## computeInfoByQctool
#' Calculate the info score by QCTOOL
#' @description
#' Calculate the info score by QCTOOL for a set of SNPs from .GEN files.
#' @param qctool an executable program in either the current working
#' directory or somewhere in the command path.
#' @param inputSuffix the suffix of input .GEN files within current directory.
#' @param outputInfoFile the output info scores file consisting of
#' two columns: all SNPs from .GEN files and their info scores.
#' @return A pure text file contains the info scores of all SNPs from .GEN
#' files with two columns: SNP names and the corresponding info scores.
#' @details These .GEN files may come from the output of impute4 results.
#' The intermediate generated files are retained in the directory.
#' @export
#' @author Junfang Chen
#' @examples
#' ## In the current working directory
#' inputSuffix <- "noINDEL.gen"
#' outputInfoFile <- "infoScore.txt"
#' ## computeInfoByQctool(qctool, inputSuffix, outputInfoFile)
computeInfoByQctool <- function(qctool, inputSuffix, outputInfoFile){
files <- system(paste0("ls *", inputSuffix), intern=TRUE)
for (i in seq_len(length(files))) {
out <- paste0(files[i], ".txt")
system(paste0(qctool, " -g ", files[i], " -snp-stats -osnp ", out))
out2 <- paste0("tmpInfo", i, ".txt")
arg1 <- paste0("grep -o '^[^#]*' ", out) ## reomve comments
arg2 <- paste0("awk '{print $2, $17}' > ", out2)
system(paste0(arg1, " | ", arg2))
## note, no other file names starting with tmpInfo*
a <- "'NR==1 {header=$_} FNR==1 && NR!=1 { $_ ~ $header getline; } {print}'"
system(paste0("awk ", a, " tmpInfo* > ", outputInfoFile))
## .imputedByImpute4.R
#' Impute genotypes using IMPUTE4
#' @description
#' Perform imputation by IMPUTE4 for the autosomal prephased known haplotypes
#' with a reference panel.
#' @param impute4 an executable program in either the current
#' working directory or somewhere in the command path.
#' @param chrs specifiy the chromosome codes for imputation.
#' @param prefixChunk the prefix of the chunk files for each chromosome,
#' along with the proper location directory.
#' @param phaseDIR the directory where prephased haplotypes are located.
#' @param referencePanel a string indicating the type of imputation
#' reference panels is used: c("1000Gphase1v3_macGT1", "1000Gphase3").
#' @param impRefDIR the directory where the imputation reference files
#' are located.
#' @param imputedDIR the directory where imputed files will be located.
#' @param prefix4eachChr the prefix of IMPUTE2 files for each chunk.
#' @param nCore the number of cores used for computation.
#' @param effectiveSize this parameter controls the effective population size.
#' Commonly denoted as Ne. A universal -Ne value of 20000 is suggested.
#' @return The imputed files for all chunks from given chromosomes, except
#' sex chromosomes.
#' @export
#' @import doParallel
#' @author Junfang Chen
#' @seealso \code{\link{phaseImpute4}}.
.imputedByImpute4 <- function(impute4, chrs, prefixChunk, phaseDIR,
referencePanel, impRefDIR, imputedDIR,
prefix4eachChr, nCore, effectiveSize=20000){
for (i in chrs){
chunkfn <- paste0(prefixChunk, i, ".txt")
chunks <- read.table(chunkfn, sep=" ")
chunklist <- as.list(seq_len(nrow(chunks)))
mclapply(chunklist, function(j){
chunkSTART <- chunks[j,1]
chunkEND <- chunks[j,2]
## Input: haplotypes from SHAPEIT phasing (method B)
GWAS_HAPS_FILE <- paste0(phaseDIR, "chr", i, ".haps ")
GWAS_SAMP_FILE <- paste0(phaseDIR, "chr", i, ".sample ")
## >>> ref panel
GENMAP_FILE <- paste0(impRefDIR, "genetic_map_chr", i,
"_combined_b37.txt ")
GENMAP.chrXPAR1 <- paste0(impRefDIR, "genetic_map_chr",
"X_PAR1_combined_b37.txt ")
GENMAP.chrXPAR2 <- paste0(impRefDIR, "genetic_map_chr",
"X_PAR2_combined_b37.txt ")
if (referencePanel == "1000Gphase1v3_macGT1"){
## autosome
impPrefix <- "ALL_1000G_phase1integrated_v3_chr"
HAPS_FILE <- paste0(impRefDIR, impPrefix, i,
"_impute_macGT1.hap.gz ")
LEGEND_FILE <- paste0(impRefDIR, impPrefix, i,
"_impute_macGT1.legend.gz ")
## .chrXPAR1
HAPS.chrXPAR1 <- paste0(impRefDIR, impPrefix,
"X_PAR1_impute_macGT1.hap.gz ")
LEGEND.chrXPAR1 <- paste0(impRefDIR, impPrefix,
"X_PAR1_impute_macGT1.legend.gz ")
## .chrXPAR2
HAPS.chrXPAR2 <- paste0(impRefDIR, impPrefix,
"X_PAR2_impute_macGT1.hap.gz ")
LEGEND.chrXPAR2 <- paste0(impRefDIR, impPrefix,
"X_PAR2_impute_macGT1.legend.gz ")
} else if (referencePanel == "1000Gphase3"){
HAPS_FILE <- paste0(impRefDIR, "1000GP_Phase3_chr", i,
".hap.gz ")
## autosome
LEGEND_FILE <- paste0(impRefDIR, "1000GP_Phase3_chr", i,
".legend.gz ")
## .chrXPAR1
HAPS.chrXPAR1 <- paste0(impRefDIR,
"1000GP_Phase3_chrX_PAR1.hap.gz ")
LEGEND.chrXPAR1 <- paste0(impRefDIR,
"1000GP_Phase3_chrX_PAR1.legend.gz ")
## .chrXPAR2
HAPS.chrXPAR2 <- paste0(impRefDIR,
"1000GP_Phase3_chrX_PAR2.hap.gz ")
LEGEND.chrXPAR2 <- paste0(impRefDIR,
"1000GP_Phase3_chrX_PAR2.legend.gz ")
} else { print("Wrong reference panel during imputation!!")}
## <<< ref panel
## Output file GEN format
OUTPUT_FILE <- paste0(imputedDIR, prefix4eachChr, i,
".pos", chunkSTART,
"-", chunkEND) ## .gen output
################## impute genotypes from GWAS haplotypes
autosomeCode = seq_len(22)
if (is.element(i, autosomeCode)) {
## impute for the autosomes
" -no_maf_align \ ",
" -m ", GENMAP_FILE, " \ ",
" -h ", HAPS_FILE, " \ ",
" -l ", LEGEND_FILE, " \ ",
" -g ", GWAS_HAPS_FILE, " \ ",
" -Ne ", effectiveSize, " \ ",
" -int ", chunkSTART, " ", chunkEND, " \ ",
" -buffer 1000 \ ",
" -o ", OUTPUT_FILE, " \ " ))
} else if (i == "X_PAR1") {
## impute for chrX PAR >> with an additional flag: --Xpar.
" -no_maf_align \ ",
" -m ", GENMAP_FILE, " \ ",
" -h ", HAPS.chrXPAR1, " \ ",
" -l ", LEGEND.chrXPAR1, " \ ",
" -g ", GWAS_HAPS_FILE, " \ ",
" -Ne ", effectiveSize, " \ ",
" -int ", chunkSTART, " ", chunkEND, " \ ",
" -buffer 1000 \ ",
" -o ", OUTPUT_FILE, " \ " ))
} else if (i == "X_PAR2") {
## impute for chrX PAR >> with an additional flag: --Xpar.
" -no_maf_align \ ",
" -m ", GENMAP_FILE, " \ ",
" -h ", HAPS.chrXPAR2, " \ ",
" -l ", LEGEND.chrXPAR2, " \ ",
" -g ", GWAS_HAPS_FILE, " \ ",
" -Ne ", effectiveSize, " \ ",
" -int ", chunkSTART, " ", chunkEND, " \ ",
" -buffer 1000 \ ",
" -o ", OUTPUT_FILE, " \ " ))
} else if (i == 23){
## impute for chrX
print("chrX option >> Not available for now!")
}, mc.cores=nCore)
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