cwe)
#     checkEquals (getNodeCount (cwe), 3)
#     invisible (cwe)
# } # test.hideNodes
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.selectEdges = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.selectEdges'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw, 'grid')
#     redraw (cw)
#     clearSelection (cw)
#     checkEquals (getSelectedEdgeCount (cw), 0)
#     selectEdges (cw, "A (phosphorylates) B")
#     checkEquals (getSelectedEdgeCount (cw), 1)
#     Sys.sleep (0.3)
#     clearSelection (cw)
#     checkEquals (getSelectedEdgeCount (cw), 0)
#     invisible (cw)
# } # test.selectEdges
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.getAdjacentEdgeNames = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.getAdjacentEdgeNames'
#     g = RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ()
#     expected.names = c ("A (phosphorylates) B", "B (synthetic lethal) C", "C (undefined) A")
#     checkEquals (sort (as.character (cy2.edge.names (g))), expected.names)
#     checkEquals (sort (getAdjacentEdgeNames (g, 'A')), expected.names [c (1,3)])
#     checkEquals (sort (getAdjacentEdgeNames (g, 'B')), expected.names [c (1,2)])
#     checkEquals (sort (getAdjacentEdgeNames (g, 'C')), expected.names [c (2,3)])
#     checkEquals (sort (getAdjacentEdgeNames (g, c ('A', 'B'))), expected.names [1:3])
#     checkEquals (sort (getAdjacentEdgeNames (g, c ('B', 'C'))), expected.names [1:3])
#     checkEquals (sort (getAdjacentEdgeNames (g, c ('A', 'C'))), expected.names [1:3])
#     invisible (g)
# } # test.getAdjacentEdgeNames
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setEdgeLineStyleRule = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.setEdgeLineStyleRule'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cwe = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
#     redraw (cwe)
#     line.styles = c ('SINEWAVE', 'DOT', 'PARALLEL_LINES')
#     edgeType.values = c ('phosphorylates', 'synthetic lethal', 'undefined')
#     checkEquals (length (intersect (line.styles, getLineStyles (cwe))), 3)
#     setEdgeLineStyleRule (cwe, 'edgeType', edgeType.values, line.styles)
#     # test one-element lists
#     line.styles = c ('DOT')
#     edgeType.values = c ('synthetic lethal')
#     checkEquals (length (intersect (line.styles, getLineStyles (cwe))), 1)
#     setEdgeLineStyleRule (cwe, 'edgeType', edgeType.values, line.styles)
#     #msg (cwe, 'test.setEdgeLineStyleRule')
#     invisible (cwe)
# } # test.setEdgeLineStyleRule
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setEdgeLineWidthRule = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.setEdgeLineWidthRule'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cwe = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
#     redraw (cwe)
#     line.styles = c ('SINEWAVE', 'DOT', 'PARALLEL_LINES')
#     edgeType.values = c ('phosphorylates', 'synthetic lethal', 'undefined')
#     checkEquals (length (intersect (line.styles, getLineStyles (cwe))), 3)
#     setEdgeLineStyleRule (cwe, 'edgeType', edgeType.values, line.styles)
#     setEdgeLineWidthRule (cwe, 'edgeType', edgeType.values, c (0, 8, 16))
#     # try one-element lists
#     setEdgeLineWidthRule (cwe, 'edgeType', edgeType.values [1], 10)
#     invisible (cwe)
# } # test.setEdgeLineWidthRule
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setEdgeColorRule = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.setEdgeColorRule'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cwe = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
#     redraw (cwe)
#     edgeType.values = c ('phosphorylates', 'synthetic lethal', 'undefined')
#     colors = c ('#FF0000', '#FFFF00', '#00FF00')
#     setEdgeColorRule (cwe, 'edgeType',  edgeType.values, colors, mode='lookup')
#     Sys.sleep (0.3)
#     all.white  = c ('#FFFFFF', '#FFFFFF', '#FFFFFF')
#     setEdgeColorRule (cwe, 'edgeType',  edgeType.values [2], mode='lookup', '#000000')
#     # now create a continuous ('interpolate') mode rule, using the score edge attribute
#     score.values = c (-15, 0, 40);
#     colors = c ('#00FF00', '#FFFFFF', '#FF0000')
#     setEdgeColorRule (cwe, 'score',  score.values, colors, mode='interpolate')
#     # now swap the colors
#     colors = c ('#FF0000', '#000000', '#00FF00')
#     setEdgeColorRule (cwe, 'score',  score.values, colors, mode='interpolate')
#     invisible (cwe)
# } # test.setEdgeColorRule
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setEdgeOpacityRule = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.setEdgeOpacityRule'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw, 'grid')
#     edgeType.values = c ("phosphorylates", "synthetic lethal", "undefined")
#     # want to see edges and both arrows, to check success of opacity rule
#     setEdgeTargetArrowRule (cw, 'edgeType', edgeType.values, rep ('ARROW', 3))
#     setEdgeSourceArrowRule (cw, 'edgeType', edgeType.values, rep ('ARROW', 3))
#     setDefaultEdgeLineWidth (cw, 5)
#     redraw (cw)
#     # do the lookup rule
#     opacities = c (25, 100, 255)
#     setEdgeOpacityRule (cw, 'edgeType',  edgeType.values, opacities, mode='lookup')
#     redraw (cw)
#     # now do the interpolated version
#     opacities = c (10, 125, 255)
#     control.points = c (-12, 0, 35)
#     setEdgeOpacityRule (cw, 'score',  control.points, opacities, mode='interpolate')  
#     redraw (cw)
#     invisible (cw)
# } # test.setEdgeOpacityRule
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setEdgeTargetArrowRule = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.setEdgeTargetArrowRule'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cwe = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
#     redraw (cwe)
#     arrows = c ('DELTA', 'T', 'DIAMOND')
#     edgeType.values = c ('phosphorylates', 'synthetic lethal', 'undefined')
#     checkEquals (length (intersect (arrows, getArrowShapes (cwe))), 3)
#     setEdgeTargetArrowRule (cwe, 'edgeType', edgeType.values, arrows)
#     # now test the list-of-length-one call.  the called method will double the list to get past the xmlrpc
#     # treatment of lists of length one as scalars, and a failed signature match
#     arrows = c ('CIRCLE')
#     edgeType.values = c ('phosphorylates')
#     checkEquals (length (intersect (arrows, getArrowShapes (cwe))), 1)
#     setEdgeTargetArrowRule (cwe, 'edgeType', edgeType.values, arrows)
#     invisible (cwe)
# } # test.setEdgeTargetArrowRule
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setEdgeArrowColorRules = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.setEdgeArrowColorRules'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cwe = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
#     redraw (cwe)
#     colors.1 = c ("#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF")
#     colors.2 = c ("#AA00AA", "#AAAA00", "#AA0000")
#     setEdgeTargetArrowColorRule (cwe, 'edgeType', c ("phosphorylates", "synthetic lethal", "undefined"), colors.1)
#     setEdgeSourceArrowColorRule (cwe, 'edgeType', c ("phosphorylates", "synthetic lethal", "undefined"), colors.1)
#     system ('sleep 0.3')
#     setEdgeTargetArrowColorRule (cwe, 'edgeType', c ("phosphorylates", "synthetic lethal", "undefined"), colors.2)
#     setEdgeSourceArrowColorRule (cwe, 'edgeType', c ("phosphorylates", "synthetic lethal", "undefined"), colors.2)
#     # test one-element list
#     setEdgeSourceArrowColorRule (cwe, 'edgeType', "phosphorylates", '#000000')
#     invisible (cwe)
# } # test.setEdgetArrowColorRules
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setEdgeSourceArrowRule = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.setEdgeSourceArrowRule'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cwe = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
#     redraw (cwe)
#     arrows = c ('ARROW', 'DIAMOND', 'CIRCLE')
#     edgeType.values = c ('phosphorylates', 'synthetic lethal', 'undefined')
#     checkEquals (length (intersect (arrows, getArrowShapes (cwe))), 3)
#     setEdgeSourceArrowRule (cwe, 'edgeType', edgeType.values, arrows)
#     # test one-element rule
#     setEdgeSourceArrowRule (cwe, 'edgeType', edgeType.values [2], arrows [2])
#     invisible (cwe)
# } # test.setEdgeSourceArrowRule
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# = function ()
# {
#     title = ''
#     window.prep (title)
#     cwe = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
#     redraw (cwe)
#     # establish the rules which apply during the full run of the movie
#     # different node sizes and node colors are created, not by changing these rules, but
#     # by changing node attribute values, for the integer attribute 'count' and the numeric attribute 'lfc'
#     count.control.points = c (2, 30, 100)
#     sizes                = c (20, 50, 100)
#     setNodeSizeRule (cwe, 'count', count.control.points, sizes, mode='interpolate')
#     setNodeColorRule (cwe, 'lfc', c (-3.0, 0.0, 3.0), c ('#00FF00', '#FFFFFF', '#FF0000'), mode='interpolate')
#     count = 3
#     # three renderings of the 3-node, 3-edge network are created in this loop, which runs 'count' times
#     # the first two set new attributes on the R graph data structure, then ask RCy3 to send those values
#     # to R from the graph
#     # the third rendering bypasses storage of new attribute values on the R graph, sending them instead 
#     # directly to Cytoscape.  (hence 'setNodeAttributesDirect')
#     for (i in 1:count) { 
#         nodeData (cwe@graph, 'A', 'lfc') = -3.0
#         nodeData (cwe@graph, 'B', 'lfc') = -0.7
#         nodeData (cwe@graph, 'C', 'lfc') = -1.9
#         nodeData (cwe@graph, 'A', 'count') = 10
#         nodeData (cwe@graph, 'B', 'count') = 140
#         nodeData (cwe@graph, 'C', 'count') = 32
#         result = setNodeAttributes (cwe, 'lfc')
#         result = setNodeAttributes (cwe, 'count')
#         redraw (cwe)
#         Sys.sleep (0.3)
#         nodeData (cwe@graph, 'A', 'lfc') = 3.0
#         nodeData (cwe@graph, 'B', 'lfc') = 0.7
#         nodeData (cwe@graph, 'C', 'lfc') = 1.9
#         nodeData (cwe@graph, 'A', 'count') = 50
#         nodeData (cwe@graph, 'B', 'count') = 22
#         nodeData (cwe@graph, 'C', 'count') = 180
#         result = setNodeAttributes (cwe, 'lfc')
#         result = setNodeAttributes (cwe, 'count')
#         redraw (cwe)
#         Sys.sleep (0.3)
#         count.A = round (runif (1, 1, 200))
#         count.B = round (runif (1, 1, 200))
#         count.C = round (runif (1, 1, 200))
#         result = setNodeAttributesDirect (cwe, 'count', 'int', c ('A', 'B', 'C'), c (count.A, count.B, count.C)); 
#         result = setNodeAttributesDirect (cwe, 'lfc', 'numeric', c ('A', 'B', 'C'), c (-1.0, 0.0, 1.0))
#         redraw (cwe)
#     }
#     invisible (cwe)
# } #
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # test.unmatchedAttributesError = function ()
# # {
# #     title = 'test.unmatchedAttributesError'
# #     window.prep (title)
# #     
# #     cwe = CytoscapeWindow (title, RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
# #     displayGraph (cwe)
# #     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
# #     
# #     # this works
# #     count.control.points = c (2, 30, 100)
# #     sizes = c (20, 50, 100)
# #     setNodeSizeRule (cwe, 'count', count.control.points, sizes, mode='interpolate')
# #     
# #     invisible (cwe)
# # 
# # } # test.unmatchedAttributesError
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# #RCy3:::makeRandomGraph ()
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # this tests the otherwise invisible method in RCy3.R, called to compensate for the extra edges and edge attributes
# # packed into an undirected graph
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.randomUndirectedGraph = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.randomUndirectedGraph'
#     window.prep (title)
#     g.random = RCy3::makeRandomGraph ()
#     edgeData (g.random, '1', '2', 'weight') = 0.55
#     edgeData (g.random, '1', '2', 'pmid') = '12345678' 
#     cwr = CytoscapeWindow (title, g.random)
#     displayGraph (cwr)
#     layoutNetwork (cwr, 'grid')
#     redraw (cwr)
#     invisible (cwr)
# } # test.randomUndirectedGraph 
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.simpleGraph = function (apply.viz.rules=TRUE, do.redraw=TRUE)
# {
#     title = 'test.simpleGraph'
#     window.prep (title)
#     g.simple = RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ()
#     cws = CytoscapeWindow (title, g.simple)
#     displayGraph (cws)
#     layoutNetwork (cws, 'grid')
#     if (apply.viz.rules) {
#         setNodeLabelRule (cws, 'label')
#         setDefaultNodeBorderWidth (cws, 5)
#         node.attribute.values = c ("kinase",  "transcription factor")
#         colors =                c ('#A0AA00', '#FF0000')
#         setNodeBorderColorRule (cws, 'type', node.attribute.values, colors, mode='lookup', default.color='#88FF22')
#         count.control.points = c (2, 30, 100)
#         sizes                = c (20, 50, 100)
#         setNodeSizeRule (cws, 'count', count.control.points, sizes, mode='interpolate')
#         setNodeColorRule (cws, 'lfc', c (-3.0, 0.0, 3.0), c ('#00FF00', '#FFFFFF', '#FF0000'), mode='interpolate')
#         redraw (cws)
#     } # if apply.viz.rules
#     invisible (cws)
# } # test.simpleGraph
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.simpleGraphWithReciprocalEdge = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.simpleGraphWithReciprocalEdge'
#     window.prep (title)
#     g.simple = RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ()
#     g.simple = graph::addEdge ('C', 'B', g.simple)
#     edgeData (g.simple, 'C', 'B', attr='edgeType') = 'synthetic rescue'
#     edgeData (g.simple, 'C', 'B', attr='score') = 42
#     edgeData (g.simple, 'C', 'B', attr='misc') = 'ellany'
#     g <- g.simple
#     cws = CytoscapeWindow (title, g.simple)
#     displayGraph (cws)
#     layoutNetwork (cws, 'grid')
#     setNodeLabelRule (cws, 'label')
#     node.attribute.values = c ("kinase",  "transcription factor")
#     colors =                c ('#A0AA00', '#FF0000')
#     setDefaultNodeBorderWidth (cws, 5)
#     setNodeBorderColorRule (cws, 'type', node.attribute.values, colors, mode='lookup', default.color='#88FF22')
#     count.control.points = c (2, 30, 100)
#     sizes                = c (20, 50, 100)
#     setNodeSizeRule (cws, 'count', count.control.points, sizes, mode='interpolate')
#     setNodeColorRule (cws, 'lfc', c (-3.0, 0.0, 3.0), c ('#00FF00', '#FFFFFF', '#FF0000'), mode='interpolate')
#     arrows = c ('Arrow', 'Arrow', 'Arrow', 'None')
#     edgeType.values <- c ('phosphorylates', 'synthetic lethal', 'synthetic rescue', 'undefined')
#     setEdgeTargetArrowRule (cws, 'edgeType', edgeType.values, arrows)
#     edgeType.values = c ('phosphorylates', 'synthetic lethal', 'synthetic rescue', 'undefined')
#     edgeColors = c ('#0000AA', '#000000', '#00AA00', '#FFFFFF')
#     setEdgeColorRule (cws, 'edgeType',  edgeType.values, edgeColors, mode='lookup')
#     redraw (cws)
#     invisible (cws)
# } # test.simpleGraphWithReciprocalEdge
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setGraph = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.setGraph'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title)
#     checkEquals (length (nodes (getGraph (cw))), 0)
#     new.graph = RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ()
#     cw = setGraph (cw, new.graph)
#     checkEquals (length (nodes (getGraph (cw))), 3)
#     invisible (cw)
# } # test.setGraph 
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setNodePosition = function ()
# {
#     #DEACTIVATED("too slow")
#     title = 'test.setNodePosition'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cwe = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
#     redraw (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')   # get a reasonable starting layout, with the nodes well-separate
#     center.x = 200
#     center.y = 200
#     radius = 200
#     angles = seq (0, 360, 5)  # sweep through full revoltion, 5 degrees at a time
#     # move just the A node, swinging it around the 'center' at 200, 200.  
#     # it would be nice not know more about the coordinate system than I now do, perhaps to
#     # query current position on any node
#     for (angle in angles) {
# = angle * pi / 180
#         x = center.x + (radius * cos (
#         y = center.y + (radius * sin (
#         setNodePosition (cwe, 'A', x, y)
#     }
#     invisible (cwe)
# } # test.setNodePosition
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.getNodePosition = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.getNodePosition'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cwe = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
#     redraw (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')   # get a reasonable starting layout, with the nodes well-separate
#     # the scheme:  get current positions, find their mean, place all the nodes there,
#     # get their new positions, check to see that they are the means just set.
#     positions <- getNodePosition (cwe, c ('A', 'B', 'C'))
#     # place the nodes on top of each other, at the center of their 3-cornered original layout
#     center.x = as.integer (round (mean (as.integer (sapply (positions, function (pos) pos$x)))))
#     center.y = as.integer (round (mean (as.integer (sapply (positions, function (pos) pos$y)))))
#     setNodePosition (cwe, c ('A', 'B', 'C'), rep (center.x, 3), rep (center.y, 3))
#     current.x = getNodePosition (cwe, 'A')[[1]]$x
#     current.y = getNodePosition (cwe, 'A')[[1]]$y
#     #printf ('center:  %d  %d', center.x, center.y)
#     #printf ('current: %d  %d', current.x, current.y)
#     checkEqualsNumeric (current.x, center.x, tol=1)
#     checkEqualsNumeric (current.y, center.y, tol=1)
#     invisible (cwe)
# } # test.getNodePosition
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.getNodePosition.colonInNodeName = function ()
# {
#     #DEACTIVATED("not fatally slow, but i am impatient. Reactivate later.")
#     title = 'test.getNodePosition.colonInNodeName'
#     window.prep (title)
#     g = RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ()
# = 'abcd:xyz::1234,funky?!'
#     g = graph::addNode (, g)
#     nodeData (g,, 'label') =
#     cwe = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
#     displayGraph (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
#     redraw (cwe)
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')   # get a reasonable starting layout, with the nodes well-separate
#     # the scheme:  get current positions, find their mean, place all the nodes there,
#     # get their new positions, check to see that they are the means just set.
#     positions <- getNodePosition (cwe, c ('A', 'B', 'C'))
#     # place the nodes on top of each other, at the center of their 3-cornered original layout
#     center.x = as.integer (round (mean (as.integer (sapply (positions, function (pos) pos$x)))))
#     center.y = as.integer (round (mean (as.integer (sapply (positions, function (pos) pos$y)))))
#     # rearrange the positions
#     layoutNetwork (cwe, 'grid')
#     # superimpose A,B, and C  in the center
#     setNodePosition (cwe, c ('A', 'B', 'C'), rep (center.x, 3), rep (center.y, 3))
#     x.funky = center.x + 50
#     y.funky = center.y + 50
#     # offset
#     setNodePosition (cwe,, x.funky, y.funky)
#     fitContent (cwe)
#     setZoom (cwe, 0.75 * getZoom (cwe))
#     # now check that the nodes have been repositioned from grid to centered (A,B,C) and offset (
#     current.x = getNodePosition (cwe, 'A')[[1]]$x
#     current.y = getNodePosition (cwe, 'A')[[1]]$y
#     checkEqualsNumeric (current.x, center.x, tol=1)
#     checkEqualsNumeric (current.y, center.y, tol=1)
#     funky.pos.x = getNodePosition (cwe, [[1]]$x
#     funky.pos.y = getNodePosition (cwe, [[1]]$y
#     checkEqualsNumeric (funky.pos.x, x.funky, tol=1)
#     checkEqualsNumeric (funky.pos.y, y.funky, tol=1)
#     invisible (cwe)
# } # test.getNodePosition.colonInNodeName
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.getNodeSize = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.getNodeSize'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw, 'grid')
#     # establish a good starting point
#     setNodeSizeDirect (cw, nodes (cw@graph), rep (100, 3))
#     redraw (cw)
#     sizes =  getNodeSize (cw, nodes (cw@graph))
#     # these next test pass fine in uncomplicated circumstances, but (apparently) fail due to
#     # vizmap complexities when lots of windows are or have been open
#     #checkEquals (sizes$width, c (100, 100, 100))
#     #checkEquals (sizes$height, c (100, 100, 100))
#     setNodeSizeDirect (cw, c ('A', 'B'), 150); redraw (cw)
#     sizes =  getNodeSize (cw, nodes (cw@graph))
#     # these next test pass fine in uncomplicated circumstances, but (apparently) fail due to
#     # vizmap complexities when lots of windows are or have been open
#     #checkEquals (sizes$width, c (150, 150, 100))
#     #checkEquals (sizes$height, c (150, 150, 100))
#     setNodeSizeDirect (cw, c ('A', 'B'), c (180, 32));   redraw (cw)
#     sizes = getNodeSize (cw, nodes (cw@graph))
#     #checkEquals (sizes$width, c (180, 32, 100))
#     #checkEquals (sizes$height, c (180, 32, 100))
#     # now allow for non-symmetric dimensions, in which width and height are set separately
#     lockNodeDimensions (cw, FALSE)
#     setNodeHeightDirect (cw, c ('A', 'B', 'C'), c (12, 22, 32))
#     setNodeWidthDirect (cw, c ('A', 'B', 'C'), c (120, 122, 132))
#     redraw (cw)
#     sizes = getNodeSize (cw, 'B')
#     #checkEquals (sizes$width, 122)
#     #checkEquals (sizes$height, 22)
#     # return to symmetric dimensions
#     lockNodeDimensions (cw, TRUE)
#     redraw (cw)
#     # not sure how width and height are rectified.  it appears that the last-used width=height values are returned
#     sizes = getNodeSize (cw, nodes (cw@graph))
#     #checkEquals (sizes$width, sizes$height)
#     invisible (cw)
# } # test.getNodeSize
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.haveNodeAttribute = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.haveNodeAttribute'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cw3 = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cw3)
#     redraw (cw3)
#     layoutNetwork (cw3)
#     nodes.with.attribute = RCy3:::haveNodeAttribute (cw3, nodes (getGraph (cw3)), 'lfc')
#     checkEquals (sort (nodes.with.attribute),  c ('A', 'B', 'C'))
#     checkEquals (length (RCy3:::haveNodeAttribute (cw3, nodes (getGraph (cw3)), 'type')), 3)
#     checkEquals (length (RCy3:::haveNodeAttribute (cw3, nodes (getGraph (cw3)), 'label')), 3)
#     checkEquals (length (RCy3:::haveNodeAttribute (cw3, nodes (getGraph (cw3)), 'count')), 3)
#     checkEquals (length (RCy3:::haveNodeAttribute (cw3, nodes (getGraph (cw3)), 'bogus')), 0)
#     invisible (cw3)
# } # test.haveNodeAttribute
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.haveEdgeAttribute = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.haveEdgeAttribute'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cw3 = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cw3)
#     redraw (cw3)
#     layoutNetwork (cw3)
#     cy2.edgenames = as.character (cy2.edge.names (getGraph (cw3)))
#     edges.with.attribute = RCy3:::haveEdgeAttribute (cw3, cy2.edgenames, 'edgeType')
#     checkEquals (length (edges.with.attribute), 3)
#     checkTrue ("A (phosphorylates) B" %in% edges.with.attribute)
#     checkTrue ("B (synthetic lethal) C" %in% edges.with.attribute)
#     checkTrue ("C (undefined) A" %in% edges.with.attribute)
#     checkTrue (length (RCy3:::haveEdgeAttribute (cw3, cy2.edgenames, 'score')) == 3)
#     checkTrue (length (RCy3:::haveEdgeAttribute (cw3, cy2.edgenames, 'misc')) == 3)
#     checkTrue (length (RCy3:::haveEdgeAttribute (cw3, cy2.edgenames, 'bogus')) == 0)
# } # test.haveEdgeAttribute
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# hiddenTest.haveEdgeAttribute.oneEdgeOnly = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.haveEdgeAttribute.oneEdgeOnly'
#     window.prep (title)
#     g = makeSimpleGraph ()
#     g = removeNode ('A', g)
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     redraw (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw)
#     cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
#     cy2.edgenames = as.character (cy2.edge.names (getGraph (cw)))
#     checkTrue (length (RCy3:::haveEdgeAttribute (cw, cy2.edgenames, 'score')) == 1)
# } # hiddenTest.haveEdgeAttribute.oneEdgeOnly
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.copyNodeAttributesFromCyGraph = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.copyNodeAttributesFromCyGraph'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cw3 = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cw3)
#     redraw (cw3)
#     layoutNetwork (cw3)
#     # we can now depend upon Cytoscape holding its own version of cw3@graph 
#     # in expected use, we expect that 'getGraphFromWindow' will be called, to get the nodes, edges, and both
#     # node & edge attributes
#     # but here, we only want to test the reliability of querying the Cytoscape version of the graph for all of its node
#     # attributes. So we build a 3-node graph, *without* attributes, and pass that to copyNodeAttributesFromCyGraph, 
#     # which should copy those Cytoscape graph node attributes onto the graph we pass in.
#     g = new ('graphNEL', edgemode='directed')
#     g = graph::addNode (c ('A', 'B', 'C'), g)
#     g2 = RCy3:::copyNodeAttributesFromCyGraph (cw3, getWindowID (cy, title), g)
#     checkEquals (length (intersect (noa.names (g2), c ("name", "count", "label", "lfc", "type"))), 5)
#     checkEquals (as.character (nodeData (g2, c ('A', 'B', 'C'), attr='name')), c ('A', 'B', 'C'))
#     checkEquals (as.integer (nodeData (g2, c ('A', 'B', 'C'), attr='count')), c (2, 30, 100))
#     checkEquals (as.numeric (nodeData (g2, c ('A', 'B', 'C'), attr='lfc')), c (-3,  0,  3))
#     checkEquals (as.character (nodeData (g2, c ('A', 'B', 'C'), attr='type')), c ("kinase", "transcription factor", "glycoprotein"))
#     invisible (cw3)
# } # test.copyNodeAttributesFromCyGraph
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.copyEdgeAttributesFromCyGraph = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.copyEdgeAttributesFromCyGraph'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cw3 = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cw3)
#     redraw (cw3)
#     layoutNetwork (cw3)
#     g = new ('graphNEL', edgemode='directed')
#     g = graph::addNode (c ('A', 'B', 'C'), g)
#     g = graph::addEdge("A", "B", g)
#     g = graph::addEdge("B", "C", g)
#     g = graph::addEdge("C", "A", g)
#     # "C (undefined) A" "B (synthetic lethal) C"   "A (phosphorylates) B" 
#     edgeDataDefaults (g, 'edgeType') = 'undefined'
#     edgeData (g, 'A', 'B', 'edgeType') = 'phosphorylates'
#     edgeData (g, 'B', 'C', 'edgeType') = 'synthetic lethal'
#     edgeData (g, 'C', 'A', 'edgeType') = 'undefined'
#     cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
#     g2 = RCy3:::copyEdgeAttributesFromCyGraph (cw3, cw3, g)
#     checkEquals (eda (g2, 'score') [['A|B']], 35)
#     checkEquals (eda (g2, 'score') [['B|C']], -12)
#     checkEquals (eda (g2, 'score') [['C|A']], 0)
#     checkEquals (eda (g2, 'edgeType') [['A|B']], 'phosphorylates')
#     checkEquals (eda (g2, 'edgeType') [['B|C']], 'synthetic lethal')
#     checkEquals (eda (g2, 'edgeType') [['C|A']], 'undefined')
#     checkEquals (eda (g2, 'interaction') [['A|B']], 'phosphorylates')
#     checkEquals (eda (g2, 'interaction') [['B|C']], 'synthetic lethal')
#     checkEquals (eda (g2, 'interaction') [['C|A']], 'undefined')
#     checkEquals (eda (g2, 'misc') [['A|B']], 'default misc')
#     checkEquals (eda (g2, 'misc') [['B|C']], 'default misc')
#     checkEquals (eda (g2, 'misc') [['C|A']], 'default misc')
#     checkEquals (eda (g2, 'name') [['A|B']],  "A (phosphorylates) B")
#     checkEquals (eda (g2, 'name') [['B|C']],  "B (synthetic lethal) C")
#     checkEquals (eda (g2, 'name') [['C|A']],  "C (undefined) A")
#     invisible (g2)
# } # test.copyEdgeAttributesFromCyGraph
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.getGraphFromCyWindow = function ()
# {
#     cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
#     title = 'test.getGraphFromCyWindow'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cw3 = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cw3)
#     redraw (cw3)
#     layoutNetwork (cw3)
#     g3 = getGraphFromCyWindow (cy, 'test.getGraphFromCyWindow')
#     checkEquals (sort (nodes (g3)), c ('A', 'B', 'C'))
#     checkEquals (length (intersect (noa.names (g3), c ("name", "count", "label", "lfc", "type"))), 5)
#     checkEquals (as.character (sort (noa (g3, 'name'))), c ('A', 'B', 'C'))
#     checkEquals (as.integer   (sort (noa (g3, 'count'))),         c (2, 30, 100))
#     checkEquals (as.character (sort (noa (g3, 'label'))),         c ('Gene A', 'Gene B', 'Gene C'))
#     checkEquals (as.numeric (sort (noa (g3, 'lfc'))),             c (-3,  0,  3))
#     checkEquals (as.character (sort (noa (g3, 'type'))),          c ("glycoprotein", "kinase", "transcription factor"))
#     checkEquals (length (intersect (eda.names (g3), c ("name", "edgeType", "interaction", "misc", "score"))), 5)
#     checkEquals (sort (names (cy2.edge.names (g3))),        c ('A~B',                   'B~C',                    'C~A'))
#     checkEquals (sort (as.character (cy2.edge.names (g3))), c ("A (phosphorylates) B",  "B (synthetic lethal) C", "C (undefined) A"))
#     checkEquals (as.character (sort (eda (g3, 'edgeType'))), c ("phosphorylates", "synthetic lethal", "undefined"))
#     checkEquals (as.character (sort (eda (g3, 'name'))), c ("A (phosphorylates) B", "B (synthetic lethal) C", "C (undefined) A"))
#     checkEquals (as.character (sort (eda (g3, 'interaction'))), c ("phosphorylates", "synthetic lethal", "undefined"))
#     checkEquals (as.character (sort (eda (g3, 'misc'))), c ("default misc", "default misc", "default misc"))
#     checkEquals (as.numeric (sort (eda (g3, 'score'))), c (-12,  0,  35))
#     invisible (g3)
# } # test.getGraphFromCyWindow
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # try graphs with no edges, then one with neither nodes nor edges
# # todo:  try single node, and single edge graphs.
# test.sendDegenerateGraphs = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.sendDegenerateGraphs'
#     window.prep (title)
# <- new ('graphNEL')
# <- addNode (c ('A', 'B'),
#     cw.degen <- CytoscapeWindow (title,
#     displayGraph (cw.degen)
#     redraw (cw.degen)
#     layoutNetwork (cw.degen, 'grid')
#     title = 'test.sendEmptyGraph'
#     window.prep (title)
#     g.empty <- new ('graphNEL')
#     cw.empty <- CytoscapeWindow (title, g.empty)
#     displayGraph (cw.empty)
#     redraw (cw.empty)
#     layoutNetwork (cw.empty, 'grid')
#     invisible (cw.empty)
# } # test.sendDegenerateGraphs
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.createWindowFromSelection = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.createWindowFromSelection'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
#     cw =  CytoscapeWindow (title, makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     redraw (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw)
#     selectNodes (cw, c ('A', 'C'))
#     new.window.title = 'NEW'
#     if (new.window.title %in% as.character (getWindowList (cy))){
#         deleteWindow (cy, new.window.title)
#     }
#     c2 = createWindowFromSelection (cw, new.window.title, TRUE)
#     redraw (c2)
#     layoutNetwork (c2)
#     clearSelection (c2)
#     selectNodes (c2, 'C')
# #     checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (c2), 1)
# #     
# #     new.window.title = 'NEW, just 1 node'
# #     if (new.window.title %in% as.character (getWindowList (cy))){
# #         deleteWindow (cy, new.window.title)
# #     }
# #     
# #     c3 = createWindowFromSelection (c2, new.window.title, T)
# #     redraw (c3)
# #     layoutNetwork (c3)
# #     
# #    invisible (list (cw=cw, c2=c2, c3=c3))
# } # test.createWindowFromSelection
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.addGraphToGraph = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.addGraphToGraph'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cw3 <- CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cw3)
#     redraw (cw3)
#     layoutNetwork (cw3)
#     g2 <- new("graphNEL", edgemode = "directed")
#     g2 <- graph::addNode ('A', g2)
#     g2 <- graph::addNode ('B', g2)
#     g2 <- graph::addNode ('D', g2)
#     g2 <- graph::addNode ('E', g2)
#     g2 <- initNodeAttribute (g2, "label", "char", "default node label")
#     g2 <- initNodeAttribute (g2, "type", "char", "unspecified type")
#     g2 <- initNodeAttribute (g2, "SCORE", "numeric", 0.0)
#     g2 <- initEdgeAttribute (g2, "edgeType", "char", "unspecified")
#     g2 <- initEdgeAttribute (g2, "probability", "numeric", 0.0)
#     nodeData (g2, 'D', 'label') <- 'Gene D'
#     nodeData (g2, 'E', 'label') <- 'Gene E'
#     nodeData (g2, 'D', 'type') <- 'new and novel'
#     nodeData (g2, 'E', 'type') <- 'new and credible'
#     nodeData (g2, 'D', 'SCORE') <- 1001.01
#     nodeData (g2, 'E', 'SCORE') <- 99.09
#     g2 <- graph::addEdge ('D', 'E', g2)
#     g2 <- graph::addEdge ('A', 'E', g2)
#     g2 <- graph::addEdge ('A', 'B', g2)
#     edgeData (g2, 'D', 'E', 'probability') <- 0.95
#     edgeData (g2, 'D', 'E', 'edgeType') <- 'literature'
#     edgeData (g2, 'A', 'E', 'edgeType') <- 'inferred'
#     addGraphToGraph (cw3, g2)
#     redraw (cw3)
#     layoutNetwork (cw3)
#     # now copy the combined graph back to R, check it for consistency
#     cw.copy <- existing.CytoscapeWindow ('test.addGraphToGraph', copy=T)
#     # first, simple node and edge names
#     checkEquals (sort (nodes (cw.copy@graph)), c ('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'))
#     checkEquals (sort (edgeNames (cw.copy@graph)), c ("A~B", "A~E", "B~C", "C~A", "D~E"))
#     # are all the expected node and edge attributes present?
#     checkEquals (length (intersect (noa.names (cw.copy@graph), c ("name", "count", "label", "lfc", "SCORE", "type"))), 6)
#     # edge attributes
#     checkEquals (length (intersect (eda.names (cw.copy@graph), c ("name", "edgeType", "interaction", "misc", "probability", "score"))), 6)
#     # check the node label attributes
#     checkEquals (nodeData (cw.copy@graph, attr='label')$A, 'Gene A')
#     checkEquals (nodeData (cw.copy@graph, attr='label')$B, 'Gene B')
#     checkEquals (nodeData (cw.copy@graph, attr='label')$C, 'Gene C')
#     checkEquals (nodeData (cw.copy@graph, attr='label')$D, 'Gene D')
#     checkEquals (nodeData (cw.copy@graph, attr='label')$E, 'Gene E')
#     # check the edgeType attributes
#     checkEquals (edgeData (cw.copy@graph, 'A', 'B', attr='edgeType')[[1]], 'unspecified')
#     checkEquals (edgeData (cw.copy@graph, 'A', 'E', attr='edgeType')[[1]], 'inferred')
#     checkEquals (edgeData (cw.copy@graph, 'B', 'C', attr='edgeType')[[1]], 'synthetic lethal')
#     checkEquals (edgeData (cw.copy@graph, 'C', 'A', attr='edgeType')[[1]], 'undefined')
#     checkEquals (edgeData (cw.copy@graph, 'D', 'E', attr='edgeType')[[1]], 'literature')
#     # check the edge probability attributes
#     checkEquals (as.numeric (edgeData (cw.copy@graph, 'A', 'B', attr='probability')[[1]]), 0.0)
#     checkEquals (as.numeric (edgeData (cw.copy@graph, 'A', 'E', attr='probability')[[1]]), 0.0)
#     checkEquals (as.numeric (edgeData (cw.copy@graph, 'B', 'C', attr='probability')[[1]]), 0.0)
#     checkEquals (as.numeric (edgeData (cw.copy@graph, 'C', 'A', attr='probability')[[1]]), 0.0)
#     checkEquals (as.numeric (edgeData (cw.copy@graph, 'D', 'E', attr='probability')[[1]]), 0.95)
#     checkEquals (as.integer (edgeData (cw.copy@graph, 'A', 'B', attr='score')[[1]]), 0)
#     checkEquals (as.integer (edgeData (cw.copy@graph, 'A', 'E', attr='score')[[1]]), 0)
#     checkEquals (as.integer (edgeData (cw.copy@graph, 'B', 'C', attr='score')[[1]]), -12)
#     checkEquals (as.integer (edgeData (cw.copy@graph, 'C', 'A', attr='score')[[1]]), 0)
#     checkEquals (as.integer (edgeData (cw.copy@graph, 'D', 'E', attr='score')[[1]]), 0)
#     invisible (cw.copy)
# } # test.addGraphToGraph
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.addGraphToGraph.degenerateFirstGraph = function ()
# {
#     window.title = 'test.addGraphToGraph.degenerateFirstGraph'
#     g = new ('graphNEL', edgemode='directed')
#     g = addNode ('A', g)
#     g = addNode ('E', g)
#     g = addNode ('F', g)
#     window.prep (window.title)
#     cw <- CytoscapeWindow (window.title, graph=g)
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     redraw (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw, 'grid')
#     g2 <- makeSimpleGraph ()
#     addGraphToGraph (cw, g2)
#     invisible (cw)
# } # test.addGraphToGraph.degenerateFirstGraph
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.existing.CytoscapeWindow = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.existing.CytoscapeWindow'
#     window.prep (title)
#     #----------------------------------------------------------
#     # first, try our standard 3-node, 3-edge testing graph
#     #----------------------------------------------------------
#     cw <- CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     redraw (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw)
#     cw2 <- existing.CytoscapeWindow (title, copy=TRUE)
#     g2 <- cw2@graph
#     checkEquals (sort (nodes (g2)), c ('A', 'B', 'C'))
#     checkEquals (sort (edgeNames (g2)), c ("A~B", "B~C", "C~A"))
# } # test.existingCytoscapeWindow
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.existing.CytoscapeWindow.noEdges = function ()
# {
#     window.title = 'test.existing.CytoscapeWindow.noEdges'
#     window.prep (window.title)
#     g.edgeless = new ('graphNEL', edgemode='directed')
#     g.edgeless = addNode ('X', g.edgeless)
#     g.edgeless = addNode ('Y', g.edgeless)
#     g.edgeless = addNode ('Z', g.edgeless)
#     cw.edgeless = CytoscapeWindow (window.title, graph=g.edgeless)
#     displayGraph (cw.edgeless)
#     redraw (cw.edgeless)
#     layoutNetwork (cw.edgeless)
#     cw3 = existing.CytoscapeWindow (window.title, copy=TRUE)
#     g3 = cw3@graph
#     checkEquals (sort (nodes (g3)), c ('X', 'Y', 'Z'))
#     checkEquals (length (edgeNames (g3)), 0)
#     invisible (cw3)
# } # test.existingCytoscapeWindow.noEdges 
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.existing.CytoscapeWindow.emptyGraph = function ()
# {
#     window.title = 'test.existing.CytoscapeWindow.emptyGraph'
#     window.prep (window.title)
#     cw.empty = CytoscapeWindow (window.title)
#     checkEquals (length (nodes (cw.empty@graph)), 0)
#     displayGraph (cw.empty)
#     redraw (cw.empty)
#     layoutNetwork (cw.empty)
#     cw3 <- existing.CytoscapeWindow (window.title, copy=TRUE)
#     g3 <- cw3@graph
#     checkEquals (length (nodes (g3)), 0)
#     checkEquals (length (edges(g3)), 0)
# } # test.existingCytoscapeWindow.emptyGraph
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.addGetAndDeleteEdgeAttributes = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.addGetAndDeleteEdgeAttributes'
#     window.prep (title)
#     g  = makeSimpleGraph ()
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow ('test.addGetAndDeleteEdgeAttributes', graph=g)
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw, 'grid')
#     redraw (cw)
#     # in this test we add two new edge attributes, 'species' and 'ageInYears'
#     # if they are already defined, from a previous run of this test, start by deleting them.
# = intersect (c ('ageInYears', 'treeSpecies'), getEdgeAttributeNames(cw))
#     for ( in{
#         deleteEdgeAttribute (cy,
#     }
#     # name and interaction are added by Cytoscape
#     checkEquals (length (intersect (getEdgeAttributeNames (cw), c ("name", "edgeType", "interaction", "misc", "score"))), 5)
#     # now add an attribute to two of the edges 
#     first.two.edges = as.character (cy2.edge.names (g)[1:2])
#     values = c ('hemlock', 'yew')
#     setEdgeAttributesDirect (cw, 'treeSpecies', 'char', first.two.edges, values)
#     # now add an attribute to a single edge.  this exercises a different branch in RCytoscape:setEdgeAttributesDirect
#     first.edge = as.character (cy2.edge.names (g)[1])
#     value = 'one century'
#     setEdgeAttributesDirect (cw, 'ageInYears', 'char', first.edge, value)
#     checkTrue ('ageInYears' %in% getEdgeAttributeNames (cw))
#     # get names from cy2.edge.names (cw@graph)
#     checkEquals (getEdgeAttribute (cw, "B (synthetic lethal) C", 'treeSpecies'), "yew")
#     checkEquals (getEdgeAttribute (cw, "B (synthetic lethal) C", 'score'), -12)
#     deleteEdgeAttribute (cw, 'species')
#     deleteEdgeAttribute (cw, 'ageInYears')
#     invisible (cw)
# } #  test.addGetAndDeleteEdgeAttributes 
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.addGetAndDeleteNodeAttributes = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.addGetAndDeleteNodeAttributes'
#     window.prep (title)
#     # in this test we add two new node attributes, 'species' and 'ageInYears'
#     # if they are already defined, from a previous run of this test, start by deleting them.
#     g  = makeSimpleGraph ()
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g)
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw, 'grid')
#     redraw (cw)
# = intersect (c ('ageInYears', 'treeSpecies'), getNodeAttributeNames(cw))
#     for ( in{
#         deleteNodeAttribute (cy,
#     }
#     # name is added by Cytoscape
#     checkEquals (length (intersect (getNodeAttributeNames (cw), c ("name", "count",  "label", "lfc", "type"))), 5)
#     # now add an attribute to two of the nodes 
#     first.two.nodes = nodes (g) [1:2]
#     values = c ('cedar', 'ash')
#     setNodeAttributesDirect (cw, 'treeSpecies', 'char', first.two.nodes, values)
#     # now add an attribute to a single node.  this exercises a different branch in RCytoscape:setNodeAttributesDirect
#     first.node = nodes (g) [1]
#     value = 'one millenium'
#     setNodeAttributesDirect (cw, 'ageInYears', 'char', first.node, value)
#     checkTrue ('ageInYears' %in% getNodeAttributeNames (cw))
#     checkEquals (getNodeAttribute (cw, 'B', 'type'), 'transcription factor')
#     checkEquals (getNodeAttribute (cw, 'A', 'ageInYears'), 'one millenium')
#     checkEquals (getNodeAttribute (cw, 'B', 'ageInYears'), '')
#     deleteNodeAttribute (cw, 'species')
#     deleteNodeAttribute (cw, 'ageInYears')
#     invisible (cw)
# } #  test.addGetAndDeleteNodeAttributes 
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.getAllNodeAttributes = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.getAllNodeAttributes'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     redraw (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw)
#     cwc = existing.CytoscapeWindow (title, copy=T)
#     tbl.noa <- getAllNodeAttributes (cwc)
#     checkEquals (nrow (tbl.noa), 3)
#     checkTrue (ncol (tbl.noa) >= 5)
#     expected.colnames =  c ("name", "count", "label", "lfc", "type")  # created here
#     checkEquals (length (intersect (colnames (tbl.noa), expected.colnames)), 5)
#     checkEquals (sort (rownames (tbl.noa)), c ("A", "B", "C"))
#     # now try a graph with only one node attribute.  this case used to fail (pshannon, 16 feb 2011)
#     g2 = new ('graphNEL', edgemode='directed')
#     g2 = initNodeAttribute (g2, 'label', 'char', 'NA')
#     g2 = addNode ('A', g2)
#     nodeData (g2, 'A', 'label') = 'a label for A'
#     window.title = 'single node attribute test'
#     if (window.title %in% as.character (getWindowList (cw)))
#     deleteWindow (cw, window.title)
#     cw2 = CytoscapeWindow (window.title, graph=g2)
#     tbl.noa2 = getAllNodeAttributes (cw2)
#     checkEquals (ncol (tbl.noa2), 1)
#     checkEquals (nrow (tbl.noa2), 1)
#     checkEquals (colnames (tbl.noa2), 'label')
#     checkEquals (rownames (tbl.noa2), 'A')
#     invisible (list (a=tbl.noa, b=tbl.noa2))
# } # test.getAllNodeAttributes
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.getAllEdgeAttributes = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.getAllEdgeAttributes'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cw =  CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     redraw (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw)
#     tbl.eda = getAllEdgeAttributes (cw)
#     checkEquals (class (tbl.eda), 'data.frame')
#     checkEquals (dim (tbl.eda), c (3, 5))
#     checkEquals (sort (rownames (tbl.eda)), c ("A|B", "B|C", "C|A"))
#     checkEquals (sort (colnames (tbl.eda)), c ("edgeType", "misc", "score", "source", "target"))
#     checkEquals (class (tbl.eda$score), 'numeric')
#     # now try a graph with one edge, and just one edge attribute, to make sure that this edge case is handled properly
#     g2 = new ('graphNEL', edgemode='directed')
#     g2 = initEdgeAttribute (g2, 'edgeType', 'char', 'unspecified')
#     g2 = addNode ('A', g2)
#     g2 = addNode ('B', g2)
#     g2 = addEdge ('A', 'B', g2)
#     edgeData (g2, 'A', 'B', 'edgeType') = 'phosphorylates'
#     cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
#     window.title = 'edge attribute test, one attribute only'
#     if (window.title %in% as.character (getWindowList (cy))){
#         deleteWindow (cy, window.title)
#     }
#     cw2 = CytoscapeWindow (window.title, graph=g2, create.window=FALSE)
#     tbl.eda2 = getAllEdgeAttributes (cw2)
#     checkEquals (ncol (tbl.eda2), 3)
#     checkEquals (nrow (tbl.eda2), 1)
#     checkEquals (sort (colnames (tbl.eda2)), c ('edgeType', 'source', 'target'))
#     invisible (tbl.eda2)
# } # test.getAllEdgeAttributes
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.getVisualStyleNames = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.getVisualStyleNames'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cw3 =  CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cw3)
#     redraw (cw3)
#     layoutNetwork (cw3)
#     current.names = getVisualStyleNames (cw3)
#     checkTrue (length (intersect (current.names, c (title, 'default', 'Nested Network Style', 'Minimal', 'Sample1', 'Universe'))) >= 3)
#     invisible (cw3)
# } # test.getVisualStyleNames 
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.copyVisualStyle = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.copyVisualStyle'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cw4 = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cw4)
#     redraw (cw4)
#     layoutNetwork (cw4)
#     current.names = getVisualStyleNames (cw4)
# = sprintf ("tmp.%s", runif (1, 1, 1000))
#     copyVisualStyle (cw4, 'default',
#     new.names = getVisualStyleNames (cw4)
#     checkEquals (setdiff (new.names, current.names),
#     invisible (cw4)
# } # test.copyVisualStyle
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setVisualStyle = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.setVisualStyle'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
#     cw5 = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cw5)
#     redraw (cw5)
#     layoutNetwork (cw5)
#     current.names = getVisualStyleNames (cw5)
#     for ( in current.names[1:5]) {
#         setVisualStyle (cw5,
#         Sys.sleep (0.1)
#     } # for
#     invisible (cw5)
# } # test.setVisualStyle
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # meager test only:  make sure all of these methods can be called
# # todo:  call set, call get, check for color match
# test.defaultColors = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.defaultColors'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
#     getDefaultBackgroundColor (cy)
#     getDefaultEdgeReverseSelectionColor (cy)
#     getDefaultEdgeSelectionColor (cy)
#     getDefaultNodeReverseSelectionColor (cy)
#     getDefaultNodeSelectionColor (cy)
#     black = '#000000'
#     red = '#FF0000'
#     white = '#FFFFFF'
#     green = '#00FF00'
#     gray = '#888888'
#     setDefaultBackgroundColor (cy, white)
#     setDefaultEdgeReverseSelectionColor (cy, red)
#     setDefaultEdgeSelectionColor (cy, green)
#     setDefaultNodeReverseSelectionColor (cy, red)
#     setDefaultNodeSelectionColor (cy, green)
# } # test.defaultColors
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # test.setWindowSizeRaiseWindow = function ()
# # {
# #     title = 'test.setWindowSizeRaiseWindow'
# #     window.prep (title)
# #     
# #     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
# #     raiseWindow (cw)
# #     
# #     displayGraph (cw)
# #     redraw (cw)
# #     layoutNetwork (cw)
# #     for (i in 1:3) {
# #         setWindowSize (cw, 200, 200)
# #         setWindowSize (cw, 400, 400)
# #     } # for i
# #     
# #     # now raise a few random windows by name
# #     if (!exists ('cy')){
# #         cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
# #     }
# #     window.names = as.character (getWindowList (cy))
# #     
# #     if (length (window.names) > 2) {  # only if there are multiple windows
# #         for (i in 1:3) {
# #             index = as.integer (runif (1, 1, length (window.names)))
# #             raiseWindow (cy, window.names [index])
# #             raiseWindow (cw)
# #         } # for i
# #     } # if 3 or more windows are open
# #     
# #     invisible (cw)
# # 
# # } # test.setWindowSizeRaiseWindow
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.fitContent = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.fitContent'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     redraw (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw)
#     clearSelection (cw)
#     selectNodes (cw, 'A')
#     checkEquals (getSelectedNodeCount (cw), 1)
#     #fitSelectedContent (cw)
#     fitContent (cw)
# } # test.fitContent
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # test.windowCoordinates = function ()
# # {
# #     title = 'test.windowCoordinates'
# #     window.prep (title)
# #     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
# #     displayGraph (cw)
# #     redraw (cw)
# #     layoutNetwork (cw)
# #     
# #     center = getCenter (cw)
# #     checkEquals (names (center), c ('x', 'y'))
# #     
# #     corners = getViewCoordinates (cw)
# #     checkEquals (names (corners), c ('top.x', 'top.y', 'bottom.x', 'bottom.y'))
# #     
# #     invisible (cw)
# #
# #} # test.windowCoordinates
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.zoom = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.zoom'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     redraw (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw)
#     #setWindowSize (cw, 1200, 800)  
#     fitContent (cw)
#     smaller = 0.5
#     larger = 2
#     for (i in 1:10){
#         setZoom (cw, smaller * getZoom (cw))
#     }
#     for (i in 1:10){
#         setZoom (cw, larger * getZoom (cw))
#     }
#     invisible (cw)
# } # test.zoom
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.setCenter'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     redraw (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw)
#     #setWindowSize (cw, 1200, 800)  
#     fitContent (cw)
#     setZoom (cw, 0.5 * getZoom (cw))
#     center.orig = getCenter (cw)
#     delta = 100
#     x.left = center.orig$x - delta
#     x.right = center.orig$x + delta
#     y.up = center.orig$y - delta
#     y.down = center.orig$y + delta
#     for (i in 1:10) {
#         setCenter (cw, x.left, y.up)
#         setCenter (cw, as.integer (x.left), as.integer (y.up))   # make sure the called function casts this int back to numeric
#         setCenter (cw, x.left, y.down)
#         setCenter (cw, x.right, y.down)
#         setCenter (cw, x.right, y.up)
#     } # for i
#     setCenter (cw, center.orig$x, center.orig$y)
#     invisible (cw)
# } #
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setNodeSizeDirect = function ()
# { 
#     #DEACTIVATED("too slow")
#     title = 'test.setNodeSizeDirect'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     redraw (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw)
#     lockNodeDimensions (cw, TRUE)
#     small = 30
#     large = 300
#     setNodeSizeDirect (cw, 'A', small); 
#     setNodeSizeDirect (cw, 'A', large); 
#     invisible (cw)
# } # test.setNodeSizeDirect
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setNodeWidthAndHeightDirect = function ()
# { 
#     #DEACTIVATED("too slow")
#     title = 'test.setNodeWidthAndHeightDirect'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     redraw (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw)
#     lockNodeDimensions (cw, FALSE)
#     small = 30
#     large = 300
#     setNodeWidthDirect (cw, 'A', small); 
#     setNodeHeightDirect (cw, 'A', large); 
#     setNodeWidthDirect (cw, 'A', large); 
#     setNodeHeightDirect (cw, 'A', small); 
#     invisible (cw)
# } # test.setNodeWidthAndHeightDirect
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setNodeFontSizeDirect = function ()
# { 
#     #DEACTIVATED("too slow")
#     title = 'test.setNodeFontSizeDirect'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     redraw (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw)
#     starting.size = 4
#     setNodeSizeDirect (cw, c ('A', 'B', 'C'), 50)
#     setNodeFontSizeDirect (cw, c ('A', 'B'), 12)
#     redraw (cw)
#     for (i in 1:20) {
#         setNodeFontSizeDirect (cw, 'A', starting.size + i)
#         setNodeFontSizeDirect (cw, 'B', starting.size + (i*3))
#     } # for i
#     starting.size = 32
#     for (i in 20:1) {
#     setNodeFontSizeDirect (cw, 'A', starting.size - i)
#     setNodeFontSizeDirect (cw, 'B', starting.size - (i*3))
#     } # for i
#     invisible (cw)
# } # test.setNodeSizeDirect
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.setNodeShapeDirect = function ()
# { 
#     #DEACTIVATED("too slow")
#     title = 'test.setNodeShapeDirect'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     redraw (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw)
#     lockNodeDimensions (cw, TRUE)
#     setNodeSizeDirect (cw, 'A', 100)
#     for (new.shape in getNodeShapes (cw)) {
#         setNodeShapeDirect (cw, 'A', new.shape)
#     } # for new.shape
#     invisible (cw)
# } # test.setNodeShapeDirect
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # test.setEdgeVizPropertiesDirect = function (cw=NULL) # WORKS PERFECTLY BUT SLOW
# # {
# #     #DEACTIVATED("too slow!")
# #     title = 'test.setEdgeVizPropertiesDirect'
# #     
# #     window.prep (title)
# #     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
# #     displayGraph (cw)
# #     redraw (cw)
# #     layoutNetwork (cw)
# # 
# #     cy2.edgeNames = sort (getAllEdges (cw))
# #     e1 = cy2.edgeNames [1]
# #     e2 = cy2.edgeNames [2]
# #     e3 = cy2.edgeNames [3]
# #     
# #     colors = c ('#440000', '#004400', '#000044', '#880000', '#008800', '#000088', '#FF0000', '#00FF00', '#0000FF', '#FFFFFF')
# #     line.styles = c ('SOLID', 'LONG_DASH', 'EQUAL_DASH', 'DASH_DOT', 'DOT', 'ZIGZAG', 'SINEWAVE', 'VERTICAL_SLASH', 
# #     
# #     arrow.shapes = c ('No Arrow', 'Diamond', 'Delta', 'Arrow', 'T', 'Circle', 'Half Arrow Top', 'Half Arrow Bottom', 'Diamond', 'T')
# #     labels = paste ('label', seq (10,100,10), sep='-');  labels [10] = ''
# #     tooltips = paste ('tooltip', seq (10,100,10), sep='-');  tooltips [10] = ''
# #     widths = c (1:9, 1)
# #     
# #     for (i in 1:10) {
# #         setEdgeOpacityDirect (cw, c (e2, e3), 25 * i)
# #         setEdgeColorDirect (cw, e1, colors [i])
# #         setEdgeLineStyleDirect (cw, e2, line.styles [i])
# #         setEdgeSourceArrowShapeDirect (cw, e1, arrow.shapes [i])
# #         setEdgeTargetArrowShapeDirect (cw, e1, arrow.shapes [i])
# #         setEdgeLabelDirect (cw, e2, labels [i])
# #         setEdgeLabelColorDirect (cw, e2, colors [i])
# #         setEdgeTooltipDirect (cw, e2, tooltips [i])
# #         setEdgeLineWidthDirect (cw, e3, widths [i])
# #         setEdgeFontSizeDirect (cw, e2, widths [i] * 3)
# #         setEdgeSourceArrowColorDirect (cw, e1, colors [11-i])
# #         setEdgeTargetArrowColorDirect (cw, e1, colors [11-i])
# #         setEdgeLabelOpacityDirect (cw, e2, 25 * i)
# #         setEdgeSourceArrowOpacityDirect (cw, e1, 25 * i)
# #         setEdgeTargetArrowOpacityDirect (cw, e1, 255 - (25 * i))
# #         redraw (cw)
# #         Sys.sleep (0.3)
# #     }
# #     
# #     invisible (cw)
# #
# #} # test.setEdgeVizPropertiesDirect
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # test.graphBAM = function ()
# # { 
# #     title = 'test.graphBAM'
# #     window.prep (title)
# #     
# #     # example is taken from Nishant's man page
# #     source.nodes  <- c ("a", "a", "b", "c", "d")
# #     target.nodes  <- c ("b", "c", "c", "d", "a")
# #     weights <- c(2.3, 2.3, 4.3, 1.0, 3.0)
# #     df <- data.frame (from=source.nodes, to=target.nodes, weight=weights)
# #     g.bam <- graphBAM (df)
# #     g.bam <- initEdgeAttribute (g.bam, 'weight', 'numeric', 0.0)
# #     
# #     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=g.bam)
# #     displayGraph (cw)
# #     redraw (cw)
# #     layoutNetwork (cw)
# #     
# #     # paint the edges shades of red as function of weight
# #     setDefaultEdgeLineWidth (cw, 5)
# #     setEdgeColorRule (cw, 'weight',  c (0, 5), c ('#FFFFFF', '#FF0000'),  mode='interpolate')
# #     
# #     invisible (cw)
# # 
# # } # test.graphBAM
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # add a node to an existing graph.
# # questions:  
# #  1) what edge attribute values are assigned to this new edge?  
# #  2) can we assign new values to those attributes?  use setEdgeAttributesDirect
# test.addCyNode = function ()
# { 
#     title = 'test.addCyNode'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     redraw (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw, 'grid')
#     checkEquals (getNodeCount (cw), 3)
#     addCyNode (cw, 'NEW')
#     layoutNetwork (cw, 'grid')
#     checkEquals (getNodeCount (cw), 4)
#     invisible (cw)
# } # test.addCyNode
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # add an edge to an existing graph.
# # questions:  
# #  1) what edge attribute values are assigned to this new edge?  
# #  2) can we assign new values to those attributes?  use setEdgeAttributesDirect
# test.addCyEdge = function ()
# { 
#     title = 'test.addCyEdge'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     redraw (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw)
#     checkEquals (getEdgeCount (cw), 3)
#     addCyNode (cw, 'NEW')
#     directed.edge = TRUE
#     addCyEdge (cw, 'A', 'NEW', 'synthetic rescue', directed.edge)
#     redraw (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw)
#     checkEquals (getEdgeCount (cw), 4)
#     invisible (cw)
# } # test.addCyEdge
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.twoGraphsDoubleEdges = function ()
# { 
#     title = 'test.twoGraphsDoubleEdges'
#     window.prep (title)
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, graph=makeSimpleGraph ())
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     redraw (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw)
#     g2 = new ('graphNEL', edgemode='directed')
#     g2 = initEdgeAttribute (g2, 'edgeType', 'char', 'unspecified')
#     g2 = addNode ('A', g2)
#     g2 = addNode ('B', g2)
#     g2 = addEdge ('A', 'B', g2)
#     edgeData (g2, 'A', 'B', 'edgeType') = 'synthetic rescue'
#     addGraphToGraph (cw, g2)
#     redraw (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw)
# } # test.twoGraphsoubleEdges
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test..classicGraphToNodePairTable = function ()
# {
#     print (noquote ('------- test..classicGraphToNodePairTable'))
#     # first, our standard demo graph, directed, no reciprocal edges
#     g = makeSimpleGraph ()
#     tbl.g = RCy3:::.classicGraphToNodePairTable (g)
#     checkEquals (dim (tbl.g), c (3, 3))
#     checkEquals (colnames (tbl.g), c ("source", "target", "edgeType"))
#     checkEquals (tbl.g$edgeType, c ("phosphorylates", "synthetic lethal", "undefined"))
#     checkEquals (tbl.g$source, c ("A", "B", "C"))
#     checkEquals (tbl.g$target, c ("B", "C", "A"))
#     # now extend the standard demo graph by adding an edge between C and B, making B & C reciprocally related nodes
#     gx = makeSimpleGraph ()
#     gx = graph::addEdge ('C', 'B', gx)
#     edgeData (gx, 'C', 'B', attr='edgeType') = 'synthetic rescue'
#     tbl.egx = RCy3:::.classicGraphToNodePairTable (gx)
#     checkEquals (dim (tbl.egx), c (4, 3))
#     checkEquals (colnames (tbl.egx), c ("source", "target", "edgeType"))
#     checkEquals (tbl.egx$edgeType, c ("phosphorylates", "synthetic lethal", "undefined", "synthetic rescue"))
#     checkEquals (tbl.egx$source, c ("A", "B", "C", "C"))
#     checkEquals (tbl.egx$target, c ("B", "C", "A", "B"))
# } # test..classicGraphToNodePairTable 
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test.rcy.edgeNames = function ()
# {
#     print (noquote ('------- test.rcy.edgeNames'))
#     g = makeSimpleGraph ()
#     checkEquals (sort (RCy3:::.rcyEdgeNames (g)), c ("A~B", "B~C", "C~A"))
#     # now extend the standard demo graph by adding an edge between C and B, making B & C reciprocally related nodes
#     gx = makeSimpleGraph ()
#     gx = graph::addEdge ('C', 'B', gx)
#     edgeData (gx, 'C', 'B', attr='edgeType') = 'synthetic rescue'
#     checkEquals (sort (RCy3:::.rcyEdgeNames (gx)), c ("A~B", "B~C", "C~A", "C~B"))
# } # test.rcy.edgeNames
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# restore.defaults = function ()
# {
#     cy = CytoscapeConnection ()
#     setDefaultBackgroundColor (cy, '#CCCCFF')
#     setDefaultNodeShape (cy, 'ellipse')
#     lockNodeDimensions (cy, TRUE)
#     setDefaultNodeSelectionColor (cy, '#FFFF00')
#     setDefaultNodeReverseSelectionColor (cy, '#00FF00')
#     setDefaultEdgeSelectionColor (cy, '#FF0000')
#     setDefaultEdgeReverseSelectionColor (cy, '#00FF00')
#     setDefaultNodeSize (cy, 30)
#     setDefaultNodeColor (cy, '#FF8888')  # a guess
#     setDefaultNodeBorderColor (cy, '#000000')
#     setDefaultNodeBorderWidth (cy, 1)
#     setDefaultNodeFontSize (cy, 12)
#     setDefaultNodeLabelColor (cy, '#000000')
#     setDefaultEdgeLineWidth (cy, 1)
#     setDefaultEdgeColor (cy, '#0000FF')
# } # restore.defaults
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test..getNovelEdges = function ()
# {
# g.3e <- makeSimpleGraph ()
# g.0e <- new ("graphNEL", edgemode = "directed")
# g.0e = initEdgeAttribute (g.0e, 'edgeType', 'char', 'unspecified')
# # no novel edges if the 2nd arg has no edges
# checkTrue ( (RCy3:::.getNovelEdges (g.3e, g.0e)))
# # three novel edges if the 1st arg has zero edges, the second has 3
# novel.edges <- RCy3:::.getNovelEdges (g.0e, g.3e)
# checkEquals (length (novel.edges), 3)
# # add one edge to g.0e which is an exact duplicate of the first edge of g.3e
# g.1e = addNode ('A', g.0e)
# g.1e = addNode ('B', g.1e)
# g.1e = addEdge ('A', 'B', g.1e)
# edgeData (g.1e, 'A', 'B', attr='edgeType') = 'phosphorylates'
# g1 <- g.1e
# g3 <- g.3e
# novel.edges <- RCy3:::.getNovelEdges (g.3e, g.1e)
# checkEquals (length (novel.edges), 0)
# novel.edges <- RCy3:::.getNovelEdges (g.1e, g.3e)
# checkEquals (length (novel.edges), 2)
# } # test..getNovelEdges
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # apparently does not run reliably at bioc
# hiddenTest.saveImage = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.saveImage'
#     window.prep (title)
#     g.simple = RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ()
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, g.simple)
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw, 'grid')
#     setNodeLabelRule (cw, 'label')
#     redraw (cw)
#     #--- png first
#     filename = sprintf ('%s/%s', tempdir (), 'saveImageTest')
#     printf ('saving image file to %s', filename)
#     saveImage (cw, filename, 'png', 1.0)
#     checkTrue (file.exists (paste0(filename, '.png')))
#     #--- now pdf
#     filename = sprintf ('%s/%s', tempdir (), 'saveImageTest')
#     printf ('saving image file to %s', filename)
#     saveImage (cw, filename, 'pdf')
#     checkTrue (file.exists (paste0(filename, '.pdf')))
#     #--- now svg
#     filename = sprintf ('%s/%s', tempdir (), 'saveImageTest')
#     printf ('saving image file to %s', filename)
#     saveImage (cw, filename, 'svg')
#     checkTrue (file.exists (paste0(filename, '.svg')))
#     invisible (cw)
# } # test.saveImage
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # apparently does not run reliably at bioc
# hiddenTest.saveNetwork = function ()
# {
#     title = 'test.saveNetwork'
#     window.prep (title)
#     g.simple = RCy3::makeSimpleGraph ()
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, g.simple)
#     displayGraph (cw)
#     layoutNetwork (cw, 'grid')
#     setNodeLabelRule (cw, 'label')
#     redraw (cw)
#     filename = sprintf ('%s/%s', tempdir (), 'saveNetworkTest')
#     printf ('saving cys file to %s', filename)
#     saveNetwork (cw, filename)
#     checkTrue (file.exists (paste0(filename, '.cys')))
#     invisible (cw)
# } # test.saveNetwork
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # test.setNodeImageDirect = function (apply.viz.rules=FALSE)
# # {
# #     #DEACTIVATED("may be too slow?")
# #     title = 'test.imageUrl'
# #     window.prep (title)
# #     
# #     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, makeSimpleGraph ())
# #     displayGraph (cw)
# #     layoutNetwork (cw, 'grid')
# #     setNodeLabelRule (cw, 'label')
# #     
# #     setNodeImageDirect (cw, 'A', '')
# #     setNodeImageDirect (cw, 'B', '')
# #     setNodeImageDirect (cw, 'C', '')
# #     
# #     setNodeColorDirect (cw, 'A', '#0000FF')
# #     setNodeColorDirect (cw, 'B', '#FF00FF')
# #     setNodeColorDirect (cw, 'C', '#FF0000')
# #     
# #     redraw (cw)
# #     #setWindowSize (cw, 800, 800)
# #     fitContent (cw)
# #     
# #     invisible (cw)
# # 
# # } # test.setNodeImageDirect
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # test.validity = function ()
# # {
# #     title = 'test.validity error #1'
# #     window.prep (title)
# #     
# #     g.undirected = new ('graphNEL', edgemode='undirected')
# #     g.undirected = graph::addNode ('A', g.undirected)
# #     g.undirected = graph::addNode ('B', g.undirected)
# #     g.undirected = graph::addEdge ('A', 'B', g.undirected)
# #     g.undirected = initEdgeAttribute (g.undirected, 'edgeType', 'char', 'unspecified')
# #     edgeData (g.undirected, 'A', 'B', 'edgeType') = 'reciprocal'
# #     
# #     
# #     # should not fail, but warning should be given
# #     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, g.undirected)
# #     checkEquals (validCyWin (cw), TRUE)
# #     
# #     # fix the edgeType complaint
# #     
# #     window.prep (title)
# #     g = new ('graphNEL', edgemode='directed')
# #     
# #     # should fail with 'You must provide an 'edgeType' edge attribute, which will be mapped to Cytoscape's crucial ...
# #     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, g)
# #     checkEquals (validCyWin (cw), FALSE)
# #     
# #     # fix the edgeType complaint
# #     title = 'test.validity fixed'
# #     g = initEdgeAttribute (g, 'edgeType', 'char', 'unspecified')    
# #     window.prep (title)
# #     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, g)
# #     print (checkTrue (validCyWin (cw)))
# #     
# #     # add a new node attribute the old-fashioned R graph way, make sure the failure to properly initialize is caught
# #     nodeDataDefaults (g, attr='pval') = 1.0
# #     title = 'test.validity error #2'
# #     window.prep (title)
# #     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, g)
# #     checkTrue (!validCyWin (cw))
# #     
# #     # add a new edge attribute the old-fashioned R graph way, make sure the failure to properly initialize is caught
# #     title = 'test.validity error #3'
# #     edgeDataDefaults (g, attr='score') = 0.0
# #     window.prep (title)
# #     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, g)
# #     checkTrue (!validCyWin (cw))
# #     
# #     # now fix them both
# #     title = 'test.validity fix all'
# #     g = initNodeAttribute (g, 'pval', 'numeric', 1.0)
# #     g = initEdgeAttribute (g, 'score', 'numeric', 0)
# #     window.prep (title)
# #     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title, g)
# #     print (checkTrue (validCyWin (cw)))
# #     
# #     invisible (cw)
# # 
# # } # test.validity
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # not really an automated test, except of syntax.  cut and paste these commands into your R session to see that
# # they really perform as expected.
# # test.tooltip.delays = function ()
# # {
# #     cw = demoSimpleGraph ()
# #     
# #     # display immediately, stay up until mouse moves away
# #     setTooltipInitialDelay (cw, 0)
# #     setTooltipDismissDelay (cw, 0)
# #     
# #     # display after 1 second, for 1 second
# #     setTooltipInitialDelay (cw, 1000)
# #     setTooltipDismissDelay (cw, 1000)
# #   
# # } # test.tooltip.delays
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # also not an automated test, though exception testing could accomplish that
# test.detectUnitializedNodeAttributes = function ()
# {
#     # starting with the code in makeSampleGraph, change 3 node and 1 edge attribute to use the  standard (not RCy) 
#     # attribute initializations. this is an error with respect to RCy, which needs explicit typing of the attributes
#     # see if they are caught
#     g = new("graphNEL", edgemode = "directed")
#     g = initNodeAttribute(g, "type", "char", "undefined")
#     g = initNodeAttribute(g, "lfc", "numeric", 1)
#     g = initNodeAttribute(g, "label", "char", "default node label")
#     g = initNodeAttribute(g, "count", "integer", 0)
#     nodeDataDefaults (g, attr='type') = ''
#     nodeDataDefaults (g, attr='lfc') = 0.0
#     nodeDataDefaults (g, attr='label') = ''
#     g = initEdgeAttribute(g, "edgeType", "char", "undefined")
#     g = initEdgeAttribute(g, "score", "numeric", 0)
#     g = initEdgeAttribute(g, "misc", "char", "default misc")
#     g = graph::addNode("A", g)
#     g = graph::addNode("B", g)
#     g = graph::addNode("C", g)
#     nodeData(g, "A", "type") = "kinase"
#     nodeData(g, "B", "type") = "transcription factor"
#     nodeData(g, "C", "type") = "glycoprotein"
#     nodeData(g, "A", "lfc") = -3
#     nodeData(g, "B", "lfc") = 0
#     nodeData(g, "C", "lfc") = 3
#     nodeData(g, "A", "count") = 2
#     nodeData(g, "B", "count") = 30
#     nodeData(g, "C", "count") = 100
#     nodeData(g, "A", "label") = "Gene A"
#     nodeData(g, "B", "label") = "Gene B"
#     nodeData(g, "C", "label") = "Gene C"
#     g = graph::addEdge("A", "B", g)
#     g = graph::addEdge("B", "C", g)
#     g = graph::addEdge("C", "A", g)
#     edgeData(g, "A", "B", "edgeType") = "phosphorylates"
#     edgeData(g, "B", "C", "edgeType") = "synthetic lethal"
#     edgeData(g, "A", "B", "score") = 35
#     edgeData(g, "B", "C", "score") = -12
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title = 'detect unitialized node attributes 1', graph = g)
# } # test.detectUnitializedNodeAttributes 
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # also not an automated test, though exception testing could accomplish that
# test.detectUnitializedEdgeAttributes = function ()
# {
#     # starting with the code in makeSampleGraph, change 3 node and 1 edge attribute to use the standard (not RCy) 
#     # attribute initializations. This is an error with respect to RCy, which needs explicit typing of the attributes
#     # see if they are caught
#     g = new("graphNEL", edgemode = "directed")
#     g = initNodeAttribute(g, "type", "char", "undefined")
#     g = initNodeAttribute(g, "lfc", "numeric", 1)
#     g = initNodeAttribute(g, "label", "char", "default node label")
#     g = initNodeAttribute(g, "count", "integer", 0)
#     g = initEdgeAttribute(g, "edgeType", "char", "undefined")
#     g = initEdgeAttribute(g, "score", "numeric", 0)
#     g = initEdgeAttribute(g, "misc", "char", "default misc")
#     edgeDataDefaults (g, attr='misc') = ''
#     g = graph::addNode("A", g)
#     g = graph::addNode("B", g)
#     g = graph::addNode("C", g)
#     nodeData(g, "A", "type") = "kinase"
#     nodeData(g, "B", "type") = "transcription factor"
#     nodeData(g, "C", "type") = "glycoprotein"
#     nodeData(g, "A", "lfc") = -3
#     nodeData(g, "B", "lfc") = 0
#     nodeData(g, "C", "lfc") = 3
#     nodeData(g, "A", "count") = 2
#     nodeData(g, "B", "count") = 30
#     nodeData(g, "C", "count") = 100
#     nodeData(g, "A", "label") = "Gene A"
#     nodeData(g, "B", "label") = "Gene B"
#     nodeData(g, "C", "label") = "Gene C"
#     g = graph::addEdge("A", "B", g)
#     g = graph::addEdge("B", "C", g)
#     g = graph::addEdge("C", "A", g)
#     edgeData(g, "A", "B", "edgeType") = "phosphorylates"
#     edgeData(g, "B", "C", "edgeType") = "synthetic lethal"
#     edgeData(g, "A", "B", "score") = 35
#     edgeData(g, "B", "C", "score") = -12
#     cw = CytoscapeWindow (title = 'detect unitialized node attributes 2', graph = g)
# } # test.detectUnitializedNodeAttributes 
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# = function ()
# {
#     print ('-----')
#     nNode <- 500
#     nEdge <- 5000
#     tmpNodes <- as.character(seq(1, nNode))
#     allEdges <- expand.grid(tmpNodes, tmpNodes, stringsAsFactors = F)
#     allEdges <- allEdges[(allEdges[, 1] != allEdges[, 2]), ]
#     allEdges <- allEdges[(sample(nrow(allEdges), nEdge)), ]
#     edgeWeight <- rnorm(nEdge)
#     gu <- new("graphNEL", nodes = tmpNodes, edgemode = "undirected")
#     gu = initNodeAttribute(gu, "type", "char", "undefined")
#     gu = initNodeAttribute(gu, "lfc", "numeric", 1)
#     gu = initNodeAttribute(gu, "label", "char", "default node label")
#     gu = initEdgeAttribute(gu, "edgeType", "char", "undefined")
#     gu = initEdgeAttribute(gu, "weight", "numeric", 0)
#     gu = addEdge(allEdges[, 1], allEdges[, 2], gu, edgeWeight)
#     nodeData (gu, nodes (gu), 'label') = nodes (gu)
#     t0 = Sys.time ()
#     g.fixed <- (gu)
#     t1 = Sys.time ()
#     elapsed.time = as.numeric (difftime (t1, t0, units='secs'))
#     checkTrue (elapsed.time < 5)  # consistently about 0.5 seconds in interactive testing
#     checkTrue (all (nodes (gu) == nodes (g.fixed)))
#     checkTrue (all (edgeNames (gu) == edgeNames (g.fixed)))
#     # the main test
#     checkEquals (length (unlist (edges (gu))), 2 * length (unlist (edges (g.fixed))))
# } #
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ##run.tests ()
# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
tmuetze/Bioconductor_RCy3_the_new_RCytoscape documentation built on May 31, 2019, 4:39 p.m.