
#' Convert gbs objects to other formats.
#' Takes in a gbs object and converts it to formats suitable for other analysis programs and packages.
#' @author Trevor Rife, \email{trife@@ksu.edu}
#' @author Narinder Singh, \email{nss470@@ksu.edu}
#' @param hap The gbs object to convert.
#' @param output The target format(s).
#' @param write.file Should the converted object be written?
#' @param filename A name to use as the base for the output file.
#' @param parents Two columns or names of the parents for RQTL and AB format.
#' @param encoding The numbers that should be used to numerically encode alleles (minor, het, major).
#' @param genotypes A vector of symbols to denote genotype calls in the gbs object.
#' @param het A vector of symbols to denote heterozygous calls in the gbs object.
#' @param missing A vector of symbols used to denote missing data in the gbs object.
#' @param pheno A data frmae of phenotypes to include in R/qtl output. See details.
#' @details
#' @section Output:
#' \subsection{R/qtl}{
#' If the a pheno data frame is included, The first column should contain the same names as the individials in the gbs object and every subsequent column should correspond to a phenotype.
#' }
#' @return
#' @examples
#' data(dh)
#' dh = hap.collapse(dh,names=c("TIGER","DANBY"),match=0.9)
#' dh.ab = hap.convert(dh,output="AB",parents=c("tiger","danby"))$AB
#' dh.ab[1:10,1:10]
#' @export

hap.convert <- function(hap, output, write.file=FALSE, filename, parents=NULL, encoding=c(-1,0,1), genotypes=c("A","C","G","T"), het="H", missing=c("N",NA), pheno) {
  if(class(hap)!="gbs") {
    stop("hap argument is incorrect type. Use hap.read to create gbs object.")
  if(missing(output)) {
    stop("No export format specified.")
  if(write.file==TRUE & missing(filename)) {
    stop("Must specify base filename if writing output files.")
  RQTL.F <- function(...) {
    # Data checks
    if(length(unique(hap$header$chrom))<=1) {
      stop("Only one chromosome detected.")
    if(!"chrom"%in%colnames(hap$header) | !"pos"%in%colnames(hap$header)) {
      stop("chrom or pos column missing.")
    # Reorder based on chrom/pos
    hap$header <- hap$header[with(hap$header, order(chrom, pos)), ]
    hap$calls <- hap$calls[row.names(hap$header),]
    # Convert to AB
    hap.ab <- AB.F()
    hap.header <- hap$header[row.names(hap.ab),]
    hap.stats <- hap$stats[row.names(hap.ab),]
    # Remove parents
    hap.ab.nopa <- hap.ab[,-which(names(hap.ab) %in% parents)]

    # Change structure
    rqtl.data <- t(hap.ab.nopa)
    if(!missing(pheno)) {
      # Sort pheno data frame to match order
      pheno <- pheno[match(rownames(rqtl.data),pheno[,1]),]
      if(!all(colnames(hap.ab.nopa) %in% pheno[,1]) || !all(rownames(rqtl.data) == pheno[,1])) {
        stop("Genotype and phenotype IDs don't match.")
      phenotypes <- names(pheno)[-1]
      numPheno <- ncol(pheno) - 1
      rqtl.data <- cbind(pheno[,-1],rqtl.data)
      rqtl.headers <- rbind(c(rep("",numPheno),hap.header$chrom),c(rep("",numPheno),hap.header$pos))

      rqtl.out <- rbind(rqtl.headers,rqtl.data)
      colnames(rqtl.out) <- c(phenotypes,hap.header$rs)
      rqtl.out <- as.data.frame(rqtl.out,row.names=F)
      if(write.file) {
        write.converted(rqtl.out, file.name, "rqtl", ".csv", sep="\t", row.names=F)
    } else {
      rqtl.headers <- rbind(c("",hap.header$chrom),c("",hap.header$pos))
      rqtl.data <- cbind(row.names(rqtl.data),rqtl.data)
      rqtl.out <- rbind(rqtl.headers,rqtl.data)
      colnames(rqtl.out) = c("id",as.character(hap.header$rs))
      rqtl.out <- as.data.frame(rqtl.out,row.names=NULL)
      if(write.file) {
        write.converted(rqtl.out, file.name, "rqtl_gen", ".csv", sep="\t", row.names=F)
  STRUCTURE.F <- function(...) {
    strfile <- as.matrix(hap$calls)

    # Transpose the strfile for STRUCTURE input
    strfile <- t(strfile)
    # Replace genotypes and hets with numeric values
    for(i in 1:length(genotypes)) {
      strfile[strfile==genotypes[i]] <- i
    for(i in 1:length(het)) {
      strfile[strfile==het[i]] <- i+length(genotypes)
    for(i in 1:length(missing)) {
      strfile[strfile==missing[i]] <- -9
      if(is.na(missing[i])) {
        strfile[is.na(strfile)] <- -9
    # Writing out the strfile for STRUCTURE program in .txt format
    if(write.file) {
      write.converted(strfile, file.name, "structure", ".txt", sep="\t", row.names=T, col.names=F)
  FSTRUCTURE.F <- function(...) {
    hap.str <- STRUCTURE.F()
    # Add 5 filler columns of empty data
    hap.fstr <- cbind(rownames(hap.str),rep(NA,nrow(hap.str)),rep(NA,nrow(hap.str)),rep(NA,nrow(hap.str)),rep(NA,nrow(hap.str)),rep(NA,nrow(hap.str)),hap.str)
    if(write.file) {
      write.converted(hap.calls, file.name, "fstructure", ".txt", sep="\t", row.names=F)
  AB.F <- function(...) {
    # If user specifies column number instead of names
    if(is.numeric(parents)) {
      p1col <- parents[1]
      p2col <- parents[2]
      print(paste("Using ",colnames(hap$calls)[parents[1]]," and ",colnames(hap$calls)[parents[2]]," as parents.",sep=""))
    } else {
      p1col <- which(grepl(parents[1],colnames(hap$calls),ignore.case=T))
      p2col <- which(grepl(parents[2],colnames(hap$calls),ignore.case=T))
    ## Remove markers that are hets, identical, or missing in both parents
    print("Removing markers that are het, identical, or missing in both parents...")
    hap.calls <- hap$calls[!hap$calls[,p1col]%in%het & !hap$calls[,p2col]%in%het,]
    hap.calls <- hap.calls[!hap.calls[,p1col]%in%missing & !hap.calls[,p2col]%in%missing,]
    hap.calls <- hap.calls[(hap.calls[,p1col]!=hap.calls[,p2col]),]
    if(nrow(hap$calls)!=nrow(hap.calls)) {
      print(paste("Removed ",nrow(hap$calls)-nrow(hap.calls)," markers.",sep=""))
      hap.header <- hap$header[row.names(hap.calls),]
      hap.stats <- hap$stats[row.names(hap.calls),]

    ## Identify alleles for each marker
    if(!"alleles"%in%colnames(hap.header)) {
      stop("Alleles column not found.")
    } else {
      allele1 <- substring(hap.header$alleles,1,1)
      allele2 <- substring(hap.header$alleles,3,3)
    ## Identify which allele belongs to which parent and impute missing from the other parent
    hap.ab <- hap.calls
    hap.ab[,p1col] <- as.character(hap.ab[,p1col])
    hap.ab[,p2col] <- as.character(hap.ab[,p2col])
    print("Imputing parental genotypes when only one present...")
    for(i in 1:nrow(hap.ab)){
      if (hap.ab[,p1col][i] %in% missing) {
        if (hap.ab[,p2col][i] == allele1[i]) {
          hap.ab[,p1col][i] = allele2[i]
        } else if (hap.ab[,p2col][i] == allele2[i]) {
          hap.ab[,p2col][i] = allele1[i]
      } else if (hap.ab[,p2col][i] %in% missing) {
        if (hap.ab[,p1col][i] == allele1[i]) {
          hap.ab[,p2col][i] = allele2[i]
        } else if (hap.ab[,p1col][i] == allele2[i]) {
          hap.ab[,p2col][i] = allele1[i]
    ## Convert to A/B
    hap.calls <- hap.ab
    hap.calls <- data.frame(lapply(hap.calls, as.character), stringsAsFactors=FALSE, check.names=FALSE)
    row.names(hap.calls) <- row.names(hap.ab)
    hap.calls[hap.calls==hap.ab[,p2col]] <- "B"
    hap.calls[hap.calls==hap.ab[,p1col]] <- "A"
    if(write.file) {
      write.converted(hap.calls, file.name, "ab", ".txt", sep="\t", row.names=F)
  GAPIT.F <- function(...) {
    if((!"rs"%in%colnames(hap$header) && !"rs#"%in%colnames(hap$header)) || !"chrom"%in%colnames(hap$header) || !"pos"%in%colnames(hap$header)) {
      stop("Missing required GAPIT columns (rs, chrom, pos).")
    if(ncol(hap$header)==11) {
      gapit.out <- cbind(hap$header,hap$calls)
    } else {
      gapit.header <- cbind(hap$header,strand=NA,assembly=NA,protLSID=NA,assayLSID=NA,panel=NA,QCcode=NA,alleles=NA)
      gapit.out <- cbind(gapit.header[,1:11],hap$calls)
    if(write.file) {
      write.converted(hap.gap, file.name, "GAPIT", ".txt", sep="\t", row.names=F)
  DNASP.F <- function(...) {
    hapmap3 <- as.matrix(hap$calls)
    # Duplicate calls and append _A and _B to column names
    hapmap3 <- cbind(hapmap3, hapmap3)
    hapmap3cols_A <- paste(colnames(hapmap3)[1:(ncol(hapmap3)/2)], "_A", sep="")
    hapmap3cols_B <- paste(colnames(hapmap3)[1:(ncol(hapmap3)/2)], "_B", sep="")
    hapmap3cols <- c(hapmap3cols_A, hapmap3cols_B)
    colnames(hapmap3) <- hapmap3cols

    hapmap3[hapmap3%in%het] <- "N"

    hapmap3 <- t(hapmap3)
    hapmap3 <- cbind(rep(1:(nrow(hapmap3)/2), 2), hapmap3)
    odr <- order(as.numeric(hapmap3[,1]))
    hapmap3 <- hapmap3[odr,]
    hapmap3 <- hapmap3[,-1]
    hapmap3 <- t(hapmap3)
    hapmap3cols <- cbind(rsID=hap$header$rs, position=hap$header$pos)
    hapmap3 <- cbind(hapmap3cols, hapmap3)
    if(write.file) {
      write.converted(hapmap3, file.name, "dnasp", ".hapmap3")
  PHYLIP.F <- function(...) {
    phylip <- as.matrix(hap$calls)
    phylip <- t(phylip[1:nrow(phylip),])

    phynames <- 1:nrow(phylip)
    phynames <- paste(phynames,rownames(phylip),sep="_")
    # All names must be 10 characters long, pad with spaces
    phynames <- paste0(phynames,"          ")
    phynames <- substr(phynames,1,10)
    rownames(phylip) <- phynames
    phylip[phylip%in%het] <- "N"
    phylip <- rbind(rep(NA,ncol(phylip)),phylip)
    phylip[1,1] <- nrow(phylip) - 1
    phylip[1,2] <- ncol(phylip)
    if(write.file) {
      write.converted(phylip, file.name, "phylip", ".phy", row.names=T, col.names=F, na="")
  GENO.F <- function(...) {
    hap01 <- hap$calls
    hap01[,1:ncol(hap01)] <- NA
    ## Define allele a and allele b
    if(!"alleles"%in%colnames(hap$header)) {
      stop("Alleles column not found.")
    } else {
      a <- substring(hap$header$alleles,1,1)
      b <- substring(hap$header$alleles,3,3)
    a[hap$header$alleleA<hap$header$alleleB] <- substring(hap$header$alleles,3,3)[hap$header$alleleA<hap$header$alleleB]
    b[hap$header$alleleA<hap$header$alleleB] <- substring(hap$header$alleles,1,1)[hap$header$alleleA<hap$header$alleleB]
    # Default: turn minor into -1, major into 1, het into 0
    print("Converting major allele...")
    hap01[hap$calls == a] <- encoding[1]
    print("Converting minor allele...")
    hap01[hap$calls == b] <- encoding[3]
    print("Converting het allele...")
    hap01[hap$calls %in% het] <- encoding[2]
    geno <- as.matrix(hap01)
    class(geno) <- "numeric"
    geno <- t(geno)
    if(write.file) {
      write.converted(geno, file.name, "geno", ".txt", sep="\t")
  data.list <- list()

    data.list$STRUCTURE <- STRUCTURE.F()
    data.list$FSTRUCTURE <- FSTRUCTURE.F()
    data.list$RQTL <- RQTL.F()
    data.list$AB <- AB.F()
    data.list$GAPIT <- GAPIT.F()
    data.list$DNASP <- DNASP.F()
    data.list$PHYLIP <- PHYLIP.F()
    data.list$GENO <- GENO.F()
  names(data.list) <- output

check.parents <- function(x,y) {
  if(length(x) != 2) {
    stop("Exactly two parents must be specified.")
  # Check for multiple occurrences of parents, and that they both exist
  if(is.character(x)) {
    if(length(grep(paste(toupper(x),collapse="|"), toupper(colnames(y)), value=TRUE))<2) {
      stop("Unable to find both parent data columns.")
    if(length(grep(paste(toupper(x),collapse="|"), toupper(colnames(y)), value=TRUE))>2) {
      stop("Found too many parent data columns. Use hap.collapse to merge.")

write.converted <- function(obj, fname, method, ext, ...) {
  write.table(obj, file=paste(fname,"_",method,ext,sep=""), quote=F, ...)
trife/gbs documentation built on May 31, 2019, 7:53 p.m.