
Defines functions evaluateBlock plumbBlock stopOnLine trimws

# TODO: delete once we require R 3.3.0
trimws <- function(string){
  string <- gsub("^\\s+", "", string)
  gsub("\\s+$", "", string)

stopOnLine <- function(lineNum, line, msg){
  stop("Error on line #", lineNum, ": '", line, "' - ", msg)

#' @param lineNum The line number just above the function we're documenting
#' @param file A character vector representing all the lines in the file
#' @param envir An environment where to evaluate parsed expressions
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @noRd
plumbBlock <- function(lineNum, file, envir = parent.frame()){
  paths <- NULL
  preempt <- NULL
  filter <- NULL
  serializer <- NULL
  parsers <- NULL
  assets <- NULL
  params <- NULL
  comments <- NULL
  responses <- NULL
  tags <- NULL
  routerModifier <- NULL
  while (lineNum > 0 && (stri_detect_regex(file[lineNum], pattern="^#['\\*]?|^\\s*$") || stri_trim_both(file[lineNum]) == "")){

    line <- file[lineNum]

    # If the line does not start with a plumber tag `#*` or `#'`, continue to next line
    if (!stri_detect_regex(line, pattern="^#['\\*]")) {
      lineNum <- lineNum - 1

    epMat <- stri_match(line, regex="^#['\\*]\\s*@(get|put|post|use|delete|head|options|patch)(\\s+(.*)$)?")
    if (!is.na(epMat[1,2])){
      p <- stri_trim_both(epMat[1,4])

      if (is.na(p) || p == ""){
        stopOnLine(lineNum, line, "No path specified.")

      if (is.null(paths)){
        paths <- list()

      paths[[length(paths)+1]] <- list(verb = enumerateVerbs(epMat[1,2]), path = p)

    filterMat <- stri_match(line, regex="^#['\\*]\\s*@filter(\\s+(.*)$)?")
    if (!is.na(filterMat[1,1])){
      f <- stri_trim_both(filterMat[1,3])

      if (is.na(f) || f == ""){
        stopOnLine(lineNum, line, "No @filter name specified.")

      if (!is.null(filter)){
        # Must have already assigned.
        stopOnLine(lineNum, line, "Multiple @filters specified for one function.")

      filter <- f

    preemptMat <- stri_match(line, regex="^#['\\*]\\s*@preempt(\\s+(.*)\\s*$)?")
    if (!is.na(preemptMat[1,1])){
      p <- stri_trim_both(preemptMat[1,3])
      if (is.na(p) || p == ""){
        stopOnLine(lineNum, line, "No @preempt specified")
      if (!is.null(preempt)){
        # Must have already assigned.
        stopOnLine(lineNum, line, "Multiple @preempts specified for one function.")
      preempt <- p

    assetsMat <- stri_match(line, regex="^#['\\*]\\s*@assets(\\s+(\\S*)(\\s+(\\S+))?\\s*)?$")
    if (!is.na(assetsMat[1,1])){
      dir <- stri_trim_both(assetsMat[1,3])
      if (is.na(dir) || dir == ""){
        stopOnLine(lineNum, line, "No directory specified for @assets")
      prefixPath <- stri_trim_both(assetsMat[1,5])
      if (is.na(prefixPath) || prefixPath == ""){
        prefixPath <- "/public"
      if (!is.null(assets)){
        # Must have already assigned.
        stopOnLine(lineNum, line, "Multiple @assets specified for one entity.")
      assets <- list(dir=dir, path=prefixPath)

    serMat <- stri_match(line, regex="^#['\\*]\\s*@serializer(\\s+([^\\s]+)\\s*(.*)\\s*$)?")
    if (!is.na(serMat[1,1])){
      s <- stri_trim_both(serMat[1,3])
      if (is.na(s) || s == ""){
        stopOnLine(lineNum, line, "No @serializer specified")
      if (!is.null(serializer)){
        # Must have already assigned.
        stopOnLine(lineNum, line, "Multiple @serializers specified for one function.")

      if (!(s %in% registered_serializers())){
        stopOnLine(lineNum, line, paste0("No such @serializer registered: ", s))

      ser <- get_registered_serializer(s)

      if (!is.na(serMat[1, 4]) && serMat[1,4] != ""){
        # We have an arg to pass in to the serializer
        argList <- tryCatch({
          eval(parse(text=serMat[1,4]), envir)
        }, error = function(e) {
          stopOnLine(lineNum, line, e)
      } else {
        argList <- list()
        serializer <- do.call(ser, argList)
      }, error = function(e) {
        stopOnLine(lineNum, line, paste0("Error creating serializer: ", s, "\n", e))


    shortSerMat <- stri_match(line, regex="^#['\\*]\\s*@(json|html|jpeg|png|svg)(.*)$")
    if (!is.na(shortSerMat[1,2])) {
      s <- stri_trim_both(shortSerMat[1,2])
      .Deprecated(msg = paste0(
        "Plumber tag `#* @", s, "` is deprecated.\n",
        "Use `#* @serializer ", s, "` instead."
      if (!is.null(serializer)){
        # Must have already assigned.
        stopOnLine(lineNum, line, "Multiple @serializers specified for one function (shorthand serializers like @json count, too).")

      if (!is.na(s) && !(s %in% registered_serializers())){
        stopOnLine(lineNum, line, paste0("No such @serializer registered: ", s))
      shortSerAttr <- trimws(shortSerMat[1,3])
      if(!identical(shortSerAttr, "") && !grepl("^\\(.*\\)$", shortSerAttr)){
        stopOnLine(lineNum, line, paste0("Supplemental arguments to the serializer must be surrounded by parentheses, as in `#' @", s, "(na='null')`"))

      if (shortSerAttr != "") {
        # We have an arg to pass in to the serializer
        argList <- tryCatch({
          eval(parse(text=paste0("list", shortSerAttr)), envir)
        }, error = function(e) {
          stopOnLine(lineNum, line, e)
      } else {
        argList <- list()
        serializer <- do.call(get_registered_serializer(s), argList)
      }, error = function(e) {
        stopOnLine(lineNum, line, paste0("Error creating serializer: ", s, "\n", e))

    parsersMat <- stri_match(line, regex="^#['\\*]\\s*@parser(\\s+([^\\s]+)\\s*(.*)\\s*$)?")
    if (!is.na(parsersMat[1,1])){
      parser_alias <- stri_trim_both(parsersMat[1,3])
      if (is.na(parser_alias) || parser_alias == ""){
        stopOnLine(lineNum, line, "No @parser specified")

      if (!parser_alias %in% registered_parsers()){
        stopOnLine(lineNum, line, paste0("No such @parser registered: ", parser_alias))

      if (!is.na(parsersMat[1, 4]) && parsersMat[1,4] != ""){
        # We have an arg to pass in to the parser
        arg_list <- tryCatch({
          eval(parse(text=parsersMat[1,4]), envir)
        }, error = function(e) {
          stopOnLine(lineNum, line, e)
      } else {
        arg_list <- list()
      if (is.null(parsers)) {
        parsers <- list()
      parsers[[parser_alias]] <- arg_list

    responseMat <- stri_match(line, regex="^#['\\*]\\s*@response\\s+(\\w+)\\s+(\\S.*)\\s*$")
    if (!is.na(responseMat[1,1])){
      resp <- list()
      resp[[responseMat[1,2]]] <- list(description=responseMat[1,3])
      responses <- c(responses, resp)

    paramMat <- stri_match(line, regex="^#['\\*]\\s*@param(\\s+([^\\s:]+):?([^\\s*]+)?(\\*)?(?:\\s+(.*))?\\s*$)?")
    if (!is.na(paramMat[1,2])){
      name <- paramMat[1,3]
      if (is.na(name)){
        stopOnLine(lineNum, line, "No parameter specified.")
      plumberType <- stri_replace_all(paramMat[1,4], "$1", regex = "^\\[([^\\]]*)\\]$")
      apiType <- plumberToApiType(plumberType)
      isArray <- stri_detect_regex(paramMat[1,4], "^\\[[^\\]]*\\]$")
      isArray[is.na(isArray)] <- defaultIsArray
      required <- identical(paramMat[1,5], "*")

      params[[name]] <- list(desc=paramMat[1,6], type=apiType, required=required, isArray=isArray)

    tagMat <- stri_match(line, regex="^#['\\*]\\s*@tag\\s+(\"[^\"]+\"|'[^']+'|\\S+)\\s*")
    if (!is.na(tagMat[1,1])){
      t <- stri_trim_both(tagMat[1,2], pattern = "[[\\P{Wspace}]-[\"']]")
      if (is.na(t) || t == ""){
        stopOnLine(lineNum, line, "No tag specified.")
      if (t %in% tags){
        stopOnLine(lineNum, line, "Duplicate tag specified.")
      tags <- c(tags, t)

    commentMat <- stri_match(line, regex="^#['\\*]\\s*([^@\\s].*$)")
    if (!is.na(commentMat[1,2])){
      comments <- c(comments, trimws(commentMat[1,2]))

    routerModifierMat <- stri_match(line, regex="^#['\\*]\\s*@plumber")
    if (!is.na(routerModifierMat[1,1])) {
      routerModifier <- TRUE

    lineNum <- lineNum - 1

    paths = rev(paths),
    preempt = preempt,
    filter = filter,
    serializer = serializer,
    parsers = rev(parsers),
    assets = assets,
    params = rev(params),
    comments = tail(comments, 1),
    description = paste0(rev(comments)[-1], collapse = "\n"),
    responses = rev(responses),
    tags = rev(tags),
    routerModifier = routerModifier

#' Evaluate and activate a "block" of code found in a plumber API file.
#' @noRd
evaluateBlock <- function(srcref, file, expr, envir, addEndpoint, addFilter, pr) {
  lines <- srcref[c(1,3)]
  lineNum <- lines[1] - 1

  block <- plumbBlock(lineNum, file, envir)

  if (sum(!is.null(block$filter), !is.null(block$paths), !is.null(block$assets), !is.null(block$routerModifier)) > 1){
    stopOnLine(lineNum, file[lineNum], "A single function can only be a filter, an API endpoint, an asset or a Plumber object modifier (@filter AND @get, @post, @assets, @plumber, etc.)")

  # ALL if statements possibilities must eventually call eval(expr, envir)
  if (!is.null(block$paths)){
    lapply(block$paths, function(p) {
      ep <- PlumberEndpoint$new(
        verbs = p$verb,
        path = p$path,
        expr = expr,
        envir = envir,
        serializer = block$serializer,
        parsers = block$parsers,
        lines = lines,
        srcref = srcref,
        params = block$params,
        comments = block$comments,
        description = block$description,
        responses = block$responses,
        tags = block$tags

      addEndpoint(ep, block$preempt)
  } else if (!is.null(block$filter)){
    filter <- PlumberFilter$new(block$filter, expr, envir, block$serializer,
      lines = lines, srcref = srcref)

  } else if (!is.null(block$assets)){
    path <- block$assets$path

    # Leading slash
    if (substr(path, 1,1) != "/"){
      path <- paste0("/", path)

    stat <- PlumberStatic$new(block$assets$dir, expr)
    pr$mount(path, stat)

  } else if (!is.null(block$routerModifier)) {
    if (is.expression(expr)) {
      func <- tryCatch({
        eval(expr, envir)
      }, error = function(e) {
        stopOnLine(lineNum, file[lineNum], e)

      if (!is.function(func)) {
        stopOnLine(lineNum, file[lineNum], "Invalid expression for @plumber tag, please use the form `function(pr) { }`.")

      # Use time as an ID
      # Creating a new pr() takes at least a millisec
      pr_id <- as.numeric(Sys.time())
      pr$flags$id <- pr_id
        pr$flags$id <- NULL
      }, add = TRUE)

      # process func
      func_ret <- func(pr)

      if (inherits(func_ret, "Plumber")) {
        func_ret_id <- func_ret$flags$id
        if (!identical(pr_id, func_ret_id)) {
          stopOnLine(lineNum, file[lineNum], "Plumber object returned is not the same as the one provided.")
  } else {
      eval(expr, envir)
    }, error = function(e) {
      stopOnLine(lineNum, file[lineNum], e)

  # Show that we are returning nothing
  # Only modify pr in place
trestletech/plumber documentation built on May 6, 2024, 6:17 p.m.