
Defines functions create_link_table create_age_sex_codes get_presence_rc prep_red_colobus_ind_nn_data prep_red_colobus_ind_nn_data_one_period get_dyadic_observations permute_scan_data calc_ind_while_NN_present calc_ind_NN_together

Documented in calc_ind_NN_together calc_ind_while_NN_present create_age_sex_codes create_link_table get_dyadic_observations get_presence_rc permute_scan_data prep_red_colobus_ind_nn_data prep_red_colobus_ind_nn_data_one_period

#' Red Colobus: Create table to link all synonyms to an individual name, and
#' also includes the sex of individuals
#' This function uses the IndividualsRC table to create a longer table with
#' names, link names (synonyms) and sex of individuals. It also included unknown
#' individuals (e.g. Adult Female) with the code number as synonym, and the sex
#' (if known)
#' @param individual_table IndividualsRC table should include all individuals
#'   with all possible alternative names for each individual
#' @export
#' @examples

create_link_table <- function(individual_table){

  # Preparatory steps with the individual table (should be corrected in the original copy?)
  id_table <- individual_table %>%
    filter(!(Name_New %in% c("FPF")))

  # Create a "link-table" for known individuals:
  # One column with official names, containing all names from the column Name_New
  # One column with link-names, containing all names from Name_New PLUS all alternative and old names

  link_ids_1 <- id_table %>%
    select(Name = Name_New) %>% mutate(Link_Name = Name)

  link_ids_2 <-  id_table %>%
    filter(!is.na(Name_Old)) %>% select(Name = Name_New, Link_Name = Name_Old)

  link_ids_3 <-  id_table %>%
    filter(!is.na(Alternative_Name1)) %>% select(Name = Name_New, Link_Name = Alternative_Name1)

  link_ids_4 <-  id_table %>%
    filter(!is.na(Alternative_Name2)) %>% select(Name = Name_New, Link_Name = Alternative_Name2)

  link_ids_5 <-  id_table %>%
    filter(!is.na(Alternative_Name3)) %>% select(Name = Name_New, Link_Name = Alternative_Name3)

  link_ids <- rbind(link_ids_1, link_ids_2, link_ids_3, link_ids_4, link_ids_5) %>%
    arrange(Name) %>%
    left_join(., select(individual_table, Name_New, Sex), by = c("Name" = "Name_New")) %>%
    mutate(Sex = if_else(Sex == "M", "Male", if_else(Sex == "F", "Female", NA_character_)))

  # Add codes for unknown individuals
  link_unknown <- tibble(Name = c("Adult Male", "Adult Female", "Adult Female with Infant",
                                  "Adult", "Subadult Male", "Subadult Female", "Subadult",
                                  "Juvenile", "Infant", "Unknown", "Juvenile Male",
                                  "Juvenile Female", "Infant Male", "Infant Female",
                                  "Other Species"),
                         Link_Name = as.character(c(1:14, 20)),
                         Sex = c("Male", "Female", "Female", "Unknown", "Male",
                                 "Female", "Unknown", "Unknown", "Unknown", "Unknown",
                                 "Male", "Female", "Male", "Female",

  link_ids <- rbind(link_ids, link_unknown)


#' Red Colobus: Create age-sex codes based on the link table
#' @param link_table Table creates with \code{create_link_table}
#' @export
#' @examples

create_age_sex_codes <- function(link_table){
  age_sex_codes <- link_table %>%
    filter(Link_Name %in% as.character(c(1:14, 20))) %>%
    mutate(Age = case_when(str_detect(Name, "Adult") ~ "Adult",
                           str_detect(Name, "Subadult") ~ "Subadult",
                           str_detect(Name, "Juvenile") ~ "Juvenile",
                           str_detect(Name, "Infant") ~ "Infant",
                           TRUE ~ "Unknown"),
           Age_Sex_Code = as.numeric(Link_Name)) %>%
    select(Description = Name, Age_Sex_Code, Age, Sex)


#' Determine presence of adult individuals in the Small Camp Red Colobus group
#' for the specified period of time
#' This function uses scan data in combination with data on the
#' first-adult-month of individuals to determine for each month whether an
#' individual was 1) adult and 2) present
#' Note that estimating the presence for short periods of time can be diffent
#' from estimates from longer periods of time. Information what happens before
#' or after the specified period of time is unknown and the function assumes
#' that preceding and following month have a count of n_min. Ideally include 2
#' months before and 2 months after each observation period. (Note to myself:
#' this could also be included in the function.)
#' Default is that individuals are considered absent if recorded for less than
#' \code{n_min} (default 5) times per month for 3 months in a row
#' @param scandata_df Data frame with red colobus scan data
#' @param first_month_adult_df Dataframe with first-month-adult dates
#' @param from_date,to_date Start and end date of analyzed period of time.
#'   Format should be "yyyy-mm-dd". First and last date will be included!
#' @param n_min Minimum number of times an individual has to be recorded
#'   (Individual + NN) to be considered present. If recorded < n_min for 3 month
#'   in row, considered as absent (including the first month considered)
#' @param details Provide details for each individual and each month (default
#'   FALSE)
#' @export
#' @examples

get_presence_rc <- function(scandata_df, first_month_adult_df,
                            from_date, to_date, n_min = 5, details = FALSE){

  # Limit scandata table to required columns, and derive year and month column
  # Use as.Date(DateTime) because otherwise from_data and to_date will be considered as datetime
  df <- scandata_df %>%
           as.Date(DateTime) >= as.Date(from_date) &
             as.Date(DateTime) <= as.Date(to_date)) %>%
    select(DateTime, Individual, NN) %>%
    mutate(YearOf = lubridate::year(DateTime), MonthOf = lubridate::month(DateTime))

  # Count the number of times each name was recorded as Individual per month
  ind_per_month <- df %>%
    group_by(YearOf, MonthOf, Individual) %>%
    summarize(ind_count = n()) %>%

  # Count the number of times each name was recorded as NN per month
  nn_per_month <- df %>%
    group_by(YearOf, MonthOf, NN) %>%
    summarize(nn_count = n()) %>%

  # Combines tables to get count how often each name was recorded in total (Individual + NN)
  name_per_month <- ind_per_month %>%
    left_join(., nn_per_month,
              by = c("YearOf", "MonthOf", "Individual" = "NN")) %>%
    mutate_at(vars(contains("count")), ~replace_na(., 0)) %>%
    mutate(count_total = ind_count + nn_count) %>%
    select(YearOf, MonthOf, Name = Individual, count_total) %>%
    complete(Name, nesting(YearOf, MonthOf),
             fill = list(count_total = 0)) %>%
    arrange(Name, YearOf, MonthOf)

  # Determine for each name in each month whether it was adult
  adults_per_month <- name_per_month %>%
    left_join(select(first_month_adult_df, Name, first_month_adult = Year_month),
              by = "Name") %>%
    filter(!is.na(first_month_adult)) %>%
    mutate(Date_adult = as.Date(paste0(first_month_adult, "-01")),
           Date_count = as.Date(paste0(YearOf, "-", MonthOf, "-01")),
           Adult = if_else(Date_count >= Date_adult, 1, 0)) %>%
    select(-Date_adult, -Date_count, -first_month_adult)

  # Now, determine the presence
  # An individual is considered as absent if observed less than n_min times in 3 consecutive months:
  # 1. Observed less than n_min times in current and two following months
  # 2. Observed less than n_min times in current and two past months
  # 3. Observed less than n_min times in past, current, and following month
  presence_month <- adults_per_month %>%
    group_by(Name) %>%
    mutate(Present = if_else((count_total < n_min &
                                lead(count_total, n = 1, default = n_min) < n_min &
                                lead(count_total, n = 2, default = n_min) < n_min) |
                               (count_total < n_min &
                                  lag(count_total, n = 1, default = n_min) < n_min &
                                  lag(count_total, n = 2, default = n_min) < n_min) |
                               (count_total < n_min &
                                  lead(count_total, n = 1, default = n_min) < n_min &
                                  lag(count_total, n = 1, default = n_min) < n_min),
                             0, 1)) %>%
    ungroup %>%
    mutate(Present_As_Adult = if_else(Present == 1 & Adult == 1, 1, 0))

    presence_month <- presence_month %>%
      select(-count_total, -Adult, -Present)

#' Prepare Red Colobus scandata for determination of association indices based on Nearest Neighbours:
#' @param presence_df Dataframe created with `get_presence_rc`
#' @param id_sex_df Table with sex of individuals. This is the link table
#'   creates with `create_link_table`
#' @param start_date String for start date that can be coerced to date by `as.Date`
#' @param end_date String for end date that can be coerced to date by `as.Date`
#' @param interval_length_month Lenght of each interval in months.
#' @param filter_adults Only keep lines where Individual and NN were adult?
#' @param keep_activity_interactant If FALSE, re-sort columns and sort out activity, interactant, and inter_age_sex
#' @param ind_sex_included Which indivuals (Male, Female) should be included?
#' @param nn_sex_included Which nearest neighbours (Male, Female) should be included?
#' @inheritParams get_presence_rc
#' @export
#' @examples

prep_red_colobus_ind_nn_data <- function(scandata_df, presence_df, id_sex_df,
                                         start_date, end_date, interval_length_month,
                                         filter_adults = TRUE,
                                         keep_activity_interactant = FALSE,
                                         ind_sex_included, nn_sex_included){

  # Create list with start and end dates
  time_points <- seq(as.Date(start_date), as.Date(end_date), by = paste0(interval_length_month, " months"))
  time_periods <- list(start = time_points[-length(time_points)],
                       end = time_points[-1] - 1)

  # Prepare the Individual-Nearest Neighbor data frame for all time periods
  for(i in 1:length(time_periods$start)){
    ind_nn_df_temp <- prep_red_colobus_ind_nn_data_one_period(scandata_df = scandata_df,
                                                              from_date = time_periods$start[i],
                                                              to_date = time_periods$end[i],
                                                              presence_df = presence_df,
                                                              filter_adults = filter_adults,
                                                              id_sex_df = id_sex_df,
                                                              keep_activity_interactant = keep_activity_interactant) %>%
      filter(Ind_Sex %in% ind_sex_included, NN_Sex %in% nn_sex_included)

    if(i == 1){ ind_nn_df <- ind_nn_df_temp
    } else { ind_nn_df <- bind_rows(ind_nn_df, ind_nn_df_temp) }

#' Prepare Red Colobus scandata for determination of association indices based on Nearest Neighbours:
#' Trim the data frame from start to end of a single period, and only keep relevant columns
#' @inheritParams get_presence_rc
#' @inheritParams prep_red_colobus_ind_nn_data
#' @export
#' @examples

prep_red_colobus_ind_nn_data_one_period <- function(scandata_df,
                                              from_date, to_date,
                                              presence_df, id_sex_df,
                                              filter_adults = TRUE,
                                              keep_activity_interactant = FALSE){
  # Only keep data within time period and remove non-usable records and rows without Individual

  df <- scandata_df %>%
    filter(DateTime >= as.Date(from_date) &
             DateTime <= as.Date(to_date) &
             !is.na(Individual) &

  # Only keep required columns

  df <- df %>%
    select(DateTime, Scan_ID, Individual, Ind_Age_Sex, NN, NN_Age_Sex, Dist,
           Activity, Interactant, Inter_Age_Sex)

  # Create additional date columns with year, month, and day
  df <- df %>%
    mutate(YearOf = lubridate::year(DateTime),
           MonthOf = lubridate::month(DateTime),
           DayOf = lubridate::day(DateTime))

  # Combine with presence_df for 1) Individual and 2) NN
  # Replace NA by 0 because NA means Name was not adult in that month
  # (only individuals that were ever present as adults are listed in presence table)

  df <- df %>%
    left_join(rename(presence_df, Ind_Adult = Present_As_Adult),
              by = c("Individual" = "Name", "YearOf", "MonthOf")) %>%
    left_join(rename(presence_df, NN_Adult = Present_As_Adult),
              by = c("NN" = "Name", "YearOf", "MonthOf")) %>%
    mutate_at(vars(Ind_Adult, NN_Adult), ~replace_na(., 0))

  # Combine with id_sex_df to get sex for Individuals and NNs from individual table
  df <- df %>%
    left_join(rename(id_sex_df, Ind_Sex = Sex), by = c("Individual" = "Name")) %>%
    left_join(rename(id_sex_df, NN_Sex = Sex), by = c("NN" = "Name"))

  # Re-sort columns and sort out activity, interactant, and inter_age_sex if keep_activity_interactant = FALSE
    df <- df %>%
      select(Scan_ID, DateTime, YearOf, MonthOf, DayOf,
             Individual, Ind_Sex, Ind_Adult,
             Activity, Interactant, Inter_Age_Sex,
             NN, NN_Sex, NN_Adult, Dist)

  } else {
    df <- df %>%
      select(Scan_ID, DateTime, YearOf, MonthOf, DayOf,
             Individual, Ind_Sex, Ind_Adult,
             NN, NN_Sex, NN_Adult, Dist)

  # If filter_adult is TRUE, only keep lines where Individual and NN were adult
  # Then also sort out columns Ind_Adult and NN_Adult, because they all have 1
    df <- df %>%
      filter(Ind_Adult == 1 & NN_Adult == 1)
  # Add information about time period
  df$time_period_start <- from_date
  df$time_period_end <- to_date


#' For each dyad within each time period, this function counts the number of
#' times an Individual A was recorded as Individual while Individual A and B
#' were both adult and present (`$n_Ind_while_NN_present`). Then, it calculates
#' how often Individual B was recorded as the Nearest Neighbour (NN) of
#' Individual A for a time period (where both were adult and present;
#' `$n_Ind_NN_together_observed`).
#' Furthermore, this function conducts pre-network data permutations
#' `n_permutations` times (0 for no permutations) using the function
#' `permute_scan_data` For each permutation, `flips_per_permutation` NNs are
#' flipped. Then, the number of times Individual B was recorded as NN of
#' Individual A is counted (`$n_Ind_NN_together_permuted`)
#' Limitations: This function cannot (yet) permute within sex classes only. To
#' achieve that, subset scandata and only include females or males before
#' running the function. Set `ind_sex_permutation` and `nn_sex_permutation` to
#' "Male"/"Female" respectively (although this should be working with default
#' arguments)
#' @param ind_nn_df Data frame with information on indviduals and nearest
#'   neighours from red colobus scan data. Created with
#'   `prep_red_colobus_ind_nn_data()`
#' @param max_nn_dist The maximum distance for which an individual is still
#'   considered NN. Default is 5 (m)
#' @param n_permutations How many permutations should be conducted?
#' @inheritParams get_presence_rc
#' @inheritParams prep_red_colobus_ind_nn_data_one_period
#' @inheritParams permute_scan_data
#' @export
#' @examples
get_dyadic_observations <- function(ind_nn_df, presence_df,
                                    i_obs_min = 5,
                                    max_nn_dist = 5, n_permutations = 0,
                                    set_seed = 1209,
                                    ind_sex_permutation = c("Male", "Female"), # Base this on ind_nn_df?
                                    nn_sex_permutation = c("Male", "Female"), # Base this on ind_nn_df?
                                    flips_per_permutation = 1, ...){
  # TO DO:
  # - Include argument checks (including checks of provided data)
  # - Add attributes: class, ind_sex_class, nn_sex_class

  # Get time periods from ind_nn data frame
  time_periods <- as.list(distinct(ind_nn_df, start = time_period_start, end = time_period_end))
  time_periods_labels <- paste0("timeperiod_", str_pad(1:length(time_periods$start),
                                                       width = nchar(length(time_periods$start)),
                                                       pad = "0"))
  # Create a list with a sub-list for each time period
  dyadic_observation_list <- structure(vector("list", length = length(time_periods_labels)),
                                       names = time_periods_labels,
                                       timeperiod_start = time_periods[[1]],
                                       timeperiod_end = time_periods[[2]],
                                       i_obs_min = i_obs_min,
                                       max_nn_dist = max_nn_dist,
                                       n_permutations = n_permutations,
                                       ind_sex_permutation = ind_sex_permutation,
                                       nn_sex_permutation = nn_sex_permutation,
                                       flips_per_permutation = flips_per_permutation)

  for(i in 1:length(dyadic_observation_list)){
    cat("\ntime period", i, "/", length(dyadic_observation_list), "\n")

    ### Preparations
    # Get temporary data frame with nearest neighbour data for ith time period
    ind_nn_single_timeperiod <- ind_nn_df %>%
      filter(time_period_start == time_periods$start[i] &
               time_period_end == time_periods$end[i]) %>%
      select(YearOf, MonthOf, Individual, Ind_Adult, Ind_Sex,
             NN, NN_Adult, NN_Sex, Dist)

    # Only keep individuals that where observed at least i_obs_min (as
    # Individual or NN) within max_nn_dist of another individual.
    # Then, setup the dataframe with all dyads (both directions) per month
    # and information on adult-presence and sex.
    Names <- bind_rows(
      select(ind_nn_single_timeperiod, Name = Individual, Dist),
      select(ind_nn_single_timeperiod, Name = NN, Dist)) %>%
      filter(Dist <= max_nn_dist) %>%
      count(Name) %>%
      filter(n >= i_obs_min) %>%
    YearOf = distinct(ind_nn_single_timeperiod, YearOf, MonthOf)$YearOf
    MonthOf = distinct(ind_nn_single_timeperiod, YearOf, MonthOf)$MonthOf

    dyad_table <- expand_grid(IndA = Names, IndB = Names,
                              nesting(YearOf, MonthOf)) %>%
      filter(IndA != IndB) %>%
      left_join(rename(presence_df, IndA_Adult = Present_As_Adult),
                by = c("IndA" = "Name", "YearOf", "MonthOf")) %>%
      left_join(rename(presence_df, IndB_Adult = Present_As_Adult),
                by = c("IndB" = "Name", "YearOf", "MonthOf"))

    # Setup matrix for time period. Dimension 1 and 2 are individuals
    dyad_matrix <- array(, dim = c(length(Names), length(Names)))
    dimnames(dyad_matrix) <- list(Individual = sort(unique(Names)), NN = sort(unique(Names)))

    ### 1. Get n_Ind_NN_together_observed
    temp_matrix <- calc_ind_while_NN_present(ind_nn_single_timeperiod,
                                             dyad_table, dyad_matrix)
    dyadic_observation_list[[i]]$n_Ind_while_NN_present <- temp_matrix

    ### 2. Get n_Ind_NN_together_observed
    temp_matrix <- calc_ind_NN_together(ind_nn_single_timeperiod, dyad_table,
                                        dyad_matrix, max_nn_dist)
    dyadic_observation_list[[i]]$n_Ind_NN_together_observed <- temp_matrix

    ### 3. Get n_Ind_NN_together_permuted
    ## Permute scan data. For each permutation calculate number of times IndA
    ## observed with IndB as NN
    if(n_permutations > 0){
      ind_nn_single_timeperiod_temp <- ind_nn_single_timeperiod
      for(j in 1:n_permutations){
        cat("\rPermutation ", j, "/", n_permutations)

        # For each permutation, use the temp dataset
        # Permute flips_per_permutation times
        ind_nn_single_timeperiod_temp <- permute_scan_data(
          ind_sex_permutation = ind_sex_permutation,
          nn_sex_permutation = nn_sex_permutation,
          ind_nn_single_timeperiod = ind_nn_single_timeperiod_temp,
          presence_df = presence_df,
          flips_per_permutation = flips_per_permutation, ...)

        temp_matrix <- calc_ind_NN_together(ind_nn_single_timeperiod_temp,
                                            dyad_table, dyad_matrix, max_nn_dist)
        if(j == 1){
          temp_array <- replicate(n_permutations, dyad_matrix, simplify = "array")
          names(dimnames(temp_array))[[3]] <- "Permutation_i"
          dimnames(temp_array)[[3]] <- 1:n_permutations
          dyadic_observation_list[[i]]$n_Ind_NN_together_permuted <- temp_array
          dyadic_observation_list[[i]]$n_Ind_NN_together_permuted[,,j] <- temp_matrix

        } else {
          dyadic_observation_list[[i]]$n_Ind_NN_together_permuted[,,j] <- temp_matrix


#' Permutation of Nearest Neighbours in Red Colobus scan data: Following
#' suggestion by Farine (2017, MEE), this function permutes raw observations
#' ('pre-network) data. This method has the advantage that "account for
#' underlying structure in the generated social network, and thus can reduce
#' both type I and type II error rates." (Farine, 2017)
#' It does so by choosing a random line from the scan data, and then checks if
#' Individual (1) and NN (1) are both adult and have the sex according to arguments
#' `ind_sex_permutation` and `nn_sex_permutation`.
#' Then, a second (random) row is chosen, and the same checks are done for
#' Individual (2) and NN (2). Furthermore, it is controlled that NN1 was present at
#' date of second row, and NN2 present at date of first row.
#' If these conditions are met, the two NNs are flipped.
#' This procedure is repeated `flips_per_permutation` times.
#' @param ind_sex_permutation default `c("Male", "Female")`
#' @param nn_sex_permutation default `c("Male", "Female")`
#' @param flips_per_permutation Number of iterations ('NN flips') per
#'   permutation
#' @param show_i Show progress
#' @inheritParams get_presence_rc
#' @inheritParams prep_red_colobus_ind_nn_data_one_period
#' @inheritParams calc_ind_while_NN_present
#' @export
#' @examples

permute_scan_data <- function(ind_nn_single_timeperiod,
                              ind_sex_permutation = c("Male", "Female"),
                              nn_sex_permutation = c("Male", "Female"),
                              show_i = FALSE){

  # Create new dataframe
  ind_nn_single_timeperiod_permuted <- ind_nn_single_timeperiod

  # Change NNs i flips_per_permutation times
  for(i in 1:flips_per_permutation){
    if(show_i) cat("\rChanging NN number ", i, "/", flips_per_permutation)
    # Pick line 1 and check if Ind + NN adult and have correct Sex class (as
    # defined by ind_sex_permutation and nn_sex_permutation)
    l1check <- FALSE
      l1 <- sample(nrow(ind_nn_single_timeperiod_permuted), 1)
      row1 <- ind_nn_single_timeperiod_permuted[l1,]
      if(row1$Ind_Adult == 1){
        if(row1$Ind_Sex %in% ind_sex_permutation){
          if(row1$NN_Adult == 1){
            if(row1$NN_Sex %in% nn_sex_permutation){
              l1check = TRUE

    # Pick line 2 and check if Ind + NN adult and have correct Sex class
    # Then check if NN2 present at date of row1 and NN1 present at date of row2
    l2check <- FALSE
      l2 <- sample(nrow(ind_nn_single_timeperiod_permuted), 1)
      row2 <- ind_nn_single_timeperiod_permuted[l2,]
      if(row2$Ind_Adult == 1){
        if(row2$Ind_Sex %in% ind_sex_permutation){
          if(row2$NN_Adult == 1){
            if(row2$NN_Sex %in% nn_sex_permutation){
              # Check if NN2 was present and adult at date of row1
                        Name == row2$NN,
                        YearOf == row1$YearOf,
                        MonthOf == row1$MonthOf)$Present_As_Adult == 1){
                # Check if NN1 was present and adult at date of row2
                          Name == row1$NN,
                          YearOf == row2$YearOf,
                          MonthOf == row2$MonthOf)$Present_As_Adult == 1){
                  l2check = TRUE

    # Flip NNs
    ind_nn_single_timeperiod_permuted[l1,]$NN <- row2$NN
    ind_nn_single_timeperiod_permuted[l1,]$NN_Sex <- row2$NN_Sex
    ind_nn_single_timeperiod_permuted[l2,]$NN <- row1$NN
    ind_nn_single_timeperiod_permuted[l2,]$NN_Sex <- row1$NN_Sex

  # Return permuted data

#' Function to calculate for all individuals, for each month the number of lines
#' (i.e. observation) where A is Individual while A and B both in the group as
#' adults
#' @param ind_nn_single_timeperiod based on ind_nn_df created with
#'   `prep_red_colobus_ind_nn_data()`
#' @param dyad_table Data frame with all individuals observed during the time
#'   period indicating for each month whether they were adult
#' @param dyad_matrix Empty matrix with all individual names as rows/cols
#' @param return_matrix Should the result returned as matrix (default) or data
#'   frame
#' @export
#' @examples

calc_ind_while_NN_present <- function(ind_nn_single_timeperiod,
                                      dyad_table, dyad_matrix,
                                      return_matrix = TRUE) {

  # Monthly counts of Ind
  ind_count <- ind_nn_single_timeperiod %>%
    group_by(YearOf, MonthOf, Individual) %>%
    summarize(Count_Ind = n()) %>% ungroup

  # Combine with dyad summary - one value per direction (IndA-IndB and IndB-IndA)
  ind_count <- left_join(dyad_table, ind_count,
                         by = c("YearOf", "MonthOf", "IndA" = "Individual"))

  # Only keep lines in which both indidivuals (IndA, IndB) were adult and present
  # Then, filter out NAs (which means both were around but IndA not observed. Equal to 0)
  ind_count <- ind_count %>%
    filter(IndA_Adult == 1 & IndB_Adult == 1) %>%

  # Now, summarize values for entire period
  ind_count <- ind_count %>%
    group_by(Individual = IndA, NN = IndB) %>%
    summarize(Count_Ind_NN_Present = sum(Count_Ind))

  # And put values into a matrix if return_matrix = TRUE
    temp_matrix <- dyad_matrix
    temp_matrix[as.matrix(ind_count[c("Individual", "NN")])] <- ind_count$Count_Ind_NN_Present
  } else {

#' Function to calculate for all individuals, for each month the number of lines
#' (i.e. observations) where A was Individual with B as NN
#' @inheritParams calc_ind_while_NN_present
#' @inheritParams get_dyadic_observations
#' @export
#' @examples
calc_ind_NN_together <- function(ind_nn_single_timeperiod, dyad_table, dyad_matrix,
                                 return_matrix = TRUE){
  # Monthly counts of Ind per NN
  ind_nn_count <- ind_nn_single_timeperiod %>%
    filter(Dist <= max_nn_dist) %>%
    group_by(YearOf, MonthOf, Individual, NN) %>%
    summarize(Count_Ind_NN_Together = n()) %>% ungroup

  # Combine with dyad table - one value per direction (IndA-IndB and IndB-IndA)
  ind_nn_count <- left_join(dyad_table,
                            by = c("YearOf", "MonthOf", "IndA" = "Individual", "IndB" = "NN"))

  # Only keep lines in which both individuals were adult and present
  # Then, filter out NAs (which means both were around but IndB never NN of IndA. Equal to 0)
  ind_nn_count <- ind_nn_count %>%
    filter(IndA_Adult == 1 & IndB_Adult == 1) %>%

  # Now, summarize values for entire period
  ind_nn_count <- ind_nn_count %>%
    group_by(Individual = IndA, NN = IndB) %>%
    summarize(Count_Ind_NN_Together = sum(Count_Ind_NN_Together))

  # And put values into a matrix if return_matrix = TRUE
    temp_matrix <- dyad_matrix
    temp_matrix[as.matrix(ind_nn_count[c("Individual", "NN")])] <- ind_nn_count$Count_Ind_NN_Together
  } else {
urskalbitzer/daginR documentation built on Jan. 21, 2020, 1:26 a.m.