
## R source file
## This file is part of rgl
## $Id$

## ===[ SECTION: device management ]==========================================

rgl.useNULL <- function() {
  opt <- getOption("rgl.useNULL", Sys.getenv("RGL_USE_NULL"))
  if (is.logical(opt)) return(opt)
  opt <- as.character(opt)
  if (!nchar(opt)) return(FALSE)
  opt <- pmatch(tolower(opt), c("yes", "true"), nomatch=3)
  c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)[opt]

## open device

rgl.open <- function(useNULL = rgl.useNULL()) {

  ret <- .C( rgl_dev_open, success=FALSE, useNULL=useNULL )

  if (! ret$success)
    stop("rgl.open failed")


## close device

rgl.close <- function() {

  if (length(hook <- getHook("on.rgl.close"))) {
    if (is.list(hook)) hook <- hook[[1]]  # test is for compatibility with R < 3.0.0
  ret <- .C( rgl_dev_close, success=FALSE )

  if (! ret$success)
    stop("no device opened.")


## get current device

rgl.cur <- function() {

  .Call( rgl_dev_getcurrent )


## get all devices

rgl.dev.list <- function() {

  .Call( rgl_dev_list )

## set current device

rgl.set <- function(which, silent = FALSE) {

  idata <- c( as.integer(which), as.integer(silent) )

  ret <- .C( rgl_dev_setcurrent, 

  if (! ret$success)
    stop("no device opened with id", which)

## export image

rgl.snapshot <- function( filename, fmt="png", top=TRUE )
  if (top) rgl.bringtotop()
  idata <- as.integer(rgl.enum.pixfmt(fmt))

  ret <- .C( rgl_snapshot,
    normalizePath(filename, mustWork = FALSE)

  if (! ret$success)
    warning("snapshot failed")

## export postscript image

rgl.postscript <- function( filename, fmt="eps", drawText=TRUE )
  idata <- as.integer(c(rgl.enum.gl2ps(fmt), as.logical(drawText)))

  ret <- .C( rgl_postscript,
    normalizePath(filename, mustWork = FALSE)

  if (! ret$success)
    warning("postscript conversion failed")

## read image

rgl.pixels <- function(component = c("red", "green", "blue"), viewport = par3d("viewport"), top=TRUE )
  if (top) rgl.bringtotop()
  compnum <- as.integer(sapply(component, rgl.enum.pixelcomponent))
  stopifnot(length(viewport) == 4)
  ll <- as.integer(viewport[1:2])
  size <- as.integer(viewport[3:4])
  result <- array(NA_real_, dim=c(size[1], size[2], length(component)))
  dimnames(result) <- list(NULL, NULL, component)
  if (length(result) > 0)
    for (i in seq_along(compnum)) {
      ret <- .C( rgl_pixels,
        ll, size, compnum[i],
        values = single(size[1]*size[2]))
      if (! ret$success)
        warning("Error reading component ", component[i])
      result[,,i] <- ret$values
  if (length(component) > 1) return(result)
  else return(result[,,1])

## Sweave device

rgl.Sweave <- function(name, width, height, options, ...) {

  # The 2.13.0 release called dev.off(), not rgl.Sweave.off()
  if (getRversion() == "2.13.0" && version$status == "") {
    postscript(tempfile()) # make dev.off() happy
    if (length(getHook("on.rgl.close"))) rgl.Sweave.off() # to close the previous chunk
  if (length(hook <- getHook("on.rgl.close"))) {
    if (is.list(hook)) hook <- hook[[1]]  # test is for compatibility with R < 3.0.0
    dev <- environment(hook)$dev
  } else {
    wr <- c(0, 0, width*options$resolution, height*options$resolution)
    if (is.null(delay <- options$delay)) delay <- 0.1
    wrnew <- par3d("windowRect")
    if (wr[3] - wr[1] != wrnew[3] - wrnew[1] || 
        wr[4] - wr[2] != wrnew[4] - wrnew[2])
      stop("rgl window creation error.  Try reducing resolution, width or height.")
    dev <- rgl.cur()
  snapshotDone <- FALSE
  stayOpen <- isTRUE(options$stayopen)
  type <- options$outputtype
  if (is.null(type)) type <- "png"
  setHook("on.rgl.close", action="replace", function(remove=TRUE) {
    prev.dev <- rgl.cur()
    if (!snapshotDone) {
        png = rgl.snapshot(filename=paste(name, "png", sep=".")),
        pdf = rgl.postscript(filename=paste(name, "pdf", sep="."), fmt="pdf"),
        eps = rgl.postscript(filename=paste(name, "eps", sep="."), fmt="eps"),
        stop("Unrecognized rgl outputtype: ", type)
      snapshotDone <<- TRUE
    if (remove)
      setHook("on.rgl.close", action="replace", NULL)

rgl.Sweave.off <- function() {
  if (length(hook <- getHook("on.rgl.close"))) {
    if (is.list(hook)) hook <- hook[[1]] # test is for R pre-3.0.0 compatibility
    stayOpen <- environment(hook)$stayOpen
    if (stayOpen) hook(FALSE)
    else rgl.close()
## Sweave snapshot

Sweave.snapshot <- function() {
  if (length(hook <- getHook("on.rgl.close"))) {
    if (is.list(hook)) hook <- hook[[1]] # test is for R pre-3.0.0 compatibility
    hook(remove = FALSE)
trestletech/rgl documentation built on May 31, 2019, 7:49 p.m.