
Defines functions sparkParse spark_parse next_filled_cell next_filled_row next_blank_cell next_blank_row

Documented in next_blank_cell next_blank_row next_filled_cell next_filled_row spark_parse sparkParse

#' Find next blank line
#' @param start_idx
#' @param data
#' @return row index of next blank line
next_blank_row <- function(start_idx, data){
  next_start_idx <- start_idx
  while (any(!is.na(data[next_start_idx, ]))) {
    next_start_idx <- next_start_idx + 1
    if(next_start_idx >= nrow(data)){

#' Find next blank line
#' @param start_idx
#' @param data
#' @return row index of next blank line
next_blank_cell <- function(start_idx, data, col){
  next_start_idx <- start_idx
  while (!is.na(data[next_start_idx, col])) {
    next_start_idx <- next_start_idx + 1
    if(next_start_idx >= nrow(data)){

#' Find next non-blank line
#' @param start_idx
#' @param data
#' @return row index of next non-blank line
next_filled_row <- function(start_idx, data){
  next_start_idx <- start_idx
  while (any(is.na(data[next_start_idx, ]))) {
    next_start_idx <- next_start_idx + 1
    if(next_start_idx >= nrow(data)){

#' Find next non-blank line
#' @param start_idx
#' @param data
#' @return row index of next non-blank line
next_filled_cell <- function(start_idx, data, col){
  next_start_idx <- start_idx
  while (is.na(data[next_start_idx, col])) {
    next_start_idx <- next_start_idx + 1
    if(next_start_idx >= nrow(data)){

#' Parser for Tecan Spark plate reader data
#' @param data_csv path to .csv, .xls or .xlsx file from Tecan Spark plate reader
#' @param layout_csv path to csv file containing plate layout information
#' @param timeseries Boolean flag indicating whether the data is a timeseries or
#' single recording. The Tecan software outputs the two scenarios differently.
#' @param wells_as_columns Boolean flag indicating whether blocks of data are
#' oriented with wells as columns or rows
#' @return a data.frame containing the parsed plate reader data
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang .data
spark_parse <- function(data_csv, layout_csv, timeseries=F, wells_as_columns=F) {

  if(stringr::str_ends(data_csv, ".xlsx") | stringr::str_ends(data_csv, ".xls")){
    data <- as.data.frame(readxl::read_excel(path = data_csv,
                               col_names = F,
                               col_types = "text"))
  } else if(stringr::str_ends(data_csv, ".csv")){
    data <- utils::read.table(data_csv, sep = ",",
                              na.strings = c(""),
                              header = F,
                              stringsAsFactors = F)
  } else {
    stop("data_csv is must be a .csv, .xls or .xlsx file.")

  plate_layout <- utils::read.csv(layout_csv)

  if(timeseries == TRUE){
    start_time_idx <- which(data[, 1] == "Start Time")
    if (length(start_time_idx) > 1) {
      start_time_idx <- start_time_idx[length(start_time_idx)]

    # find where the next block starts
    next_block_start_idx <- next_filled_cell(start_time_idx + 1, data, col=1)

    end_of_file <- F
    all_data <- c()
    while (!end_of_file) {
      # find what is being measured
      block_name <- data[next_block_start_idx, 1]

      # check if we are at the end of the file
      if (block_name == "End Time") {
        end_of_file <- T

      # find where the end of the current measurement block is
      block_end_idx <- next_blank_cell(next_block_start_idx, data, col=1)

      # grab the data only for that measurement
      new_block <- data[(next_block_start_idx + 1):(block_end_idx - 1), ]
      # new_block <- new_block[-c(1,3), ]  # remove cycle no. and temp.

        # trim unnecessary readings i.e. temp and cycle number
        # and rename columns
        times <- as.character(new_block[2,])
        new_block <- new_block[-c(1:3), ]
        names(new_block) <- times
        names(new_block)[1] <- "well"
        new_block <- new_block %>%
          tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = 2:ncol(new_block),
                              names_to = "time",
                              values_to = "value",
                              values_transform = list(value = as.numeric)) %>%
          dplyr::mutate(time = as.numeric(time))
      } else if(wells_as_columns){
        wells <- new_block[1, -c(1,3)]
        new_block <- new_block[-1,-c(1,3)]
        names(new_block) <- wells
        names(new_block)[1] <- "time"
        new_block <- new_block %>%
          tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = 2:ncol(new_block),
                              names_to = "well",
                              values_to = "value",
                              values_transform = list(value = as.numeric)) %>%
          dplyr::mutate(time = as.numeric(time))

      # add info for each well
      joined_block <- dplyr::full_join(plate_layout, new_block)
      joined_block$measure <- block_name

      all_data <- rbind(all_data, joined_block)

      next_block_start_idx <- next_filled(block_end_idx + 1, data)

    # rearrange data ----------------------------------------------------------
    out_data <- all_data %>%
      tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = .data$measure, values_from = .data$value) %>%  # reshape so we have a column for each measurement type
      dplyr::mutate(row = substr(x = .data$well, start = 1, stop = 1)) %>%  # make a "row" column from the "well" column
      dplyr::mutate(column = as.numeric(substr(x = .data$well, start = 2,  # and make a "column" column
                                               stop = nchar(.data$well)))) %>%
      dplyr::arrange_at(dplyr::vars(.data$time,  # order the rows

    # write parsed data to csv ------------------------------------------------
    out_name <- gsub(".csv", "_parsed.csv", data_csv)
    out_name <- gsub(".xlsx", "_parsed.csv", out_name)
    utils::write.csv(x = out_data, file = out_name, row.names = FALSE)

  else if (timeseries == FALSE){
    start_time_idx <- which(data[, 1] == "Start Time")  # get start and end time ids
    end_idx <- which(data[, 1] == "End Time")
    names_idx <- which(data[, 1] == "Name")
    names_idx <- names_idx[2:length(names_idx)]  # remove the first start time entry which just details plate type

    all_data <- c()
    for (i in seq_len(length(start_time_idx))) {
      block_name <- data[names_idx[i], 2]  # record name of what is being measured

      block_start <- start_time_idx[i] + 4  # find start and end of measurement block
      block_end_idx <- end_idx[i] - 3

      new_block <- data[(block_start):(block_end_idx), 1:2]  # grab and name the data
      names(new_block)[1] <- "well"
      names(new_block)[2] <- "value"

      new_block$value <- as.numeric(new_block$value)

      joined_block <- dplyr::full_join(plate_layout, new_block)  # join to plate layout csv, add measurement category
      joined_block$measure <- block_name

      all_data <- rbind(all_data, joined_block)  # add to all data

    # rearrange data ----------------------------------------------------------
    spread_data <- tidyr::pivot_wider(all_data, names_from = .data$measure,
                                      values_from = .data$value)
    spread_data$row <- substr(x = spread_data$well, start = 1, stop = 1)
    spread_data$column <- as.numeric(substr(x = spread_data$well, start = 2,
                                            stop = nchar(spread_data$well)))
    spread_data <- dplyr::arrange_at(spread_data, dplyr::vars(.data$row,

    # write parsed data to csv ------------------------------------------------
    out_name <- gsub(".csv", "_parsed.csv", data_csv)
    utils::write.csv(x = spread_data, file = out_name, row.names = FALSE)


#' Parser for Tecan Spark plate reader data
#' @param data_csv path to csv file from Tecan Spark plate reader
#' @param layout_csv path to csv file containing plate layout information
#' @return a data.frame containing the parsed plate reader data
#' @export
sparkParse <- function(data_csv, layout_csv) {
  return(spark_parse(data_csv, layout_csv))
ucl-cssb/flopr documentation built on Jan. 27, 2024, 11:49 a.m.