
partynode <- function(id, split = NULL, kids = NULL, surrogates = NULL, info = NULL, centroids = NULL) {

  if (!is.integer(id) || length(id) != 1) {
    id <- as.integer(id0 <- id)
    if (any( || !isTRUE(all.equal(id0, id)) || length(id) != 1)
      stop(sQuote("id"), " ", "must be a single integer")

  if (is.null(split) != is.null(kids)) {
    stop(sQuote("split"), " ", "and", " ", sQuote("kids"), " ",
         "must either both be specified or unspecified")

  if (!is.null(kids)) {
    if (!(is.list(kids) && all(sapply(kids, inherits, "partynode")))
        || length(kids) < 2)
      stop(sQuote("kids"), " ", "must be an integer vector or a list of",
           " ", sQuote("partynode"), " ", "objects")

  if (!is.null(surrogates)) {
    if (!is.list(surrogates) || any(!sapply(surrogates, inherits, "partysplit")))
      stop(sQuote("split"), " ", "is not a list of", " ", sQuote("partysplit"),
           " ", "objects")

  node <- list(id = id, split = split, kids = kids, surrogates = surrogates, info = info, centroids = centroids)
  class(node) <- "partynode"

is.partynode <- function(x) {
  if (!inherits(x, "partynode")) return(FALSE)
  rval <- diff(nodeids(x, terminal = FALSE))
  isTRUE(all.equal(unique(rval), 1))

as.partynode <- function(x, ...)

as.partynode.partynode <- function(x, from = NULL, recursive = TRUE, ...) {
  if(is.null(from)) from <- id_node(x)
  from <- as.integer(from)
  if (!recursive) {
    if(is.partynode(x) &
       id_node(x) == from) return(x)
  id <- from - 1L

  new_node <- function(x) {
    id <<- id + 1L
    if(is.terminal(x)) return(partynode(id, info = info_node(x)))
              split = split_node(x),
              kids = lapply(kids_node(x), new_node),
              surrogates = surrogates_node(x),
              info = info_node(x))


as.partynode.list <- function(x, ...) {

  if (!all(sapply(x, inherits, what = "list")))
    stop("'x' has to be a list of lists")

  if (!all(sapply(x, function(x) "id" %in% names(x))))
    stop("each list in 'x' has to define a node 'id'")

  ok <- sapply(x, function(x)
    all(names(x) %in% c("id", "split", "kids", "surrogates", "info", "centroids")))
  if (any(!ok))
    sapply(which(!ok), function(i)
      warning(paste("list element", i, "defines additional elements:",
                    paste(names(x[[i]])[!(names(x[[i]]) %in%
                                            c("id", "split", "kids", "surrogates", "info", "centroids"))],
                          collapse = ", "))))

  ids <- as.integer(sapply(x, function(node) node$id))
  if(any(duplicated(ids))) stop("nodeids must be unique integers")
  x <- x[order(ids)]
  ids <- ids[order(ids)]

  new_recnode <- function(i) {
    x_i <- x[[which(ids == i)]]
    if (is.null(x_i$kids))
      partynode(id = x_i$id, info = x_i$info)
      partynode(id = x_i$id, split = x_i$split,
                kids = lapply(x_i$kids, new_recnode),
                surrogates = x_i$surrogates,
                info = x_i$info)

  ret <- new_recnode(ids[1L])
  ### <FIXME> duplicates recursion but makes sure
  ###    that the ids are in pre-order notation with
  ###    from defined in as.partynode.partynode
  ### </FIXME>
  as.partynode(ret, ...)

as.list.partynode <- function(x, ...)
  ids <- nodeids(x)
  obj <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(ids))
  thisnode <- NULL

  nodelist <- function(node) {
    if (is.terminal(node))
      obj[[which(ids == id_node(node))]] <<- list(id = id_node(node), info = info_node(node))
    else {
      thisnode <<- list(id = id_node(node), split = split_node(node),
                        kids = sapply(kids_node(node), function(k) id_node(k)))
      if (!is.null(surrogates_node(node)))
        thisnode$surrogates <- surrogates_node(node)
      if (!is.null(info_node(node)))
        thisnode$info <- info_node(node)
      obj[[which(ids == id_node(node))]] <<- thisnode
      lapply(kids_node(node), nodelist)

id_node <- function(node) {
  if (!(inherits(node, "partynode")))
    stop(sQuote("node"), " ", "is not an object of class", " ", sQuote("node"))

kids_node <- function(node) {
  if (!(inherits(node, "partynode")))
    stop(sQuote("node"), " ", "is not an object of class", " ", sQuote("node"))

info_node <- function(node) {
  if (!(inherits(node, "partynode")))
    stop(sQuote("node"), " ", "is not an object of class", " ", sQuote("node"))

formatinfo_node <- function(node, FUN = NULL, default = "", prefix = NULL, ...) {
  info <- info_node(node)

  ## FIXME: better dispatch to workhorse FUN probably needed in the future, e.g.:
  ## (1) formatinfo() generic with formatinfo.default() as below,
  ## (2) supply default FUN from party$info$formatinfo() or similar.
  if(is.null(FUN)) FUN <- function(x, ...) {
    if(is.null(x)) x <- ""
    if(!is.object(x) & is.atomic(x)) x <- as.character(x)
    if(!is.character(x)) x <- capture.output(print(x), ...)

  info <- if(is.null(info)) default else FUN(info, ...)
  if(!is.null(prefix)) {
    info <- if(length(info) > 1L) c(prefix, info) else paste(prefix, info, sep = "")

### FIXME: permutation and surrogate splits: is only the primary
### variable permuted?
kidids_node <- function(node, data, vmatch = 1:length(data), obs = NULL,
                        perm = NULL) {

  primary <- split_node(node)
  surrogates <- surrogates_node(node)

  ### perform primary split
  x <- kidids_split(primary, data, vmatch, obs)

  ### surrogate / random splits if needed
  if (any( {
    ### surrogate splits
    if (length(surrogates) >= 1) {
      for (surr in surrogates) {
        nax <-
        if (!any(nax)) break;
        x[nax] <- kidids_split(surr, data, vmatch, obs = obs)[nax]
    nax <-
    ### random splits
    if (any(nax)) {
      prob <- prob_split(primary)
      x[nax] <- sample(1:length(prob), sum(nax), prob = prob,
                       replace = TRUE)

  ### permute variable `perm' _after_ dealing with surrogates etc.
  if (!is.null(perm)) {
    if (is.integer(perm)) {
      if (varid_split(primary) %in% perm)
        x <- .resample(x)
    } else {
      if (is.null(obs)) obs <- 1:length(data)
      strata <- perm[[varid_split(primary)]]
      if (!is.null(strata)) {
        strata <- strata[obs, drop = TRUE]
        for (s in levels(strata))
          x[strata == s] <- .resample(x[strata == s])

kidids_node_predict <- function(node, data, vmatch = 1:length(data), obs = NULL,
                                perm = NULL) {

  primary <- split_node(node)
  surrogates <- surrogates_node(node)

  ### perform primary split
  x <- kidids_split_predict(primary, data, vmatch, obs)

  ### surrogate / random splits if needed
  if (any( {
    ### surrogate splits
    if (length(surrogates) >= 1) {
      for (surr in surrogates) {
        nax <-
        if (!any(nax)) break;
        x[nax] <- kidids_split_predict(surr, data, vmatch, obs = obs)[nax]
    nax <-
    ### random splits
    if (any(nax)) {
      prob <- prob_split(primary)
      x[nax] <- sample(1:length(prob), sum(nax), prob = prob,
                       replace = TRUE)

  ### permute variable `perm' _after_ dealing with surrogates etc.
  if (!is.null(perm)) {
    if (is.integer(perm)) {
      if (varid_split(primary) %in% perm)
        x <- .resample(x)
    } else {
      if (is.null(obs)) obs <- 1:length(data)
      strata <- perm[[varid_split(primary)]]
      if (!is.null(strata)) {
        strata <- strata[obs, drop = TRUE]
        for (s in levels(strata))
          x[strata == s] <- .resample(x[strata == s])

fitted_node <- function(node, data, vmatch = 1:length(data),
                        obs = 1:unique(sapply(data, NROW)), perm = NULL) {

  if (is.logical(obs)) obs <- which(obs)
  if (is.terminal(node))
    return(rep(id_node(node), length(obs)))
  retid <- nextid <- kidids_node(node, data, vmatch, obs, perm)

  for (i in unique(nextid)) {
    indx <- nextid == i
    retid[indx] <- fitted_node(kids_node(node)[[i]], data,
                               vmatch, obs[indx], perm)

fitted_node_predict <- function(node, data, vmatch = 1:length(data),
                                obs = 1:unique(sapply(data, NROW)), perm = NULL) {

  if (is.logical(obs)) obs <- which(obs)
  if (is.terminal(node))
    return(rep(id_node(node), length(obs)))
  retid <- nextid <- kidids_node_predict(node, data, vmatch, obs, perm)

  for (i in unique(nextid)) {
    indx <- nextid == i
    retid[indx] <- fitted_node_predict(kids_node(node)[[i]], data,
                                       vmatch, obs[indx], perm)

length.partynode <- function(x)

"[.partynode" <- "[[.partynode" <- function(x, i, ...) {
  if (!(length(i) == 1 && is.numeric(i)))
    stop(sQuote("x"), " ", "is incorrect node")

split_node <- function(node) {
  if (!(inherits(node, "partynode")))
    stop(sQuote("node"), " ", "is not an object of class", " ", sQuote("node"))

surrogates_node <- function(node) {
  if (!(inherits(node, "partynode")))
    stop(sQuote("node"), " ", "is not an object of class", " ", sQuote("node"))

is.terminal <- function(x, ...)

is.terminal.partynode <- function(x, ...) {
  kids <- is.null(kids_node(x))
  split <- is.null(split_node(x))
  if (kids != split)
    stop("x", " ", "is incorrect node")

## ## depth generic now taken from package 'grid'
## depth <- function(x, ...)
##     UseMethod("depth")

depth.partynode <- function(x, root = FALSE, ...) {
  if (is.terminal(x)) return(as.integer(root))
  max(sapply(kids_node(x), depth, root = root)) + 1L

width <- function(x, ...)

width.partynode <- function(x, ...) {
  if (is.terminal(x)) return(1)
  sum(sapply(kids_node(x), width.partynode))
tulliapadellini/energytree documentation built on May 14, 2020, 8:06 p.m.