
pop_model <- function(df, ...) {
    # make sure dataframe is supplied
    if (!is.data.frame(df)) {
        stop("Input to `df` must be a data frame.")
    wgt_cats <- list(...)
    # are all inputs to this function wgt_cats?
    if (!(all(map_lgl(wgt_cats, function(x) "wgt_cat" %in% class(x))))) {
        stop("Each input to pop_model must be of the class `wgt_cat`. Use `wgt_cat()` to construct this input.")
    # smush 'em together into final form
    out <- bind_rows(wgt_cats)
    # make sure each wgt_cat in pop.model has a matching column in df
    df.names  <- names(df)
    mod.names <- pull(out, wgt_cat)
    bad.names <- mod.names[!mod.names %in% df.names]
    if (length(bad.names) > 0) {
                "Each weighting category in `pop.model` must have a matching column name in `df`. The following weighting cagegories have no match:",
                paste(bad.names, collapse = ", "),
                sep = "\n"
    # create function for matching wgt_cat attributes to data source
    inherit_chr_fct <- function(to, from) {
        # to = character, from = factor
        if ((is.character(to) | is.factor(to)) & is.factor(from)) {
            to <- factor(x = to, 
                         levels = levels(from))
            if (is.ordered(from)) {
                to <- factor(to, ordered = TRUE)
        # to = factor, from = character
        if (is.factor(to) & is.character(from)) {
            to <- as.character(to)
    # adjust targets for any NA in wgt_cats and adjust attributes as needed
    adjusted_model <- pmap(out, function(..., main_data = df) {
        ## create list object out of all unspecified arguments passed from pmap
        ## - this is basically the row being evaluated
        inputList <- list(...)
        # get actual proportions to determine existance of NA
        act_props <- main_data %>% 
            group_by_(inputList$wgt_cat) %>%
            summarise(n = n()) %>%
            mutate(act_prop = n / sum(n)) %>%
        # figure out what row of above has NA if any
        na_val_a <- which(is.na(act_props[1]))
        # determine if targets already have NA bin
        na_val_t <- which(is.na(inputList$data[1]))
        # if NA exists in actuals but not in targets - do stuff
        if (length(na_val_a) == 1 & length(na_val_t) == 0) {
            # an attempt at notifying when a change happens due to NAs...
            cat('NAs found in ' %+% paste0(inputList$wgt_cat) %+% '; adjusting targets...\n')
            # determine proportion of NAs
            na_prop <- act_props[na_val_a, ]$act_prop
            # adjust current targets by a factor of 1 - na_prop
            new_targets <- inputList$data %>%
                mutate(targ_prop = targ_prop * (1 - na_prop))
            # insert a new row with the NA info
            new_targets[na_val_a, ] <- c(NA, na_prop)
            # replace existing target model
            inputList$data <- new_targets
        # reassign attribute types to match supplied data
        inputList$data$buckets <- inherit_chr_fct(inputList$data$buckets, act_props[[inputList$wgt_cat]])
        # recreate tibble similar to how it's put together in wgt_Cat
            wgt_cat = inputList$wgt_cat,
            data = list(
                    buckets = inputList$data$buckets,
                    targ_prop = inputList$data$targ_prop)))
    }) %>%
        # bind it all together
    # assign class
    class(adjusted_model) <- c(class(adjusted_model), "pop_model")
    out <- adjusted_model
ttrodrigz/iterake documentation built on March 27, 2024, 12:48 a.m.