.select <- function(model, trafo, data, subset, weights, whichvar, ctrl, FUN) {
ret <- list(criteria = matrix(NA, nrow = 2L, ncol = ncol(model.frame(data))))
rownames(ret$criteria) <- c("statistic", "p.value")
colnames(ret$criteria) <- names(model.frame(data))
if (length(whichvar) == 0) return(ret)
### <FIXME> allow joint MC in the absense of missings; fix seeds
### write ctree_test / ... with whichvar and loop over variables there
### </FIXME>
for (j in whichvar) {
tst <- FUN(model = model, trafo = trafo, data = data,
subset = subset, weights = weights, j = j,
SPLITONLY = FALSE, ctrl = ctrl)
ret$criteria["statistic",j] <- tst$statistic
ret$criteria["p.value",j] <- tst$p.value
.split <- function(model, trafo, data, subset, weights, whichvar, ctrl, FUN) {
if (length(whichvar) == 0) return(NULL)
for (j in whichvar) {
x <- model.frame(data)[[j]]
if (ctrl$multiway && is.factor(x) && !is.ordered(x) &&
(ctrl$maxsurrogate == 0) && nlevels(x[subset, drop = TRUE]) > 1)
index <- 1L:nlevels(x)
xt <- libcoin::ctabs(ix = unclass(x), weights = weights, subset = subset)[-1]
index[xt == 0] <- NA
### maybe multiway is not so smart here as
### nodes with nobs < minbucket could result
index[xt > 0 & xt < ctrl$minbucket] <- nlevels(x) + 1L
if (length(unique(index)) == 1) {
ret <- NULL
} else {
index <- unclass(factor(index))
ret <- partysplit(as.integer(j), index = as.integer(index))
} else {
ret <- FUN(model = model, trafo = trafo, data = data,
subset = subset, weights = weights, j = j,
SPLITONLY = TRUE, ctrl = ctrl)
### check if trafo can be successfully applied to all daugther nodes
### (converged = TRUE)
if (ctrl$lookahead & !is.null(ret)) {
sp <- kidids_split(ret, model.frame(data), obs = subset)
conv <- sapply(unique(na.omit(sp)), function(i)
isTRUE(trafo(subset[sp == i & !is.na(sp)], weights = weights)$converged))
if (!all(conv)) ret <- NULL
if (!is.null(ret)) break()
.objfun_select <- function(...)
function(model, trafo, data, subset, weights, whichvar, ctrl) {
args <- list(...)
ctrl[names(args)] <- args
.select(model, trafo, data, subset, weights, whichvar, ctrl, FUN = .objfun_test)
.objfun_split <- function(...)
function(model, trafo, data, subset, weights, whichvar, ctrl) {
args <- list(...)
ctrl[names(args)] <- args
.split(model, trafo, data, subset, weights, whichvar, ctrl, FUN = .objfun_test)
### unbiased recursive partitioning: set up new node
.extree_node <- function
id = 1L, ### id of this node
data, ### full data, readonly
selectfun, ### variable selection
splitfun, ### split selection
svselectfun, ### same for surrogate splits
svsplitfun, ### same for surrogate splits
partyvars, ### partytioning variables
### a subset of 1:ncol(model.frame(data))
weights = integer(0L), ### optional case weights
subset, ### subset of 1:nrow(data)
### for identifying obs for this node
ctrl, ### extree_control()
info = NULL,
cenv = NULL ### environment for depth and maxid
) {
### depth keeps track of the depth of the tree
### which has to be < than maxdepth
### maxit is the largest id in the left subtree
if (is.null(cenv)) {
cenv <- new.env()
assign("depth", 0L, envir = cenv)
depth <- get("depth", envir = cenv)
assign("maxid", id, envir = cenv)
if (depth >= ctrl$maxdepth)
### check for stumps
if (id > 1L && ctrl$stump)
### sw is basically the number of observations
### which has to be > minsplit in order to consider
### the node for splitting
if (length(weights) > 0L) {
if (ctrl$caseweights) {
sw <- sum(weights[subset])
} else {
sw <- sum(weights[subset] > 0L)
} else {
sw <- length(subset)
if (sw < ctrl$minsplit)
svars <- which(partyvars > 0)
if (ctrl$mtry < Inf) {
mtry <- min(sum(partyvars > 0), ctrl$mtry)
svars <- .resample(svars, mtry, prob = partyvars[partyvars > 0])
thismodel <- trafo(subset = subset, weights = weights, info = info,
estfun = TRUE, object = TRUE)
if (is.null(thismodel))
### update sample size constraints on possible splits
### need to do this here because selectfun might consider splits
mb <- ctrl$minbucket
mp <- ctrl$minprob
swp <- ceiling(sw * mp)
if (mb < swp) mb <- as.integer(swp)
thisctrl <- ctrl
thisctrl$minbucket <- mb
### compute test statistics and p-values
### for _unbiased_ variable selection
sf <- selectfun(model = thismodel, trafo = trafo, data = data, subset = subset, weights = weights,
whichvar = svars, ctrl = thisctrl)
if (inherits(sf, "partysplit")) {
thissplit <- sf
info <- nodeinfo <- thismodel[!(names(thismodel) %in% c("estfun"))]
info$nobs <- sw
if (!ctrl$saveinfo) info <- NULL
} else {
if (ctrl$bonferroni)
### make sure to correct for _non-constant_ variables only
sf$criteria["p.value",] <- sf$criteria["p.value",] *
### selectfun might return other things later to be used for info
p <- sf$criteria
crit <- p[ctrl$criterion,,drop = TRUE]
if (all(is.na(crit)))
crit[is.na(crit)] <- -Inf
### crit is maximised, but there might be ties
ties <- which(abs(crit - max(crit, na.rm = TRUE)) < sqrt(.Machine$double.xmin))
if (length(ties) > 1) {
### add a small value (< 1/1000) to crit derived from rank of
### teststat
crit[ties] <- crit[ties] +
rank(p["statistic", ties]) / (sum(ties) * 1000)
### switch from log(1 - pval) to pval for info slots
### switch from log(statistic) to statistic
### criterion stays on log scale to replicate variable selection
p <- rbind(p, criterion = crit)
p["statistic",] <- exp(p["statistic",])
p["p.value",] <- -expm1(p["p.value",])
pmin <- p["p.value", which.max(crit)]
names(pmin) <- colnames(model.frame(data))[which.max(crit)]
### report on tests actually performed only
p <- p[,!is.na(p["statistic",]) & is.finite(p["statistic",]),
drop = FALSE]
info <- nodeinfo <- c(list(criterion = p, p.value = pmin),
sf[!(names(sf) %in% c("criteria", "converged"))],
thismodel[!(names(thismodel) %in% c("estfun"))])
info$nobs <- sw
if (!ctrl$saveinfo) info <- NULL
### nothing "significant"
if (all(crit <= ctrl$logmincriterion))
return(partynode(as.integer(id), info = info))
### at most ctrl$splittry variables with meaningful criterion
st <- pmin(sum(is.finite(crit)), ctrl$splittry)
jsel <- rev(order(crit))[1:st]
jsel <- jsel[crit[jsel] > ctrl$logmincriterion]
if (!is.null(sf$splits)) {
### selectfun may return of a list of partysplit objects; use these for
### splitting; selectfun is responsible for making sure lookahead is implemented
thissplit <- sf$splits[[jsel[1]]]
} else {
### try to find an admissible split in data[, jsel]
thissplit <- splitfun(model = thismodel, trafo = trafo, data = data, subset = subset,
weights = weights, whichvar = jsel, ctrl = thisctrl)
### failed split search:
if (is.null(thissplit))
return(partynode(as.integer(id), info = info))
### successful split search: set-up node
ret <- partynode(as.integer(id))
ret$split <- thissplit
ret$info <- info
### determine observations for splitting (only non-missings)
snotNA <- subset[!subset %in% data[[varid_split(thissplit), type = "missings"]]]
if (length(snotNA) == 0)
return(partynode(as.integer(id), info = info))
### and split observations
kidids <- kidids_node(ret, model.frame(data), obs = snotNA)
### compute probability of going left / right
prob <- tabulate(kidids) / length(kidids)
# names(dimnames(prob)) <- NULL
if (ctrl$majority) ### go with majority
prob <- as.double((1L:length(prob)) %in% which.max(prob))
if (is.null(ret$split$prob))
ret$split$prob <- prob
### compute surrogate splits
if (ctrl$maxsurrogate > 0L) {
pv <- partyvars
pv[varid_split(thissplit)] <- 0
pv <- which(pv > 0)
if (ctrl$numsurrogate)
pv <- pv[sapply(model.frame(data)[, pv], function(x) is.numeric(x) || is.ordered(x))]
ret$surrogates <- .extree_surrogates(kidids, data = data,
weights = weights, subset = snotNA,
whichvar = pv,
selectfun = svselectfun, splitfun = svsplitfun, ctrl = ctrl)
kidids <- kidids_node(ret, model.frame(data), obs = subset)
### proceed recursively
kids <- vector(mode = "list", length = max(kidids))
nextid <- id + 1L
for (k in 1L:max(kidids)) {
nextsubset <- subset[kidids == k]
assign("depth", depth + 1L, envir = cenv)
kids[[k]] <- .extree_node(id = nextid, data = data,
trafo = trafo,
selectfun = selectfun, splitfun = splitfun,
svselectfun = svselectfun, svsplitfun = svsplitfun,
partyvars = partyvars,
weights = weights, subset = nextsubset,
ctrl = ctrl, info = nodeinfo, cenv = cenv)
### was: nextid <- max(nodeids(kids[[k]])) + 1L
nextid <- get("maxid", envir = cenv) + 1L
ret$kids <- kids
### unbiased recursive partitioning: surrogate splits
.extree_surrogates <- function
split, ### integer vector with primary kidids
data, ### full data, readonly
subset, ### subset of 1:nrow(data) with
### non-missings in primary split
whichvar, ### partytioning variables
selectfun, ### variable selection and split
### function
ctrl ### ctree_control()
) {
if (length(whichvar) == 0) return(NULL)
ms <- max(split)
if (ms != 2) return(NULL) ### ie no multiway splits!
dm <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(model.frame(data)), ncol = ms)
dm[cbind(subset, split)] <- 1
thismodel <- list(estfun = dm)
sf <- selectfun(model = thismodel, trafo = NULL, data = data, subset = subset,
weights = weights, whichvar = whichvar, ctrl = ctrl)
p <- sf$criteria
### partykit always used p-values, so expect some differences
crit <- p[ctrl$criterion,,drop = TRUE]
### crit is maximised, but there might be ties
ties <- which(abs(crit - max(crit, na.rm = TRUE)) < .Machine$double.eps)
if (length(ties) > 1) {
### add a small value (< 1/1000) to crit derived from order of
### teststat
crit[ties] <- crit[ties] +
order(p["statistic", ties]) / (sum(ties) * 1000)
ret <- vector(mode = "list", length = min(c(length(whichvar),
for (i in 1L:length(ret)) {
jsel <- which.max(crit)
thisctrl <- ctrl
thisctrl$minbucket <- 0L
sp <- splitfun(model = thismodel, trafo = NULL, data = data, subset = subset,
weights = weights, whichvar = jsel, ctrl = ctrl)
if (is.null(sp)) next
ret[[i]] <- sp
tmp <- kidids_split(ret[[i]], model.frame(data), obs = subset)
### <FIXME> this needs fixing for multiway "split"
tab <- table(tmp, split)
if (tab[1, 1] < tab[1, 2]) {
indx <- ret[[i]]$index
ret[[i]]$index[indx == 1] <- 2L
ret[[i]]$index[indx == 2] <- 1L
### </FIXME>
crit[which.max(crit)] <- -Inf
ret <- ret[!sapply(ret, is.null)]
if (length(ret) == 0L) ret <- NULL
extree_fit <- function(data, trafo, converged, selectfun = ctrl$selectfun,
splitfun = ctrl$splitfun, svselectfun = ctrl$svselectfun,
svsplitfun = ctrl$svsplitfun, partyvars, subset, weights, ctrl, doFit = TRUE) {
ret <- list()
### <FIXME> use data$vars$z as default for partyvars </FIXME>
### <FIXME> try to avoid doFit </FIXME>
nf <- names(formals(trafo))
if (all(c("subset", "weights", "info", "estfun", "object") %in% nf)) {
mytrafo <- trafo
} else {
stopifnot(all(c("y", "x", "offset", "weights", "start") %in% nf))
stopifnot(!is.null(yx <- data$yx))
mytrafo <- function(subset, weights, info, estfun = FALSE, object = FALSE, ...) {
iy <- data[["yx", type = "index"]]
if (is.null(iy)) {
NAyx <- data[["yx", type = "missing"]]
y <- yx$y
x <- yx$x
offset <- attr(yx$x, "offset")
### <FIXME> other ways of handling NAs necessary? </FIXME>
subset <- subset[!(subset %in% NAyx)]
if (NCOL(y) > 1) {
y <- y[subset,,drop = FALSE]
} else {
y <- y[subset]
if (!is.null(x)) {
ax <- attributes(x)
ax$dim <- NULL
ax$dimnames <- NULL
x <- x[subset,,drop = FALSE]
for (a in names(ax)) attr(x, a) <- ax[[a]] ### terms, formula, ... for predict
w <- weights[subset]
offset <- offset[subset]
cluster <- data[["(cluster)"]][subset]
if (all(c("estfun", "object") %in% nf)) {
m <- trafo(y = y, x = x, offset = offset, weights = w, start = info$coef,
cluster = cluster, estfun = estfun, object = object, ...)
} else {
obj <- trafo(y = y, x = x, offset = offset, weights = w, start = info$coef,
cluster = cluster, ...)
m <- list(coefficients = coef(obj),
objfun = -as.numeric(logLik(obj)),
estfun = NULL, object = NULL)
if (estfun) m$estfun <- sandwich::estfun(obj)
if (object) m$object <- obj
if (!is.null(ef <- m$estfun)) {
### ctree expects unweighted scores
if (!isTRUE(m$unweighted) && is.null(selectfun) && ctrl$testflavour == "ctree")
m$estfun <- m$estfun / w
Y <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(model.frame(data)), ncol = ncol(ef))
Y[subset,] <- m$estfun
m$estfun <- Y
} else {
w <- libcoin::ctabs(ix = iy, subset = subset, weights = weights)[-1]
offset <- attr(yx$x, "offset")
cluster <- model.frame(data, yxonly = TRUE)[["(cluster)"]]
if (all(c("estfun", "object") %in% nf)) {
m <- trafo(y = yx$y, x = yx$x, offset = offset, weights = w, start = info$coef,
cluster = cluster,
estfun = estfun, object = object, ...)
} else {
obj <- trafo(y = yx$y, x = yx$x, offset = offset, weights = w, start = info$coef,
cluster = cluster, ...)
m <- list(coefficients = coef(obj),
objfun = -as.numeric(logLik(obj)),
estfun = NULL, object = NULL)
if (estfun) m$estfun <- sandwich::estfun(obj)
if (object) m$object <- obj
if (!is.null(obj$unweighted))
m$unweighted <- obj$unweighted
m$converged <- obj$converged ### may or may not exist
### <FIXME> unweight scores in ctree or weight scores in
### mfluc (means: for each variable again) </FIXME>
### ctree expects unweighted scores
if (!is.null(m$estfun)) {
if (!isTRUE(m$unweighted) && is.null(selectfun) && ctrl$testflavour == "ctree")
m$estfun <- m$estfun / w
if (!is.null(ef <- m$estfun))
m$estfun <- rbind(0, ef)
if (!ctrl$update) {
rootestfun <- mytrafo(subset = subset, weights = weights)
updatetrafo <- function(subset, weights, info, ...)
} else {
updatetrafo <- function(subset, weights, info, ...) {
ret <- mytrafo(subset = subset, weights = weights, info = info, ...)
if (is.null(ret$converged)) ret$converged <- TRUE
conv <- TRUE
if (is.function(converged)) conv <- converged(subset, weights)
ret$converged <- ret$converged && conv
if (!ret$converged) return(NULL)
nm <- c("model", "trafo", "data", "subset", "weights", "whichvar", "ctrl")
stopifnot(all(nm == names(formals(selectfun))))
stopifnot(all(nm == names(formals(splitfun))))
stopifnot(all(nm == names(formals(svselectfun))))
stopifnot(all(nm == names(formals(svsplitfun))))
if (!doFit) return(mytrafo)
list(nodes = .extree_node(id = 1, data = data, trafo = updatetrafo, selectfun = selectfun,
splitfun = splitfun, svselectfun = svselectfun, svsplitfun = svsplitfun,
partyvars = partyvars, weights = weights, subset = subset, ctrl = ctrl),
trafo = mytrafo)
## extensible tree (model) function
extree_data <- function(formula, data, subset, na.action = na.pass, weights, offset, cluster,
strata, scores = NULL, yx = c("none", "matrix"), ytype = c("vector", "data.frame", "matrix"),
nmax = c("yx" = Inf, "z" = Inf), ...)
## call
cl <- match.call()
yx <- match.arg(yx, choices = c("none", "matrix"))
ytype <- match.arg(ytype, choices = c("vector", "data.frame", "matrix"))
## 'formula' may either be a (multi-part) formula or a list
noformula <- !inherits(formula, "formula")
if(noformula) {
## formula needs to be a 'list' (if it is not a 'formula')
if(!inherits(formula, "list")) stop("unsupported specification of 'formula'")
## specified formula elements and overall call elements
fonam <- names(formula)
clnam <- names(cl)[-1L]
vanam <- c("y", "x", "z", "weights", "offset", "cluster", "strata")
## y and z (and optionally x) need to be in formula
if(!all(c("y", "z") %in% fonam)) stop("'formula' needs to specify at least a response 'y' and partitioning variables 'z'")
if(!("x" %in% fonam)) formula$x <- NULL
## furthermore weights/offset/cluster/strata may be in formula or call
vars <- formula[vanam]
names(vars) <- vanam
if("weights" %in% clnam) {
clvar <- try(weights, silent = TRUE)
vars[["weights"]] <- c(vars[["weights"]], if(!inherits(clvar, "try-error")) clvar else deparse(cl$weights))
if("offset" %in% clnam) {
clvar <- try(offset, silent = TRUE)
vars[["offset"]] <- c(vars[["offset"]], if(!inherits(clvar, "try-error")) clvar else deparse(cl$offset))
if("cluster" %in% clnam) {
clvar <- try(cluster, silent = TRUE)
vars[["cluster"]] <- c(vars[["cluster"]], if(!inherits(clvar, "try-error")) clvar else deparse(cl$cluster))
if("strata" %in% clnam) {
clvar <- try(strata, silent = TRUE)
vars[["strata"]] <- c(vars[["strata"]], if(!inherits(clvar, "try-error")) clvar else deparse(cl$strata))
## sanity checking
for(v in vanam) {
if(!is.null(vars[[v]]) && !(is.numeric(vars[[v]]) | is.character(vars[[v]]) | is.logical(vars[[v]]))) {
warning(sprintf("unknown specification of '%s', must be character, numeric, or logical", v))
vars[v] <- list(NULL)
if(!missing(subset)) warning("'subset' argument ignored in list specification of 'formula'")
if(!missing(na.action)) warning("'na.action' argument ignored in list specification of 'formula'")
## no terms (by default)
mt <- NULL
} else {
## set up model.frame() call
mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
mf$na.action <- na.action ### evaluate na.action
if(missing(data)) data <- environment(formula)
m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action", "weights", "offset", "cluster", "strata"), names(mf), 0L)
mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf$dot <- "sequential"
## formula processing
oformula <- as.formula(formula)
formula <- Formula::as.Formula(formula)
mf$formula <- formula
npart <- length(formula)
if(any(npart < 1L)) stop("'formula' must specify at least one left-hand and one right-hand side")
npart <- npart[2L]
## evaluate model.frame
mf[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
## extract terms in various combinations
mt <- list(
"all" = terms(formula, data = data, dot = "sequential"),
"y" = terms(formula, data = data, rhs = 0L, dot = "sequential"),
"z" = terms(formula, data = data, lhs = 0L, rhs = npart, dot = "sequential")
if(npart > 1L) {
mt$yx <-terms(formula, data = data, rhs = 1L, dot = "sequential")
for(i in 1L:(npart-1L)) {
mt[[paste("x", if(i == 1L) "" else i, sep = "")]] <- terms(
formula, data = data, lhs = 0L, rhs = i, dot = "sequential")
## extract variable lists
vars <- list(
y = attr(mt$y, "term.labels"),
x = unique(unlist(lapply(grep("^x", names(mt)), function(i) attr(mt[[i]], "term.labels")))),
z = attr(mt$z, "term.labels"),
weights = if("(weights)" %in% names(mf)) "(weights)" else NULL,
offset = if("(offset)" %in% names(mf)) "(offset)" else NULL,
cluster = if("(cluster)" %in% names(mf)) "(cluster)" else NULL,
strata = if("(strata)" %in% names(mf)) "(strata)" else NULL
ymult <- length(vars$y) >= 1L
if(!ymult) vars$y <- names(mf)[1L]
## FIXME: store information which variable(s) went into (weights), (offset), (cluster)
## (strata)
## idea: check (x and) z vs. deparse(cl$weights), deparse(cl$offset), deparse(cl$cluster)
## check wether offset was inside the formula
if(!is.null(off <- attr(mt$x, "offset"))) {
if(is.null(vars$offset)) mf[["(offset)"]] <- rep.int(0, nrow(mf))
for(i in off) mf[["(offset)"]] <- mf[["(offset)"]] + mf[[i]]
vars$offset <- "(offset)"
## canonicalize y/x/z term labels
vanam <- if(noformula) names(data) else names(mf)
## z to numeric
if(is.null(vars$z)) stop("at least one 'z' variable must be specified")
if(is.integer(vars$z)) vars$z <- vanam[vars$z]
if(is.character(vars$z)) vars$z <- vanam %in% vars$z
if(is.logical(vars$z)) vars$z <- as.numeric(vars$z)
if(is.null(names(vars$z))) names(vars$z) <- vanam
vars$z <- vars$z[vanam]
if(any(is.na(vars$z))) vars$z[is.na(vars$z)] <- 0
vars$z <- as.numeric(vars$z)
## all others to integer
for(v in c("y", "x", "weights", "offset", "cluster", "strata")) {
if(!is.null(vars[[v]])) {
if(is.character(vars[[v]])) vars[[v]] <- match(vars[[v]], vanam)
if(is.logical(vars[[v]])) vars[[v]] <- which(vars[[v]])
if(any(is.na(vars[[v]]))) {
vars[[v]] <- vars[[v]][!is.na(vars[[v]])]
warning(sprintf("only found the '%s' variables: %s", v, paste(vanam[vars[[v]]], collapse = ", ")))
vars[[v]] <- unique(as.integer(vars[[v]]))
if(is.null(vars$y)) stop("at least one 'y' variable must be specified")
## FIXME: subsequently fitting, testing, splitting
## - fit: either pre-processed _and_ subsetted data --or-- full data object plus subset vector
## - test: additionally needs fit output --and-- fit function
## - split: additionally needs test output
## - tbd: control of all details
ret <- list(
data = if(noformula) data else mf,
variables = vars,
terms = mt
mf <- ret$data
yxvars <- c(vars$y, vars$x, vars$offset, vars$cluster)
zerozvars <- which(vars$z == 0)
ret$scores <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(ret$variables$z))
names(ret$scores) <- names(mf)
if (!is.null(scores))
ret$scores[names(scores)] <- scores
if (length(nmax) == 1) nmax <- c("yx" = nmax, "z" = nmax)
### <FIXME> make meanlevels an argument and make sure intersplit is TRUE </FIXME>
ret$zindex <- inum::inum(mf, ignore = names(mf)[zerozvars], total = FALSE,
nmax = nmax["z"], meanlevels = FALSE)
if (is.finite(nmax["yx"])) {
ret$yxindex <- inum::inum(mf[, yxvars, drop = FALSE], total = TRUE,
as.interval = names(mf)[vars$y], complete.cases.only = TRUE,
nmax = nmax["yx"], meanlevels = FALSE)
yxmf <- attr(ret$yxindex, "levels")
yxmf[["(weights)"]] <- NULL
attr(ret$yxindex, "levels") <- yxmf
} else {
ret$yxindex <- NULL
yxmf <- mf
ret$missings <- lapply(ret$data, function(x) which(is.na(x)))
ret$yxmissings <- sort(unique(do.call("c", ret$missings[yxvars])))
## FIXME: separate object with options for: discretization, condensation, some NA handling
## below is just "proof-of-concept" implementation using plain model.matrix() which could
## be included as one option...
if (yx == "matrix") {
## fake formula/terms if necessary
formula <- Formula::as.Formula(sprintf("%s ~ %s | %s",
paste(vanam[vars$y], collapse = " + "),
if(length(vars$x) > 0L) paste(vanam[vars$x], collapse = " + ") else "0",
paste(vanam[vars$z > 0], collapse = " + ")
mt <- list(
"all" = terms(formula),
"y" = terms(formula, data = data, rhs = 0L),
"z" = terms(formula, data = data, lhs = 0L, rhs = 2L),
"yx" = terms(formula, data = data, rhs = 1L),
"x" = terms(formula, data = data, lhs = 0L, rhs = 1L)
ymult <- length(vars$y) > 1L
npart <- 2L
if (ytype == "vector" && !ymult) {
yx <- list("y" = yxmf[, vanam[vars$y], drop = TRUE])
} else if (ytype == "data.frame") {
yx <- list("y" = yxmf[vanam[vars$y]])
} else { ### ytype = "matrix"
Ytmp <- model.matrix(~ 0 + ., Formula::model.part(formula, yxmf, lhs = TRUE))
### <FIXME> are there cases where Ytmp already has missings? </FIXME>
if (length(ret$yxmissings) == 0) {
Ymat <- Ytmp
} else {
Ymat <- matrix(0, nrow = NROW(yxmf), ncol = NCOL(Ytmp))
Ymat[-ret$yxmissings,] <- Ytmp
yx <- list("y" = Ymat)
for(i in (1L:npart)[-npart]) {
ni <- paste("x", if(i == 1L) "" else i, sep = "")
ti <- if(!ymult & npart == 2L) mt$yx else mt[[ni]]
Xtmp <- model.matrix(ti, yxmf)
if (length(ret$yxmissings) == 0) {
Xmat <- Xtmp
} else {
Xmat <- matrix(0, nrow = NROW(yxmf), ncol = NCOL(Xtmp))
Xmat[-ret$yxmissings,] <- Xtmp
yx[[ni]] <- Xmat
if(ncol(yx[[ni]]) < 1L) {
yx[[ni]] <- NULL
} else {
attr(yx[[ni]], "formula") <- formula(formula, rhs = i)
attr(yx[[ni]], "terms") <- ti
attr(yx[[ni]], "offset") <- yxmf[["(offset)"]]
ret$yx <- yx
class(ret) <- "extree_data"
model.frame.extree_data <- function(formula, yxonly = FALSE, ...) {
if (!yxonly)
if (!is.null(formula$yxindex))
return(attr(formula$yxindex, "levels"))
vars <- formula$variables
return(formula$data[, c(vars$y, vars$x, vars$offset, vars$cluster),drop = FALSE])
### <FIXME> document how to extract slots fast </FIXME>
"[[.extree_data" <- function(x, i, type = c("original", "index", "scores", "missings")) {
type <- match.arg(type, choices = c("original", "index", "scores", "missings"))
"original" = {
if (i == "yx") return(model.frame(x, yxonly = TRUE))
mf <- model.frame(x)
### [[.data.frame needs lots of memory
class(mf) <- "list"
"index" = {
if (i == "yx" || i %in% c(x$variables$y, x$variables$x))
return(x$yxindex) ### may be NULL
"scores" = {
f <- x[[i]]
if (is.ordered(f)) {
sc <- x$scores[[i]]
if (is.null(sc)) sc <- 1:nlevels(f)
"missings" = {
if (i == "yx" || i %in% c(x$variables$y, x$variables$x))
### control arguments needed in this file
extree_control <- function
minsplit = 20L,
minbucket = 7L,
minprob = 0.01,
nmax = Inf,
stump = FALSE,
lookahead = FALSE, ### try trafo() for daugther nodes before implementing the split
maxsurrogate = 0L,
numsurrogate = FALSE,
mtry = Inf,
maxdepth = Inf,
multiway = FALSE,
splittry = 2L,
majority = FALSE,
caseweights = TRUE,
applyfun = NULL,
cores = NULL,
saveinfo = TRUE,
bonferroni = FALSE,
update = NULL,
) {
## apply infrastructure for determining split points
if (is.null(applyfun)) {
applyfun <- if(is.null(cores)) {
} else {
function(X, FUN, ...)
parallel::mclapply(X, FUN, ..., mc.cores = cores)
### well, it is implemented but not correctly so
if (multiway & maxsurrogate > 0L)
stop("surrogate splits currently not implemented for multiway splits")
list(criterion = criterion, logmincriterion = logmincriterion,
minsplit = minsplit, minbucket = minbucket,
minprob = minprob, stump = stump, nmax = nmax,
lookahead = lookahead, mtry = mtry,
maxdepth = maxdepth, multiway = multiway, splittry = splittry,
maxsurrogate = maxsurrogate,
numsurrogate = numsurrogate, majority = majority,
caseweights = caseweights, applyfun = applyfun,
saveinfo = saveinfo, bonferroni = bonferroni, update = update,
selectfun = selectfun, splitfun = splitfun, svselectfun =
svselectfun, svsplitfun = svsplitfun)
.objfun_test <- function(model, trafo, data, subset, weights, j, SPLITONLY, ctrl)
x <- data[[j]]
NAs <- data[[j, type = "missing"]]
if (all(subset %in% NAs)) {
if (SPLITONLY) return(NULL)
return(list(statistic = NA, p.value = NA))
ix <- data[[j, type = "index"]]
ux <- attr(ix, "levels")
ixtab <- libcoin::ctabs(ix = ix, weights = weights, subset = subset)[-1]
ORDERED <- is.ordered(x) || is.numeric(x)
linfo <- rinfo <- model
minlogLik <- nosplitll <- trafo(subset = subset, weights = weights, info = model, estfun = FALSE)$objfun
sp <- NULL
if (ORDERED) {
ll <- ctrl$applyfun(which(ixtab > 0), function(u) {
sleft <- subset[LEFT <- (ix[subset] <= u)]
sright <- subset[!LEFT]
if (length(weights) > 0 && ctrl$caseweights) {
if (sum(weights[sleft]) < ctrl$minbucket ||
sum(weights[sright]) < ctrl$minbucket)
} else {
if (length(sleft) < ctrl$minbucket ||
length(sright) < ctrl$minbucket)
if (ctrl$restart) {
linfo <- NULL
rinfo <- NULL
linfo <- trafo(subset = sleft, weights = weights, info = linfo, estfun = FALSE)
rinfo <- trafo(subset = sright, weights = weights, info = rinfo, estfun = FALSE)
ll <- linfo$objfun + rinfo$objfun
minlogLik <- min(unlist(ll))
if(minlogLik < nosplitll)
sp <- which(ixtab > 0)[which.min(unlist(ll))]
} else {
xsubs <- factor(x[subset])
## stop if only one level left
if(nlevels(xsubs) < 2) {
} else {
return(list(statistic = NA, p.value = NA))
splits <- .mob_grow_getlevels(xsubs)
ll <- ctrl$applyfun(1:nrow(splits), function(u) {
sleft <- subset[LEFT <- xsubs %in% levels(xsubs)[splits[u,]]]
sright <- subset[!LEFT]
if (length(weights) > 0 && ctrl$caseweights) {
if (sum(weights[sleft]) < ctrl$minbucket ||
sum(weights[sright]) < ctrl$minbucket)
} else {
if (length(sleft) < ctrl$minbucket ||
length(sright) < ctrl$minbucket)
if (ctrl$restart) {
linfo <- NULL
rinfo <- NULL
linfo <- trafo(subset = sleft, weights = weights, info = linfo, estfun = FALSE)
rinfo <- trafo(subset = sright, weights = weights, info = rinfo, estfun = FALSE)
ll <- linfo$objfun + rinfo$objfun
minlogLik <- min(unlist(ll))
if(minlogLik < nosplitll) {
sp <- splits[which.min(unlist(ll)),] + 1L
levs <- levels(x)
if(length(sp) != length(levs)) {
sp <- sp[levs]
names(sp) <- levs
## split only if logLik improves due to splitting
minlogLik <- ifelse(minlogLik == nosplitll, NA, minlogLik)
return(list(statistic = -minlogLik, p.value = NA)) ### .extree_node maximises
if (is.null(sp) || all(is.na(sp))) return(NULL)
if (ORDERED) {
### interpolate split-points, see https://arxiv.org/abs/1611.04561
if (!is.factor(x) & ctrl$intersplit & sp < length(ux)) {
sp <- (ux[sp] + ux[sp + 1]) / 2
} else {
sp <- ux[sp] ### x <= sp vs. x > sp
if (is.factor(sp)) sp <- as.integer(sp)
ret <- partysplit(as.integer(j), breaks = sp,
index = 1L:2L)
} else {
ret <- partysplit(as.integer(j),
index = as.integer(sp))
.start_subset <- function(data) {
ret <- 1:NROW(model.frame(data))
if (length(data$yxmissings) > 0)
ret <- ret[!(ret %in% data$yxmissings)]
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