library(knitr) library(kableExtra) library(SummarizedExperiment) library(WGCNA) library(plotly) library(matrixStats) library(reshape2) library(tidyverse) library(ezRun) library(writexl) library(gridExtra) library(cowplot) library(ggpubr) #source("../../R/plots-reports.R")
debug <- FALSE if(!exists("rawData")){ rawData <- readRDS("rawData.rds") # rawData <- readRDS("/srv/gstore/projects/p3682/CountQC_57360_2021-07-18--01-48-29/Count_QC/rawData.rds") # ctrl+enter in RStudio set cwd in the Rmd folder. } output <- metadata(rawData)$output param <- metadata(rawData)$param seqAnno <- data.frame(rowData(rawData), row.names=rownames(rawData), check.names = FALSE) dataset <- data.frame(colData(rawData), row.names=colnames(rawData), check.names = FALSE) types <- data.frame(row.names=rownames(seqAnno)) for (nm in setdiff(na.omit(unique(seqAnno$type)), "")){ types[[nm]] = seqAnno$type == nm } metadata(rawData)$design <- ezDesignFromDataset(dataset, param) colData(rawData)$conds <- ezConditionsFromDesign(metadata(rawData)$design, maxFactors = 2) metadata(rawData)$condColors <- lapply(metadata(rawData)$design, getCondsColors) metadata(rawData)$sampleColors <- list() for(cond in colnames(metadata(rawData)$design)){ metadata(rawData)$sampleColors[[cond]] <- set_names(metadata(rawData)$condColors[[cond]][metadata(rawData)$design[[cond]]], rownames(metadata(rawData)$design)) }
if (ncol(rawData) < 2){ cat("Note: Statistics and Plots are not available for single sample experiments.", "\n") cat("Run the report again with multiple samples selected.", "\n") knit_exit() }
assays(rawData)$signal <- shiftZeros(ezNorm(assays(rawData)$counts, presentFlag=assays(rawData)$presentFlag, method=param$normMethod), param$minSignal) signalRange <- range(assays(rawData)$signal, na.rm=TRUE) signalCond <- rowsum(t(log2(assays(rawData)$signal)), group=colData(rawData)$conds) signalCond <- 2^t(sweep(signalCond, 1, table(colData(rawData)$conds)[rownames(signalCond)], FUN="/")) isPresentCond <- rowsum(t(assays(rawData)$presentFlag * 1), group=colData(rawData)$conds) isPresentCond <- t(sweep(isPresentCond, 1, table(colData(rawData)$conds)[rownames(isPresentCond)], FUN="/")) >= 0.5 rowData(rawData)$isValid <- rowMeans(isPresentCond) >= 0.5
settings = character() settings["Reference:"] = param$refBuild settings["Normalization method:"] = param$normMethod if (param$useSigThresh){ settings["Log2 signal threshold:"] = signif(log2(param$sigThresh), digits=4) settings["Linear signal threshold:"] = signif(param$sigThresh, digits=4) } settings["Feature level:"] = metadata(rawData)$featureLevel settings["Number of features:"] = nrow(rawData) settings["Data Column Used:"] = metadata(rawData)$countName kable(settings, row.names=TRUE, col.names="Setting", format="html") %>% kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = F, position = "left")
if (exists("output") && !is.null(output)){ liveReportLink = output$getColumn("Live Report") result = EzResult(se=rawData) result$saveToFile(basename(output$getColumn("Live Report"))) cat(paste0("[Live Report and Visualizations](", liveReportLink, ")", "{target=\"_blank\"}"), "\n") }
r format(Sys.time(), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
The data files are in tabular text format and can also be opened with a spreadsheet program (e.g. Excel).
When opening with Excel, do make sure that the Gene symbols are loaded into a column formatted as 'text' that prevents conversion of the symbols to dates). See
if(!is.null(assays(rawData)$presentFlag)){ combined = interleaveMatricesByColumn(assays(rawData)$signal, assays(rawData)$presentFlag) }else{ combined = assays(rawData)$signal } if(!is.null(seqAnno)){ combined = cbind(seqAnno[rownames(combined), , drop=FALSE], combined) } if(!is.null(combined$featWidth)){ combined$featWidth = as.integer(combined$featWidth) } # Raw counts countFile <- paste0(ezValidFilename(param$name), "-raw-count.xlsx") counts <- as_tibble(assays(rawData)$counts, rownames="Feature ID") if(!is.null(rowData(rawData)$gene_name)){ counts <- left_join(counts, as_tibble(rowData(rawData)[ ,"gene_name", drop=FALSE], rownames="Feature ID")) counts <- dplyr::select(counts, "Feature ID", gene_name, everything()) } write_xlsx(counts, path=countFile) # normalized signal signalFile <- paste0(ezValidFilename(param$name), "-normalized-signal.xlsx") write_xlsx(combined, path=signalFile) selectSignals = grepl("Signal", colnames(combined)) combined$"Mean signal" = rowMeans(combined[, selectSignals], na.rm=TRUE) combined$"Maximum signal" = rowMaxs(as.matrix(combined[, selectSignals]), na.rm = TRUE) topGenesPerSample = apply(combined[, selectSignals], 2, function(col){ col = sort(col, decreasing = TRUE) if (length(col) > 100) col = col[1:100] return(names(col)) }) topGenes = unique(as.character(topGenesPerSample)) combined = combined[order(combined$"Maximum signal", decreasing = TRUE), , drop=FALSE] useInInteractiveTable = c("seqid", "gene_name", "Maximum signal", "Mean signal", "description", "featWidth", "gc") useInInteractiveTable = intersect(useInInteractiveTable, colnames(combined)) tableLink = sub(".xlsx", "-viewHighExpressionGenes.html", signalFile) ## select top genes combinedTopGenes = combined[which(rownames(combined) %in% topGenes),] ## restrict number of table rows if necessary interactiveTable = head(combinedTopGenes[, useInInteractiveTable, drop=FALSE], param$maxTableRows) nRows = ifelse(length(topGenes)>=param$maxTableRows, param$maxTableRows, length(topGenes)) ezInteractiveTable(interactiveTable, tableLink=tableLink, digits=3, colNames=c("ID", colnames(interactiveTable)), title=paste("Showing the top", nRows, "genes with the highest expression")) rpkmFile <- paste0(ezValidFilename(param$name), "-rpkm.xlsx") rpkm <- as_tibble(getRpkm(rawData), rownames="Feature ID") if(!is.null(rowData(rawData)$gene_name)){ rpkm <- left_join(rpkm, as_tibble(rowData(rawData)[ ,"gene_name", drop=FALSE], rownames="Feature ID")) rpkm <- dplyr::select(rpkm, "Feature ID", gene_name, everything()) } write_xlsx(rpkm, path=rpkmFile) tpmFile <- paste0(ezValidFilename(param$name), "-tpm.xlsx") tpm <- as_tibble(getTpm(rawData), rownames="Feature ID") if(!is.null(rowData(rawData)$gene_name)){ tpm <- left_join(tpm, as_tibble(rowData(rawData)[ ,"gene_name", drop=FALSE], rownames="Feature ID")) tpm <- dplyr::select(tpm, "Feature ID", gene_name, everything()) } write_xlsx(tpm, path=tpmFile)
for(each in c(countFile, signalFile, rpkmFile, tpmFile, tableLink)){ cat("\n") cat(paste0("[", each, "](", each, ")")) cat("\n") }
toPlot <- tibble(samples=colnames(rawData), totalCounts=signif(colSums(assays(rawData)$counts) / 1e6, digits=3), presentCounts=colSums(assays(rawData)$presentFlag), percentages=paste(signif(100*presentCounts/nrow(rawData), digits=2), "%")) m <- list( l = 80, r = 80, b = 200, t = 100, pad = 0 ) ## Total reads plot_ly(toPlot, x=~samples, y=~totalCounts, type="bar") %>% layout(title="Total reads", yaxis = list(title = "Counts [Mio]"), margin = m ) plot_ly(toPlot, x=~samples, y=~presentCounts, type="bar", text=~percentages, textposition = 'auto') %>% layout(title="Genomic features with reads above threshold", yaxis = list(title = "Counts"), margin = m )
if (!is.null(seqAnno$IsControl)){ rowData(rawData)$isValid <- rowData(rawData)$isValid & !seqAnno$IsControl } if(sum(rowData(rawData)$isValid) < 10){ cat("Not enough valid features for further plots", "\n") knit_exit() } rawDataAll <- rawData rawData <- rawData[rowData(rawData)$isValid, ] assays(rawData)$log2signal <- log2(assays(rawData)$signal + param$backgroundExpression) assays(rawData)$log2signalCentered <- sweep(assays(rawData)$log2signal, 1 , rowMeans(assays(rawData)$log2signal)) metadata(rawData)$topGenes <- rownames(rawData)[head(order(rowSds(assays(rawData)$log2signal, na.rm=TRUE), decreasing = TRUE), param$topGeneSize)]
figure.height <- min(max(7, ncol(rawData) * 0.3), 30)
## All genes ezCorrelationPlot(cor(assays(rawData)$log2signal, use="complete.obs"), cond=colData(rawData)$conds, condLabels=colData(rawData)$conds, main=paste0("all present genes (", nrow(rawData), ")"), colors=metadata(rawData)$sampleColors[[1]]) ## Top genes ezCorrelationPlot(cor(assays(rawData)$log2signal[metadata(rawData)$topGenes, ], use="complete.obs"), cond=colData(rawData)$conds, condLabels=colData(rawData)$conds, main=paste0("top genes (", length(metadata(rawData)$topGenes), ")"), colors=metadata(rawData)$sampleColors[[1]])
if (ncol(rawData) > 3){ ## All genes d <- as.dist(1-cor(assays(rawData)$log2signal, use="complete.obs")) hc <- hclust(d, method="ward.D2") plotDendroAndColors(hc,$sampleColors)), autoColorHeight=TRUE, hang = -0.1, main="all present genes") ## Top genes d <- as.dist(1-cor(assays(rawData)$log2signal[metadata(rawData)$topGenes, ], use="complete.obs")) hc <- hclust(d, method="ward.D2") plotDendroAndColors(hc,$sampleColors)), autoColorHeight=TRUE, hang = -0.1, main=paste("top", length(metadata(rawData)$topGenes), " genes")) }
if(ncol(rawData) > 3){ varFeatures <- rownames(rawData)[head(order(rowSds(assays(rawData)$log2signal), decreasing=TRUE), param$maxGenesForClustering)] notVarFeatures <- rownames(rawData)[which(rowSds(assays(rawData)$log2signal) <= param$highVarThreshold)] varFeatures <- setdiff(varFeatures, notVarFeatures) param$highVarThreshold <- signif(min(rowSds(assays(rawData)$log2signal[varFeatures, ])), digits=3) if(length(varFeatures) > param$minGenesForClustering){ cat(paste("Threshold for std. dev. of log2 signal across samples:", param$highVarThreshold), "\n") cat("\n") cat(paste("Number of features with high std. dev.:", length(varFeatures)), "\n") cat("\n") clusterColors <- hcl.colors(param$nSampleClusters, palette = "Spectral") clusterResult <- clusterPheatmap(x=assays(rawData)$log2signalCentered[varFeatures, ], design = metadata(rawData)$design, param = param, clusterColors = clusterColors, lim = c(-param$logColorRange, param$logColorRange), doClusterColumns = TRUE, condColors = metadata(rawData)$condColors) xTmp <- enframe(clusterResult$clusterNumbers, "feature_id", value = "Cluster") xTmp <- left_join(xTmp, as_tibble(rowData(rawData)[, "gene_name", drop=FALSE], rownames="feature_id")) xTmp <- arrange(xTmp, Cluster) write_tsv(xTmp, file="cluster-heatmap-clusterMembers.txt") plot(clusterResult$pheatmap$gtable) if (doGo(param, seqAnno)){ clusterResult = goClusterResults(assays(rawData)$log2signalCentered[varFeatures, ], param, clusterResult, seqAnno=seqAnno, universeProbeIds=rownames(seqAnno)) } if (!is.null(clusterResult$GO)){ goTables = goClusterTableRmd(param, clusterResult, seqAnno) if (doEnrichr(param)){ goAndEnrichr = cbind(goTables$linkTable, goTables$enrichrTable) } else { goAndEnrichr = goTables$linkTable } bgColors = rep(gsub("FF$", "", clusterResult$clusterColors)) rownames(goAndEnrichr) <- paste0('<font color="', bgColors, '">Cluster ', rownames(goAndEnrichr), '</font>') kable(goAndEnrichr, escape=FALSE, row.names=TRUE, format = "html", caption="GO categories of feature clusters") %>% kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped", full_width = F, position = "float_right") %>% footnote(general="Cluster font color corresponds to the row colors in the heatmap plot.") } else { cat("No information available", "\n") } } }
if (ncol(rawData) > 3){ if (length(varFeatures) > param$minGenesForClustering){ if (!is.null(clusterResult$GO)){ ## GO Cluster tables file <- file.path(system.file("templates", package="ezRun"), "CountQC_goClusterTable.Rmd") file.copy(from=file, to=basename(file), overwrite=TRUE) rmarkdown::render(input=basename(file), envir = new.env(), output_dir=".", output_file="goClusterTable.html", quiet=TRUE) } } }
if (file.exists("goClusterTable.html")){ cat(paste0("[GO cluster tables](", "goClusterTable.html", ")"), "\n") cat("\n") }
if(file.exists("cluster-heatmap-clusterMembers.txt")){ cat(paste0("[Heatmap cluster members](", "cluster-heatmap-clusterMembers.txt", ")"), "\n") cat("\n") }
if(ncol(rawData) <= 3){ cat("MDS plot is not possible with fewer than 4 samples. \n") }
if(ncol(rawData) > 3){ ## 3D scatter plot is strange. The plots are messy when use htmltools::tagList() ## subplot doesn't work either. ezMdsPlotly(assays(rawData)$log2signal, design=metadata(rawData)$design, ndim=3, main="mdsPlot_PresentGenes 3D", condColors=metadata(rawData)$condColors[[1]]) } if(ncol(rawData) > 3){ ezMdsPlotly(assays(rawData)$log2signal[metadata(rawData)$topGenes, ], design=metadata(rawData)$design, ndim=3, main="mdsPlot_TopGenes 3D", condColors=metadata(rawData)$condColors[[1]]) } if(ncol(rawData) > 3){ ezMdsPlotly(assays(rawData)$log2signal, design=metadata(rawData)$design, ndim=2, main="mdsPlot_PresentGenes 2D", condColors=metadata(rawData)$condColors[[1]]) } if(ncol(rawData) > 3){ ezMdsPlotly(assays(rawData)$log2signal[metadata(rawData)$topGenes, ], design=metadata(rawData)$design, ndim=2, main="mdsPlot_TopGenes 2D", condColors=metadata(rawData)$condColors[[1]]) }
scatterPlotData <- countQcScatterPlots(param, metadata(rawData)$design, colData(rawData)$conds, rawDataAll, signalCond, isPresentCond, types=types) nPlots <- max(scatterPlotData$nPlots, 1)
qcScatterFiles <- scatterPlotData$allPairs cat("\n") cat("#### allPairs \n") for(gridOfPlots in qcScatterFiles){ # Get the relevant objects scatterPlots <- gridOfPlots$scatter axisLabels <- gridOfPlots$axisLabels nItems <- gridOfPlots$nItems # Prepare variables for adding axis labels and plots to the grob list grobList <- list() idxLabel <- 1 idxScatterPlot <- 1 fontSize <- max(4, 10 - nItems) # Add first col of labels for (idxRow in 1:(nItems + 1)) { if (idxRow == nItems + 1) { axisLabel <- "" # Empty square at bottom-left } else { axisLabel <- axisLabels[idxLabel] idxLabel <- idxLabel + 1 } colLabel <- text_grob(axisLabel, rot=90, size=fontSize) grobList <- c(grobList, list(colLabel)) } # Add the last row of labels for (rowIndex in 1:nItems) { for (colIndex in 1:nItems) { if (colIndex == nItems) { # We are in the last row, so add label after colLabel <- text_grob(axisLabels[idxLabel], size=fontSize) grobList <- c(grobList, list(scatterPlots[[idxScatterPlot]]), list(colLabel)) idxLabel <- idxLabel + 1 } else { grobList <- c(grobList, list(scatterPlots[[idxScatterPlot]])) } idxScatterPlot <- idxScatterPlot + 1 } } # Create the grob associated with the plots plotGrob <- plot_grid( plotlist=grobList, nrow=nItems + 1, ncol=nItems + 1, rel_heights=c(rep(1, nItems), 0.1), rel_widths=c(0.1, rep(1, nItems)), byrow=FALSE ) # Create the title grob title <- ggdraw() + draw_label( gridOfPlots$main, x = 0, hjust = 0 ) + theme( # add margin on the left of the drawing canvas, # so title is aligned with left edge of first plot plot.margin = margin(0, 0, 0, 7) ) # Combine title and plot grobs and plot print(plot_grid( title, plotGrob, nrow=2, ncol=1, rel_heights=c(1, 15) )) cat("\n") } cat("\n")
qcScatterFiles <- scatterPlotData$narrowPlots if(length(qcScatterFiles) > 0){ for(i in 1:length(qcScatterFiles)){ # cat("\n") cat("####", names(qcScatterFiles)[i], "\n") rowsOfPlots <- qcScatterFiles[[i]] for(rowOfPlots in rowsOfPlots){ # Get scatters scatterPlots <- rowOfPlots$scatters # Extract legend legend_temp <- get_legend( scatterPlots[[1]] + theme(legend.text = element_text(size = 10)) + guides(color = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 5))) ) # Set plot themes scatterPlots <- lapply(scatterPlots, function(x){ x + coord_fixed(xlim = c(1e1, NA), ylim = c(1e1, NA), expand = TRUE) + theme(legend.position="none", text = element_text(size=10), aspect.ratio = 1) }) # Set legend at end scatterPlots[["legend"]] <- legend_temp # Get number of final columns and rows numRowsFinal <- rowOfPlots$nrow if (rowOfPlots$ncol * rowOfPlots$nrow > length(rowOfPlots$scatters)) { numColsFinal <- rowOfPlots$ncol } else { numColsFinal <- rowOfPlots$ncol + 1 if (length(rowOfPlots$scatters) < numColsFinal * (numRowsFinal - 1)) { numRowsFinal <- numRowsFinal - 1 } } grid.arrange(grobs=scatterPlots, nrow=numRowsFinal, ncol=numColsFinal, widths=rep(6, numColsFinal), heights=rep(6, numRowsFinal)) cat("\n") } cat("\n") } }
ezInteractiveTableRmd(values=dataset, digits=4)
saveRDS(rawData, "rawData_final.rds")
format(Sys.time(), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') ezSessionInfo()
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.