
Defines functions RVineCopSelect

Documented in RVineCopSelect

#' Sequential Pair-Copula Selection and Estimation for R-Vine Copula Models
#' This function fits a R-vine copula model to a d-dimensional copula data set.
#' Pair-copula families are selected using [BiCopSelect()] and
#' estimated sequentially.
#' R-vine copula models with unknown structure can be specified using
#' [RVineStructureSelect()].
#' @param data N x d data matrix (with uniform margins).
#' @param familyset integer vector of pair-copula families to select from.
#' The vector has to include at least one
#' pair-copula family that allows for positive and one that allows for negative
#' dependence. Not listed copula families might be included to better handle
#' limit cases.  If `familyset = NA` (default), selection among all
#' possible families is performed. If a vector of negative numbers is provided,
#' selection among all but `abs(familyset)` is performed. Coding of
#' pair copula families is the same as in [BiCop()].
#' @param Matrix lower or upper triangular d x d matrix that defines the R-vine
#' tree structure.
#' @param selectioncrit Character indicating the criterion for pair-copula
#' selection. Possible choices: `selectioncrit = "AIC"` (default),
#' `"BIC"`, or `"logLik"` (see [BiCopSelect()]).
#' @param indeptest Logical; whether a hypothesis test for the independence of
#' `u1` and `u2` is performed before bivariate copula selection
#' (default: `indeptest = FALSE`; see [BiCopIndTest()]).  The
#' independence copula is chosen for a (conditional) pair if the null
#' hypothesis of independence cannot be rejected.
#' @param level numeric; significance level of the independence test (default:
#' `level = 0.05`).
#' @param trunclevel integer; level of truncation.
#' @param weights Numerical; weights for each observation (optional).
#' @param rotations logical; if `TRUE`, all rotations of the families in
#' `familyset` are included.
#' @param se Logical; whether standard errors are estimated (default: `se
#' = FALSE`).
#' @param presel Logical; whether to exclude families before fitting based on
#' symmetry properties of the data. Makes the selection about 30\% faster
#' (on average), but may yield slightly worse results in few special cases.
#' @param method indicates the estimation method: either maximum
#' likelihood estimation (`method = "mle"`; default) or inversion of
#' Kendall's tau (`method = "itau"`). For `method = "itau"` only
#' one parameter families and the Student t copula can be used (`family =
#' 1,2,3,4,5,6,13,14,16,23,24,26,33,34` or `36`). For the t-copula,
#' `par2` is found by a crude profile likelihood optimization over the
#' interval (2, 10].
#' @param cores integer; if `cores > 1`, estimation will be parallelized
#' within each tree (using [foreach::foreach()]). Note that
#' parallelization causes substantial overhead and may be slower than
#' single-threaded computation when dimension, sample size, or family set are
#' small or `method = "itau"`.
#' @return An [RVineMatrix()] object with the selected families
#' (`RVM$family`) as well as sequentially
#' estimated parameters stored in `RVM$par` and `RVM$par2`. The object
#' is augmented by the following information about the fit:
#' \item{se, se2}{standard errors for the parameter estimates  (if
#' `se = TRUE`; note that these are only approximate since they do not
#' account for the sequential nature of the estimation,}
#' \item{nobs}{number of observations,}
#' \item{logLik, pair.logLik}{log likelihood (overall and pairwise)}
#' \item{AIC, pair.AIC}{Aikaike's Informaton Criterion (overall and pairwise),}
#' \item{BIC, pair.BIC}{Bayesian's Informaton Criterion (overall and pairwise),}
#' \item{emptau}{matrix of empirical values of Kendall's tau,}
#' \item{p.value.indeptest}{matrix of p-values of the independence test.}#'
#' @note For a comprehensive summary of the vine copula model, use
#' `summary(object)`; to see all its contents, use `str(object)`.
#' @author Eike Brechmann, Thomas Nagler
#' @seealso
#' [RVineMatrix()],
#' [BiCop()],
#' [BiCopSelect()],
#' [plot.RVineMatrix()],
#' [contour.RVineMatrix()]
#' @references Brechmann, E. C., C. Czado, and K. Aas (2012). Truncated regular
#' vines in high dimensions with applications to financial data. Canadian
#' Journal of Statistics 40 (1), 68-85.
#' Dissmann, J. F., E. C. Brechmann, C. Czado, and D. Kurowicka (2013).
#' Selecting and estimating regular vine copulae and application to financial
#' returns. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 59 (1), 52-69.
#' @examples
#' # define 5-dimensional R-vine tree structure matrix
#' Matrix <- c(5, 2, 3, 1, 4,
#'             0, 2, 3, 4, 1,
#'             0, 0, 3, 4, 1,
#'             0, 0, 0, 4, 1,
#'             0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
#' Matrix <- matrix(Matrix, 5, 5)
#' # define R-vine pair-copula family matrix
#' family <- c(0, 1, 3, 4, 4,
#'             0, 0, 3, 4, 1,
#'             0, 0, 0, 4, 1,
#'             0, 0, 0, 0, 3,
#'             0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
#' family <- matrix(family, 5, 5)
#' # define R-vine pair-copula parameter matrix
#' par <- c(0, 0.2, 0.9, 1.5, 3.9,
#'          0, 0, 1.1, 1.6, 0.9,
#'          0, 0, 0, 1.9, 0.5,
#'          0, 0, 0, 0, 4.8,
#'          0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
#' par <- matrix(par, 5, 5)
#' # define second R-vine pair-copula parameter matrix
#' par2 <- matrix(0, 5, 5)
#' ## define RVineMatrix object
#' RVM <- RVineMatrix(Matrix = Matrix, family = family,
#'                    par = par, par2 = par2,
#'                    names = c("V1", "V2", "V3", "V4", "V5"))
#' ## simulate a sample of size 500 from the R-vine copula model
#' set.seed(123)
#' simdata <- RVineSim(500, RVM)
#' ## determine the pair-copula families and parameters
#' RVM1 <- RVineCopSelect(simdata, familyset = c(1, 3, 4, 5 ,6), Matrix)
#' ## see the object's content or a summary
#' str(RVM1)
#' summary(RVM1)
#' ## inspect the fitted model using plots
#' \dontrun{plot(RVM1)  # tree structure}
#' contour(RVM1)  # contour plots of all pair-copulas
RVineCopSelect <- function(data, familyset = NA, Matrix, selectioncrit = "AIC",
                           indeptest = FALSE, level = 0.05, trunclevel = NA,
                           weights = NA, rotations = TRUE, se = FALSE,
                           presel = TRUE, method = "mle", cores = 1) {
    ## preprocessing of arguments
    args <- preproc(c(as.list(environment()), call = match.call()),
    list2env(args, environment())
    if (any(is.na(data)))
        warning(" In ", args$call[1], ": ",
                "Some of the data are NA. ",
                "Only pairwise complete observations are used.",
                call. = FALSE)

    ## sanity checks
    if (!(selectioncrit %in% c("AIC", "BIC", "logLik")))
        stop("Selection criterion not implemented.")
    if (level < 0 & level > 1)
        stop("Significance level has to be between 0 and 1.")

    d <- n <- ncol(data)
    N <- nrow(data)
    ## set variable names and trunclevel
    varnames <- colnames(data)
    if (is.na(trunclevel))
        trunclevel <- d

    ## adjust familyset
    types <- familyset
    if (trunclevel == 0)
        types <- 0

    ## reorder matrix to natural order
    M <- Matrix
    Mold <- M
    o <- diag(M)
    M <- reorderRVineMatrix(M)
    data <- data[, o[length(o):1]]

    ## create matrices required for selection of h-functions
    MaxMat <- createMaxMat(M)
    CondDistr <- neededCondDistr(M)

    ## create objects for results
    Types   <- matrix(0, d, d)
    Params  <- matrix(0, d, d)
    Params2 <- matrix(0, d, d)
    Ses     <- matrix(0, d, d)
    Se2s    <- matrix(0, d, d)
    emptaus <- matrix(0, d, d)
    pvals   <- matrix(0, d, d)
    nobs    <- matrix(0, d, d)
    logLiks <- matrix(0, d, d)
    V <- list()
    V$direct <- array(NA, dim = c(d, N))
    V$indirect <- array(NA, dim = c(d, N))
    V$direct <- t(data[, d:1])

    ## register parallel backend
    if (cores != 1 | is.na(cores)) {
        if (is.na(cores))
            cores <- max(1, detectCores() - 1)
        if (cores > 1) {
            cl <- makePSOCKcluster(cores)
            on.exit(try(stopCluster(cl), silent = TRUE))

    ## loop over all trees and pair-copulas
    warn <- NULL
    for (k in d:2) {
        doEst <- function(i) {
            if (k > i) {
                ## get pseudo-observaions
                m <- MaxMat[k, i]
                zr1 <- V$direct[i, ]

                zr2 <- if (m == M[k, i]) {
                    V$direct[(d - m + 1), ]
                } else {
                    V$indirect[(d - m + 1), ]

                ## select pair-copula
                if (trunclevel <= (d-k))
                    familyset <- 0

                na.ind <- which(is.na(zr1 + zr2))
                if (length(na.ind) >= length(zr1) - 10 ||
                    (length(familyset) == 1 && familyset == 0)) {
                    cfit <- BiCop(0)
                    ## add more information about the fit
                    cfit$se  <- NA
                    cfit$se2 <- NA
                    cfit$nobs   <- 0
                    cfit$logLik <- 0
                    cfit$AIC    <- 0
                    cfit$BIC    <- 0
                    cfit$emptau <- NA
                    cfit$p.value.indeptest <- NA
                    if (length(na.ind) >= length(zr1) - 10) {
                        warn <- paste("Insufficient data for at least one pair.",
                                      "Independence has been selected automatically.")
                } else {
                    cfit <- suppressWarnings(BiCopSelect(u1 = zr2,
                                                         u2 = zr1,
                                                         familyset = familyset,
                                                         selectioncrit = selectioncrit,
                                                         indeptest = indeptest,
                                                         level = level,
                                                         weights = weights,
                                                         rotations = rotations,
                                                         se = se,
                                                         presel = presel,
                                                         method = method))
                    warn <- NULL

                ## transform data to pseudo-oberstavions in next tree
                direct <- indirect <- NULL
                if (CondDistr$direct[k - 1, i]) {
                    if (length(familyset) == 1 && familyset == 0) {
                        direct <- zr1
                    } else {
                        direct <- suppressWarnings(BiCopHfunc1(zr2,
                                                               check.pars = FALSE))

                if (CondDistr$indirect[k - 1, i]) {
                    if (length(familyset) == 1 && familyset == 0) {
                        indirect <- zr2
                    } else {
                        indirect <- suppressWarnings(BiCopHfunc2(zr2,
                                                                 check.pars = FALSE))

                ## return results
                list(direct = direct,
                     indirect = indirect,
                     cfit = cfit,
                     warn = warn)
            } else {
                list(cfit = BiCop(0, 0))

        ## run pair-copula selection for tree k
        if (cores > 1)
            lapply <- function(...) parallel::parLapply(getDefaultCluster(), ...)
        res.k <- lapply(seq_len(k - 1), doEst)

        for (i in seq_len(k - 1)) {
            ## store info about selected pair-copula in matrices
            Types[k, i]   <- res.k[[i]]$cfit$family
            Params[k, i]  <- res.k[[i]]$cfit$par
            Params2[k, i] <- res.k[[i]]$cfit$par2
            tmpse         <- res.k[[i]]$cfit$se
            Ses[k, i]     <- ifelse(is.null(tmpse), NA, tmpse)
            tmpse2        <- res.k[[i]]$cfit$se2
            Se2s[k, i]    <- ifelse(is.null(tmpse2), NA, tmpse2)
            emptaus[k, i] <- res.k[[i]]$cfit$emptau
            pvals[k, i]   <- res.k[[i]]$cfit$p.value.indeptest
            logLiks[k, i] <- res.k[[i]]$cfit$logLik
            if (!is.null(res.k[[i]]$warn))
                warn <- res.k[[i]]$warn
            ## replace pseudo observations for estimation of next tree
            if (!is.null(res.k[[i]]$direct))
                V$direct[i, ] <- res.k[[i]]$direct
            if (!is.null(res.k[[i]]$indirect))
                V$indirect[i, ] <- res.k[[i]]$indirect
        } # end i = 1:(d-1)
    } # end k = d:2
    if (!is.null(warn))
        warning(" In ", args$call[1], ": ", warn, call. = FALSE)

    ## store results in RVineMatrix object
    .RVM <- RVineMatrix(Mold,
                        family = Types,
                        par = Params,
                        par2 = Params2,
                        names = varnames)
    if (se == TRUE) {
        .RVM$se <- Ses
        .RVM$se2 <- Se2s
    .RVM$nobs <- N
    revo <- sapply(1:d, function(i) which(o[length(o):1] == i))
    like <- suppressWarnings(RVineLogLik(data[, revo], .RVM, calculate.V = FALSE))
    .RVM$logLik <- like$loglik
    .RVM$pair.logLik <- logLiks
    npar <- sum(.RVM$family %in% allfams[onepar], na.rm = TRUE) +
        2 * sum(.RVM$family %in% allfams[twopar], na.rm = TRUE)
    npar_pair <- (.RVM$family %in% allfams[onepar]) +
        2 * (.RVM$family %in% allfams[twopar])
    .RVM$AIC <- -2 * like$loglik + 2 * npar
    .RVM$pair.AIC <- -2 * like$V$value + 2 * npar_pair
    .RVM$BIC <- -2 * like$loglik + log(N) * npar
    .RVM$pair.BIC <- -2 * like$V$value + log(N) * npar_pair
    .RVM$emptau <- emptaus
    .RVM$p.value.indeptest <- pvals

    ## free memory and return final object
    rm(list = ls())
tnagler/VineCopula documentation built on March 6, 2024, 5 a.m.