
Defines functions notch_estimator

Documented in notch_estimator

#' Analyzing Bunching at a Notch
#' Given a kinked budget set, this function gets a vector of earnings and
#' analyzes bunching. This function could be run independently, but best used
#' through the \code{bunch} function.
#' @param earnings Vector of earnings, hopefully a very large one
#' @param zstar Place of kink (critical earning point)
#' @param t1 Tax rate before kink
#' @param t2 Tax rate after kink
#' @param Tax "Penalty" tax for crossing zstar.
#' @param cf_start Number of bins before the kink bin where counter-factual
#' histogram should start.
#' @param cf_end Number of bins after the kink bin where counter-factual
#' histogram should start.
#' @param exclude_before Number of excluded bins before the kink bin.
#' @param exclude_after Number of excluded bins after the kink bin.
#' @param force_after Should \code{bunch} be forced to use of the provided
#' \emph{exclude_after} for the end of the bunching, rather than trying to find
#' the bin where the sum of the integral is zero? See details.
#' @param binw Bin width.
#' @param poly_size Order of polynomial used to calculate counter-factual
#'  histogram.
#' @param convergence Minimal rate of change of bunching estimate to stop
#' iterations.
#' @param max_iter Maximum number of iterations for bunching estimates.
#' @param select Should model selection be used to find counter-factual
#'  histogram? See details.
#' @param draw Should a graph be drawn?
#' @param title Title for plot output
#' @param varname Name for running variable, to be displayed in the plot
#' @details A histogram is created from the earnings vector, with the kink
#' point zstar as the center of one of the bins.
#' For "impure" notches, where the marginal tax rate after the notch is different
#' than the one before it, this function disregards the shifting of post-notch
#' distribution to the right, as suggested by Kleven (2016). Assumption is that
#' the notch effect is much stronger anyway.
#' Model selection works using the \code{step} function from the stats package.
#' It runs backwards from the full polynomial model, trying to find the best
#' explanatory model using the Akaike Information Criterion.
#' By default, \code{notch_estimator} will try to find the end of the notch, i.e.
#' a histogram bin defining a right-side boundary for a range of an excluded area.
#' An interpolation of the counts inside this range renders an equality between
#' the sum of the ``excess'' counts, from the left side to the notch point, and
#' the sum of ``missing'' counts from the notch point to the notch size.
#' \code{notch_estimator} goes through an iterative process to find a stable
#' right-side boundary, labels it \emph{notch_size} and returns it. However, the
#' user might want to force a visibly detectable end of notch, rather than let
#' \code{notch_estimator} calculate one. Use this option with caution: the notch
#' size is then used to calculate elasticity. For calculating intensive margin
#' elasticities, excess bunching must all come from other bins. Thus, total sums
#' must be equal and forcing the notch size might not be appropriate. In other
#' settings, e.g. a labor market with extensive margins (entry and exit from
#' labor force), forcing the notch size might be helpful.
#' @return \code{notch_estimator } returns a list of the following variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{e}}{Estimated elasticity}
#'   \item{\code{Bn}}{The sum of total estimated extra bunching in the area starting
#'   at cf_start and through the notch bin (zstar) }
#'   \item{\code{notch_size}}{Distance between notch bin and bin where the estimated
#'   influence of the notch ends, delta_zed}
#'   \item{\code{data}}{A data frame with bin mids, counts, counter-factual
#'   counts, and excluded dummy}
#' }
#' @references Kleven, H J (2016). \emph{Bunching}, Annual Review of Economics,
#' 8(1).
#' @seealso \code{\link{bunch}}, \code{\link{kink_estimator}}
#' @examples
#' ability_vec <- 4000 * rbeta(100000, 2, 5)
#' earning_vec <- sapply(ability_vec, earning_fun, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 500, 1000)
#' bunch_viewer(earning_vec, 1000, 15, 30, 2, 21, binw = 50)
#' notch_estimator(earning_vec, 1000, 0.2, 0.2, 500, 15, 30, 2, 21, binw = 50,
#' draw = FALSE)$e
#' @export

notch_estimator <- function(earnings, zstar, t1, t2, Tax = 0,
                            cf_start = NA, cf_end = NA,
                            exclude_before = NA, exclude_after = NA, force_after = FALSE,
                            binw = 10, poly_size = 7, convergence = 0.01,
                            max_iter = 100, select = TRUE, draw = TRUE,
                            title = "Bunching Visualization", varname = "Earnings") {
  ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Error handling
  if (Tax == 0) {                      # this shouldn't happen when using bunch
    warning("Input for notch is zero")
  if (is.na(cf_start)) {
    cf_start <- 20
    warning("cf_start not specified, using 20 bins as default")
  if (is.na(cf_end)) {
    cf_end <- 100
    warning("cf_end not specified, using 100 bins as default")
  if (is.na(exclude_before)) {
    exclude_before <- 10
    warning("exclude_before not specified, using 10 bins as default")
  if (!is.logical(force_after)) {
    stop("force_after must be TRUE or FALSE")

  # create a histogram for this distribution - make zstar center of a bin
  useful_calc <- ceiling( (zstar - min(earnings)) / binw )
  bunch_hist <- graphics::hist(earnings,
                               breaks = seq(
                                 from = floor((zstar - useful_calc * binw)) - binw/2,
                                 to=(ceiling(max(earnings) + binw)), by = binw),

  if(!zstar %in% bunch_hist$mids) {
    stop("Problem with histogram")

  # create a data-frame for the analysis
  reg_data <- as.data.frame(bunch_hist$mids)
  reg_data$counts <- bunch_hist$counts
  reg_data$cf_counts <- bunch_hist$counts   # cf_counts to be changed late
  colnames(reg_data) <- c("mid","counts","cf_counts")

  # save the bins outside the CF area:
  saved_data <- reg_data[reg_data$mid < zstar - cf_start * binw |
                           reg_data$mid > zstar + cf_end * binw,]
  saved_data$cf_counts <- NA
  saved_data$excluded <- NA

  # keep only the analysis part, between cf_start and cf_end bins
  reg_data <- reg_data[reg_data$mid >= zstar - cf_start * binw &
                         reg_data$mid <= zstar + cf_end * binw,]

  # need to figure counter factual in the hole.
  # allow for user input
  if (is.na(exclude_after)) {
    warning("exclude_after not specified, using 30% of cf_end")
    # calculate the top 30% area before cf_end
    useful_calc <- ceiling (0.3 * cf_end)
    exclude_after <- cf_end - useful_calc

  ## define the bins to exclude (the bunching bins)
  # create a list of excluded bins (list of bin mids)
  excluded_list <- reg_data$mid[(reg_data$mid >= zstar - exclude_before * binw) &
                                  (reg_data$mid <= zstar + exclude_after * binw)]
  # add a factor variable to reg_data, indicating excluded bins
  # all non-excluded bins will be "1".
  # the excluded bins will start at "2".
  reg_data$excluded <- as.numeric(!(reg_data$mid %in% excluded_list))
  for (i in excluded_list) {
    reg_data$excluded[reg_data$mid == i] <- 1 + which(excluded_list == i)
  # make the "excluded" variable a factor
  reg_data$excluded <- as.factor(reg_data$excluded)
  # We need a column of all non-excluded for predicting counter-factual
  cheat_excluded <- data.frame(as.factor(c(rep("1",dim(reg_data)[1]))))
  colnames(cheat_excluded) <- "excluded"
  # and another one for temporary calculations
  cheat_excluded$temp_excluded <- cheat_excluded$excluded

  #### the "naive" regression - using actual earning counts
  # Create a variable list for regression with polynomial
  vars <- ""
  for (i in 1:poly_size) {
    vars <- paste0(vars," + I(mid^",i,")" )
  # Run regression for counter-factual
  null <- stats::lm(counts ~ excluded, data=reg_data)
  full <- stats::lm(stats::as.formula(paste0("counts ~ excluded",vars)), data=reg_data)
  if (select == TRUE) {
    reg_naive <- stats::step(full, scope = list(lower = null, upper = full),
                      direction = "backward",trace = 0)

  } else {reg_naive <- full}

  reg_data$cf_counts <- stats::predict(reg_naive,cbind(reg_data[,c(1,3)],cheat_excluded))

  # start variables to run analysis
  # naive bunching is the sum of coefficients of dummies for bins in excluded
  # area. Note: eventual sum of total bunching should be zero
  # until (including) zstar
  naive_B <- sum(reg_naive$coefficients[2:(length(excluded_list) + 1)])

  # initial "guess" for sum bunching uses coefficients from reg_naive, but sums
  # only until one after zstar. Should be positive
  bunch_sum <- sum(reg_naive$coefficients[2:(2 + exclude_before + 1)])
  if (bunch_sum < 0) {
    stop("Something is wrong: first bin of the hole seems larger than the extra
        bunching at the notch point!
        First, Check your parameters. If they are correct,
        try one or more of the follwing:
        1. Using a smaller bin width.
        2. Extending CF area left and/or right.
        3. Shortening the excluded area to the left of the notch")

  # Iterate, updating delta zed until it converges
  # in the itaration:
  # 1) summing until the bunching sum is zero, get delta-zed
  # 2) updating excluded after as midway between delta-zed and former excluded after.

  # start with initial guess: delta zed
  delta_zed <- exclude_after
  new_delta_zed <- 0
  counter <- 1
  while (abs(new_delta_zed - delta_zed) / delta_zed > convergence &
         counter < max_iter & force_after == FALSE) {

    if (counter > 1) {
      delta_zed <- new_delta_zed

    # make tentative excluded bin list.
    # plus "change" of 10 bins just in case we fall in the hole
    temp_excluded_v <- excluded_list[1:(exclude_before + 1 + delta_zed + 10)]
    # make it a factor variable again
    reg_data$temp_excluded <- as.numeric(!reg_data$mid %in% temp_excluded_v)
    for (i in temp_excluded_v[!is.na(temp_excluded_v)]) {
      reg_data$temp_excluded[reg_data$mid == i] <- 1 + which(temp_excluded_v == i)
    reg_data$temp_excluded <- as.factor(reg_data$temp_excluded)

    # run the regression again, with limited excluded bins
    null <- stats::lm(counts ~ temp_excluded, data=reg_data)
    full <- stats::lm(stats::as.formula(paste0("counts ~ temp_excluded ",vars)), data = reg_data)
    # choose to use the full max polynomial or select better
    if (select==TRUE) {
      temp_reg <- stats::step(full, scope=list(lower=null, upper=full),

    } else {temp_reg <- full}
    # summary(temp_reg)

    # Update counter-factual histogram
    reg_data$cf_counts <- stats::predict(temp_reg,cbind(reg_data[,c(1,3)],cheat_excluded))
    # Start summing up the differences between CF and actual counts. When you get
    # to zero, that's delta zed. You could just sum the coefficients for dummies
    # of excluded bins, but this way delta zed can exten further the excluded bin
    # limit.

    # create vector of differences:
    diff_vec <-
      reg_data$counts[(reg_data$mid >= zstar - exclude_before * binw) &
                        (reg_data$mid <= zstar + exclude_after * binw)] -
      reg_data$cf_counts[(reg_data$mid >= zstar - exclude_before * binw) &
                           (reg_data$mid <= zstar + exclude_after * binw)]
    # Sum these differences until you reach zero on the right side of notch
    bunch_sum <- diff_vec[1]
    i <- 2
    while( (bunch_sum[i-1] > 0 | i < (exclude_before + 2) ) &
           ( i < (exclude_after + 1) ) ) {
      bunch_sum[i] <- bunch_sum[i-1] +  diff_vec[i]
      i <- i+1

    # setting the new delta zed:
    new_delta_zed <- i - 1 - exclude_before - 1
    counter <- counter+1

  if (force_after==FALSE) {
    if (i >= cf_end) {
      stop("Something is wrong, try extending CF range to the right.")

  # calculating the bunching estimate - for the bunch
  ifelse(force_after == FALSE,
         new_B <- sum(sum(temp_reg$coefficients[2:(2 + exclude_before + 1)])),
         new_B <- naive_B)

  # estimated elasticity
  est_e <- stats::optimize(elas_equalizer, c(0, 5), t1, t2, Tax, zstar,
                    delta_zed, binw)$minimum

  iterations <- counter
  # drawing
  if (draw == TRUE) {
    graphics::plot(bunch_hist, freq=TRUE,ylim=c(0,1.1 *
                            stats::quantile(bunch_hist$counts, probs = c(0.99))),
         main = paste(title),
             xlab = paste(varname), ylab="Counts (bunch not to scale)")
    graphics::lines(x = reg_data$mid, y = reg_data$cf_counts,col = "purple",lwd=2)
    graphics::abline(v=c(zstar - binw / 2 - exclude_before * binw,
               zstar + binw / 2 + exclude_after * binw),
               col="green4", lty=2, lwd=2)
    graphics::abline(v=c(zstar - binw / 2 - cf_start * binw,
               zstar + binw / 2 + cf_end * binw), col="red",
           lty=2, lwd=2)
    graphics::abline(v= zstar + delta_zed * binw, col="purple",lty=2, lwd=2)
                 lty=c(2,2,1,2), legend=c("CF calc range", "Excluded bins",
                                        "CF distribution",
                                        expression(paste("Z* + ", Delta, "Z*"))

  # creating the complete histogram data to be returned
  return_data <- saved_data[saved_data$mid < zstar - cf_start * binw, ]
  return_data <- rbind(return_data, reg_data[,c(1:4)])
  return_data <- rbind(return_data,
                       saved_data[saved_data$mid > zstar + cf_start * binw, ])

  results=list("e" = est_e,                           # estimate for elasticity
               "Bn" = new_B,               # estimate of sum extra bunching from
                                          # start of excluding area to notch bin
               "notch_size" = new_delta_zed * binw,
               "data" = return_data)


trilnick/bunchr documentation built on Oct. 19, 2023, 11:30 p.m.