
#' Run polygenic analysis.
#' The polygenic analysis is conducted in the following sequence:
#' export data to a directory by \code{\link{df2solar}} function, 
#' form a SOLAR call with a list of settings and options,
#' execute SOLAR by \code{\link{solar}} function, 
#' parse output files and 
#' store results in an object of \code{solarPolygenic} class (see \code{\link{solarPolygenicClass}}).
#'@param formula
#'  an object of class \code{formula} or one that can be coerced to that class.
#'  It is a symbolic description of fixed effects (covariates) to be fitted. 
#'  If the model does not have any covariates, then the formula looks like 
#'  \code{trait ~ 1}, where \code{1} means the trait mean parameter.
#'@param data
#'    A data frame containing the variables in the model, 
#'    including ID fields needed to construct random effects: genetic and house-hold (both optional).
#'    Other classes such as list, environment or object coercible by \code{as.data.frame} to a data frame
#'    are not supported.
#'@param dir
#'    an optional character string, the name of directory,
#'    where SOLAR performs the analysis.
#'    In this case, the analysis within related input/output files is 
#'    conducted in the given folder instead of a temporary one
#'    (the default work flow).
#'@param kinship
#'    A matrix of the kinship coefficients (custom kinship matrix). 
#'    The IDs are required to be in row and column names.
#'    Currently, it does not work for unrelated individuals (SOLAR issue).
#'@param traits
#'    a vector of characters to specify trait(s) in the model. It is alternative to the formula interface.
#'@param covlist 
#'    a vector of characters to specify fixed effects (covariates) in the model.
#'    It is alternative to the formula interface.
#'    It could be convenient to indicate covariates in the SOLAR format,
#'    for example, \code{"age^1,2,3#sex"} that means \code{sex age agesex age^2 age^2sex age^3 age^3*sex}.
#'    The default value is \code{"1"}.
#'@param covtest 
#'    a logical value, indicating whether to test the significance of the fixed effects (covariates).
#'    Likelihood ratio test (LRT) is used by SOLAR.
#'    \code{polygenic} SOLAR command is called with a combination of \code{-screen -all} options.
#'    As a result, \code{cf} slot will have p-values in \code{pval} column.
#'    The default value is \code{FALSE}.
#'@param screen 
#'    a logical value, indicating whether to screen the fixed effects (covariates).
#'    \code{polygenic} SOLAR command is called with \code{-screen} option.
#'    As a result, only significant covariates will be maintained in the model.
#'    The default value is \code{FALSE}.
#'@param household 
#'    a logical value, saying to \strong{forcedly} include or exclude the house-hold effect.
#'    The default value is \code{as.logical(NA)}, that means the following behavior in SOLAR.
#'    If \code{data} has \code{hhid} or similar column,
#'    then the house-hold effect is added to the model and tested by SOLAR.
#'    Otherwise, there is no any variable indicating the house-hold effect 
#'    neither in \code{data} nor in the model.
#'    If \code{household} is \code{TRUE}, then \code{polygenic} SOLAR command is called 
#'    with \code{-keephouse} option.
#'    If \code{household} is \code{FALSE}, then \code{house} SOLAR command 
#'    is not called previously to calling \code{polygenic} SOLAR command
#'    (modeling of the house-hold effect is omitted).
#'@param transforms 
#'    a named vector of characters, indicating the transformations to be applied to traits.
#'    A list of available transforms is returned by function \code{\link{availableTransforms}}.
#'    If the model is univariate, the name of transformation is not necessary and can be omitted.
#'    The default value is \code{character(0)}.
#'@param alpha
#'    a number between 0 an 1, that is the value of
#'    \code{-prob} option of \code{polygenic} SOLAR command.
#'    That is the probability level for keeping covariates as significant.
#'    The default value in SOLAR is 0.1,
#'    but the default value here is \code{0.05}.
#'    This parameter makes the \code{polygenic} SOLAR call to be like \code{polygenic -prob 0.05}.
#'@param polygenic.settings 
#'    A vector of characters, that contains SOLAR commands to be executed just before calling \code{polygenic}.
#'    For example, the liability threshold model applied to a binary trait (the default behavior in SOLAR).
#'    This behavior is disabled by setting the given argument to \code{"option EnableDiscrete 0"}.
#'    The default value is \code{""}.
#'@param polygenic.options 
#'    A character of options to be passed to \code{polygenic} SOLAR command.
#'    For example, the comprehensive analysis of a bivariate model might be parametrized
#'    by setting this parameter to \code{"-testrhoe -testrhog -testrhoc -testrhop -rhopse"}.
#'    See SOLAR help page for \code{polygenic} command for more details
#'    (\url{http://solar.txbiomedgenetics.org/doc/91.appendix_1_text.html#polygenic}).
#'    The default value is \code{""}.
#'@param verbose 
#'    An non-negative integer of the verbose level.
#'    The default value is \code{0}.
#'@param ...
#'    additional parameters to be passed to other functions called inside of \code{solarPolygenic}.
#'    For example, it might be a parameter \code{log.base} for \code{\link{transformTrait}} function
#'    in the case \code{transform} is equal to \code{"log"}.
#'@return An object of \code{solarPolygenic} class. See \code{\link{solarPolygenicClass}}.
#' ### load data and check out ID names
#' data(dat30)
#' matchIdNames(names(dat30))
#' \dontrun{
#' ### basic (univariate) polygenic model
#' mod <- solarPolygenic(trait1 ~ age + sex, dat30) 
#' ### (univariate) polygenic model with parameters
#' mod <- solarPolygenic(trait1 ~ age + sex, dat30, covtest = TRUE) 
#' mod$cf # look at test statistics for covariates
#' ### basic (bivariate) polygenic model
#' mod <- solarPolygenic(trait1 + trait2 ~ 1, dat30)
#' mod$vcf # look at variance components
#' ### (bivariate) polygenic model with trait specific covariates
#' mod <- solarPolygenic(trait1 + trait2 ~ age + sex(trait1), dat30)
#' ### (bivariate) polygenic model with a test of the genetic correlation
#' mod <- solarPolygenic(trait1 + trait2 ~ 1, dat30, polygenic.options = "-testrhog")
#' mod$lf # look at a p-value of the test
#' ### transforms for (univariate) polygenic model
#' mod <- mod <- solarPolygenic(trait1 ~ 1, dat30, transforms = "log")
#' ### transforms for (bivariate) polygenic model
#' mod <- solarPolygenic(trait1 + trait2 ~ 1, dat30, 
#'    transforms = c(trait1 = "log", trait2 = "inormal"))
#' ### SOLAR format of introducing covariates
#' mod <- solarPolygenic(traits = "trait1", covlist = "age^1,2,3#sex", data =  dat30)
#' mod$cf # 8 covariate terms will be printed
#' }
#' @export
solarPolygenic <- function(formula, data, dir,
  traits, covlist = "1",
  covtest = FALSE, screen = FALSE, household = as.logical(NA),
  transforms = character(0),
  alpha = 0.05,
  polygenic.settings = "",  polygenic.options = "",
  verbose = 0,
  ### step 1: process par & create `out`
  mc <- match.call()
  is.kinship <- methods::hasArg(kinship)
  stopifnot(class(data) == "data.frame")
  stopifnot(length(polygenic.options) == 1)
  stopifnot(!missing(formula) | (!missing(traits)))
  is.tmpdir <- missing(dir)
  # extract `traits`, `covlist`
  if(!missing(formula)) {
    formula.str <- as.character(as.list(formula))

    traits <- unlist(strsplit(formula.str[[2]], "\\+"))
    traits <- gsub(" ", "", traits)

    covlist <- unlist(strsplit(formula.str[[3]], "\\+"))
    covlist <- gsub(" ", "", covlist)
  # process `polygenic.settings`/`polygenic.options`
  if(length(traits) == 1) {
    polygenic.options <- paste(polygenic.options, "-prob", alpha)
  } else if(length(traits) == 2) {
    polygenic.options <- paste(polygenic.options, "-rhopse")
  # parse `covtest`/`screen`/`household` par
  if(covtest) {
    polygenic.options <- paste(polygenic.options, "-screen -all")
  if(screen) {
    polygenic.options <- paste(polygenic.options, "-screen")
  # force `household <- FALSE` if the data set does not have the house-hold field
  if(is.na(household) & !hasHousehold(names(data))) {
    household <- FALSE
  # set up `polygenic.settings`
  if(is.na(household)) {
    polygenic.settings <- c(polygenic.settings, "house")
  } else if(household) {
    polygenic.settings <- c(polygenic.settings, "house")
    polygenic.options <- paste(polygenic.options, "-keephouse")
  # in the case `household == FALSE`, the house-hold effect will be ignored, 
  # as `house` SOLAR command in `polygenic.settings` is NOT set.
  # kinship
  kin2.gz <- "kin2.gz" # "phi2.gz" "kin2.gz"
  if(is.kinship) {
    polygenic.settings <- c(polygenic.settings, paste("matrix load", kin2.gz, "phi2"))

  # check `traits`, `covlist`
  check_var_names(traits, covlist, names(data))

  out <- list(traits = traits, covlist = covlist, transforms = transforms,
    polygenic.settings = polygenic.settings, polygenic.options = polygenic.options, 
    solar = list(model.filename = "null0.mod", phe.filename = "dat.phe", 
      kin2.gz = kin2.gz, kinship = is.kinship),
    call = mc, verbose = verbose)
  ### step 2.1: transform
  if(length(out$transforms)) {
    if(length(out$transforms) == 1) {
      if(is.null(names(out$transforms))) {
        names(out$transforms) <- traits
    stopifnot(all(names(out$transforms) %in% traits))
    # transform
    data <- transformData(out$transforms, data, ...)
    # change `traits` names
    for(t in names(out$transforms)) {
      ind <- which(out$traits == t)
      stopifnot(length(ind) == 1)
      out$traits[ind] <- paste0("tr_", t)
  ### step 2.2: set up SOLAR dir
  if(is.tmpdir) {
    dir <- tempfile(pattern = "solarPolygenic-")
  if(verbose > 1) cat(" * solarPolygenic: parameter `dir` is missing.\n")
  if(verbose > 1) cat("  -- temporary directory `", dir, "` used\n")
  if(missing(kinship)) df2solar(data, dir)
  else df2solar(data, dir, kinship, kin2.gz = out$solar$kin2.gz)
  ### step 3: run polygenic
  out <- solar_polygenic(dir, out)
  ### step 3.1: residual polygenic
solar_read_residuals <- function(dir, out)
  traits.dir <- paste(out$traits, collapse = ".")
  file.residuals <- file.path(dir, traits.dir, "polygenic.residuals")
  ### line 1
  line1 <- readLines(file.residuals, n = 1)
  ncol <- length(strsplit(line1, ",")[[1]])
  colClasses <- rep(as.character(NA), ncol)
  colClasses[1] <- "character" # `id`
  tab <- read.table(file.residuals, header = TRUE, sep = ",", colClasses = colClasses)
  stopifnot(ncol(tab) == ncol)


  ret <- suppressWarnings(try(solar_read_residuals(dir, out), silent = TRUE))
  #ret <- try(solar_read_residuals(dir, out))
  if(class(ret)[1] == "try-error") {
    out$resf <- data.frame()
  } else {
    out$resf <- ret
  ### clean 
  if(is.tmpdir) {
    unlink(dir, recursive = TRUE)
    if(verbose > 1) cat("  -- solarPolygenic: temporary directory `", dir, "` unlinked\n")
  oldClass(out) <- "solarPolygenic"  
ugcd/solarius documentation built on May 3, 2019, 2:22 p.m.