Defines functions BBI

Documented in BBI

#' BBI : Benthic Biotic Indices calculation function
#' @description The \code{BBI} package is meant to calculate Benthic Biotic Indices from
#' composition data, obtained whether from morphotaxonomic inventories or
#' sequencing data. Based on reference ecological weights publicly available for
#' a set of commonly used marine biotic indices, such as AMBI (Borja et al., 2000)
#' NSI and ISI indices (Rygg 2013).
#' @param data A data frame containing samples as columns and taxa as rows, with
#'   species (or last taxonomic rank) in the first column \code{data}
#' @return Function \code{BBI} returns a list of containing:
#'   \enumerate{
#'   \item \code{found} - the amount of taxa that matched an entry in the
#'   database and the amount that did not
#'   \item \code{BBI} - the BBI values per sample
#'   \item \code{table} - the subset of composition data that contains only taxa with
#'   at least a match in one of the BBI
#'   \item \code{taxa} - the list of taxa that matched an entry and the correspondant OTU, if from NGS data.
#' @example BBI(my_table, log = FALSE)
#' @author Tristan Cordier
#' @export
#' BBI()

# sourcing the others of functions

# BBI main function
BBI <- function(data, log=FALSE) {
  # if data is not a data.frame
  data <- as.data.frame(data)
  # Loggin the search?
  if(log) log_file <- file(paste("Log_BBI_", format(Sys.time(), "%Y_%a_%b_%dth-%H.%M.%S"), ".txt", sep=""),open="a")
  ## import the reference BI table !!!!
  eco_index <- read.table(paste(system.file(package="BBI"), "/TABLE_REF.Rd", sep=""), header=TRUE, sep="\t", dec=",")
  # fetch the taxa list from data
  tax_n <- data[,1]
  # ugly trick for indexing later
  tax_n <- cbind(as.character(tax_n), as.character(tax_n))
  # get the OTU id if sequencing data
  otu_id <- rownames(data)

  ## initiate counting stuffs
  cpt_found <- 0
  cpt_not <- 0
  found_index <- c()

  # need to convert each comumns into numeric (WEIRD behaviour : check http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3418128/how-to-convert-a-factor-to-an-integer-numeric-without-a-loss-of-information)
  if (is.factor(data[,2]) == T) for (i in 2:dim(data)[2]) data[,i] <- as.numeric(levels(data[,i])[data[,i]])

  # in case of NGS data, removing unassigned OTU to speed up the process
  otu_list <- grep("OTU", tax_n[,1], ignore.case = F)
  if (length(otu_list) > 0) tax_n <- tax_n[-otu_list,]
  # then isolate the compositon data from taxa (dat <- composition data AND tax_n <- taxa list)
  if (length(otu_list) > 0)
    dat <-  data[-otu_list,2:dim(data)[2]]
  } else {
    dat <-  data[,2:dim(data)[2]]

  # creating the list of taxa with reference ecological weights binded
  out <- as.data.frame(array(NA, c(dim(tax_n)[1],7)))
  dimnames(out)[[2]] <- c("query","AMBI", "ITI_GROUP", "ISI_value", "NSI", "NSI.group", "Bentix")

  # storing the last rank of assignements (original query) and the processed one
  queries <- as.data.frame(array(NA, c(dim(tax_n)[1],2)))
  colnames(queries) <- c("original","cleaned")

  # for each taxa
  for (i in 1:dim(tax_n)[1])
    # keep the last value in taxonomy assignment (note that here ';' is used as separator)
    sp <- tail(unlist(strsplit(as.character(tax_n[i,2]), split=";", fixed=TRUE)),1)
    # storing the original query
    queries[i,"original"] <- sp
    ### if uncultured or unknown as last rank, get the one before
    if (length(grep(";", as.character(tax_n[i,2]))) > 1 & length(grep("uncultu", sp, ignore.case = T)) > 0 | length(grep("unknown", sp, ignore.case = T)) > 0)
      while (length(grep("uncultu", sp, ignore.case = T)) > 0 | length(grep("unknown", sp, ignore.case = T)) > 0)
        n = n+1
        sp <- tail(strsplit(as.character(tax_n[i,2]), ";")[[1]], n)[1]
    # if we got a species or sp. as assignement, replace "+" by " " and other cleaning taxa name
    sp <- gsub("+", " ", sp, fixed=TRUE)
    sp <- gsub("_", " ", sp, fixed=TRUE)
    sp <- gsub(" Cmplx.", "", sp, fixed=TRUE)
    sp <- gsub(" environmental sample", "", sp, fixed=TRUE)
    sp <- gsub(" indet.", "", sp, fixed=TRUE)
    sp <- gsub(" indet", "", sp, fixed=TRUE)
    ## check if "sp" instead of "sp."
    if (length(strsplit(sp, split=" sp", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]) == 1) sp <- strsplit(sp, split=" sp", fixed=TRUE)[[1]][1]
    # check if something after sp.
    if (length(strsplit(sp, split="sp.", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]) > 1)
      sp <- strsplit(sp, split=" sp.", fixed=TRUE)[[1]][1]
    } else if (length(strsplit(sp, split=" cf.", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]) > 1)
      sp <- strsplit(sp, split=" cf.", fixed=TRUE)[[1]][1]
    } else if (length(strsplit(sp, split="(", fixed=TRUE)[[1]]) > 1)
      sp <- strsplit(sp, split=" (", fixed=TRUE)[[1]][1]
    # storing the cleaned query
    queries[i,"cleaned"] <- sp

    # check if there a value in reference eco values
    y <- grep(sp, eco_index[,"species"], ignore.case = TRUE)
    message(paste("Processing : ", sp, " - ", length(y), " match in database so far", sep=""))
    if(log) cat(paste("Processing : ", sp, " - ", length(y), " match in database so far", sep=""), file=log_file, fill=T, append=T)
    # if the "exact" species is not matching and there a value for genus level
    if (length(y) == 0)
      sp <- strsplit(sp, split=" ", fixed=TRUE)[[1]][1]
      message(paste("   No match, trying exact match of the genus", sp))
      if(log) cat(paste("   No match, trying exact match of the genus", sp), file=log_file, fill=T, append=T)
      #sp <- paste(sp, "sp.", sep=" ")
      # and then exact match
      y <- grep(paste("^", sp, " sp.", "$", sep=""), eco_index[,"species"], ignore.case = TRUE)
      # if still not, there is no "genus sp." in the table, grab the species of the genus and median value
      if (length(y) == 0)
        message(paste("   No exact match, trying to match other species of the genus", sp))
        if(log) cat(paste("   No exact match, trying to match other species of the genus", sp), file=log_file, fill=T, append=T)
        y <- grep(paste(sp, " ",sep=""), eco_index[,"species"], ignore.case = F)
        if (length(y) >= 1)
          message(paste("   Found ", length(y), " match for ", sp, ". Taking the median values of ", length(y), " multiple values", sep = ""))
          if(log) cat(paste("   Found ", length(y), " match for ", sp, ". Taking the median values of ", length(y), " multiple values", sep = ""), file=log_file, fill=T, append=T)
          ambi <- eco_index[y,"AMBI"]
          iti  <- eco_index[y,"Iti_group"]
          isi  <- eco_index[y,"ISI.2012"]
          nsi  <- eco_index[y,"NSI.value"]
          nsi_g  <- eco_index[y,"NSI.group"]
          ben  <- eco_index[y,"bentix"]
          out[i,"AMBI"] <- ceiling(median(as.numeric(as.vector(ambi))))  # round to the ceiling value if median is not integer
          out[i,"ITI_GROUP"] <- median(as.numeric(as.vector(iti)))
          out[i,"ISI_value"] <- median(as.numeric(as.vector(isi)))
          out[i,"NSI"] <- median(as.numeric(as.vector(nsi)))
          out[i,"NSI.group"] <- ceiling(median(as.vector(nsi_g)))
          out[i,"Bentix"] <- ceiling(median(as.numeric(as.vector(ben))))
          message(paste("   Done - ", sp, " AMBI value ", out[i,"AMBI"], sep=""))
          if(log) cat(paste("   Done - ", sp, " AMBI value ", out[i,"AMBI"], sep=""), file=log_file, fill=T, append=T)
          cpt_found <- cpt_found + 1
          found_index <- c(found_index, 1)
        } else {
          message("   Not found.")
          if(log) cat("   Not found.", file=log_file, fill=T, append=T)
          cpt_not <- cpt_not + 1
          found_index <- c(found_index, 0)
      } else if (length(y) >= 1)
        message(paste("   Found ", length(y), " match for ", sp, ". Taking the median values of ", length(y), " multiple values", sep = ""))
        if(log) cat(paste("   Found ", length(y), " match for ", sp, ". Taking the median values of ", length(y), " multiple values", sep = ""), file=log_file, fill=T, append=T)
        ambi <- eco_index[y,"AMBI"]
        iti  <- eco_index[y,"Iti_group"]
        isi  <- eco_index[y,"ISI.2012"]
        nsi  <- eco_index[y,"NSI.value"]
        nsi_g  <- eco_index[y,"NSI.group"]
        ben  <- eco_index[y,"bentix"]
        out[i,"AMBI"] <- ceiling(median(as.numeric(as.vector(ambi))))  # round to the ceiling value if median is not integer
        out[i,"ITI_GROUP"] <- median(as.numeric(as.vector(iti)))
        out[i,"ISI_value"] <- median(as.numeric(as.vector(isi)))
        out[i,"NSI"] <- median(as.numeric(as.vector(nsi)))
        out[i,"NSI.group"] <- ceiling(median(as.vector(nsi_g)))
        out[i,"Bentix"] <- ceiling(median(as.numeric(as.vector(ben))))
        message(paste("   Done - ", sp, " AMBI value ", out[i,"AMBI"], sep=""))
        if(log) cat(paste("   Done - ", sp, " AMBI value ", out[i,"AMBI"], sep=""), file=log_file, fill=T, append=T)
        cpt_found <- cpt_found + 1
        found_index <- c(found_index, 1)
    # if there is at least a match
    else if (length(y) > 0)
      tmp <- eco_index[y,]
      if (length(y) > 1)
        message(paste("   ", sp, " matched ", length(y), " entries in database. Trying exact match", sep=""))
        if(log) cat(paste("   ", sp, " matched ", length(y), " entries in database. Trying exact match", sep=""), file=log_file, fill=T, append=T)
        # if more than one match, try exact match
        y <- grep(paste("^", sp, "$", sep=""), eco_index[,"species"], ignore.case = TRUE)
        # if no perfect match, try adding a sp.
        if (length(y) == 0)
          sp <- paste(sp, "sp.", sep=" ")
          message(paste("   No exact match. Trying exact match with ", sp, sep=""))
          if(log) cat(paste("   No exact match. Trying exact match with ", sp, sep=""), file=log_file, fill=T, append=T)
          y <- grep(paste("^", sp, "$", sep=""), eco_index[,"species"], ignore.case = TRUE)
        message(paste("   Found ", length(y), " match for ", sp, sep=""))
        if(log) cat(paste("   Found ", length(y), " match for ", sp, sep=""), file=log_file, fill=T, append=T)
        if (length(y) == 1)
          ambi <- eco_index[y,"AMBI"]
          iti  <- eco_index[y,"Iti_group"]
          isi  <- eco_index[y,"ISI.2012"]
          nsi  <- eco_index[y,"NSI.value"]
          nsi_g  <- eco_index[y,"NSI.group"]
          ben  <- eco_index[y,"bentix"]
          out[i,"AMBI"] <- as.numeric(as.vector(ambi))
          out[i,"ITI_GROUP"] <- as.numeric(as.vector(iti))
          out[i,"ISI_value"] <- as.numeric(as.vector(isi))
          out[i,"NSI"] <- as.numeric(as.vector(nsi))
          out[i,"NSI.group"] <- as.vector(nsi_g)
          out[i,"Bentix"] <- as.numeric(as.vector(ben))
          message(paste("   Done - ", sp, " AMBI value ", eco_index[y,"AMBI"], sep=""))
          if(log) cat(paste("   Done - ", sp, " AMBI value ", eco_index[y,"AMBI"], sep=""), file=log_file, fill=T, append=T)
          cpt_found <- cpt_found + 1
          found_index <- c(found_index, 1)
        } else {
          message(paste("   Taking median of the ", length(y), " match for ", sp, sep=""))
          if(log) cat(paste("   Taking median of the ", length(y), " match for ", sp, sep=""), file=log_file, fill=T, append=T)
          ambi <- eco_index[y,"AMBI"]
          iti  <- eco_index[y,"Iti_group"]
          isi  <- eco_index[y,"ISI.2012"]
          nsi  <- eco_index[y,"NSI.value"]
          nsi_g  <- eco_index[y,"NSI.group"]
          ben  <- eco_index[y,"bentix"]
          out[i,"AMBI"] <- ceiling(median(as.numeric(as.vector(ambi)))) # ceiling value if not integer
          out[i,"ITI_GROUP"] <- median(as.numeric(as.vector(iti)))
          out[i,"ISI_value"] <- median(as.numeric(as.vector(isi)))
          out[i,"NSI"] <- median(as.numeric(as.vector(nsi)))
          out[i,"NSI.group"] <- ceiling(median(as.vector(nsi_g)))
          out[i,"Bentix"] <- ceiling(median(as.numeric(as.vector(ben))))
          message(paste("   Done - ", sp, " AMBI value ", out[i,"AMBI"], sep=""))
          if(log) cat(paste("   Done - ", sp, " AMBI value ", out[i,"AMBI"], sep=""), file=log_file, fill=T, append=T)
          cpt_found <- cpt_found + 1
          found_index <- c(found_index, 1)

        # if it is a genus only (deeper assignments might or not have a value)
        if (length(unlist(strsplit(sp, split=" "))) == 1 & is.na(out[i,"AMBI"]) == T)
          message(paste("   ", sp, " is is a genus query. Making the query : ", sp, " sp.", sep=""))
          if(log) cat(paste("   ", sp, " is is a genus query. Making the query : ", sp, " sp.", sep=""), file=log_file, fill=T, append=T)
          # make the query "query sp."
          sp <- paste(sp,"sp.", sep=" ")
          y  <- grep(sp, eco_index[,"species"], fixed=TRUE)
          # if there was not only species of the genus (no value for the genus itself)
          if (length(y) > 0)
            message(paste("   Found - ", length(y), " for ", sp, sep=""))
            if(log) cat(paste("   Found - ", length(y), " for ", sp, sep=""), file=log_file, fill=T, append=T)
            tmp <- eco_index[y,]
            ambi <- eco_index[y,"AMBI"]
            iti  <- eco_index[y,"Iti_group"]
            isi  <- eco_index[y,"ISI.2012"]
            nsi  <- eco_index[y,"NSI.value"]
            nsi_g  <- eco_index[y,"NSI.group"]
            ben  <- eco_index[y,"bentix"]
            out[i,"AMBI"] <- as.numeric(as.vector(ambi))
            out[i,"ITI_GROUP"] <- as.numeric(as.vector(iti))
            out[i,"ISI_value"] <- as.numeric(as.vector(isi))
            out[i,"NSI"] <- as.numeric(as.vector(nsi))
            out[i,"NSI.group"] <- as.vector(nsi_g)
            out[i,"Bentix"] <- as.numeric(as.vector(ben))
            message(paste("   Done - ", sp, sep=""))
            if(log) cat(paste("   Done - ", sp, sep=""), file=log_file, fill=T, append=T)
            cpt_found <- cpt_found + 1
            found_index <- c(found_index, 1)
      } else {
        message(paste("   Found ", length(y), " matche for ", sp, sep=""))
        if(log) cat(paste("   Found ", length(y), " matche for ", sp, sep=""), file=log_file, fill=T, append=T)
        ambi <- eco_index[y,"AMBI"]
        iti  <- eco_index[y,"Iti_group"]
        isi  <- eco_index[y,"ISI.2012"]
        nsi  <- eco_index[y,"NSI.value"]
        nsi_g  <- eco_index[y,"NSI.group"]
        ben  <- eco_index[y,"bentix"]
        out[i,"AMBI"] <- as.numeric(as.vector(ambi))
        out[i,"ITI_GROUP"] <- as.numeric(as.vector(iti))
        out[i,"ISI_value"] <- as.numeric(as.vector(isi))
        out[i,"NSI"] <- as.numeric(as.vector(nsi))
        out[i,"NSI.group"] <- as.vector(nsi_g)
        out[i,"Bentix"] <- as.numeric(as.vector(ben))
        message(paste("   Done - ", sp, " AMBI: ", eco_index[y,"AMBI"], sep=""))
        if(log) cat(paste("   Done - ", sp, " AMBI: ", eco_index[y,"AMBI"], sep=""), file=log_file, fill=T, append=T)
        cpt_found <- cpt_found + 1
        found_index <- c(found_index, 1)
    out[i,"query"] <- sp
  # message the results of matching search
  message(paste("==== Found match :", cpt_found, " Not found :", cpt_not, "===="))
  if(log) cat(paste("==== Found match :", cpt_found, " Not found :", cpt_not, "===="), file=log_file, fill=T, append=T)

  # bind all taxa, eco-weights, and composition data
  output <- cbind(tax_n, out, dat)

  # ugly trick to deal if whether or not sequencong data
  otu_id_list <- cbind(tax_n, otu_id)

  ## compute shannon (base 2) on taxa that got at least one value (not the best, but it is computed like that in Norway)
  tmp_sha <- t(dat[,1:dim(dat)[2]])
  tmp_sha[is.na(tmp_sha)] <- 0
  output_shannon <- vegan::diversity(tmp_sha, index="shannon", base = 2)

  # to make the rownames having unique names when same species is identified...
  dimnames(output)[[1]] <- make.unique(tax_n[,1])

  # to keep only the rownames (unique taxa), eco-weight, composition data
  output <- output[,4:dim(output)[2]]

  # subset to keep only taxa for which at least one match in on of the BI
  output <- subset(output, found_index==1)
  otu_id_list <- subset(otu_id_list, found_index==1)

  ### now compute all indices.

  data_ <- output

  indices <- as.data.frame(array(NA, c(7,dim(data_)[2]-6)))
  dimnames(indices)[[1]] <- c("AMBI", "ISI", "NSI", "NQI1", "Shannon", "ITI", "Bentix")
  dimnames(indices)[[2]] <- dimnames(data_)[[2]][7:dim(data_)[2]]

  indices["Shannon",] <- output_shannon

  # for each SAMPLE
  for (i in dimnames(indices)[[2]])
    # AMBI
    # keep only OTU with abundances
    ambi <- subset(data_, data_[,i] !=0)
    ambi <- subset(ambi, is.na(ambi[,i]) == FALSE ) # is the same as above... added the one below (we want only to compute with species with an index value
    ambi <- subset(ambi, is.na(ambi$AMBI) == FALSE )

    # normalize into %
    ambi[,i] <- as.numeric(ambi[,i])*100/sum(as.numeric(ambi[,i]))
    # creating the values and 0 by default
    val2 <-  val3  <-  val4  <-  val5 <- 0
    gp2 <-  gp3  <-  gp4  <-  gp5 <- 0
    # for each OTU in the sample with abundances
    for (j in dimnames(ambi)[[1]])
      # if there is a value for AMBI
      if (is.na(ambi[j,"AMBI"]) == FALSE)
        # for AMBI value 2 (weights starts at 2)
        if (ambi[j,"AMBI"] == 2)
          val2 <- 1.5 * ambi[j,i]
          gp2 <- gp2 + val2
        } else { val2 <- 0}
        if (ambi[j,"AMBI"] == 3)
          val3 <- 3 * ambi[j,i]
          gp3 <- gp3 + val3
        } else { val3 <- 0}
        if (ambi[j,"AMBI"] == 4)
          val4 <- 4.5 * ambi[j,i]
          gp4 <- gp4 + val4
        } else { val4 <- 0}
        if (ambi[j,"AMBI"] == 5)
          val5 <- 6 * ambi[j,i]
          gp5 <- gp5 + val5
        } else { val5 <- 0}

    ambi_value <- (gp2 + gp3 + gp4 + gp5) /100

    # NSI
    nsi <- subset(data_, data_[,i] !=0)
    nsi <- subset(nsi, nsi$NSI > 0)
    nsi <- sum(as.numeric(nsi[,i]) * nsi[,"NSI"])/sum(as.numeric(nsi[,i]))

    # ISI 2012
    isi <- subset(data_, data_[,i] !=0)
    isi <- subset(isi, isi$ISI_value > 0)
    isi <- sum(isi[,"ISI_value"])/dim(isi)[1]

    # ITI index
    iti <- subset(data_, data_[,i] !=0)
    iti <- subset(iti, iti$ITI_GROUP > 0)
    n1 <- subset(iti, iti$ITI_GROUP ==1)
    n2 <- subset(iti, iti$ITI_GROUP ==2)
    n3 <- subset(iti, iti$ITI_GROUP ==3)
    n4 <- subset(iti, iti$ITI_GROUP ==4)
    iti <- 100-100/3*(sum(as.numeric(n2[,i])) + 2*sum(as.numeric(n3[,i])) + 3*sum(as.numeric(n4[,i])))/(sum(as.numeric(n1[,i])) +sum(as.numeric(n2[,i]))+sum(as.numeric(n3[,i]))+sum(as.numeric(n4[,i])))

    ## NQI1
    ambi_raw <- subset(data_, data_[,i] !=0)
    nqi1 <- 0.5*(1-ambi_value/7)+0.5*((log(dim(ambi_raw)[1])/log(log(sum(as.numeric(ambi_raw[,i])))))/2.7)*sum(as.numeric(ambi_raw[,i]))/(sum(as.numeric(ambi_raw[,i]))+5)

    ### BENTIX

    # keep only OTU with abundances
    bentix <- subset(data_, data_[,i] !=0)
    bentix <- subset(bentix, is.na(bentix[,i]) == FALSE ) # is the same as above... added the one below (we want only to compute with species with an index value
    bentix <- subset(bentix, is.na(bentix$Bentix) == FALSE )

    # normalize into %
    bentix[,i] <- as.numeric(bentix[,i])*100/sum(as.numeric(bentix[,i]))
    # creating the values and 0 by default
    val1 <-  val2  <-  val3  <-  0
    gp1 <-  gp2  <-  gp3  <- 0
    # for each OTU in the sample with abundances
    for (j in dimnames(bentix)[[1]])
      # if there is a value for AMBI
      if (is.na(bentix[j,"AMBI"]) == FALSE)
        if (bentix[j,"Bentix"] == 1)
          val1 <- 6 * bentix[j,i]
          gp1 <- gp1 + val1
        } else { val2 <- 0}
        if (bentix[j,"Bentix"] == 2)
          val2 <- 2 * bentix[j,i]
          gp2 <- gp2 + val2
        } else { val3 <- 0}
        if (bentix[j,"Bentix"] == 3)
          val3 <- 2 * bentix[j,i]
          gp3 <- gp3 + val3
        } else { val3 <- 0}

    bentix_value <- (gp1 + gp2 + gp3) /100

    # then paste values in the indices table for output
    indices["AMBI", i] <- ambi_value
    indices["NSI", i] <- nsi
    indices["ISI", i] <- isi
    indices["ITI", i] <- iti
    indices["NQI1", i] <- nqi1
    indices["Bentix", i] <- bentix_value


  ## now we can return the dicrete assessment for each BBI
  tmp <- t(indices)[,c("AMBI", "ISI", "NSI", "NQI1", "Shannon")]
  # preparing the class array
  ind_class <- tmp
  for (i in 1:nrow(ind_class))
    for (j in colnames(ind_class))
      if (j == "AMBI") ind_class[i,j] <- e$status.ambi(tmp[i,j])
      if (j == "ISI") ind_class[i,j]  <- e$status.isi(tmp[i,j])
      if (j == "NSI") ind_class[i,j]  <- e$status.nsi(tmp[i,j])
      if (j == "NQI1") ind_class[i,j]  <- e$status.nqi1(tmp[i,j])
      if (j == "Shannon") ind_class[i,j] <- e$status.shannon(tmp[i,j])

  # preparing the output
  output <- list("found" = c("Found match:", cpt_found, " Not found:", cpt_not),
                 "queries" = queries,
                 "BBI" = t(indices),
                 "BBIclass" = ind_class,
                 "table" = output,
                 "taxa" = otu_id_list)
trtcrd/BBI documentation built on May 17, 2019, 8:46 p.m.