
Defines functions upgradeDstarM fixed2Rcpp getFixed getCombinations getData errCheckDatamg errCheckOptim errCheckData anyDstarM is.DstarM.fitObs is.DstarM.fitND is.DstarM.fitD is.DstarM

Documented in upgradeDstarM

# the functions in this file are mainly helper functions for other files
is.DstarM <- function(x) inherits(x, "DstarM")
is.DstarM.fitD <- function(x) inherits(x, "DstarM.fitD")
is.DstarM.fitND <- function(x) inherits(x, "DstarM.fitND")
is.DstarM.fitObs <- function(x) inherits(x, "DstarM.fitObs")
anyDstarM <- function(x) is.DstarM.fitD(x) || is.DstarM.fitND(x) || is.DstarM.fitObs(x)

errCheckData <- function(data, tt, h, by, rtime, response, condition) {

  # Does error handling on the data and returns notes if necessary.
  if (length(by) != 1) {
    stop("Time grid tt must be equally spaced and length(unique(zapsmall(diff(tt)))) == 1 must be TRUE.",
      call. = FALSE)
  # if h is smaller than by, the kernel to be convoluted with consists only
  # of 0s.
  if (h < by) {
    stop("Kernel bandwith must be larger than or equal to the step size of the time grid.",
      call. = FALSE)

  if (!(length(unique(data[[response]])) == 2 | length(levels(data[[response]])) ==
    2)) {
    stop(sprintf(paste0("There need to be at least 2 response options in data[[\"%s\"]]. ",
      "If only one response option was observed, data[[\"%s\"]] should be a",
      "factor with 2 levels where the levels represent the response options."),
      response, response), call. = FALSE)
  rangeT <- range(data[[rtime]])
  if (any(rangeT < 0, rangeT > max(tt), rangeT < min(tt))) {
    stop(sprintf("Observations in data[[\"%s\"]] outside of time grid. any(data[[\"%s\"]] > max(tt)) must be FALSE.",
      rtime), call. = FALSE)
  # check if upper and lower appear in response options.
  note <- NULL
  if (any(!(c("upper", "lower") %in% data[[response]]))) {
    rsp <- unique(data[[response]])
    if (!(length(rsp) == 1 & rsp[1] %in% c("upper", "lower"))) {
      note <- sprintf("Note: Unique responses (%s) are recoded to 'lower' and 'upper' respectively.\n",
        paste(sort(rsp), collapse = ", "))
  stopifnot(all(data[[rtime]] <= max(tt)))

errCheckOptim <- function(Optim, values = c(0.001, 1000, 50, 0.9, 0, 0)) {

  # Does error handling on Optim and if necessary set defaults

  if (!is.list(Optim)) {
    stop("Optim must be a list", call. = FALSE)
  ch <- !(names(Optim) %in% names(formals(DEoptim::DEoptim.control)))
  if (sum(ch) == 1) {
    warning(sprintf("%s is not an argument of DEoptim.control(). It is unused.",
      paste0("Optim$", names(Optim)[ch])), call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
  } else if (any(ch)) {
    nms <- paste0("Optim$", names(Optim)[ch])
    last <- length(nms)
    nms1 <- paste0(nms[-last], ifelse(last > 2, ", ", " "), collapse = "")
    nms2 <- nms[last]
    warning(sprintf("%sand %s are not arguments of DEoptim.control(). They are unused.",
      nms1, nms2), call. = FALSE)
  names <- c("reltol", "itermax", "steptol", "CR", "trace", "parallelType")
  bounds <- c(rep("<=", 3), rep("<", 3))
  for (i in 1:length(names)) {
    if (is.null(Optim[[names[i]]])) {
      Optim[[names[i]]] <- values[i]
    } else {
      if (!is.numeric(Optim[[names[i]]])) {
        stop(sprintf("Optim$%s must be numeric.", names[i]), call. = FALSE)
      if (is.nan(Optim[[names[i]]])) {
        stop(sprintf("Optim$%s cannot contain NaN values.", names[i]),
          call. = FALSE)
      if (do.call(bounds[i], list(Optim[[names[i]]], 0))) {
        stop(sprintf("Optim$%s must be %s.", names[i], ifelse(bounds[i] ==
          ">", "positive", "non-negative")), call. = FALSE)

errCheckDatamg <- function(mg, tt, ncondition) {
  if (!all(is.matrix(mg), dim(mg) == c(length(tt), 2 * ncondition))) {
    stop("mg must be a matrix of length(tt) x ncondition.", call. = FALSE)

getData <- function(formula, data, checks = TRUE, verbose = 0) {

  if (!is.data.frame(data))
    stop(sprintf("data should be a data.frame"), call. = FALSE)

  if (is.DstarM.fitD(formula)) {
    formula <- formula[["formula"]]
  } else if (is.null(formula)) {
    formula <- response ~ rt + condition

  terms <- stats::terms.formula(formula, data = data)
  origNames <- rownames(attr(terms, "factors"))
  if (length(origNames) > 3) {
    stop("More than 3 columns remained after specifying `model.frame(formula, data = data)`. If you have multiple variables indicating conditions, please transform these into a single variable. For example, data$condition = paste(data$condition1, data$condition2, ...)")
  } else if (length(origNames) == 2) {
    origNames[3] <- "condition"
    hasConditions <- FALSE
  } else {
    hasConditions <- TRUE

  response <- origNames[1]
  rtime <- origNames[2]
  condition <- origNames[3]
  if (verbose > 0)
    cat(sprintf("The analysis understood: \nreaction times = %s\nresponse = %s\ncondition = %s\n\n",
                rtime, response, condition))

  data <- stats::model.frame(formula, data = data)
  if (ncol(data) == 2) {
    data[[condition]] <- 1

  return(list(data = data, rtime = rtime, response = response, condition = condition,
    hasConditions = hasConditions))

getCombinations <- function(group) {
  ii <- matrix(NA, ((dim(group)[1L]) * (dim(group)[1L] - 1L))/2, dim(group)[2L])
  jj <- ii
  for (i in 1:dim(group)[2L]) {
    temp1 <- rep(stats::na.omit(group[-1L, i]), 1L:(length(stats::na.omit(group[,
      i])) - 1L))
    ii[1L:length(temp1), i] <- temp1
    temp2 <- group[unlist(lapply(2L:length(stats::na.omit(unique(group[,
      i]))), function(x) 1L:(x - 1L))), i]
    jj[1L:length(temp2), i] <- temp2
  ii <- stats::na.omit(c(ii))
  jj <- stats::na.omit(c(jj))
  return(list(ii = ii, jj = jj))

getFixed <- function(fixed, nms, useRcpp) {
  # impose paremter restrictions
  if (length(fixed) > 0) {
    fixedNames <- fixed[1, ]

    # remove fixed parameters
    indFixed <- which(nms %in% fixed[1L, ])  # get parameter indices to remove
    if (!length(indFixed)) {
      # something with provided names and possible names
      print(paste("names fixed:", fixed[1L, ]))
      print(paste(c("possible names:", nms), collapse = " "))
      stop("no matches in names supplied by fixed and names of parameters.")
    # something with if replacement is character then look up if it exists in
    # names(lower)
    replacement <- sapply(strsplit(fixed[2, ], " "), `[[`, 1)  # finds first value; extend to ' ' and */+- ? # does this equal making stuff in the restr.mat in the same column equal?
    fixedMat <- rbind(fixed, replacement)
    fixed <- list(fixedMat = fixedMat, indFixed = indFixed, isNumeric = suppressWarnings(!is.na(as.numeric(fixedMat[3,
      ]))), fixedNames = fixedNames, anyFixed = TRUE)

    if (useRcpp) {
      fixed$mat <- fixed2Rcpp(fixed, nms)
  } else if (useRcpp) {

    fixed <- list(mat = matrix(1, 1, 1), anyFixed = FALSE)
  } else {
    fixed <- list(anyFixed = FALSE)


fixed2Rcpp <- function(fixed, nms) {

  # Rcpp requires some more specific input
  fixednew <- matrix(0, nrow = 5, ncol = ncol(fixed$fixedMat))
  fixednew[1, ] <- 1 * fixed$isNumeric
  fixednew[2, ] <- fixed$indFixed - 1  # convert R index to c++ index
  for (i in 1:ncol(fixednew)) {

    if (fixed$isNumeric[i]) {
      fixednew[3, i] <- as.numeric(fixed$fixedMat[2, i])
    } else {

      vals <- strsplit(x = fixed$fixedMat[2, i], split = " ")[[1]]
      if (any(length(vals) != 3, identical(vals, fixed$fixedMat[3,
        i]), !(vals[1] %in% nms), !vals[2] %in% c("+", "-", "/",
        "*"), (vals[3] %in% nms))) {
        msg <- paste(c("Incorrect input for argument fixed. Note that:",
          "1) The first symbol(s) in fixed must denote a parameter to look up in names(lower).",
          "3) The second symbol must be a reference to '+', '-', '/', '*'.",
          "3) The third symbol must be a constant numeric.", "4) Symbols must be separated by spaces (BAD: 'a2/2' GOOD: 'a2 / 2').",
          " ", sprintf("Problem detected at input: '%s'", fixed$fixedMat[3,
          i])), collapse = "\n")
      fixednew[3, i] <- ifelse(is.na(vals[3]), 1, as.numeric(vals[3]))  # constant
      fixednew[4, i] <- which(nms == vals[1])  # location (zero index)
      fixednew[5, i] <- switch(vals[2], `+` = 0, `-` = 1, `*` = 2,
        `/` = 3)  # operator

  # print(fixednew)


#' Upgrade a DstarM object for backwards compatibility
#' @param x an object of class \code{D*M} or \code{DstarM}.
#' @return An object of class \code{DstarM.fitD}, \code{DstarM.fitND}, or \code{DstarM.fitObs}.
#' @export
upgradeDstarM <- function(x) {

  if (!inherits(x, c("D*M", "DstarM"))) {

    if (!anyDstarM(x))
      warning(sprintf("upgradeDstarM called on object of class %s (expected DstarM or D*M)",

  } else {

    if (is.list(x)) {

      nms <- names(x)

      switch(nms[1], Bestvals = {
        class(x) <- "DstarM.fitD"
      }, r.hat = {
        class(x) <- "DstarM.fitND"
      }, obsNorm = {
        class(x) <- "DstarM.fitObs"
      }, x)


vandenman/DstarM documentation built on Nov. 3, 2021, 8:22 p.m.