
#' Find Co-occurrence Between Codes
#' Combine code columns where they co-occur.
#' @param cm.l2d.obj An object from \code{\link[qdap]{cm_long2dummy}}.
#' @param combine.code A list of named character vectors of at least two code 
#' column names to combine
#' @param rm.var Name of the repeated measures column.  Default is "time".
#' @param overlap logical, integer or character of binary operator + integer.  
#' If TRUE finds the overlap.  If FALSE finds anywhere any of the codes occur.  
#' If integer finds that exact combination of overlaps.  If character must be a 
#' logical vector c(>, <, =<, =>, ==, !=) followed by  an integer.
#' @return Returns a dataframe with co-occurrences of provided code columns.
#' @seealso \code{\link[qdap]{cm_long2dummy}}
#' @keywords co-occurrence
#' @export
#' @examples
#' foo <- list(
#'     AA = qcv(terms="1:10"),
#'     BB = qcv(terms="1:2, 3:10, 19"),
#'     CC = qcv(terms="1:3, 5:6")
#' )
#' foo2  <- list(
#'     AA = qcv(terms="4:8"),
#'     BB = qcv(terms="1:4, 10:12"),
#'     CC = qcv(terms="1, 11, 15:20"),
#'     DD = qcv(terms="")
#' )
#' (x <- cm_range2long(foo))
#' (D1 <- cm_long2dummy(x))
#' (z <- cm_range2long(foo, foo2, v.name="time"))
#' (D2 <- cm_long2dummy(z, "time"))
#' cm_combine.dummy(D1, combine.code = list(AB=qcv(AA, BB)))
#' cm_combine.dummy(D1, combine.code = list(AB=qcv(AA, BB)), overlap="==1")
#' cm_combine.dummy(D1, combine.code = list(AB=qcv(AA, BB)), overlap="!=1")
#' D1 <- cm_combine.dummy(D1, combine.code = list(AB=qcv(AA, BB)), overlap=0)
#' D1 <- cm_combine.dummy(D1, combine.code = list(CAB=qcv(AB, CC)), overlap=FALSE)
#' combines <- list(AB=qcv(AA, BB), ABC=qcv(AA, BB, CC))
#' cm_combine.dummy(D1, combine.code = combines)
#' cm_combine.dummy(D2, combine.code = combines)
cm_combine.dummy <- function(cm.l2d.obj, combine.code, rm.var = "time", 
    overlap = TRUE) {
    if (is.data.frame(cm.l2d.obj)) {
        NMS <- as.character(substitute(cm.l2d.obj))
        cm.l2d.obj <- list(cm.l2d.obj)
        names(cm.l2d.obj) <- NMS
    invisible(lapply(seq_along(cm.l2d.obj), function(i) {
        cm.l2d.obj[[i]][, rm.var] <<- names(cm.l2d.obj)[i]
    DF <- data.frame(do.call(rbind, cm.l2d.obj), row.names=NULL)
    if (!is.list(combine.code)) {
        combine.code <- list(combine.code)
    NEW <- lapply(seq_along(combine.code), function(i) {
        if (is.logical(overlap)) {
            if (overlap) {
                    c(combine.code[[i]])]) == length(combine.code[[i]]))
            } else {
                as.numeric(rowSums(DF[, c(combine.code[[i]])]) > 0)  
        } else {
            if (is.numeric(overlap)) {
                as.numeric(rowSums(DF[, c(combine.code[[i]])]) == overlap) 
            } else {
                if (is.character(overlap)) {
                    Olap <- unblanker(Trim(unlist(strsplit( overlap, NULL))))
                    sel <- Olap %in% 0:9
                    as.numeric(paste(Olap[sel], collapse=""))
                    Thresh <- as.numeric(paste(Olap[sel], collapse=""))
                    Comp <- match.fun(paste(Olap[!sel], collapse=""))
                    as.numeric(Comp(rowSums(DF[, c(combine.code[[i]])]), Thresh))
                } else {
                  stop("incorect output supplied to overlap")
    names(NEW) <- names(combine.code)
    tv <- ncol(DF)
    data.frame(DF[, -tv, drop=FALSE], do.call(cbind, NEW), DF[, tv, drop=FALSE])
trinker/qdap2 documentation built on May 31, 2019, 9:47 p.m.