
Defines functions compute.rmi.index plot.RMIndex

Documented in plot.RMIndex

#' The RMI class
#' The \code{RMI} object contains Realized Mobility Index data frame, which is computed for the populations of Inidividuals. 
#' This line and the next ones go into the details.
#' This line thus appears in the details as well.
#'@section Slots: 
#'  \describe{
#'    \item{\code{group.by}:}{Object of class \code{"character"}, column name in the attribute data.frame that contains population type of the animal belongs to;}
#'    \item{\code{data}:}{Object of class \code{"data.frame"}, additional data of that object that is stored in the SpatialPointsDataFrame}
#'  }
#' @note Initial implementation of the package does not include export of this object to other packages to program against
#' @name Individuals 
#' @rdname Individuals
#' @aliases Individuals-class
#' @exportClass Individuals
#' @author Irina Belyaeva
"RMIndex" =  function(df) {
    if (is.data.frame(df)){
        # include validation of presence of columns
    new ("RMIndex",  data = df)

compute.rmi.index <- function(xy, percent = 95,
                   unin=c("m", "km"),
                   unout=c("ha", "km2", "m2"), id){
    unin <- match.arg(unin)
    unout <- match.arg(unout)
    id <- id
    idcolumnName = id
    index_id = grep(idcolumnName, colnames(xy@data))
    if (length(index_id)==0){
        stop("Column Animal Id is missing.")
    population.mcp <- mcp.population(xy, percent,
                                     unin = unin,
                                     unout = unout)
    individual.mcp <- mcp(xy[,id], percent,
                          unin = unin,
                          unout = unout)
     df.ind.area <- as.data.frame(individual.mcp)
     dt.ind.area <- data.table(df.ind.area)
     dt<- dt.ind.area[,list(id=id, pop.type=population.mcp@data$id, ind.home.range=area, pop.home.range=population.mcp@data$area, 
     df <- as.data.frame(dt)

#'@exportMethod summary
setMethod("summary", "RMIndex", function(object, ...) {
    df = as.data.frame(object@data)
    tapply(df$rmi.index, df$pop.type, summary)
}  )

#' Helper method to plot RMIndex
#' @param RMIndex
plot.RMIndex <- function(x,y, ...){
    if (!inherits(x, "RMIndex")){
        stop("Object should be type of RMIndex")    
    df <- as.data.frame(x@data)
    pop.rank <- NULL
    tmp.rank <- NULL
    cexValue = 2
    dt <- as.data.table(df)
    df <- as.data.frame(dt)
    df <- within(df,pop.type <- factor(pop.type, levels=names(sort(table(pop.type), decreasing = TRUE))))
    df$pop.type <- reorder(df$pop.type, df$pop.rank)
    # strip chart again
    stripchart(rmi.index ~ factor(pop.type)
               , data = df, col = NA,xlim = c(.8,5), 
               cex = cexValue+2,cex.lab = cexValue,cex.axis= cexValue, frame = F,
               vertical = T,ylab = "Realized mobility index", xlab = "Species",
               ylim = c(0,1.1))
    this.x <- jitter(as.integer(factor(as.integer(factor(df$pop.type)))),.3)
    this.y <- df$rmi.index
    index <- as.integer(factor(as.integer(factor(df$pop.type))))
    fg.pal <- color.palette(length(unique(df$pop.type)))
    bg.pal <- color.palette(length(unique(df$pop.type)), palette = c("Dark2"))  
    df$color <- fg.pal[index]
    df$bgcolor <- bg.pal[index]

    points(this.x, this.y ,col= df$color, bg =  df$bgcolor,
           pch = 25,cex = cexValue+2,lwd = 2)

#' Plot RMIndex object
#' @param RMIndex
#' @rdname RMI-methods
#' @exportMethod
setMethod("plot", signature(x="RMIndex", y="missing"),
          function(x,y, ...){
              plot.RMIndex(x, ...)
umd-lib/animalmove documentation built on May 3, 2019, 2:24 p.m.