  comment = '', fig.width = 8, fig.height = 8, warning = FALSE, error = FALSE,
  message = FALSE, cache = TRUE, echo = FALSE
knitr::opts_chunk$set(warning = FALSE, message = FALSE) 
##Load the data 
#Filter samples: feature present in at least 10% of the samples
physeq_filter = genefilter_sample(physeq, filterfun_sample(function(x) x > 1), A=0.1*nsamples(physeq))
physeq1 = prune_taxa(physeq_filter, physeq)
#Transform sample counts
physeq2 = transform_sample_counts(physeq1, function(x){x / sum(x)})
#Aggregate by species and genus
physeq_Genus = tax_glom(physeq1, "Genus", NArm = TRUE)
physeq_Genus2 = transform_sample_counts(physeq_Genus, function(x){x / sum(x)})
physeq_Species = tax_glom(physeq1, "Species", NArm = TRUE)
physeq_Species2 = transform_sample_counts(physeq_Species, function(x){x / sum(x)})

dada2 <- readRDS("dada2.rds")
colnames(metadata) <- c("SampleID", "Group")
shannon<-shannon$data %>% rownames_to_column("SampleID")
richness<- richness$data %>% rownames_to_column("SampleID")
evenness<- evenness$data %>% rownames_to_column("SampleID") 
jaccardmatrix <- readRDS("jaccardmatrix.rds")
jaccardmatrix <- as.matrix(jaccardmatrix$data)
braymatrix <- readRDS("braymatrix.rds")
braymatrix <- as.matrix(braymatrix$data)
unifrac <- readRDS("unifrac.rds")
unifracmatrix <- readRDS("unifracmatrix.rds")
unifracmatrix <- as.matrix(unifracmatrix$data)

#Define grouping parameter
params = readRDS("param.rds")
grouping <- "Group"

#Reports, all the loaded reports from QIIME2
#comment added to check if ezRun detected this push
demux <-"./"
denoise <- "./"
asv_table <- "./"
rep_seqs <- "./"
taxbarplot <- "./"
shannon_report <- "./"
jaccard_report <- "./"
bc_report <- "./"
jaccard_pca <- "./"
bc_pca <- "./"
alpha_raref <- "./"
difabundance <- "./"


Demultiplexing summary

Read Frequency Histogram

Here is a histogram reflecting the distribution of the final number of filtered reads per sample.

ps0_tax_plot <- ggplot(dada2$data, aes(non.chimeric)) +
  geom_histogram() + theme_bw() + ylab("Number of samples") + xlab("Abundance of Reads")


Interactive QIIME2 Report and Visualizations{target="_blank"}

Read filtering.

And here you can find the number of reads filtered at each stage and the final number of reads that remained after denoising. For more info look at the two QIIME2 interactive reports.
Interactive QIIME2 Report Data QC{target="_blank"}
Interactive QIIME2 Report Denoising Stats{target="_blank"}

#Show the number of reads filtered at each step
kable(dada2$data) %>% kable_styling()

Abundance summary


The original analysis has been filtered and contains only Amplicon Sequence Variants that occur in at least 10% of samples and of at least a count of 1. Lets compare how many ASVs have remained after that filtering.

knitr::knit_print(paste("Originally there were", length(rownames(otu_table(physeq))), "ASVs across", length(colnames(otu_table(physeq1))), "samples. "))
knitr::knit_print(paste("After filtering there are", length(rownames(otu_table(physeq1))), "ASVs across", length(colnames(otu_table(physeq1))), "samples."))


The counts are then transformed into relative abundance (number of reads per taxon divided by total number of reads). Lets have a look whether the transformation changed the abundance patters for selected genera (taking top 50 ASVs).

myTaxa = names(sort(taxa_sums(physeq1), decreasing = TRUE)[1:50])
ex1 = prune_taxa(myTaxa, physeq1)
ex2 = prune_taxa(myTaxa, physeq2)
p1 <- plot_bar(ex1, "Group") + facet_wrap(~Genus, ncol=3) + ggtitle("Before transformation")
p2 <- plot_bar(ex2, "Group") + facet_wrap(~Genus, ncol=3) + ggtitle("After transformation")

plotGrob <- plot_grid(p1, p2, nrow=1, ncol=2, byrow=FALSE)
print(plot_grid(plotGrob, nrow=1, ncol=1, rel_heights=c(1, 15)))

Taxa prevalence

Also lets look at the prevalence of different taxa before and after filtering. This function allows you to have an overview of ASV prevalences along with their taxonomic affiliations. It also gives an idea about the taxonomic affiliation of rare and abundant taxa in the data. This will aid in checking if you filter ASVs based on prevalence, then what taxonomic affiliations will be lost.

p1 <- plot_taxa_prevalence(physeq, "Phylum") + ggtitle("No prevalence filtering")
p2 <- plot_taxa_prevalence(physeq1, "Phylum") + ggtitle("Present in at least 10% of samples")

plotGrob <- plot_grid(p1, p2, nrow=1, ncol=2, byrow=FALSE)
print(plot_grid(plotGrob, nrow=1, ncol=1, rel_heights=c(1, 15)))

Heatmap of the top 30 features (ASVs).

This heatmap displays the log10(% abundance) of the top 30 ASVs. Abundance is converted into percentage, a pseudocount is added and the data is log transformed. The top 30 most abundant ASVs are chosen to be displayed.

taxonomy$Feature.ID <- rownames(taxonomy)
taxonomy$Taxon <- paste0(taxonomy$Kingdom, "_", taxonomy$Phylum, "_", taxonomy$Class, "_", taxonomy$Order, "_", taxonomy$Family, "_", taxonomy$Genus, "_", taxonomy$Species)
metadata$SampleID <- as.character(metadata$SampleID)

SVs<-apply(SVs, 2, function(x) x/sum(x)*100) #convert to percent

  data.frame(MeanAbundance=rowMeans(SVs)) %>% #find the average abundance of a SV
  rownames_to_column("Feature.ID") %>%
  arrange(desc(MeanAbundance)) %>%
  top_n(30, MeanAbundance) %>% #Use only top 30 taxa
  pull(Feature.ID) #extract only the names from the table

SV1 <- SVs %>% %>%
  rownames_to_column("Feature.ID") %>%
  gather(-Feature.ID, key="SampleID", value="Abundance") %>%
  mutate(Feature.ID=if_else(Feature.ID %in% SVsToPlot,  Feature.ID, "Remainder")) %>% #flag features to be collapsed
  group_by(SampleID, Feature.ID) %>%
  summarize(Abundance=sum(Abundance)) %>%
  left_join(metadata) %>%
  mutate(NormAbundance=log10(Abundance+0.01)) %>% # do a log10 transformation after adding a 0.01% pseudocount. Could also add 1 read before transformation to percent
  left_join(taxonomy) %>%
  mutate(Feature=paste(Feature.ID, Taxon)) %>%
  mutate(Feature=gsub("[kpcofgs]__", "", Feature)) # trim out leading text from taxonomy string

SV1$Genus = str_remove_all(SV1$Genus,"[\\[\\]]")

p1 <- ggplot(SV1, aes(x=SampleID, y=Feature, fill=NormAbundance)) +
  geom_tile() +
  facet_grid(paste0('~', SV1[,grouping]), scales="free_x") +
  theme_q2r() +
  theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=45, hjust=1, size=10), text = element_text(size = 9)) +
  scale_y_discrete(labels = function(x) stringr::str_wrap(x, width = 55)) +
  scale_fill_viridis_c(name="log10(% Abundance)")


Heatmap at a Genus level.

Now let's create a separate Phyloseq object where the ASVs have all been agglomerated at genus level. This will reduce the number of ASVs further and then we can investigate the abundance of the different genra across all groups. The heatmap displays the log10(% abundance) of all the genra.

taxonomy$Feature.ID <- rownames(taxonomy)
taxonomy$Taxon <- paste0(taxonomy$Kingdom, "_", taxonomy$Phylum, "_", taxonomy$Class, "_", taxonomy$Order, "_", taxonomy$Family, "_", taxonomy$Genus)
metadata$SampleID <- as.character(metadata$SampleID)

SVs<-apply(SVs, 2, function(x) x/sum(x)*100) #convert to percent

SV1 <- SVs %>% %>%
  rownames_to_column("Feature.ID") %>%
  gather(-Feature.ID, key="SampleID", value="Abundance") %>%
  group_by(SampleID, Feature.ID) %>%
  summarize(Abundance=sum(Abundance)) %>%
  left_join(metadata) %>%
  mutate(NormAbundance=log10(Abundance+0.01)) %>% # do a log10 transformation after adding a 0.01% pseudocount. Could also add 1 read before transformation to percent

p1 <- ggplot(SV1, aes(x=SampleID, y=Genus, fill=NormAbundance)) +
  geom_tile() +
  facet_grid(paste0('~', SV1[,grouping]), scales="free_x") +
  theme_q2r() +
  theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=45, hjust=1, size=10), text = element_text(size = 10)) +
  scale_y_discrete(labels = function(x) stringr::str_wrap(x, width = 65)) +
  scale_fill_viridis_c(name="log10(% Abundance)")


Bar plot.

Lets look at the proportion of the different genra per sample. For the first plot I use the phyloseq object in which ASVs are not agglomerated at a genus level and therefore the ASVs with unassigned genus are not removed. For the second plot I use the phyloseq object in which ASVs have been agglomerated at genus level and thus the features with unassigned genus are removed.

For interactive barplots look here: Interactive QIIME2 Barplots{target="_blank"}

p1 = psmelt(physeq2) %>%
    ggplot(aes(x = Sample, y = Abundance, fill = Genus)) +
    geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1, vjust = 0.5)) +
    labs(y = "Relative Abundance", title = "Genus Relative Abundance")

p2 = psmelt(physeq_Genus2) %>%
    ggplot(aes(x = Sample, y = Abundance, fill = Genus)) +
    geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1, vjust = 0.5)) +
    labs(y = "Relative Abundance", title = "Genus Relative Abundance")

plotGrob <- plot_grid(p1, p2, nrow=2, ncol=1, byrow=FALSE)
print(plot_grid(plotGrob, nrow=1, ncol=1, rel_heights=c(1, 15)))

Phylogenetic tree.

It would also be useful to look at how the different lineages in the sample are related. This is a phylogenetic tree of the features present in the sample. The nodes are coloured by the genus and a ring around has plotted abundance in boxplots across all samples (minimum abundance - 50). The boxplots are coloured by phylum.

melt_simple <- psmelt(physeq1) %>%
               filter(Abundance < 50) %>%
               dplyr::select(OTU, val=Abundance)

p <- ggtree(physeq1, layout="fan", open.angle=10) + 
p <- rotate_tree(p, -90)
p <- p + geom_fruit(data=melt_simple, geom=geom_boxplot,
         mapping = aes(
                         axis       = "x",
                         text.size  = 1.8,
                         hjust      = 1,
                         vjust      = 0.5,
                         nbreak     = 3),
p <- p + scale_fill_discrete( name="Phylum", guide=guide_legend(keywidth=0.8, keyheight=0.8, ncol=1)) +
     theme(legend.title=element_text(size=9), legend.text=element_text(size=7))

Venn Diagram.

How are the ASVs/Genra/Phyla distributed across the groups?

taxonomy$Feature.ID <- rownames(taxonomy)
metadata$SampleID <- as.character(metadata$SampleID)

SV1 <- SVs %>% %>%
  rownames_to_column("Feature.ID") %>%
  gather(-Feature.ID, key="SampleID", value="Abundance") %>%
  group_by(SampleID, Feature.ID) %>%
  left_join(metadata) %>%

x1 <- list()
for (group in levels(as.factor(metadata[,grouping]))) {
  x1[[group]] <- unique(SV1$Feature.ID[SV1$Abundance >= 1 & SV1[,grouping] == group])

x2 <- list()
for (group in levels(as.factor(metadata[,grouping]))) {
  x2[[group]] <- unique(SV1$Genus[SV1$Abundance >= 1 & SV1[,grouping] == group])

x3 <- list()
for (group in levels(as.factor(metadata[,grouping]))) {
  x3[[group]] <- unique(SV1$Phylum[SV1$Abundance >= 1 & SV1[,grouping] == group])

if (length(levels(as.factor(metadata$Group))) <= 5) {
  venn1 <- ggvenn(
    set_name_size = 4, text_size = 4) + ggtitle("Shared ASVs")
  venn2 <- ggvenn(
    set_name_size = 4, text_size = 4
  ) + ggtitle("Shared Genra")
  venn3 <- ggvenn(
    set_name_size = 4, text_size = 4
  ) + ggtitle("Shared Phyla")

x1 <- rapply(x1, na.omit, how = "replace")
x2 <- rapply(x2, na.omit, how = "replace")
x3 <- rapply(x3, na.omit, how = "replace")

m1 = make_comb_mat(x1, mode = "distinct")
m2 = make_comb_mat(x2, mode = "distinct")
m3 = make_comb_mat(x3, mode = "distinct")

if (length(levels(as.factor(metadata$Group))) > 5) {
  venn1 <- UpSet(
    m = m1,
    comb_order = order(comb_size(m1), decreasing = T),
    top_annotation = upset_top_annotation(m1, add_numbers = TRUE),
    right_annotation = upset_right_annotation(m1, add_numbers = TRUE)
  venn2 <- UpSet(
    m = m2,
    comb_order = order(comb_size(m1), decreasing = T),
    top_annotation = upset_top_annotation(m1, add_numbers = TRUE),
    right_annotation = upset_right_annotation(m1, add_numbers = TRUE)
  venn3 <- UpSet(
    m = m3,
    comb_order = order(comb_size(m1), decreasing = T),
    top_annotation = upset_top_annotation(m1, add_numbers = TRUE),
    right_annotation = upset_right_annotation(m1, add_numbers = TRUE)

plotGrob <- plot_grid(venn1, venn2, venn3, nrow=1, ncol=3, byrow=FALSE)
print(plot_grid(plotGrob, nrow=1, ncol=1, rel_heights=c(1, 15)))

Alpha diversity

Rarefaction curve

We rarified the data before calculating alpha and beta diversity. Lets see if the threshold we applied was reasonable and what we could expect from the data if we rarefied at different depth:

otu_tab <- t(abundances(physeq1))
p <- rarecurve(otu_tab, step=50, cex=0.5)

See here for QIIME2 Interactive Report: Interactive QIIME2 Rarefaction{target="_blank"}

All measures

#Shannon diversity boxplots
metadata <- metadata %>% left_join(shannon) %>% left_join(richness) %>% left_join(evenness)

fig <- ggplot(metadata, aes(x=metadata[,grouping], y=shannon_entropy)) + 
  geom_boxplot() + 
  geom_jitter(shape=21, width=0.2, height=0) + 
  xlab(grouping)  + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size= 8))
fig <- ggplotly(fig)

fig2 <- ggplot(metadata, aes(x=metadata[,grouping], y=observed_features)) + 
  geom_boxplot() + 
  geom_jitter(shape=21, width=0.2, height=0) + 
  xlab(grouping)  + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size= 8))
fig2 <- ggplotly(fig2)

fig3 <- ggplot(metadata, aes(x=metadata[,grouping], y=pielou_evenness)) + 
  geom_boxplot() + 
  geom_jitter(shape=21, width=0.2, height=0) + 
  xlab(grouping)  + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size= 8))
fig3 <- ggplotly(fig3)

annotations = list( 
    x = 0.1,  
    y = 1.0,  
    text = "Shannon Diversity",  
    xref = "paper",  
    yref = "paper",  
    xanchor = "center",  
    yanchor = "bottom",  
    showarrow = FALSE 
    x = 0.5,  
    y = 1,  
    text = "Observed Features",  
    xref = "paper",  
    yref = "paper",  
    xanchor = "center",  
    yanchor = "bottom",  
    showarrow = FALSE 
    x = 0.8,  
    y = 1,  
    text = "Pielou Evenness",  
    xref = "paper",  
    yref = "paper",  
    xanchor = "center",  
    yanchor = "bottom",  
    showarrow = FALSE 

fig4 <- subplot(fig, fig2, fig3) %>% layout(annotations = annotations)

Plots with marked significance - mean comparisons

metadata_melt <- reshape2::melt(metadata)
lev <- levels(as.factor(metadata_melt$Group)) # get the variables

# make a pairwise list that we want to compare.
L.pairs <- combn(seq_along(lev), 2, simplify = FALSE, FUN = function(i) lev[i])

pval <- list(
  cutpoints = c(0, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 1),
  symbols = c("****", "***", "**", "*", "n.s")

p <- ggboxplot(metadata_melt, x = grouping, y = "value",
              fill = grouping, 
              palette = "jco", 
              legend= "right",
     = "variable", 
              scales = "free") + rremove("x.text")
p2 <- p + stat_compare_means(
  comparisons = L.pairs,
  label = "p.signif",
  symnum.args = list(
    cutpoints = c(0, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 1),
    symbols = c("****", "***", "**", "*", "n.s")


Shannon diversity significance - Kruskal-Wallis

Kruskal-Wallis all groups

m <- kruskal.test(metadata$shannon_entropy ~ metadata$Group)
knitr::knit_print(paste("Global Kruskal-Wallis Chi-squared value = ", m$statistic[[1]]))
knitr::knit_print(paste("Global Kruskal-Wallis p-value = ", round(m$p.value,4)))

Kruskal-Wallis (pairwise)

if (length(levels(as.factor(metadata$Group))) > 2){
  kable(wilcox_test(data = metadata, formula = as.formula(paste("shannon_entropy", "~", "Group")), p.adjust.method = "BH")[,c("group1", "group2", "n1", "n2", "statistic", "p", "p.adj", "p.adj.signif")]) %>% kable_styling()
} else {
  kable(pairwise_wilcox_test(data = metadata, formula = as.formula(paste("shannon_entropy", "~", "Group")), p.adjust.method = "BH")[,c("group1", "group2", "n1", "n2", "statistic", "p", "p.adj", "p.adj.signif")]) %>% kable_styling()

See here for QIIME2 Interactive Report: Interactive QIIME2 Shannon{target="_blank"}

Beta diversity

Jaccard Diversity Index. {.tabset}

See here for QIIME2 Interactive Report:

Interactive QIIME2 Jaccard{target="_blank"}
Interactive QIIME2 3D PCA{target="_blank"}

Bar plot

xy <- t(combn(colnames(jaccardmatrix),2))
jaccard_distance <- data.frame(xy, dist=jaccardmatrix[xy])
colnames(jaccard_distance) <- c("Sample1", "Sample2", "dist")
jaccard_distance <- jaccard_distance %>% mutate(SampleID = Sample1) %>% left_join(metadata) %>% mutate(GroupA = Group) %>% select(c(Sample1,Sample2,dist, GroupA)) %>% mutate(SampleID=Sample2)  %>% left_join(metadata) %>% mutate(GroupB = Group) %>% select(c(Sample1,Sample2,dist, GroupA, GroupB))

p1 <- ggplot(jaccard_distance, aes(x=GroupA, y=dist, fill = GroupB)) + geom_boxplot() + xlab("GroupA") + ylab("Jaccard Distance")



jaccard <- jaccard$data$Vectors %>% select(SampleID, PC1, PC2) %>% left_join(metadata) %>% left_join(shannon) 

#jaccard$data$Vectors %>%
#  select(SampleID, PC1, PC2) %>%
#  left_join(metadata) %>%
#  left_join(shannon) %>%
#  ggplot(aes(x=PC1, y=PC2, color=`Group`, shape=`Housing`, size=shannon)) +
#  geom_point(alpha=0.5) + #alpha controls transparency and helps when points are overlapping
#  theme_q2r() +
#   scale_shape_manual(values=c(16,1), name="Housing") + #see for numeric shape codes
#  scale_size_continuous(name="Shannon Diversity") +
#  scale_color_discrete(name="Group")

ggplot(jaccard, aes(x=PC1, y=PC2, color=jaccard[,grouping])) +
  geom_point(alpha=0.5, size = 5) +
  theme_q2r() +
  scale_color_discrete(name=grouping) + stat_ellipse()

Permanova results

metadata2 <- metadata[metadata$SampleID %in% rownames(jaccardmatrix),]
permanova <- adonis2(jaccardmatrix ~ metadata2$Group, permutations = 999, method = "jaccard")
knitr::knit_print(paste0("Global PERMANOVA p-value = ", permanova$`Pr(>F)`[1]))
knitr::knit_print(paste0("Global PERMANOVA F-statistic = ", round(permanova$F[1],2)))
kable(pairwise.adonis(jaccardmatrix, metadata2$Group, perm = 999, sim.method = "jaccard")[,c("pairs", "SumsOfSqs", "F.Model", "R2", "p.value", "p.adjusted", "sig")] %>% mutate(significance = sig) %>% select(c("pairs", "SumsOfSqs", "F.Model", "R2", "p.value", "p.adjusted","significance"))) %>% kable_styling()

Bray Curtis Dissimilarity. {.tabset}

See here for QIIME2 Interactive Report:
Interactive QIIME2 BrayCurtis{target="_blank"}
Interactive QIIME2 3D PCA{target="_blank"}


bc <- t(combn(colnames(braymatrix),2))
bray_distance <- data.frame(bc, dist=braymatrix[bc])
colnames(bray_distance) <- c("Sample1", "Sample2", "dist")
bray_distance <- bray_distance %>% mutate(SampleID = Sample1) %>% left_join(metadata) %>% mutate(GroupA = Group) %>% select(c(Sample1,Sample2,dist, GroupA)) %>% mutate(SampleID=Sample2)  %>% left_join(metadata) %>% mutate(GroupB = Group) %>% select(c(Sample1,Sample2,dist, GroupA, GroupB))

p1 <- ggplot(bray_distance, aes(x=GroupA, y=dist, fill = GroupB)) + geom_boxplot() + xlab("GroupA") + ylab("Bray Distance")



bray <- bray$data$Vectors %>% select(SampleID, PC1, PC2) %>% left_join(metadata) %>% left_join(shannon)

ggplot(bray, aes(x=PC1, y=PC2, color=bray[,grouping])) +
  geom_point(alpha=0.5, size = 5) +
  theme_q2r() +
  scale_color_discrete(name=grouping) + stat_ellipse()


ps1.rel <- microbiome::transform(physeq1, "compositional")
p <- plot_landscape(ps1.rel, 
                    col = grouping) +
       labs(title = paste("NMDS / Bray"))

Permanova results

permanova <- adonis2(braymatrix ~ metadata2$Group, permutations = 999, method = "bray")
knitr::knit_print(paste0("Global PERMANOVA p-value = ", permanova$`Pr(>F)`[1]))
knitr::knit_print(paste0("Global PERMANOVA F-statistic = ", round(permanova$F[1],2)))
kable(pairwise.adonis(braymatrix, metadata2$Group, perm = 999, sim.method = "bray")[,c("pairs", "SumsOfSqs", "F.Model", "R2", "p.value", "p.adjusted", "sig")] %>% mutate(significance = sig) %>% select(c("pairs", "SumsOfSqs", "F.Model", "R2", "p.value", "p.adjusted","significance"))) %>% kable_styling()

Weighted UniFrac distance. {.tabset}

Bar plot

bc <- t(combn(colnames(unifracmatrix),2))
unifrac_distance <- data.frame(bc, dist=unifracmatrix[bc])
colnames(unifrac_distance) <- c("Sample1", "Sample2", "dist")
unifrac_distance <- unifrac_distance %>% mutate(SampleID = Sample1) %>% left_join(metadata) %>% mutate(GroupA = Group) %>% select(c(Sample1,Sample2,dist, GroupA)) %>% mutate(SampleID=Sample2)  %>% left_join(metadata) %>% mutate(GroupB = Group) %>% select(c(Sample1,Sample2,dist, GroupA, GroupB))

p1 <- ggplot(unifrac_distance, aes(x=GroupA, y=dist, fill = GroupB)) + geom_boxplot() + xlab("GroupA") + ylab("Weighted UniFrac Distance")



unifrac <- unifrac$data$Vectors %>% select(SampleID, PC1, PC2) %>% left_join(metadata) %>% left_join(shannon)

ggplot(unifrac, aes(x=PC1, y=PC2, color=unifrac[,grouping])) +
  geom_point(alpha=0.5, size = 5) +
  theme_q2r() +
  scale_color_discrete(name=grouping) + stat_ellipse()

Permanova results

permanova <- adonis2(unifracmatrix ~ metadata2$Group, permutations = 999, method = "uni")
knitr::knit_print(paste0("Global PERMANOVA p-value = ", permanova$`Pr(>F)`[1]))
knitr::knit_print(paste0("Global PERMANOVA F-statistic = ", round(permanova$F[1],2)))
kable(pairwise.adonis(unifracmatrix, metadata2$Group, perm = 999, sim.method = "bray")[,c("pairs", "SumsOfSqs", "F.Model", "R2", "p.value", "p.adjusted", "sig")] %>% mutate(significance = sig) %>% select(c("pairs", "SumsOfSqs", "F.Model", "R2", "p.value", "p.adjusted","significance"))) %>% kable_styling()

Homogeneity of variance

dispersion <- betadisper(as.dist(unifracmatrix), metadata2$Group)
permutest(dispersion, pairwise = TRUE)

Differential abundance tests {.tabset}

Properties of taxonomic profiling data


Let's check if the variance exceeds the mean over all samples for each taxon.

means <- apply(otu_table(physeq1),1,mean)
variances <- apply(otu_table(physeq1),1,var)
df <- melt(otu_table(physeq1))
names(df) <- c("Taxon", "Sample", "Reads")
df <- df %>% group_by(Taxon) %>%
             summarise(mean = mean(Reads),
                   variance = var(Reads))

# Illustrate overdispersion
p <- ggplot(df, aes(x = mean, y = variance)) +
       geom_point() +
       geom_abline(aes(intercept = 0, slope = 1)) +
       scale_x_log10(labels = scales::scientific) +
       scale_y_log10(labels = scales::scientific) +
       labs(title = "Overdispersion (variance > mean)")


Is the data sparsely distributed?

log10abundance <- reshape2::melt(log10(1 + otu_table(physeq1)))$value
hist(log10abundance, 100)


Do we see a lot of rare taxa?

medians <- apply(otu_table(physeq1),1,median)/1e3
A <- reshape2::melt(otu_table(physeq1))
A = A %>% arrange(desc(value))
A$Var1 = factor(A$Var1, levels = unique(A$Var1))
p <- ggplot(A, aes(x = Var1, y = value)) +
        geom_boxplot() + theme(axis.text.x = element_blank()) +
    labs(y = "Abundance (reads)", x = "Taxonomic Group") +


Rareify or not to rareify

We do not rareify the data as there have been arguments in the literature against doing so. Rarefiying:
+ requires an arbitrary selection of a library size minimum threshold,
+ implies getting rid of informative data and
+ has been shown to cause adds artificial uncertainty
+ as well as an increase in Type-I and Type-II error.

If you would like to know more, read the following publication:
+Waste Not, Want Not: Why Rarefying Microbiome Data Is Inadmissible

Differential abundance testing.

Advanced methods of differential abundance testing based on linear regression are applied because sequencing data sets deviate from symmetric, continuous, Gaussian assumptions in many ways. Types of tests that were applied:

ANCOM-BC {.tabset}

ANCOM is claimed to produce the most consistent results and is probably a conservative approach. See +here for more information. The method incorporates sampling fraction into the model which is estimated as the ratio of the library size to the microbial load. It also controls for the false discovery rate. For the analysis we will agglomerate features by Genus, we will eliminate any taxa that appear in below 10% of samples and we will correct the p-value with Bonferroni Hochberg correction method. We will consider as significant only the taxa for which the q-value is below 0.05.

See here for QIIME2 ANCOM Interactive Report run on ASV level, not on Genus level: Interactive QIIME2 ANCOM{target="_blank"}

res<- ANCOMBC::ancombc(phyloseq = physeq,
                 formula = grouping, 
                 tax_level = "Genus",
                 p_adj_method = "BH", 
                 lib_cut = 0, 
                 prv_cut = 0.1,
                 group = grouping, 
                 struc_zero = TRUE, 
                 neg_lb = TRUE, 
                 tol = 1e-5, 
                 max_iter = 100, 
                 conserve = TRUE, 
                 alpha = 0.05, 
                 global = TRUE)

ANCOM-BC Primary Test Results

Result from the ANCOM-BC log-linear model to determine taxa that are differentially abundant according to the covariate of interest. It contains: 1) log fold changes; 2) standard errors; 3) test statistics; 4) p-values; 5) adjusted p-values; 6) indicators whether the taxon is differentially abundant (TRUE) or not (FALSE).

Lets look at table 6).Each group is compared to reference group and if the difference is significant the output is TRUE.

res$res$diff_abn %>% datatable()

Lets look at table 1): the Log Fold Changes from the Primary Result.

tab_lfc = res$res$lfc
tab_lfc %>% datatable(caption = "Log Fold Changes from the Primary Result") %>% formatRound(colnames(tab_lfc)[-1], digits = 2)

Lets look at table 5): the adjusted p-values.

tab_q = res$res$q_val
tab_q %>% 
  datatable(caption = "Adjusted p-values from the Primary Result") %>%
  formatRound(colnames(tab_q)[-1], digits = 2)

Lets obtain bias-corrected abundances.
Step 1: obtain estimated sample-specific sampling fractions (in log scale).
Step 2: correct the log observed abundances by subtracting the estimated sampling fraction from log observed abundances of each sample.

Note that we are only able to estimate sampling fractions up to an additive constant. Thus, only the difference between bias-corrected abundances are meaningful.

samp_frac = res$samp_frac
# Replace NA with 0
samp_frac[] = 0 
# Add pesudo-count (1) to avoid taking the log of 0
log_obs_abn = log(res$feature_table + 1)
# Adjust the log observed abundances
log_corr_abn = t(t(log_obs_abn) - samp_frac)
# Show the first 6 samples
round(log_corr_abn[, 1:6], 2) %>% 
  datatable(caption = "Bias-corrected log observed abundances")

Lets visualise log fold changes per grouping factor.

tab_lfc = data.frame(res$res$lfc[, -1] * res$res$diff_abn[, -1], check.names = FALSE) %>%
  mutate(taxon_id = res$res$diff_abn$taxon) %>%
  dplyr::select(taxon_id, everything())
tab_se = data.frame(res$res$se[, -1] * res$res$diff_abn[, -1], check.names = FALSE) %>% 
  mutate(taxon_id = res$res$diff_abn$taxon) %>%
  dplyr::select(taxon_id, everything())
colnames(tab_se)[-1] = paste0(colnames(tab_se)[-1], "SE")

for (i in colnames(tab_lfc)[grepl("Group",colnames(tab_lfc))]) {
  x = colnames(tab_se)[grepl("Group",colnames(tab_se)) & grepl("SE",colnames(tab_se))]
  tab_for_plot = tab_lfc %>% 
  dplyr::left_join(tab_se, by = "taxon_id") %>%
  dplyr::transmute(tab_lfc$taxon_id, tab_lfc[,i], tab_se[,x]) %>% 
    dplyr::rename("taxon_id" = 1, "fold_change" = 2, "SE" = 3) %>%
    dplyr::filter(fold_change != 0) %>%
    dplyr::arrange(desc(fold_change)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(direct = ifelse(fold_change > 0, "Positive LFC", "Negative LFC"))
  tab_for_plot$taxon_id = factor(tab_for_plot$taxon_id, levels = tab_for_plot$taxon_id)
  tab_for_plot$direct = factor(tab_for_plot$direct, 
                        levels = c("Positive LFC", "Negative LFC"))

  print(ggplot(data = tab_for_plot, 
         aes(x = taxon_id, y = fold_change, fill = direct, color = direct)) + 
    geom_bar(stat = "identity", width = 0.7, 
           position = position_dodge(width = 0.4)) +
    geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = fold_change - SE, ymax = fold_change - SE), width = 0.2,
                position = position_dodge(0.05), color = "black") + 
    labs(x = NULL, y = "Log fold change", 
       title = paste("Log fold changes as one unit increase of", i)) + 
    scale_fill_discrete(name = NULL) +
    scale_color_discrete(name = NULL) +
    theme_bw() + 
    theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
        panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank(),
        axis.text.x = element_text(size = 6, angle = 60, hjust = 1)))


ANCOM-BC Global Test Results

If you have more than 2 groups this will also be relevant to you. Result from the ANCOM-BC global test to determine taxa that are differentially abundant between at least two groups across three or more different groups. The result contains: 1) test statistics; 2) p-values; 3) adjusted p-values; 4) indicators whether the taxon is differentially abundant (TRUE) or not (FALSE).

Lets look at table 1): the Test Statistic

if (length(levels(as.factor(metadata$Group))) > 2){
  tab_w = res$res_global[, c("taxon", "W")]
tab_w %>% datatable(caption = "Test Statistics 
                    from the Global Test Result") %>%
      formatRound(c("W"), digits = 2)
} else { print("You only have 2 Groups")}

Lets look at table 3): the Adjusted P-values.

if (length(levels(as.factor(metadata$Group))) > 2){
  tab_q = res$res_global[, c("taxon", "q_val")]
tab_q %>% datatable(caption = "Adjusted p-values 
                    from the Global Test Result") %>%
      formatRound(c("q_val"), digits = 2)
} else { print("You only have 2 Groups")}

Lets look at table 4): the differentially abundant taxa.

if (length(levels(as.factor(metadata$Group))) > 2){
tab_diff = res$res_global[, c("taxon", "diff_abn")]
tab_diff %>% datatable(caption = "Differentially Abundant Taxa 
                       from the Global Test Result")
} else { print("You only have 2 Groups")}

Let's visualise the log fold changes of sample groups to reference group of globally significant taxa.

if (length(levels(as.factor(metadata$Group))) > 2){
sig_taxa = res$res_global %>%
  dplyr::filter(diff_abn == TRUE) %>%

df_sig = tab_lfc %>%
    dplyr::select(-2) %>% rename_with(~str_remove(., 'Group')) %>%
    filter(taxon_id %in% sig_taxa)

df_sig2 = df_sig %>%
    pivot_longer(cols = -one_of("taxon_id"),
                 names_to = "region", values_to = "value") %>%
    mutate(value = round(value, 2))
df_sig2$taxon_id = factor(df_sig2$taxon_id, levels = sort(sig_taxa))

lo = floor(min(df_sig2$value))
up = ceiling(max(df_sig2$value))
mid = (lo + up)/2
p_sig = df_sig2 %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = region, y = taxon_id, fill = value)) + 
  geom_tile(color = "black") +
  scale_fill_gradient2(low = "blue", high = "red", mid = "white", 
                       na.value = "white", midpoint = mid, limit = c(lo, up),
                       name = NULL) +
  geom_text(aes(region, taxon_id, label = value), color = "black", size = 4) +
  labs(x = NULL, y = NULL, 
       title = "Log fold changes for globally significant taxa") +
  theme_minimal() +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
} else { print("You only have 2 Groups")}

LEFse results. {.tabset}

LDA Effect Size (LEfSe) method for microbiome biomarker discovery uses the Kruskal-Wallis test, Wilcoxon-Rank Sum test, and Linear Discriminant Analysis to find biomarkers of the predefined groups. A p-value of < 0.05 and a score ≥ 2.0 are considered significant in Kruskal–Wallis and pairwise Wilcoxon tests, respectively. Analysis is done doing a comparison for each group vs all. Significant LDA scores are displayed.

if (length(levels(as.factor(metadata$Group))) > 2){
  mm_lefse <- run_lefse(
    ps = physeq1,
    kw_cutoff = 0.05,
    wilcoxon_cutoff = 0.05,
    group = grouping,
    multigrp_strat = FALSE, #I am using here each group against all instead of pairwise between groups
    lda_cutoff = 2,
    taxa_rank = "all"
  )} else {
    mm_lefse<- run_lefse(
    ps = physeq1,
    kw_cutoff = 0.05,
    wilcoxon_cutoff = 0.05,
    group = grouping,
    multigrp_strat = TRUE, #I am using here each group against all instead of pairwise between groups
    lda_cutoff = 2,
    taxa_rank = "all"
lefseDF <-
lefseDF$log10p <- -log10(lefseDF$padj)
lefseDF <- lefseDF[order(lefseDF$enrich_group),]
lefseDF$feature <- factor(lefseDF$feature, levels=unique(lefseDF$feature))
df <-
i = length(unique(df$enrich_group))
list_of_colours = c(viridis_pal(option = "D")(i))

p1 <- plot_ef_dot(mm_lefse)+ scale_color_manual(values=list_of_colours) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size=5, angle=0), axis.text.y = element_text(size=5, angle=0))
#p2 <- plot_cladogram(mm_lefse, color = list_of_colours, annotation_shape = 15) +
#  theme(plot.margin = margin(0, 0, 0, 0))

print(p1) %>% datatable(caption = "Marker Table") %>%
      formatRound(c("ef_lda", "pvalue", "padj"), digits = 2)

DESeq2/EdgeR results {.tabset}

Differential abundance on microbiome data can also be done using DESeq2 or EdgeR. First we convert the filtered phyloseq object into a deseq2 object. phyloseq_to_deseq2() no longer adds pseudocount to the data and a lot of sparsely sampled OTUs can lead to errors. Therefore we first calculate geometric means, then we estimate size factors and then run DESeq2. The significance test for DESeq2 is Wald, p-values are corrected using Bonferroni correction, significance threshold used is 0.05. For edgeR, "Relative Log Expression” normalization is applied to the data and a GLM model is fit, p-values are corrected using Bonferroni correction, significance threshold used is 0.01. For final results I combine both analyses.

DESeq2 by Group.

P-value and LogFC distribution.

Group = get_variable(physeq1, grouping)
ds2 = phyloseq_to_deseq2(physeq1, ~0 + Group)
#phyloseq_to_deseq2() no longer adds pseudocount to the data a lot of sparsely sampled OTUs can lead to errors. I therefore implement this solution:
# calculate geometric means prior to estimate size factors
gm_mean = function(x, na.rm=TRUE){
  exp(sum(log(x[x > 0]), na.rm=na.rm) / length(x))
geoMeans = apply(counts(ds2), 1, gm_mean)
# estimate size factors
ds2 = estimateSizeFactors(ds2, geoMeans = geoMeans)
#run deseq
ds2 = DESeq(ds2, test="Wald", fitType="local")

contrasts = length(unique(metadata[,grouping]))*(length(unique(metadata[,grouping])) - 1)/2
levels = c(unique(metadata[,grouping]))    
comparisons = combn(levels,2, simplify = FALSE)

reses = list()
for (i in comparisons){
  a = as.character(i[1])
  b = as.character(i[2])
  con = c(grouping, a, b)
  res <-, contrast = c(grouping, a, b), cooksCutoff = FALSE))
  res$log10p <- -(log10(res$pvalue))
  res = cbind(as(res, "data.frame"), as(tax_table(physeq1)[rownames(res), ], "matrix")) 
  res$contrast = paste0(a,"-", b)
  reses = rbind(reses,res)
reses <- reses[!duplicated(reses),]
sigtab = reses[which(reses$padj < 0.01), ]

#Plot a scatterplot summary of significant taxa 
scale_fill_discrete <- function(palname = "Set1", ...) {
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = palname, ...)
# Phylum order
x = tapply(sigtab$log2FoldChange, sigtab$Phylum, function(x) max(x))
x = sort(x, TRUE)
sigtab$Phylum = factor(as.character(sigtab$Phylum), levels=names(x))

# Genus order
x = tapply(sigtab$log2FoldChange, sigtab$Genus, function(x) max(x))
x = sort(x, TRUE)
sigtab$Genus = factor(as.character(sigtab$Genus), levels=names(x))

p2 <- ggplot(reses, aes(x=log2FoldChange)) + geom_histogram() + facet_wrap(~ reses$contrast, ncol = 3)
p3 <- ggplot(reses, aes(x=pvalue)) + geom_histogram() + facet_wrap(~ reses$contrast, ncol = 3)

plotGrob <- plot_grid(p2, p3, nrow=2, ncol=1, byrow=FALSE)
print(plot_grid(plotGrob, nrow=1, ncol=1, rel_heights=c(1, 25)))

EdgeR by Group.

P-value and LogFC distribution.

# Let's see how edgeR compares/overlaps
Group = get_variable(physeq1, grouping)
design = model.matrix(~ 0 + Group)
dge = as(otu_table(physeq1), "matrix") + 1L
taxonomy = data.frame(, "matrix")
dge = DGEList(counts = dge, group = Group, genes = taxonomy, remove.zeros = TRUE)
dge = calcNormFactors(dge, method="RLE")
dge = estimateGLMCommonDisp(dge, design)
dge = estimateGLMTrendedDisp(dge, design)
dge = estimateGLMTagwiseDisp(dge, design)
fit <- glmFit(dge, design)

levels = c(unique(metadata[,grouping]))    
comparisons = combn(levels,2, simplify = FALSE)

resEdgeRall <- data.frame()

for (i in comparisons){
  myargs = list(
  paste0(paste0("Group", i[1]), "-" ,paste0("Group", i[2])),
  levels = design)
  my.contrasts <-, myargs)
  lrt <- glmLRT(fit, contrast = my.contrasts) #fit the model
  resEdgeR = topTags(lrt, n = nrow(dge), adjust.method="BH","PValue") #correct pvalue with BH
  resEdgeR = resEdgeR@.Data[[1]]
  resEdgeR <- rownames_to_column(resEdgeR, "ASV")
  resEdgeR$log10p <- -(log10(resEdgeR$PValue))
  resEdgeR$contrast <- paste0(as.character(i[1]),"-", as.character(i[2]))
  resEdgeRall <- rbind(resEdgeRall, resEdgeR)

resEdgeRall <- resEdgeRall[!duplicated(resEdgeRall),]
resEdgeRallsig <- resEdgeRall[which(resEdgeRall$FDR <= 0.01), ]

p2 <- ggplot(resEdgeRall, aes(x=logFC)) + geom_histogram() + facet_wrap(~ resEdgeRall$contrast, ncol = 3)
p3 <- ggplot(resEdgeRall, aes(x=PValue)) + geom_histogram() + facet_wrap(~ resEdgeRall$contrast, ncol = 3)

plotGrob <- plot_grid(p2, p3, nrow=2, ncol=1, byrow=FALSE)
print(plot_grid(plotGrob, nrow=1, ncol=1, rel_heights=c(1, 25)))

Combined DESeq2 and EdgeR results.

How much do the two analyses overlap?

ggs <- lapply(sort(unique(sigtab$contrast)), function(crb) {
  ggvenn::ggvenn(data = list("DESeq2" = rownames(filter(sigtab, contrast == crb)), "edgeR" = filter(resEdgeRallsig, contrast == crb)$ASV), text_size = 2) + theme(text = element_text(size=10,  family="Comic Sans MS")) + ggtitle(crb)

if (length(comparisons) > 1) {
  print(ggarrange(plotlist = ggs, nrow=(length(comparisons)/2), ncol=2))
} else {
   print(ggarrange(plotlist = ggs, nrow=1, ncol=1))

- Scatter plots showing the significant (p<0.01) log2 fold change in abundance of different taxa between the reference group and sample group. If sample groups are missing, that means there are no significant differentially abundant taxa between them.
- Volcano plots showing under- (negative log fold change) and over- (positive log fold change) represented taxa between reference group and sample group. Only the taxa shared between EdgeR and DESeq2 analysis are marked in red and labelled (if Genus information available) The results are interpreted as (refgroup-samplegroup): negative log fold change means its higher in sample group than reference group (under-represented in reference group), positive log fold change - lower in sample group than in reference group (over-represented in refence group).

scale_fill_discrete <- function(palname = "Set1", ...) {
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = palname, ...)

res_deseq_edger_sig = data.frame()
for (i in unique(sigtab$contrast)) {
  df = filter(sigtab[sigtab$contrast == i,], rownames(sigtab[sigtab$contrast == i,]) %in% resEdgeRallsig[resEdgeRallsig$contrast == i,]$ASV)
  res_deseq_edger_sig=rbind(res_deseq_edger_sig, df)

ggplot(res_deseq_edger_sig, aes(x=Genus, y=log2FoldChange, color=Phylum)) + geom_point(size=3) + facet_wrap(~ res_deseq_edger_sig$contrast, ncol = 3) +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = -90, hjust = 0, vjust=0.5)) + ggtitle("Plots per group")

#reses <- reses %>% mutate(Significant=if_else(reses$padj < 0.01, TRUE, FALSE)) %>%
#  mutate(TaxonToPrint=if_else(reses$padj < 0.01, as.character(Genus), ""))

res_deseq_edger = data.frame()
for (i in unique(reses$contrast)) {
  df = filter(reses[reses$contrast == i,], rownames(reses[reses$contrast == i,]) %in% resEdgeRall[resEdgeRall$contrast == i,]$ASV)
  res_deseq_edger=rbind(res_deseq_edger, df)

res_deseq_edger <- res_deseq_edger %>% mutate(Significant=if_else(rownames(res_deseq_edger) %in% rownames(res_deseq_edger_sig), TRUE, FALSE)) %>%
  mutate(TaxonToPrint=if_else(rownames(res_deseq_edger) %in% rownames(res_deseq_edger_sig), as.character(Genus), ""))

p1 <- ggplot(res_deseq_edger, aes(x=log2FoldChange, y=log10p, color=Significant, label=TaxonToPrint)) +
  geom_text_repel(size=4, nudge_y=0.05) +
  geom_point(alpha=0.6, shape=16) +
  theme_q2r() +
  facet_wrap(~ res_deseq_edger$contrast, ncol = 3) +
  xlab("log2(fold change)") +
  ylab("-log10(P-value)") +
  theme(legend.position="none") +
  scale_color_manual(values=c("black","red")) + ggtitle("Vulcano plots per group - DESeq2")

res_deseq_edger = data.frame()
for (i in unique(reses$contrast)) {
    df = filter(resEdgeRall[resEdgeRall$contrast == i,], resEdgeRall[resEdgeRall$contrast == i,]$ASV %in% rownames(reses[reses$contrast == i,]))
    res_deseq_edger=rbind(res_deseq_edger, df)

res_deseq_edger <- res_deseq_edger %>% mutate(Significant=if_else(res_deseq_edger$ASV %in% rownames(res_deseq_edger_sig), TRUE, FALSE)) %>%
    mutate(TaxonToPrint=if_else(res_deseq_edger$ASV %in% rownames(res_deseq_edger_sig), as.character(Genus), ""))

p2 <- ggplot(res_deseq_edger, aes(x=logFC, y=log10p, color=Significant, label=TaxonToPrint)) +
    geom_text_repel(size=4, nudge_y=0.05) +
    geom_point(alpha=0.6, shape=16) +
    theme_q2r() +
    facet_wrap(~ res_deseq_edger$contrast, ncol = 3) +
    xlab("log2(fold change)") +
    ylab("-log10(P-value)") +
    theme(legend.position="none") +
    scale_color_manual(values=c("black","red")) + ggtitle("Vulcano plots per group - EdgeR")

p1 + p2

uzh/ezRun documentation built on May 4, 2024, 3:23 p.m.