
Defines functions rr2 param_info2 coef_ext0 ext2coef omega_matrix covariance_plot covariance_matrix.nm_generic covariance_matrix summary_long summary_wide rr_row summary.nm_generic summary.nm_list nm_output_path.nm_generic nm_output_path coef.nm_list coef.nm_generic coef_long coef_wide rr.nm_generic rr.nm_list rr

Documented in coef_long coef_wide covariance_matrix covariance_plot nm_output_path omega_matrix rr summary_long summary_wide

#' Run record
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' Displays the transformed parameters of a completed or running model.
#' Normally used inside of a diagnostic template, but can be useful for quickly
#' seeing parameter estimates of several models.
#' @param m An nm object.
#' @param trans Logical. If `TRUE` (default) will transform using control file
#'   $THETA/OMEGA conventions.
#' @section NONMEM coding conventions used by NMproject:
#' The convention for $THETA comments used by NMproject is 
#' `value ; name ; unit ; transformation`
#' e.g. 
#' `$THETA`
#' `0.1    ; KA ; h-1 ; LOG`
#' The options for THETA transformations are: `LOG`, `LOGIT`, `RATIO` and
#' missing. `LOG` and `LOGIT` refer to log and logit transformed THETAs,
#' respectively where the parameters should be back-transformed for reporting.
#' `RATIO` refers to ratio data types, i.e. parameters that are positive and
#' have a meaningful zero. Most parameters like KA, CL, EMAX fall into this
#' category, but covariates effects which can go negative do not.  RSEs are
#' calculated for ratio data. Missing transformations are suitable for all other
#' parameters, here no RSEs will be calculated, only raw SE values will be
#' reported.
#' The convention for $OMEGA is similar but without a unit item: 
#' `value ; name ; transformation`
#' e.g. 
#' `$OMEGA`
#' `0.1    ; IIV_KA ; LOG`
#' The options for OMEGA are either `LOG` or missing.  `LOG` indicating that the
#' individual parameter distribution is log normally distributions and should be
#' reported as a CV% (and associated RSE%) rather than as the raw NONMEM
#' estimate.
#' The convention for $OMEGA is just : `value ; name`.
#' @section THETA transformations using `trans = TRUE`:
#' The value of FINAL and RSE% (always accompanied with a `%` symbol in outputs)
#' in the returned `tibble` is the reported standard error (where applicable)
#' where \eqn{\theta} and \eqn{se(\theta)} are the NONMEM reported values of
#' parameters and standard errors, respectively:
#' \describe{
#'     \item{`LOG`}{
#'       \eqn{FINAL = exp(\theta), RSE = 100\sqrt(exp(se(\theta)^2) - 1)}
#'     }
#'     \item{`RATIO`}{
#'       \eqn{FINAL = \theta, RSE = 100se(\theta)/\theta}
#'     }
#'     \item{`LOGIT`}{
#'       \eqn{FINAL = 100/(1 + exp(-\theta)), SE = se(\theta)}
#'     }
#'     \item{missing}{
#'       \eqn{FINAL = \theta, SE = se(\theta)}
#'     }
#' }
#' @section OMEGA transformations using `trans = TRUE`:
#' The value of FINAL and RSE% (always accompanied with a `%` symbol in outputs)
#' in the returned `tibble` is the reported standard error (where applicable)
#' where \eqn{\omega^2} and \eqn{se(\omega^2)} are the NONMEM reported values of
#' parameters and standard errors, respectively
#' \describe{
#'     \item{`LOG`}{
#'       \eqn{FINAL = 100\sqrt(exp(\omega^2) - 1), RSE = 100(se(\omega^2)/\omega^2)/2}
#'     }
#'     \item{missing}{
#'       \eqn{FINAL = \omega^2, SE = se(\omega^2)}
#'     }
#'  }
#' @section SIGMA transformations using `trans = TRUE`:
#' The value of FINAL and RSE% (always accompanied with a `%` symbol in outputs)
#' in the returned `tibble` is the reported standard error (where applicable)
#' where \eqn{\sigma^2} and \eqn{se(\sigma^2)} are the NONMEM reported values of
#' parameters and standard errors, respectively.  All sigmas are reported as
#' standard deviations.
#' \describe{
#'     \item{all sigmas}{
#'       \eqn{FINAL = \sqrt(\sigma^2), RSE = 100se(\sigma^2) / \sigma^2}
#'     }
#' }
#' @return A `tibble` with NONMEM run results.
#' @seealso [nm_render()]
#' @examples
#' ## requires NONMEM to be installed
#' \dontrun{
#' rr(m1)
#' ## compare m1 and m2
#' rr(c(m1, m2))
#' }
#' @export
rr <- function(m, trans = TRUE) {

#' @export
rr.nm_list <- function(m, trans = TRUE) {
  if (is_nm_list(trans) & is_nm_list(m)) {
    existing_call <- match.call()
    existing <- paste0("rr(", paste0(as.character(existing_call[2:3]), collapse = ", "), ")")
    proposed <- paste0("rr(c(", paste0(as.character(existing_call[2:3]), collapse = ", "), "))")
    reasonable_proposals <- all(grepl("rr", c(existing, proposed)))
    if (!reasonable_proposals) {
      usethis::ui_stop("Looks like you're trying to do something like {usethis::ui_code('rr(m1, m2)')}, however this function takes a single nm_list argument, e.g. {usethis::ui_code('rr(c(m1, m2))')}") 
    } else {
      usethis::ui_stop("This function takes a single nm_list argument, consider: {usethis::ui_code(proposed)}")
  if (!is.logical(trans)) usethis::ui_stop("the trans argument must be TRUE or FALSE")
  d <- coef(m, trans = trans)
  d <- do.call(rbind, d)
  if (nrow(d) == 0) {
  d$nm_name <- NULL
  d$file <- NULL
  d$unit[is.na(d$unit)] <- ""
  d$SEunit[is.na(d$SEunit)] <- ""
  if ("trans" %in% d$trans) d$trans[is.na(d$trans)] <- "" ## optional item
  d <- d[, names(d)[!names(d) %in% c("EVALUATION", "EST.NO", "EST.NAME")]]
  d$Estimate <- NA
  d$param_flag <- grepl("THETA", d$type) | grepl("OMEGA", d$type) | grepl("SIGMA", d$type)
  d$Estimate[d$param_flag] <- paste0(signif(d$FINAL[d$param_flag], 3), " (", signif(d$SE[d$param_flag], 3), d$SEunit[d$param_flag], ")")
  d$Estimate[!d$param_flag] <- round(d$FINAL[!d$param_flag], 3)
  d$param_flag <- NULL
  d$Estimate[d$FIX %in% TRUE] <- gsub("\\(.*?\\)", "(FIX)", d$Estimate[d$FIX %in% TRUE])
  d <- d[, names(d)[!names(d) %in% c("SE", "FINAL")]]
  run_names <- unique(d$run_name)
  d <- d %>% tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = "run_name", values_from = "Estimate", values_fn = list) %>%
    tidyr::unnest(run_names)  ## all columns apart from estimate
  d <- as.data.frame(d)
  ## fix ordering of columns so it's same as m - dcast ruins it
  non_matches <- names(d)[!seq_along(names(d)) %in% match(unique_id(m), names(d))]
  matches <- unique_id(m[!is.na(m)])
  matches <- matches[matches %in% names(d)]

  d <- d[, c(non_matches, matches)]

  d <- d[order(d$type, d$parameter), ]
  d$SEunit <- NULL
  names(d) <- gsub("execute:", "", names(d))
  tmp <- sapply(d, is.factor)
  d[tmp] <- lapply(d[tmp], as.character)

rr.nm_generic <- function(m, trans = TRUE) {
  rr(as_nm_list(m), trans = trans)

#' @rdname coef_widelong
#' @name coef_widelong
#' @title Extract parameter values
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' Pulls parameters, standard errors, OFVs and condition numbers out of ext
#' files, applies transformations.  This function is useful when numeric values
#' are needed. `rr` is easier to read, however it returns characters.  A wide
#' and long format is available via two different functions.
#' @param m An nm object.
#' @param trans Logical (default = `TRUE`). Transform parameters using comments
#' @section NONMEM coding conventions used by NMproject:
#' The convention for $THETA comments used by NMproject is 
#' `value ; name ; unit ; transformation`
#' e.g. 
#' `$THETA`
#' `0.1    ; KA ; h-1 ; LOG`
#' The options for THETA transformations are: `LOG`, `LOGIT`, `RATIO` and
#' missing. `LOG` and `LOGIT` refer to log and logit transformed THETAs,
#' respectively where the parameters should be back-transformed for reporting.
#' `RATIO` refers to ratio data types, i.e. parameters that are positive and
#' have a meaningful zero. Most parameters like KA, CL, EMAX fall into this
#' category, but covariates effects which can go negative do not.  RSEs are
#' calculated for ratio data. Missing transformations are suitable for all other
#' parameters, here no RSEs will be calculated, only raw SE values will be
#' reported.
#' The convention for $OMEGA is similar but without a unit item: 
#' `value ; name ; transformation`
#' e.g. 
#' `$OMEGA`
#' `0.1    ; IIV_KA ; LOG`
#' The options for OMEGA are either `LOG` or missing.  `LOG` indicating that the
#' individual parameter distribution is log normally distributions and should be
#' reported as a CV% (and associated RSE%) rather than as the raw NONMEM
#' estimate.
#' The convention for $OMEGA is just : `value ; name`.
#' @section THETA transformations using `trans = TRUE`:
#' The value of FINAL and RSE% (always accompanied with a `%` symbol in outputs)
#' in the returned `tibble` is the reported standard error (where applicable)
#' where \eqn{\theta} and \eqn{se(\theta)} are the NONMEM reported values of
#' parameters and standard errors, respectively:
#' \describe{
#'     \item{`LOG`}{
#'       \eqn{FINAL = exp(\theta), RSE = 100\sqrt(exp(se(\theta)^2) - 1)}
#'     }
#'     \item{`RATIO`}{
#'       \eqn{FINAL = \theta, RSE = 100se(\theta)/\theta}
#'     }
#'     \item{`LOGIT`}{
#'       \eqn{FINAL = 100/(1 + exp(-\theta)), SE = se(\theta)}
#'     }
#'     \item{missing}{
#'       \eqn{FINAL = \theta, SE = se(\theta)}
#'     }
#' }
#' @section OMEGA transformations using `trans = TRUE`:
#' The value of FINAL and RSE% (always accompanied with a `%` symbol in outputs)
#' in the returned `tibble` is the reported standard error (where applicable)
#' where \eqn{\omega^2} and \eqn{se(\omega^2)} are the NONMEM reported values of
#' parameters and standard errors, respectively
#' \describe{
#'     \item{`LOG`}{
#'       \eqn{FINAL = 100\sqrt(exp(\omega^2) - 1), RSE = 100(se(\omega^2)/\omega^2)/2}
#'     }
#'     \item{missing}{
#'       \eqn{FINAL = \omega^2, SE = se(\omega^2)}
#'     }
#'  }
#' @section SIGMA transformations using `trans = TRUE`:
#' The value of FINAL and RSE% (always accompanied with a `%` symbol in outputs)
#' in the returned `tibble` is the reported standard error (where applicable)
#' where \eqn{\sigma^2} and \eqn{se(\sigma^2)} are the NONMEM reported values of
#' parameters and standard errors, respectively.  All sigmas are reported as
#' standard deviations.
#' \describe{
#'     \item{all sigmas}{
#'       \eqn{FINAL = \sqrt(\sigma^2), RSE = 100se(\sigma^2) / \sigma^2}
#'     }
#' }
#' @return `data.frame` of extracted model parameter values. `coef_wide()`
#'   returns a `data.frame` in wide format. Vector valued objects `m`, will be
#'   stacked vertically with one row per run.  `coef_long()` returns a
#'   `data.frame` in long format. Vector valued objects `m`, will be stacked
#'   horizontally.
#' @seealso [rr()]
#' @export
coef_wide <- function(m, trans = TRUE) {
  d <- coef(m, trans = trans)
  d <- lapply(seq_along(d), function(i) {
    d <- d[[i]]
    if (nrow(d) == 0) {
    d$par_no <- seq_len(nrow(d))
    d$m_no <- i
  d <- do.call(rbind, d)
  if (nrow(d) == 0) {
  d$file <- NULL
  d$unit[is.na(d$unit)] <- ""
  d$SEunit[is.na(d$SEunit)] <- ""
  if ("trans" %in% d$trans) d$trans[is.na(d$trans)] <- "" ## optional item
  d <- d[, names(d)[!names(d) %in% c("EVALUATION", "EST.NO", "EST.NAME")]]
  d <- d[grepl("THETA|OMEGA|SIGMA", d$type), ]
  d <- d[order(paste(d$m_no)), ]
  d$m_no <- NULL
  # d$par_no <- NULL
  d$run_name <- gsub("execute:", "", d$run_name)
  tmp <- sapply(d, is.factor)
  d[tmp] <- lapply(d[tmp], as.character)

#' @rdname coef_widelong
#' @export
coef_long <- function(m, trans = TRUE) {
  d <- coef(m, trans = trans)
  d <- lapply(seq_along(d), function(i) {
    d <- d[[i]]
    if (nrow(d) == 0) {
    d$par_no <- seq_len(nrow(d))
    d$m_no <- i
  d <- do.call(rbind, d)
  if (nrow(d) == 0) {
  d$file <- NULL
  d$unit[is.na(d$unit)] <- ""
  d$SEunit[is.na(d$SEunit)] <- ""
  if ("trans" %in% d$trans) d$trans[is.na(d$trans)] <- "" ## optional item
  d <- d[, names(d)[!names(d) %in% c("EVALUATION", "EST.NO", "EST.NAME")]]
  d <- d[grepl("THETA|OMEGA|SIGMA", d$type), ]
  d <- d %>% tidyr::pivot_longer(.data$FINAL:.data$SE, names_to = "key", values_to = "estimate")
  #d <- d %>% tidyr::gather(key = "key", value = "estimate", .data$FINAL:.data$SE)
  d <- d[order(paste("m", d$m_no, "p", d$par_no, d$key)), ]
  d$m_no <- NULL
  # d$par_no <- NULL
  d$run_name <- gsub("execute:", "", d$run_name)
  tmp <- sapply(d, is.factor)
  d[tmp] <- lapply(d[tmp], as.character)

#' @importFrom stats coef
#' @export

#' @export
coef.nm_generic <- function(object, trans = TRUE, ...) {
  #if (!is_finished(object)) {
  #  return(invisible(data.frame()))
  ext_file_path <- object %>% nm_output_path("ext")
  d <- tryCatch({
  }, error = function(e){
  if (nrow(d) == 0) {
  d$parameter <- factor(d$parameter, levels = unique(d$parameter))
  d$run_name <- gsub("execute\\.", "\\1", unique_id(object))
  if (!unique(d$is_final)) d$run_name <- paste0(d$run_name, "*")
  d$is_final <- NULL
  p <- param_info2(object)
  d0 <- d[, names(d)[!names(d) %in% "unit"]]
  d1 <- p[, c("name", "parameter", "unit", "trans", "FIX")]
  if (!trans) {
    ## add FIX column and return
    d <- merge(d, d1[, c("parameter", "FIX")] , sort = FALSE, all.x = TRUE)
    d <- dplyr::as_tibble(d)
  d <- merge(d0, d1, all.x = TRUE, by = "parameter", sort = FALSE)
  d$name[is.na(d$name)] <- as.character(d$parameter)[is.na(d$name)]
  d$name <- factor(d$name, levels = unique(d$name))
  d$trans_unit <- d$unit
  d$transSEunit <- d$SEunit
  ## transformations
  d$SE.TRANS <- d$SE
  th <- d$type %in% "THETA"
  om <- d$type %in% "OMEGAVAR"
  sg <- d$type %in% "SIGMA"
  ## RATIO data
  d$SE.TRANS[d$trans %in% "RATIO" & th] <- 100 * d$SE[d$trans %in% "RATIO" & th] / d$FINAL[d$trans %in% "RATIO" & th]
  d$transSEunit[d$trans %in% "RATIO" & th] <- "%"
  ## LOG
  d$FINAL.TRANS[d$trans %in% "LOG" & th] <- exp(d$FINAL[d$trans %in% "LOG" & th])
  d$SE.TRANS[d$trans %in% "LOG" & th] <- 100 * sqrt((exp(d$SE[d$trans %in% "LOG" & th]^2) - 1))
  d$transSEunit[d$trans %in% "LOG" & th] <- "%"
  ## LOGIT
  if ("LOGIT" %in% d$trans) {
    d$FINAL.TRANS[d$trans %in% "LOGIT" & th] <- 100 * 1 / (1 + exp(-d$FINAL[d$trans %in% "LOGIT" & th]))
    d$trans_unit[d$trans %in% "LOGIT" & th] <- "%"
    # delt <- lapply(which(d$trans %in% "LOGIT"),function(i){
    #   par <- c(logit=d$FINAL[i])
    #   separ <- c(logit=d$SE[i])
    #   car::deltaMethod(par,"1/(1+exp(-logit))",vcov.=separ^2)
    # })
    # delt <- do.call(rbind,delt)
    # d$SE.TRANS[d$trans %in% "LOGIT"] <- 100*delt$SE
  ## OMEGA
  ## https://www.cognigen.com/nmusers/2008-February/0811.html
  ## delta method:
  ## FINAL = E[OM^2]
  ## SE = SE(OM^2)
  ## f = sqrt
  ## SE(OM) ~= SE(OM^2)/(2*sqrt(E[OM^2]))
  ## SE(OM) ~= SE/(2*sqrt(FINAL))
  ## E(OM) ~= sqrt(E[OM^2]) = sqrt(FINAL)
  ## RSE(OM) = SE(OM) / (2* E(OM))
  d$SE.TRANS[d$trans %in% "LOG" & om] <- 100 * (d$SE[d$trans %in% "LOG" & om] / d$FINAL[d$trans %in% "LOG" & om]) / 2
  d$FINAL.TRANS[d$trans %in% "LOG" & om] <- 100 * sqrt(exp(d$FINAL[d$trans %in% "LOG" & om]) - 1)
  d$trans_unit[d$trans %in% "LOG" & om] <- "CV%"
  d$transSEunit[d$trans %in% "LOG" & om] <- "%"
  ## COV
  d$trans[d$type %in% "OMEGACOV"] <- "COV" ## temp code
  # if("COV" %in% d$trans){
  #   omx <- gsub("^OMEGA\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.","\\1",d$parameter[d$trans %in% "COV"])
  #   omy <- gsub("^OMEGA\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.","\\2",d$parameter[d$trans %in% "COV"])
  #   omx <- paste0("OMEGA.",omx,".",omx,".")
  #   omy <- paste0("OMEGA.",omy,".",omy,".")
  #   sdx <- sqrt(d$FINAL[match(omx,d$parameter)])
  #   sdy <- sqrt(d$FINAL[match(omy,d$parameter)])
  #   d$FINAL.TRANS[d$trans %in% "COV"] <- d$FINAL[d$trans %in% "COV"]/(sdx*sdy)
  #   d$trans_unit[d$trans %in% "COV"] <- "CORR.COEF"
  #   ## COV[X,Y]/(SD[X]*SD[Y])
  #   ## know SE(COV[X,Y]) and SE[SDX^2] and SE[SDY^2]
  #   ## Need covariance matrix between these though - from .cov file.
  #   ## SQRT(VAR(COV[X,Y]/(SD[X]*SD[Y])))
  #   cov.file <- object$output$psn.cov
  #   dc <- utils::read.table(cov.file,skip=1,header = TRUE)
  #   for(i in seq_along(which(d$trans %in% "COV"))){
  #     ## loop through each COV variable and generate absolute SE
  #     names.c <- c(omx[i],omy[i],as.character(d$parameter[d$trans %in% "COV"][i]))
  #     names.c <- d$parameter[d$parameter %in% names.c] ## reorder
  #     names.c2 <- gsub("\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.","(\\1,\\2)",names.c)
  #     ## same order as names.c - important
  #     vcov <- dc[match(names.c2,dc$NAME),as.character(names.c)]
  #     rownames(vcov) <- names(vcov)
  #     vcov <- as.matrix(vcov)
  #     pmean <- d$FINAL[match(names.c,d$parameter)]  ## may as well recompute FINALs
  #     names(pmean) <- d$name[match(names.c,d$parameter)]
  #     formula.i <- paste0(names.c[3],"/(sqrt(",names.c[1],")*sqrt(",names.c[2],"))")
  #     #tmp <- car::deltaMethod(pmean,formula.i,vcov.=vcov)
  #     #d$SE.TRANS[d$trans %in% "COV"][i] <- tmp$SE
  #   }
  # }
  ## SIGMA
  d$SE.TRANS[d$type %in% "SIGMA"] <- 100 * (d$SE[d$type %in% "SIGMA"] / d$FINAL[d$type %in% "SIGMA"]) / 2
  d$FINAL.TRANS[d$type %in% "SIGMA"] <- sqrt(d$FINAL[d$type %in% "SIGMA"])
  d$trans_unit[d$type %in% "SIGMA"] <- "SD"
  d$transSEunit[d$type %in% "SIGMA"] <- "%"
  ## get names back to what they should be
  d$SE <- d$SE.TRANS
  d$unit <- d$trans_unit
  d$trans_unit <- NULL
  d$SEunit <- d$transSEunit
  d$transSEunit <- NULL
  d$nm_name <- d$parameter
  d$parameter <- d$name
  d$name <- NULL
  d$SE[!d$FIX %in% FALSE] <- NA_real_

#' @export
coef.nm_list <- function(object, trans = TRUE, ...) {
  d <- lapply(object, coef, trans = trans)
  # do.call(rbind, d)

#' Find an output file associated with a run
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' This is primarily a backend function used to identify output file paths
#' associated with nm objects.
#' @param m An nm object.
#' @param extn Character. Name of extension.
#' @param file_name Optional character. Name of file name.
#' @return The path to the relevant output file of `m`.
#' @examples 
#' # create example object m1 from package demo files
#' exdir <- system.file("extdata", "examples", "theopp", package = "NMproject")
#' m1 <- new_nm(run_id = "m1", 
#'              based_on = file.path(exdir, "Models", "ADVAN2.mod"),
#'              data_path = file.path(exdir, "SourceData", "THEOPP.csv"))
#' m1 %>% nm_output_path("ext") ## path to ext file
#' @export
nm_output_path <- function(m, extn, file_name) {

#' @export
nm_output_path.nm_generic <- function(m, extn, file_name) {
  lst_file <- lst_path(m)
  if (!missing(extn)) {
    current_extn <- tools::file_ext(lst_file)
    out_file <- gsub(paste0("\\.", current_extn, "$"), paste0(".", extn), lst_file)
  if (!missing(file_name)) {
    out_file <- file.path(dirname(lst_file), file_name)
  file.path(run_in(m), out_file)

#' @export
nm_output_path.nm_list <- Vectorize_nm_list(nm_output_path.nm_generic, SIMPLIFY = TRUE)

#' @export
summary.nm_list <- function(object, ref_model = NA, parameters = c("none", "new", "all"), keep_m = FALSE, ...) {
  d <- rr_row(object)
  d <- d %>% dplyr::select(
  #cat("reading outputs...")
  d$coef_obs <- coef(d$m) ## slowest step - crashes
  #cat("done\n", append = TRUE)
  d$status <- status(d$m)
  n_parameters_fun <- function(coef) {
    if (!"type" %in% names(coef)) {
    coef <- coef[grepl("THETA|OMEGA|SIGMA", coef$type), ]
  # browser()
  # f <- function(x) {
  #   ans <- list(x)
  #   return(ans)
  #   parent_run(x)
  # }
  # tmp <- d %>% dplyr::group_by(.data$parent_run_id, .data$parent_run_in) %>%
  #   dplyr::mutate(
  #     parent = list(parent_run(.data$m[[1]]))
  #   )
  d <- d %>%
    dplyr::group_by(.data$parent_run_id, .data$parent_run_in) %>%
      parent = list(parent_run(.data$m[[1]])),
      parent_coef_obs = coef.nm_list(.data$parent[1]),
      n_params = sapply(.data$coef_obs, n_parameters_fun),
      parent_n_params = n_parameters_fun(.data$parent_coef_obs[[1]])
    ) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(.data$data_path) %>% ## nobs reads data - only once per data_path
    dplyr::mutate(nobs = nobs(.data$m[1])) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(.data$parent_run_id, .data$parent_run_in) %>%
      status = status(.data$m),
      ofv = ofv(.data$coef_obs),
      dofv = .data$ofv - ofv(.data$parent_coef_obs[[1]]),
      df = .data$n_params - .data$parent_n_params,
      p_chisq =
        ifelse(.data$df >= 0,
               1 - stats::pchisq(-.data$dofv, df = .data$df),
               1 - stats::pchisq(.data$dofv, df = -.data$df)
      AIC = .data$ofv + 2 * .data$n_params,
      BIC = .data$ofv + log(.data$nobs) * .data$n_params,
      ref_cn = cond_num(.data$parent_coef_obs[[1]]),
      cond_num = cond_num(.data$coef_obs)
  d$coef_obs <- NULL
  d$parent_coef_obs <- NULL
  d$parent <- as_nm_list(d$parent)
  parameters <- match.arg(parameters)
  if (parameters != "none") {
    ## for each row, compute rr(d$m[i]) and rr(d$parent[i])
    ## remove nm_list classes - they screw up in dplyr
    ds <- split(d, seq_len(nrow(d)))

    ds <- lapply(ds, function(d) {

      rri <- rr2(c(d$parent, d$m), ...)
      rri$type <- NULL
      rri$unit <- NULL
      rri$SEunit <- NULL
      rri$trans <- NULL
      rri$par_no <- NULL
      rri$key <- NULL
      rri$FIX <- NULL
      base_col_ns <- 3 # the number of columns expected in a simple rri object
      if (ncol(rri) < base_col_ns) {
      if (ncol(rri) == base_col_ns) {
        names(rri)[base_col_ns] <- c("m")
      if (ncol(rri) == (base_col_ns + 1)) {
        names(rri)[base_col_ns:(base_col_ns+1)] <- c("parent", "m")
      if (ncol(rri) > (base_col_ns + 1)) browser() # stop("stop something wrong, debug")
      if (parameters == "new") {
        param_names <- rri$parameter[!grepl("se_", rri$parameter) &
        parent_param_names <- rri$parameter[!grepl("se_", rri$parameter) &
        new_param_names <- param_names[!param_names %in% parent_param_names]
        se_param_names <- paste0("se_", new_param_names)
        rri <- rri[rri$parameter %in% c(new_param_names, se_param_names), ]
        if (nrow(rri) == 0) {
        # rri$parameter[is.na(rri$parent)]
        # rri <- rri[is.na(rri$parent), ]
        # rri <- rri[!is.na(rri$m), ]
      if (inherits(try(t(rri$m)), "try-error")) browser()
      pars_to_add <- dplyr::as_tibble(t(rri$m))
      names(pars_to_add) <- rri$parameter
      dplyr::bind_cols(d, pars_to_add) # %>%
      # mutate(m = nm_list2list(m),
      #        parent = nm_list2list(parent))
    ## nm_lists screw up in dplyr...
    ds <- lapply(ds, function(x) {
      x %>%
          m = nm_list2list(.data$m),
          parent = nm_list2list(.data$parent)

    d <- suppressWarnings(dplyr::bind_rows(ds))
    d$m <- as_nm_list(d$m)
    d$parent <- as_nm_list(d$parent)
  ## remove columns that we dont want
  ##  Note: may need reinsert them if they ever are needed in reverse dependencies
  d <- d %>%
    dplyr::ungroup() %>%
  if (!keep_m) d$m <- NULL
  cat("done", append = TRUE)
  d <- d %>% dplyr::ungroup()

#' @export
summary.nm_generic <- function(object, ref_model = NA, parameters = c("none", "new", "all"), keep_m = FALSE, ...) {
  summary(object = as_nm_list(object), ref_model = ref_model, parameters = parameters, keep_m = keep_m, ...)

rr_row <- function(m) {
  d <- nm_row(m)
  d$m <- m

#' @rdname nm_summary
#' @name nm_summary
#' @title Generate a summary of NONMEM results
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' Get wide (or a long) `tibble` showing summary results.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to [summary()], usually a vector of nm object +
#'   options.
#' @param include_fields Character vector of nm object fields to include as
#'   columns in the output. Default is empty.
#' @param parameters Character. Either `"none"` (default), `"new"`, or `"all"`
#'   indicating whether parameter values should be included in the summary
#'   `tibble`.  Specifying `"new"` means that only parameters that aren't in the
#'   `parent` run are included in outputs.  This is useful if wanting to know
#'   the value of an added parameter but not all the parameters (e.g. in a
#'   covariate analysis).
#' @param m Logical (default = `TRUE`). Should model object be included as the
#'   `m` column.
#' @param trans Logical (default = `TRUE`). Should parameters be transformed in
#'   accordance with $THETA/$OMEGA/$SIGMA comments.  This is only valid if
#'   `parameters` is `"new"` or `"all`.
#' @return A wide format `tibble` with run results.
#' @examples 
#' ## requires NONMEM to be installed
#' \dontrun{
#' summary_wide(c(m1, m2))
#' summary_long(c(m1, m2))
#' }
#' @export
summary_wide <- function(..., include_fields = character(), parameters = c("none", "new", "all"), m = TRUE, trans = TRUE) {
  parameters <- match.arg(parameters)
  d <- summary(..., parameters = parameters, trans = trans)
  m_obj <- c(...)
  if (m) d$m <- m_obj
  for (field in include_fields) {
    d[[field]] <- get_simple_field(m_obj, !!field)

#' @rdname nm_summary
#' @return A long format `tibble` with run results coerced to `character` form.
#' @export
summary_long <- function(..., parameters = c("none", "new", "all")) {
  parameters <- match.arg(parameters)
  ds <- summary(..., parameters = parameters, keep_m = TRUE)
  m <- ds$m
  ds$m <- NULL
  d <- t(ds)
  dnames <- row.names(d)
  d <- dplyr::as_tibble(d)
  names(d) <- gsub("execute:", "", unique_id(m))
  d <- d %>% dplyr::mutate_all(trimws)
  dcol <- dplyr::tibble("field" = dnames)
  d <- dplyr::bind_cols(dcol, d)

#' Get covariance matrix
#' Extracts covariance matrix
#' @description 
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' @param m An nm object.
#' @return A `matrix` with parameter correlations.
#' @examples 
#' ## requires NONMEM to be installed
#' \dontrun{
#' covariance_matrix(m)
#' }
#' @export

covariance_matrix <- function(m) {

#' @export
covariance_matrix.nm_generic <- function(m) {
  dc <- m %>% nm_output_path(extn = "cor") %>%
    nm_read_table(header = TRUE, skip = 1)
  dc <- dc[(nrow(dc) - ncol(dc) + 2):nrow(dc), (2:ncol(dc))]
  stopifnot(nrow(dc) == ncol(dc))
  rownames(dc) <- colnames(dc)

#' @export
covariance_matrix.nm_list <- Vectorize_nm_list(covariance_matrix.nm_generic, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

#' Plot $COV matrix
#' Plots the correlation plot from the $COV NONMEM output.
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' @param r An nm object.
#' @param trans Logical (default = TRUE).  Applies the transformations specified
#'   in $THETA/$OMEGA/$SIGMA comments before plotting.
#' @return A `ggplot2` object with parameter correlations.
#' @examples 
#' ## requires NONMEM to be installed
#' \dontrun{
#' covariance_plot(m1)
#' }
#' @seealso [nm_render()]
#' @export

covariance_plot <- function(r, trans = TRUE) {
  dc <- nm_output_path(r, extn = "cor") %>%
    nm_read_table(header = TRUE, skip = 1)
  names(dc)[1] <- "Var1"
  dc$Var1 <- names(dc)[-1]
  n_ests <- nrow(dc) / length(unique(dc$Var1))
  dc$EST.NO <- rep(1:n_ests, each = length(unique(dc$Var1)))
  dc <- dc %>% dplyr::filter(.data$EST.NO == max(.data$EST.NO))
  dc$EST.NO <- NULL

  dc <- dc %>% tidyr::pivot_longer(-.data$Var1, names_to = "Var2", values_to = "value")
  #dc <- dc %>% tidyr::gather(key = "Var2", value = "value", -.data$Var1)
  dc$Var1 <- factor(dc$Var1)
  dc$Var2 <- factor(dc$Var2)
  if (trans) {
    dp <- param_info(r)
    current_levels <- levels(dc$Var1)
    dl <- data.frame(cl = current_levels)
    dl$ORD <- 1:nrow(dl)
    dp <- dp[, c("name", "parameter")]
    names(dp)[2] <- "cl"
    dl <- merge(dp, dl, all = TRUE)
    dl$new_names <- dl$cl
    dl$new_names[!is.na(dl$name)] <- paste0(
      dl$name[!is.na(dl$name)], " (",
      dl$cl[!is.na(dl$name)], ")"
    levels(dc$Var1) <- dl$new_names
    levels(dc$Var2) <- dl$new_names
  dc <- dc %>% dplyr::filter(!.data$value %in% 0)
  dc <- dc %>% dplyr::filter(as.numeric(.data$Var1) > as.numeric(.data$Var2)) ## lower corner
  dc$label <- round(dc$value, 2)
  p <- ggplot2::ggplot(dc, ggplot2::aes_string(x = "Var1", y = "Var2", fill = "value")) +
    ggplot2::theme_bw() +
    ggplot2::geom_tile() +
      low = "blue", high = "red", mid = "white",
      midpoint = 0, limit = c(-1, 1), space = "Lab",
      name = "Correlation"
    ) +
    ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes_string(label = "label")) +
    ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0))

#' Get OMEGA matrix from run
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' Obtain in matrix form the OMEGA matrix.  This is primarily to feed into other
#' packages such as `mrgsolve`.
#' @param r An nm object.
#' @return A `matrix` object.
#' @examples
#' ## requires NONMEM to be installed
#' \dontrun{
#' ## matrix of initial estimates
#' m1 %>% omega_matrix()
#' ## matrix of final estimates
#' m1 %>%
#'   update_parameters() %>%
#'   omega_matrix()
#' }
#' @export
omega_matrix <- function(r) {
  dc <- coef(r, trans = FALSE)
  dc <- dc[dc$type %in% c("OMEGAVAR", "OMEGACOV"), ]
  dc <- dc[, c("parameter", "FINAL")]
  dc$ROW <- as.numeric(gsub("OMEGA\\.([0-9]+)\\..*", "\\1", dc$parameter))
  dc$COL <- as.numeric(gsub("OMEGA\\.[0-9]+\\.([0-9]+).*", "\\1", dc$parameter))
  dc <- dc[order(dc$ROW, dc$COL), ]
  max_size <- max(c(dc$ROW, dc$COL))
  dc <- dc[, c("FINAL", "ROW", "COL")]
  dc_mirror <- dc
  dc_mirror$COLOLD <- dc_mirror$COL
  dc_mirror$ROWOLD <- dc_mirror$ROW
  dc_mirror$COL <- dc_mirror$ROWOLD
  dc_mirror$ROW <- dc_mirror$COLOLD
  dc_mirror$COLOLD <- NULL
  dc_mirror$ROWOLD <- NULL
  dc <- rbind(dc, dc_mirror)
  dc <- unique(dc)
  d_all <- expand.grid(ROW = 1:max_size, COL = 1:max_size)
  d_all <- merge(dc, d_all, all = TRUE)
  d_all$FINAL[is.na(d_all$FINAL)] <- 0
  d_all <- d_all[order(d_all$ROW, d_all$COL), ]
  matrix(d_all$FINAL, nrow = max_size)

omega_matrix <- Vectorize(omega_matrix, vectorize.args = list("r"), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

ext2coef <- function(extout, file_name) {
  ## raw function to generate parameter table from ext.file.
  d <- extout
  if (nrow(d) == 0) {
  has_final_est <- "FINAL" %in% d$TYPE
  if (has_final_est) {
    cond_num <- d$THETA1[d$TYPE %in% "CONDNUM" & d$EST.NO %in% max(d$EST.NO)]
    d <- d[d$TYPE %in% c("FINAL", "SE"), ]
    d <- d[d$EST.NO %in% max(d$EST.NO), ]
  } else {
    cond_num <- numeric()
    d <- utils::tail(d, 1)
  d <- d[, c(
    names(d)[grepl("THETA|SIGMA|OMEGA", names(d))],
  par.names <- names(d)[match("THETA1", names(d)):match("OBJ", names(d))]
  d <- d %>% tidyr::pivot_longer(par.names, names_to = "parameter", values_to = "value")
  d$parameter <- factor(d$parameter, levels = par.names)
  d <- d %>% tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = "TYPE", values_from = "value")

  ## messy hard coding - consider refactoring if need more than just eigenvalues
  if (has_final_est & length(cond_num) > 0) {
    dlast <- d[nrow(d), ]
    dlast$parameter <- "CONDNUM"
    dlast$FINAL <- cond_num
    dlast$SE <- 0
    d <- rbind(d, dlast)
  if (!has_final_est) names(d)[names(d) %in% "ITER"] <- "FINAL"
  d <- d[order(d$EST.NO, decreasing = TRUE), ]
  d$file <- file_name
  is.diag.omega <- grepl("OMEGA.([0-9]+\\.)\\1", d$parameter)
  is.omega <- grepl("OMEGA.([0-9]+\\.)+", d$parameter)
  is.off.diag.omega <- is.omega & !is.diag.omega
  d <- d[!(is.off.diag.omega & d$FINAL == 0), ] ## get rid of off diag 0s
  is.diag.sigma <- grepl("SIGMA.([0-9]+\\.)\\1", d$parameter)
  is.sigma <- grepl("SIGMA.([0-9]+\\.)+", d$parameter)
  is.off.diag.sigma <- is.sigma & !is.diag.sigma
  d <- d[!(is.off.diag.sigma & d$FINAL == 0), ] ## get rid of off diag 0s
  is.diag.omega <- grepl("OMEGA.([0-9]+\\.)\\1", d$parameter) ## redefine
  is.omega <- grepl("OMEGA.([0-9]+\\.)+", d$parameter) ## redefine
  is.off.diag.omega <- is.omega & !is.diag.omega ## redefine
  is.diag.sigma <- grepl("SIGMA.([0-9]+\\.)\\1", d$parameter) ## redefine
  is.sigma <- grepl("SIGMA.([0-9]+\\.)+", d$parameter) ## redefine
  is.off.diag.sigma <- is.sigma & !is.diag.sigma ## redefine
  ## sort so that THETAs first, then diagonal OMEGAs, then off diag, then SIGMA, then OBJ
  par.char <- as.character(d$parameter)
  par.order <- c(
    sort(par.char[grepl("THETA", par.char)]),
    sort(par.char[grepl("SIGMA", par.char)]),
    sort(par.char[grepl("CONDNUM", par.char)])
  if (!identical(sort(par.order), sort(as.character(d$parameter)))) stop("Bug in code. Debug.")
  d$parameter <- factor(d$parameter, levels = par.order)
  d$type <- NA
  d$type[grepl("THETA", par.char)] <- "THETA"
  d$type[is.diag.omega] <- "OMEGAVAR"
  d$type[is.off.diag.omega] <- "OMEGACOV"
  d$type[grepl("SIGMA", par.char)] <- "SIGMA"
  d$type[grepl("OBJ", par.char)] <- "OBJ"
  if (has_final_est) {
    d$type[grepl("CONDNUM", par.char)] <- "CONDNUM"
    d$type <- factor(d$type, levels = c("THETA", "OMEGAVAR", "OMEGACOV", "SIGMA", "OBJ", "CONDNUM"))
  } else {
    d$type <- factor(d$type, levels = c("THETA", "OMEGAVAR", "OMEGACOV", "SIGMA", "OBJ"))
  d <- d[order(d$type), ]
  d$unit <- NA
  d$SEunit <- NA
  if (!"SE" %in% names(d)) {
    namesd <- names(d)
    d$SE <- NA
    final_pos <- grep("FINAL", namesd)
    d <- d[, c(namesd[1:final_pos], "SE", namesd[(final_pos + 1):length(namesd)])]
  d$is_final <- has_final_est

coef_ext0 <- function(ext.file) {
  ## raw function to generate parameter table from ext.file.
  extout <- read_ext0(ext.file = ext.file)
  ext2coef(extout, file_name = ext.file)

param_info2 <- function(m) {
  p_info <- dplyr::bind_rows(
  p_info[!is.na(p_info$parameter), ]

rr2 <- function(m, trans = TRUE) {
  d <- coef_long(m, trans = trans)
  if (nrow(d) == 0) {
  index <- !d$unit %in% "" & !is.na(d$unit)
  d$parameter[index] <-
    paste0(d$parameter[index], " (", d$unit[index], ")")
  if ("trans" %in% names(d)) {
    index <- !d$trans %in% "" & !is.na(d$trans)
    d$parameter[index] <-
      paste0(d$parameter[index], " (", d$trans[index], ")")
  d$parameter[d$key %in% "SE"] <- paste0("se_", d$parameter[d$key %in% "SE"])
  d <- d %>%
    dplyr::group_by(.data$parameter) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(par_no = max(.data$par_no))
  m_names <- unique(d$run_name)
  d$FIX <- NULL ## don't want FIX to split rows that should match
  d <- d %>% tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = "run_name", values_from = "estimate")
  names1 <- names(d)[!names(d) %in% m_names]
  d <- d[, c(names1, m_names)]
  # d <- d[order(d$key, d$par_no), ]
  d <- d[order(d$par_no, d$key), ]
  row.names(d) <- NULL
tsahota/NMproject documentation built on Oct. 1, 2022, 11:51 a.m.