
Defines functions create_subfolder_readme create_repo_readme setup_subdirectory setup_repo

Documented in setup_repo setup_subdirectory

#' Initialize a new repository, and a single subfolder, TNTP style.
#' @description Create a new repository on Bitbucket, then set your working
#' directory to that folder and run this function.  It will set up the main
#' repo folder as well as a single subfolder in which you can work on your
#' immediate project.
#' You must specify the subfolder name as well as the long name associated with
#' that project and the analyst(s) working on it.  These latter two values are
#' used to create a README.Md file.
#' @param project_path the path to the main project directory. To use the current project, use `project_path = here::here()`.
#' @param subfolder a character vector containing the concise name of a project subfolder.
#' E.g., if the repository is the name of a city "Anywhere City", a project subfolder might be
#' "ela_access" or "aps_talent_landscape").
#' @param proj_name the longer, full name of the subfolder project.  This will
#' appear in the subfolder's README.md file.  E.g., "Access to Grade-Level ELA Content Pilot."
#' @param analyst_name the name(s) of the analysts currently working on the subfolder
#' project.  This will appear in the subfolder's README.md file.
#' @export
#' @returns nothing
#' @examples
#' # Setting up in a temporary directory
#' setup_repo(project_path = tempdir(),
#'            subfolder = "ela_access",
#'            proj_name = "Access to Grade-Level ELA Content",
#'            analyst_name = "Dustin Pashouwer and Sam Firke")
setup_repo <- function(project_path, subfolder, proj_name, analyst_name) {
  if (missing(project_path)) {
    cli::cli_abort("Required argument {.var project_path} is missing. For your current project, run with {.code project_path = here::here()}.")
  if (!dir.exists(project_path)) {
    cli::cli_abort("Path {.val {project_path}} is not a valid directory.")
  if (missing(subfolder)) {
    cli::cli_abort("Required argument {.var subfolder} is missing. Please provide a name for your subfolder.")
  if (missing(proj_name)) {
    cli::cli_abort("Required argument {.var proj_name} is missing. Please provide a full name for the subfolder project as it should appear in the README.")
  if (missing(analyst_name)) {
    cli::cli_abort("Required argument {.var analyst_name} is missing. Please specify the analyst(s) working on this subfolder project.")

  # Fixes issues with ~ leading to different paths in different functions
  project_path <- normalizePath(project_path)

  # Files for git to ignore
  to_ignore <- c(
    ".Rhistory", ".RData", ".Rproj.user" # set RStudio to not store .Rhistory
    # and .RData ... but just in case someone didn't

  # Create project using the current working directory
  #  If no .Rproj is returned (may see a .here file) then ensure
  #  RStudio is available
  usethis::create_project(path = normalizePath(project_path))
  unlink(file.path(project_path, "R"), recursive = TRUE) # create_project created "R" folder, we don't want
    usethis::use_git_ignore(ignores = to_ignore),
    quiet = TRUE

  # Create subfolder
  invisible(lapply(subfolder, \(subfolder) setup_subdirectory(project_path, subfolder, proj_name, analyst_name)))

  # Create main repo readme
  if (!any(grepl("README.Md", list.files(project_path), ignore.case = TRUE))) {
    writeLines(create_repo_readme(project_path, proj_name, analyst_name), file.path(project_path, "README.Md"))
  } else {
    overwrite_repo_readme <- utils::menu(c("Keep current README.Md", "Replace with template README.Md"),
      title = "This repository already contains a file README.Md.  Do you wish to replace with the tntpr template README file?"
    if (overwrite_repo_readme == 2) {
      writeLines(create_repo_readme(project_path, proj_name, analyst_name), file.path(project_path, "README.Md"))

#' Initialize a new subdirectory in an existing repository, TNTP style.
#' @description A repository might represent a region, like "Anywhere City",
#' or a major client or contract, like "Midwestern Charter Network.
#' Within that repo you would have a subfolder for each analysis project.
#' This function creates such a subfolder and populates it with folders and a README.
#' To use: within an existing repository on Bitbucket, set your your working
#' directory to that folder and run this function to create a sub-folder.
#' Use \code{setup_repo()} in a blank new repository to add the first project subfolder
#' and create the RProject and .gitignore files.  Add subsequent analysis project folders
#' with this function.
#' @param project_path the path to the main project directory. To use the current project, use `project_path = here::here()`.
#' @param subfolder a character vector containing the concise name of a project subfolder.
#' E.g., if the repository is the name of a city "Anywhere City", a project subfolder might be
#' "ela_access" or "aps_talent_landscape").
#' @param proj_name the longer, full name of the subfolder project.  This will
#' appear in the subfolder's README.md file.
#' @param analyst_name the name(s) of the analysts currently working on the subfolder
#' project.  This will appear in the subfolder's README.md file.

#' @export
#' @returns nothing
#' @examples
#' # Setting up in a temporary directory
#' setup_subdirectory(tempdir(),
#'                    subfolder = "ela_access",
#'                    proj_name = "Equitable Access to Grade-Level ELA",
#'                    analyst_name = "Dustin Pashouwer and Sam Firke")

setup_subdirectory <- function(project_path, subfolder, proj_name, analyst_name) {
  if (missing(project_path)) {
    cli::cli_abort("Required argument {.var project_path} is missing. For your current project, run with {.code project_path = here::here()}.")
  if (!dir.exists(project_path)) {
    cli::cli_abort("Path {.val {project_path}} is not a valid directory.")
  if (missing(subfolder)) {
    cli::cli_abort("Required argument {.var subfolder} is missing. Please provide a name for your subfolder.")
  if (missing(proj_name)) {
    cli::cli_abort("Required argument {.var proj_name} is missing. Please provide a full name for the subfolder project as it should appear in the README.")
  if (missing(analyst_name)) {
    cli::cli_abort("Required argument {.var analyst_name} is missing. Please specify the analyst(s) working on this subfolder project.")

  # Fixes issues with ~ leading to different paths in different functions
  project_path <- normalizePath(project_path)

  # Check if project exists in main directory, if not create it
  existing_files <- list.files(path = project_path, all.files = TRUE)
  if (!any(grepl(".Rproj$", existing_files))) {
    usethis::create_project(path = project_path)
    unlink(file.path(project_path, "R"), recursive = TRUE) # create_project created "R" folder, we don't want
  if (!any(grepl(".gitignore", existing_files))) {
    to_ignore <- c(
      ".Rhistory", ".RData", ".Rproj.user", "~$*" # set RStudio to not store .Rhistory
      # and .RData ... but just in case someone didn't
      usethis::use_git_ignore(ignores = to_ignore)

  # Create project directories
  dirs_to_make <- file.path(
      "code/prep", # these scripts should read from the data/raw directory
      "code/analysis", # these scripts should read from the data/clean directory
      "output")) # Reports, with figures etc. in subdirectories as needed

  invisible(lapply(dirs_to_make, \(dir) {
                          quiet = TRUE)

  # Create subfolder readme
  if (!any(grepl("README.Md", list.files(file.path(project_path, subfolder)), ignore.case = TRUE))) {
      create_subfolder_readme(proj_name, analyst_name),
      file.path(project_path, subfolder, "README.Md")
  } else {
    cli::cli_warn("{.val README.Md} already exists in subdirectory {.val {subfolder}}; no new {.val README.Md} created.")

# Create the vector of info to generate a standard README.Md main repo template
create_repo_readme <- function(project_path, proj_name, analyst) {
  repo_dir <- project_path
  repo_dir <- stringr::str_split(repo_dir, "/")
  repo_dir <- dplyr::last(repo_dir[[1]])

    paste0(rep("=", nchar(repo_dir)), collapse = ""),
    paste0("**Repository initialized:** ", Sys.Date(), "  "), # 2+ spaces at end create line break in Bitbucket
    "Projects in this repo",
    "==========================  ",
    paste0(proj_name, "  "),
    paste0("**Analyst(s):** ", analyst, "  "),
    "**Other TNTP staff involved**:  ",
    "**Summary of the project:** ...  ",
    "\n", "\n"

# Create the vector of info to generate a standard README.Md subfolder template
create_subfolder_readme <- function(proj_name, analyst) {
    paste0(rep("=", nchar(proj_name)), collapse = ""),
    paste0("**Date initialized:** ", Sys.Date(), "  "), # 2+ spaces at end create line break in Bitbucket
    paste0("**Analyst(s):** ", analyst, "  "),
    "**Other TNTP staff involved**:  ",
    "\n", "\n",
    "Purpose of the analysis: ",
    "...  ",
    "Other good-to-know context/info:  ",
    "...  ",
    "Resolution of the project:  ",
    "...  "
tntp/tntpr documentation built on Sept. 24, 2024, 2:07 a.m.