
Defines functions print.hierarchical_coverage print.coverage coverage.hierarchical_term_count coverage.term_count coverage.search_term coverage.default coverage

Documented in coverage print.coverage print.hierarchical_coverage

#' Coverage for Various Objects
#' @description \code{coverage} - Get coverage of a logical vector, \code{term_count}, or \code{search_term} object.
#' @param x A logical vector, \code{termc_count}, or \code{search_term} object.
#' @param \ldots Ignored.
#' @description \code{coverage.term_count} - Extract coverage information from a \code{term_count}
#' object including the percentage of rows that sum to zero as well as the
#' location of non-covered rows for easy extraction.
#' @export
#' @return \code{term_count} - Returns a proportion of elements covered by the search.
#' @return \code{coverage.term_count} - Returns a list:
#' \item{not}{A logical vector of all rows not covered (row sums equal zero)}
#' \item{covered}{A logical vector of all rows covered (row sums greater than zero)}
#' \item{coverage}{The percentage rate of \deqn{\frac{covered}{not + covered}}{covered/(not + covered)}}
#' \item{n_covered}{The row sums of the unique terms}
#' \item{total_terms}{The row sums of the terms}
#' \item{hierarchical_covered*}{A hierarchical list (matching the \code{term.list} structure) of logical vectors of all rows covered (row sums greater than zero)}
#' \item{hierarchical_n_covered*}{A hierarchical vector (matching the \code{term.list} structure) of the row sums of the unique terms}
#' \item{hierarchical_coverage*}{A hierarchical vector (matching the \code{term.list} structure) of the percentage rate of \deqn{\frac{covered}{not + covered}}{covered/(not + covered)}}
#' *\emph{Only applies to \code{term_count} output that was generated with a hierarchical \code{term.list}}
#' @export
#' @keywords coverage
#' @examples
#' coverage(sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 1000, TRUE))
#' data(presidential_debates_2012)
#' discoure_markers <- list(
#'     like = c("love", "like"),
#'     water = c("lake", "ocean", "water"),
#'     justify = c("because"),
#'     he = c("\\bhe", "him"),
#'     we = c("\\bwe", "\\bus", "\\bour")
#' )
#' library(dplyr)
#' (markers2 <- with(presidential_debates_2012,
#'     term_count(dialogue, TRUE, discoure_markers)
#' ))
#' coverage(markers2)
#' presidential_debates_2012[coverage(markers2)$not, "dialogue"] %>%
#'    c()
coverage <- function(x, ...) {

#' @export
#' @method coverage default
coverage.default <- function(x, ...) {

#' @export
#' @method coverage search_term
coverage.search_term <- function(x, ...) {

#' @export
#' @method coverage term_count
coverage.term_count <- function(x, ...){

    val <- validate_term_count(x)

    terms <- ifelse(inherits(x, 'token_count'), "token.vars", "term.vars")
    nwords <- ifelse(inherits(x, 'token_count'), "n.tokens", "n.words")
    type <- ifelse(inherits(x, 'token_count'), "token", "term")

    if (!isTRUE(val)) {

        termcols <- attributes(x)[[terms]]
        wrdscol <- any(colnames(x) %in% nwords)

        if (wrdscol & !is.null(termcols) && any(colnames(x) %in% termcols)) {

            termcols <- colnames(x)[colnames(x) %in% termcols]

        } else {

            warning(paste0("Does not appear to be a `", type, "_count` object.\n"),
                "  Has the object or column names been altered?",
                immediate. = TRUE


    } else {

        termcols <- attributes(x)[[terms]]

    total_terms <- rowSums(x[, termcols])
    n_covered <- rowSums(x[, termcols] > 0)
    not_covered <- n_covered < 1
    covered <- !not_covered
    coverage <- mean(covered, na.rm = TRUE) * 100
    out <- list(not = not_covered, covered = covered,
        coverage = coverage, n_covered = n_covered, total_terms = total_terms)
    class(out) <- "coverage"


#' @export
#' @method coverage hierarchical_term_count
coverage.hierarchical_term_count <- function(x, ...){

    increased <- lapply(attributes(x)[["hierarchical_terms"]], function(z){
        rowSums(x[, z, drop = FALSE]) > 0

    n_increased <- unlist(lapply(increased, sum))

    cover <- coverage.term_count(x)

    cover[["hierarchical_covered"]] <- increased
    cover[["hierarchical_n_covered"]] <- n_increased
    cover[["hierarchical_coverage"]] <- n_increased/nrow(x)

    class(cover) <- c("hierarchical_coverage", class(cover))

#' Prints a coverage Object
#' Prints a coverage object
#' @param x The coverage object.
#' @param \ldots ignored
#' @method print coverage
#' @export
print.coverage <- function(x, ...){

    nots <- pn(sum(x[["not"]], na.rm = TRUE))
    covs <- pn(sum(x[["covered"]], na.rm = TRUE))
    perc <- pp(x[["coverage"]], 1)

    mn <- max(nchar(c(nots, covs, perc)))
    params <- paste(
        sapply(nchar(c(nots, covs, perc)), function(x) paste(rep(" ", mn - x), collapse="")),
        c(nots, covs, perc),

    cat(sprintf("Coverage    : %s\n", params[3]))
    cat(sprintf("Coverered   : %s\n", params[2]))
    cat(sprintf("Not Covered : %s\n", params[1]))

#' Prints a hierarchical_coverage Object
#' Prints a hierarchical_coverage object
#' @param x The hierarchical_coverage object.
#' @param \ldots ignored
#' @method print hierarchical_coverage
#' @export
print.hierarchical_coverage <- function(x, ...){

    print(rm_class(x, "hierarchical_coverage"))
    cat(paste("\nHierarchical Coverage", paste0(rep("-", 21), collapse=""), sep="\n"), "\n")
        "Run ", spacer(seq_along(x[["hierarchical_coverage"]])), ":   ",
        spacer(pp(x[["hierarchical_coverage"]]*100, 1)),
        "    n = ",
    ), collapse="\n"), "\n")
trinker/termco documentation built on Jan. 7, 2022, 3:32 a.m.