
Defines functions plot_L1

Documented in plot_L1

#' Plot L1 Data
#' \code{plot_L1} plots time-aligned (\code{L1}) dendrometer or temperature
#'   data for specified time windows.
#' @param dendro_L1_orig optional, used in \code{\link{corr_dendro_L1}}. Can be
#'   used to plot a previous version of \code{data_L1} in the background.
#' @inheritParams plot_proc_L2
#' @inheritParams proc_L1
#' @return Plots are saved to current working directory as
#'   \code{L1_plot.pdf} or as specified in \code{plot_name}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' plot_L1(dendro_L1 = dendro_data_L1, plot_period = "monthly",
#'         plot_export = FALSE)
plot_L1 <- function(dendro_L1, dendro_L1_orig = NULL, plot_period = "full",
                    plot_export = TRUE, plot_name = "L1_plot",
                    tz = "UTC") {

  # Check input variables -----------------------------------------------------
  list_inputs <- mget(ls())
  check_input_variables(list = list_inputs)

  # Check input data ----------------------------------------------------------
  data_L1 <- dendro_L1
  data_L1_orig <- dendro_L1_orig
  check_data_L1(data_L1 = data_L1)

  # Plot L1 data --------------------------------------------------------------
  data_L1 <- data_L1 %>%
    dplyr::mutate(year = strftime(ts, format = "%Y", tz = tz)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(month = strftime(ts, format = "%m", tz = tz)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(day = strftime(ts, format = "%d", tz = tz))

  if (length(data_L1_orig) != 0) {
    data_L1_orig <- data_L1_orig %>%
      dplyr::mutate(year = strftime(ts, format = "%Y", tz = tz)) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(month = strftime(ts, format = "%m", tz = tz)) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(day = strftime(ts, format = "%d", tz = tz))
  sensors <- unique(data_L1$series)
  years <- unique(data_L1$year)

  if (plot_export) {
    grDevices::pdf(paste0(plot_name, ".pdf"), width = 11.7, height = 8.3)
  for (s in 1:length(sensors)) {
    sensor_label <- sensors[s]
    passenv$sensor_label <- sensor_label

    data_L1_sensor <- data_L1 %>%
      dplyr::filter(series == sensor_label)
    if (length(data_L1_orig) != 0) {
      data_L1_orig_sensor <- data_L1_orig %>%
        dplyr::filter(series == sensor_label)
    } else {
      data_L1_orig_sensor <- NULL

    if (plot_period %in% c("yearly", "monthly")) {

      for (y in 1:length(years)) {
        year_label <- years[y]
        passenv$year_label <- year_label

        data_L1_year <- data_L1_sensor %>%
          dplyr::filter(year == year_label)
        if (length(data_L1_orig) != 0) {
          data_L1_orig_year <- data_L1_orig_sensor %>%
            dplyr::filter(year == year_label)
        } else {
          data_L1_orig_year <- NULL

        if (plot_period == "yearly") {
          if (sum(!is.na(data_L1_year$value)) != 0) {

            plotting_L1(data_L1 = data_L1_year,
                        data_L1_orig = data_L1_orig_year,
                        plot_period = plot_period, tz = tz)
            } else {

        if (plot_period == "monthly") {
          months <- unique(data_L1_year$month)

          for (m in 1:length(months)) {
            month_label <- months[m]
            year_label <- paste0(years[y], "-", months[m])
            passenv$year_label <- year_label

            data_L1_month <- data_L1_year %>%
              dplyr::filter(month == month_label)
            if (length(data_L1_orig) != 0) {
              data_L1_orig_month <- data_L1_orig_year %>%
                dplyr::filter(month == month_label)
            } else {
              data_L1_orig_month <- NULL

            if (sum(!is.na(data_L1_month$value)) != 0) {

              plotting_L1(data_L1 = data_L1_month,
                          data_L1_orig = data_L1_orig_month,
                          plot_period = plot_period, tz = tz)
              } else {

    if (plot_period == "full") {
      year_label <- paste0(years[1], "-", years[length(years)])
      passenv$year_label <- year_label

      if (sum(!is.na(data_L1_sensor$value)) != 0) {

        plotting_L1(data_L1 = data_L1_sensor,
                    data_L1_orig = data_L1_orig_sensor,
                    plot_period = plot_period, tz = tz)
        } else {
  if (plot_export) {
treenet/treenetproc documentation built on June 16, 2021, 4:39 p.m.